How to call a good spirit at home. Who can be called during the day from the other world

In childhood, probably, each of us tried to call a creature. Someone did it out of interest, someone wanted to fulfill wishes, and someone wanted to scare a friend. Growing up, we began to get further from this subtle world, faith in miracles faded away. Many do not notice the existence of the other world next to us.

But still, you can be sure of the existence of something supernatural, as mentioned in legends, children's horror stories and stories. If you decide to invoke a wish-fulfilling spirit, then you probably still believe in miracles, or maybe you feel the proximity of creatures invisible to the human eye.

Call rules

In order not to spoil the connection with our and the other world, you must follow some simple rules:

Get ready to call the spirit in advance. Wrong behavior on your part can frighten him away. The consequences can be very different and may not always end positively.

If, nevertheless, you decide to take such a responsible step, get ready and figure out how to properly evoke the spirit of desires. Start with the right wording of your message. It should be specific, clear, not contain empty phrases and unnecessary words. Particles "not" and "or" can confuse the otherworldly being, and your desire can be misinterpreted and, as a result, incorrectly fulfilled.

The price that you are willing to pay for this must be discussed immediately after pronouncing the desire. The fee must match your requirements. And if you forget about this point, the spirit can set the price itself. Usually this is the energy or health of the person asking, and maybe his close relatives.

When sufficiently powerful rituals are performed, payment in hair, nails, or blood may be charged, and a small sacrifice may also be performed. But it is better for ordinary people not to get carried away with such things, and leave it to experienced magicians. Also, do not forget to mention that you will only pay once. Some spirits may take advantage of missing this point and attempt to charge multiple times.

Preparing for the summoning ritual

When you feel completely ready for the meeting, you can proceed to the beginning of the ritual, the main thing is to be completely concentrated on the process and not be distracted by anything.

Calling the Spirit of Desire for Beginners

For beginners, it is better to limit yourself to calling a not too powerful creature. It can be a brownie or some other weak spirit. They can grant simple wishes and charge a small fee for it. For example, sweets or milk.

A rustle, a howl of the wind, or any other extraneous and unusual noise will be signs that the spirit has heard and accepted your request for execution.

Ritual for more experienced mages

This option is suitable for people who already had some experience of communicating with the other world. Here you can make a secret wish, since the spirit that visits you will have greater power than in the previous ritual.

But sweets or milk are not suitable as payment for the service. You will have to pay with something that is dear to you, either in blood, hair or nails.

  • Close the windows - the room should not get sunlight.
  • Remove objects from the room that can glow or reflect something in themselves. Light should come only from candles. Place a saucer with your gift next to the candles.
  • Now you will need full concentration on your desire. You will need to close your eyes and turn your back to the saucer.

Say three times: “I call upon the spirit of the fulfilling desire. I beg you, come and help me." After that, you need to wait for the appearance of the creature. A sign can be extraneous noise, cold or, on the contrary, heat, as well as just the feeling of someone else nearby.

At this time, you should not open your eyes and turn to the spirit. Just in a whisper, barely audible, say your request, and then talk about the gift. If the spirit is satisfied with your offerings, it will surely fulfill the desire.

Calling the spirit with a mirror

This option should be done at night. And you need to be more prepared for it. For this you need:

  • candles;
  • mirror;
  • water - it is advisable to take from a holy source.

Work on the wording of your desire in advance. You will have to pronounce it quickly and there should be no mistakes.

  1. So, at midnight, preferably on a full moon, you need to stand in front of an open window.
  2. Pour water into a deep plate, and lower the mirror there. There should be no other mirrors in the room. Otherwise, the spirit will be able to move into them and stay.
  3. Say the phrase: " Appear to me the spirit of desire, help me ».

Soon a silhouette will begin to appear in the mirror. At this time, you need to make a wish. Don't hesitate, speak quickly and clearly. And then say what the creature will get in return. After that, you need to quickly get the mirror out of the water, and pour the water out.

It is desirable to pour out on the street, over the left shoulder. This is necessary to prevent the performer from leaving the mirror and staying in your home.

The more complex the desire, the longer it will take to fulfill it. And this ritual should not be resorted to too often.

How to summon a Good or Evil Spirit

Good spirits include angels, the souls of deceased relatives and other light beings. In order for a good spirit to visit you, the desire should consist only of bright thoughts and good thoughts. Therefore, before the ritual, a deep cleaning is required not only of the body, but also of the soul. Meditation, light music, complete relaxation will help you with this.

If you want to conduct the ceremony during the day, then there are two options for conducting it.



This option can be done at home.

Night rite of calling the spirit of desires

If you decide to perform the ceremony at night, then you will need

  • Candle.
  • Needle.
  • Thread.
  • White paper.

On paper, you will need to draw a circle and cut it out. There it will be necessary to write the words “Yes”, “No”, “I will” and “I will not”.

At midnight, you will need to light a candle, put a prepared white circle next to it and take a needle and thread in your right hand. Then you will need to start calling the spirit. After you feel his appearance, you must clearly pronounce your request and reap the answer. The answer is the direction of the needle. If the creature refuses you, then you do not need to insist.

  • Evil spirits can be much more powerful than good beings. Usually these are demons or embittered spirits of dead people. Nothing good can be expected from the performer here.
  • They will charge a serious fee, in comparison with good spirits. You can't get away with simple sweetness. You may have to make some serious sacrifices.

There are far more rituals to summon demons or other evil beings than good ones. It is more difficult to prepare for them, and even a simple magician cannot do this. These rituals are described in detail in magical books, access to which is not available to everyone.

Although you now know how to invoke the spirit of the fulfilling desire, you should not get carried away with this. Don't disturb the same entity very often. This can make him angry, and this will eventually backfire on you. It is better to rely on your own strengths and capabilities to fulfill your dream, and only as a last resort turn to the other world.

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How to summon spirits

Calling the spirit with scissors at home

Calling ritual with a needle

Often lower beings come to the call of novice mediums. They may even impersonate the spirit you want to talk to, but their main goal is to scare you and take away a bit of life energy from you.

Do not try to call the souls of famous people, writers, musicians, poets, especially in the initial stages. Such souls are constantly tormented by the world of the living, therefore, they either do not come to calls to newcomers at all, or they do, but nothing good should be expected from such visits. The easiest way is to call the soul of one of your deceased relatives or acquaintances with whom you had a strong energy connection. Nevertheless, before summoning the spirit of your old acquaintance, try to remember if you offended him with something during your lifetime? The fact is that souls often remember all grievances, and can be very vindictive.

Seances are often held by whole groups of people. Such rituals are especially difficult to conduct due to the fact that they impose certain requirements on all those present, in particular, each of the participants must certainly believe in the success of the ceremony. At the same time, with a competent approach, group spiritualistic sessions can be much more successful than single ones, since each participant receives the energy necessary for the ceremony.
How can you summon spirits alone

Not everyone dares to summon spirits alone. To do this, you need to be very well prepared both mentally and physically.

To call the spirit on your own, you need to follow a number of rules:
the session should be carried out at night, the greatest activity of the souls of the dead falls on the time from 12 o'clock at night to 4 o'clock in the morning;
the ritual should be carried out by the light of candles made of natural wax, there should not be any electric lighting;
all questions that you want to ask the spirit must be written down in advance on a piece of paper, from which they are subsequently read out;
to make it easier for the spirit to enter the room, you can open a window or window;
on your body there should be no jewelry and any other metal objects;
before the session, they fumigate the room with incense, which has excellent properties that repel lower entities;
after the end of the session, you need to thank the spirit and order to leave the room and not return;
to protect yourself, you should not try to call three or more spirits at the same time;
do not drink alcohol before the ritual.

Calling the spirit with scissors at home

Careful preparation for the ritual is the key to its success.

In addition to the already standard ways of conducting a seance, there are other rituals that allow you to establish a connection with the spirit of a deceased person. One of these methods is the rite with scissors. This magical ritual requires the participation of two people. In the ceremony, in addition to scissors, you will also need: a red ribbon and some kind of spiritual book.

Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings are on the outside. After that, the book must be tightly tied with a prepared ribbon. When these preparations are made, grasp the rings of the scissors with your little fingers and call for the desired spirit. As soon as the entity answers your call, you will notice that the book sways a little from side to side. After that, you can safely ask the spirit questions that interest you. If the spirit answers the question positively, the book will noticeably turn to the right, if the answer is negative, to the left.
How to call spirits during the day with a witch board

Self-manufacturing of the board will not affect the quality of the seance in any way.

Several people must participate in this magical rite. Draw an even circle on paper using a compass. On the outside of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet, and on the inside, the numbers from 0 to 9. You can draw a vertical line in the center and write the words “yes” and “no” above and below it.
When the witch circle is ready, you can proceed directly to the rite of summoning the spirit. Although a seance can be held during daylight hours, it is desirable that the room be in twilight, for this you need to hang curtains made of thick fabric on the windows and light several church or other candles made of natural wax.

In addition to drawing paper with letters and numbers, for the ceremony you will also need a new saucer, on the underside of which you will need to draw an arrow with dark paint.
When all preparations are made, all participants should sit side by side, around the sorcery board. After that, the medium takes a saucer in his hands, warms it up a little over the fire of a candle and puts it in the very center of the drawn circle. After that, the words of the call of the spirit are read and its appearance is expected.
Calling ritual with a needle

The needle can be used not only in this ritual. Also, with the help of a needle, the sex of the unborn child is determined.

The ritual of calling spirits with a needle is practically no different from the spiritualistic session described above. To conduct this rite, you must also prepare or buy a witch's board, only instead of a saucer you need to use a pendulum, which will act as a needle.

When the Ouija board is ready, take a needle with a black thread, hold the pendulum in your right hand and say the words of the spirit's call: "Spirit (such and such), come to my call." These words must be repeated three times. After that, wait a while, and try to concentrate on your feelings. As soon as you feel something strange, someone's presence nearby, ask the first question: "Spirit (such and such), are you here?". Usually the spirit, if it comes, answers immediately.

As soon as the spirit comes and speaks about it, you can proceed to pronouncing the questions that interest you. To get an answer, you need to move your hand with a pendulum along the drawn circle and write down the letters on which the needle stops briefly. The first spiritualistic sessions can be difficult, since it is not so easy to get used to the behavior of the needle, however, after some time of practice, you will learn in a split second to notice the response of the spirit that comes at the tip of the needle

Many peoples believed that spirits are able to provide a living person with their patronage and protection, bring good luck, good health, and family well-being to life. Stories about this still excite the hearts and minds of people, therefore the question of how to summon a spirit is still relevant today. In fact, there are a huge number of different rituals, the purpose of which is to call the spirit, and some of these rituals are completely safe and even beginners can use them.

In order to summon spirits, you need to take it very seriously - this is not a game.

Calling a spirit is a difficult task, but almost anyone can handle it, following certain rules. First you need to learn as much as possible about spirits in general. For example, you should not take on the challenge of the soul of a deceased person until you understand that the mood of the spirit can be changeable. In addition, not every entity should be trusted unconditionally, remember that you do not have any power over the spirit, and nothing prevents the evil entity from deceiving you, misleading you for some unknown benefit.

When working with different spirits, you need to remember different features. For example, if you are going to call the soul of your deceased loved one so that he will reveal the future to you, then you may also not wait for the truth. If very serious troubles await you in the future, illness of loved ones or death, then the spirit can simply hide this information from you so that you do not get upset ahead of time.

If you communicate competently with the called entity, do not offend her in any way, then you can count on receiving a wide variety of information, help in difficult life situations, and even protection. There are cases when spirits helped to find the loss.

In this article:

Since ancient times, people have turned to various spirits for help in solving various life problems. Otherworldly forces can always both provide significant support to a person and harm him, but they are always able to give answers to questions of interest, because they know much more than any of the mortals.

It is impossible to say unequivocally about who can be fearlessly summoned from the spirits. Many entities are able not only to help and provide information, but also to harm. Therefore, you need to turn only to good spirits.

Simple Spirit Summoning Technique

There are many different magical rituals, the main purpose of which is to summon an otherworldly entity. In some of them, the performer is required to fulfill many difficult conditions, make sacrifices, etc. But there are also simple methods that allow you to contact the right spirit, the most accessible of which is a rite with a witch's board.

What kind of spirit and how to call with a witch board

Hex board variant

The witch board is a universal tool for any spiritualist. It allows you to contact a variety of entities, from the spirits of dead people, to representatives of dark forces and natural entities. The main advantages of this way of communicating with the spirit are accessibility, safety and simplicity. Subject to certain rules, you will not risk anything at all, in addition, even a Ouija board (or its likeness) can be created independently.

Creating a board

An analogue of a witch's board can be made from a simple sheet of cardboard or whatman paper. For this you will need: material, compasses, felt-tip pen, a simple saucer.

Draw on a piece of paper a simple circle with a diameter two to three times the size of the chosen saucer. On the outer side of the circle, you need to write the letters of the Russian (or other) alphabet in any order, as well as the numbers from 0 to 9. From the top of the circle, you need to write the words “Hello” and “Yes”, and from the bottom - “Farewell” and “No”. In addition, on one of the edges of the saucer you need to draw an arrow (the saucer can be replaced with a pendulum).

Spirit Summoning Ritual

It is better to start the rite of summoning the spirit after midnight, it is important to remember that the fortuneteller should be dressed in simple clothes. It is also worth removing all jewelry and metal objects from yourself, they will not provide any help in the ritual, but they can harm. If the ritual is performed with the participation of several people, then each of those present must fulfill these requirements.

Before the start of the ritual, it is also necessary to open a window or window, which will simplify the process of getting the spirit into the home, as well as turn off the lights and all electrical appliances, the only source of light should be simple natural wax candles.

In order for a simple ritual not to turn into a tragedy, the performer must clearly know what kind of spirit he invokes. When all the preparations are completed, put the prepared sheet of paper (witch board) in the center of the table, warm the saucer a little on the candle fire, place it in the center of the board and you can proceed to the action itself.

Touch the saucer with your fingertips (if several people participate in the ritual, everyone should do the same), and say the words: “Spirit (name of the spirit), come.” The words must be repeated until you clearly feel the presence of the spirit in the room, or until the saucer starts to move. When the spirit appears, first of all, say hello to him (he should do the same), and only after that start asking questions that interest you.
When all questions have been asked, everyone present should say goodbye to the spirit. And then persistently ask him to leave the home forever.

What spirit is better to invoke

The very opportunity to summon an otherworldly entity and communicate with it arouses great interest in this process, especially among young people. Those who were in the children's camp not only tried to call the ubiquitous mermaids and "queens of spades", but also heard many scary stories about what bad things happened to people who dealt with such calls.

Most of these stories are children's horror stories, but they are united by one simple truth - you should not try to call something unknown. All these mermaids and ladies of spades are flare, but in the process of calling them, a person can really open the doors to other worlds, from where not the most pleasant entities can crawl out. Such spirits not only can and know how to harm people, but they will definitely do it at the first opportunity.

Brownie loves treats

Among the "children's" summoning rituals, now and then quite interesting rituals flicker, which, perhaps, really have some kind of power. As an example, consider the safe ritual of calling a brownie.

The brownie should be called only by the owner of the house or a blood relative of the owner. The ritual must be carried out in the dark. Put some treat for the brownie on a saucer and place it on a table covered with a clean tablecloth.

Turn away from the saucer and call the owner of the house three times, moreover, you need to address him very respectfully, for example, “Father” or “Grandfather”. Say the words three times

"Father, come to me for a treat, but for fellowship."

After that, listen, the brownie should appear behind you. Whatever happens next, you need to remember one thing: never look back.

As soon as you feel someone's presence behind you. You can start asking questions, having previously agreed on the conditions, since the brownie will not talk to you, but may perform some actions that will symbolize the answer. For example, you can first say clearly:

“Father, if yes, your answer, touch me on the right shoulder, if not, on the left.”

As soon as all questions are answered, release the brownie, and bury the remaining treat under a tree not far from the house.

Finally, I would like to once again warn novice magicians against calling unknown entities and recall one old legend. One day a young girl asked an old woman to teach her how to summon demons. The old woman took a piece of bread and led the girl to the pond. When the old woman threw the bread into the water, he was surrounded by a flock of fry, pinching off a piece from the crumb. And then the sorceress said: "this is how your soul will be tormented by whole hordes of demons."

At all times, people were attracted by the theme of the unknown. What can I say, from ancient times, grandmothers were treated with herbal preparations, and more serious magicians faced evil spirits face to face. Such studies do not go unnoticed, and many living people have been genetically given a predisposition or even a gift for esotericism.

The very concept of esotericism can be represented as a volume of a large book, where many chapters are written with the names of the types of magic and the theory of its action. The medium is engaged in the challenge and communication with the spirits. It is the link between the world of the dead and the world of the living. With it, you can communicate with deceased relatives, learn about their needs or about your future, get answers to unsolvable questions. Nowadays, the practice of communicating with spirits is most common in regions where shamanism flourishes. These are Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, Altai, Khakassia.

The concept of spiritualism

Spiritualism is a religious and philosophical doctrine. Officially, it appeared in the middle of the XIX century. Some sources claim that this type of mystical teaching originated in France, others in the USA. In fact, people began to communicate with spirits much earlier, during the ancient Maya.

Nowadays, spiritualism is practiced by:

  • shamans;
  • mediums;
  • sorcerers.

Calling a good spirit without the help of a psychic is, by and large, possible. If we talk about who can be called at home during the day, then the brownie will be the most affordable option. This essence is always next to us in our native walls. If you live for a long time in one place and do a good housework, then he will probably have a positive attitude towards you and there will be no harm from communicating with him.

Who else can be summoned from good spirits? In addition to the brownie, the call of the spirit during the day can fall on dead relatives. They, unlike popular opinion, do not leave life, but remain in a different shell and have the opportunity to visit their family. Try to invite a relative to a conversation, remember which of the dead proved to be the most harmless during their lifetime.

Surely you have heard cases when family members who left this world came to their loved ones with a warning of an impending disaster or with a request for something. Why don't we, the living, try to communicate with a dear person and, on our own initiative, get in touch? But if we judge who can be called from peaceful spirits, then it is better not to opt for the deceased relatives, since very often, according to old memory, they are ready to cuff their descendants for wrong deeds or bad thoughts.

Calling the spirit on the street

If you are thinking about how to summon a spirit on the street, then you need to remember that you cannot do this alone. You need to have friends or like-minded people with you. Calling spirits outdoors during the day is considered safer than nighttime or solitary sessions. There will be many people around you and you will be able to call for help if you feel danger.

Consequences of esoteric connections

If we consider the challenge as a game and a theatrical performance, then there will be no special consequences for this. But if you seriously decided to call on the spirit, you should know that even when you managed to see the essence, there are no guarantees that it is a kind soul that will respond to your voice. Very often, instead of positive characters, evil ones come, who subsequently remain with the person who performed the ceremony and feed on his energy. As a result, a person falls ill, falls into depression.

The call of the spirit is the most mysterious spiritual practice of all available to mankind. This is a powerful and dangerous skill, not for everyone, but if you are enthusiastic and want to try it, we hardly have the right to interfere with you. However, laying out a brief description of the ritual without safety precautions is like giving a recruit a wrench and sending him off to clear a bomb. It is quite possible that this bomb will go off in the wrong hands.

Perhaps the spirit will get out of control, will not be who you expected to see, and instead of sweet chatter, your séance will end in a bloodbath. We have no right to allow this, so we will consider everything to the smallest detail in advance. So: what should not be expected from the summoned spirit? What pitfalls await you in preparation for the ceremony? And most importantly - why is it so difficult to call the dead nowadays, although the 12th-20th centuries were full of stories about successful spiritualistic sessions?

Why summon spirits?

Most spiritualistic rituals are many hundreds of years old - and for good reason. Once upon a time, calling the spirits was the only way to help yourself and your tribe, to achieve the blessing and protection of your ancestors, to find out the answers to the most burning questions. There were legends about spirits that cursed and killed, inhabiting a person and enslaving his mind - but there were other ghosts.

They could take care of the health of the medium, give him good luck and prosperity, tell about the past and future... In a word, the sessions were reduced to very primitive desires: to get a lot of money, to be cured of gout, to know the name of your lover or beloved. But even simple desires are better than their complete absence - only a madman can disturb the spirit for no reason, solely for entertainment and "for fun".

Buryat dance yokhor - preparation for the rite of summoning spirits

Your happiness, if the spirit simply does not come. Perhaps he will come and be very angry. You disturbed him without formulating a specific task - which means that a spiritual entity that is not subordinate to your idea will receive complete freedom of action. No one guarantees that a ghost summoned for a specific purpose will help you achieve it - but a ghost summoned "just like that" will certainly cause a lot of trouble.

Common myths about summoning spirits

Have you already decided on the purpose of the call? Have a list of questions and requests? So it's time for a game of Truth or Falsehood. So, which rumors about summoning spirits can be trusted and which not?

  • You can call anyone, even a literary character. LIE. Bloody Mary, the Queen of Spades, and three dozen other folklore characters are nothing more than a tulpa, a strong individual or mass hallucination. The minds of people, over and over again appealing to a fictional entity, leave a certain parapsychological imprint on the body of the universe. Later, this impression acquires the features of a real spirit, but remember: it is not real, but invented by you and thousands of people before you. Calling the Queen of Spades is a game of consciousness, not a séance.
  • You can call anyone, even Marilyn Monroe. IS IT TRUE. Whether it is the spirit of Marilyn Monroe or any other famous scientist, writer, musician, poet - he can no doubt be invoked. But there is a problem. We all have come across a situation where the line is “busy”, and it is not possible to get through to the subscriber the first time. As primitive as this comparison may be, it perfectly explains the situation. Calling up the spirit of a celebrity is like calling the White House.
  • The ghost of a loved one will be favorable to you. LIE. But there is a chance that the ghost will remember you and will communicate with you a little more willingly than with someone else. Unfortunately, on the Other Side, a personality is often erased, hardened and loses pieces of memory about our world. It is unlikely that your late grandmother will be able to tell you a recipe for pies.
  • Spirit knows everything about our future. LIE. Spirits know about the future no more than fortune-tellers who procrastinate your palm and ask you to gild their pen. They, no doubt, can tell something long and fascinating - but this only means that the ghost is vampire energy, distracting you with detailed chatter. Some spirits are sensitive to lines of probability - they can really foresee the future, but only at the level of conjecture and no more than a week ahead. But almost all spirits are able to find the lost thing in real time.
  • Spirits prefer spiritual books. LIE. You can invoke the spirit with the help of a red ribbon, scissors and a math textbook (the method is described in detail in the following chapters). The fact is that spiritual books can set you up in a mystical way and prepare you for a challenge - but the ghosts themselves are deeply indifferent to them.
  • Spirits are very vindictive. IS IT TRUE. If even for a second it seemed to you that the ghost was not pleased with the session, do not call him again. It is possible that the offense inflicted on the spirit is much deeper and stronger than you thought. All jokes about "female logic" pale in comparison with ghostly logic. Sometimes spirits come up with grievances out of the blue - and they never forget about them.
  • The spirits are so weak that they can hardly cope with the saucer on the Ouija board. LIE. The physical strength of the spirit is not measured according to the laws of our world, and a ghost, barely moving a saucer, can get nervous and bring down half of the house.
  • There is no language barrier when communicating with spirits. LIE. The entities called from the Other side will surely be able to understand you - but they will answer in their own language. If you are countrymen and should understand each other, but the ghost is talking nonsense - perhaps the memory of the entity was damaged, and he lost most of his communication skills.
  • All spirits love sweets. LIE. A Wisconsin ghost ate oranges, plastic bags, and M&M's with equal gusto, a Venetian ghost preferred ox's blood, and a Glaswegian brownie would appear whenever you offered him a saucer of novocaine. Be careful - perhaps one of the ghosts wants your blood, not candy.
  • The ghost causes interference in the radio and causes the lights to flicker. IS IT TRUE. Most entities, in contact with the world of the living, affect the conductivity of materials and disrupt broadcasting over a whole range of radio frequencies.
  • The spirit will not go beyond the circle. LIE. A line drawn in chalk means nothing to a paranormal entity. In the Middle Ages, truly reliable symbolic circles for holding spirits were developed, but the description of the technology for creating paint and clear circle schemes have long been lost.

Preparing to summon the spirit

So, you already know why you want to call the spirit, and you understand what you can expect from it. Properly prepare for the séance by setting a time in advance and carefully considering the reason for the meeting. If necessary, make a list of questions ahead of time. If you will call a ghost in the company - choose a medium; the absence of a clear hierarchy in the calling group will negatively affect the conduct of the session.

The main instrument of the medium is the Ouija board.

The best time to call the spirits is from 00:00 to 04:00, but not because "spirits love the night." The fact is that awake people within a radius of a kilometer are a strong, often insurmountable obstacle for a ghost. The brain activity of people in the phase of REM sleep has a similar effect on spirits - living a dream on a parapsychological level is not much different from living a real life.

However, from 12 midnight to 4 am, most people are in a phase of slow sleep - their brain activity is inhibited, and the ghost can focus on the medium and his questions. By the way, the medium must be a truly fixed point in space and time. Ideally, if he spends several days before the call in a room intended for a seance.

Don't risk the electrical wiring and make sure that the session takes place by candlelight. The less working equipment and electrical radiation around you, the better. Clear the room of large metal objects, remove jewelry (especially cheap jewelry). Avoid white clothing - the spectral features of white fabric make it a strong irritant to ghosts and make contact difficult.

Ouija circle to summon spirits (file photo)

Would you like to chat with a man dressed from head to toe in neon pink? That's it. By the way, some advise fumigating the room with incense before the session - supposedly, it drives away evil lower entities, but does not prevent the appearance of good ones. This is not so - incense reduces the conductivity of spiritualistic energy and creates "noise", through which only a very strong entity can break through - and it is not a fact that she wants to do this.

And finally, talk to your loved ones in advance and ask them to monitor your behavior after the session. There are cases when spirits captured the bodies of unfortunate spellcasters, rebuilding their character and life for themselves. If you want to avoid such a fate, refuse to call the spirits, or at least make sure that when your character changes, your loved ones find out about the root cause and do not write everything off as a “transitional age”. You will need their help.

How to summon a spirit?

Ouija board and saucer ritual

This is the most famous rite, for which you will need a new (this is important!) White saucer and a properly lined and signed board (you can replace it with a sheet of drawing paper). Antique boards contained only corners signed with the words "yes" and "no", the full alphabet and a set of numbers. Sometimes letters and numbers line up in a circle, the left side of the board is assigned to the answer “yes”, and the right side to the “no”. This greatly facilitates the movement of the saucer.

Ancient board Ouija (Ouija) for summoning spirits

By the way, it also needs to be prepared - an arrow is drawn on the outside of the saucer with paint or varnish, after which the saucer is slightly heated over the candle and placed in the center of the Ouija board. There are no specific spells to call the spirit - it is only important that the medium be internally ready for the call and pronounce the name of the spirit as clearly and impressively as possible. Remember: you need to call a ghost with respect, and not in the form of an order.

Be attentive to the movement of the saucer and remember - if the ghost did not appear, there could be a serious and unpleasant reason, which we will discuss in the next chapter. If the spirit has come, do not lose concentration for a second, do not try to argue and/or order with it. Respectful behavior is the key to a calm bloodless session. At the end, the medium must say goodbye to the ghost and turn the spirit over, releasing the essence to the Other Side.

Ouija board and needle ritual

In this case, instead of a heavy and less mobile saucer, a needle suspended on a thread like a pendulum is used. When asking a question, the medium should move his hand over the alphabet and listen to the spontaneous movement of the needle. The letters over which the needle “lingers” should be written out on a blank sheet and compiled into words. The digestible length of the pendulum is 20 cm (40 cm of thread folded in half).

Scheme of a Ouija board for drawing on whatman paper

Ritual with book and scissors

A popular rite, for which you will need a reliable partner who is not prone to hoaxes - you must be sure that he will not twitch his hand, imitating the movement of the book. Scissors should be placed in the middle of the book instead of a bookmark - so that the rings remain outside. The book itself must be tied with a red ribbon - so that the scissors hold tightly between the pages.

You and your partner should each take their own ring of scissors (one fingers, not all five), focus and call the spirit. Movement, trembling, or rocking of the book is a sign that you have been heard. You can ask questions - clear and concise, to which you can answer "yes" or "no". The movement of the book to the right is a positive answer to the question, the movement to the left is a negative one.

Why can't the spirit appear?

This question torments many practitioners and theorists of spiritology - not only beginners, but also professionals studying parapsychological disciplines with special literature. Why is a successful spirit summoning such a rarity these days? And why, in the eighteenth century, séances were a habitual pastime for respectable gentlemen, while in the twentieth they either call no one or end in disaster?

It's all the fault of the government experiment in 1991, which later turned into a whole movement against spiritual practices. At the end of the twentieth century, the number of unsuccessful sessions increased dramatically. The professionalism of mediums was rapidly declining, and the rude and inept behavior of the calling groups led to disastrous consequences. The most resonant were the cases of Jonbenet Ramsey and Elizabeth Short (also known as the Black Dahlia).

Collective séance (file photo)

Elizabeth Short, a twenty-two-year-old Los Angeles resident, was murdered in 1947. Her corpse was torn in half and brutally dismembered, her mouth was cut to the ears, and part of the internal organs were removed. Jonbenet Ramsey is a six-year-old girl from Colorado who was killed in the basement of her parents' house. Despite the fact that these cases are considered unsolved, researchers are inclined to the version of mystical deaths.

After the cruelty and promiscuity of the summoned spirits increased significantly, the security services began to develop anti-ghost stop words that affect the psyche of a potential medium. Already in 1995, leading parapsychologists from sixteen countries were working on the problem, and in 1998, stop words began to be introduced into printed materials about summoning spirits. Later, an article appeared on the Internet, written by anti-ghost activists and concluded with the words:

"We are sorry. From now on, and forever, you will not be able to summon a single damn creature, no matter what method, gleaned from this or other articles, you use. The illustrations and text contain 16 code elements, which, imprinted in the human brain, ensure your complete invisibility and intangibility for spirits.

Even if you read inattentively, a combination of any five elements will be enough so that never, under any circumstances, not a single spirit will hear your call and will not respond to it. We are sorry. We are ruining your plans, but we are doing it in order to protect you. Our world is not meant for Them.”

Thanks to a full-blown campaign on the Internet and in the print media, all resources dedicated to spiritology were flooded with fake articles. People read them - and blocked their minds with code combinations of letters, phrases and pictorial elements. The frequency of successful summoning of spirits has dropped significantly, and the list of brutal mystical murders has noticeably decreased.

Some resources have been cleared of disinformation over time, but many articles on this topic still contain stop words. Spirits do not respond to your call? Alas - there is a chance that you have already been exposed to the anti-ghostly influence of such articles. Research in the field of parapsychology is still ongoing, and the only thing we can advise you is not to despair and trust another medium.

Remember: it is important to communicate with spirits through people whose minds are pure and whose spiritualistic skills are not questioned. But it is even better not to risk your life and not venture into sinister spiritual experiments, which in the worst of cases can end in tragedy.