Fortune telling on cards to find out the attitude. Love divination on cards for a certain man

Central theme for all young girls There has always been a theme of love and marriage. Who loves me? Who will I marry? Will I be happy with him? Here are the main questions that almost every unmarried girl wants answers to. And many, in order to somehow shed light on their future, turn specifically to fortune-telling and divination. Moreover, by today, humanity has accumulated great amount various methods, both for determining the name of the betrothed and, and for clarifying the relationship of the lover to the girl who is guessing at him. It is not always easy to choose from the abundance of layout techniques, so we suggest starting with the simplest and easiest. The fortune-telling on cards for a guy proposed here is called “4 Jacks” and it allows you to determine the attitude of four men at once towards the lady.

How to make a deal for four guys at once?

For this divination, you will need a classic playing deck of thirty-six cards. Before you start laying out the cards, you need to "assign" to each of the jacks in the deck the name of the person whom he will designate. This can be done, both guided by the rules (unmarried - diamonds, married - hearts, a man older than the rest - clubs), and in random order. The main thing is not to forget later which jack represents which guy, so it’s better to immediately write down this information on paper.

"Four Jacks" and their attitude towards you

  1. This should begin by choosing from the deck of all jacks and shuffling them
  2. When the four cards in the fortuneteller's hands are well mixed, they need to be laid out in one horizontal row with their shirts up
  3. Now you need to shuffle the rest of the deck and lay it out one card at a time under the jack cards (however, this time face down)
  4. The result will be 8 rows, each of which will have four cards.
  5. the guy must be evaluated not horizontally (as is usually done), but vertically (top to bottom), while removing pairs of cards of the same value that are located one under the other
  6. When such a pair is removed from the layout, it is not thrown out, but on the contrary, it is placed on the jack in which it was found
  7. When all pairs of cards have been drawn, you need to lay out the remaining deck in a similar way three more times, repeating the same procedures.
  8. Finally, after the last, fourth layout of the deck, you can open jacks and see which pairs of cards are on them.

Attention! It is worth remembering that the very first and the very last card that are in a vertical row are considered to be lying next to each other!

We are looking for the values ​​of all paired cards:

  • Sixes - fast road, he is on his way to you
  • Sevens - he needs you, he is waiting for a meeting
  • Eights - an important conversation will take place soon
  • Nines - he loves you very much
  • Dozens - he shows an open interest in you
  • Aces - he probably has a great passion for you
  • Kings - jealous of everyone else
  • Ladies - he already has a lady, he is not interested in you.

Fortune telling is considered especially strong and truthful if there are as many as four cards of the same value on top of one of the jacks.

Fortune telling in the name of a guy “does he love or not love?”

Another simple fortune-telling on cards in the name of a guy can be done after the previous one, to concretize it. And here, at least, you need to know full name object of divination, as well as imagine how it looks. Among other things, during the implementation of fortune-telling, it is necessary to think intensively about this person. For the layout, you need a deck of 36 cards.

  1. A well-shuffled deck is laid out on the table in as many piles as there are letters in the name of the person who is being divined.
  2. When the entire deck is laid out, piles of cards are turned over and look at the suit of the bottom card. If the object of divination is fair-haired, then it is necessary that there be a red suit below, if it is dark, then a black suit. In case of hitting the “wrong” suit, you need to put such a card aside until the right one comes across.
  3. Then heaps of cards are neatly, without mixing, folded into one and continue the layout in the same way, only now, guessing no longer in the full name, but in its diminutive (more accepted in relationships) version.
  4. After the layout is completed for the name in its diminutive form, you should collect the remaining cards and lay them out two by two in the order in which they lie in the deck.
  5. Then the results should be deciphered, based on how many and which paired cards turned out in the final layout.

We decipher the result of fortune-telling:

  • Sixes: two - marriage, four - fidelity
  • Sevens: two - a meeting, four - a date
  • Eights: two - conversation, four - quarrel
  • Nines: two - love, four - the most big love in life
  • Tens: two - interest, four - calculation
  • Jacks: two - chores, four - a lot of empty chores
  • Ladies: two are hopes, four are gossip
  • Kings: two strong friendship, four - brotherhood
  • Aces: two - physical intimacy, four - passion.

Both of the above layouts are good in that they are relatively easy to implement and do not require much experience in divination, and besides, they can be practiced quite often, because people's relationships are a changeable phenomenon. However, if you didn’t have a deck at hand, and you really need to know the fate, then this is not a reason to refuse, because you can always try the online ritual on yourself.

On the video - a variant of the layout for 4 jacks:

Card fortune-telling - old and known way lift the veil over the present and the future. This method of "search for truth" is resorted to by many people, especially girls, in whose personal life there is some uncertainty. Indeed, thanks to fortune-telling, you can find out how the “object of adoration” relates to you.

How to guess the guy on the cards: method one

To tell feelings young man, mix the deck well and remove the upper part with your left hand towards you. It is very important at this moment to concentrate all your attention on the chosen one: imagine his appearance, habits, voice.

  • Arrange all cards in piles. Moreover, their number must match the name of the guy. For example, if you are guessing for Alexander, then there should be 8 stacks, for Sergey - 6.
  • Look at the bottom cards of each pile. They must match the “suit” of the beloved: red cards are suitable for fair-haired guys, black cards for dark-haired guys. Put the "wrong" piles aside.
  • Carefully fold the remaining cards, in no case mixing them. Now you need to decompose them into the number of stacks corresponding to nickname chosen one or his nickname. For example, for divination by Alexander, you need to make 4 piles (Sasha).
  • Take any of them and arrange them into two identical piles.
  • Then take the next one and do the same. As a result, you will get two identical piles of cards.
  • At the same time, remove the top card from each pile and look at them.
  • If the value coincided (two jacks or two sixes), then put them aside - we will learn the future from these doubles.

After both piles are turned over and all paired cards are selected, you can begin to interpret.

What do duplicates mean?

  • Sixes - marriage. If you are lucky and you got all four, then such a set speaks of the devotion of the chosen one.
  • Sevens - an early meeting with a lover. Two couples - a romantic date.
  • Eights - conversation. Two pairs of eights - a disagreement is possible.
  • Nines are love. Four cards - incredible love.
  • Dozens - interest. Two pairs of these cards warn of the prudence of the chosen one.
  • Jacks fall to trouble. Two couples means a lot of fuss.
  • Ladies are hope. Two couples fall out to gossip.
  • Kings symbolize friendly relations. The two couples are the kinship of souls.
  • Aces fall out to intimacy. Two pairs of these cards speak of violent passion.

For such fortune-telling, you will need a regular deck of 36 cards. It is desirable that it be new. And in general, if you think to guess in the future, then get yourself an individual deck. She can predict the fate of her girlfriends if desired, but it is not recommended to give it to anyone.

Method two

Thanks to this fortune-telling, you can find out how your lover feels for you, as well as what kind of relationship awaits you in the future. Choose a king who will personify your chosen one:

  • The suit of diamonds is suitable for a young man;
  • Clubs - a solid and wealthy chosen one;
  • Chervovaya - to a married man;
  • Peak - to a stranger.

Place your king in the center of the table and place the other three at the top. Mix the deck well. Now you need to spread the cards into three "foreign" kings. Put the last of them face down on your chosen one. Shuffle the deck again and repeat the layout. It is necessary to carry out such a “procedure” three times. Now look at the cards that you debugged for your king and proceed to interpret the layout:

  • Ace speaks of strong feelings with a partner, but you need to wait a bit until the situation improves.
  • The lady is a bad sign. It means that you have a rival. If this card fell first and is closest to the king, then your position is very difficult.
  • Jack warns you against hasty decisions. Your "king" is not the most the best option. This person is either selfish or doesn't love you at all.
  • Ten is not the most best card for a woman in love. It symbolizes only friendly relations. Maybe it's worth looking for another object for sympathy?
  • Nine speaks of strong feelings, but happiness will not come to you too easily. Most likely you will have to face obstacles. We must try to keep this connection at all costs.
  • Eight predicts serious conversation on which your joint future will be decided.
  • Seven symbolizes surprise and surprise. An offer will be made to you shortly.
  • Six says that the person does not deserve your love and affection. Relationships will not bring you happiness, even if you become his chosen one.

Method three

The previous fortune-telling methods are suitable for girls who have decided on their chosen one. But what if you have several applicants for this role. In this case, it is worth playing solitaire called "Four Jacks". To do this, select four of these cards and make a choice for each of them. After that, mix them well and lay them face down in front of you in a horizontal row.

Take the remaining cards and shuffle well. Lay them face up under each jack in a row. As a result, you will get an 8 * 4 rectangle. Remove adjacent cards with the same value in each vertical row. But do not mix them, but put the matched pairs under the “cavalier” in whose row you found them. It is also necessary to remove the first and last card in each horizontal row if their value is the same. After that, collect the rest, mix and repeat the alignment three more times. After that, take pairs from under your jacks and open the cavaliers. It remains only to explain what each of them experiences:

  • The sixes represent the road, which means the “jack” wants to pay you a visit.
  • Sevens speak of a desire to meet.
  • Eights predict a serious conversation.
  • Nines mean love.
  • Dozens - they are seriously interested in your person.
  • Ladies mean that the “jack” has a chosen one, and nothing awaits you here.
  • Kings symbolize jealousy.
  • Aces speak of all-consuming passion.

Such simple fortune-telling options will help you deal with the feelings of your chosen one. Most importantly, do not despair if the result does not suit you, because the cards only speak of the possibility, and you are the mistress of your fate.

Card divination is not inferior in popularity to Christmas. An ordinary deck can tell about the future, predict the development of relationships and reveal other people's secrets. Girls often use this magical tool to tell fortunes about their beloved man. It is believed that even a person who does not possess the gift of clairvoyance can make a general forecast. Anyone can try to predict their own fate. To do this, you will need an unplayed classic deck of 36 cards. Retire, tune in to fortune-telling and start the process. You can light a candle and put a photo of the man next to you, about whose feelings you will ask. After the session, collect the cards and hide them so that they are not touched by other people.

Alignment for the future of a couple in love

Select from the deck cards that symbolize you and the man:

  • the king of diamonds is a fair-haired young man, a lady - unmarried girl with blond hair;
  • king of hearts married man, lady - married woman;
  • the king of clubs is a dark-haired young man, the lady is a dark-haired girl;
  • the king of spades is a brown-haired or brunette in age, the lady is an elderly woman or a widow.

Set aside the card that represents you. Put the king in front of you. Shuffle the deck, mentally asking a question about the future with this person. Remove the deck with your left hand towards you and lay out one card at a time according to the scheme:

The cards around the king symbolize the feelings of a man and the near future with him:

  • Ace - the feelings are mutual, you will be together.
  • Kings - help and support from a man.
  • Lady - the appearance of a rival, a secret love affair.
  • Jack - empty chores, vanity.
  • 10 - loss of interest, the relationship will develop into friendly sympathy.
  • 9 - successful development of relationships, marriage proposal.
  • 8 - an unpleasant conversation, parting.
  • 7 - romantic meeting.
  • 6 - separation due to departure.

If three or four cards are of the same value, lay out four additional cards. They are interpreted in the manner described above.

How to find out about the feelings of a man

Choose from the deck a card that indicates the man you are interested in (the description is given in the previous layout). Place the significator card in front of you and take the rest of the deck. Come up with a question that can be answered unambiguously. For example, “Does (name) want to meet me?”, “Will (name) call me today?”, “Does (name) love me?” etc. In one session, you can guess on several different men. There is also no limit on the number of questions.

As you shuffle the card, repeat the question a few times to yourself or out loud. Remove part of the cards with your left hand towards you and lay out the top three cards in a row under the significator. Pay attention to the suits:

  • worms and tambourines - a positive answer,
  • spades and clubs - a negative answer.

If all three cards are red, the answer to the question is definitely yes. Accordingly, all black suits mean the answer is “no”. One black and two red cards indicate that the answer is rather yes, but you will encounter some obstacles. One red and two black cards - probably not, but there is small chance for a favorable outcome.

Very few rituals of our great-grandmothers have come down to us, but the old fortune-telling about a guy’s love is an exception. AND modern girls with the same trepidation and enthusiasm, they begin fortune-telling, as they did one hundred and two hundred years ago.

Ancient divination for love on playing cards

To find out if a guy likes you, try card divination called "Three Kings".

To do this, take out the kings from the deck, think of a guy on one of them. Put it on the table, lay the rest in a row on top. Shuffle the deck of cards and place them on three kings, one card upside down, and only the last card from the deck is placed on your king.

Collect from the kings, except for yours, all the cards. Shuffle and spread again in the same way. This process must be done three times to leave three cards on your king.

Now we put the deck aside and take the three cards that fell on your king and begin to read the layout.

If an ace fell on your king, then this means that the guy loves you very much, but you need to be patient and not rush things.

The lady is your rival, if she was near the king, then the matter is serious. The card shows that the guy you made up has a girlfriend or some lady wants to get him.

Jack is a card of egoists, which means that your lover thinks only of himself, and not of you. Maybe you made a mistake with the choice of a partner, and your relationship is not what you dreamed of.

Dozens say that the person only sees you as a friend.

Nine - do not hesitate, they love you, but you will have many obstacles and you will have to work hard to keep the relationship.

Eight means talking.

Seven means that very serious and unexpected news awaits you, it looks like you will be offered a marriage proposal.

Six - you made the wrong choice, nothing good awaits you with this person. If you link your fate with him, you will both be unhappy.

Solitaire for love on playing cards

In order to play solitaire, you need to take a deck of 52 cards. The deck must be shuffled and the top card removed. You need to pronounce the name of the cards for each card you draw, starting from the ace (that is, you say ace, two, three, and so on, ending with the king) and see if the card that fell out coincided with the one being pronounced.

If it matches, then put that card aside. And in this way you lay out the cards until you put aside three cards. Then, decipher the layout.

Often this solitaire is used as a fairly accurate divination for love.

For interpretation, you must first take the first card that fell out, and as number 1, you need to look for it in the interpreter.

The ace that fell first advises you to calmly do business. Second - wait for improvement. Third - the information received can be trusted.

1. Prepare in advance for the worst.

2. Think it over and realize that you just made a mistake.

3. Desire is almost impossible.

1. You will survive all the trouble.

2. You need to be kinder.

3. Everything bad will turn into good.


1. A woman wishes you harm.

2. You are being cheated on.

3. Big trouble.

1. Changes are coming that promise improvement.

2. Don't make new friends, you'll regret it.

3. Upcoming events will bring peace.


1. Don't get upset over trifles.

2. Do not think about the bad.

3. To become happy, you need to change.

1. The news is unpleasant.

2. Don't gossip.

3. Loss through your fault.


1. Bad news.

2. Treason.

3. Your lover will get sick.

1. Trouble awaits.

2. Be patient.

3. Bad news.

3. You are lucky.

1. Fulfillment of a cherished desire.

2. Pay attention to the object of love. Your soul mate may upset you.

3. Be patient, because everything in the world passes.

1. Circumstances will tell you what to do.

2. Be faithful, it will bring you happiness.

3. Trouble awaits you.

1. You are too trusting, it will destroy you.

2. Happy news.

3. Stay as you are, and bliss awaits you.

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