How to recognize overweight. How to find out your excess weight


One of the simplest formulas for calculating the ideal weight and was proposed by the anthropologist from France Paul Brock. The easiest to calculate is weight is minus the coefficient. At up to 165 cm, the coefficient is 100, up to 175 cm - 105, above 175 cm - 110. According to experts, Brock's formula is correct for people whose age is in the range from forty to fifty years. If you are under forty, then the optimal weight, calculated according to Broca's formula, must be reduced by ten to twelve, otherwise the result must be increased by five to seven percent.

Body mass index calculations showing body fat are considered more accurate. For calculations, it is enough to know body weight in kilograms and height, recorded in meters. BMI \u003d M (kg): H2 (m), where M is body weight, H is height. The formula itself is also very simple: the ratio of mass to the square is found. Depending on the value obtained, conclusions are drawn about weight e person. If you get less than 25 - this is the norm, if more than 25, but less than 27 - this is overweight, but not yet obese, but if more than 27 - this is already obese. But these are again average indicators, since the values ​​​​of the body mass index are different for and.

In Russia, doctors use special tables to determine overweight, in which, depending on gender, and on, and on height, the maximum allowable values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated weight A. If your weight below the table, this may mean the absence of excess weight and, if higher, then additional studies determine the degree.


There are various methods to determine the ideal weight for any person, depending on his height. This does not take into account other indicators such as age, gender and physique. Obviously, if excess weight is formed due to muscles, then a person does not look full, in addition, scientists have proven that a little overweight for women has a positive effect on her health.

Helpful advice

There are no absolutely reliable ways to determine the ideal weight, since none of them takes into account the individual characteristics of a person. It is better to focus on the state of health and the mirror.

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Excess weight is a problem that can have not only aesthetic, but also medical negative consequences. How to reliably find out if you are overweight?

Having excess weight can create a lot of problems for a person, ranging from difficulties with choosing well-fitting clothes to negative health consequences, such as shortness of breath, increased stress on the joints, and others. However, in the modern world, focused on the standards of the fashion industry, the concept of being overweight has become rather vague: many people begin to consider being overweight, which is actually completely normal. How to determine the limits of the norm of weight for a particular person?

Body mass index

To get an answer to this question, doctors have long developed a universal criterion that takes into account not only the absolute value of weight in kilograms, but also: after all, it is clear that weight, for example, 70 kilograms, has a completely different meaning for two people if the height of one is 1 .5 meters, and the other - 1.95 meters. This criterion was called the body mass index, which is also often abbreviated to BMI. At the same time, it is simple enough that anyone who wants to find out if he is overweight can use it. Body mass index is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in centimeters. For example, for the person mentioned above with a weight of 70 kilograms and a height of 1.5 meters, the indicated index will be 31.1.

Determining the limits of normal weight

The developers of the body mass index found that the weight of an average person can be considered normal if his BMI is in the range from 18.5 to 25. If the value of the body mass index of a particular person turned out to be less than the lower limit of the norm, this means that he has a deficiency in body weight . If the index turned out to be higher than 25, that the person is overweight, and the more the index value exceeds the upper limit, the more overweight he has. So, if the BMI does not exceed 30, doctors ascertain the presence of overweight, with BMI values ​​​​from 30 to 35 - obesity of the first degree, from 35 to 40 - of the second degree, over 40 - of the third degree. In the example above, a person with a weight of 70 kilograms and a height of 1.5 meters is overweight, and the BMI indicator shows that it has already come to obesity of the first degree.


  • Body mass index and optimal weight in 2019

The results of BMI calculations are not suitable for assessing the weight of professional athletes, pregnant women, as well as people suffering from edema and other disorders that lead to an incorrect assessment of the original data.

Weight ranges in this calculator are calculated taking into account height, according to the methodology of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The very method of estimating weight by BMI is intended for the primary detection of underweight or excess weight. Obtaining an estimate different from the norm is the reason for contacting a nutritionist and endocrinologist in order to conduct an individual weight assessment and make recommendations for its correction, if necessary.

The range of ideal weight (norm) shows at what weight the probability of occurrence and recurrence of diseases associated with overweight or underweight is minimal. In addition, as practice shows, a person with normal weight looks not only healthy, but also the most attractive. If you adjust your weight, it is highly recommended not to go beyond the norm, in order to avoid health problems.

About weight categories

underweight usually an indication for increased nutrition; consultation with a dietitian or endocrinologist is also recommended. This category includes people who are malnourished or have a disease that leads to weight loss.
Underweight is also typical of professional models, gymnasts, ballerinas or girls who are overly fond of weight loss without the control of a nutritionist. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to health problems. Therefore, weight correction in this range should be accompanied by regular medical supervision.

Norm shows the weight at which a person has the maximum chance of staying healthy as long as possible, and, as a result, beautiful. Normal weight is not a guarantee of good health, but it significantly reduces the risk of disorders and diseases caused by overweight or underweight. In addition, the owners of normal weight, as a rule, are in good health even after intense physical exertion.

Preobesity speaks of being overweight. A person in this category often has some signs associated with excess weight (shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, fatigue, fat folds, dissatisfaction with the figure) and has every chance of moving into the category of obesity. In this case, a slight weight correction to the norm, or to values ​​close to it, is recommended. It also does not hurt to consult a nutritionist.

Obesity- an indicator of chronic disease associated with excess body weight. Obesity invariably leads to problems with the cardiovascular system and significantly increases the risk of acquiring other diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.). Obesity is treated exclusively under the supervision of a nutritionist or endocrinologist, and only after the necessary tests have been carried out and its type has been determined. It is not recommended to engage in uncontrolled diets and serious physical exertion for obesity, as this can provoke additional problems.

Answers on questions

What is the ideal weight for me?

The calculator calculates a weight range that is ideal for you based on your height. From this range, you are free to choose any specific weight, depending on your preferences, beliefs and requirements for the figure. For example, adherents of a model figure tend to keep their weight on the lower border.

If your priority is health and life expectancy, then the ideal weight is calculated based on medical statistics. In this case, the optimal weight is calculated based on a BMI of 23.

Can you trust the resulting estimate?

Yes. Adult weight estimates are based on the results of authoritative research by the World Health Organization (WHO). Weight assessment from birth to 18 years of age is carried out according to a separate special method, also developed by WHO.

Why is gender not taken into account?

The BMI of adults is assessed in the same way for both men and women - this is justified by the results of statistical studies. At the same time, for weight assessment, gender and age are of fundamental importance.

Some other weight calculator gives a different result. What to believe?

There are a huge number of calculators designed to give an estimate of weight based on height and gender. But their formulas, as a rule, were developed in the last century by individuals or groups based on criteria that are unknown to you or do not suit you (for example, formulas for evaluating athletes).

The WHO recommendations used in this calculator are developed for ordinary modern people, taking into account the conditions of modern life, advances in medicine and based on recent observations of the population of all continents of the planet. Therefore, we trust only this technique.

I think the result should be different.

Evaluation is based solely on the height and weight you provide (and age and gender for children). In case of unexpected results, please double-check all entered data. Also, make sure that you do not belong to any of those whose weight cannot be assessed through the body mass index.

My result is underweight, but I want to lose more weight

There is nothing unusual in this, many professional models, dancers, ballerinas do just that. However, in this case, it is recommended to lose weight only under the supervision of a nutritionist and endocrinologist, so as not to harm your health. if it means something to you.

My result is normal, but I consider myself fat (or thin)

If you have concerns about your figure, then we recommend that you go in for fitness, having previously consulted a good nutritionist.

Please note that some elements of the figure are almost impossible to correct only with the help of fitness, exercise, diet, or a combination of both. Your goals should be analyzed by an experienced doctor in order to assess their reality, consequences and prescribe only the right procedures.

My result is pre-obesity (or obesity), but I do not agree with this

If you are an athlete with increased muscle mass, then BMI weight assessment is simply not intended for you (this is mentioned in). In any case, for an accurate individual weight assessment, contact a nutritionist - only in this case you will receive an authoritative result with a doctor's seal.

Why am I considered too thin or fat even though my weight is normal?

Pay attention to the personality and weight of those people who bother you. As a rule, they judge exclusively by themselves: subjectively. Fat people always consider thin people to be skinny, and thin people consider fat people to be fat, moreover, both of them can have a healthy weight. Take into account social factors: try to exclude or stop those judgments in your address that are based on ignorance, envy or personal hostility. Only an objective assessment of BMI is worthy of trust, which clearly indicates the norm, excess or deficiency of mass; and trust your anxieties about the figure only to supportive people of your weight category or a doctor.

How to calculate body mass index (BMI)?

It is necessary to divide the weight indicated in kilograms by the square of the height indicated in meters. For example, with a height of 178 cm and a weight of 69 kg, the calculation will be as follows:
BMI = 69 / (1.78 * 1.78) = 21.78

Good day, dear blog readers and just random passers-by! Today I want to dedicate this post to all those who are actively looking for and interested in information about being overweight.

An article on the stages and types of obesity in men, women and children (photo), how to determine the BMI and degree (table), whether they take to the army and how many kg a person has at 1,2 and 3 degrees. Here you will find comprehensive answers to all questions regarding the diagnosis of excess weight and the prognosis of future life.

I congratulate everyone on the first day of 2012 and I hope that you will spend the long weekend with benefit, and not just sitting stupidly at the TV. It's time to start doing some kind of sport or fitness in the gym. Already now you can prepare for the new summer season, because you will not have time to look back, and spring is already knocking, as they say.

Every person needs to physically load themselves, and not just those who will be discussed in this article. For example, I have a BMI of 22, but this does not mean that I can relax, there is always the opportunity to increase this level to 30, for example. Therefore, I do fitness 3 times a week, which is what I wish you.

How to determine the degree of obesity

Determining the degree of obesity in women and men is necessary to assess the severity of the disease. There are several methods for assessing the degree of obesity. What methods and how they are used, let's figure it out.

Due to our mentality and folk traditions, fullness (obesity) is still not considered a disease. And this is bad, because this condition can lead to more serious disorders in the body, such as impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes, at least.

Types of obesity in men

If you think that men can gain weight and store fat in a male pattern, then you are wrong. Recently, there are more and more men who have a female form of obesity, as in the photo below (on the left, the distribution of fat by female type).

Fortunately, this type is quite rare, most often you can see "beer tummies" like this one. This is the most dangerous type in terms of the development of metabolic disorders and requires urgent treatment.

Waist to hip ratio

To determine the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular complications, the ratio: waist circumference / hip circumference is used. Normally, for men, this indicator should be no more than 1.0, and for women - no more than 0.85. If these figures are higher, then the risk of developing complications in the face of type 2 diabetes increases.

Waist measurement

Another important indicator is the size of the waist. Normally, in men, it should not exceed 94 cm, and in women - 80 cm. Exceeding these indicators also leads to an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to being overweight, there are other risk factors for developing diabetes, and which you can find out from the article.

Degrees of obesity in children

Each person has the opportunity to calculate his ideal weight and begin to implement measures to reduce his real weight in order to avoid the appearance in the future.

But, however, it is worth considering that these calculation formulas are not very suitable for children and athletes. This is due to different proportions in children and the predominance of muscle mass in athletes and bodybuilders. In this section, we consider the problem of diagnosing excess weight in small representatives of humanity.

Unfortunately, I state the fact that the incidence of obesity among children is steadily growing every year. In Russia, it has not yet become an epidemic, but in developed countries, doctors and scientists are literally screaming that overweight children are approaching a critical point.

If the Russians continue to adhere to the Western standard of living and inspire their children with their values, then in a dozen years a similar fate awaits us too (see photo above). Take care of your children! After all, excess weight is not only chubby cheeks and soft rounded shapes, but also a lot of concomitant pathology.

Children, just like adults, can get obesity of the first, second, and even third degree. This is especially true for adolescents and children of the first years of life. Since it is during this period that there is an active division of adipose tissue cells.

When can a child be considered to have a weight problem?

If you suspect a child has weight disease, then you can quickly and easily calculate BMI, which correlates with fat mass in both adults and children, and as recommended by the WHO. I wrote about this formula at the beginning of the article. The evaluation of the calculation results is similar, namely:

  • overweight corresponds to a BMI of 25 to 30
  • obesity of the 1st degree corresponds to a BMI from 30 to 35
  • obesity of the 2nd degree corresponds to a BMI from 35 to 40
  • obesity of the 3rd degree corresponds to a BMI of more than 40

Degrees of obesity in children in tables

But this method is very rough and does not take into account children's parameters. Pediatric endocrinologists use a more accurate method - the use of percentile or centile tables, which compares the weight, height, sex and age of children. Agree that this method is more individual. A child's body weight is considered overweight when the indicator is within the 85-95th centile, and obesity starts at the 95th centile.

Modern centile tables were created recently in 2006 based on the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS). They are created in each country, taking into account national characteristics. They use a system of standard deviations (SDS - standard deviation score). WHO uses standard deviations of -1, -2, -3 SDS, median, and +1, +2, +3 SDS.

Based on WHO recommendations, obesity in children and adolescents should be defined as +2.0 SDS BMI, and overweight from +1.0 to +2.0 SDS BMI. Below I give a photo of the official table for boys from 2 to 5 years old and show how to use it correctly (click on the image to enlarge it). Then you can for all ages and calculate already for your child.

So, in the first column you see the age - year / month, in the second column you see the age in months, we skip the next three. We look at the last 7 columns. The median column means the average BMI for this age and is considered normal if your indicator fits into the indicators between the -1SD and 1SD columns.

If the BMI is from 1SD to 2SD, then this indicates that the child is overweight. If more than 2SD - obesity.

Still there is not in the form of tables, but in the form of graphs. Here, whichever is more convenient for you. The chart looks like this. I took as an example the BMI for boys from 5 to 19 years old (the picture is clickable)

Here you see 5 lines that divide the chart into 6 intervals. The BMI is read as the norm, which falls between the yellow lines. Horizontally is age, and vertically is BMI. I hope you remember how to calculate it.

As you can see, this graph does not indicate SD, but the centiles that I spoke about at the beginning. Thus, the old and modern designation are combined. .

With what degree of obesity they take to the army

This question interests many young people, as well as their parents. After all, complete recruits can become the subject of ridicule and bullying among more slender comrades. When I was still working in a state hospital, I had to fill out a bunch of acts from the military registration and enlistment office for obesity, and some recruits had to serve our Motherland.

And all because not all overweight men fall under the exemption and even deferment. When you come to the commission, they weigh you there, measure your height and calculate your BMI. According to the results of the calculation, a diagnosis of "Obesity" is made and a referral is given to an endocrinologist for examination. Guaranteed to serve young people with 1 degree of obesity and overweight.

Those with grade 2 obesity receive a delay of 6 months, then all over again. And those who have grown their body to the 3rd degree of obesity most often receive a life-long exemption from service, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes with the third degree they can only give a reprieve and later you have to repeat everything again. According to BMI 4, the degree of obesity does not exist.

That's all for me. Exercise and your body will thank you! What sport do you do? How do you feel about him in general?

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

BMI, or body mass index, is an indicator that allows you to assess how much a person's body weight corresponds to his height. It is easy to calculate it. To do this, body weight in kilograms must be divided by height in meters squared.

For example, if you weigh 70 kg and your height is 1 m 65 cm, then your BMI will be 70/1.652 = 25.7 kg/m 2.

To evaluate this indicator, one should refer to the table developed by the World Health Organization.

In other words, if your BMI is over 25 kg/m2, you should consider losing weight.

Advanced: Body Fat Percentage Measurement

In recent years, many doctors have criticized the definition of overweight using body mass index. The fact is that BMI is a very average indicator. It is completely unsuitable, for example, for athletes: they have very developed muscles, due to this they weigh a lot, but this weight cannot be called superfluous. Does not take into account BMI and age or, say, gender characteristics. Meanwhile, over time, it is quite natural for a person to gain body weight within certain limits, and women with the same BMI as men are likely to have more fat.


Measure your waist!

Not only how much fat is in the body plays a role in maintaining health, but also where it is located. For both women and men, the fat located around the waist (it is called abdominal) is especially dangerous. It can be deposited both under the skin and around the internal organs. This significantly complicates their work, causing serious disruptions in the body. Abdominal obesity seriously increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular accidents. Measure the waist: for men, its volume should not exceed 94 cm, for women - 80 cm. If it is larger, it is necessary to lose weight.

Therefore, now in addition to determining BMI, body composition analysis is usually prescribed. Excess weight is not an excess of muscles, not water, but namely adipose tissue. That is what needs to be discovered. Paradoxically, such an excess is often observed in people with a normal BMI. Such people also need to adjust their figure: it is not necessary to go on a diet, but it is very worth doing physical education. It will strengthen the muscles in which fat burns.

To find out the percentage of fat allows bioimpedance analysis of body composition. A weak electric current is passed through the body, changing its frequency. Different tissues have different resistance to electricity, and this makes it possible to determine how much body weight is due to muscle mass, which is to bones, and which is to fat. If bioimpedance analysis is not performed at the medical facilities available to you, you can arrange a similar procedure at home. To do this, it is enough to buy an electronic scale with the function of determining fat. The principle of their work is the same, but they are less accurate, for example, they can rank the water contained in the body as fat mass. But for determining the dynamics of weight loss, this is still a good option.

In order to understand whether it is worth losing weight, you need to know your normal weight and excess, if any. For many, the question of how to determine excess weight remains a mystery. There are many methods that allow you to independently calculate the optimal body weight.

The most popular formula for getting your ideal weight is as follows:
Height (cm) - 100 - 10% (for a man) or 15% (for a woman). Thus, for example, a man's height is 164 cm, then we get the following calculation:

164 - 100 - 10% \u003d 57.6 (kg) - this is your ideal weight at which the body will work normally and you will feel great. You just have to weigh yourself and carry out the necessary calculations, that is, subtract from the fact that we have the ideal weight parameter. For example, you weigh 60 kg, which means that with a height of 164 you can throw off only 2.4 kg.

With a similar growth in a woman, we get:

164 - 100 - 15% = 54.4 (kg).
This formula is the simplest, but today we will look at a few more methods for detecting excess weight.

Body mass index

BMI is an effective method of how to determine excess weight. The value obtained during the calculations allows you to see the degree of correspondence between a person’s height and his mass. As a result, you will understand whether the mass is insufficient or excessive, and may be optimal for you.
According to the formula, body weight in kilograms is divided by twice the sum of height indicators in meters. The measurement is made in kg/m².

The mass of a person is 75 kg, and his height is 180 cm. From this it follows that the index will be equal to:
75: (1.8 × 1.8) = 23.15 - this is the BMI.

You can determine whether the weight is normal in accordance with the growth according to BMI using the table. In our case, the weight is normal, weight loss is not required. If the BMI level is below 16, then a severe underweight is predicted, the person needs to gain weight. A level of 16 to 18.5 indicates light weight and mass gain is desirable.

An indicator from 18.5 to 24.99 shows that the weight is completely normal (as in our example). From 25 to 30 indicates a slight excess weight, it is desirable to lose weight. An indicator of 30-35 demonstrates a serious problem - obesity. From 35 to 40 BMI indicates the presence of obesity in the second degree, and from 40 the third degree begins. But the conclusions of BMI can be relative, since for professional athletes this method of calculating excess fat is not suitable. Here you need to use a special technique that can calculate the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue.

Definition with weights and folds

A fairly simple method is the usual weighing. Modern scales have the function of determining the fat percentage from the mass of a weighing person. Such scales show the percentage of fat, and you already independently determine whether it exceeds the norm. For a man, a normal percentage is from 12 to 18, and for a woman, 18-25. You will not know the amount of excess fat in grams in this way, but you will understand whether you need to follow the direction of losing weight.

You can also understand if you have excess fat thanks to your tummy. Sit on a chair and measure the crease that has formed on the stomach, taking it with your thumb and forefinger. For a woman, the allowable norm is from 5 to 10 centimeters maximum, and for a man from 2 to 5. According to experts, if the size of the fold is from 10 centimeters, then we can assume that the person is overweight. This approach will not allow you to identify the exact number that you need to reset, but it will tell you whether to worry about it.


How to determine excess weight in more detail, the doctor can tell you. In clinical settings, it is possible to resort to bioimpedance analysis. It will help determine the exact content of bone, fat and muscle mass in your body. After receiving the results, if necessary, an individual treatment of obesity or underweight is prescribed. This method allows you to identify hidden fat, which very often cannot be diagnosed using ordinary weighing.