Let them talk broadcast with Kozachenko. The abandoned wife of Kozachenko threw a tantrum on "let them talk"

The woman claims that Vadim has never seen and does not communicate with their common son, six-month-old Philip, whom she is raising alone. On the program, her mother supported her - Natalya Martynova. They talked about how the situation is developing now.


Real passions were in full swing in the studio - Olga did not hold back her emotions, raising her voice. It was clear that the comments from the audience provoked the girl to a breakdown, she could hardly restrain herself and was all on her nerves, behaving quite hysterically at times. The abandoned wife of Kazachenko, with pain and resentment in her voice, recalled that the artist persuaded her to have an abortion and, in her words, "threatened terrible consequences."

It is noteworthy that the singer himself had previously tried to prove in court that he had married a girl under pressure from a future mother-in-law, and their marriage was fictitious. “I didn’t know that he filed a lawsuit in October 2016 to recognize our marriage as fictitious. And after him three more lawsuits – illegal enrichment in a fictitious marriage and the moral damage that I caused him while being in a fictitious marriage with him” , says Olga. “Philip’s last name is Kazachenko, like mine. I gave birth from a loved one, what happened to him next - I don’t know,” she admitted to the singer.

In turn, her mother Natalya Martynova said that she was against the marriage of the girl with Kazachenko. “We are a normal Moscow family. I gave my children everything: apartments, cars, education. Do you really think that for me, as a mother, the ultimate dream is an elderly downed pilot? Let them say "woman". "I had the feeling that we were in the looking glass, from our beautiful world plunged into some kind of fetid mud," she comments on the history of the family conflict with Vadim Kazachenko.

Not all the guests in the studio took the side of Olga. They believe that the girl should have noticed Vadim's close communication with his director Irina Amanti. Moreover, the representative of the artist assures that she was constantly next to him. “No need to vulgarize, I didn’t climb into any family!” Olga said, breaking into a cry.

Also, journalist Yevgenia Kirichenko appeared in the studio, who said that Vadim Kazachenko was not faithful to either Irina or Olga, and communicated with a large number of his fans. She admitted that her former boss Marina also admired the artist's work and met him on the forum. Evgenia remembered that the artist told her friend beautiful words. Kirichenko even vacated the apartment so that Marina and Vadim could arrange a private meeting.

At the end of the program, Olga Kazachenko's lawyers Katya Gordon and Yulia Yudina said that, according to the latest ruling, the artist's marriage to Olga's fan was recognized as legal. Talk show host Dmitry Borisov asked if the woman was ready to divorce the singer in this case. “When the time comes, he will come for a divorce. I don’t want to know him, for me he doesn’t exist as a man, I won’t comment,” the singer’s abandoned wife said.

Recall that the scandal erupted in 2016, when Kazachenko left his pregnant wife Olga. In the studio of Andrei Malakhov's "Let them talk," she said that the singer kicked her out of the house when she was seven months pregnant. The public reacted vividly to the confession of Olga, who was left at the age of 35 without a spouse and housing and with a child under her heart. The case became resonant - Vadim was hunted down on the Web by outraged Russians. The situation was aggravated by the fact that already in April 2017, Kazachenko got married again. This time on a woman close to his age. The singer's chosen one was his faithful friend, director and producer Irina Amanti. However, soon the court declared this marriage invalid.

The dream of many female fans: to marry their idol. And this once succeeded Olga Martynova. The girl was in love for a long time popular singer Vadima Kazachenko and her dream came true: Olga becomes the artist's wife! At the beginning of the issue, video footage from their wedding is shown. It would seem that this is happiness. However, later an unsolvable happened between them, which continues to this day. Today Martynova gave birth to a son to the singer, but Kazachenko does not recognize him. Moreover, Vadim played a wedding with another woman - with his concert director Irina Amanti. Watch the release of the talk show Let them say - is Vadim Kazachenko a bigamist? 09/19/2017

And again shots from the wedding, but now different: Vadim Kazachenko and Irina Amanti are now officially husband and wife. Upset Olga Martynova (Kazachenko) shared her emotions before the broadcast: “I wanted our son to be born in a legal marriage. I told Vadim about this more than once, but he began to threaten me and demanded an abortion.” Now the son of Kazachenko and Martynova Philip is already six months old. The boy was born on March 10, 2017.

The singer does not acknowledge his paternity and claims that he married Olga under pressure from her mother. The marriage, he said, was fictitious. After lengthy litigation, Martynova nevertheless managed to win, and today in the talk show “Let them talk” she will tell all the new details of this scandalous story.

Let them say that Vadim Kazachenko is a bigamist?

Olga Kazachenko (Martynova) managed to prove through the court that the marriage with Vadim Kazachenko was real, which means that the singer is a bigamist! Now the young mother is preparing for a new fight and in the studio of the program “Let them talk with Dmitry Borisov” she will tell in detail about what happened during the year in her life:

- During our marriage, he entered into another marriage - on April 1. He did it behind my back. In October last year, he filed a lawsuit for a fictitious marriage. I had to pay him 1 or 2 million rubles for moral damages. He said that we did not have a wedding with him.

- I was happy in this marriage. Now I'm even ready to believe that it was not him, but a double. We met 11 years ago on the Web: I often visited his forum, where there were always fans. I was 26 then and he was 43. For a long time we communicated simply as an artist and a fan. At that time, magazines printed that Amanti was his woman, but later he told me that this was not true. He said she was his employee. And he went to great lengths to make me believe it. It took him a long time to persuade me to enter into a relationship with him.

Wedding of Vadim Kazachenko and Irina Amanti

- When I was in position, we had with him serious conversation by phone. He suggested that I "terminate the pregnancy so that there are no fatal consequences." Now it doesn't exist for me at all. The Vadim who came to “Let them talk” is not the Vadim that I used to know.

Olga's mother Natalya Martynova:

We are a normal Moscow family. I gave my children everything: an apartment, a car, and education. Do you really think that I dreamed that my daughter would marry an elderly downed pilot?! On the contrary, I always dissuaded Olga.

Vadim Kazachenko is a bigamist? Details in "Let them talk"

In the talk show studio Let them talk - Olga Kazachenko's lawyer, shocking Ekaterina Gordon:

- Both of these women were hit, and in the truest sense of the word. In my experience, this is one of the most funny stories. Kazachenko backdating recognized the marriage with Olga as fictitious. We made it to last dates come to court and prove that the marriage was real. Kazachenko and Amanti, meanwhile, decided to quickly register the marriage. And now both women are officially married!

And here is what Irina Amanti said about Olga on the phone for “Let them talk”:

She is a lifelong kept woman. She has everything: a good car, a house on Rublyovka, now she is resting in the Crimea. She brought Vadim to a heart attack. I would tell how she got pregnant, but I respect myself.

Program guests: music producer Bari Alibasov, writer Maria Arbatova, psychologist Pavel Rakov, producer Valery Sokolov, psychologist Konstantin Sarkisyan and others.

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Who does not remember the blue trousers of Vadim Kazachenko and his enchanting performances as part of the Freestyle group in the 90s?

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This piercing refrain: "It hurts me, it hurts." Before shouting about the downed pilots, look at the results table of the show "One to One" - it is he who is leading by a decent margin. And how many concerts did the artist have to cancel recently in order to participate in the project, you know? 26 - and this is not a joke! About his adult daughter Marianna, about the lack of specifics and producers in his life, 50-year-old Vadim Kazachenko told the TV program.

To try your hand not in diving, not in the ability to survive in extreme conditions, but in the creative element - this is something that is interesting to everyone who considers himself an artist, - Kazachenko begins. - This is a great opportunity to discover new talents. First there was a casting, where I showed several sketches - examples of work, after that I received an offer from the TV channel "Russia" and the producer of the show "White Media". Further, the process was organized by Irina, my producer and director (Irina Amanti, the artist's civil wife. - Auth.).

- Did you watch the first season of the project? Who is especially memorable?

Alexey Chumakov in the image of Alexander Serov, Timur Rodriguez in the image of Adriano Celentano, Yulia Savicheva had excellent numbers. I looked them up and started working on the project. At first I couldn't even sleep. After the very first program, the project participants began to literally terrorize vocal and acting teachers! We left at six in the morning.

- Your work has not been in vain: the audience votes for you. What is harder: to show female image Sofia Rotaru or sing with the timbre of young Andrey Gubin?

It turned out that the most difficult thing was to sing with planted vocal cords. I did Andrey Gubin's number being unhealthy, that is, I could not fully sing, I practically did not prepare for the performance. He went on tour with a cold, performed for four days, then returned and went to the shooting. Hence the failure of the number. What is there to do?

- You are already in your sixth decade, of which you spent more than half on stage, do you really learn something from the teachers of the project?

But how! Be sure to work out the facial expressions and gestures of the artist I show. Set up the choreography characteristic movements. This is all - teamwork, without it anywhere. If you learn the words, the melody and go on stage just to sing, then the viewer will not have the feeling of "one on one". You can't fool him.

- What was the hardest thing?

There are no easy tasks on the project. I believe that I belong to the category of artists who have a pronounced manner of performing. This is rare among today's young singers - usually everyone sings professionally, with high quality, "American style", but the same way. I also have speech and performance features that have to be glossed over. Therefore, my task is not just to transform into this image, but also to be able to hide yourself behind it.

- What is the exclusivity of your manner of singing?

You almost follow the hissing and whistling sounds - Ch, Sh, Shch, S - and right there on the stage you can hear Vadim Kazachenko with his characteristic manner of singing. This, of course, is not schizophrenia, not a split personality, but constant control over gait, voice, gestures.

- It was especially difficult, probably, to show Louis Armstrong?

Yes, firstly, the first broadcast and excitement, and secondly, I had to sing in English, which I never did. I didn't know how the makeup would be applied, what I would feel, how it would affect me. When you go out with your song, you don't think about it, you do everything naturally. And on "One to One" there are a lot of factors that should not be forgotten in the course of work.

- Was there something similar on the project “You are a superstar!”, in which you won in 2008?

There was a slightly different story. We recorded a soundtrack in advance, and then this or that artist was shown under it. In "One to One" we have one double! If you moved out of the timbre, fell out of the image - the train left.

“Many have disappeared, but I continue to sing”

- You once said that TV projects have a positive effect on the corporate performances of artists, but they have almost no effect on concert activity. Now you are more actively invited to corporate parties?

IN Lately corporate parties in our country are very blown away. Apparently, after Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin invited everyone to walk at their own expense, and not for budget money. Demand from the organizers fell sharply, sharply! But there are suggestions. True, I repeat, because of my illness, the director had to make difficult decisions and cancel or postpone performances. We apologized to the organizers and the public who bought the tickets. A total of 26 concerts failed. Until now, 90% of my work is touring. My audience has regularly come to meet me since the 90s.

- Despite your vigorous concert activity, they continue to say about Vadim Kazachenko that he has disappeared. Why is that?

Alas (shrugs).

- Your confident leadership in the One to One project is perceived as a rebirth ...

Or third, or fourth, or tenth (smiles). I take such conversations calmly - this is my life and my destiny. There were years when I was more actively invited to television: "Song of the Year", "Morning Mail", "Disco" LIS "s", "Sharks of the Pen", "MuzOboz", then times changed, I took a break. This is a normal process! those years that I was on stage, many really disappeared, started doing something else.I continue to sing.Knows about it large quantity people or less is not so important. The third generation of listeners comes to my concerts: first my parents and my peers came, then their children began to come, and now the children of our children get acquainted with my songs. There are artists who depend on large music corporations or holdings. And there are relatively independent ones - I am one of them. How do media groups build their policies? Don't know. And I'm not breaking my head over it.

- At the same time, you actively use the Internet platform to communicate with the audience. And you are reciprocated and witticisms. There is even a Twitter "Kazachenko's Bloomers" on the Web, to which you are subscribed.

The Internet appeared in my life back in 1997. Few people knew about him then. And the information transfer rate was 28.8 kbps, imagine! Back then, I created my own forums and guest pages in one of the first Netscape Navigator browsers. In 2005, I registered a forum that is still alive today. This is amazing, because with the development of social networks, he did not die! There are links to my official pages in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter - people come in, are interested, write, actively discuss. Sometimes they even get offended, they want me to friend each of them in all my accounts! (Laughs.)

"I see some abstract goal far ahead"

- You tried to work with all famous producers - Iosif Prigozhin, Igor Krutoy, Viktor Drobysh, but in the end the cooperation did not work out ...

I did not agree with these people about anything. If we happened to talk, then it was a conversation on universal topics, not workers. Business negotiations were conducted by my director Irina - sometimes it was possible to agree, sometimes not. To be honest, in the 90s I joked a lot about this topic. It got to the point of absurdity: artists were invited to a combined concert, no schedule, close dressing rooms, a nervous atmosphere. Succeeded - performed. I usually aspired to be the first. Business before pleasure. Many were not lucky, and the queue simply did not reach them. And it also happened like this: you wait four hours for a performance, work it out, tell your loved ones that the concert will be shown, everyone sits down to watch, and the performance ... was cut out. What is it? At such moments it came to nervous breakdowns. Therefore, he laughed: they say, away from Ostankino - better health.

- At such moments, you did not want to go to work, for example, as a teacher?

I didn't go crazy about it. Every entertainer goes through such situations. Today - magazine covers and broadcasts, and tomorrow - silence. Young artists will also have this: fame, interviews, a battle with psychics and repairing an apartment on the air, trips to uninhabited islands and ice shows and then they just take a place in the hearts and minds of people. What place it will be depends on them. My absence from the screen is compensated by a direct connection with the public via the Internet. Three years ago, I was still asked the question: “Is it really you?” - but now they have already learned where the real me is.

- Nothing takes you. But after all, there were periods of illness in your life, including close people, when you had to remove the shell of equanimity ...

I just lived my life, being aware of what could happen in it. various events. I grew up and understood that my parents were young and became old before my eyes. I knew that they would not. Everyone is aware that they will go through this. The life that billions of people live on the globe: carefree young years, the desire to grow up as soon as possible, then, on the contrary, the desire to scroll back in time and take a longer walk. In general, from childhood I was accustomed to discipline - from the first grade I was engaged in swimming. I was taught that work in training will bear fruit in competition, the result. I spent most of my time as a child in training, while I wanted to learn how to play the guitar, sing in the VIA. There was only time for this between six lessons and four hours of training. It tempered the character.

- Have you ever wondered why you had such an opportunity: to become an artist and perform in front of the public?

I thought about it, but there is no final answer. I see some abstract goal far ahead. Maybe I can't formulate it, but I know that I have to sing. Approximately 10 years ago, when I was not on the air of any TV channel for several years, I did not have managers or directors, we got into the car with my musicians and went on tour. They fit in one car along with a guitar and keys. At some point, I began to understand that this was my destiny and there was no getting away from it.

"It's not hard to be a grandpa"

Does your wife help you along the way?

I am single.

- Well, beloved and director rolled into one - Irina.

I will say this: everything that I need in order to step forward, I have inside me. I may share this with others, or I may not.

- This is the answer of a Buddhist.

And in my life there is almost no specifics. Here, sport is a concrete thing: either you swam the fastest, or knocked someone out, or scored a goal, the result is obvious. And I can sit at home for months, walk, breathe the air - it will be good. Then I want to perform, I'll go on tour - that's good too. But there's nothing concrete about it, you know?

- But there is a result in the form of fans singing “It hurts me, it hurts”, new albums, clicks on the Web.

It's not always an indicator. Eat music industry, marketing, advertising. And there it's not about quality, but about what sells better. But this is not the end result, not an achievement. Sold records are not always an indicator of the true state of affairs and attitude towards the artist, that's the catch.

- Business is business, but there are more important things - your adult daughter Marianna is growing up in Germany. Do you keep in touch with her?

Yes, Marianne grew up in Germany - my first wife took her there when her daughter was nine years old. She grew up, studied at the gymnasium, got married, lives in Munich and works as an assistant manager private company. As a manager, he also cooperates with one business center. She loves music, but she was saved from the unnecessary temptation to sing. She was fond of dancing, but beat off her knees and elbows in the classes of breakdance, which was fashionable at that time.

- Does she often visit you?

Not good. She has her own life. Of course, we communicate - again, social networks to help. But, on the other hand, if not for the Internet, we would more effort to see each other live. I also have my own life - once I was often called to Germany, now infrequently. But just recently she sent me an invitation: Marianne's colleagues wrote letters of recommendation to the consulate, and I was issued a German visa very quickly. In early February, I flew to her. Now I'm looking forward to summer.

- Aren't you expecting grandchildren?

How not to wait (smiles) ... When I got married and Marianna was born, everyone began to gasp: “How will he treat her?” After all, many fathers are afraid to touch the child, I - on the contrary. I quickly learned how to bathe, swaddle, and now I will quickly remember how it is done. True, diapers are probably no longer used, everyone has diapers ... but this is even easier!

- That is, when you are first called grandfather, will you not flinch?

No. Psychologically, this is not difficult for me, because inside we remain young, although outwardly we are aging. Dad and grandpa are wonderful human manifestations. And our whole path is the desire to achieve harmony, so as not to be afraid of incidents or difficulties. Someday we just look back and remember this road. There have been jokes about me on the Internet for a long time: “I was young and beautiful, I became old and scary.” Let them joke, everyone will go through this.


Vadim Kazachenko was born on July 13, 1963 in Poltava. He was fond of swimming, music, performed in an amateur school vocal and instrumental ensemble. She has been singing on the professional stage since 1985. Worked in Kursk, Amur and Barnaul regional philharmonics. In 1989 - 1991 he was a soloist in the Freestyle group, with which he recorded five albums. Started in 1992 independent work, has recorded eight albums and one DVD. He collaborated with composers Vladimir Matetsky, Arkady Ukupnik, Vyacheslav Malezhik and others. Tried to work with producers Igor Krutoy, Iosif Prigozhin, Viktor Drobysh. Several times he was the winner of the "Song of the Year" award. In 2008, he joined the team of winners of the show "You are a superstar!". In 2011 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In the spring of 2014, he began participating in the One to One reincarnation show, in the overall standings of which he is still in the lead. Has an adult daughter, Marianne. Lives with common-law wife Irina Amanti, whom he met in 1995 in Chicago.

Russia 1, One to One, Sunday/17.00