Biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili. Conqueror of women's hearts Soso Pavliashvili: biography, creative activity and Soso Pavliashvili's family now

The now popular singer Soso Pavliashvili, a graduate of the Tbilisi Conservatory in the violin class, became interested in the light genre when he served in the Soviet air force. Then he became a member of the VIA Iveria, known to the whole union, and then went into free swimming on the waves of pop music in order to start writing his songs.

Pavliashvili is 53 years old, and he is a father of many children. The eldest child of the singer was born in his first marriage. Levan is already thirty, and now his famous dad calls the guy more often a friend than a son.

Two daughters were given to him by the artist Irina Patlakh, with whom Soso still lives. When they met, she was only 16, and he was already 32 and two. Now both say that at first they were close friends, and they joke that until she, Irina, comes of age. They have been happy for many years, two daughters are growing up in the family. Liza is 13, and Sandra will soon turn ten. The singer introduced the audience to the program “When everyone is at home” with his loved ones. Pavliashvili does not have a soul in his girls. Of course, they are smart and beautiful, but Soso appreciates his wife not only for this. According to the singer, he owes Irina his life.

In 1996, Pavliashvili was in a car accident, after which he began to have severe epilepsy attacks that lasted for several years. It was then that Soso realized that Irina was "his wolf."

“There comes a moment when you understand - this woman is your she-wolf ... I had a serious accident in 96, and in 97 I got epilepsy, and lasted 7 years. And Irochka was with me. Although if she left, I would say and did the right thing. I myself said: “go away, why do you need me like that,” Soso Pavliashvili said.

Irina remembers those years without hiding, although she admits that it was not easy. Seizures, as Pavliashvili's wife said, happened only at night and when he woke up he did not understand what had happened to him. And ten minutes before the next attack, Soso began to talk like a demon with someone - “like in horror films,” Irina adds. But the woman did not have a moment of doubt, she says that she never thought of leaving her beloved.

“Then he had nothing to do - neither to the family, nor to love, nor to me. But I knew that my love would be enough for both of us,” said Irina.

// Photo: frame of the program "When everyone is at home"

Despite the illness, the couple decided to have a child. Now the eldest of the daughters - Lisa - the singer calls nothing more than a guardian angel. With her birth, Pavliashvili connects his healing. “The most important thing is that after her birth, I was cured. And completely without the intervention of doctors. But they even wanted to do a craniotomy for me. But then Liza was born and everything passed as if nothing had happened,” Soso Pavliashvili said.

The famous Soso Pavliashvili is an ardent man, to whom the hearts of countless representatives of the weaker sex of all ages, nationalities, religions and social strata are given. His voice makes hearts beat faster. When he cries on stage, we cry with him. He is handsome, talented, sexy, unique. For decades, he has been the leader of armies of admirers. His voice penetrates our souls. Its plasticity is unique. He is the king of oriental music, the knight of the mountains, the cherub, the guardian angel.

This man leaves no one indifferent: you can either love him or hate him. He changed styles, images: we did not have time to follow his reincarnations. But the main thing remained unchanged: when he sings, he takes his heart out of his chest and holds it out to us - listeners, admirers - on his strong male palm. Nobody compares to him. He is a living legend. When he presses his hand to his chest, speaking on stage, we instinctively direct our palm to our heart. Because indifference is impossible when his heart echoes ours.

We do not get tired of being amazed at the style and impressiveness of Soso. He is almost always wearing a three-piece suit: from snow-white to the most flashy shades, which, however, do not detract from his infinite masculinity. This man deeply evokes the instinct of femininity in all the fairer sex. He is a virtuous demon, he is a vicious angel.

Soso Pavliashlivili: biography

Soso Pavliashvili's date of birth is June 29, 1964. Born under the sign of Cancer, Soso actually represents all the positive qualities of this constellation. This is a water sign. Soso really possesses the sincerity inherent in the elements, the deepest patriotism, dreaminess and loyalty to his loved ones (we all know his deep connection with his son). Soso is educative, imaginative, enterprising, romantic. Those born on this day also have qualities in which we easily recognize Soso: caring, survival. Soso takes care of others like a true horseman. And there is no such decade in show business in which Soso would not be lucky. He is always afloat.

Soso was born in Tbilisi. His father was an architect, and his mother was a housewife, however, this did not prevent the mother of the future star from becoming exactly the person who fatefully influenced his choice in life - to devote himself to music.

At the age of 6, Soso mastered the violin and began to take part in competitions for talented children. After school, the boy had no questions about what to devote his life to. Of course, the choice fell on a musical career. And so the young, obsessed with music, entrant becomes a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. The years of study were remembered by the future idol of women as the best in his life. And the pride of these years was for him the fact that after passing the state exams, Soso became and to this day remains one of the most successful graduates of this educational institution.

A real man could not but repay his debt to the Fatherland: after the conservatory, service in the army followed. Curious is the fact that it was there that the future heartbreaker of millions of fans sang into the microphone from the stage. After the army, the handsome singer ended up in the small Georgian pop group Iveria, which gained popularity in the narrow circles of the then Soviet space. And although he stayed in the Soso group for only a year, he managed to master the skills necessary for the future conqueror of the pop Olympus. Thus began his path to real popularity.

In the late 80s, Soso decided to prove to himself and to the entire Soviet space (and not only!) that he was a self-sufficient solo artist. His first major achievement was the victory at the competition of young performers in Jurmala. Thus began his era of real recording contracts: tours, albums, fans, fame.

By 1997, it was already an accomplished solo artist, whose songs brought tears to the eyes of thousands of fans. After moving to Moscow at the turn of the 1990-2000s, the frequency of the release of the singer's albums became regular. In 1998, Soso's cult single "Let's Pray for Parents" became an indispensable attribute of all music stores in the former USSR. Another mega hit, "Me and You", for a long time was the most ordered track on the radio stations of the post-Soviet space.

The most defining fact in the history of Soso Pavliashvili's popularity is that he is the author of the vast majority of his hits. But if he turned to songwriting services, it was only to cult personalities and no one else. Among them: Ilya Reznik, Mikhail Tanich, Simon Osiashvili.

In addition to his career as a singer, Soso tried himself as an actor in TV series and feature films. He also regularly does charity work.

Soso Pavliashvili: personal life

Soso is an almost monogamous male. It is not in his principles to lead a wild life. Throughout all these years, you could not see his face in the tabloids, accompanied by dozens of different women. His heart was given to only three.

Soso concluded his first marriage with a Georgian named Nino, it was from her that Soso's first-born, Levan, was born in a legal marriage (now the artist's son is 28 years old). Soso maintains a cordial relationship with Nino to this day. After breaking up with Nino Soso, for many years he was in a long-term relationship with Russian pop star Irina Ponarovskaya. The couple did not marry. After parting, they also maintain friendly relations. Since 1997, Soso has been happily married to singer Irina Patlakh. The couple have two adorable little daughters, Lisa and Sandra.

Soso Pavliashvili: photo

Admire how beautiful Soso is surrounded by his family and adored children:

This wonderful man is a stronghold of true masculinity, family devotion, friendliness, romance, kindness. Why do we cry when we hear his songs? The answer lies in our hearts. It reaches our depths, it plays on the strings of our soul. Thanks Soso!

Soso Pavliashvili, whose full name is Joseph, is a popular Georgian and Russian singer and actor. The most famous songs of Pavliashvili are considered to be "Please", "Me and You", "Let's Pray for Parents". What only nicknames, epithets and titles the singer did not receive from ardent fans! Pavliashvili is called the king of oriental music, the knight of the mountains, the guardian angel, the tuning fork of Georgia.

Soso was born in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi in the family of architect Ramin Iosifovich and housewife Aza Alexandrovna. The musical biography of Pavliashvili began in the distant childhood of the boy. As a preschooler, the boy entered a musical educational institution, where he began to master the violin. Hard work and many hours of study gave a quick result: soon the little musician began to perform at regional and republican competitions and festivals.

The violin actually fascinated Joseph, so after graduating from music and general education schools, Pavliashvili entered the Tbilisi Conservatory, specifically in the direction of violin playing. But during his mandatory service in the army, Soso moved away from classical music and joined the stage. Therefore, after receiving a university diploma, the musician gets a job in the Iveria vocal and instrumental ensemble.

The young man worked there for only a year, because once Pavliashvili had to put the instrument aside and go to the microphone. It happened in Canada as part of a concert dedicated to the Winter Olympics in Calgary. Soso presented to the public his own performance of the famous Georgian song "Suliko", and this performance literally shocked those present.

Soon Pavliashvili, already as a solo artist, receives the Grand Prix at the vocal festival in Jurmala and is gradually gaining more and more popularity. A notable feature of Soso Pavliashvili's repertoire is that the singer writes music for the vast majority of his own hits on his own, occasionally resorting to the services of the most famous Russian and Georgian composers.


The success of Soso Pavliashvili's hits lies in the fact that the musician is one of the few performers who are able to express strong passion, tenderness, love through singing from a male position. The artist's first studio album "Music to Friends" was released in 1993 and immediately attracted the attention of a female audience. The following records "Sing with me" and "Me and you" only strengthened Pavliashvili's popularity.

In total, today Soso Pavliashvili has released more than ten full-length albums and collections, each of which contains love lyrics, soulful lyrics and gentle romantic melodies. The hits “To please”, “Me and you”, “Let's pray for parents”, “Heaven in the palm of your hand”, “I won’t call you by name” have become big hits over the years. By the way, Soso often performs in a duet with other stars.

For example, together with Lyubov Uspenskaya, Pavliashvili performed the song “Stronger Than Before”, with the hit “Some Thousand Years”, and together with him sang the soulful composition “I Love You”. In 2015, at the New Wave concert, Soso Pavliashvili performed the song "Without You" together with the band.

The solo hit of the same year for Pavliashvili was the song "Do not guess about love", as well as the music video clip released for it.


Soso Pavliashvili tried his own strength in cinema. And it was not only participation in the cameo format, which happens with other musicians. Pavliashvili played full-fledged roles in the comedy sitcom, ironic series, and the crime film Ice Age.

But most of all on the account of the singer of musical holiday tales, such as "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio", "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "The New Adventures of Aladdin" and others.

Personal life

Soso Pavliashvili is not a regular in the yellow press. On the contrary, if they write about him, then mainly about creativity: as a singer, composer and actor. The fact is that in the life of the Georgian vocalist there were only three women and no third-party novels.

The first wife of the famous singer was Nino Uchaneishvili, with whom Soso maintains warm friendly relations even after the divorce. Moreover, these people are united by a common child, the son of Levan. The first-born Pavliashvili, by the way, did not follow in his father's footsteps. He graduated from the Suvorov School, then a military university and became a military man.

Joseph's second love was a pop star. They did not enter into an official agreement, but lived in an actual marriage for several years. And since 1997, Pavliashvili has been living with singer Irina Patlakh, from whom he has two children - his beloved daughters Elizabeth and Sandra. Soso and Irina lived in a civil union for 17 years, and in 2014, right from the stage on which he performed, the singer proposed to his beloved to marry.

Today, the musician's wife often appears on stage with her husband. Irina dances while Soso Pavliashvili sings. Fans of the musician regularly call Soso's wife a beauty and shower the couple with compliments.

Soso Pavliashvili now

In 2016, Soso Pavliashvili completed the construction and arrangement of a new house in the Moscow region, where he moved with his wife and children. This is a two-story mansion, which, in addition to eight rooms, also has a swimming pool and its own gym.

In 2016, Soso Pavliashvili wrote a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, asking the ministry to lift the ban for the singer to perform in the country, which Soso Pavliashvili received back in 2004, when, together with other artists, he gave a concert on the territory of the unrecognized state of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

The Azerbaijani government condemned the actions of the artists and recognized such a performance as a threat to the development of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan. After that, it was decided not to invite the musicians who performed in Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, as well as to ban radio and television broadcasts of their performances in the country.

After Pavliashvili's letter, in which the singer recognized the value of Azerbaijani culture and expressed respect for the traditions and people of the country, and also noted the famous hospitality of Azerbaijanis, the musician received permission to perform in the country.

A month after receiving permission, Soso Pavliashvili performed in Baku at the Name Palace. The musician gave a solo charity concert.

In the summer of 2017, the musician again performed in Baku, this time Soso Pavliashvili became a participant in the Heat International Music Festival.

In 2018, Soso Pavliashvili presented the song "My Melody" and started filming a video for this song.

In 2018, the musician's producer Georgy Gabelaev, who is also the singer's godson, suffered greatly during a conflict with neighbors. The producer arrived in the capital for work and stayed with friends in a communal apartment, where, after the conflict, the neighbors beat the man with a metal pipe, and then shot him.


  • 1993 - "Music to Friends"
  • 1996 - "Sing with me"
  • 1998 - "Me and you"
  • 2001 - "About my love"
  • 2003 - “Georgian is waiting for you!”
  • 2005 - "Best Songs for You"
  • 2007 - "Remember the Georgian"
  • 2010 - "Oriental Songs"
  • 2013 - "The Best"
  • 2014 - "Caucasian"
  • 2014 - "Jubilee"


  • 1997 - "The latest adventures of Pinocchio"
  • 2002 - "Ice Age"
  • 2003 - "On the corner at the Patriarchs-3"
  • 2004 - "33 square meters"
  • 2004 - Lost the Sun
  • 2006 - "First ambulance"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"
  • 2007 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2008 - "Happy Together"
  • 2009 - Golden Key
  • 2010 - "New Year's matchmakers"
  • 2011 - Kiss Through the Wall
  • 2011 - "The New Adventures of Aladdin"
  • 2012 - "8 First Dates"
  • 2013 - "The Last of the Magikyans"

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Soso Pavliashvili and Irina Ponarovskaya Pavliashvili: Irochka appeared when it was very difficult for me | Soso Pavliashvili and Irina Patlakh - love story - biography, photo, video, news

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Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina Patlakh

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In searching of love

Information about the first wife of Soso Pavliashvili is practically absent. It is known that the girl was taken by Nino and was originally from Georgia. They got married in 1985, after the guy returned from the army. In marriage, their son Levan was born.

But it was difficult to call the marriage happy. Almost immediately after the wedding, Soso went to conquer Moscow and luck smiled at her. He became a recognizable singer there and his career gradually went uphill.

In numerous interviews, the singer himself admitted that their long-distance relationship was doomed. He visited Tbilisi no more than a week a year, in Moscow he was surrounded by many beautiful women.

With one of these, the singer Irina Ponarovskaya, the rumor married the Georgian singer. Information about their relationship is very contradictory.

According to some sources, it was a stormy and passionate romance, according to others - a creative union with a touch of romance. At the time of the development of a romantic relationship between the two artists, they were both married.

How long exactly the relationship between Ponarovskaya and Pavliashvili lasted is difficult to say. But they ended abruptly. Simply - without quarrels and accusations. Irina was waiting for a marriage proposal from her chosen one, but he did not dare to do so.

Arriving home in Tbilisi, Soso had a difficult conversation with his wife. He tried to deny the affair on the side, even if it was such a long one. But Nino did not believe it and the couple broke up.

Fateful meeting

In 1996, the singer suffered a terrible accident, after which he recovered for a long time. Doctors after a long stage of rehabilitation allowed him to resume concert and touring activities. But then there were other health problems.

During this period of life, on the way Soso Pavliashvili met a young girl. At the time of their meeting, Irina was only 16 years old. One fine day, she approached the singer to ask for an autograph and immediately sunk into his soul.

They talked for a few minutes about music. The girl admitted that she really likes Pavliashvili's songs, which surprised the singer indescribably. He was surprised that such a young girl is familiar with his work and loves him.

From that moment on, the singer decided to woo the girl. It was very easy to do this, because Irina the artist was very nice. They were comfortable with each other. They were each other's support, friends and lovers. This union was also supported by Irina's parents, which helped young people make a choice.

Exemplary family man

For a very long time, Irina and Soso lived in a civil marriage. The girl was happy in this relationship and did not insist on a stamp in her passport. So in a civil marriage, the couple had two beautiful daughters.

During one of his performances, Soso Pavliashvili asked Irina to come on stage with her daughters. There, on the stage, he got down on one knee and handed the girl a box with a ring. With an audience of thousands, he invited Irina to become his wife. And of course she happily agreed.

Interesting Notes:

Before meeting with the singer, Irina was engaged in choreography and even took her first steps in her singing career. Now she has completely devoted herself to the house and the upbringing of her two daughters.

She also intends to equip the house, which was built in the suburbs. The girl has absolutely no regrets and is completely happy in family life.

Friendly and big family

Despite the fact that Pavliashvili is happy in his second marriage he is on excellent terms with his first wife. She didn’t get married after the divorce, and the main man in her life is her son. The son has been living with his father in Moscow for a long time and is engaged in the construction business.

The current Pavliashvili family, Irina's parents and his son from his first marriage live in the same house, which is located in the center of Moscow. The apartments of Soso and his relatives are located on different floors. Their doors are open to guests at any time.

Very often, Nino also flies to visit his son in Moscow. Her relationship is developing well not only with her son and ex-husband, but also with Irina Patlakh, as well as her children.

Today, Soso Pavliashvili considers himself a happy man, because there is something in his life that gives meaning and that pulled him out of the abyss of hopelessness.

Singer's first marriage

Soso Pavliashvili lived with his first wife for 18 years. He met Nino Uchaneishvili in Tbilisi before he became a popular singer. A son was born in marriage, who studied at the Suvorov Military School and graduated from the Military Technical University. For some time, the woman did not realize that her husband had another. She and her son lived in Tbilisi, and Soso often traveled to Moscow. The man called his wife with him, but she could not leave and leave her sick mother.

After a while, news began to appear in the media that the singer had a second wife. Soso Pavliashvili began dating a dancer in the capital. Soon the lovers began to live together.

The second wife of Soso Pavliashvili - Irina

Irina Patlakh was born in 1981. The popular singer met a girl when he was 33 years old. At that time, Ira was barely 16, after the concert she approached the singer for an autograph. Pavliashvili was seriously carried away by the girl, fortunately, her parents were not against such a relationship. The age difference between Soso Pavliashvili and his wife Irina is about 16 years.

The singer's first wife did not comment on her husband's betrayal for a long time, but when she could no longer remain silent, she directly asked her husband about her mistress. At first, Soso Pavliashvili did not confirm his wife's assumptions, but after a while he packed his bags and went to his young wife Irina.

The second wife of Soso Pavliashvili (there is a photo of the woman in the article) gave birth to two daughters to the popular singer. In December 2004, the girl Lisa, and after another 4 years Sandra.

Spouse support

As it turned out, in 1996 Soso Pavliashvili had a serious accident, after which he suffered from epilepsy for 7 years. The young wife was there all this time and supported the man. According to Pavliashvili, he repeatedly persuaded the woman to leave him, but Irina did not give up and helped her husband not to lose faith in a brighter future.

The wife herself in an interview said that these years were perhaps the most difficult in her life. But in all this time, she never once thought about leaving her husband. According to Irina, epileptic attacks appeared at night and the husband himself could not understand what was happening to him. Before the onset of each new attack of the disease, he talked in his sleep.

Despite the acute course of the disease in Soso, the beloved nevertheless decided to have a child. The baby, born in 2004, was able to become a guardian angel for the singer. As Soso Pavliashvili himself says, it was after the birth of Lisa that he began to recover and as a result his epileptic attacks stopped. He recovered without any medical intervention. Although he was going to do a trepanation of the skull.

Planning a wedding with Irina

Despite the excellent relationship of the couple, officially Soso Pavliashvili is still not Irina's legal spouse. Three and a half years ago, in October 2014, at his own concert, the singer proposed his hand and heart to his beloved woman in front of a million viewers, but the solemn event never took place.

According to Soso, they are going to get married, but the exact date of the event has not yet been specified. Irina in one of the interviews assured that there would be no big wedding, but the painting and the wedding would definitely take place. The event dedicated to the official marriage will most likely take place in Moscow. By the way, this year the relationship between Soso Pavliashvili and Irina turns 20 years old. The lovers are busy raising children and are preparing to move to a new country house, the renovation of which has almost come to an end.

Soso Pavliashvili is a well-known Georgian performer, who has also gained immense popularity in Russia. This singer performed many hits that were remembered for many years. Soso is a real Georgian man who has conquered many women's hearts.

There were many women in the life of our hero. And with 3 of them, he even dared to start a family. So the first wife of the artist was Nino Uchaneishvili. This woman gave her husband the first son - Levan. He was born in 1987. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long, but the former spouses still communicate and get along well with each other.

The next choice of the Georgian was the singer Irina Ponarovskaya. For a long time the couple lived together, but they did not have time to get married. Their relationship soon fizzled out. We do not know anything about the reasons for the breakup.

Soso and Irina Ponarovskaya

And in 1997, Soso married the singer Irina Patlakh, a former member of the Mironi group. The future spouses met very funny. 16-year-old Irina ran up to Pavliashvili for an autograph and said that she really liked his work. The sweet young girl immediately took a liking to Soso.

Since then, the couple began to communicate, and the singer began to take steps to win the heart of his beloved. Irina's parents also played a big role in the development of relations. They turned out to be very smart and modern and did not interfere with the relationship of lovers. In addition, Soso easily found a common language with them.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina Patlakh

Irina and Soso became not only lovers for each other, but first of all good and close friends. At first, the singer tried to keep his distance, he did not want to become attached to anyone, and he was afraid that Irina would only get worse with him.

But the girl was persistent, she loved Soso and became closer to him every day. At the initial stage, the relationship between lovers endured many trials.

Soso and Irina

Soso was not rich then and did not want Ira to live with a man who does not know what he will do tomorrow. He wanted the best for his beloved, what he himself was not able to give.

But despite this, Ira stayed with him. She did not care about his position, she promised that together they would cope with all the difficulties. And so it happened. Now Soso has a strong family, a beloved wife and two wonderful joint children - daughters Liza and Sandra.

Soso with his wife and children