Psychological portrait from photograph example. How to create a psychological portrait of a person using an avatar

The most important points that influence the success and duration of work of the client and his psychologist are not only the specialist’s skills in determining the type and character traits of the visitor in the first minutes of communication and acquaintance, but also the ability to quickly and accurately draw up a psychological portrait of the individual. This will help establish contacts with clients and avoid unplanned provocative moments. But most importantly, a psychological portrait of a person allows us to speak more accurately about a person’s habits and inclinations, his possible fears and complexes. It also helps to gain the visitor’s trust and overcome the client’s barriers of indecision and constraint.

How to quickly and efficiently draw up a psychological portrait of a personality?

A psychologist must have this skill. His responsibilities include drawing up a psychological portrait of a person whom he sees for the first time and knows absolutely nothing about her. However, in daily practice, this skill will be useful for any person. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to “draw” a fairly accurate portrait in a matter of minutes, especially at first glance. Therefore, it is recommended to observe the person for some time and find out some specific necessary initial data and details.

Psychological portrait of personality and classification of its details

For convenience, all moments of observing a person can be sorted into groups according to the principles of significance and the brightness of the perception of the object of observation by the observer. This classification is very convenient. The first group includes age, gender, posture and physique. The second includes general appearance (clothing style, accessories, details of the image and neatness). In the third, you can highlight facial expressions, gait, gestures and manner of speaking. And finally, the fourth, largest group includes the following features and characteristics:

Shape and features of the face, lips, gaze and eyes;

Certain sexual characteristics and their characteristics (for example, the absence or presence of hair on open areas of the body);

Arms and hands (joints, shape, skin, movements).

Psychological portrait of personality and its characteristics

After considering the features of appearance in detail according to the first three points, you can immediately determine the type of character to which they are inherent. And you can immediately begin to draw a socio-psychological portrait of the individual and identify typical moments. For example, drooping shoulders, a corpulent physique, a cautious gait, black and gray colors in clothes, lack of gestures and laconicism, pronounced folds in the corners of the lips and on the bridge of the nose - all this suggests that this person is melancholic. But the fourth group will already talk about more hidden character traits. For example, pursed lips, a sideways glance, deep-set eyes indicate that the psychological portrait of a person will contain information about the presence of phobias and fears in such a person. As can be seen from simple examples, this technique for determining the type of character and temperament is not so complicated, but very useful. To master it, you only need attentiveness, a penchant for analysis and practice.

The tips and descriptions of psychotypes below will help you understand how to create a psychological portrait. All people have the ability to adapt to certain life situations, but each person adapts differently. Someone is focused on specific moments, therefore, easily adapts to any situation. Someone is focused on the past and can only act within strict limits - permissions, prohibitions, rules and responsibilities. Still others are focused on the future with non-standard situations, which is why they are the main generators of ideas.

Knowing yourself, others, determining your temperament, personality orientation, character is important for any person to be able to do. This is required in order to fully unleash your creative potential and understand how to draw up a psychological portrait of a person. Find out the details of the methods for drawing up a psychological portrait.

Psychological portrait of personality

One of the personality features is temperament. Temperament - thanks to it, people differ so significantly from each other - some are slow and calm, others are fast and active.

Temperament is the basis of a person’s personality, which is based on the structure of the human body, the characteristics of his nervous system, and metabolism in the body. Temperament traits cannot be changed; they are usually inherited. In order to effectively draw up a psychological portrait of a personality, you need to understand its characteristics. There is a special approach to each type of temperament.

  • Sanguine people require constant monitoring and verification.
  • Choleric people must constantly be engaged in some activity, otherwise their activity will be a burden to others.
  • Phlegmatic people cannot stand being pushed on, because they are accustomed to relying only on their own strengths, and will definitely finish the job.
  • Melancholic people cannot stand pressure, screams, sharp instructions, because they are vulnerable and sensitive. You can take a test to determine your temperament using modern methods.

Another important personality trait is character. Character is the stable characteristics of human behavior. The character structure is divided into 4 groups, expressing the individual’s attitude to activity.

  • To work.
  • To the team.
  • To yourself.
  • To things.

Knowledge of such a structure will also help in the question of how to draw up your psychological portrait. Character formation occurs on the basis of the moral and volitional qualities of the individual. It is customary to distinguish 4 types of character:

  1. Demonstrative type – strongly expresses emotions and experiences them. These are artistic people who play with their feelings in public. They understand other people well, but all decisions are made impulsively.
  2. The pedantic type is the antipode to the demonstrative type. They are indecisive and constantly fear for their lives. Decisions take a long time to take.
  3. Stuck type. He holds on to his negative feelings, but also focuses on his successes for a long time. They are touchy and vindictive, never forgetting insults.
  4. Exciting type. The normal state for them is irritability and dissatisfaction. They cannot control themselves and provoke conflicts.

Abilities can be distinguished separately as a feature. Personal abilities are the solution to certain problems. They come in two types: general - their formation occurs with the development of intelligence. In particular, these are adaptation, mental flexibility, composure, attentiveness, and efficiency. Special abilities are something that is developed for a specific type of activity. But we shouldn’t forget about other personality traits that help create psychological portraits:

  • Direction is the vector where human activity is directed - towards communication, towards oneself, towards tasks.
  • Intellectuality is the basis of intelligence, its core.
  • Emotionality – divided into emotions and mind. Mind and will, that which is subordinate to a person, and emotions can arise in addition to his desires.
  • Communication skills – verbal and non-verbal communication.

Now you know how you can create a psychological portrait of any person. In the future, this will help you build correct relationships with the people around you.

Each person has the skill to adapt to the current situation, but everyone does it in their own way. There are many options for behavior. A psychological portrait of a personality is an example of how, using a description of a person’s character traits, one can predict his actions and reactions. This is extremely useful when applying for jobs, applying to educational institutions, etc.

A psychological portrait of a personality is an example of a qualitative textual interpretation of a person’s characteristics. Its compilation is one of the most difficult and important tasks of modern psychology.

Drawing up a psychological portrait - why is it necessary?

A psychological portrait of a child helps educators and teachers find an individual approach to each student. Identifying the characteristic features of each child will allow you to competently build the process of development and upbringing.

A psychological portrait of a person is often drawn up when applying for a job. With its help, managers will be better able to organize the activities of personnel in the company, increase the efficiency and success of each team member.

Psychological portraits of criminals differ from the characteristics of law-abiding citizens, since they are characterized by emotional and volitional deformations, criminal motives and negative social interests. The problem of the identity of fraudsters and murderers is central to criminology and other sciences that are related to crime. Psychological portraits of criminals help the investigator understand the motives for the unlawful act committed.

There are as many individuals as there are people, because each person is an individual. Let us briefly consider the main components that make up the psychological portrait of a person.


Observing people in different situations, you can always notice differences in their behavior and lifestyle. This is determined by the temperament of the person under observation. Thus, temperament is one of the main factors on which a psychological portrait is built.

Modern psychology understands “temperament” as the characteristics of the nervous system and psyche of an individual. This is not only the rhythm, tempo and intensity of the psychological process, but also its content. Temperament is the biological foundation of personality. These characteristics are inherited, which makes them difficult to change. A psychological portrait of a person should reflect the main features of a person’s temperament: the style of his behavior, methods that help him organize his activities, and so on.

Based on certain psychological principles, you can find your own approach to the carrier of each of the four types of temperament.


Motto: trust, but verify!

The advantages of this type of temperament are cheerfulness, sociability, enthusiasm and responsiveness, and the disadvantages are scatteredness, over-sociability, frivolity, a tendency to arrogance, superficiality and unreliability. The psychological portrait of a person marked “sanguine” is as follows: the individual is always happy to promise something so as not to offend the applicant, but he does not always keep his word, so you should check whether he fulfilled his promise.


Motto: not a moment of peace!

The principle of communicating with a choleric person is based on the use of his advantages: enthusiasm, mobility, energy, passion and determination. At the same time, it neutralizes the disadvantages of this type of temperament: aggressiveness, intolerance, lack of self-control, and conflict. A psychological portrait with the characteristic “choleric” should suggest that a person should always be busy with some kind of activity. Otherwise, he will direct all his energy and activity to the team and can disintegrate it from the inside.

Phlegmatic person

Motto: Don't rush!

Among the strengths of a phlegmatic person are constancy, patience, activity, stability, reliability and self-control. The disadvantages are indifference, dryness, slowness and “thick skin.” The psychological portrait of a person marked “phlegmatic” means that he cannot work if time is in short supply, since he needs his own individual pace: there is no need to push him, he will draw up a work schedule himself and do everything on time.


Motto: do no harm!

The psychological portrait marked “melancholic” is as follows: the strengths of the personality are gentleness, the ability to sympathize, humanity, high sensitivity and goodwill. The disadvantages of this type of temperament are suspiciousness, shyness, low performance, isolation, daydreaming and vulnerability. Never shout at a melancholic person, do not put pressure on him, do not give harsh and harsh instructions, as this person is extremely sensitive to intonation and is too vulnerable.

It is very difficult to find an individual who would fully meet a certain temperament; usually one of them is dominant.


Intelligence is a system of mental processes that ensures the implementation of an individual’s ability to assess the current situation, make decisions and regulate their behavior in accordance with this. As a rule, intelligence is important if the situation is non-standard - as a symbol of the individual’s learning everything new.

Jean Piaget, a psychologist from France, called interaction with the outside world through adaptation to it one of the most important functions of the intellect. Or, in other words, the ability to navigate conditions and rationally structure one’s behavior.

The core of intelligence is a person’s ability to identify basic properties in a situation and structure his behavior in accordance with them. The Soviet psychologist S. L. Rubinstein in his works considered this category as a type of personal behavior - “smart behavior”.


Character is a set of individual characteristics of a person that develop and manifest themselves in communication and activity. A psychological portrait of a person is an example of how identified character traits help determine typical behavior patterns.

Character traits are stable properties and qualities of human behavior that have become properties of the personality itself. A psychological portrait is an example of displaying the most typical and significant features of human character.

Its structure includes 4 groups of traits that express the individual’s attitude to various aspects of activity: to himself, to work, to society and the team, as well as to things.

Ability to communicate

Communication is an extremely delicate and subtle process of interaction between people. It is in it that the individual characteristics of each participant in the process are most comprehensively revealed, therefore this characteristic is extremely important for such an interpretation of the personality as a psychological portrait.

An example of the most obvious function of communication is the transfer of information: any information, content and meaning. This side of communication is called semantic, or semantic. Transmission has an impact on a person’s behavior, his actions and actions, as well as on the organization and state of his inner world.

In general, there are informational, control, and cognitive functions of communication; in addition, there is a function of exchanging mental states and emotions.


Since the time of the ancient Greek thinker Plato, the entire mental life of an individual has been divided into three relatively independent units: mind, will and emotions.

If the will and mind are subordinated to a person at least to some extent, then emotions always arise regardless of our desire. This is a reflection of personal significance and assessment of situations for the process of human life in the form of feelings and experiences. This is where the subjectivity and involuntariness of emotions are manifested. The ability to manage emotions is necessary primarily for health and ambition.

What does it mean to be able to manage emotions? Most often, this statement means hiding them. It hurts, but we won’t show it, we’re ashamed, but we pretend to be indifferent, it’s offensive, but outwardly we’ll only show irritation and anger. But because a person does not show his emotions, they do not become weaker, rather, on the contrary, or take the form of defense - aggression.


A psychological portrait of a personality is an example of a description of a person’s internal make-up, which includes such characteristics as abilities.

In psychology, abilities are considered as a special property of a psychological system, which is expressed in a certain level of its productivity. Accuracy, stability and speed of functioning are quantitative parameters of the productivity of abilities. They are measured by solving problems of a certain degree of complexity, resolving conflicts, etc.

The degree of resolvability of contradictions between personality relationships and the characteristics of an individual is the level of abilities. The most successful option is when there is an inclination towards a certain field of activity coupled with an interest in this matter.

Abilities are divided into special and general. General ones can predetermine a tendency towards a fairly wide range of activities. They are formed by the development of intelligence and personality traits. Special acts as a socio-psychological basis for the development of craving for a certain field of activity: research, music, teaching, creative, etc.


Self-esteem expresses a certain emotional and value-based attitude towards oneself, which a person has developed on the basis of self-knowledge. A psychological portrait is an example of how a person’s self-esteem affects all areas of life, because it involves assessing one’s own abilities, actions, goals, qualities and capabilities, as well as one’s place in society. It can be overestimated, underestimated and adequate.


Motivation for activity and behavior, satisfaction of needs - all this underlies the orientation of the individual (on a task, on oneself or on communication).

Someone may be satisfied only with ensuring safety and satisfying physiological needs. And for others, in addition to this, it is no less important to satisfy social needs, the need for self-expression, and also to realize their creative abilities. The main task of a manager and psychologist is to identify the needs, beliefs and interests of each individual and determine the direction of his motives.

Knowledge of what psychological portrait of a person, his personality, plays an important role in choosing a profession; a business partner and, importantly, in a harmonious, compatible married life and raising children.

Greetings to everyone who reads psychological articles by psychoanalyst Oleg Matveev, I wish you mental health.

Profession and psychological portrait of a person’s personality

When choosing a profession (test for schoolchildren), it should be taken into account that people adapt to life conditions differently.

In psychological portraits of personalities, three types of people are distinguished:

1. - with an orientation to the present moment and easy adaptation to the situation. These people are better at making decisions.

2. – with an orientation towards the past, capable of acting within the framework of permissions and prohibitions, rights and responsibilities. This type implements these solutions better.

3. – with a focus on the future, with inadequate situational behavior, poorly adapted to the vertical of power in the team. People of this type are better realized as generators of ideas.

Composing psychological portrait of a person’s personality, you need to learn to know yourself and other people, identify temperament, character, personality orientation, attitude to activity and life, goals and life situations, expected emotional behavior in tense situations and interpersonal relationships, business qualities.
(character change)

Individuality of a person in a psychological portrait of a person:

Each person is an individual; in each individuality, the basic and programming properties of the personality are distinguished.

The basic ones include: temperament, character, abilities. Through them, emotionality, pace of reactions, dynamism, sensitivity, and activity are revealed.

To programmers– focus, intelligence, self-awareness.

Based on the properties of individuality, a psychological portrait of a person’s personality is compiled.

What does a psychological portrait of a person’s personality consist of?

1. Temperament
Observing other people, how they work, study, communicate, experience joy and sorrow, we undoubtedly pay attention to the differences in their behavior.

Some are fast, impetuous, mobile, prone to violent emotional reactions, others are slow, calm, imperturbable, with imperceptibly expressed feelings, etc. The reason for such differences lies in a person’s temperament, inherent in him from birth.


I wish everyone psychological well-being!