Musical entertainment in the form of a concert for children of middle and senior groups “Musical drops. “Visiting Vitaminka” musical entertainment for middle school children

Sports and musical entertainment for children of the middle group “We need cleanliness for health”


Increase children's interest in physical culture; Foster kindness and mutual assistance in the team; IN game form develop basic physical qualities: strength, endurance, agility; Create conditions for generalizing basic valeological knowledge in children and the ability to use them for their health.

Holiday attributes:

Emblems for teams, plumes for fans, vitamins, “Palms” for the jury, sports equipment, flags.


Fairy of Cleanliness, Dirty.

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall to the music and are seated in teams in pre-prepared places.


Hello guys! Today is a holiday of cleanliness and health. Everyone knows, everyone understands that it’s nice to be healthy! You just need to know how to become healthy. Accustom yourself to order, Do every day...



And we'll do some fun exercises!

Game exercise “Zverobik”

The cat sat on the window
And she began to wash her ears with her paw.
After watching her a little,
We can repeat her movements.


One two Three. Come on, repeat!
One two Three. Well, repeat it!

Three four five. Repeat again!
Repeat again!

A snake crawls along a forest path,
It glides along the ground like a ribbon.
And we are such a movement
We can draw it for you with our hands.


The heron stands in the swamp all day
And he catches frogs with his beak.
It's not hard to stand like that
For us, for the trained guys.


There are a lot of people living in the world
Monkeys, cats, birds and snakes.
But man, you are a friend of nature,
And he must know the habits of all animals.


The Fairy of Purity enters.

Fairy of Purity:

Good afternoon I am Purity!
I always want to be with you!
I came to teach you
How to maintain health.
Guess what, guys?
My pure riddles!
Smooth, fragrant, washes clean.


Guys, let's play the game "Bathhouse"?

Game "Bathhouse"

How to play: Children stand in pairs, choosing each other at will. Children take turns performing stroking movements on the back, saying the words: “Rubbed the pigs on each other’s backs.” Children turn to face each other, performing movements according to the text: “We washed the hooked tails, We washed the snouts. Steamed with a broom, Steamed with a birch broom. Wow! Then the game repeats. Children choose another partner.

Fairy of Purity (makes the following riddle):

He lay down in his pocket and guarded Roar, the crybaby and the dirty one. They will have streams of tears in the morning, I won’t forget about the nose. (Scarf) The Fairy of Purity sits on the jury. Dirty runs into the hall.


I hear you talking about dirt? And here I am! I was the only one who got bored. There is no one to look at: everyone is so clean! Where are my friends Blobs? Come on, get all the kids dirty!

Game "Blots"

Progress of the game: The music of “Baba Yaga” by P. I. Tchaikovsky is played. “The Blob” is trying to touch the children’s hands with a plume made from a black plastic bag. Children should quickly remove their hands.


It didn’t work out... (Pays attention to the Fairy of Purity.) And what kind of beauty is this? (Children answer that this is the Fairy of Purity.) Just think, Purity! And it will be dirty.


Wait, Dirty! I have a suggestion. Let's play and compete!


Shall we compete? Agree! But as?


Sports, guys, are very necessary, we are strong friends with sports! Sport is an assistant, sport is health. Sports - games, physical education Hurray!


Is it possible for me to lead all sports competitions? Guys, agree, I won’t let you down!


Let's try. Let's see what comes of this. Relay races are held: Planting and harvesting potatoes. Carry it, don't drop it! Bicycle racing. Passing the ball.


Did you guys like the competition? In the meantime, while the jury makes a fair decision, we will teach Dirty to dance! Free dance as shown by the presenter. The jury sums up the results.

Fairy of Purity:

I am very happy for you today, and I will give you this advice: Do physical exercise in the mornings and evenings. And I thank you all for a joyful holiday. I’ll give you my vitamin gift for your health!


Yes, where children love cleanliness, I have nothing to do. The children leave the hall.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Musical entertainment "Guess it"

1. Develop coordination of hearing and voice, form initial singing skills.
2. Create a desire for cooperative games.
3. To promote the ability to expressively recite poems by heart and solve riddles.
4. Encourage children's desire to play together.

Progress of entertainment
(the hall is decorated in Russian folk style. Children freely enter the hall to the Russian folk melody and look at the decoration).

Attributes: large matryoshka doll, large plywood nesting doll, house, spoons, handkerchiefs according to the number of children, benches, chairs for playing
Leading: Look how beautiful it is in the hall: there is a beautiful house, and a cockerel sitting on the fence. Have you looked at everything? Now sit down and listen to me carefully. Today we came to the hall to sing, have fun, play, and guess riddles, and the answers are in my chest.

Here's your first riddle:
The girlfriends are different in height and don't look alike.
They all sit next to each other, but there is only one toy.
Children: Matryoshka.

Musical director: (takes out a matryoshka doll from the chest and shows it to the children). That's right, this is a nesting doll, but do you want to turn into real nesting dolls? (children's answer) Now our elegant nesting dolls will sing a song for you.

Theatricalization of the song "Matryoshka".

Musical director: And now the big matryoshka wants to play with you.
Game "Musical chairs"(children stand around the chairs and perform dance moves to the music; as soon as the music stops playing, the children sit on the chairs; those who do not have enough chairs leave the game).

Musical director: Here's another riddle, guess it, guys.
If the clouds hid the sun,
The rain is knocking on your window,
So that your feet don't get wet,
Get your shoes on quickly...
. (Boots).

Well done, you guessed it - these are boots that are needed in order not to get your feet wet in the rain.

Musical director: And now the boots have appeared from the chest, they want to play with you.

The game "Who runs faster in boots." Song: "Boots".

Musical director: It's time to solve the next riddle.
He takes nothing for himself, but gives everything to others.

Children: This is a spoon.
Musical director: Yes, these are the spoons that feed us. There are also spoons in my chest, painted and wooden. Come out, good fellows, please us with a game of spoons.

Orchestra "Lozhkari" (children play spoons to a Russian folk melody). (There's a knock on the door and the postman comes in.)

Postman - Musical Director: Hello guys! I seem to have come to the right address. Is this kindergarten "Fairy Tale"?

Children: Yes, this is our kindergarten.

Postman: But I won’t just give you the parcel.
Sing my favorite song about Santa Claus.

Song about Santa Claus
Postman: Oh yes, well done guys, get the parcel, but I have to go, I still have a lot of parcels to deliver to the children today. Goodbye. (the teacher opens the parcel, and there are toys).

Musical director: Guys, look how many toys they sent us. Do you know any poems about toys? Of course, each of you has a favorite toy, for which you will read a poem, and sing a song, and for some you will dance a dance.

Poems about toys.
Leading: With such beautiful toys I really want to dance.
Dance with toys.
Leading: Our little holiday has come to an end, we had a lot of fun, it’s time to go to the group.

Educational areas: Cognitive development, speech development, artistic aesthetic development.

Program content:

  • Systematize children's knowledge about signs, migratory birds of spring, migratory birds and insects.
  • Develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech, continue to teach solving riddles about spring, birds, insects.
  • Develop independence, goodwill, and communication skills.
  • Cultivate a love for nature careful attitude to its objects. Friendly relationships between children.

Equipment and materials: balloon, an envelope with a letter, a spring costume, yellow ribbons for each child, an image of a train, “daisy” and “ladybugs” hats for children, an image of birds, flower elements made of colored paper, pots with soil, grains, trays.

Progress of the event:

Children with yellow ribbons in their hands run into the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Exercise with ribbons.

Host: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them. We invite everyone to the holiday, we greet guests with smiles.

(sit down)

(a balloon with a postcard flies in)

Host: Guys, look, a balloon has flown towards us. He brought us some news (opens a postcard and reads):

I'm turning buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees, water the crops

Woke everyone up from their sleep

What's my name

Children: Spring!

1 Child: The long winter is finally over

The sun is out, spring has come to us!

2 Child: White birch trees shake their branches

So they invite the red spring to visit!

3 Child: Gray sparrows fly in flocks

So they invite the red one to visit in the spring!

Song about spring.

Leading: Dear friends! The long-awaited spring has arrived. What a tender word this is! It rings like a drop in spring, breathes the freshness of forest snowdrops, bird trills ring out, sunbeams sparkle!

4 Child: Spring has come to us again

So much light and warmth

The snow is melting, the streams are babbling

Sparrows jumping in puddles

It got dark in the yard

Here's to the children's freedom!

Round dance "Spring"

Host: It’s so good that spring has come to us!

The sun shines all day long until late!

Birds funny songs sing

They invite you to a fairytale forest for a walk.

And now, guys, let's go with you on our funny train to the forest.

Train "Antoshka"

(bird music sounds)

Presenter: Here you and I guys have arrived in the spring forest! Let's see how well you know the signs of spring?

1. What is blue, tall, clean in spring? (sky)

2. What is light, white, empty in spring? (cloud)

3. What runs and murmurs in the spring? (stream)

4. What drips and rings in the spring? (drops)

5. What warms, shines, bakes in spring? (Sun)

4 Child: Streams in the forest sing

And the snowdrops are blooming

Everything woke up from sleep

It came to us.

Children: Spring!

(Spring comes to the music)

Spring: I know they are waiting for me everywhere

I bring warmth to people

I dance and sing

I give joy to everyone!

Host: You are a red spring, what did you come with?

Spring: With spring juice,

With the sky high

With melting water, with dance and fun.

Hold hands together

And start dancing.

Circle dance

(sit down)

Spring: Guys, I didn’t come to you alone, look, the little sparrow came with me. He didn’t fly away anywhere, he spent the winter with you all winter. I ate the seeds and crumbs that you poured into the feeders.

Sing a song quickly, the sparrow loves songs!

Song "I'm a little bird"

Spring: Guys, what migratory birds do you know? Right! (children's answers). All migratory birds return to their nests.

Spring: Guys, now you and I are going to play interesting game, and it's called "Skvorushki and the cat."

Spring: The spring sun is warming up, the first grass appears, insects wake up and begin to fly.

Spring: Now I’ll tell you a few riddles, and you try to solve them.

1.She is bright and beautiful

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

Drinks fragrant juice with its proboscis (butterfly).

2. She keeps buzzing, buzzing,

She circles above the flower,

She sat down and took the juice from the flower.

Honey is ready for us... (bee).

3. She is dearer than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet.

Circles on the back

Black dots ( ladybug).

Song "Big Beetle"

Spring: Here comes my warm spring rain!

And with thunder too!

4 Child: Cloud and sun again

They started playing hide and seek

Only the sun will hide

The cloud will burst into tears.

Song "Evil Cloud"

Spring: After such rains, all nature comes to life, flowers bloom and are beautiful. And I have another riddle for you.

Sisters standing in the field, green braids

Golden eye, white eyelashes.

Children: Daisies.

Dance “Daisies and Bugs”

Game "Collect a flower"

Presenter: Well done guys, you collected beautiful flowers!

We know, spring, that you are rich not only in flowers. People sow grains of bread so that no one goes hungry, water the grains with rain, and there will be a glorious harvest.

5 Child: I will plant it in the ground

small grain

It will sprout under the spring sun.

Host: Let’s give the beauty a gift in the spring, guys. Here I have some magic seeds, we will plant them and give them away in the spring.

(there are pots of soil on trays, grains of zucchini, beans, and peas in containers).

Planting seeds

Spring: You greeted me kindly

They greeted us with song and dance

Thank you for everything

Before new meeting kids! (leaves).

Presenter: We had a nice walk in the spring forest,

But you, children, must remember the main thing.

All the inhabitants of the forest are our friends,

And we know how to offend friends -

All: No!

Host: Guys, our walk is over. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. And our ball will help us.

Well, close your eyes and say 1, 2, 3 - bring us back to kindergarten!

(open their eyes, stand as they stood at the beginning)

Host: How fun we greeted spring

How time flew by - unnoticed

We say thank you to all guests

What helped us today!

For clapping and smiling

It’s not in vain that we tried for you

Let's tell everyone... (goodbye)

And we'll wave goodbye.

(they walk away to the music and wave their hand).

Olga Barmina
Musical entertainment in middle group"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

Goals and objectives:

Continue to instill in children a love for music, the desire to listen to her, to enrich her musical impressions, develop creative manifestations V musical activity.

Create a joyful atmosphere, promote sustainable interest in your favorite character, folk art, respond emotionally to the presenter’s remarks, consolidate the children’s existing knowledge.

Continue to develop skills in singing, moving under music, demonstrate gaming abilities.

Progress of entertainment:

Sounds music B. Shainsky, to poems by Yu. Entin "There are many in the world fairy tales» , to the hall, fabulously decorated, children enter and are located in the center. To the right of the central wall are shelves with pictures from Russian fairy tales, in the background there is a clearing with toys, balls hanging.

Presenter: Guys, today I invite you to do something amazing a journey through a magical land called« Fairy tale» ! Do you agree?

(children agree with pleasure)

IN there are many adventures in the fairy tale,

Very joyful excitement,

Good wins in her,

After all, it is stronger than evil!

(currently presenter "casts a spell", to a gentle sounding melody,

children spin around in place)

Presenter: Here we are in a magical country. Let's take a walk along it.

A song from the program is playing "Visiting fairy tales» , children walk through the hall

"snake", twist and unwind "spiral"

Presenter: Children, look, we find ourselves in a magical clearing. How beautiful it is here! Amazing place!

(children approach one of the Christmas trees, under which they lie illustrations

To fairy tale"Masha and the Bear")

Presenter: Guys, there are some pictures here! (raise and examine)

(pictures can also be viewed on the interactive whiteboard)

From what fairy tales this bear?

Children: "Masha and the Bear"!

Presenter: Well done, you guessed it right. (asks more questions): How did Mashenka find her way home?

Children: She baked pies, climbed into the box, the bear brought her home to her grandparents

Presenter: What did Masha say when the bear sat down on a tree stump to rest?

Children: “Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie”!

Presenter: As in others in fairy tales they call a bear?

Children: Clubfoot, stomper, Mikhailo Ivanovich!

Presenter: Let's play a game "By the Bear in the Forest"!

A game "By the Bear in the Forest"

(a Bear child is selected and puts on a bear hat)

Then the children and the leader go to another Christmas tree, under which sits a toy Fox.

Leading: Guys, look, the fox is the beauty of the whole world! And she has a fluffy tail and a sharp muzzle. Well, just like the fox from fairy tales"Hare Hut"! Remind me, please, which of the animals came to chase the fox?

Children: Dog, bear, donkey, rooster, ram.

Presenter: And what did the fox answer them?

Children: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets!

Presenter: What said the cockerel to the fox?

Children: Cuckoo! I’m walking on my heels in red boots, I’m carrying a scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox, get off the stove, fox!

Presenter: What else? in a fairy tale there is a fox?

Children: "Kolobok", "Fox with a rolling pin", "Teremok", "Fox - sister and gray wolf"

Presenter: What kind of fox is in fairy tales?

Children: Cunning, cheat, deceiver

Presenter: Yes, she is like that, a fox! Yes, here she is!

An instrumental piece by Yu. Slonov is playing "Red fox".

A girl in a fox costume runs out and performs several dance moves.

Presenter: Let's play a fun game with the fox!

A game "Fox in the Chicken Coop"

I can hear "Kolobok's Song", music and words M. V. Eremeeva.

Kolobok appears on the screen and rolls.

Presenter: Guys, who is this?

Children: Kolobok!

Presenter: Tell me how it ends fairy tale"Kolobok"?

Children: The fox ate him

Presenter: What a pity little bun! And the grandfather and woman were probably very upset. They were looking for him, waiting. Let's sit on the grass and come up with another ending fairy tales, good!

(children come up with their own endings fairy tales)

Everyone stands in a circle and performs a happy dance. "Kolobok"

(music T. Morozova)

Presenter: We’ve been sitting here in the clearing for some reason, but The Land of Fairy Tales is big, let's move on. Just one thing condition: listen carefully music and perform the movements together, otherwise you may disappear - after all, this is a magical a country!

Children walk through the hall the music changes, sounds "Bunny", "Bird", "Wolf", "Bear", "Fox", "Kolobok"- children jump, run around on their toes, "sneak", quietly stepping on their feet, they walk "waddle", swaying slightly from side to side, they run along the path again, stopping at the end music.

Appears Storyteller(teacher in Russian folk costume)

Storyteller: Hello, guys! I learned from the magpie that you traveling around our Country, and decided to wish you a few riddles:

I know a lot of them

I'll tell you a wish today,

Who is attentive -

He will figure them out quickly!

1. “Before the wolf he trembled

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught...

Children: Kolobok!

2 “Small, remote

I was laying out the spoons

Yes, he sentenced:

“This spoon is a cat,

This spoon is simple - Petina,

And this chiseled, gilded handle,

Children: Zhiharki!

3. “My ears, my ears,

What did you do?

We listened to everything

What about you, tail?

And I stopped you from running"

From what fairy tales?

Children: "Fox with a rolling pin"

4. What kind of forest animal

Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?

And stood among the grass

Ears are bigger than head

Children: Hare!

Storyteller: Hey guys, well done! I suggest standing in a circle and having a fun round dance!

(children stand in a circle)

Round dance "Bunny, come out", music E. Tilicheeva

Storyteller: Do you guys know that fabulous Can you mold and draw heroes? Let's draw fairy tale hero and let's say, which one is he from? fairy tales, do you agree?

Children sit at tables and draw their favorite characters from fairy tales; sounds music.

Presenter: We will give these drawings to our dear Storyteller(children give their drawings)

(You can paint pre-prepared blanks

hero of any Russian folk fairy tales)

Storyteller: How many interesting things do you know? fairy tales! And you will show me how the little goats dance from fairy tales"The wolf and the seven Young goats"? Then everyone come out in a circle and start the fun dance!

Children dancing "Polka" (music by T. Lomova)

Storyteller: I had a lot of fun with you, dear children,

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world

Let books come into homes as friends,

Read for the rest of your life, gain your mind!

Storyteller gives all children little books with fairy tales.

Storyteller: A fairy tale is a wonderful piggy bank,

What you accumulate, you take,

And without fairy tales in this life -

You will definitely disappear (Elena Stepanova)

(says goodbye and leaves)

Presenter: Our journey is over, it's time to go back to kindergarten!

One and two., and five., and eight. We're moving everyone to kindergarten!

The children are spinning in place, and under music coming out of the hall.

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1 MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT IN A MIDDLE GROUP ON THE TOPIC “OVER THE SEAS, OVER THE WAVES” Chaika Natalya Aleksandrovna, MBDOU 59 “Chickens”, music director, highest qualification category Program content: 1. To form in children feeling of patriotism, love to motherland. 2. Expand children’s knowledge about sailors and maritime professions. 3. Continue to reinforce songs about the sea with children. 4. Take an active part in festive performances. Equipment: ship, blue cloth, binoculars, firecracker, pasta, beans, nuts, two baskets, “children’s champagne.” The central wall is decorated with fish and algae. Children and adults dressed as sailors. Preliminary work: learning songs and poems about the sea, sailors, learning dances, music games. Creation of a mini-museum in a group marine theme. Educational field: artistic and aesthetic development. Progress of the entertainment: Children enter the hall to the song “We came to the port today” (music by Mark Minkov, lyrics by Sergei Kozlov). Presenter1:- Good evening, dear children and adults. We are with you in a port called “Chickens”. And it was no coincidence that we ended up here, since today we have a very important and solemn event - the housewarming of our group. Imagine, the group has a new nautical name, “Brigantine”! How many of you remember what our group was called last year? That's right, "Friendly Family". - So, today our friendly family will go on an exciting journey on the ship “Brigantine”, to different islands of the White Sea. - And you and I live on the coast of the White Sea, in the beautiful northern city of shipbuilders Severodvinsk! - Many poems have been written about the White Sea, here is one of them: On any night, on any day, the Sea is busy with itself: In the morning it is dressed in a pink dress. During the day, dressed in blue with a white surf ribbon. And she puts on a lilac dress at sunset. At night, on the black surface - A soft, velvet outfit, And on the velvet outfit, the Jewels are burning. -The sea, if it’s not a secret, Please give me the answer: What do you need the outfits for? -So that people are happy! Presenter 2: - Our ship “Brigantine” will be led today by two captains! (Educators)

2 -Launching a ship is an important ritual that sailors take very seriously. After all, they spend several months a year on a sea vessel, trusting it with their lives. You can't go wrong here! And the sailors try to do everything according to the customs of their ancestors, without missing a single detail. For example, it is important not to forget to break champagne on the side of the ship! So today we will follow this ritual. (the presenters hit the side of the ship “champagne” and shoot a firecracker) Presenter 1: Our ship is ready to sail, what can we do without sailors? Presenter 2: There’s nowhere without sailors! Hey sailors, everyone here! (children stand in a semicircle and sing along with the song) Song “Captain, smile” (music by Isaac Dunaevsky). Presenter 1: Sailors, attention! The crew of the ship called "Brigantine" is ready to sail. The brigantine raises its sails! Full speed ahead! The sound of the sea sounds. Presenter 1: (looks through binoculars) Let's look around the expanse of the sea with a spyglass. On the left is the sea, on the right is the sea, Waves splash in the open space. Oh, I think I see the edge of the earth in the distance! Child: Hurray, earth! We are sailing towards it! We'll go to the island of know-it-alls! Presenter 2: - Guys, our ship sailed to the island where the smartest and most savvy children live. They prepared riddles for us. Can we guess them? Then, listen up! 1. You, as a private in the infantry, serve as a private in the Navy. The boatswain ordered? Rather, climb the ladder onto the yardarm. And don’t be a coward, don’t hang your nose! You're wearing a vest! You (Sailor) 2. Who cooks everything naval style: Pasta, borscht and dumplings, Porridge, pancakes, compote, Calls the kitchen a galley? (Cook) 3. I sail on a ship, Sometimes I lie on the bottom, I hold the ship on a chain, I guard the ship at sea, So that the wind doesn’t drive it away, I just rock it on the waves. (Anchor) 4. Look overboard, you can’t see the bottom. That's how deep the sea is! The bottom then gets closer and closer... What did we sit on with the bottom? (stranded)

3 5. Captain, put on your White outfit for the parade. The weekday will come, so you put on a black jacket. The jackets have the name One. The title doesn't matter. (Kitel) 6. If this fleet is military, then certainly its sailors wear it with ribbons on its ships. (Visor cap) 7. Who puts on a spacesuit and dives into the depths? Who in boots with lead walks along the bottom there? (Diver) Presenter 1: - Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Now let's see how you can read poetry. “I will be a sailor” How our sailors walk together, cheerfully! An even step, a straight back, a clear wave of the hand. I’m running with the column next to me, I also want to get into formation: “You take me with you!” - I scream loudly. The guys smiled at me: “We are not on the same path. You have your own task - to grow quickly.” When I grow up and become an adult, I will be a sailor. We will also go along the boulevard in Rovny formation. If suddenly some little kid Stands in a row with me, I’ll give him a cap and take with me “The Smell of a Ship.” Our ship smelled of fog, Storm, sun, ocean. Masts smell like clouds, Flags like blue winds, Salt like deck boards, Depth like anchors. Naval pasta

4 The galley of the ship “Sea” smells. The sea is dormant, the sea is calm, Silence for hundreds of miles. The sea is gentle and sweet, calmed down and froze. The Sea is resting - the storm will return soon. I admired the sea. The sea was so excited! Everything became confused, swayed, turned red and rushed off. Presenter 1: - Every sailor should know the structure of his ship. Do you guys know? Children answer (the ship has a stern, a deck, a bow, a steering wheel) Game “Structure of a ship” Presenter 2: The waves are splashing on the shore, They whisper affectionately to us: “It’s time to go to other islands!” (children take their places on the ship) (the sound of the sea sounds) Child: We are sailing the seas, Today we are here, and tomorrow there! Hurray, earth! We are sailing towards it! We'll get to the Island of Music! Presenter1: - Our ship “Brigantine” moored to the island of “Music”. The most musical children live here. And we will show ours musical abilities. Look beautiful dance called “Sea”, which will be performed by our girls. Dance “Sea” (music by A. Timofeev) Presenter 1: - And now we present to your attention the cheerful dance “Visorless”, which our boys will dance. Dance “White Cap” (music by V. Model, lyrics by Z. Alexandrov). Child: It’s good, hand in hand, to sail on the sea, along the river, Well, with a kind, gentle song, sailing is much more interesting! Song “We Dream of the Sea” (music by L. Lyadov, lyrics by M. Sadovsky). Presenter 2: - It’s time for us to move on. Crew, please take your seats! Child: Attention! Attention! Following the ship's course, the earth is visible from the blue expanse! Hurray, earth! Hurray, let's sail! Let's get to the Island of Brave Sailors! Presenter 2: The bravest and bravest sailors live on this island.

5 And we will show you how brave, dexterous and fast we are. Game “Help the cook” “Carry the load in a boat” Dance “And fish swim like this” (from the repertoire of the group “Fidgets”). Presenter 1: - Dear guys, today we visited different islands, learned a lot of interesting things, but it’s time to return to our port “Chickens”! Crew, please take your seats!

SEA RIDDLES 1. He, like a private in the infantry, Serves as a private in the Marine Fleet. He's not used to hanging his nose! He's wearing a vest! He is... Author of riddles: Valentina Chernyaeva 2. He is sea, but good wolf, In the blue sea knows

State budget in general educational institution Samara region secondary school in the village of Maiskoye municipal district Pestravsky Samara region structural subdivision children's

Department of Education of the City of Moscow North-Western District Department of Education State budgetary educational institution secondary educational school 1874 (preschool department) Abstract

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten 157 general developmental type of Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan PARENTAL CLUB “JOY OF COMMUNICATION”.

Day Defender of the Fatherland. Senior groups Re-formation “Cossack march, with flags” (At the end, the children go to their places, the presenters come out) 1 Long live our Russian Army! Long live our Motherland Russia!

Educator: Rylkova Tatyana Anatolyevna Plot-role-playing games in preparatory group“Journey along the Tom River” Purpose: To consolidate children’s ideas about the professions of adults; develop gaming skills,

To the song “Moscow Bells Are Ringing,” children enter the hall and perform exercises with the plumes. (Go to their seats) Presenter: Dear children! Dear guests! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 10" gold fish» Abstract music lesson for children 6-7 years old Guarding the Motherland Prepared by: music director Tikhova

Game program on February 23 “DEFENDER OF THE FATHERLAND DAY” Conducted by: physical education organizer Yuldasheva M.V. Goal: to cultivate feelings of patriotism, citizenship, physical and moral culture

“We are the future defenders of the Motherland” Goal: To create a joyful holiday atmosphere in kindergarten, to cultivate a sense of respect for the Russian army, love for the Motherland; promote the consolidation of skills in performing basic

Goals: Objectives: The sound of the sea and the cries of seagulls sounds. A teacher appears in the group, dressed as a pirate, to the music of “the song of the one-eyed pirate.” Captain: Greetings, friends! Have you guessed who I am? (Children's answers).

Entertainment script for February 23 “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Goal: expanding ideas about Russian Army. Objectives: - to form in boys the desire to be strong, brave, dexterous; - create

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 6 “Topolyok”, Balakovo, Saratov region Abstract open event directly educational activities with kids

GCD: " Spring trip along the river" Middle group. Prepared by: Kozlova Svetlana Nikolaevna Educator, Yaroslavl, 2017 Spring trip Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive

“Along the seas, along the waves” Venue: GBDOU kindergarten 7 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg Physical education instructor Natalia Nikolaevna Novoselova Summary of a physical education lesson for preparatory school

Across the seas and waves for flowers for grandmothers and mothers. Characters: Robinson, pirates, presenters. The hall is festively decorated. To the music, children enter the hall and line up against the central wall. 1st The bright sun rises,

DEVELOPMENT OF A GAME SCRIPT FOR JUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN 1-4 grades. “Come on, boys!”, /dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland/ HOST. Good afternoon guys! Our meeting takes place on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day,

K Nyazyevskaya Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher, State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School 21 structural unit “Kindergarten “Friendly Family”, Novokuibyshevsk, Samara Region “THE DAY OF OUR ARMY TODAY IT IS NOT STRONGER!” Target:

Municipal state preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten 42 combined type" Sports entertainment for children dedicated to February 23. Prepared and conducted:

1 Summary of direct educational activities for children speech therapy group“Sea inhabitants” Developed by: Khoroshilova S.P. Primorsko Akhtarsk 2014 Direct educational activities

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 30" Abstract sports entertainment on the topic “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” for the middle group Conducted by teacher: Kovina L.V.

Sports entertainment "Sea voyage" in II younger group(04/14/16) Physical education instructor of the highest qualification. categories. Batova Nadezhda Vladimirovna Teacher of the highest qualification. categories Yagodina

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Kostroma “Kindergarten 28” Scenario High school prom for children of the younger group Topic: “We have grown up” Prepared by: Teacher Pitenina

Entertainment dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day For middle-aged and older children Musical director Vasilyeva I.I. Highest qualification category D/s "Egorka" Naukograd Koltsovo 2011 Sounds

International Black Sea Day Date in 2016: Established: Meaning: October 31, Monday in 1996 dedicated to the signing of the Strategic Action Plan for the rehabilitation and protection of the Black Sea 10/31/1996

Summary of an extracurricular lesson on rhythm “Journey to the Islands of Dance” Class: 4 Teacher: Bukhvalova S.F. Purpose of the lesson: to introduce children to the basic dance styles, acquisition of initial

MADOU "Kindergarten of a combined type 1 in Shebekino, Belgorod region" Scenario of the holiday "Victory Day" in the senior group Prepared by: music director Irina Valentinovna Meshcheryakova 2016 1

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten. Sosnovka Entertainment dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day "CAPTAIN VRUNGEL" Educator: Elena Nikolaevna Kostina Today,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 63" Outline of a frontal speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school literacy group "Sea Voyage"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of Shakhty Rostov region“Kindergarten 43” Author of the development: Natalya Vasilievna Plahotniuc, higher education teacher qualification category MBDOU

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children 109" Abstract directly

KVN “Our Glorious Army” KVN preparation plan 1. Phonograms of military marches, screensavers for the “KVN” program, songs “Through Two Winters” by V. Shainsky are selected. 2. Headdresses, military bandanas and caps are being prepared

Scenario for the holiday “September 1 - Knowledge Day” Children stand on the street in front of the central entrance to the kindergarten. Host: Hello, adults! Hello children! We are very glad to see you today! Study

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Emanzhelinsky kindergarten "Solnyshko" Sports festival in the senior group dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day Physical education instructor

Thematic lesson in the middle group of the kindergarten “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. Date: 02/21/2014 Equipment: audio equipment, band decoration for Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian flag,

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 32 combined type of Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg Management play activities for children senior group"By

Scenario sports festival“Atty Baty, we are soldiers” Goal: Creating a friendly, festive atmosphere on the eve of the holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. Objectives: To promote the development of coordination of movements,

Municipal entity Leningradsky district Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 10 of the Kulikovsky farm municipality Leningradsky district

RUSSIAN FEDERATION YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT MUNICIPAL FORMATION PUROVSKY DISTRICT MBDOU "DS "SNEGINKA" Scenario for the middle group for Defender of the Fatherland Day Game leisure for children and parents

Holiday, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland Senior group of compensatory orientation February, 2016 Characters: Leader Attributes: - stands 2 pcs; - skittles 6-8 pcs; - paper airplanes 2 pcs; -

Scenario for the holiday MARCH 8 senior group (Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle) Spring does not begin with flowers, there are many reasons for this. It starts with warm words, with sparkle in eyes and smiles.

Date in 2017: Established: Significance: October 31, Tuesday in 1996 dedicated to the signing of the Strategic Action Plan for the rehabilitation and protection of the Black Sea 10/31/1996 Traditions: conferences; Exhibitions;

Scenario festive concert for March 8 “With all my heart” The course of the holiday. Children enter the hall to fanfare, followed by the presenters. Presenter 1: Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday, Holiday

Lesson summary "February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day" in the second junior group of MKDOU 5 "Oreshek" Cherkessk 2017 Lesson summary February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day in the second junior group Purpose: to introduce

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 106 Senior group Kindergarten teacher 106 Kirutsa Maria Mikhailovna Rybinsk, 2016 TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF DIRECT EDUCATION

Model of the lesson “Ships in the roads”. “Artistic and aesthetic development” Preparatory group Teacher: Dudnyak L.V. Goal: Consolidate general concepts about water transport; main parts of the ship;

MBDOU Mogoitinsky kindergarten “Sun” Holiday script for Victory Day for children in the younger group 2017. Completed by: teacher Yakovleva Nina Valerievna. Celebration script for Victory Day for children

Municipal state-financed organization additional education“Palace of Children’s (Youth) Creativity” Summary of an open educational lesson on rhythm “Sea Voyage” or “Dancing on a Ship” (for

Sailing trip Children enter the hall to the music. Dance composition « Spring mood"(song "Spring Tango, performed by A. German). Leading. Spring has come again! Holiday again

Fazullina Enze Nailovna teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Nurlat Boarding School for Children with Disabilities” Nurlat, Republic of Tatarstan LESSON SUMMARY “GIFT FOR DADDY” Abstract: this article presents lesson notes,

Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs. Ved.: So spring has come again, Again she brought a holiday, a joyful, bright and gentle holiday, a holiday of all our dear women. So that today

Kalashnikova Yulia Vasilievna physical education instructor at MDOU “DS OV 27” town. Razumnoe, Belgorod region METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF LEISURE ACTIVITIES “WE ARE ALL SAILORS” Abstract: in this article

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type "Brusnichka" Tarko-Sale, Purovsky district Scenario of a sports festival Dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution child development center - kindergarten of the village of Severskaya municipal formation Seversky district Approved by: Director of the MBDOU TsRR DS Art. Severskaya

Scenario of the matinee for March 8 in the 2nd junior group Characters: Presenter, clown Klepa. Sounds funny music, the children enter the hall one after another. March the prankster is knocking on a gentle spring stream, the beauty of spring

MKDOU TsRR d/s 10 2015 Objectives: 1. To develop in children strength, endurance, ingenuity, dexterity of movement, speed of reaction, the ability to act as a team, in pairs. 2. To instill in children a sense of patriotism,

MBOU DOD DSHI 3 (Mytishchi) Outline open lesson Teacher: Yulia Aleksandrovna Pavlova Subject: Fine Arts Class: 2nd aesthetic department Topic: Poetic image nature Storm at sea Date:

“September 1 - Knowledge Day” The idea of ​​the holiday: To develop children's cognitive interest in school and books. Develop emotional responsiveness in children. Form friendly, friendly relations between

MBDOU "Cherlak kindergarten 2" Synopsis of sports entertainment "Training of young cosmonauts" in the preparatory group. Prepared by teacher: Shantina A.V. Cherlak - 2016 Program tasks: Pin

Entertainment for the second junior group “We are soldiers” Children enter the hall with flags while marching. Q: Today is a wonderful day, a holiday for all soldiers, sailors, captains and commanders. This holiday of all grandfathers,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Tulun “Child development center kindergarten “Harmony” Cooperative activity in physical education for older children preschool age

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 100" in Orenburg Abstract of direct educational activities in educational field"Cognition"

Lesson notes on cognitive development in the senior group “Planet Earth is our common home” Educator: Kolpashchikova Daria Sergeevna MBDOU “Nalobikha Kindergarten “Forget-Me-Not” Kosikhinsky district Topic:

SCENARIO OF THE LINE SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 Preparation: ship masts, bell, steering wheel, lifebuoy, sailor's suit, collars Blows of the bell Song “School ship” (2 verses) 1 Ved. Hello dear

Lesson in the second junior group " water world» Goals: 1) Expand children’s understanding of diversity natural world; develop the ability to name characteristics appearance object; expand

Entertainment script “Farewell to the Christmas tree” Educator of MBDOU “KINDERGARTEN 1 P. Svobodny” Tsaryunova S.A. Progress Entertainment: Presenter: So they flew by new year holidays and winter holidays, it's time to let go

MBDOU "Kindergarten" s. Letka Musically theme evening Topic: “Our Motherland Russia” Educators: Rosa Aleksandrovna Andreeva First category Daria Vladimirovna Sidorova Purpose: Education of patriotic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" Synopsis of direct educational activities on cognitive development on the topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 4 "Alyonushka" of the city of Novocheboksarsk Chuvash Republic Entertainment scenario for older preschoolers “Soldiers are brave kids”

A summary of entertainment for pupils of senior preschool age “September 1 - Day of Knowledge” was prepared and conducted by the music director - Katsyuk O.S. Krasnokamsk, 09/01/2017 Tasks: - show

MARCH 8 IN THE JUNIOR GROUP Goal: formation of gender, family affiliation; nurturing love and respect for mother. Objectives: 1. Formation in children of such qualities as kindness, care, love. 2.Formation

MBDOU d/s "Rucheek" Scenario of the event "Day of the State Flag of Russia" 2017. Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​the country in which we live, to develop cognitive interest, emotional

Scenario of a business game for children of the senior group Topic: “Elections of the President of the Forest” Purpose: to give children a basic understanding of the election campaign and the conduct of elections; contribute to the formation of an active