What happens after the real auditor arrives? (based on N.V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”). The essay is a problematic question: “What will happen after a real auditor arrives in the county town? What will happen next after the arrival of the real auditor?

The essay is a problematic question: “What will happen after a real auditor arrives in the county town?”

At the end of the play N.V. Gogol's "The Inspector General" an unexpected event occurs, namely the arrival of a real inspector in the city of N. The further fate of the heroes is not described. Thus N.V. Gogol leaves his readers to think and answer for themselves the question “What happened next, how the events unfolded, and what happened to the dishonest officials?”
There may be several options for further events.
Option one
The auditor who visits the city of N turns out to be a man with a crystal conscience and simply cannot close his eyes to the arbitrariness and bribery that is happening. After conducting an inspection in various hospitals, Christian Ivanovich will inevitably have to be punished, who all his life cared exclusively about his own benefit, and not about the health and condition of his patients. If the auditor visits the courthouse, he will most likely be indescribably horrified! The very appearance of the courthouse already speaks about how legal proceedings take place. Honesty and justice cannot be found here, only arbitrariness and bribery. Therefore, Lyapkin-Tyapkin would certainly have gone to trial himself and would have ended up behind bars. And such arbitrariness is observed in all spheres of life in the city of N. All officials without exception would be punished, because all the guardians of power were caught in the network of corruption.
Option two
The visiting auditor belongs to the same caste of bribe-takers and corrupt officials. Then the officials of the N-district, using various tricks and means, will easily pass the necessary checks, and the situation will not change in any way.
N.V. Gogol in this work tries to show, using the example of the city N, that such a deplorable state of affairs reigns throughout Russia. Corruption and bribery cannot exist without the support of higher ranks, and one honest auditor can change little in the established system.

Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" ends at the "most interesting place" - all the officials, led by the mayor, learn that a real inspector has come to see them. For the heroes of the comedy, this is a real shock, which is why in the silent scene they froze in the most ridiculous and funny poses.

What does the arrival of a real auditor mean for officials of the district town of N.? On the one hand, they will need to make efforts again so that the inspector does not notice or turns a blind eye to all the violations occurring in the city. And there are a huge number of these violations.

Let us remember that in all spheres of life in the county town, things are going from bad to worse. In court, everything is decided not according to justice, but according to the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. It is not without reason that the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove the “geese and caterpillars” from the hallway, and to force the juror not to drink at least for some time.

In the city's hospitals, they do not help people recover, but rather let things take their course, which is why many “die like flies.” We see that the doctor Christian Ivanovich practically does not speak Russian and has little understanding of medical issues. He, together with the trustee of charitable institutions, does not care at all about the condition of the sick, but thinks, however, like everyone else, only about his own benefit.

We observe the same deplorable state of affairs in the field of education, and in the field of external development of the city, and in all other areas. Bribery, corruption, and injustice reign in N.

With the arrival of a real auditor, officials will again have to try in every possible way to “appease” the inspector. Again it will be necessary to create the appearance of prosperity and active work in the city, again it will be necessary to try to give bribes and so on.

But what if a miracle happens and the auditor turns out to be honest? What if he suddenly doesn’t want to take bribes and pretend that he doesn’t see any violations? What if suddenly this important official from St. Petersburg does his job honestly and “exposes” violation after violation?

Then, of course, the officials will be in trouble. The minimum they face is losing their positions. But many can simply end up behind bars - as soon as the auditor opens some documents or listens to merchants and other residents of the city.

But this is ideal. Gogol shows us that corruption permeates all layers of society in Russia, all spheres, all aspects of life. Violations are everywhere. And this state of affairs is supported by the highest officials, right up to the Emperor. And therefore, it is quite possible that the officials of the district city N will only be scolded, someone may be removed from their positions, but nothing more. And perhaps the inspector from St. Petersburg will not be in trouble either - and he will “get his due” for not closing his eyes in time, but going to the end in his work.

Thus, it seems to me that even after the arrival of a real auditor, the position of officials and the state of affairs in the county town will not change. By and large, everything will remain the same, because the system that has developed in the city of N reigns throughout Russia, has developed over centuries and is supported by officials of the highest rank.

Search by essay: Find What awaits the city of N from N.V. Gogol’s play “The Inspector General” after the arrival of the true inspector

Let us remember that in all spheres of life in the county town, things are going from bad to worse. In court, everything is decided not according to justice, but according to the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. No wonder the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove the “geese and caterpillars” from the hallway, and the juror...

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What happens after the real auditor arrives? (based on N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General")

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Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" ends at the "most interesting place" - all the officials, led by the mayor, learn that a real inspector has come to see them. For the heroes of the comedy, this is a real shock, which is why in the silent scene they froze in the most ridiculous and funny poses.

What does the arrival of a real auditor mean for the officials of the county town? On the one hand, they will need to make efforts again so that the inspector does not notice or turns a blind eye to all the violations occurring in the city. And there are a huge number of these violations.

Let us remember that in all spheres of life in the county town, things are going from bad to worse. In court, everything is decided not according to justice, but according to the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. No wonder the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to be removed from the hallway...

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They stood in the same poses

In a silent strange silence.

Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But everyone is afraid of one thing -

What are their insidious deeds?

Now you can't hide it for anything.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky grieves:

“The fraudster deceived me!”

That they disgraced you).

His wife and daughter, probably

We haven't understood everything yet.

They dreamed of Romeo

But it turned out everything was a lie!

Luka Lukic is whiter than snow.

He can't come to his senses:

“Like after a long run

My heart is beating!”

Postmaster Shpekin bent over,

And two landowners are nearby.

We could stand like that for an hour,

Yes, here is the official's order.

Won't give you peace...

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We went through this too brother)
This is what I wrote)
Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" ends at the "most interesting place" - all the officials, led by the mayor, learn that a real inspector has come to see them. For the heroes of the comedy, this is a real shock, which is why in the silent scene they froze in the most ridiculous and funny poses.
What does the arrival of a real auditor mean for officials of the district town of N.? On the one hand, they will need to make efforts again so that the inspector does not notice or turns a blind eye to all the violations occurring in the city. And there are a huge number of these violations.
Let us remember that in all spheres of life in the county town, things are going from bad to worse. In court, everything is decided not according to justice, but according to the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. It’s not for nothing that the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove the “geese and caterpillars” from the hallway, and to force the juror at least for some time...

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This question is: What will happen in the city of N after the arrival of a real auditor?!

After the arrival of the real auditor, everyone panics and begins not to blame themselves but to look for someone to blame. But in fact, having found the culprit who spread this news, the mayor says that they themselves are to blame for everything. They couldn’t distinguish an ordinary paper marker from a reizor. Everyone begins to panic, not because a real auditor has arrived, but because Khlestakov has left with their money, with which they hoped to repay and remain in office, everyone begins to shake for their place in the city. They are afraid of losing their place, money, authority and power in the city.

The postmaster will find a letter that Khlestakov wrote to his journalist friend so that he would write about these fools and ridicule them in front of everyone. The postman ran to the mayor and read the letter. The mayor fell into a panic and after a moment they received news that this time a real auditor had arrived.

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They stood in the same poses

In a silent strange silence.

You can't describe their feelings in lines,

Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But everyone is afraid of one thing -

What are their insidious deeds?

Now you can't hide it for anything.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky grieves:

“The fraudster deceived me!”

(Now all of St. Petersburg will know

That they disgraced you).

His wife and daughter, probably

We haven't understood everything yet.

They dreamed of Romeo

But it turned out everything was a lie!

Luka Lukic is whiter than snow.

He can't come to his senses:

“Like after a long run

My heart is beating!”

Postmaster Shpekin bent over,

He curled up into a ball like a cat.

Behind him is Korobkin with a sharp gaze,

And two landowners are nearby.

We could stand like that for an hour,

Yes, here is the official's order.

Will not give peace to the elderly.

What should the poor cunning people do?

They all decide together

Go to the hotel...

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N.V. Gogol, comedy “The Inspector General”

Possible answers:
Option 1
What will happen in the city after the arrival of the real auditor?

After the arrival of the real auditor, officials will again have to hide their
sins, hide all the shortcomings and shortcomings...
Recovering from the shock of the news of the arrival of the real auditor
to their district town, gathered in the house of Mayor Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky
Anton Antonovich officials will discuss what they should do now.
They won't invent anything new. And the auditor has been in the city for a long time.
Officials will be completely disappointed. All their plans fell apart
overnight! The auditor has been in the town “incognito” for several days now.
(as, incidentally, it was warned in the dispatch) and while everyone was busy with Khlestakov,
managed to independently inspect the establishments that interested him and figure out what was happening here.
Now everything will have to start all over again, play the role again...

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