Library of Arts on Bolshaya Dmitrovka opening hours. Russian State Library for Art

The Book of Honorary Visitors, carefully preserved in the library’s collections, contains notes and wishes from A.V. Lunacharsky, A.I. Sumbatova-Yuzhina, P.M. Sadovsky, M.N. Ermolova and other famous figures of art and culture.

History of the library

The initiative to found the library was taken by literature professor and dean of the theater school of the Maly Theater A.A. Fomin, who became its first director. Initially, the hall and library collections were located in the premises of the Higher Theater Workshops of the Maly Theater and served mainly the needs of the school students.

Since 1925, the library began to provide literature for other Moscow theaters; the collections were significantly replenished by books from the theater department of the State Academy of Arts and other institutions.

During the Great Patriotic War, “Teatralka” did not close. Work continued in unheated premises to preserve funds and maintain front-line theaters.

In 1948, the State Central Theater Library moved to new premises - the old estate of N.E. Myasoedov, built according to the design of the architect M.F. Kazakov in 1793. Since the time of the first owner, the building housed a serf theater, and starting from the 19th century, a theater school was located here, then the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters. The house with theatrical history turned out to be not intended for the needs of a library; only decades later the premises were equipped properly.

An important component of the Teatralka collections are the collections of books by artists - directors, actors, theater historians and critics, including M.N. and A.P. Gaziev, S.S. Ignatova, S.S. Mokulsky, Yu.I. Slonimsky, N.D. Volkova. Significant additions to the library's collection began in the 1960s, when the volume of funds increased to 1,670,000 volumes, including books on the humanities and art.

In 1992, the State Central Theater Library was renamed the Russian State Library of Arts.

Library today

For several decades now, the RGBI has been functioning as a scientific library in the humanities, in other words, a research laboratory. The most interesting part of the collection consists of archival materials and music manuscripts from the rare book department. The library contains video recordings of theatrical productions from different years, the collection of which is regularly updated.

Today, the Russian State Library of Arts is the country's main library, collecting publications on various cultural issues. Possessing extensive documentary collections and visual materials on the history of theater, opera, ballet, and circus in Russia and abroad, the library has become a cultural center for professionals and students.

The building on Bolshaya Dmitrovka also hosts exhibitions and musical evenings, conferences and seminars. The library's collection is a source of inspiration and help for all art lovers.

    - (RGBI) in Moscow. It is the main library collecting literature on issues of art and theater. Founded in 1922 on the initiative of Taatrov scholar and professor A. A. Fomin as the Central Theater Library. In 1991 it was renamed to Russian... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Art library. Moscow. Russian State Library for the Arts (8/1 street), the leading library and information center in the field of performing arts. Founded in 1922 on the initiative of A.A. Fomina as a library; in 1936 transferred to... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Russian State Library for Art (RGLI) in Moscow- the largest in Russia. Federation library in the field of theater and fine arts. Basic in 1922 as a theater library based on the library of the school at the Maly Theater and transformed into the State Central Theater Library (modern... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Location Moscow Founded on July 1, 1828 Collection Collection items: books, periodicals, sheet music, sound recordings, art publications, cartographic publications, electronic publications, scientific works, documents, etc... Wikipedia

    Location... Wikipedia

    See also: Lenin Library (metro station) Russian State Library ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Library Location Moscow Founded on July 1, 1828 Collection Collection items: books, periodicals, sheet music, sound recordings, art publications, cartographic publications, electronic publications, scientific works, ... ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Institute (RGBI), in Moscow. Founded in 1922. Modern name since 1991. In 1998, about 2 million storage units ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Coordinates... Wikipedia

    THEATER LIBRARY central (Moscow). Founded in 1922. In 1993 approx. 2 million units hr. In the 1990s. renamed the Russian State Library for Art (see RUSSIAN STATE LIBRARY FOR ART) ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Theater periodicals in Russia. The collection continues the tradition of book readings at the scientific conference “Theater Book Between Past and Future,” held every two years by the Russian State Library for Art. Subject…

The Russian State Library of Arts (RGLI) is a repository of values ​​of Russian culture and art, a leading scientific and information institution. The library was transformed in 1991 from the oldest theater library and is the main library collecting collections of literature on art and theater. The library has entered the history of the cultural past and continues to play a significant role in the humanitarian processes of our time.

History library

The life of the library is closely connected with the famous Maly Theater, in the depths of which it was born. It was created on the initiative of an outstanding theater teacher, dean of the theater school of the Maly Theater, major theater expert, Professor A.A. Fomin, who became the first and until the last days of his life permanent director of the library. He managed to attract famous scientists to his work: professors A.A. Grushka, K.V. Sivkov, V.K. Moller, academician D.N. Kardovsky, theater and museum worker and director N.A. Popov. The work of the library was actively supported by the chairman of the Maly Theater Directorate A.I. Sumbatov-Yuzhin and the People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky. The grand opening of the library took place in the premises of the Higher Theater Workshops of the Maly Theater on May 24, 1922 with the participation of the most prominent theater masters, who left their autographs in the memorable “Brocade Book”. A bright future awaited the library.

Since 1925, the library changed its functions and began to serve Moscow theaters. Its services were used by the largest stage masters: M.I. Babanova, L.V. Baratov, E.N. Gogoleva, N.M. Dudinskaya, Yu.A. Zavadsky, D.V. Zerkalova, K.A. Zubov, I S. Kozlovsky, L. M. Koreneva, M. F. Lepin, V. O. Massalitinova, I. M. Moskvin, N. P. Okhlopkov, V. N. Pashennaya, A. D. Popov, P. M. .Sadovsky, I.Ya.Sudakov, A.K.Tarasova, E.D.Turchaninova, N.P.Khmelev, M.M.Straukh; outstanding theater artists: M.P. Bobyshev, P.V. Williams, E.E. Lansere, I.I. Nivinsky, Yu.I. Pimenov, I.M. Rabinovich, A.G. Tyshler, F.F. Fedorovsky, V.A. Shestakov, V.A. Shchuko, K.F. Yuon and many others.

Both classical and modern pages of national culture are associated with the library.

During the Great Patriotic War, the library did not close. Although the room was almost not heated, intensive work continued, servicing front-line theaters, propaganda brigades and ensembles, Sovinformburo correspondents, and military personnel.

After the war, in 1948, the library moved to a house that is an architectural monument. The building was built according to the design of M.F. Kazakov in 1793, since then it has retained its appearance without any alterations. The library carefully preserves the monument and has restored the Blue Hall. The theater history of the building goes back more than two hundred years. The owner of the mansion during the time of M.F. Kazakov was the Moscow vice-governor N.E. Myasoedov. It is known that there was a serf theater in Myasoedov’s house. In 1829, the house on Bolshaya Dmitrovka was bought by the treasury for the theater school. Later the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters was located here.

The library's holdings amount to more than 1 million 670 thousand items. storage: books, magazines, newspapers, newspaper clippings, theater programs, graphic sheet material: engravings, sketches, watercolors, reproductions, postcards, photographs, clippings. They reflect the special character of the library and are a unique base not only for art historians, but also for broad humanitarian activities. They are especially actively used in creative professions.

The library has become a kind of scientific and artistic laboratory. Its help is used by creative groups and artists when creating films, performances, television programs, art projects, etc.

Over time, the forms of activity of the theater library were enriched, and the possibilities of serving readers expanded. The library has become an information, scientific, and advisory center on art issues.

At one time, K.S. Stanislavsky assessed this library as the only one of its kind, calling it “a precious source.”