How old is Lera Kudryavtseva’s hockey player husband? Lera Kudryavtseva made fun of the age difference with her husband

The personal life of the popular TV presenter is rich and filled with exciting events. She was never deprived male attention and was officially married three times, and only Lera Kudryavtseva’s third husband made her truly happy.

First husband of Lera Kudryavtseva

Lera got married for the first time in the early nineties, and her chosen one was Sergei Lenyuk, a musician of the group “ Tender May”, which was super popular at that time. The story of their acquaintance is shrouded in secrecy, and according to the stories of the group’s leader, Andrei Razin, the then unknown Lera Kudryavtseva was a passionate fan of “Tender May” and even followed him to different cities, trying to get closer to the musicians.

The attention of a devoted fan flattered Sergei, and arose between them. whirlwind romance, as a result of which Lera became pregnant. Having learned about this, Lenyuk decided to marry Kudryavtseva and took her with him to Moscow.

In the photo - Sergey Lenyuk

However, Sergei Lenyuk, despite having an eighteen-year-old wife, did not really limit himself in communicating with other girls and constantly cheated on Lera. Their family life, which at first seemed fabulous and cloudless, gradually began to burst at the seams.

The young family lived in Sergei’s house and Kudryavtsev could not improve relations with his mother-in-law. Soon Lera gave birth to a son, whom her parents decided to name Jean, but even this did not force Lenyuk to reconsider his attitude towards family life. While his young wife sat at home and took care of their tiny son, he had fun with other women and was in no hurry to go home.

This attitude could not but offend Lera, and she decided that the sooner she left her frivolous husband, the better it would be. She felt insulted and humiliated, and in order to calm down, she began to abuse alcohol and almost became an alcoholic. Fortunately, Kudryavtseva had enough willpower and intelligence to stop in time and pull herself together.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Matvey Morozov

The TV presenter was also unlucky in her second marriage. Kudryavtseva met Matvey Morozov at his car shop, where she went to buy parts for a broken down car. Then she did not know that Morozov, who captivated her with his gallant manner and generosity, was not a successful businessman, but a real swindler.

In the photo - Lera and Matvey Morozov

Before meeting Lera, Morozov had already been convicted of robbery and rape, and then went into a not entirely honest business. He earned his capital by deceiving buyers, and did this for almost six years. Having become Morozov’s wife, Lera, of course, found out about his affairs, but hid it from those around her. And when her husband was arrested and imprisoned for fraud, she told everyone that Matvey was constantly on business trips abroad and therefore could not be found in Moscow.

Lera Kudryavtseva and her husband Matvey Morozov lived together for three years, and their separation did not come as a surprise to her friends and acquaintances.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev (reason for separation)

After two years of free swimming, which began after the TV personality’s second divorce, Lera began an affair with the famous pop singer Sergei Lazarev. Their union was discussed by many, because Kudryavtseva’s new chosen one was twelve years younger than her, but this did not bother the lovers. Kudryavtseva and Lazarev were inseparable - they vacationed together at resorts, attended various parties and events, and traveled.

In the photo - Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev

They were together for four years, and everyone was already expecting news about the upcoming wedding of Lera and Sergei, but completely different news appeared in the press - about their separation. Lera told everyone that she was simply tired of this relationship, and, although there were no quarrels between her and Sergei, she decided to break up with him.

Around the same time, photos of Kudryavtseva and hockey player Igor Makarov began to appear online, but then Lera denied that a romance was brewing between her and Igor.

Biography of Lera Kudryavtseva's husband

Apparently new love and became the main reason for the separation of Lera and Lazarev, and a few months later she married again - to Igor Makarov, despite the fact that the age difference with her husband was sixteen years. He, unlike Lera, who was born in Kazakhstan, is a native Muscovite. Makarov is a hereditary athlete - his grandfather also played for Dynamo Moscow, and his father, Sergei Makarov, was a defender in Krylya Sovetov.

In the photo - Igor Makarov

At the age of three, Igor skated for the first time, and when he began to feel confident on the ice, he was enrolled in the children's team, coached by Sergei Yatsunov. Hockey firmly entered the life of Igor Makarov, who could not imagine his life without this game.

When Igor turned seventeen, he joined Krylya Sovetov and subsequently became a wonderful striker. From the very beginning he showed great promise and established himself as a promising player. Makarov scored his first memorable victory in 2005, when his team was in the final stage Major League won against Torpedo in the quarterfinals.

In 2006, Igor moved to St. Petersburg SKA, where after some time he became one of the most active strikers. Makarov currently plays in the Kontinental Hockey League.

How old are Lera Kudryavtseva and her husband?

The affair and wedding with Lera Kudryavtseva added to the popularity of the young hockey player. A significant age difference added spice to their relationship - the TV personality’s husband is only three years older than her son and sixteen younger than his wife. At the time of their marriage, Kudryavtseva was forty-one years old, and Makarov was twenty-five years old.

In the photo - Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov

To this day, ill-wishers ridicule this difference, but the spouses do not pay attention to them, and Kudryavtseva says that it does not matter to her how old her chosen one is, the main thing is that he turned out to be a real man, whom she had dreamed of meeting for a very long time.

Wedding of Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov

The wedding of the popular TV presenter and hockey player took place on June 8, 2013. The wedding ceremony took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow, to which the future newlyweds drove up in a luxurious white Rolls-Royce. It was on Lera gorgeous dress, sewn in the atelier of the famous fashion designer Igor Gulyaev, the fabric for which was specially ordered in Italy.

According to the guests, the bride and groom looked amazing, they were so happy and sincere. The wedding, to which many of the most famous guests were invited, took place in the Safisa celebration house. The newlyweds were congratulated by Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov, singer Slava, Dima Bilan, Natasha Koroleva and her husband and other stars of domestic show business.

Unlike ex-husbands, in Igor Makarov Lera found truly sincere feelings and therefore feels truly happy. For this special event, a film was specially made with the participation of Lera and Igor, in which they talked about each other, and this became a pleasant surprise for the guests. From it, everyone learned that Igor doesn’t like that Lera doesn’t know how to cook and wears too much makeup, and she admitted that she likes absolutely everything about her husband.

At the wedding there were not only singers and artists, but also hockey players - friends and colleagues of the groom, including SKA general manager Alexey Kasatonov.

Lera, who had previously only been the host at weddings in Safis, was very pleased to feel this time as the heroine of the celebration.

Became a mother for the second time. The TV presenter and her 30-year-old hockey player husband Igor Makarov a daughter was born, who was named Maria. And if Lera published on her microblog on the same day Instagram photo, where he holds the baby’s heel, Kudryavtseva’s husband remained silent for a week and a half and completely disappeared from social networks.

Only today Makarov broke the silence. The hockey player published a touching photo in which his daughter’s small hand rests on his large palm. Igor showed a photo of himself holding his newborn daughter’s hand. “My love,” the athlete captioned the frame.

Lera Kudryavtseva's husband shared a photo with his newborn daughter

The other day Lera and her daughter left the clinic and have already started receiving country house first guests. One of those who had already managed to see Mary was good friend families Andrey Razygraev. The TV presenter shared the details of the meeting with Kudryavtseva on his microblog on Instagram.

Razygraev shared in his microblog that Lera and Igor’s house is filled with happiness. In addition, Andrei shared his indignation at rumors that Kudryavtseva’s child was allegedly given birth to a surrogate mother. “The parents are happy, despite the fact that they only dream of peace and sleep - all the attention, worries and worries are exclusively for the newborn. The baby - as it should be at her age - smiles a lot, occasionally whines and farts often...)))) And to those haters and mentally ill spiteful critics who like to delve into someone else's personal life, I want to say one thing: Dear Individuals! You need to know Lera’s stubbornness and trepidation to understand: she fundamentally would not trust anyone to give birth to such a desired child - only herself!” - he said (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.). Razygraev also noted that Kudryavtseva is already going to return to work, so very soon viewers will be able to see her on television.

Andrey Razygraev and Lera Kudryavtseva

Recall that p Kudryavtseva and Makarov's love affair began in a nightclub. The athlete simply approached the TV presenter with the words: “Hi, I’m Igor.” At first, few could imagine that this acquaintance would later lead the TV presenter and hockey player to the registry office. But even the 16-year age difference and the fact that Igor is only three years older older than my son LeraZhana, could not interfere. A few months after they met, the young man proposed to Kudryavtseva while they were riding in a taxi. On June 8, 2013, Igor and Lera became husband and wife.

Kudryavtseva had two official marriages behind her. With my first husband, a musician Sergei Lenyuk, the father of her son Jean, the TV presenter separated after two years life together. Second marriage (with businessman Matvey Morozov) lasted three years. Lera's wife was sent to prison for fraud and illegal border crossing. In 2008, the TV presenter was credited with having an affair with Sergey Lazarev , however, many are inclined to believe that love affair with the artist was only a well-thought-out PR campaign, while the celebrities were connected only by friendship.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov

Lera Kudryavtseva once again showed her ability to smile at those who criticize her and try to teach her how to live correctly. After all, after the celebrity married 28-year-old hockey player Igor Makarov, many began to discuss the age difference married couple, they say, they are not suitable for each other. The TV presenter herself is ironic about everything that people around her say, and does not consider it necessary to focus on how old she or her lover is.

Recently, Lera Kudryavtseva published a video on her Instagram, in which she laughed at those who were trying to offend her. In the recording you can see Lera and her husband discussing the words of the gossipers. To create the video, the presenter used a special application for mobile phone, changing people's faces. In order to answer her haters, the star “aged” with the help of filters.

Fans star couple were pleased with Kudryavtseva’s publication and fully supported her in the fight against spiteful critics. In their opinion, the main thing is not physical age, but internal. In addition, Lera’s subscribers believe that the number of years lived is not the main thing in a relationship. They also noted that the celebrity is in great shape. “You look about 20 years old, beauty”, “Don’t listen to anyone, let them try to get themselves young husband“Maybe they’ll become kinder,” “Lera, I can only envy you! You look better than many girls who are younger than you”, “If a woman is beautiful, then it doesn’t matter how old she is”, “It’s hilarious, I haven’t laughed like that for a long time”, “Let others envy in silence”, “I’m 12 years older than my husband, I laughed with him,” Kudryavtseva’s fans wrote in the comments.

By the way, Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov recently celebrated their third wedding anniversary. In her microblog, the TV presenter wrote that she was incredibly happy and considered her lover the man of her dreams. She also thanked God for meeting her husband. “And I’m not getting any younger and getting fatter, and you walk around the house in shorts - this is our happiness, to always be there,” Lera congratulated Igor in such a playful manner on their memorable date.