How to open a computer service: a computer, laptop, smartphone repair company. How to open a home appliance repair shop

Service centers that repair equipment are divided into 2 types depending on the type of repaired devices: single-brand and multi-brand. Multi-brand workshops are, in principle, subsidiaries of a manufacturer.

Service centers (SC) for the repair of equipment from different manufacturers are completely independent and work based only on the ingenuity of the management and the skill of specialists. In small workshops, the functions of a repairman and a manager are often combined in one person. But even among such services there are slight differences, some repair everything in a row, while others repair only certain types of devices.

But as practice shows, many SCs are gradually moving to the repair of everything in a row, this is more connected with the state of affairs in the market and in the country, where it is not necessary to go over much. And working with equipment of the same brand and type is unprofitable. As a result, many services are switching to the repair of equipment from different manufacturers. But there is also a negative point in this transition, the fact is that citizens will trust service centers that have been authorized by the manufacturer and hang out its logo more. It is worth noting that obtaining authorization is quite expensive. Consequently, many services spit on prestige, and repair everything in a row, and focus on increasing their reputation not with logos on signs, but with the impeccable quality of repairs.

The main reason during cooperation with the manufacturer for the service center is the difficulty of importing original parts and components. Cunning manufacturers often shift the problems with transportation onto the shoulders of the workshop. All this imposes additional costs and significantly increases the repair time.

Where to begin?

If you do not want to waste your time on trifles, it is best to immediately conclude an agreement with a call center, whose memorable number will be of great help to you. At first, you will have to spend money on advertising, the costs of which usually "eat up" about half of the start-up capital.

Another factor that can ensure success in this type of business is the repair time, which is much shorter than that of competitors. Such deadlines are achieved by a well-organized supply of spare parts - “fast logistics”. To achieve maximum efficiency in this area, experts recommend acquiring a network of suppliers that will replace each other. A significant expense item, which cannot be dispensed with, will be a set of test equipment for those types of equipment with which you will be dealing. Its cost can reach 100 thousand dollars. However, in some cities, the household appliance repair business thrives with only the most primitive equipment - roughly speaking, a tester and a soldering iron, such a business can be organized almost from scratch. And often such a business turns out to be much more tenacious than a business organized according to all the rules of science - such are the paradoxes of reality.

For the full functioning of the service center, you will definitely need:

  • reception point;
  • directly repair shop;
  • transport for the delivery of large-sized equipment to the repair shop.

Negative points

When considering the idea of ​​a business to open a repair business, it should be borne in mind that its profitability, according to statistics, is very low - 6%. This is due to the fact that prices for many types of household appliances are quite low today, and it often becomes more profitable for consumers of repair services to purchase new appliances to replace the old ones, which not only require repair, but are also obsolete. On the other hand, even if the consumer wants to repair a model that is more than 5 years old, then most likely he will face the problem of a lack of spare parts. However, all of the above does not apply to the repair of refrigerators. These units are not affordable, like players, and do not become morally obsolete as quickly as computer equipment. At the same time, unlike a player, not a single family can do without a refrigerator, and repairing a refrigerator is not particularly difficult. Any person who has any idea about fixing appliances can learn how to fix refrigerators within a month.

What other difficultiescan you encounter?

There are a lot of problems:

  • lack of intelligent engineers;
  • inadequate requests for salaries from the capital's craftsmen;
  • high non-competitive prices for spare parts from suppliers;
  • interruptions in own supplies;
  • a huge number of defective parts that cannot be returned;
  • violation of the terms of repairs;
  • poor quality of spare parts and crooked hands of craftsmen, which leads to complaints and claims from customers.

TOWhat documents are needed to open a service center?

Registration of a private entrepreneur is enough to start. No licenses or permits are required.

Whichneededstart-up capital?

$ 10,000 will be enough to open a small workshop. The money will be used to purchase equipment, furniture, rent a small room (15-30 square meters), advertising, and purchase a minimum spare parts warehouse.


It all depends on many factors, you can recapture the initial investment in 2 months, or you can even burn out and never return this money. After all, it is important to understand that customers have money, they must come to you and give it to you. But how many customers will turn in the first month depends on the site, on advertising, on the list of services that you provide, etc.

12 hours ago, aleksandr_orb said:

And pay salaries for what if there is no flow of customers? For the fact that he will repair 7 hammers and one grinder a week? I don't quite agree with your position, although you may be right.

In general, I found a pensioner who understands electrics, but does not have much experience in repairing tools. He is retired, he likes repairing tools, he wants to develop in this direction. By the way, I found it with the help of an ad in the newspaper. I immediately gave it to Avito, other Internet portals and to the newspaper. The result was, oddly enough, only from the last source.

We interacted with him back in the summer, he came a couple of times, repaired our equipment, which he could. Today he will come, I want to offer him to work 4/3 for seven hours with a break for lunch for 500 rubles per exit. With such a demand for repair services and our need to fix our equipment, this seems to me the best option. We will buy spare parts ourselves.


I have been repairing instruments for more than twelve years, the workshop can be said to be more or less normal with hired workers from the outside, I began to develop two years ago. I had enough experience in repairing any tool since childhood, since life in our country (I mean the Soviet space) has always been insufficiently provided, especially in the outback, and I had to invent a lot myself, I often recall Ford’s words about this, how he was surprised at the resourcefulness of the Poles , himself saying that it was he who did not know ours.

So about the repair: I sat down tightly to service tools when our bright future in 2014 became even darker and sales fell to a minimum of the beginning of the two thousandth years, it’s good that I kept a small room next to the tool market for many years and closed all my “businesses” moved to work there in 2012. Having worked for a couple of years myself, simultaneously trading through the site and from the premises, I also repaired the instrument, I had to stay up to 12 at night. Two years later, he hired two people. When applying for a job, he weeded out those who were too smart and abstruse, taking the beaten a little bit in life, but most importantly the savvy.

For a long time (and even now often) I repaired the instrument in a place with men, passing on my experience and learning from them, so we ended up repairing almost everything that they bring. Issues with the provision of spare parts are resolved through a nearby market, some equipment importers and competitors.

Thanks to Chinese production, we have enough work during the season, but we also have enough pain due to in-line problems associated with the quality of spare parts and the tool itself. Clients are now asking for branded tools to be repaired using Chinese spare parts, and this is not very pleasant for me as a master, but what to do if the situation in the country is such that people spend money on utilities and so on, but on a cool tool, or at least on it service is missing.

By the way, I have a person now being trained to work in a repair shop in Kingston, this is Canada's Ontario district. Dima (that’s his name) asked to work for the sake of studying and was ready to work for free, of course he works on equal terms for everyone, but the one month experience in Canada that I received from him is very interesting and useful to me, I didn’t even count to this, I didn’t even think that the tool was being repaired in the west, there was such infa that it’s cheaper to buy a new one there, but no.

Dima has been going to Kingston again since February to work in a workshop for four months, we will communicate with him via viber, since he still needs a lot of help, but also for the experience is huge. But even from those few stories about the service in Canada, it is clear to me that it is easier to work there.

On the work of the workshop in our conditions, I can write everything I know. If you have any questions, write.

In our modern society, computer literacy has gained a substantial boost. There are more and more PC users every day. A structure is being formed that suggests that very soon almost every person will have their own computer to expand their capabilities, both in work and in entertainment. Let's say right away that at the moment the cost of a PC is still quite high, despite the fact that new models appear almost regularly, and companies are in significant competition. Accordingly, there are few users who can systematically change computers if there are any problems with use. And this means that service centers that carry out the process of repairing computer equipment are extremely relevant and in demand. Since it is they that allow you to get the benefits and prospects for restoring the performance of such equipment.

If you decide to open a business that will actually have significant aspects of popularity and relevance, then you definitely need to pay attention to the possibility of opening such a service center, especially if you have a certain amount of skills, abilities and knowledge in this field of activity. . The thing is that the demand for such services will still be extremely high, and it will grow. You, as a specialist, will be able to competently perform the tasks assigned to you, which will help you quickly carry out the process of active development. Accordingly, such a business will have all the necessary advantages. We will certainly say that even if you do not have the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge, you can still start working on the implementation of such a project. But, then the business costs will be more serious, since you will have to look for skilled and knowledgeable specialists, the cost of whose services simply cannot be minimal.

The organization of such a business has all the advantages and development prospects. On the other hand, you must understand that there is competition in this area, and quite significant. And accordingly, you will have to competently think over the structure of the business organization, ways to deal with competitors and attract potential users of your services. That is, in fact, you will have to devote a very significant amount of time to the issue of calculating a business plan. Based on this document, you will actually be able to correctly, competently and clearly carry out the process of calculating the costs that you will have to face, as well as identify all kinds of risks that may appear in the process of doing business.

Often, start-up entrepreneurs have to do everything possible to carry out the process of attracting investors or partners, as well as to process a loan in order to receive the desired amount of funds for business development. In this situation, planning is the main element of work with bank employees, investors or partners. Through this document, you provide data on how effective and profitable your business will be, as well as how much the investment will pay off.

When drawing up a plan, you should certainly adhere to a certain structure, which involves a general description of the project, taking into account all its features and nuances, as well as the structure for calculating all costs. Moreover, the costs will need to include all cost options that arise, both at the initial stages and at the stages of business development (monthly expenses). Among other things, you will have to carry out a process of detailed analysis.

Planning to open a service center

The structure of the plan is quite simple. At the same time, you should understand that there are a lot of ready-made templates that you can use as a kind of example. In fact, if you use your own funds, you can rely on ready-made calculation options. If you plan everything to the smallest detail, then indicate your real data, then you will foresee all the nuances and will be able to competently manage free funds in such a way that in the future there will be no difficulties and problems.

General data

A very important block, which includes the following information:

  • Description of the project - name, form of business, taxation structure;
  • Location - city, in which part of the city the office will be located, how many residents in the city;
  • Competition - indicates the number of service centers, the period of existence, the level of demand for services;
  • Enumeration of own services - indicate those services that are in high demand. In this case, it is recommended to use the initial process of studying the audience of the target format;
  • The amount of the initial investment is indicated;
  • The pros and cons of the project are indicated;
  • Form of ownership of the premises - rent or personal ownership;
  • The options for promoting services are being calculated.

Cost calculation

In this paragraph, you should adhere to clear and accurate data. You should specify:

  • The amount of funds required to rent the premises;
  • The amount of payment for business registration;
  • The amount of expenses for the arrangement of the premises;
  • The cost of purchasing furniture and equipment;
  • Costs that determine the conduct of an advertising campaign;
  • Unexpected expenses.

The last point must be included in planning, since on its basis you get a kind of reserve of funds that can be used if necessary.

Monthly expenses

Every month, the business will require certain investments. In this case, you must understand that accounting for all expenses to the smallest detail is the main element in shaping the stability of your business. If you want to avoid any unpleasant nuances, indicate all the costs that you think may arise in the course of doing business:

  • Expenses for renting the premises;
  • For the remuneration of specialists;
  • The cost of paying utility bills;
  • All types of expenses that are directly related to the payment of state contributions;
  • Consumables;
  • Advertising;
  • Purchasing parts and accessories, etc.

Estimated earnings

You can calculate income based on the formation of data that relate to the number of residents of the city. Based on this figure, you can calculate the number of visitors to your service center. Also, you can carry out the process of determining the number of orders for certain services. Thus, you can get the final figure for the estimated income.

Description of services

Be sure to describe all the services you intend to provide. Moreover, in this case, you will have to draw up a certain price list, in which there will be not only a description of all the nuances of the services provided, but also the cost of them.

Activity analysis

It should be said that it is imperative to sum up the original results, determine the nuances of advertising campaigns, clearly establish the features of competition, etc. You must also bring out the final indicator of what kind of advantages your business has. Make a plan of cons and positive aspects.

As you can see, the structure of a business plan is quite simple. If you want all the data to be clear and accurate, it is best to implement the calculation structure yourself. So, you will be sure that you have taken into account all the nuances, all possible expenses, which means that you will be able to find the right amount of funds for opening. Among other things, you can immediately analyze the prospects for profit, performance, business development features.

10 ideas with examples

  1. Business based on the skills to open a standard service center in an office building. In this case, the structure of work is formed by attracting potential customers. In this business, special attention is paid to the quality of the work performed, to the wide range of services provided, as well as to the provision of various discount options for regular customers. Example: As an example, you can look at how standard service centers work. There are several professionals working in different fields. The speed of work is paid separately. The level of service in popular service centers is high. Accordingly, if you opt for this option of doing business, you certainly need: the right organization, hiring experienced professionals, a system of discounts, competent advertising;
  2. Opening a standard version of the service center without initial investment. This opening option assumes that you can draw up a plan and contact the bank to obtain loan funds. Or find a partner who will provide funds for your ideas. Example: at the moment, many banks provide unique lending options for starting a business. In this case, you can carry out the process of developing a detailed plan and carry out the loan processing. Many entrepreneurs start out this way;
  3. Renting a workplace in a service center. In many large service centers, a structure of piecework is being formed. In fact, you are given the opportunity to rent a workplace with all the necessary equipment. You just need to advertise your services yourself, clients will be offered to you if other specialists are busy, and you will pay the rent every month. Such a service is quite new, however, it acquires significant aspects of relevance;
  4. Small service center with one specialist. If you have the necessary level of knowledge, skills and abilities, and are sure that you can carry out any repair, as well as solve difficulties with the software, then you can rent a small room and carry out all the repair work yourself. In this case, we can cite as examples a lot of such workshops that are in every city. Their advantage is an affordable pricing policy, as well as the opportunity to acquire a kind of friendly relationship with the master, which allows you to receive discounts and a more attentive attitude in the future, as well as the speed of work from the master;
  5. Organization of business with home visits. A very popular option is the organization of a service center, without an office. In fact, such a structure offers a very significant number of advantages. First, you will not need to carry out the process of renting a room. Secondly, you reduce the cost of your funds for the arrangement, repair and payment of utility bills. Accordingly, the benefits of developing such a business are more significant. Surely, in your city there are specialists who provide home visits. As an example, look at how their case is set up and how they capture the attention of potential customers. As a rule, the standard option of attracting is used by distributing flyers or other printed materials, where the coordinates of the master are simply indicated. Subsequently, the client contacts him and arranges a meeting;
  6. Remote service center. In this case, we are talking about the same home visit, but only with the organization of an additional Internet resource. On the site you provide a description of all your services, a list of prices, indicate the structure of work and coordinates. Let's say right away that there are many examples of such a business. Accordingly, one can immediately assume that it has certain advantages, which creates the need to study just such a business organization structure, since it contributes to cost savings and forms the structure of actively attracting potential customers;
  7. A business based on providing services to companies. In this situation, the work of a freelancer is formed to provide computer equipment repair services to various companies. The structure of the business is based on the signing of preliminary agreements with managers. As you know, at the moment computer technology is used by all companies and enterprises. At the same time, not every employer dreams of having an officially employed employee who will be engaged in the adjustment and repair of such equipment. The thing is that breakdowns do not happen regularly, and it is extremely convenient, and most importantly, more rational, to have a third-party specialist who travels and performs the assigned tasks. As you understand, the employer in this case pays exclusively for the repair services provided. At the same time, he does not need to sign an employment contract with a specialist, pay vacation pay, standard wages, etc. Such services today have significant aspects of relevance. Numerous Internet resources can serve as an example for the development of such a business, which indicate that the main activity of the service center is precisely servicing companies;
  8. Service center with a wide range of services. This situation assumes that you will have to carry out the process of hiring specialists in various fields. This business has all the advantages, as the demand for services will be phenomenal. But, you have to make a substantial investment process. That is, investments will be larger, and such a business will require you to make more serious investments in the process of updating and popularizing services;
  9. Service center and web studio. The structure of such a business is quite complex, but the benefits of development are very significant. A web studio can be organized through a specialized Internet resource. The office may be shared. You will immediately distribute clients, specialists will work in an additional room, where repairs will be carried out. To organize such a business, you will need one or two computer repair specialists, as well as several experienced specialists who will develop, design and design websites;
  10. Employment in a large company as a piecework specialist. That is, the more you complete orders, the higher the payment for your services will be. This option is suitable for those who want to gain a more significant amount of experience and skills, and based on the data received, open their own service office or workshop.

As you can see, there are a lot of different ideas for organizing a computer repair business. On the net you can find a lot of interesting examples that form a description of a business organization from scratch and describe the structure of its development. By using sample data, you can choose the right direction for your business and benefit from the progressive promotion of your services.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any business should be evaluated from the standpoint of positive and negative aspects. Naturally, each person must determine for himself which moments prevail in his particular situation. We invite you to evaluate in detail all the nuances of the advantages and possible disadvantages in order to further evaluate the possibility of starting a business, taking into account your individual position.


  • Profitability. Remember that the demand for such services is very significant, it is for this reason that you will get your customers. However, do not forget that it is imperative to take into account the peculiarities of competition. You can get real profit prospects only if you competently organize your business, and also approach the issue of developing a structure to protect your interests from the actions of competitors no less competently;
  • It is possible to open with minimal investment. For those professionals who know how to do everything with their own hands, this is a great chance to get the prospects for incredibly active development of opportunities. The thing is that such a business rests precisely on the professionalism of the masters. And if you can provide potential clients with this professionalism, then very soon your business will flourish;
  • We will certainly say that one of the advantages of this business is that it is possible to provide services that relate directly to the issue of repair, and you can additionally provide configuration, diagnostics, and virus treatment services. That is, most often people have software problems, the solution of which is not always possible to implement on their own. It is for this reason that services in the program aspect will be quite in demand;
  • Opportunity to refuse office rent. We will immediately say that it is the office rent and its arrangement that is a significant expense item. You will be able to carry out the process of providing services with a home visit. In this case, your services will be in demand, as they will be incredibly convenient for potential customers. Among other things, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that you will receive a significant savings bonus. Since you do not have to pay for the rent of the premises, arrangement and repair, for utilities, etc.
  • You should also carefully consider and evaluate all the shortcomings, which will help you rationally determine the level of expenditure of funds, as well as assess the benefits of further development of your business.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  • In the case of renting an office, you generate significant expenses. To start a business, it will be extremely difficult to find funds to rent a decent room and equip it with the use of modern technology and equipment. That is, in the case of organizing a business that involves renting an office, you will need to prepare for serious expenses;
  • If you yourself do not have the necessary knowledge base, it will be difficult to control specialists.
  • It is imperative to draw up a plan on the basis of which you can estimate all the expected costs;
  • Careful attention should be paid to the choice of specialists. If you recruit inexperienced craftsmen, this will be the basis for reducing the reputation of your organization;
  • Carefully consider the issue of choosing promotional products. Remember that competent advertising can become the basis for the active promotion of your services;
  • Be sure to create your site. It is on the basis of the resource that you will be able to carry out the process of familiarizing potential customers with all the services of your enterprise, with prices, with the features of cooperation, etc.;
  • Make a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of work, to eliminate all kinds of shortcomings;
  • Carry out systematic processes of professional development among employees;
  • Use modern methods of repair and maintenance.

Is it worth it to open such a business?

You must determine for yourself how well you understand computer repair. Only the presence of professional skills will help you organize a truly effective business.

Do not forget that if, when calculating the plan, you get the lack of the desired efficiency from opening a large service center, then it is better to organize a small workshop in which you can organize a stable income, and already on its basis, further work out the development structure of a larger business. A business of this direction will actually be profitable and promising, but only with the right organization. If you are not able to organize a quality service at the current time, it is better to give preference to a private repair or opening a small workshop with the provision of home repair services for customers.

Thinking about how to open a phone repair shop? Detailed instructions, calculation tables and useful tips for you in this article.

♦ Capital investments – 150,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 7–8 months

Mobile phones have long ceased to be luxury items and have become a necessity available to everyone. Today, a mobile phone can be found in the pocket of any person.

Since the price of mobile phones is varied, it is understandable that cheap models will break down.

Few people, having discovered a breakdown of their mobile phone, immediately throw it away and go to the store for another one. Most will first contact the workshop and pay for the repair.

If you understand mobile phone devices, and friends often turn to you about this, then why not think about how to open a phone repair service center.

You do not have to invest a lot of money in launching a startup, and you can earn relatively well every month.

Are there any reasons to open a phone repair center?

This business has many advantages:

  • Minimal capital investment and the opportunity to save money on many stages of starting a business.
  • If you are a highly qualified specialist (or you hired such craftsmen) and are able to fix any breakdown, you will be able to set any prices for your services.
  • The opportunity to develop your business in the future, for example, repair laptops, tablets and other equipment.
    You can also combine services: repair service + sales of batteries, chargers, mobile phone accessories, etc.
  • Minimum monetary risk.
    First, you don't have to invest a lot of money in your business.
    Secondly, if you earn less than you wanted, you can always close your workshop by putting up tools for sale.
    You do not have to pay suppliers for unsold goods or sell leftovers for a long time in order to return at least some of the money invested.
  • Demand for phone repair services among the population.
    No matter how many service centers work in your city, it always makes sense to open another one.

Are there any reasons not to open a phone repair shop?

If we talk about the shortcomings of this business, then among the most obvious:

  • high level of competition in this sector;
  • relatively low monthly income;
  • the business rests on specialists and if your competitors managed to hire a master who can easily fix any breakdown, and you don’t have one, then people will visit the competitor’s service center, not yours.

When should you open a phone repair center?

It makes sense to enter this business:

    Highly qualified specialists who have been repairing phones, laptops and other equipment for a long time as a hobby or working for hire.

    Why not open your own business?

    Managers who can make any startup profitable.

    If you are looking for a promising idea in which you can invest money, then you should think about opening a repair shop.
    You just need to find a good specialist and start earning.

What is the first thing you need to do to open a service center?

Launching a startup involves the fulfillment of several mandatory points at the preparatory stage:

  1. Thinking through all the pros and cons (you must find reinforced concrete arguments why you should open just such a business, and not another).
  2. with specific calculations.
  3. Theoretical study of this field of activity.
  4. Search for the main components of your future business: premises, phone repairmen, if you are going to act as a manager. Only after that you can proceed to register the case.

Two forms of opening a service center

This business is good because it allows entrepreneurs to choose what exactly to open:

    Legal service center.

    You register as an individual entrepreneur, rent an office with a specific legal address, pay taxes, etc.
    This method is suitable for both masters who are going to repair phones themselves, and managers who want to perform only an intermediary function.

    illegal workshop.

    Let's say you're good at repairing phones and other equipment.
    Friends and acquaintances know this and regularly give you work, agreeing to pay for it.
    All repair work can be carried out right at home, and customers can be searched using word of mouth.
    This method is not suitable for managers.

Two types of phone repair service center

All workshops are divided into two types:

    You cooperate with a specific manufacturer, order spare parts from him, report on the work done, perform warranty service for phones, etc.

    You do not report to anyone and undertake to repair any phone models that customers bring to you.
    In this case, difficulties may arise when ordering spare parts, and there will be no one to get advice from.

How to advertise a phone repair service center?

Such a modest business does not require a large advertising campaign.

It's enough for you:

  • distribute business cards to all your potential and established customers;
  • give information on your page on social networks that you have opened a workshop, and ask friends to spread this information;
  • register on a local forum and tell the residents of your city that such a service is now available to them.

If you can fix most mobile phone breakdowns and charge reasonable prices for it, then you can be sure that soon you will have a lot of customers.

Calendar plan for opening a phone repair service center

The preparatory stage of opening a workshop will not take you too much time.

In fact, the most difficult thing that awaits you is the registration procedure, which, due to bureaucratic delays, can take several months.

If you can speed it up, then you can quickly rent and equip the premises, buy tools.

Things will go even faster if you do not need a phone repairman, and you yourself are going to perform his functions.

Registration and obtaining the necessary permits
Rental of premises and repairs in it (if necessary)
Purchase of tools for the work of craftsmen
Advertising campaign

Business plan for opening a phone repair service center

To understand how much money you need to start a service center and what steps you need to take care of, check out this business plan.

Let's say you decide to open a workshop in one of the big cities.

You are going to carry out the repair of equipment yourself, so you will not hire a master.


Interesting fact:
The most popular phone was and still is the Nokia 1100, owned by 250,000,000 people. The phone has been available in all stores since 2003.

Register as an individual entrepreneur, choosing the form of taxation - UTII.

It is better to start the registration procedure not immediately after the idea arises, but to work illegally for some time.

And only when you realize that you can bring broken phones back to life and you form at least a small client base, you can apply for registration.


In order to open a repair shop, you do not need a large room. Enough room for 20-30 square meters. meters.

Open your center where it will be easy for customers to find it: in the city center or in a densely populated residential area.

You don’t have to worry about the decor of the room, because customers will be interested in your qualifications, and not the color of the office walls.

If you are going to cooperate with a master on a fee basis, and leave the functions of a manager to yourself, then a reasonable step would be to open a business in one of the popular shopping centers in your city.

A small corner is enough for you, where you will sell spare parts, accessories for phones and accept broken models for repair.

The master will be able to bring already repaired models once a day and pick up a new work. So, a specialist will be able to work at home, and you will save on rent and expand the range of services for your business.

Workshop tools and equipment

We remember that our room is small, which means that it is not worth littering it with extra furniture.

To work normally, you just need to purchase:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:55 000 rub.
8 000
Chair or office chair
1 500
table lamp
1 000
18 000
10 000
Telephone set
Lockers for changing clothes and storing personal belongings
5 000
Rack or shelf for storing tools and spare parts
3 000
Other7 700

You will also need a minimal set of tools to carry out standard phone repairs.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:35 000 rub.
Soldering station with hair dryer
4 000
ultrasonic bath
2 000
UFS-3 box + HWK programmer with cable set
6 000
power unit
2 000
digital oscilloscope
8 000
Vacuum tweezers
1 000
A set of miniature tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, etc.)
5 000
Other7 000


At the first stages of work, until you form a client base and promote your business, you can do without staff at all.

If you want, you can take on a part-time cleaner and part-time accountant.

When your phone repair shop becomes popular, you should consider hiring a sales clerk.

How much does it cost to open a phone repair center?

You really don't need huge sums of money to start this startup.

It is enough to have 150,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses in this type of business are small, and will mainly be spent on renting a room, taxes, the Internet and the purchase of tools.

You can easily meet the amount of 30-40,000 rubles.

How much can you earn with a phone repair shop?

It is impossible to name the exact amount.

The earnings formula is simple: the more orders you have, the more money you can earn every month.

Form a reasonable pricing policy, but not at a loss. When giving a customer a price, add 100% to the parts you used to fix the phone.

If you serve at least 5 clients per day, then the daily revenue will be at least 3,000 rubles.

Even working with two days off a week, you can earn about 60,000 rubles a month.

That is, the net profit is about 20,000 rubles.

At the initial stage, we invested 150,000 rubles. In this scenario, they will pay off in 7-8 months.

Download a ready-made business plan for a mobile phone salon with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

We also invite you to watch a video on

how to start opening a phone repair service center:

5 tips for those who are going to open a phone repair shop:

  1. Call the real terms of repair, so as not to disappoint the client.
  2. Even taking into account the order of spare parts, the term for repairing the phone should not exceed 14 days.
    If you are unable to cope with the volume of orders, hire an assistant.
  3. Be honest with the customer: If the phone is beyond repair, be honest about it.
  4. You should have a minimum set of spare parts and tools, but you should not recruit too many “in reserve”.
  5. Do not rush to name the price for phone repair.
    The breakdown can be more serious than it seemed to you at first glance, and if you decide to take more money from the client than you called at the beginning, he will decide that you are trying to deceive him.

Now you know, how to open a phone repair shop, and if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, then take a closer look at this type of business.

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For many people, a laptop and a computer are the main sources of income. In the event of a breakdown, it is not always possible to buy new equipment. High prices in the market for new computer equipment are forcing people to give faulty PCs and laptops for repair. Here opens the prospect of a business - a computer repair service. How much do you need to invest to start such a project and what is the estimated profit figure?

Official registration

A computer repair business can operate both without registration and with legally executed documentation. The first is illegal, the second makes it possible to cover a potentially profitable sector, namely servicing legal entities.

To get started, register as an individual entrepreneur to simplify taxation and accounting. If your plans include a network business, then it is better to immediately form an LLC.

When organizing an office, you will need to obtain the consent of the State Fire Supervision.

Market research - prices and assortment

The computer repair business is highly competitive and in high demand. The basis of success is to provide customers with attractive prices. To do this, study the price lists of large companies and the range of their services.

It’s worth starting with the most basic, in-demand and profitable services. Computer repair service includes:

  • diagnostics, repair and prevention of all types of computer equipment;
  • assembly of processors from used spare parts;
  • advisory services;
  • services for setting up, installing operating systems, programs and antiviruses.

Many of the services offered are outsourced, giving the lion's share of the profits to such firms.


How to start making money repairing computers - organize a home service. To do this, you do not need to rent a room and pay for its rent. Most similar firms started that way.

Another option is to find a small room of 10-15 m2 with cheap rent. Placement is not that important because:

  • you will pick up most of the equipment from the customer’s house;
  • some customers with a car will bring equipment to the office by car.

The 2nd floor is quite acceptable, which is much lower in terms of rental price ≈ 6 thousand rubles per month.

Consider the option of coworking - work in the same room with other entrepreneurs-masters (half the cost of rent) ≈ 3 thousand rubles.

Try to find a room with an acceptable renovation in order to purchase only furniture.

Office furniture


  • computer desk - 2;
  • chairs - 4;
  • coffee table - 1;
  • sofa (for the client) - 1;
  • closet - 2;
  • pedestals - 2.

Total: 20 thousand rubles

Additionally, you need to purchase a water filter and an electric kettle for the comfort of the masters. (1000 rubles).


Employees must have experience

Often, two or three people who have the skills to repair computer equipment and accompanying services become the initiators of such a business idea.

At the start, two foremen are needed to set up and repair with a salary of 20 thousand rubles. For reporting, a freelance accountant is invited, the cost of services is 2,000 rubles, or the owner does it himself. One of the masters must have a car and a license to go on calls and pick up equipment, and the second one works locally.

At the initial stage, the company will do without an office manager, all calls will be received by the master. In the future, it is planned to organize a call-center and hire a full-time accountant.


The best option for advertising is free bulletin boards, social networks and creating your own website. To launch your website, you only need 300-600 rubles (paid hosting) and a few skills to work with it. Computer repair and PC tuning masters will be able to deal with such a task on their own. Creating and printing elementary business style business cards is also not difficult.

Come up with a fresh name for the company - it can be humorous, but speak about the purpose of the company. Suitable: "Zelezyaka", "Comp-city", "Smart Comp", "Diagnostics and Service", etc.

Try to work with legal entities without their own technical support department. Send your offers to the email companies with a list of conditions.

Purchase of equipment and components

Before you open a computer repair service center, you need to purchase equipment, components for urgent replacement, diagnostics and testing of equipment.

Other accessories will be ordered as needed. Over time, the service center will be able to offer replacement parts for new or used parts at the request of the client.

Service Center Business Plan - Calculations

A detailed business plan will allow you to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the business and the return on investment.


To organize a company, you will need to spend:

  • registration of legal persons - 6 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles;
  • furniture and other items for the office - 21 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (printing business cards, installing the Internet, etc.) - 3 thousand rubles;

Total: 180 thousand rubles

Gross revenue

Table. Price - list of possible services

Price list for computer repair services Cost, rubles Orders per month Total
Diagnostics 300 50 15 000
Prevention and cleaning 600 20 12 000
Replacement or installation of components (price for 1 unit) 500 80 40 000
Installation (reinstallation) of software, antivirus, etc. 500 30 15 000
Consultation, setting 300 50 15 000
Other services 200 20 4 000
Gross revenue 101 000

Earning opportunities are much more extensive, the table gives an approximate unified list of the work of the service center.

In parallel, sell assembled from various used components. An attractive price will allow you to get a good additional profit, and possibly become one of the main sources of income.

Monthly profit calculation, profitability, payback

Such a calculation will help to assess the main indicators of a computer repair business.

Table. Balance

Monthly income-expenditure balance Amount, rubles
Gross revenue 101 000
Office rental (coworking) 3 000
Salary 54 800
Paying a freelance accountant 2 000
Public utilities 5 000
other expenses 5 000
Profit before tax 31 200
Tax 4 680
Net profit 26 520

Calculation of investment attractiveness

Investments 180 000
Profitability 36%
Payback 7

Profitability of 36%, payback within 7 months - these are excellent indicators for any business project.

Of course, a net profit of 26 thousand is not promising, but these calculations are based on figures for the initial stage of entering the market. With the expansion of the client base, the list of services and the number of work performed will be increased.

Give discounts to regular customers, as it is very important to keep a customer. A loyal clientele is the basis for the success of a reputable company.

An interesting option to start working with corporate clients is to conclude a deal for the first service at half the cost. If you like the work of the masters, then offer long-term cooperation with a 15-20% discount.