How to record a conversation on Huawei. How to record a telephone conversation on iPhone and Android smartphone

There are situations when, for example, you are talking to your interlocutor on the phone, he dictates some number, but there is nowhere to write it down, because there is no pen or pencil at hand. Or a boor called your phone. If you record a telephone conversation with him, then in the future he can be brought to administrative or criminal liability. The whole question is: is it possible to record a telephone conversation? We will try to find the answer to this in this article.

Recording using Android OS

How to record a phone conversation? This question has been asked by many gadget users. Some, having searched the Internet for the necessary information and tried a couple of programs, considering them not to provide quality, abandoned the issue, others continued to search, and still others began to develop programs.

But is it really unknown how to record a telephone conversation on a phone? Known. However, it must be taken into account that some states prohibit recording a telephone conversation at the legislative level, which is done by removing those drivers that provide this function. Therefore, if you are the “happy” owner of such a gadget, then all you have to do is install the drivers yourself, for which you will need root access.

Recording on a voice recorder

How to record a telephone conversation on a voice recorder? When making a call, buttons are displayed at the bottom. Among them, you can try to look for the “Record” or “Voice Recorder” buttons. They may not appear explicitly, but a More button may be present, and one of these keys may be present in the menu that opens. For some models, you need to open the menu using the button on the phone and select the appropriate entry there, but keep in mind that the “Dictaphone” entry can be abbreviated.

Conversations are saved in the Call Recording directory, located in the root directory. You can listen to the recording through the call log. Opposite the recorded call, images of the voice recorder reels should be displayed, by clicking on the icon of which you can listen to the recording made.

Thus, we have looked at the easiest way to record a telephone conversation on Android.

Recording on a Samsung phone

Some of the most popular phones are Samsung models. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: “How to record a telephone conversation on a Samsung phone?”

Let's look at this feature using the S5 phone as an example.

The Enable Recording feature is disabled by default on this phone. You can take the simplest route by downloading the appropriate application and recording through it. At the same time, you need to be aware that using such an application, like any other, on your phone may be unsafe.

In addition, this recording can be done by activating a hidden function on the phone. To do this, you can use Xposed or the instructions below.

It is necessary that the phone has factory firmware and you have root rights.

Open the file manager.

Open or, if there is none, then /system/csc/others.xml.

Add a line between FeatureSet and /FeatureSet in the place you like: CscFeature_VoiceCall_ConfigRecording>RecordingAllowed.

Close this file, saving the changes.

Thus, we answered the question: “How to record a conversation on a Samsung phone?”

Call Recording application for Android

There are quite a lot of applications in the Play Market that help answer the question: “How to record a phone conversation on Android?” One such application is Call Recorder. It was developed by the programmer Appliqato, which has a fairly high rating in the Google store. We install this application through the Play Market. Choose the topic you like. Next, check “Add call volume” and, if necessary, set up a cloud to store the recordings made. This will cause any telephone conversation to be automatically recorded. In the menu of this application, you can see the completed recording; you can save it, delete it, repeat the call, or listen to it.

This program allows you to record any incoming and outgoing calls, store them on your gadget or in the Google cloud.

This program prompts the user at the end of the conversation about the need to save the recording. In this case, you can define contacts, the recording of conversations with which will always be saved.

According to reviews, the recording quality in this program is not always very good. If the interlocutor speaks very quickly, it may be difficult to understand him when listening to the recording. Lenovo and Samsung smartphones may freeze altogether.

Therefore, if you do not experience any side effects from using this application, then you can stop with it, and we will go on to find out how to record a telephone conversation.

An application of the same name from another developer

In the program settings, you can select where the recording will be made from - it could be a microphone, voice, line, etc. We select the recording quality, as well as its format. The latter can be mp3 or wav.

This program allows you to save recordings not only to Google Drive, but also to the Dropbox cloud. In addition, the recording is encrypted using a PIN code to prevent eavesdropping by third parties for whom the recording is not intended.

There are hints on each application settings page. Each entry made can be accompanied by a text note.

According to user reviews, this application copes quite well with its inherent functions.

Call Recorder App

When answering the question “How to record a telephone conversation?” I can't help but mention this app. After installing it, in the settings you can select synchronization, which can be carried out with clouds, which were also typical for the previous application in question. Here, conversations are recorded automatically. One of three file saving formats is already possible. Recording can be carried out only of one of the voices of people talking on the phone, or both at once. The recording can be protected with a password.

For each model, you need to try out different options for saving files and recording one or two voices. Depending on the format, recording may be intermittent. To avoid this, you need to experiment with formats.

Call Recording app from lovekara

We have already looked at several ways to record a telephone conversation on your phone. As you can see from the review, the developers are not very imaginative when it comes to names, so the orientation needs to be based on programmers.

Here, during installation, you will be warned that not all phones support call recording. The program automatically records the latter if possible; it will be displayed in the application menu. According to user reviews, the program has proven itself quite well.

CallX - call/conversation recording

With a review of this program, we will finish looking at ways to record a telephone conversation. This is due to the fact that there are many programs and it is impossible to consider them all in one article.

In this program, automatic recording can be activated and deactivated. You can play with the format and quality of the recording. The recording, with unchanged settings, is located in the CallRecords directory. You can also save it to the cloud. Reviews about the program are mostly positive.


Thus, a telephone conversation can be recorded both using the phone itself and using third-party programs. The above applications can help the user in the initial identification of programs, of which there are many more than those described in the article, but other applications have similar functionality to those described and often have the same names.

The call recording function is not something unusual for Android, however, for its full functioning, the smartphone must have special software, which includes numerous mobile applications.

Technical limitations

Recording telephone conversations is illegal in some countries, so smartphone manufacturers often play it safe and disable this feature at the kernel or system library level, despite the fact that it is standard for Android. Therefore, the applications described below may not work for you.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  • Use a different phone model, the creators of which are not so scrupulous in legal matters.
  • Get root rights, and then install a custom kernel, which includes the necessary recording driver. This option does not always work, since one of the conditions is that the phone's chipset supports the selected kernel.

These are the main problems that arise when you need to record a telephone conversation on Android. However, to ensure their presence or absence, you must first download an application for recording conversations.

Call recording Appliqato (Automatic Call Recorder)

One of the most popular and downloaded applications for saving conversations is the program from Appliqato. It is distributed free of charge, but also has a Pro version, which includes several additional features. The main window of the program has two sections - “Inbox” and “Saved”.

In the first you will find recordings of all calls (their number is limited in the settings), in the second - only those conversations that you have saved.

The application does not require any preliminary setup and starts working immediately after installation. You only need to indicate which cloud service to save the recordings to (Google Drive or DropBox).

By default, the recording mode is set to automatic, so when you make a call you will see a red dot at the top.

After the call ends, you will be notified that you have one new entry. You can view it on the “Inbox” tab in the main application window.

If you do not want to record the conversation, turn off automatic mode in the settings. Don't forget to activate it again afterwards, otherwise the app won't work.

In addition to playback, you can perform the following actions with recording:

If you saved the recording and enabled synchronization with a cloud service in the settings, you can find it on Google Drive or Dropbox. In the Google application, the file is located in the “Auto Call Recorder” folder.

Application Settings

The Appliqato call recording application has a convenient settings menu in which you can specify all the significant parameters of the program. In addition to the above possibility of deactivating the program, there are the following functions:

One of the most important sections of the settings is called “Filter” and allows you to specify the number of calls that will be saved in the “Inbox” folder, as well as configure the recording mode.

By default, the Record All mode is selected, but you can set it to ignore all contacts or only certain calls.

Other similar applications

In the Play Market you can find many applications that allow you to record a conversation on Android. They work according to the same scheme and differ mainly in the quality of communication and the presence of additional functions.

Call recording (Clever Mobile)

This program for recording telephone conversations has similar functionality to Appliqato, but differs in some features:

  • Recorded conversations can be blocked from being automatically deleted.
  • Ability to specify channel mode – mono or stereo. Sometimes it helps to improve the recording quality.
  • Supports 3GP and MP4 formats.

Sending recordings becomes available only after purchasing the full version, which is a significant disadvantage compared to Appliqato. In addition, the Clever Mobile application rarely works immediately after installation: you have to select the optimal settings on different models.

Call recording (VictorDegt)

The program has another name - “Call recording and voice recorder (2 in 1).” Unlike the applications described above, the utility from VictorDegt has a built-in voice recorder (in the same Appliqato you need to download it additionally).

The main advantage of the program is manual control of recording, stopping and starting it right during a call. There are several ways to start recording a conversation:

  • By clicking the “Favorites” button (the entry will automatically be added to the “Favorites” folder).
  • By shaking the phone.

In the settings, you can specify the application's operating parameters, including the file duration (do not save short conversations) and the presence of a pause before starting recording.

Automatic Call Recorder (Global Effect)

The main difficulty when choosing an application for recording conversations is the lack of original names. All programs are named the same, with minor differences; they can only be identified by the developer.

This application has the same name as the one described first. The functions of both programs are similar, however, Automatic Call Recorder from Global Effect also has the convenient option of restricting access to recordings by setting a password.


These are just a few programs that have been tested on Android 4.2.2 and showed good results. Hidden recording when using the described applications turns out to be of quite high quality, but sometimes you have to struggle a little with choosing the right settings.

Using a Bluetooth headset for recording is possible in almost all cases, but the quality of the resulting file decreases, so it is better to talk through the built-in microphone and speaker.

Nowadays, many people use smartphones with the Android operating system on board to make calls. It allows you not only to talk, but also to record dialogue in MP3 format. This solution will be useful in cases where you need to save an important conversation for later listening. Today we will analyze in detail the process of recording and listening to calls in different ways.

Today, almost every device supports conversation recording, and it is carried out using approximately the same algorithm. There are two options for saving a recording, let's look at them in order.

Method 1: Additional Software

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the built-in recording due to its limited functionality or its absence, we recommend that you take a closer look at special applications. They provide additional tools, have more detailed configuration, and almost always have a built-in player. Let's look at recording a call using CallRec as an example:

In addition to the program in question, there are a large number of them on the Internet. Each solution offers users a unique set of tools and features, so you can find the apps that best suit your needs. For a more detailed list of popular representatives of this kind of software, see our other article at the link below.

Method 2: Built-in Android Tool

Now let's move on to analyzing the built-in tool of the Android operating system, which allows you to record conversations yourself. Its advantage is that you do not need to download additional software. However, there are also disadvantages in the form of limited capabilities. The process itself is carried out as follows:

Typically, you won't receive any notification that the conversation has been successfully saved, so you need to manually locate the file in your local files. Most often they are located along the following path:

In addition, many players have a tool that displays recently added tracks. There will be a recording of your telephone conversation. The title will contain the date and telephone number of the interlocutor.

Read more about popular audio players for the Android operating system in our other article, which you will find at the link below.

As you can see, the process of recording a telephone conversation on Android is not at all complicated, you just need to choose the appropriate method and configure some parameters, if necessary. Even an inexperienced user can cope with this task, since it does not require any additional knowledge or skills.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine life without mobile devices. We use them not only to communicate with each other, they become for us a player, a camera, a voice recorder, a full-fledged tool for work. With a large number of functions, it is not always possible to quickly understand them. We tell you how you can record telephone conversations on Android gadgets.

How to record a phone conversation on Android

To do this, you can use both standard mobile OS tools and special applications. The choice is yours.

Standard means

Most phones support call recording and have the necessary options for this.

If you cannot find the recorded conversation, use a file manager or connect the device to your computer, this will make it easier to find the recording.

Using special applications

If for some reason the standard method does not suit you, you can always use alternative options.


One of the popular applications that is easy to set up.

Polis Callrecorder

The next program is Polis Callrecorder, you can also download it from the Play Market. After installation, a notification will appear indicating that calls will be recorded automatically.

The app will notify you that automatic recording is enabled

Using the program, you can set a password for a recorded conversation; information about the duration and size of the file is immediately available.

The program allows you to set a password for the recorded file


In addition to the applications presented here, there are others that also deserve attention:

You can record a telephone conversation on your Android device using simple tools. Applications allow you to make preliminary settings, but if you are satisfied with average quality, then it is enough to use the built-in function.

Often, modern people need to record a telephone conversation. To do this, you no longer need to use voice recorders as a separate device or other inconvenient methods. If you have an Android smartphone, the process can be completed easily and quickly. However, few users know about this function and do not understand how to record a conversation on the phone during a call. The article provides a detailed description of such a process, with step-by-step guidance.

Possible restrictions

Before recording a telephone conversation, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features and limitations of the process. Google is in no hurry to include in the Android OS the ability to quickly and easily record telephone conversations. This is due to the fact that in many countries around the world there is a ban on recording voices without the person’s permission. Therefore, the function may not be available in all smartphones, because the company does not seek to break laws.

Despite this fact, some manufacturers make a voice recorder included in a set of standard programs, which is much more functional than it might seem at first. You can use it to record conversations. Manufacturers cannot be held responsible, since all this falls on the user of the equipment himself, and not the manufacturer.

At the moment, there are many third-party utilities that can record communications on a gadget. As a result of legal requirements, the interlocutor is notified before recording begins that the conversation will be recorded after the signal. As a rule, in many cases such a signal is simply turned off, and after recording you can listen directly to the application without using separate players

Before using the functionality, you still need to understand the smartphone model. Samsung Galaxy S users will have the least problems, since recording is performed without additional requirements and complications. Despite this, users of modern devices that have Android version 4.0 and higher may experience certain problems. They often appear among owners of Chinese gadgets, for example, Honor and others.

In certain devices, the necessary software simply does not exist, and in others, the ability to record communications has been removed from the root directory. If there is no driver, then even third-party applications from the Play Store may not work. There is always a way out, and the available methods are presented below.

Options for recording a telephone conversation

To understand how to record a telephone conversation, you need to explore all the possible options presented below. They can be built-in or carried out manually, through applications and other resources. One of them should work.

Built-in tools

Initially, it is recommended to try to use the standard capabilities of the smartphone and the Android OS. In some cases, the firmware shell may include this feature, so using the manual will give you a positive result:

It is worth noting that when using this method, the data will be saved in the gadget’s memory, but you can choose a different path in the settings. The exact name of the folder with recordings depends on the shell and version of Android.

Using Automatic Call Recorder

Many utilities from third-party developers do not require activation of additional parameters during communication during operation. Their work is carried out automatically. After installation, the service will start on its own as soon as a call is received on the phone and accepted, or an outgoing call is created. This functionality is available in the Automatic Call Recorder program. For normal operation and use, you need to do several steps:

It is worth noting that all recordings with standard settings will be saved only in the application. Only after pressing the save button will the file be transferred to the device memory at the specified address. Without using this function, transferring a conversation to a PC will be impossible.

In addition, on Samsung mobile devices, as well as some other gadgets, there is a power saving function that can turn off the utility if it has not been used for a long time. If such an option is available, the program will immediately give a warning.

Using other applications

Some smartphones cannot record sounds at all, since this option is blocked by the operating system. This can often be seen on the iPhone. In this case, even installing additional software will not give the desired result. This often applies to old iPhones or Android smartphones with versions up to 4.4.

Among other applications that can be used to record a conversation, there are several effective ones. In terms of their capabilities, they are almost as good as the software described above. It is recommended to try the following programs:

  • Call recording – is characterized by wide functionality, however, work will not be possible if the Bluetooth module function is activated. When using the paid version, the program will automatically send the collected data by email.
  • Auto Call Recorder 2016 – the application has the ability to create a backup copy, which can be a useful addition for users who have to frequently change the gadget. In addition, the utility may include a security code to run it.
  • Call Recorder is a program that is supported by many devices and effectively bypasses the protection. Users can immediately send recordings to the cloud, and the list of resources is very large. Additionally, it is possible to create backups using a timer; the application can be protected with code.

Recording a telephone conversation via the kernel

This option is suitable for experienced users. First you need to install the free rVoix program on your smartphone. After that.