Situational analysis. System and situational analysis

The concept of situational analysis

In situational analysis, as well as in systems analysis and in any other science of management, universal technologies, methods, and techniques have been developed that are suitable not only for one individual decision-making situation, but also for a whole class of situations. We will look at them in more detail in the following sections of the course work. Often situational analysis is carried out using the methods of expert assessments, brainstorming (attack) (with arguments for and against), using cases (from the English case) of business situations that help to accumulate practical experience and make the right management decisions. However, only a specially conducted analysis of exactly the situation that has developed for the management object at the moment of decision-making allows a professional manager to choose one or another, sometimes the only, specific management technology, method, technique, decision that leads to the goal. When conducting situational analysis, specially developed technologies are used, based largely on the use of modern methods of teaching, analysis and processing of expert information.

A central role in the situational approach is the identification of situational variables. They are the key to understanding the situation, and therefore to making effective management decisions. Therefore, one of the main problems solved by situational analysis is to establish the factors that determine the development of the situation. If we want to highlight all the factors that, to one degree or another, influence the development of the situation, then this will be a task, on the one hand, unrealistic, and on the other, meaningless. It will be unrealistic because the development of the situation is influenced, perhaps insignificantly, by many factors.

The task of establishing all the factors influencing the development of the situation is meaningless because any complete analysis of the situation, brought to its final logical point, becomes practically impossible. It is impossible to trace all connections and interactions of factors. The complexity of the analysis increases sharply. Due to the reasons listed above, the quality of the result does not increase, but decreases.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of situational analysis is to identify not all, but rather the main factors that have a significant impact on the development of the situation, and discard those factors that cannot have a significant impact.

Today, several technologies are known and used to establish the main influencing factors as a result of the analysis of a particular situation, because:

· "Brain attack"

· Two-round survey

· Multidimensional scaling

· Factor analysis

Purpose of conducting a situation analysis

Situational analysis is usually understood as a periodic (1-2 times a year) analysis of a company’s activities in its relations with the outside world. The purpose of a situational analysis is an “internal audit” and assessment of the past activities of the company, consideration of its achievements and failures, revealing the reasons for both, identifying the competence of employees and the effectiveness of their work, as well as answering other questions, some of which are given below. In the process of situational analysis, the position of the company is identified in terms of market requirements, the ability to change (if necessary) this position, taking into account the influence of the external environment and the internal state of the production system (material and technical base, labor and information resources). To assess the internal state of the company, in the process of situational analysis, the degree of readiness of the elements of the production system to ensure the fulfillment of market requirements is identified. From these positions, the technical and economic level of development of the following elements is analyzed: production preparation services (including design, technological services, production organization); production divisions of the main production (including procurement, processing, assembly, testing, etc.); servicing departments of production infrastructure (including information, energy, instrumental, maintenance and repair, transport, etc.); units of social infrastructure (including consumer services, medical and health institutions, cultural institutions, children's institutions, etc. Quantitative assessment of the internal state is carried out using indicators characterizing the ratio of the number of units (workplaces) capable of, in their composition, technical condition is cost-effective to meet the requirements of product consumers to the total number of departments (workplaces) that the company has.

To conduct a situational analysis, the information center accumulates information from government sources; industry and regional information centers; international information centers; periodicals; materials of exhibitions, symposiums, conferences; surveys of contact audiences; other sources.

Situational analysis of a company is carried out by direct examination of the company, assessment of the technical and economic level of departments and workplaces, and preparation of materials to identify the goals of the company's strategic development. As a result of the situational analysis, the existing system for implementing and managing business processes is established, as well as the corresponding information technology model of the organization’s functioning. SA is one of the most effective methods of self-analysis and self-monitoring of the results of an enterprise’s economic activities and management of its systems. It shows top management and heads of individual departments a kind of “snapshot” of the situation in which the enterprise is at the time of the analysis. A well-conducted situational analysis allows the management of even a thriving enterprise to get rid of illusions and take a sober look at the true state of affairs in the enterprise, to outline new, most promising directions for the development of core business activities, including drawing up a long-term business plan, marketing plan or strategic marketing program. Situational analysis is also one of the sources for developing enterprise forecasts, business plans and other sections of long-term plans.

The development of today's most promising approach in management (situational) was the result of using scientific achievements to solve real practical problems. The advantage of such analysis is “immersion” into the situation in order to make the right informed decision. A deeper understanding of the problem makes it possible to anticipate crises and respond flexibly to changes. What is a situational analysis of an organization?

Situational approach

This approach is more effective from an economic point of view than other areas of management. Its essence is that it is more expedient for a manager to use those tools that are more necessary in specific circumstances. The form, method, and style of leadership must be varied, flexible and change as necessary. They are secondary, and the situation (circumstances affecting the company at the moment) is put in first place.

Using situational analysis of an enterprise, managers are able to quickly understand which method is effective and what means to use to achieve corporate goals.

The Importance of Situation Analysis

Situational analysis is a tool for approaching management through “immersion” in a problem environment. It can be called a snapshot of the situation in which the organization finds itself in a given period. What benefits does its use give to management?

  1. A picture of the real situation at the company.
  2. List of problems threatening its development.
  3. Forecast and perspective.
  4. Information for the development of economic protection measures.

The tasks of situational analysis include comprehensive studies of the organization and assessment of the correctness of the decision made.

Where is situation analysis used?

Technologies related to the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions, based on the analysis of problem areas, are called situational analysis. The management process is continuous, closed and consists of functions, each of which involves the use of this approach:

  • situational analysis of the current situation;
  • making management decisions;
  • development and implementation of plans;
  • organization of coordinated work of departments;
  • supply of resources;
  • motivation and stimulation of personnel;
  • control function and exit from problem areas.

Analysis of teaching situations

Situational analysis is an effective teaching method that makes it easier to master management, business planning, psychology, entrepreneurship and other sciences. It has become an integral element of business games. Situation analysis methods can be used in many types of activities, and quite successfully. Students using this system apply the studied theory in practice, learn to make the right decisions for the future or when implementing tactical programs.

Tasks of situational analysis

The main problem that the analysis of practical situations solves is competent and systematic work with information. Other tasks in this area of ​​research include:

  1. Collection and processing of information to diagnose the situation.
  2. Definition of “information” and “blank spots”.
  3. Establishment of factors developing the situation.
  4. Building a strategy to solve a problem.
  5. Risk assessment.
  6. Formulation of criteria and framework.
  7. Establishing a common language with discussion participants.

Situation analysis methods



Case method

A step-by-step analysis of the situation, which should be close to the real problems in the work of a manager.

  • Preparation for analysis carried out individually.
  • Analysis of the situation in groups.
  • Group discussion.
  • Summarizing.


Development of new ideas, non-standard solutions in intractable complex situations. Ideas expressed by each participant in turn are recorded but not evaluated. It is forbidden to criticize them. This is done to accumulate a large-scale bank of proposals, which are assessed or discussed at the second stage. The final word remains with the leader.

Two-level questionnaires

The method does not involve collective discussion. Participants fill out questionnaires individually (round 1), and then experts review them (round 2). The analytical group works with the results. After processing, the data is sent to the manager.

Factor analysis and modeling

Calculation of the influence of each factor using a statistical formula.

Multidimensional scale

Mathematical evaluation of data, allowing you to reduce the number of factors and justify the results.

Economic scenarios

Used in economics and financial management to measure and evaluate financial results.

Decision tree

It is used for a large number of directions of development of the situation - sub-scenarios.


Situational analysis involves the use of a bank of standard situations, in which you can find an analogue of a specific life problem of an enterprise. When a problem is close to an existing standard, its solution does not require much energy. If the situation is unique, then to analyze it it is necessary to find the factors that influenced the course of events. To evaluate them, one of the methods is used, for example brainstorming. It is carried out in two stages:

  1. Generation of ideas. How will the situation develop? How to influence her?
  2. Ideas are discussed. The decision is made collectively.

The advantage of situation analysis is that it is based on real problems that arise in the life of the organization. Its technologies as a final product provide not only a management decision, but also data for adjusting the strategy.

Systems approach

The essence of the systems approach to management is the application of a theory that considers an enterprise as a complex of elements. By combining structure, personnel, resources, technology and goals, a management system - an organization - is formed. The systematic approach is based on the following provisions:

  • all activities in the enterprise are interconnected;
  • management decisions affect every element of the system;
  • solving a problem in one area should not create problems in another area.

The systematic approach became the basis for the development of management tasks in various areas. It became the basis for the emergence of the theory of unpredictable cases: new situations in which a manager finds himself are unique and at the same time related to the experience already gained.

The essence of the system-situational approach and analysis

The systemic and situational approach in combination makes it possible to use a comprehensive analysis of situations in practice. An organization is a system of elements associated with the external environment. A large number of factors inside and outside the enterprise forces management to apply a variety of management methods. System-situational analysis allows you to select management methods that are most adapted to the given conditions. Let's consider its features using the example of a combined SWOT analysis.

The point of SWOT analysis is to conduct self-monitoring of the company's activities. Self-analysis consists of four areas:

  • strengths and weaknesses of the organization (internal environmental factors);
  • opportunities and threats (external environment).

The purpose of a situational analysis is to obtain a holistic picture of the state of the enterprise at the time of the study. The result should be a revision of the organization's position, a move away from existing opinions towards new development programs. In this case, the subject of situational analysis becomes the environment: consumers, competitors, intermediaries and other external factors. The subject of system analysis is organization and internal factors.

A situational analysis, an example of which can be considered on the basis of the SWOT table, allows you to form a detailed picture of the strengths and weaknesses of any enterprise.

All areas of the organization's activities are covered by systemic and situational analysis. An example based on the SWOT table shows the order in which to collect information to determine new strategies. The analysis identifies tasks and methods for implementing strategy and introducing changes in the company.

Situational analysis allows you to describe the market situation in detail. A comprehensive view of the company’s activities makes it possible to identify current problems and crises. The results of the analysis provide a reliable basis for decision-making, a descriptive basis for recommendations and prioritization.

Situational analysis- this is an assessment of possible changes in the company’s activities taking into account the influence of existing external factors, i.e. factors that the company practically cannot influence. The task of situational analysis is to determine the position in which the company is located, i.e. determination of the place occupied by the enterprise in the general economic space, the main factors affecting the enterprise.

The situational analysis consists of:

1. Analysis of strengths and weaknesses and their interaction with threats and opportunities in the external environment (SWOT analysis).

2. Analysis of the strategic position occupied by the enterprise.

3. Analysis of market segments.

4. Competition analysis.

5. Positional analysis.

Situational analysis is an effective method of monitoring the position of an enterprise in a competitive market and is useful in the field of planning and marketing management. Purpose of situation analysis- present to the management of the company and heads of departments the true position in which the enterprise is at the time of the analysis. Main subject situational analysis is the immediate environment of the enterprise: these are consumers, competitors, traders, sales intermediaries, and suppliers.

Situational analysis of a company is carried out by direct examination of the company, assessment of the technical and economic level of departments and workplaces, and preparation of materials to identify the goals of the company's strategic development. As a result of the situational analysis, the existing system for implementing and managing business processes is established, as well as the corresponding information technology model of the organization’s functioning. In the process of situational analysis, it is revealed the position of the company in terms of market requirements, the ability to change this position taking into account the influence of the external environment and the internal state of the production system. To assess the internal state of the company, in the process of situational analysis, the degree of readiness of the elements of the production system to ensure the fulfillment of market requirements is identified. The technical and economic level of development of production preparation services, production units of main production, service units of production infrastructure, and social infrastructure units is analyzed.

A quantitative assessment of the internal state is carried out using indicators characterizing the ratio of the number of divisions (workplaces), capable, by their composition and technical condition, of cost-effectively meeting the requirements of product consumers, to the total number of divisions (workplaces) that the company has.

When conducting situational analysis specially developed technologies are used, based largely on the use of modern methods of teaching, analysis and processing of expert information.

Situational analysis allows, based on a deeper understanding of the situation and the dynamics of its development, to develop and make more informed management decisions, as well as to anticipate the possible occurrence of crisis situations and take timely measures to prevent them.

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In the early 1990s, Promtractor OJSC, which produces heavy mining tractors (Cheboksary), like everyone else, began to have troubles: the sales market in the CIS and CMEA countries was practically lost, the domestic market was steadily shrinking due to the deterioration of the situation in ore mining industries, coal industry. In addition, the plant was encouraged by the native government, taking out a tied loan from the US government in 1992 for $200 million. This money was used to purchase equipment of a similar class from the company for Gazprom. Caterpillar Thus, the need for domestic industrial tractors was greatly undermined. Considering that Promtractor was a single-product enterprise, and more than 70% of its production was made up of two outdated models with weak market characteristics and inflated prices, it is understandable why production fell by an order of magnitude - from 2166 units in 1990. up to 215 pieces in 1995.

By 1996 accounts payable amounted to more than 213.3 million rubles. There were not enough working capital even for such a meager volume of output. Wages arrears reached six months, although the number of employees of the enterprise decreased from 25 to 16 thousand people. Costs did not decrease, and there were almost no new businesses. The leadership consisted of pure production workers, there was no strategy, they resolved private issues. A powerful labor conflict began, fueled by the activities of the communists during the election period. The plant practically stood still for four months. After this, arbitration management was introduced for three years

This is the situation. The question arises what should be the anti-crisis strategy of arbitration management.

Stages of development and implementation of an anti-crisis strategy.

1 .Analysis of the external environment made when describing the situation,

prevailing at Promtractor OJSC, showed that the segment of the quarry tractor market in Russia is practically lost for the OJSC and it is necessary for it to look for other segments of the tractor market or even switch to new products.

The conclusion made by I.Yu. Mironov, appointed arbitration manager: based on the erroneous disproportion inherent in the planned economy (the production of means of production should be ahead of the production of means of consumption), the volume of sector A was unjustifiably overestimated, therefore its reduction is an objective pattern, and a significant number enterprises like Promtractor are unable to maintain their previous size or even survive.

2 .Organizational analysis carried out by I.Yu. Mironov showed that there is a structural unadaptability of the plant to new economic realities.

3 .A new mission of the enterprise was formulated: “Diversification of the product portfolio based on a new organizational structure.” IN

In accordance with this mission, the following goals were chosen:

Cost reduction;

Introduction of integrated management system, main feature

which provides comprehensive assistance to independent enterprises;

Attracting investments and loans.

4 .A special team of managers has been created to implement the anti-crisis strategy.

5 .On the basis of Promtractor, a production and sales holding with 42 subsidiaries was created in two years. This is undoubtedly a network structure, but with some features related to the need to repay large accounts payable. List of features:

Supervisory boards have been created at all subsidiaries, headed by representatives of the holding’s management, which also includes financial specialists and representatives of the directorate for managing joint stock property;

A coordination council has been created, headed by the executive director of the holding, which regulates the work of the supervisory boards;

An agreement has been concluded with each subsidiary that defines the principles of the formation and distribution of profits, centralized funds, and internal settlements;

Firms producing tractors are bound by a single agreement on joint activities, which made it possible to build a vertical for the production of the main product in a system of legally independent enterprises;

20 subsidiaries of the main production have a unified information base, a unified approach to the quality system (standards developed by the corresponding holding service), a common dispatch service for solving operational production problems, and a common supply service.

6 .Anti-crisis management was aware that in the tractor market the holding would not provide itself with the volumes necessary for a break-even existence, so most of the subsidiaries were focused on other products. For example,

a subsidiary company "Stroydetal" was created on the basis of unused

equipment for the production of hardware. Other subsidiaries:

"Stankoservis" (repair company);

"Lithium" (collects scrap metal from the plant and sells it);

Foundry company.

Many subsidiaries began to produce completely new products: double-glazed windows, components for high-pressure hoses, composite materials, feed choppers, pipe welding machines, spare parts for imported equipment, industrial knitwear products, clothing and footwear, etc. In total – 250 types of new products. In addition, more than 20 types of services are being developed. As a result, by 1998, the sales volume of new types of products and services exceeded the sales volume of tractors by more than 2 times.

7 . Development services have been created in the management company and its subsidiaries. They analyze production and sales capabilities, manage the development of innovative projects, and order research and development work. Financing comes from the general development fund (in 1997, for example, it amounted to 22 million rubles)

8 . If during the period of anti-crisis management (survival) diversification is the main tool of development, then in the long term, which undoubtedly needs to be thought about now, we need to look for markets for the sale of the main machine-building capacities of the holding.

The marketing service proposed changing the serial production strategy in favor of industrial tractors of a new class, which had previously been in prototypes and small series. In 1997 new models accounted for 65% of production, 75% is planned for 1998. Having assessed Gazprom’s growing need to repair worn-out routes, they sharply increased production at the request of pipelayers. A light tractor in various modifications (KB-8) is being tested and prepared for serial production, entering the non-traditional markets for the plant in road and municipal construction, the forestry industry, and agriculture.

9 .In 1996 tried to independently enter the foreign market (USA, Honduras and China): only 3% of sales, but in real money. In addition, it stimulated the development of the marketing service, and now

Promtractor monitors all programs that include tenders for the supply of tractor equipment and participates in international exhibitions. Finally, the external market demanded improved quality. The plant carries out a large-scale ISO 9000 certification program.

However, the fate of the plant, according to the manager, is decided not even by marketing, but by the scientific and technical center (STC). It was retained, although it was R&D expenses that prevented the external manager from showing a balance sheet with profit at the end of the arbitration period. The scientific and technical center includes a scientific and technical department, a general design bureau, laboratories, auxiliary technical services - a total of 650 people.

Situational or SWOT analysis(the first letters of the English words strengths - strengths, weaknesses - weaknesses, opportunities - opportunities and threats - dangers, threats), can be carried out both for the organization as a whole and for individual types of business. Its results are subsequently used in the development of and.

Analysis of strengths and weaknesses characterizes the study of the internal environment of an organization. The internal environment has several components, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization (types of business), the state of which together determines the potential and capabilities that the organization has. The internal environment includes financial, production and personnel and organizational components.

Since it does not have a clear manifestation, its analysis on a formal basis is very difficult. Although, of course, you can try to expertly assess such factors as the presence of a mission that unites the activities of employees using the form provided; the presence of certain common values; pride in your organization; a motivation system clearly linked to employee performance; psychological climate in the team, etc.

  • S— strenghts — strengths;
  • W- weaknesses - weaknesses;
  • O- opportunities - opportunities;
  • T- threats - dangers, threats;

SWOT analysis is an analysis of the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and an assessment of the opportunities and threats on the path of its development.

SWOT analysis methodology involves first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities, and then establishing chains of connections between them, which can later be used to formulate organizational strategies.

First, taking into account the specific situation in which the organization is located, a list of its weaknesses and strengths, as well as a list of threats (dangers) and opportunities, are compiled.

Next, a connection is established between them. For this purpose, a SWOT matrix is ​​compiled. On the left there are two sections (strengths and weaknesses), into which all the strengths and weaknesses of the organization identified at the first stage of the analysis are respectively entered. At the top of the matrix there are also two sections (opportunities and threats), into which all identified opportunities and threats are entered.

SWOT Matrix

SIV- strength and opportunity. A strategy should be developed to leverage the organization's strengths to capitalize on opportunities. For those couples who find themselves on the field SLV, the strategy should be structured in such a way that, due to the emerging opportunities, an attempt is made to overcome the existing weaknesses in the organization. SIOUX(Power and Threats) - develop a strategy that should use the organization's strength to overcome threats. SLU(Weaknesses and threats) - develop a strategy that would allow the organization to get rid of weaknesses and prevent the impending threat.

To successfully apply the SWOT methodology, it is important to be able not only to identify threats and opportunities, but also to try to evaluate them from the point of view of how important it is for orientation to take into account each of the identified threats and opportunities in the strategy of its behavior.

To assess the opportunity, the method of positioning each specific opportunity on the opportunity matrix is ​​used (Table 2.1).

This matrix is ​​constructed as follows: at the top is the degree of influence of the opportunity on the organization’s activities (strong, moderate, small); on the side - the likelihood that the organization will take advantage of this opportunity (high, medium, low). The resulting ten opportunity fields within the matrix have different meanings for the organization. Opportunities falling into the “BC”, “VU” and “SS” fields are of great importance for the organization, and they must be used. Opportunities that fall into the “SM”, “NU” and “NM” fields practically do not deserve attention. For the opportunities that fall into the remaining fields, management must make a positive decision to pursue them if the organization has sufficient resources.

Table 2.1 Capability Matrix

A similar matrix is ​​compiled to assess threats (Table 2.2). Those threats that fall into the “VR”, “VC” and “SR” fields pose a very great danger to the organization and require immediate and mandatory elimination. Threats that fall into the “VT”, “SC” and “NR” fields should also be in the field of view of senior management and be eliminated as a matter of priority. As for the threats located on the fields of "NK", "ST" and "VL", a careful and responsible approach to eliminating them is required.

Table 2.2 Threat matrix

It is advisable to carry out this analysis by answering the following questions in relation to opportunities and threats in three areas:

  1. Determine the nature of the opportunity (threat) and the reason for its occurrence?
  2. How long will it last?
  3. What power does she have?
  4. How valuable (dangerous) is it?
  5. What is the extent of its influence?

The environmental profiling method can also be used to analyze the environment. This method is convenient to use for compiling a profile of the macroenvironment, the immediate environment and the internal environment. Using the environmental profiling method, it is possible to assess the relative importance of individual factors for the organization.

The method for compiling an environmental profile is as follows. Individual environmental factors are listed in the environmental profile table (Table 2.3). Each factor is given by expert means:

  • assessment of its importance for the industry on a scale: 3 - strong importance, 2 - moderate importance, 1 - weak importance;
  • assessment of its impact on the organization on a scale: 3 - strong, 2 - moderate, 1 - weak, 0 - no effect;
  • assessment of the direction of influence on a scale: +1 - positive influence, -1 - negative influence.
Table 2.3 Environment profile

Next, all three expert assessments are multiplied, and an integral assessment is obtained, showing the degree of importance of this factor for the organization. From this assessment, management can conclude which environmental factors are relatively more important to their organization and therefore deserve the most serious attention, and which factors deserve less influence.