Offers of banks for IP. How to open a current account for an entrepreneur and in which banks are the most favorable conditions - we share our own experience

There are hundreds of large and small credit institutions on the Russian market, whose services an individual entrepreneur inevitably has to turn to. Read the article on how to choose the best bank for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 and not get confused in the variety of tariffs for small businesses.

The best banks for opening an IP account: selection criteria

When choosing which bank to open an individual entrepreneur account, be guided by the following characteristics:

  • reliability;
  • convenient remote maintenance;
  • low rates;
  • the presence of a network of branches;
  • transaction speed.

Always check the presence of registration in the directory of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in the deposit insurance system, credit rating. Important criteria include the possibility of remote service, including online banking and electronic payments.

Banks are more suitable for novice entrepreneurs, where you can choose a list of the most relevant services and gradually expand it as your business develops.

A bank that is profitable for an individual entrepreneur must meet all of the above parameters. If you want to facilitate the reporting process, choose financial institutions that provide integration with services, for example, with Kontur.Elba, My business and similar ones. Such an opportunity is available in Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, Modulbank, as well as in Tochka. When concluding an agreement with one of them, be prepared to provide a complete list of required documents.

Banks for individual entrepreneurs: comparison of services and tariffs

When deciding which bank to choose to open an account for an individual entrepreneur, study the offers of financial institutions in your region. List in big cities. Naturally, it will be longer, but there are large banks throughout Russia. Focus on the important parameters.

Here are the top ten most profitable banks for opening an IP current account. The choice was made taking into account the following parameters:

1. Opening a current account

When contacting financial institutions, check the availability of promotions and special offers. Many banks offer to open an IP account in Russia for free. This is provided for in Alfa-Bank, UBRD, Tinkoff, Tochka, Modulbank. In Sberbank, VTB24, the cost of the service depends on the region.

2. Monthly maintenance

In Tinkoff and Alfa-Bank, you do not need to pay for monthly maintenance if there are no account transactions. Modulbank offers a Starting tariff with free service. But customers are in for an unpleasant surprise - paid cashing out. For the service you will pay from 0.75% to 1.5%. If you choose the Optimal tariff, then withdrawing funds to an individual's account will cost only 19 rubles.

Important! The most expensive monthly service at Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Tochka, Sberbank. If you decide to open an account for individual entrepreneurs in these organizations, be prepared for unreasonable material costs, which are noticeable with low incomes.

3. Internet banking connection

Gazprombank and Rosselkhozbank offer a paid connection to the Internet bank and the issuance of tokens. This is inconvenient and unprofitable for individual entrepreneurs who are just starting out and do not have big profits. Paid Internet banking is provided by Alfa-Bank and VTB24, but the cost of connecting it is lower - 990 and 250 rubles, respectively. In other financial institutions, Internet banking is free of charge.

4. Interbank transfers to legal entities

In almost all banks, the first 3-5 transactions are commission-free. Therefore, when choosing a financial institution, calculate how many transfers per month you will make, only after that make a choice.

5. Budget and tax transfers

Transfers to budgetary and tax organizations are free of charge in almost all banks. The exception is Rosselkhoz, Raiffeisen. Their clients will have to pay 30-35 rubles for one transfer.

6. Interbank and intrabank transfers to individuals

Most banks charge a considerable commission for withdrawing or transferring funds. How much you have to pay for transferring funds to an account or card of an individual depends on the amount. The cost of intrabank transfers varies:

  • in Tinkoff Bank you can transfer up to 150 thousand for free;
  • at Tochka - from 5 to 500 payments without commission;
  • in Modulbank you have to spend up to 90 rubles per transaction;
  • in other banks, the commission is about 1% and higher.

7. Possibility of accounting services

Some banks specializing in working with small businesses are ready not only to provide an account, but to take over the accounting of individual entrepreneurs. On the one hand, it's convenient. On the other hand, it is necessary to carefully study the conditions. With a small turnover and using one of the preferential tax regimes, it will probably be more practical to contact a specialized

The best bank for individual entrepreneurs: where is it more profitable to open an account

* According to open data of banks

Please note that the issuance of money at the box office is unprofitable. If you choose the best banks for individual entrepreneurs to withdraw cash, you can try working with Tochka Bank. The financial institution offers free cash withdrawal of amounts up to 100 thousand rubles, then - 50 rubles for withdrawal.

What else to pay attention to when opening an account for an individual entrepreneur in Russia

  • find out the percentage of accrual on the balance of own funds, the cost of closing an account and statements on it, the ability to receive loans.
  • carefully study the terms of the contract. If the bank can change them unilaterally, this is not always beneficial for an individual entrepreneur, since a sharply increased amount for services or operations leads to losses.
  • read reviews of the financial institution. Often, banks hide some features of the service that emerge after the conclusion of the contract.

Periodically review the rating of banks for opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur, study the conditions, since after a year you can find better offers in other financial institutions. Sign an agreement with the bank where you can change the tariff with a minimum commission, because small business will grow and develop.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support for FREE. Hurry, the offer is limited.

In which bank to open a current account: why open current accounts + important criteria for selecting banks + TOP-5 banks for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs + 5 best banks for LLC.

Cashless payments are becoming more and more entrenched in everyday business activities. Almost any organization will give preference to transferring money to an account, rather than fussing with cash.

The question of whether, will arise by itself, as soon as you want to do business.

Today we will analyze the financial market and help you make the right choice.

Reasons to open a current account

A current account is an account with the ability to record all financial transactions that an individual or legal entity conducts.

To date, banking systems allow you to open up to 10 records for 1 representative, depending on the scope of his activity and currency.

3 good reasons to open a current account:

  1. For the timely payment of tax fees to the state treasury.

    If an individual entrepreneur can get by with a printed equivalent, then an LLC must make transactions through a cashless system.

  2. Regardless of the type of business, payment for goods or services worth more than 100,000 rubles must be made by bank transfer.
  3. Points of sale always send the balance of funds to the bank account. This speeds up the workflow and cash flow of the organization.

The standard opening procedure can take 1-2 days. Processing of documents is carried out on the spot, and emerging issues are resolved with a personal consultant.

Filling out the form takes no more than 30 minutes. Be sure to attach scanned copies of documents. Printed copies of papers are sent after opening a current account.

In which bank is it better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur?

Small and medium businesses work very hard with small cash. And although the limit of 100,000 rubles seems quite normal, without a checking account you automatically impose restrictions on some large customers and suppliers.

A large number of banks prompted us to figure out which of them have the most favorable conditions for providing services of this kind.

1) Criteria for selecting a current account for individual entrepreneurs.

Before choosing which bank to open an account with, we must decide on the most optimal requirements for our activities.

Private entrepreneurship involves a large number of small transactions for the calculation of goods.

The supply of raw materials and services has to be paid for by bank transfer.

The basis will be the search for a bank, which offers the most favorable conditions for crediting funds to a current account.

The most important conditions for selecting a bank for an individual entrepreneur:

    The bank is a member of the investment insurance system.

    In 2014, a bill was adopted that specified the comparison of individuals with individual entrepreneurs.

    If the bank loses its license, it will be obliged to pay the entrepreneur 1,300,000 ₽.

    An abundance of tariff plans.

    The phone app is available for IOS and Android users. The time for making payments is no later than 21:00 Moscow time.

    2. UBRD.

    On the market for over 10 years.

    To open an account, you will need to visit a bank with documents, the list of which should be obtained from a representative in advance.

    One of the largest and financially stable banks in the Russian Federation. In 2016, it took 1st place in terms of money turnover in the west of the country.

    The online support system for individual entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, is constantly in the top three.

    Service packages include a large number of add-ons free of charge: business insurance, property insurance, work injury protection and more.

    Quarterly promotions for servicing a current account and reducing the commission for replenishment / withdrawal of funds.

    The advantages of the Economy tariff for individual entrepreneurs include the free function of connecting and servicing Internet banking, as well as alerts to the phone and e-mail.

    An individual can order a free business card and carry out transactions within the banking system without commission.

    If your company sells at small points of sale, it is also possible to open terminals for cashless payments for goods for free.

    3. Alfa-Bank.

    More than 25 years in the banking business and the presence of 14,000,000 clients say a lot about the quality of Alfa-Bank's services.

    The bonus system allows you to open an IP account on favorable terms within 20 minutes.

    If business partners have accounts in the same bank, you will be able to transfer payments up to 23:30 Moscow time.

    Favorable is the annual fee for the selected tariff - it is subject to a 25% discount.

    Support for popular cloud services will allow you to store statements and reports on the financial transactions of your account with constant access from anywhere in the world.

    Free SMS notification system for phone and mailbox.

    The StartUp tariff provides a full package of services with a cash withdrawal commission of 2.2%.

    The first 30,000 ₽ can be deposited into the account without commission, then 0.23% is charged. Similar rates for crediting funds and foreign currency accounts.

    4. Tinkoff.

    High-speed bank for individual entrepreneurs. Instant transfer of funds and access to transfers between accounts until 21:00 Moscow time.

    You can open an account online within 30 minutes. To receive the details on hand, you will need to verify your identity.

    A special feature is the built-in accounting system. Automatic payout operations at the time you specify and with the required frequency.

    Ideal for paying taxes.

    1. Criteria for selecting a current account for an LLC.

    For a limited liability company, there is one important point: if individual entrepreneurs can hope for compensation in case of loss of a license by a bank, then LLCs are in 3rd place in the line of payments.

    It is logical to assume that, most likely, your organization will not receive any compensation at all.

    Therefore, the main indicator is the financial stability of the bank.

    The most important bank conditions for LLC:

    1. System assets.

      The total amount of funds of the institution itself and its loan obligations.

      The higher the indicator, the more stable the bank feels in the market.

      The criterion of creditworthiness of the banking system.

      Consists of a set of opportunities for issuing loans under various conditions and interest rates.

      A positive or negative forecast shows a sign before the letter: A+, B- and so on.

      Having a wide client base.

      The more large organizations invest in a bank, the higher its stability and solvency.

    You can assess the financial condition of the bank yourself. On the website of the Central Bank, financial institutions are required to post quarterly reports on their activities and cash flow.

    It is difficult for a beginner to understand this, therefore, if possible, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

    2. TOP-5 banks, where it is profitable to open a current account for an LLC.

    Based on the criteria described above, we have selected the best 5 banks in the country, in which your investments will feel safe.

    Financial indicators are changing rapidly, therefore, detailed information should be periodically monitored on the page of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    1. Promsvyazbank.

    It has been on the market for over 20 years and is in the TOP-3 among private banks in Russia.

    Assets amount to more than 1.2 trillion rubles. A systemically important institution on the territory of the Russian Federation, which has secured the support of the Central Bank, which makes it a very stable resource for storing funds.

    Among the bank's services are work in the financial market and insurance of production risks on favorable terms specifically for LLCs.

    There are 2 types of tariffs: for medium and large businesses.

    Promotions are held monthly to open accounts at minimum rates or with zero user fees for 6 to 12 months.

    Deposits of 4 types will help you store and grow capital on the most favorable terms for you.

    Business development and support funds are always ready to help in difficult times and restore the activities of the LLC with minimal losses.

    The "Business Start" tariff will allow you to open a parallel free account in foreign currency.

    Internet banking service is paid, but the rates are the lowest among analogues in the country. Banking day until 20:00.

    It is possible to deposit up to 300,000 ₽ per month on the account without %.

    2. Raiffeisen Bank.

    Since 1996, the bank has been operating in the Russian market, and has established itself as one of the most stable.

    The capital is stored in valuable shares and totals 37 billion rubles.

    A feature of the bank are daily analytical reports on the financial state of the country's market, which will help you stay on the right track, and in some situations even adjust your business plan.

    The team of analysts pays special attention to macroeconomic factors, which is very important for the activities of any LLC.

    The bank will help you open one of 5 current accounts with an additional range of services to choose from.

    Maintenance ranges from 1,200 to 5,000 per month. SMS alerts and issuance of payment certificates are made on a paid basis.

    Tariff package "Start" provides for a free daily analytical mailing of the financial department of the bank for LLC.

    Withdrawal of funds will be accompanied by a commission of 2 - 5%. Issuance of payment certificates - 50 rubles.

    There are apps for IOS and Android.

    3. Trust.

    One of the largest banks in the Russian Federation.

    The average annual income is 4.6 billion rubles, and working capital is at the level of 260 billion rubles.

    In 2015, the Trust joined the financial group of private traders in the country, which helped to further gain a foothold in the market for the provision of financial services, including for LLCs.

    The bank is famous for its high-quality service in the field of settlement and cash services. Free installation and minimal fees will help your LLC increase the influx of customers and simplify the methods of accounting for funds.

    The currency conversion rate is at the level of 2 - 3%. The influence of external factors affects the daily fluctuations, so you should check the rates on the official page of the bank.

    The mode of making transfers is round-the-clock among the clients of the system and until 21:30 to settlement accounts of other banks.

    The "Starting" tariff is ideal if you do not conduct many transactions.

    When withdrawing cash, 1.8% of the amount is charged. It is possible to issue a card for an individual - a representative of an LLC.

    SMS alerts and bookkeeping will not require additional expenses on your part.

    The bank has been in the financial services market for over 22 years. For the entire time of its existence, the institution has constantly exceeded the liquidity standards of the Central Bank.

    In 2016, according to the results of the influential credit rating agency Expert RA, it took 1st place among banks for LLC.

    Favorable conditions and constant 24/7 support are the best fit for business projects in heavy industry and the agricultural sector.

    You can register an account both via the Internet and personally by visiting a bank that has a large number of outlets in major cities of Russia. The main office is located in Moscow.

    The bank offers to open a current account, which includes a wide range of additional services.

    The currency conversion rate is very low - 0.2% - 0.6%. You can only find such indicators on the stock exchange.

    The Startup tariff is designed to save money when withdrawing / crediting money to a current account. The interest rate is only 1.2%.

    As a gift, you can issue a card to an individual - a representative of your LLC - to withdraw up to 300,000 ₽ per month with a zero commission.

    5. Point.

    The bank has been on the market for more than 8 years. Has the best online customer service system.

    The service allows you to conduct analytical sections at any time and provides detailed statistics on the client base. It is possible to make inquiries about counterparties through the banking system, which is convenient for enterprises of various forms of ownership, including LLCs.

    Payments on the current account within the banking network are available 24 hours a day, and to the accounts of other customers - until 20:50 Moscow time.

    Instant transfers and balance updates. After sending the funds, the system automatically notifies the recipient about the transfer via SMS and via email.

    Online banking is integrated into most accounting programs, which is a big plus for financial settlements.

    Support for the latest browser and mobile platforms.

    Tariff "Lowcost" is one of the best on the market for LLC.

    Budget payments are made without interest, and you can withdraw up to 100,000 ₽ in cash for a month without commission.

    The service "Annual reporting" is paid - 3,500 rubles. in a year.

    All presented banks offer to carry out financial transactions on favorable terms all year round.

    High financial stability and a reserve of funds make it possible even in case of critical situations to hope for compensation from the banking system.

    How to choose a bank to open a current account?

    We hope it will be easier to make a decision now, in which bank to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the most favorable conditions just for you.

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January 2019

One of the primary issues that arise when starting a new business is opening a current account. For individual entrepreneurs, this procedure is not mandatory, although it is used by many entrepreneurs for the convenience of conducting financial transactions, but for an LLC, a current account is required. About where it is better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC under the most comfortable conditions and will be discussed in this article.

Opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC

A current account is an account that is opened with a bank by a legal entity or individual for the purpose of storing funds. With its help, current settlements are carried out in a non-cash form. The client can open several such accounts in one bank (they may differ in the currency of the account, and the purpose of funds for them may be different).

You can open a current account through an online application on the website of the selected bank. Usually, an account is opened within a day from the date of application. You don't need to visit the bank for this.

The full package of documents required to open an account is individual for each bank. The final list of documents will be affected by the type of account being opened, as well as the legal status of the organization. The necessary documents must be viewed directly on the website of the bank where it is planned to open a current account.

A sample list of documents for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs can be found below.

Which bank to choose for an individual entrepreneur or LLC - 5 best banks

To understand in which bank to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you first need to decide on the main criteria that such a bank must meet. There are many such criteria, but here are the most basic and important ones:

  • fee for opening a current account;
  • monthly cost of its maintenance;
  • the minimum percentage for account transactions (deposit / withdrawal, as well as transfer of funds);
  • convenience and availability of a mobile bank (a specialized application should be simple and understandable to use);
  • accrual of interest on the balance of funds;
  • high rating and reliability of the financial structure in which it is planned to open an account (the rating of the most reliable banks can be found in the corresponding article).

It should be noted that all the prices below are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. The cost of services in other regions may differ.

This is a young online bank for entrepreneurs, which is a branch of SKB-bank. There are five interesting tariff plans for opening a current account. The main features of each are described below:

  1. "Favorable start". The main distinguishing features of this tariff are free account opening and free monthly maintenance. There is also a free transfer within the DeloBank and SKB-bank networks. There are no free external payments - the cost of one transfer is 87 rubles. The commission for depositing funds to the account is 0.3% (you can deposit up to 50 thousand rubles per month without a commission).
  2. "Active Growth". Monthly service at this rate will cost 792 rubles. - if you pay for the package immediately for the year. If you pay monthly, the price will increase to 990 rubles. per month of service. The tariff includes 10 free payments, from 11 a fee of 25 rubles is introduced. for the operation. You can deposit cash for free up to an amount of 50 thousand rubles, a commission of 0.2% is introduced above it.
  3. "More possibilities". The cost of this package is 1432 rubles. per month when paying immediately for the year (1790 rubles - if you pay every month). The tariff includes 50 free payments, from 51 payments will cost 25 rubles. There is a possibility of free cash deposit up to the amount of 150 thousand rubles, then - 0.2% of the amount.
  4. "Reliable Solution" For this package you will have to pay from 2480 to 3100 rubles. per month (conditions for the price are the same as for the previous two tariffs). It includes: 100 free external payments (from 101 the cost per transaction will be 25 rubles), cash deposits through an ATM or bank cash desk up to 200 thousand rubles. (over this amount, a commission is introduced - 0.1% of the contribution amount).
  5. "Major League". The tariff is estimated at 6072 rubles. per month with 20% discount. The usual monthly price is 7590 rubles. This plan boasts unlimited free external transfers as well as commission-free cash deposits with no limits.

Each of the four paid plans has a promo period when opening an account. "Active Growth" will be serviced free of charge for the first two months, the remaining three tariff plans - one month free of charge. Also, for all paid tariffs, annual interest will be charged on the account balance: if the amount on the account is more than 50 thousand rubles. (up to 300 thousand rubles) - 2.5%, over 300 thousand rubles. - 5%.

The most detailed information on each tariff can be found.

Open an account

This organization is the most profitable bank for individual entrepreneurs, according to the analytical agency Markswebb.

Perhaps no one will deny that this company has one of the most convenient online banking systems, and perhaps the most convenient. Another advantage of the bank is a long payment day, which lasts from 01:00 to 20:00 (for third-party Moscow banks), and within the bank it is 24/7.

There is also a nice bonus in the form of free account maintenance for several months, depending on the conditions:

  • each new user - 2 months;
  • if the person who opened the account came from a bank with a revoked license - 3 months;
  • if the client has just registered an individual entrepreneur - 6 months;
  • if the client made an advance payment for a year - +2 months.

The current account opened here will accrue interest - up to 6% per year on the balance.

Tinkoff Bank presents three tariffs:

  1. "Simple". Monthly service for this tariff - 490 rubles. You can make three transfers to another bank for free (after that, you will have to pay 49 rubles for each). Commission for transfer to the account of an individual and withdrawal of funds up to 400 thousand rubles. - 1.5% + 99 rubles. Replenishment of the current account is subject to a commission of 0.3% (but not less than 290 rubles).
  2. "Advanced". Its monthly cost will be 1990 rubles. The tariff includes 10 free payments, from 11 each next one will cost 29 rubles. For transfer to an individual and withdrawal of funds up to 400 thousand rubles. a commission of 1% + 79 rubles applies, for replenishment - 0.25% (minimum 290 rubles).
  3. "Professional". You will have to pay 4990 rubles for it. per month. This tariff does not provide for free payments (the cost of each is fixed - 19 rubles). Transfer funds to the account persons and can be withdrawn with a commission of 1% + 59 rubles. (up to an amount of 800 thousand rubles). You can replenish your account by paying a commission of 0.15% of the amount (not less than 290 rubles).

Opening a current account for each of the tariffs is free.

You can find all the available information for each tariff.

Open an account

This bank is one of the most popular among entrepreneurs, since it specializes in servicing this category exclusively and provides the best conditions for individual entrepreneurs.

To open an account in this organization, three tariffs are presented: “Required minimum”, “Golden mean” and “All the best at once”. You can open an account and connect a mobile bank for free for each of the tariffs. Monthly fee - 0, 500 and 2500 rubles. accordingly (without discount). For the “All the best at once” tariff, the first three months of service will cost 500 rubles. per month. If the package of services is paid for a year at once, then the prices are 0, 450 and 2000 rubles per month. In case of zero turnover on the account during the billing period, you will not have to pay for the service (this applies to all tariffs).

The number of free payments to the account of an LLC or individual entrepreneur: unlimited for the "Required minimum" tariff - this tariff plan can be connected only on one account in your company, 10 - for the "Golden Mean" (above this number, a fee of 60 rubles is introduced for the transfer ) and 100 - for "All the best at once" (from the 101st - 15 rubles per translation).

You can withdraw cash and transfer funds to an individual's account without a commission at the “Required minimum” tariff. The "golden mean" allows you to transfer IP for free up to 200 thousand rubles. per month. The following commission applies to cash withdrawals: up to 50 thousand rubles. - 1.5% (but not less than 100 rubles), above this amount - 5% (minimum 100 rubles). For the “All the best at once” tariff, there is a restriction of a free monthly transfer to individuals with individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. Withdraw cash up to 100 thousand rubles. per month without paying a commission. 3% of the amount will have to be paid if the amount of funds withdrawn is in the range from 100 to 400 thousand rubles. and 8% - more than 400 thousand rubles.

Also, Tochka Bank has the longest payment day: 24 hours a day - intrabank transfers, 20 hours (from one in the morning to nine in the evening) - other bank counterparties.

For a thorough acquaintance with the tariff plans, follow the link.

Open an account

This popular and reliable financial structure among the population is one of those where it is more profitable to open a current account.

To issue a package of services, there is no need to visit a bank branch - the manager himself will arrive at the specified address. The account will be opened and available for use within 24 hours (you can get account details without presenting the necessary documentation and visiting the bank in 10 minutes). The Internet banking system here is very convenient and can compete with Tinkoff Bank.

To open a current account for any turnover and purpose, the bank offered five tariffs: “Tariff “1%”, “Electronic”, “Success”, “Alfa-Business VED” and “Everything you need”. The main features of each of them are presented below.

Open an account

The main activity of this organization is work with small businesses. Opening an account here is easier than anywhere else. Opening an account takes 5 minutes and takes place online. Also, your visit to the bank is not required - during the day there is a meeting with a specialist and the signing of an agreement.

Opening an account here is free. It is possible to receive interest on the account balance if a paid tariff is connected (up to 7%). An important advantage of this company is the ability to open a current account without a subscription fee (0 rubles per month). There are also two more paid tariffs.

At the moment, three tariff plans are available for connection on the site: "Starting", "Optimal" and "Unlimited". Below are the main features of the free Starter package:

  • opening a PC and a monthly fee - 0 rubles;
  • fee for each transfer - 90 rubles;
  • commission for withdrawal of funds - 2.5% (up to 100 thousand rubles);
  • commission for replenishing an account from your card or through the terminals of ModulBank, Unistream or Binbank - 0.5%.

Below you can find a brief description of other tariffs (a full description of all packages can be seen).

Open an account

Comparison table of banks for sole proprietorship or LLC

For comparison, the cheapest tariffs from the line for each bank will be used. Below is a table with the most significant indicators for such tariffs for each of the above organizations.

Bank Opening fee monthly cost Commission for payment order Deposit commission Withdrawal fee
DeloBank Profitable Start 0 rub. 0 rub. 87 rub. (free transfers are not provided) 0-0,3% 3%
Tinkoff Bank Simple 0 rub. 490 rub. 49 rub. (3 free operations) 0.3% (minimum 290 rubles) 1.5% + RUB 99
Point "Required minimum" 0 rub. 0 rub. 0 rub. 1% 0%
Alfa-Bank "Tariff" 1% " 0 rub. 0 rub. 0 rub. 1% 0%
ModulBank "Starting" 0 rub. 0 rub. 90 rub. 0,5% 2,5%

Drawing conclusions

This article will help a novice entrepreneur decide on the choice of a financial institution in which it is better to open a current account, as well as choose the most suitable tariff plan. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the above banks and tariffs is the best.

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Cash settlements between business partners are a thing of the past, and increasingly, registration of entrepreneurial activity occurs along with the conclusion of an agreement with a credit institution for financial transactions. Sometimes, already in the process of doing business, it turns out that a bank for an individual entrepreneur is needed to open a current account in order to service commercial activities.

What is a Sole Proprietorship Account

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, after registering an IP, it is not prohibited to make settlement transactions with partners in cash, but there are restrictions. Under one agreement between a small business representative and a legal entity, you can make a payment within 100,000 rubles. Suppliers rarely agree to constantly renegotiate transactions after reaching the maximum allowable amount, therefore, in order to successfully conduct business in large volumes, opening settlement accounts is indispensable.

What is it needed for

It is convenient for the owner of a retail enterprise or a service department to use cash if there is a small turnover, but even in this situation, the bank can provide additional benefits for the individual entrepreneur. A novice entrepreneur needs to consider the possible advantages of doing business online:

  1. Keeping significant amounts of money outside a financial institution and making large cash payments is unwise. The bank for individual entrepreneurs guarantees the safety of funds, the security of making payments.
  2. The presence of account details increases the chances of concluding serious transactions - it forms the image of a solid, reliable partner.
  3. The bank for individual entrepreneurs prohibits the use of cards for business settlement transactions; if such cases are detected, the card may be blocked.
  4. With the help of an interactive bank, you can pay taxes, settle accounts with suppliers and receive information about the movement of funds and the balance of money by e-mail at a convenient time, sometimes around the clock.
  5. Representatives of the tax authorities can classify all receipts on the card as income and tax them. During the audit, it will be difficult to distinguish between personal funds and receipts from commercial activities, and the tax service does not consider debit transactions made on the card as expenses of commercial activities.
  6. Credit institutions charge a commission for transferring funds through the cash desk, and after signing an agreement for banking operations, the client is charged only a fixed fee from electronic payments.
  7. The transfer of revenue will allow you to receive income on the balance of money.
  8. Providing bank statements on the movement of funds indicates the work of an individual entrepreneur and may be relevant when obtaining a loan for business development.
  9. You can increase the income of your own business by connecting a terminal for accepting payments and attracting new customers who benefit from paying with debit and credit cards.
  10. The owner of bank details is available to conclude transactions for large amounts, participate in tenders for public procurement.
  11. An individual entrepreneur becomes a participant in a salary project and can order debit cards for his employees to pay wages. This is convenient, since the time and funds for transferring money on separate cards are reduced - the salary is transferred according to the compiled statement in a single payment.

How to open a bank account for sole proprietorship

The terms for opening a current account for a client as an individual entrepreneur are not regulated by law. You can fill out an application at a branch of a financial institution for settlement and cash services immediately after registering a business or later. Now it is possible to make an online application on the website of a credit institution without visiting banks. After receiving the application, the manager will call the entrepreneur, specify the time of the meeting and, in order to open a current account, deliver documents for signature to the specified address.

What documents are needed

The bank for individual entrepreneurs independently determines the requirements for the package of documents required for settlement transactions. Previously, the list included a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur and a certificate of registration with the tax service. Since September 2016, they have been excluded from the list of mandatory. Now a financial institution may require:

  • copy and original of the passport (required);
  • a card with samples of signatures and seals (required);
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • a copy of the financial statements;
  • license, if it is provided by the type of activity.

How much does it cost to open a checking account

There is no single fee for opening a checking account. This procedure can be carried out free of charge by a credit institution. Mostly banks offer to open an account at rates ranging from 400 to 5000 rubles. After paying the fee and receiving your details, you can carry out banking operations. Now there is no need for individual entrepreneurs to notify the tax authorities and the insurance fund of the procedure for opening an account.

Where to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur

There are many offers for small businesses in the banking market. Before you make a choice of a bank for an individual entrepreneur, you need to analyze your activities, decide:

  • whether revenue will be paid and in what volumes, or only non-cash receipts from customers are provided;
  • Is it necessary to withdraw cash?
  • what are the planned monthly turnover of funds;
  • Approximately how many payment documents need to be posted monthly;
  • whether you need to connect additional services (Internet banking, mobile application, notification system)
  • whether it is planned to issue salary cards for employees.

Bank selection criteria

For successful commercial activity, a bank for individual entrepreneurs must have the following qualities:

  1. Reliability. The safety of funds is an important criterion. You can also work with a small regional financial institution, but it must be part of the deposit guarantee system. In case of revocation of the license, the amount of the balance of money within the limits of 1,400,000 rubles will be returned to an individual entrepreneur. Legal entities are deprived of such an opportunity. Entrepreneurs with large volumes of turnover will be more reliable to look for an option among large banks with part of the state capital.
  2. The convenience of the service package provided. For doing business, the following are important: the speed of the banking mobile application; the time of processing payments and crediting funds; limits on incoming and outgoing transactions. For the frequent delivery of proceeds, the close location of the bank's office or its branches and the availability of a network of ATMs for accepting cash at the locations of small businesses are important.

The cost of opening and maintaining an account

Deciding on the number of reliable financial institutions offering a wide range of services is easier. Which bank to choose for an individual entrepreneur to receive benefits? After compiling a list of credit organizations, you need to choose one that will help you save on tariffs for the required package of services. You can find financial institutions that do not charge a fee for opening an account and maintaining it in the event of no movement of funds, but these costs do not significantly affect the total amount of fees for banking operations.

Which bank is better for an individual entrepreneur, what criteria it should have, let's try to figure it out:

  1. When planning the delivery of proceeds in large volumes, you should look for an option with a favorable rate - minimal commissions for depositing cash.
  2. All credit institutions charge a fee for cash withdrawals, so you need to order a plastic card and use the card when withdrawing money through any ATMs of a financial institution without paying a commission. In this case, free card maintenance is important.
  3. If you need to make a large number of non-cash debit transactions, you should choose tariffs that provide for a small fee for one payment. Low rates will help reduce the cost of maintenance.
  4. When deciding to issue cards for the issuance of salaries to employees, when choosing a financial institution, one should be guided by favorable conditions for the issuance and maintenance of salary cards.

Internet banking

For individual entrepreneurs, convenient conditions lie in the possibility of conducting banking operations online, so the availability of banking is important. In most credit institutions, the connection of such a service is free of charge, but a fee may be charged for using it. When choosing a financial institution, you need to pay attention to the size of the subscription fee.

SMS informing

It is convenient to use the function of receiving notifications from a financial institution about the receipt of money to the account and debiting funds - the client always sees the balance of money and can plan further use. Informing the client is a paid service, so an individual entrepreneur needs to inquire about the amount of monthly payments.

Mobile app

For commercial activities, it is important to be able to quickly manage the business, quickly transfer funds from a mobile device. When choosing a financial institution, you need to take an interest in the quality, speed of the banking mobile application, compare the monthly fee that is charged for the service offered.

Internet banking login

A bank for individual entrepreneurs should become a reliable partner and assistant, offering maximum convenience. It is necessary to pay attention to the operating time within which you can make a payment, credit money to the card for subsequent withdrawal of funds. There are financial institutions offering 24/7 banking services.

Best bank for small business

You can decide in which bank it is better to open an individual entrepreneur account and who offers the most convenient, most profitable option for a particular entrepreneur, after a detailed study of the rates of a credit institution and an approximate calculation of monthly expenses. Consider the proposals of large financial institutions and credit organizations whose activities are aimed at providing services to small businesses.


It enjoys a reputation as a reliable partner, but does not differ in favorable tariffs for doing business, does not charge interest on the balance of funds. The only plus is the absence of a fee for connecting Internet banking and a monthly fee. The credit institution offers the following rates at the base rate:

  • opening an account - 3000 rubles;
  • service - 1700 rubles;
  • the cost of the payment is 32 rubles;
  • accepting cash through an ATM - 0.3% of the amount deposited;
  • cash withdrawal through an ATM - 1.4% of the withdrawal amount.


Offers free Internet banking connection and zero monthly fee. Conditions for the provision of services at the "Basic" tariff:

  • opening an account online - 1000 rubles;
  • service - 900 rubles;
  • the cost of the payment is 25 rubles;
  • issuing a card - free of charge;
  • receipt of proceeds through an ATM - free of charge;
  • issuance of proceeds through an ATM - free of charge.


The rates for banking operations are high, there is a fee for connecting Internet banking. Among the advantages: free cash acceptance and issuance of salary cards. The base rate includes the following rates:

  • opening an account - 2900 rubles;
  • service with connected Internet banking - 1700 rubles;
  • the cost of the payment is 27 rubles;
  • cash withdrawal - 0.75% of the amount.


Of the free benefits: opening an account, crediting revenue, transferring salaries, making 20 payments. Under the "Basic" tariff for entrepreneurs in Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg offers:

  • account management - 1300 rubles;
  • the cost of the payment is 25 rubles;
  • free card issue;
  • cash withdrawal - 1% of the amount.

VTB 24

Among the advantages of a financial institution for business operation are: free connection to a salary project, 25 payments and no banking subscription fee. Provides the following tariffs as part of the Business Cashier package:

  • opening an account - 1250 rubles;
  • maintenance - 2600 rubles;
  • the cost of the payment is 60 rubles;
  • cash withdrawal - 1% of the amount.


The work is carried out through its specialists, who are sent to the offices of entrepreneurs. There is a "Starting" tariff without a monthly fee for banking services, but it is beneficial for small turnovers. With a developing business, it is more convenient to use the “Optimal” tariff, it provides for the accrual of 3% on the balance and the following rates:

  • opening an account - free of charge;
  • maintenance - 490 rubles;
  • the cost of the payment is 19 rubles;
  • cash deposit - free of charge;
  • issue of a corporate card - free of charge;
  • cash withdrawal - 0%.


The client has the opportunity to reserve an account and activate it within 14 days. Within the "Comfort" package, a free connection is provided without charging a subscription fee to the "Business Portal", issuing a card and transferring 10 payments at zero cost. The rates are as follows:

  • opening an account - free of charge;
  • maintenance - 1290 rubles;
  • the cost of the payment from 9:30 to 18:30 - 49 rubles;
  • cash deposit – 0.25%;
  • cash withdrawal - 2%.


It is convenient for an entrepreneur to work, since internal payments can be made around the clock, and non-bank transfers - from 7:00 to 23:00, money is credited instantly, interest is charged on the balance of funds. The institution sends a specialist to sign a banking service agreement and hand over ready details. The Advanced plan offers the following rates:

  • free account opening;
  • maintenance - the first 2 months are free, from the 3rd - 990 rubles;
  • zero fee for using a mobile bank, for SMS messages and for issuing corporate cards;
  • depositing proceeds - 99 rubles one-time for one replenishment;
  • the cost of the payment is free of charge for the first ten, 29 rubles for the next;
  • output - 0%.

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

As part of the Economy package, the subscription fee for Internet banking is 700 rubles, payments must be made before 18:00, and crediting takes place after the operating time. The pricing plan is as follows:

  • opening an account - 1000 rubles;
  • management is free;
  • the cost of the payment is 24 rubles;
  • contribution of proceeds - 0.1% of the amount;
  • issuing a card - free of charge;
  • cash withdrawal - 1-2.5%.

Hello dear readers! It has long been an idea to write a review article about where and in which bank to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs and collect in it all the interesting offers on banks providing such a service. Therefore, keep a list of the best, in my opinion, banks for opening a current account. I contacted representatives of banks and received information from most of them.

Criteria for evaluation

I propose to evaluate the banks listed below according to the following criteria in order to determine where it is profitable, safe and convenient to open a current account:

  1. The cost of opening a checking account.
  2. Maintenance cost (monthly).
  3. Account opening time.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost).
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost).
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost);
  7. Operation day.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards/accounts (commission).
  10. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission).
  11. Cash.
  12. Number of free plastic cards.
  13. Synchronization with online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc.
  14. Interest on account balance.

If you have a suggestion to expand the list of criteria, then write in the comments, we will try. I didn’t manage to fit all the banks into 1 table on the site, so let’s go through all the banks in turn.

List of banks

Important We did , i.e. have tariffs without a monthly subscription fee.

We will divide the list into classic “veteran” banks, and into more modern and technological ones.

The "veterans" include:

  1. Sberbank.
  2. Alfa Bank.
  3. Promsvyazbank.
  4. Loco-Bank.

To more modern and technological banks:

  1. Tinkoff.
  2. Modulbank.
  3. Point (on the basis of Otkritie and Qiwi banks).
  4. DeloBank (based on SKB Bank).

If the first group of banks is known to everyone, then the second is still little known, but I will tell you with full responsibility, I would recommend looking in the direction of the second group. Below we will compare and in conclusion we will draw conclusions on where to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is profitable, safe, convenient, etc.

Open a current account in Tinkoff Bank

  1. Maintenance cost (monthly) - the first 2 months are free, then according to the "Simple" tariffs - 490 rubles. per month, "Advanced" - 990 rubles, "Professional" - 4990 rubles. per month. If there were no account transactions in the month, then for this month - free of charge.
  2. Terms of opening an account - in 5 minutes you can use it.
  3. Operating day — from 7:00 to 21:00 Moscow time.
  4. Commission for non-cash payments persons - according to the tariff "Simple" 3 payments are free, the rest - 49 rubles. per payment, according to the "Advanced" tariff, 10 payments are free, the rest - 29 rubles. per payment, according to the "Professional" tariff - 19 r per payment. Unlimited payments on the "Simple" tariff - 490 rubles, on the "Advanced" - 990 rubles, on the "Professional" - 1990 rubles. per month.
  5. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes, to Tinkoff Bank cards without commission.
  6. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission):
    - According to the "Simple" tariff: up to 400,000 rubles. - 1.5%, up to 1,000,000 rubles. - 5%, from 1,000,000 - 15%. With each withdrawal, an additional 99 rubles are withdrawn.
    - According to the "Advanced" tariff: up to 400,000 rubles. - 1%, up to 2,000,000 rubles. - 5%, from 2,000,000 - 15%. With each withdrawal, an additional 79 rubles are withdrawn.
    - According to the "Professional" tariff: up to 800,000 rubles. - 1%, up to 2,000,000 rubles. - 5%, from 2,000,000 rubles. - 15%. With each withdrawal, an additional 59 rubles are withdrawn.
  7. Cash:
    - At the tariff "Simple": 0.15%, at least 90 rubles.
    - According to the "Advanced" tariff: up to 300,000 rubles. free of charge, from 300 000 rubles. - 0.1%, minimum 79 rubles. , 3 replenishment per month - 990 rubles, per year - 9900 rubles.
    - According to the "Professional" tariff up to 1,000,000 rubles. free of charge, from 1,000,000 rubles. - 0.1%, minimum 59 rubles. 5 deposits without commission — 1490 rubles. per month, 14 900 rubles. in a year.
  8. The number of free plastic cards is 0 rubles, one corporate and salary cards or two corporate and salary cards, depending on the tariff.
  9. Interest on account balance - up to 6%.

You can open an account at bank website.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. Oleg Tinkov, as always, is on top. It has always been famous for the best service. One of the longest operating days, money is transferred instantly, cool mobile application and Internet banking, up to 6% per annum on the account balance, opening without visiting the bank, the first 2 months are free, 24/7 phone support, you can withdraw cash almost at any ATM and much more.

Soon there will be features such as a reminder of upcoming taxes, reporting to government agencies, verification of partners and counterparties, currency payments and friendly currency control, templates for regular payments, etc.

Open a current account in Modulbank

  1. The cost of opening a current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - the first tariff - 0 rubles, the second tariff - 490 rubles, the third tariff - 4500 rubles. per month.
  3. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  4. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  5. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  6. Operating day: 9.00 – 20.30.
  7. Commission for non-cash payments persons - 90, 19 and 0 rubles. (in the order in which they are listed).
  8. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes. For individual entrepreneurs, depending on tariffs: 0.75% up to 300 00 rubles, 19 rubles. up to 500,000 rubles, about r. up to 1,000,000 rubles For LLC, depending on tariffs: 0.75% up to 100,000 rubles, 19 rubles. up to 200,000 rubles, 0 rubles up to 300,000 rubles
  9. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission): from 0 to 20% depending on the withdrawal amount.
  10. Cash deposit: from 0 to 2.7%.
  11. The number of free plastic cards is from 1 to 5 depending on the tariffs.
  12. Synchronization with online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - There is.

bank website.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. The bank has a free plan. Modulbank operates on the basis of the Regional Credit Bank, which is more than 23 years old, a convenient mobile application and Internet banking, cash withdrawal to any bank card with low commissions. And, as the representative of the bank stated, all settlement accounts are insured for 1.4 million rubles, which makes one believe in its reliability. By the way, its founder is the former head of business at Sberbank, Yakov Novikov. I don’t see any cons yet, just like Tinkoff Bank.

Open a current account at Tochka bank

  1. The cost of opening a current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - depending on the tariff, from about to 2500 rubles.
  3. Terms of opening an account - in 5 minutes you can use it, and full registration - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  7. Operating day — from 00.00 to 21.00 Moscow time.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons - on a free tariff - payments are free, on the other two 10 and 100 are free, in excess of the package - 60 and 15 rubles.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes.
    — Up to 200,000 or up to 500,000 rubles. free of charge depending on the tariffs for individual entrepreneurs.
    — Up to 100,000 or up to 300,000 rubles. free of charge depending on tariffs for LLC.
    — At the free tariff, transfers are free for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.
  10. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission): on a free tariff - free of charge, on the second tariff up to 50,000 rubles. - 1.5%, over - 3%, at the third tariff - up to 100,000 rubles. free of charge, over - from 1.5 to 3% depending on the amount.
  11. Cash deposit: at a free rate - up to 300,000 rubles. 1%, over - 3%, on the second tariff any amount - 0.2%, on the third - up to 1,000,000 free of charge, over 0.2%.
  12. The number of free plastic cards is from 2 to 6 free of charge, depending on the tariff.
  13. Interest on the account balance is not provided. There is a tax cashback of 2%.

bank website.

A small conclusion on the bank's offer: Convenient mobile application, and Internet banking, the longest transaction day, transfers within the "Point" around the clock, transfers of physical. persons without commissions, created on the basis of Otkritie Bank, which has been on the market for a long time.

Settlement account in Expert Bank

  1. The cost of opening a current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - depending on the tariff, from 0 to 3990 rubles.
  3. Terms of opening an account - in 5 minutes you can use it, and full registration - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  7. Operating day — from 09.00 to 17.00 Moscow time.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons: 0, 18 and 78 rubles. depending on the rate.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards/accounts (commission) – no information.
  10. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission): free withdrawal is not provided on the free tariff. On paid ones - up to 100,000 and 700,000 rubles. for free. The maximum withdrawal amount is $15,000.
  11. Cash deposit: 0.1%, at the maximum rate - free of charge.
  12. Interest on account balance - up to 5%.

You can open a current account at bank website.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. Expert Bank is the largest in the Omsk region, has branches in several Russian cities. There is a free tariff, online account reservation, the bank does not limit the volume of payments, it offers a modern Internet bank and increased limits on cash withdrawals from corporate cards. When making an advance payment for service, you can get a 10% discount.

Settlement account in Promsvyazbank

  1. The cost of opening a current account is 0 rubles.
  2. Maintenance cost (monthly) — from 0 to 2,290 rubles. depending on the rate.
  3. Terms of opening an account - 1 day, reservation in 10 minutes on the official website when submitting an online application.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, from 0 to 199 rubles. depending on the rate.
  7. Operating day - from 9.00 to 21.00.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons - from 3 to 200 pcs. free, over the limit - from 19 to 110 rubles. depending on the rate.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes, from 0.1 to 10%, depending on the amount. Additionally charged from 18 to 350 rubles. depending on the rate.
  10. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission) - 1.2% on average;
  11. The number of free plastic cards - all cards are paid. You can release any quantity worth from 200 to 990 rubles. per month per card.
  12. Synchronization with online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - yes! And what's more, when you open an account, you get 3 months of accounting as a gift.

You can read the terms and conditions and open an account at official website of Promsvyazbank.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. Promsvyazbank is a systemically important bank in the Russian Federation, which indicates its reliability. Moreover, in recent years the bank has become more modern and is constantly developing. Definitely, it deserves that you open a current account in it!

  1. The cost of opening a current account is free.
  2. Maintenance cost (monthly) — from 0 to 8,000 depending on the tariff.
  3. Terms of opening an account - the account will be ready in 5 minutes, full registration - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, included in the price.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, included in the price.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, at the maximum tariff - free of charge, on the rest - 60 rubles. for each card.
  7. Operating day — from 09.00 to 18.00 Moscow time.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons: free of charge - 3, 5, 10, 50 and 100 pcs. depending on the rate. Over the limit - from 16 to 100 rubles.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes. For LLC - 0.5%. At the maximum rate of 300,000 rubles. free, then - 1.5%. For individual entrepreneurs - 150,000 rubles. free, then - 1%. At the maximum tariff - 300,000 rubles. free, then - 1.5%.
  10. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission): at a free rate of 3%, at the maximum - 500,000 rubles. free, then - 1.4%. On other tariffs - 1.4%.
  11. Cash deposit: on a free plan - from 0.15 to 0.36% depending on the plan and the amount. You can deposit from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles for free. On the free plan, you can deposit cash only with a commission.
  12. The number of free plastic cards - up to 5. Free service only in the first year. From the second - 2,500 per year.
  13. Synchronization with online accounting "My business", "Elba", etc. - is.
  14. Interest on account balance - up to 3%.

You can open a current account at bank website.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. Not so long ago, Sberbank developed a new line of tariffs, and now a free package of services is available to entrepreneurs. The bank holds promotions for new customers, so 1 or 3 months of service can be received as a gift. Each tariff provides for free payments, and if you open a savings account, then interest will accrue on the balance of the account.

Open a current account in Alfa-Bank

  1. 0 rub. opening an account and connecting to the Internet bank.
  2. 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management.
  3. 0 rub. issuance of a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM.
  4. 0 rub. tax and government payments.
  5. The cost of maintenance (monthly) - from 490 rubles. up to 9 900 per month.
  6. Commission for non-cash payments persons - from 3 payments to 30 payments free of charge. At the maximum rate, all payments are 0 r. Over the limit - from 16 to 50 rubles. depending on the rate.
  7. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes. From 100,000 to 500,000 rubles. free of charge depending on the tariff. Over the limit - from 1 to 10% depending on the tariff.
  8. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission) - from 50 to 500,000 rubles. free of charge depending on the tariff, over the limit - from 1 to 10%.
  9. Synchronization with online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - is.
  10. There is no interest on the account balance, but you can receive cashback from taxes up to 3%.

Additional bonuses:

  • 3 000 rub. for advertising on Google.
  • 9 000 rub. for advertising in Yandex.
  • up to 50,000 rubles for promotion in social networks.
  • Access to all working tools "Bitrix24", "My business", "Contour" for six months free of charge.
  • Certificate for recruitment in HeadHunter.

You can open a current account at bank website.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. Just like in Sberbank, you can opt for reliability. But the tariffs are less favorable than in Sberbank: there is no free tariff, a small number of free payments and high commissions for physical transfers. persons. Among the advantages of the bank: cashback from taxes, gift certificates for partner services and a convenient Internet bank.

Settlement account in LOCKO-Bank

  1. The cost of opening a current account is free.
  2. Maintenance cost (monthly) — 0, 990, 4,990 rubles. depending on the rate.
  3. Terms of opening an account - reservation within a minute, full registration - within a day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, from 150 to 250 rubles. per month, at the maximum tariff - for free.
  7. Operating day - from 9.00 to 19.00.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons - 19, 29 and 59 p. depending on the rate.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes, for individual entrepreneurs up to 150,000 rubles. to your account free of charge, in other cases for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs with a commission of 2 to 10%, depending on the amount.
  10. Cash deposit - from 0.07 to 0.3% depending on the amount and tariff. At the maximum rate there is a free deposit.
  11. Synchronization with online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - is.
  12. No interest on account balance.

You can apply and open an account at official website of Loko-Bank.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. Loko-Bank offers a free tariff, functional mobile and Internet banking. There is a fast online account reservation. But in terms of the cost of SMS informing and payments, the bank loses to competitors.

Settlement account in Eastern Bank

  1. The cost of opening a current account is free.
  2. Maintenance cost (monthly) - from 490 to 9,990 rubles. depending on the rate.
  3. Terms of opening an account - reservation within 5 minutes, full registration - within a day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge. Extended version - 250 rubles. for the first number, 100 rubles. - for the next 2.
  7. Operating day - from 9.00 to 23.00.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons - 5 and 20 payments free of charge, over the norm - from 16 rubles. There are tariffs with free payments.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - yes, up to 150,000 rubles. free, up to 500,000 rubles. - 0.5%, over 500,000 rubles. - 1%.
  10. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission) - no information.
  11. Depositing cash is free.
  12. The number of free plastic cards - no information.
  13. Synchronization with online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - is.
  14. No interest on account balance.

You can find out detailed tariffs and open an account at official website of Vostochny Bank.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. Vostochny Bank offers free account reservation, full-fledged Internet banking and extended business hours. You can transfer money to a personal card without a commission, and the cost of a payment is one of the lowest in banks.

Settlement account in DeloBank

DeloBank is a service from the well-known SKB Bank, which has been successfully operating in the banking services market for a long time.

  1. The cost of opening a current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - depending on the tariff, from 0 to 7590 rubles.
  3. Terms of opening an account - in 10 minutes you can use it, and full registration - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - yes, free of charge.
  7. Operating day — from 09.00 to 21.00 Moscow time.
  8. Commission for non-cash payments persons: on a free tariff, all payments are 87 rubles, on the rest there are 10, 100 and an unlimited number of free payments, depending on the tariff, payments over the limit - 25 rubles.
  9. Ability to translate physical persons to ordinary bank cards / accounts (commission) - up to 50,999.99 rubles. free, then with a commission, over - from 1 to 10% depending on the amount.
  10. Cash withdrawal through ATMs (commission): 2% at SKB-Bank and partner ATMs, 3% at other ATMs.
  11. Cash deposit: up to 50,000, 200,000 rubles. free depending on the tariff, at the maximum tariff unlimited amounts are free, over the limit - from 0.1 to 0.3% depending on the tariff.
  12. The number of free plastic cards is 1.
  13. Synchronization with online accounting "My business", "Elba", etc. - is.
  14. Interest on account balance - up to 5%.

You can open a checking account on bank website.

A small withdrawal at the suggestion of the bank. DeloBank is a new online branch of SKB-Bank with a convenient personal account. A free tariff is provided, interest on the balance, you can deposit cash for free and transfer money to accounts of individuals. persons. Depending on the connected tariff, you can get 1 or 2 months of service as a gift. And if you pay in advance, DeloBank will provide a discount from 5 to 20%.


If you are just starting out or you have a micro business and a small turnover, then the following are ideal for you:

  • Modulbank(free rate).
  • Dot(cool service).
  • Tinkoff Bank(free 2 months and a cheap tariff of 490 rubles).
  • (there is a free plan).
  • (there is a free plan).

If you really like to choose, you can open accounts in both and compare for yourself which is better. It's free anyway ;)

If you have more turnover (from 1 million rubles per month), then you can use the first 4 (Tinkoff, Modulbank, Expert Bank and Tochka), and you can also consider:

  • Promsvyazbank.
  • Alfa Bank.
  • Sberbank.
  • Oriental.


In conclusion, I want to say that the choice is yours. Personally, I believe that the future belongs to technology companies. If you have your own evaluation criteria, write in the comments, you can also suggest other banks for review, but only if they are really better in terms of conditions than those listed in the article. I also want to ask you to write reviews about the banks where you have current accounts, what you like, what you don’t like, etc.

I hope that the article helped you in choosing a bank for opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC.