Quiet morning summary. Kazakov, analysis of the work Quiet Morning, plan

Early in the morning, when it was still dark in the hut and his mother was not milking the cow, Yashka got up, found his old pants and shirt, ate bread and milk and, taking fishing rods, left the hut. He dug up worms and ran to the barn, where his friend Volodya was sleeping in the hayloft.

- Isn’t it early? - he asked hoarsely, half asleep.

Yashka got angry: he got up an hour earlier, dug up worms, and wanted to show this polite Muscovite the fishiest places. Yashka is the best fisherman on the entire collective farm, just show him where to fish, and they’ll throw apples at you. And this one is “please”, and he is still not happy. He wears boots when fishing!

- You should also put on a tie! - Yashka quipped and laughed hoarsely. “Our fish get offended when you approach them without a tie.”

However, Yashka is not evil, he boasts about the best that is in his native village: the most delicious well water in the world, catching blackbirds with a net, a two-meter catfish, which the club manager saw in a barrel - he thought it was a crocodile... Yashka tells about Fedya the tractor driver, who worked at night by headlights, woke up - and again in the field.

Volodya suddenly begins to feel how nice it is to wake up early and leave the house, or even better, to run, squealing with delight.

Yashka led the Moscow guest to the pool (pool) and began to tell him that this pool was sucking everyone in - the water there was so icy that it wouldn’t let go. And at the bottom there are octopuses.

“Octopuses are only... in the sea,” Volodya said uncertainly.

- And Mishka saw it! ...There’s a probe coming out of the water, and it’s rummaging along the shore... Although he’s probably lying, I know him,” Yashka concluded somewhat unexpectedly.

They abandoned their fishing rods. Yashka took the bait and went off. We waited and waited for a bite, got tired and stuck our fishing rods into the ground. Then it bit again. Yashka pulled out a healthy bream. And Volodin’s fishing rod, along with a lump of earth, crawled into the water. The boy tried to save her and fell into the pool. Yashka got angry with him, and suddenly saw that his friend was drowning. He struggled, choked and made terrible sounds: “Wa-ah-ah... Wah-ah-ah...” The thought of octopuses flashed through the village boy’s head. He rushed up to call for help, but there was no one.

When Yashka returned, only the top of Volodin’s head was visible on the surface of the water. Yashka jumped into the water and grabbed Volodya, but he clung to him so desperately and tightly and began to climb onto his shoulders so wildly that he almost drowned him. Yashka tore the drowning man away from him, kicked him in the stomach and rushed to the shore. I looked at the water - bubbles were rising on its surface. Yashka thought that he had drowned his comrade and dived. He found Volodya entangled in the grass at the bottom. He pulled him ashore and began performing artificial respiration and shaking him upside down. Finally, water gushed from the drowned man’s mouth and he came to his senses.

Both boys burst into tears.

- How I'm drowning!

- Yes... - Yashka said... - you're going to drown... and I'm going to save you... save you...

“The sun was shining, the bushes were blazing, sprinkled with dew, and only the water in the pool remained the same black...”

Kazakov Yu.P.
Quiet morning

Early in the morning, when it was still dark in the hut and his mother was not milking the cow, Yashka got up, found his old pants and shirt, ate bread and milk and, taking fishing rods, left the hut. He dug up worms and ran to the barn, where his friend Volodya was sleeping in the hayloft.

- Isn’t it early? - he asked hoarsely, half asleep.

Yashka got angry: he got up an hour earlier, dug up worms, and wanted to show this polite Muscovite the fishiest places. Yashka is the best fisherman on the entire collective farm, just show him where to fish, and they’ll throw apples at you. And this one is “please”, and he is still not happy. He wears boots when fishing!

- You should also put on a tie! - Yashka quipped and laughed hoarsely. “Our fish get offended when you approach them without a tie.”

However, Yashka is not evil, he boasts about the best that is in his native village: the most delicious well water in the world, catching blackbirds with a net, a two-meter catfish, which the club manager saw in a barrel - he thought it was a crocodile... Yashka tells about Fedya the tractor driver, who worked at night by headlights, woke up - and again in the field.

Volodya suddenly begins to feel how nice it is to wake up early and leave the house, or even better, to run, squealing with delight.

Yashka led the Moscow guest to the pool (pool) and began to tell him that this pool was sucking everyone in - the water there was so icy that it wouldn’t let go. And at the bottom there are octopuses.

“Octopuses are only... in the sea,” Volodya said uncertainly.

- And Mishka saw it! ...There’s a probe coming out of the water, and it’s rummaging along the shore... Although he’s probably lying, I know him,” Yashka concluded somewhat unexpectedly.

They abandoned their fishing rods. Yashka took the bait and went off. We waited and waited for a bite, got tired and stuck our fishing rods into the ground. Then it bit again. Yashka pulled out a healthy bream. And Volodin’s fishing rod, along with a lump of earth, crawled into the water. The boy tried to save her and fell into the pool. Yashka got angry with him, and suddenly saw that his friend was drowning. He struggled, choked and made terrible sounds: “Wa-ah-ah... Wah-ah-ah...” The thought of octopuses flashed through the village boy’s head. He rushed up to call for help, but there was no one.

When Yashka returned, only the top of Volodin’s head was visible on the surface of the water. Yashka jumped into the water and grabbed Volodya, but he clung to him so desperately and tightly and began to climb onto his shoulders so wildly that he almost drowned him. Yashka tore the drowning man away from him, kicked him in the stomach and rushed to the shore. I looked at the water - bubbles were rising on its surface. Yashka thought that he had drowned his comrade and dived. He found Volodya entangled in the grass at the bottom. He pulled him ashore and began performing artificial respiration and shaking him upside down. Finally, water gushed from the drowned man’s mouth and he came to his senses.

Both boys burst into tears.

- How I'm drowning!

- Yes... - Yashka said... - you're going to drown... and I'm going to save you... save you...

“The sun was shining, the bushes were blazing, sprinkled with dew, and only the water in the pool remained the same black...”

When we think of good stories, Chekhov, Turgenev, and Bunin most often come to mind. But it would be a mistake to assume that, for example, in the second half of the 20th century there was no worthwhile representative of this genre. We present to the reader’s attention the work (summary) of Kazakov “Quiet Morning”. Yuri Pavlovich is a wonderful Soviet prose writer.

The confrontation between the city and the village represented by the main characters: Yashka and Volodka

As you know, this is a fertile topic. In general, there are no hackneyed themes in literature (this is not science), the main thing here is execution. So Kazakov’s story (summary) “Quiet Morning” tells exactly this. It all starts with breathtakingly atmospheric and truthful descriptions of an ordinary rural morning.

One of the main characters, Yashka, is going fishing. Everything was according to the textbook: I got up early, dug up worms and went after my companion Volodka. Here it must be said that Yashka was a rural boy, and Volodka, on the contrary, was a Muscovite.

They met. Yashka is cheerful and fresh, although he got up earlier than Volodka, and he was sleep-deprived and had a “fixed” face. While they walked to the river, the boys exchanged barbs, or rather, not even like that: Yashka attacked, and Volodka sluggishly fought back.

Yashka mocked how his fishing partner prepared for the important event: the wrong clothes, the wrong gait, the wrong inspiration, etc. What can I say, one word - urban.

The reader may reasonably ask whether too much space is devoted in the article with the topic “The work (summary) of Kazakov “Quiet Morning” to the boys’ squabble? Dear reader, the guys' mild conflict is actually important for the intrigue and subsequent climax, so be patient.

Deep place. Bream

The guys spent a long time choosing a place. Or rather, Yashka accurately pointed to the most “bread” place. Unfortunately, it turned out to be quite deep. But the guys didn’t plan to swim, and for fish the depth is just right. What kind of fish can you catch in shallow water? From this moment on, the plot of the story picks up speed and becomes extremely exciting. We remind you that our focus is on Kazakov’s essay (summary) “Quiet Morning”.

Fishing is going on. The guys are trying to catch the prey. Yashka, naturally, does it a little better, Volodka a little worse. But the village boy still misses his first fish, which upsets him. Still would! He doesn’t want to lose face in front of the city.

And yet, in this fight, the village celebrated its victory over the city - Yashka caught Bream. Before the boys had time to rejoice at their overall success, something struck Volodka. Moreover, it was so impressive that the fishing rod did not obey the fisherman.

Yashka was distracted by his prey and did not see how the fish dragged his friend into the depths (or perhaps the boy himself slipped on the wet river sand and slid into the water). Yashka turned to the place where Volodka should have stood, but his partner was no longer there. His head almost disappeared under the water (it was a deep place). Suddenly, the story that Y. Kazakov wrote (“Quiet Morning”: a summary and analysis is of immediate interest to us) becomes alarmingly tragic and I really want the boy to survive.

Yashka's fear and heroism

At first, the hero, who was standing on land, got scared and rushed as fast as he could into the village. But suddenly I realized that such a trip would be fatal for Volodka, it would cost his friend his life. Therefore, Yashka returned and tried to pull out his comrade, but he, like any drowned man, began to drag the savior to the bottom. Yashka thought that the two of them would now say goodbye to life, this sometimes happens in such situations.

Unclasping Volodka’s hands, Yashka climbed ashore, then turned around, and Volodka completely disappeared under the water. And then the hero decides to make another try. He dives and sees that his friend’s leg is entangled in seaweed. Yashka freed his comrade’s limb and this time pulled him ashore, then provided first aid, apparently obeying some kind of intuitive impulse. Volodka began to spit and push water out of himself. When the friend came to his senses, Yashka burst into tears. We think it is unnecessary to say why. Then the guys cried together, not embarrassed by their tears, because on that day they were actually born again.

This concludes Yu.P. Kazakov "Quiet Morning". The summary continues and includes the answer to another important question.

True friendship is so contradictory

Now, we think, the reader understands why the boys’ road to the river was described in such detail. Yes, Yashka sees his friend’s shortcomings, he soberly evaluates him, but despite this, the boy risked his life for the sake of his friend, he did not leave him to die in the river, he did not give up.

That's what a true friend is like. The most reliable person is not the one who constantly compliments you or admires your intelligence, but the one who lends a shoulder to you at the right moment. It is necessary to judge a person not by words or even by thoughts, but only by deeds. And we are sure that Volodka and Yashka are now friends forever.

Kazakov’s quiet morning is remembered not only for the beauty of the writer’s style, but also for its truthful semantic content. The reader should take a closer look at the features of the plot and the behavior of the characters.

Questions and tasks

1. How does Yashka’s behavior on the road to the river differ from Volodya’s behavior?

Yashka gets up in his sleep, he manages to overcome himself. When collecting gear, he behaves collectedly and does everything very quickly. Volodya, on the contrary, is not very happy about the new morning; he has difficulty waking up and doubts that it is worth going fishing.

On the way to the river, Yashka tries to show himself as an experienced fisherman. After Volodya offends him with his question “Isn’t it too early?”, he wants to humiliate the city guest in every possible way. Volodya, realizing how much he wants to fish, will not contradict Yashka. For example, he is not thirsty at all, but drinks water from the well that Yashka offers him.

Kazakov's Quiet Morning is an insight into the thoughts of two completely different boys, and the situation that makes them best friends.

By what signs did Yashka recognize that ducks were flying and blackbirds were calling? What did he tell you about blackbirds?

Yashka is familiar with the sounds made by almost any living creature that can be found in the village. If it whistles, it means “outi”; if it rings, it means a blackbird. Yashka has special memories associated with this bird.

Once he caught one blackbird and kept it with him for the whole winter. Drozd, according to Yashka, could scream in different ways: like a locomotive, and like a saw...

2. How did the boys behave in a moment of danger?

When Volodya began to drown, Yashka thought that he would swim out calmly. He was even angry that the fish were now scared and would not be caught. Yashka grabbed a clod of earth to throw at Volodya when he emerged. Volodya immediately began to scream. He was seriously scared. Realizing that he is drowning, Volodya flounders randomly in the water.

The main interest for the reader is Yashka. In the first minutes he wanted to call someone for help. Then the thought occurs to him that it is impossible to leave the drowning Volodya. And in the end, he decides to dive into the pool after him.

This intensity of the plot is contrasted with the title of the story - Kazakov’s “Quiet Morning” is such only at the very beginning and at the end.

How can one explain that after everything ended well for Yashka, there was nothing in the world sweeter than Volodya’s pale, frightened, suffering face?

After Volodya was saved and turned out to be alive, Yashka was sincerely happy about this. After all, he endured so much when he saved him. Yashka himself almost drowned when Volodya began to pull him down. In addition, Yashka felt great responsibility - he was the main one in this trip to the river.

What do you think the author could have hidden, but did not hide from the reader in Yashka’s behavior?

Kazakov could write that Yashka was going to leave - for help, for a rope, away from this terrible place - anywhere, just not to know about what happened here. Kazakov did not want to make Yashka an ideal hero; he showed this situation as if it really happened.

3. Prepare a retelling or role-playing reading of the story according to your own plan (optional)

To prepare a retelling, it is worth understanding the summary of the work.

Quiet morning by Kazakov - summary

Village morning, early, foggy and quiet. Yashka, a local boy gets up before dawn to go fishing. He collects his gear and goes to wake up his new comrade Volodka, who came to visit them from Moscow.

He is not very happy with such an early rise and asks Yashka - “Isn’t it early?” After such words, Yashka begins to get angry with him. However, they still go fishing. On the way to the river, Yashka tells Volodka many interesting stories: about the blackbird he caught, the fish that live in the river, the weather, etc.

On the river, Yashka immediately catches a large bream. Volodya is also biting. But he can’t handle the fishing rod and falls into a deep pool. A minute later, Yashka realizes that his friend is drowning. He tries to call for help, but there is no one around. After a while, Yashka finally decides to dive. After an unsuccessful attempt (Volodya clings to Yashka and almost drowns him), he crawls ashore and tries to escape. But his conscience does not allow him. Yashka dives again.

Under the water, he sees a terrible picture - pale Volodka in an unnatural pose, frozen in the depths of the pool. Then he grabs him by the shirt and pulls him ashore. After some time, Volodka comes to his senses. Both boys are incredibly happy to see each other.

Related materials:

Early in the morning, when it was still dark in the hut and his mother was not milking the cow, Yashka got up, found his old pants and shirt, ate bread and milk and, taking fishing rods, left the hut. He dug up worms and ran to the barn, where his friend Volodya was sleeping in the hayloft.

- Isn’t it early? - he asked hoarsely, half asleep.

Yashka got angry: he got up an hour earlier, dug up worms, and wanted to show this polite Muscovite the fishiest places. Yashka is the best fisherman on the entire collective farm, just show him where to fish, and they’ll throw apples at you. And this one is “please”, and he is still not happy. He wears boots when fishing!

- You should also put on a tie! - Yashka quipped and laughed hoarsely. “Our fish get offended when you approach them without a tie.”

However, Yashka is not evil, he boasts about the best that is in his native village: the most delicious well water in the world, catching blackbirds with a net, a two-meter catfish, which the club manager saw in a barrel - he thought it was a crocodile... Yashka tells about Fedya the tractor driver, who worked at night by headlights, woke up - and again in the field.

Volodya suddenly begins to feel how nice it is to wake up early and leave the house, or even better, to run, squealing with delight.

Yashka led the Moscow guest to the pool (pool) and began to tell him that this pool was sucking everyone in - the water there was so icy that it wouldn’t let go. And at the bottom there are octopuses.

“Octopuses are only... in the sea,” Volodya said uncertainly.

- And Mishka saw it! ...There’s a probe coming out of the water, and it’s rummaging along the shore... Although he’s probably lying, I know him,” Yashka concluded somewhat unexpectedly.

They abandoned their fishing rods. Yashka took the bait and went off. We waited and waited for a bite, got tired and stuck our fishing rods into the ground. Then it bit again. Yashka pulled out a healthy bream. And Volodin’s fishing rod, along with a lump of earth, crawled into the water. The boy tried to save her and fell into the pool. Yashka got angry with him, and suddenly saw that his friend was drowning. He struggled, choked and made terrible sounds: “Wa-ah-ah... Wah-ah-ah...” The thought of octopuses flashed through the village boy’s head. He rushed up to call for help, but there was no one.

When Yashka returned, only the top of Volodin’s head was visible on the surface of the water. Yashka jumped into the water and grabbed Volodya, but he clung to him so desperately and tightly and began to climb onto his shoulders so wildly that he almost drowned him. Yashka tore the drowning man away from him, kicked him in the stomach and rushed to the shore. I looked at the water - bubbles were rising on its surface. Yashka thought that he had drowned his comrade and dived. He found Volodya entangled in the grass at the bottom. He pulled him ashore and began performing artificial respiration and shaking him upside down. Finally, water gushed from the drowned man’s mouth and he came to his senses.

Both boys burst into tears.

- How I'm drowning!

- Yes... - Yashka said... - you're going to drown... and I'm going to save you... save you...

“The sun was shining, the bushes were blazing, sprinkled with dew, and only the water in the pool remained the same black...”