Vera Brezhneva arranged a fabulous birthday for her youngest daughter. Personal life and biography of Vera Brezhnev Brezhnev singer

The biography of Vera Brezhneva deserves respect, since the fate of this wonderful singer was not always favorable to her.

The childhood of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva is today recognized as one of the most successful and sexiest women in Russia and Ukraine. She captivated millions of viewers with her beauty and spontaneity.

She was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The future star was born on February 3, 1982, into a family of workers at the Dnieper chemical plant. It was in the suburbs of Dnepropetrovsk that Vera Brezhneva spent her childhood. At that time she was known as Vera Viktorovna Galushka. He will take the pseudonym Brezhnev, already participating in the VIA Gra group.

Vera's childhood was spent in a simple working-class family. She was not the only child. Besides her, there were three more sisters. In her youth, Vera was a comprehensively developed child, attended a choreographic studio and was actively involved in sports.

After graduating from school, she completed a secretary-assistant course. At the same time, I took driving courses at the same time. Vera Brezhneva received her higher education at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics.

The singer's relatives

Vera considers her parents and sisters to be her closest and dearest people. The middle child in the family is Vera Brezhneva. The biography, photos and personal life of the singer have now become public knowledge. She does not hide her family and the details of her difficult childhood. The older sister's name is Galina, and the younger twins are Victoria and Anastasia.

Even in early childhood, Vera realized that it was necessary to help her parents. The star’s mother worked as a cleaner, while her father was on a wheelchair after a car accident. The family did not live well and was forced to deny themselves many things. Since school age, Vera worked as a dishwasher in a local cafe. She also gained experience working as a nanny from an early age. Often, in order to earn money, she had to skip school, but this in no way affected the girl’s academic performance.

Today, Vera’s older sister lives abroad. And one of the twins became the wife of the famous Russian TV presenter and comedian Alexander Tsekalo. The singer moved her parents to the Kyiv region, to the city of Boryspil.

Introduction to VIA Gro

The biography of Vera Brezhneva is full of all sorts of gifts of fate. One of them can be considered a visit to the casting of the group "VIA Gra". The spectacular blonde was immediately noticed by the group's producers and offered to participate in it. This happened in 2003, in the middle of winter. A new member was taken instead of Alena Vinnitskaya, who left the group of her own free will.

The producers of the project decided to increase the number of participants from two to three people. The new line-up, including three young beautiful girls, began its activities in 2003.

Since Vera’s real name did not quite fit the canons of show business, the producers decided to assign her the pseudonym Vera Brezhneva. The star received this name due to its place of birth. After all, it was L.I. Brezhnev who was born and raised in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The main initiator of changing the pop name was Dmitry Kostyuk.

Life in a group

With her entry into the group, she not only acquired a new pseudonym, Vera Brezhneva. Her biography and personal life have changed dramatically in general. Vera became popular in just a few months; she was included in the so-called golden lineup of the group: Anna Sedokova, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva. Until now, many believe that it was precisely this composition of participants that led the group to incredible popularity.

The project quickly gained momentum and was soon known in Europe and Asia. Thanks to the English-language video “Stop,” the Land of the Rising Sun learned about the girls.

In 2004, Anna was replaced by Svetlana Loboda, who has an extremely beautiful and unusual jazz voice. Due to misunderstandings within the team, the new member is removed. Albina Dzhanabaeva, a former backing vocalist of Valery Meladze, is taken in her place.

It was in this composition that the group lasted until 2006. Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva notified the people of their departure to free swimming. Each of them wanted to pursue a solo career, the start of which was laid in the VIA Gra group.

Career after leaving the project

The biography of singer Vera Brezhneva is filled with a lot of surprises and sharp turns of fate. In 2007, she began a new stage of life. Her individual career started very successfully with the song “I Don’t Play.” The star’s first solo creation was the album “Love Will Save the World,” which was released in 2010.

Immediately after leaving the project, Vera was recognized as the sexiest woman in Russia according to Maxim magazine. In 2008, she realized herself as a TV presenter in the “Mania of Ten” program. The program airs on the first national channel.

Since 2007, more than 50 songs of the star have been recorded, which are extremely popular. About 25 clips were also shot. In 2011, Brezhneva was awarded the title of the most beautiful woman in Ukraine. This prize is awarded to her by VIVA magazine.

The singer is also actively involved in charity work. She holds the post of president of the all-Ukrainian charitable foundation "Ray of Faith". He helps children with blood diseases.

In 2015, the star was appointed the official UN Ambassador on HIV/AIDS. She actively participates in various campaigns to combat and prevent the disease, helping people with positive HIV status. This is how Vera Brezhneva helps people in difficult situations. The singer’s biography, personal life, and career were not cloudless. She achieved everything she achieved only thanks to her hard work and determination. She walked towards her goal, not paying attention to the difficulties encountered along her life's path. With this in mind, Vera tries to help and support people in difficult moments of their lives.

The singer's personal life

The biography of Vera Brezhneva has always been of interest to the press. The star carefully hides his personal life from the media.

Her first husband was Vitaly Voichenko, with whom the singer lived for only a few years. At that time, the marriage was not officially formalized; the spouses lived in civil law. From this union, Brezhnev gave birth to a daughter, Sofia, at the age of 19. In the family the girl is simply called Sonya.

The singer’s second husband was businessman Mikhail Kiperman. The wedding was celebrated in 2006, and in 2009 Brezhneva’s second daughter, Sara, was born. But 3 years after the birth of the baby, the couple announced the end of their marriage. The reason was the singer’s too busy touring schedule and the constant jealousy of her husband. The couple divorced peacefully, agreeing that the joint child would live with the mother.

After the divorce, she is in no hurry to advertise her next lover to show business. It is known that Vera has been in a relationship for about a year, but has not yet revealed the name of the lucky one.

Vera Brezhneva is not only a singer with a wonderful voice. She has successfully realized herself as a TV presenter and actress, is persistently involved in charity work and attends all kinds of events. She considers the birth of her two daughters to be the greatest achievement in her life.

People have always been interested in the biography of Vera Brezhneva. Her children, ex-spouses and relatives are not such public figures. She protects them from the media in every possible way.

The biography of Vera Brezhneva confirms that if you wish and strive, you can reach any heights.

There have been rumors about Vera Brezhneva's novels ever since she became the “blonde from VIA Gra.” Whoever was considered her husband or boyfriend. As soon as she played in a film or starred in a video with a spectacular man, rumors immediately appeared in the press that the couple was connected by something more than creativity. The loudest “romance” happened with director Marius Weisberg. They met on the set of the film “Love in the City”, after some time Marius organized Vera’s birthday with surprises and gifts. Brezhneva’s colleagues insisted that they had not seen her so happy for a long time. But subsequently the singer did not mention a word about her relationship with the director and never confirmed the rumors.

But conversations about relations with Sergei Svetlakov during their work on the film “The Jungle” caused Brezhneva a lot of trouble. The fact is that just at this time Sergei was divorcing his first wife. And, of course, the public blamed Vera for the collapse of the marriage. “This was the only time when I was really worried about rumors, I was ready to explain myself and prove that nothing connects us. Seryozha reassured me, saying that these rumors would in no way affect his and his wife’s decision to divorce.”

Vera Brezhneva with Sergei Svetlakov. Photo: Global Look Press

Three men truly influenced Vera Brezhneva's life.

Vitaly Voichenko

The affair with Ukrainian politician Vitaly Voichenko began when Brezhneva was only 17 years old. The couple lived in a de facto marriage for several years; the relationship was not formalized. And when Vitaly found out that Vera was pregnant, the romance came to an end. Vera gave birth to a daughter, Sonya, and soon got casted by Konstantin Meladze, becoming one of the soloists of the VIA Gra group. It was at this time that the singer changed her maiden name Galushka to the pseudonym Brezhnev. Subsequently, Vera managed to establish more or less equal relations with the father of her first daughter for some time. “Vitalik is doing great, he got married, he has a child,” Brezhneva said, “Sonya communicates with dad, sees him, his family, I don’t forbid it.” However, Sonya, having become an adult, made a choice for herself and stopped communicating with her father.

Mikhail Kiperman

In 2006, Brezhneva again had to change her last name - this time because she married Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman, whose marriage lasted six years. In 2009, the couple had a daughter, Sarah. Kiperman managed to find a common language with the singer’s first daughter, became friends with her and even gave the girl his last name. But the marriage with Kiperman was not happy either; in 2012, the couple filed for divorce. The reason was Kiperman’s dissatisfaction with his wife’s constant tours, as well as her too revealing photo shoots. “I’m free and happy,” Vera told fans immediately after the divorce.

Mikhail Kiperman withSonya.

Konstantin Meladze

And the main man in her life, apparently, was the one who had been around for many years, and no one suspected that they were connected by something more than work. Although Vera has been repeating for many years in a row in all interviews that he is the most important person for her. “This is Konstantin Meladze,” Brezhneva said. - He brought such changes into my life that it makes sense to divide my entire biography into two parts: before meeting Konstantin and after... He shaped both my universal and professional concepts. The way I love music, the way I love the audience, the way I approach the business - it’s all from him.” Vera and Konstantin met in 2002 and since then have always been together, despite the fact that she made attempts to start a family with other men, and all this time he was married to Yana Summ, who bore him three children. Yana insisted that the relationship between her husband and Brezhneva began in 2005, but Meladze denies this, assuring that then he perceived her as nothing more than his artist. The lovers decided to declassify only in 2015 - they played a secret wedding in Italy.

Konstantin Meladze with Vera Brezhneva. Photo: pPress service of Channel One

“I'll be honest. It was very late that some things came to me that are truly important in life,” said Meladze. “I was always obsessed with work, music, career, I lived in some kind of illusory world, sitting in the studio from morning to evening. I was always in a hurry to get somewhere, all I had in my head was self-realization and a bunch of all sorts of projects, there were more and more of them. Projects multiplied every year, and this whirlpool pulled in more and more. I had little understanding of what was happening around me. And only when I turned 45 did I suddenly come to my senses. Gradually I began to realize what is important in life and what is secondary. My eyes opened, I began to see the world around me, and I began to slowly crawl out of this submarine. And only then did I begin to truly need a personal life.”

When asked if Vera really took him away from his first family, Meladze responded with indignation: “Am I a calf? How can you even take me away?” The couple continues to protect their lives from prying eyes, but recently they began to appear together at events and post joint photos online.

Vera Brezhneva is a famous singer and actress, ex-soloist of the popular female group VIA Gra. Today Brezhnev gives solo concerts, and also appears on screens as a TV presenter and appears in photo shoots for popular publications. Glossy magazines have repeatedly called Vera the standard of femininity and beauty.

Vera was born on February 3, 1982 in one of the cozy towns of Ukraine - Dneprodzerzhinsk. In addition to Vera, the family raised three more children: sister Galina and twins Vika and Nastya. The girls' parents worked in the industrial sector at the Pridneprovsky chemical plant, trying with all their might to provide a decent life for their children.

Vera’s last name is Galushka, and Brezhnev’s is her stage name. The girl’s family could not be called wealthy, which affected her relationships with her classmates. At school, the future artist could always be seen in the same clothes. At the same time, she had a very inconspicuous appearance and could not boast of special beauty compared to other girls.

At the same time, young Vera had no shortage of artistry - even in kindergarten she began to perform her first roles at matinees, which were always easy and simple for her. Despite the fact that Brezhneva did not have the opportunity to attend vocal, theater and choreographic clubs, she managed to become the center of attention of others.

During her school years, Vera Brezhneva continued to develop her artistic talent - she actively took part in all performances, she was especially successful in Baba Yaga, in the role of which the future artist brought a good recklessness.

Even in her youth, Vera Brezhneva had grandiose plans for her stellar future. And oddly enough, the girl persistently pursued her goal, despite the fact that her parents did not have the opportunity to help her in any way. She was interested in karate, handball, rhythmic gymnastics, and basketball. She combined her studies with secretarial and English language courses. Vera also took computer science courses and graduated from a motorist school, after which she successfully received a driver’s license. The girl earned money for additional education outside of school hours: in the summer she weeded flower beds at Zelenstroy, and in the evening she worked as a nanny.

After school, Vera Brezhneva dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but due to expensive training, she was forced to abandon her desired direction and entered the correspondence department of the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers. After graduating from university, she received a diploma in economics.

June 2002 turned out to be fateful in the biography of Vera Brezhneva. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the group “VIA Gra” came to the city of Dnepropetrovsk with a concert. That day Vera also came to Monastic Island. Then everyone was invited to the stage to sing the song “Attempt No. 5” with the girls. Brezhneva's beautiful figure, rhythmic movements and good hearing were noticed by producer Dmitry Kostyuk.

When Kostyuk took the phone number from Vera Galushka for an invitation to a casting in Kyiv, the girl did not even count on continuing the acquaintance. When the call came with the appropriate invitation, Vera did not believe it, and did not even tell her mother in advance why she was going to the capital.

Group "VIA Gra"

After numerous classes and training, it was decided that Vera would sing in VIA Gre instead. However, the surname Galushka clearly did not correspond to the stage image of the sexy group. When Dmitry Kostyuk asked where the future member of the team was from, the idea immediately came to replace the surname with the pseudonym “Brezhnev”, because the former secretary general was also from Dneprodzerzhinsk. From that moment on, the finest hour came in the fate of Vera Brezhneva.

Everyone learned about the new “little white” soloist of VIA Gra. The press eagerly dug up the singer’s ins and outs and loudly commented on every step of the newly-minted participant. At first, Vera Brezhneva remains in the shadow of her vocal partners, but every day her popularity is growing. The updated line-up of the group first appeared on stage in January 2003.

The composition of the group "VIA Gra" in 2003 was called "golden", because the tandem of Vera Brezhneva is still considered the most fruitful. In February of the same year, the song “Don’t Leave Me, Darling” was aired, and then the video, which did not leave the top positions in the charts for 7 months. According to the RU.TV audience vote, the video for the song was recognized as the best in the last decade. Photos of Vera Brezhneva and the group topped the covers of Russian and Ukrainian glossies.

In April 2003, the album “Stop! Removed! The full-scale planned circulation was ordered a month before the planned presentation of the album. On April 24, the new album of the group “VIA Gra” was presented to the public in Moscow. In six months, more than 500,000 copies were sold. The album was awarded the "Golden Disc" award. This was another breakthrough in the career of Vera Brezhneva and VIA Gra as a whole.

Sony Music management called the group the most successful project and decided to record their debut English-language album. In May, the girls went to Israel, where they presented the debut release of the Sony Music Russia label, performed on the local TV show “Yatspan Show” and performed the single “Good morning, dad!”

On June 5, 2003, the group performed this song at the Olimpiysky, after which the Muz-TV channel broadcast the hit several times a day until the end of the year. Against the backdrop of such success, Vera Brezhneva and other members of the team became famous throughout the CIS, but this was only the beginning.

In 2007, the men's glossy magazine Maxim named Vera Brezhneva the sexiest woman in Russia. The singer received this title as a result of voting by readers of the Russian edition of the magazine. Vera subsequently received this title in 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016.

Vera Brezhneva as part of the group "VIA Gra"

Brezhneva appeared more than once on the cover and pages of the magazine, both in lingerie and naked. Fans of the singer consider the artist the most suitable model for the magazine and often want MAXIM to put naked photographs of Brezhneva on the cover of each issue.

In 2007, irrefutable and shocking information was leaked to the press that Vera Brezhneva was leaving the legendary group VIA Gra for a solo career.


After leaving VIA Gra, Vera Brezhneva took a sabbatical and decided on her plans for the future. In 2008, Vera returned to TV as a TV presenter. Then viewers saw the ex-vocalist of a popular musical group as the host of the show “Magic of Ten” on Channel One. A few months later, Brezhneva released a video and songs “I don’t play” and “Nirvana”, and in parallel with her musical work she became a participant in the show “Ice Age 2”, in which she was paired with the Armenian figure skater Vazgen Azroyan.

In 2009, Vera released the track “Love in the Big City.”

In 2010, Vera Brezhneva presented her new song “Love will save the world”, for which six months later she received her first Golden Gramophone, and then recorded her first album with the same name. In the same year, the singer released two tracks in a duet with other performers. Vera Brezhneva recorded the composition “Pronto” together with Potap.

Another duet song “Petals of Tears”, which she performed together with Brezhneva, took first place in four charts compiled by the popular music portal “Tophit”: in the rating for the CIS countries, the Top 100 team in Ukraine, a separate chart in Kyiv and the “Audience Choice” rating " The track also topped the Russian digital tracks chart and took second place in the Latvian radio chart and the annual overall rating for the CIS countries.

2011 in Brezhneva’s solo career was marked by the release of the song “Real Life”. In 2012, Vera recorded the song “Love at a Distance” in a duet with.

In 2013, the singer’s new composition “Good Day” appeared. The song received warm reviews from fans and took second place in the Ukrainian Top 100 chart on the TopHit music portal, as well as fourth place in the Audience Choice rating on the same portal. Another popular song by Brezhneva this year was the single “Say,” which the singer recorded together with the rock group “Druha Rika.”

In 2014, Vera Brezhneva recorded the popular songs “Good Morning”, “My Girl” and a collaboration with “Luna”. Fresh compositions hit the Russian, Ukrainian and other charts, the track “Good Morning” even reached seventh place in the Tophit Top 100 ranking for the CIS countries.

In 2015, Vera Brezhneva’s second solo album “Ververa” was released. In support of it, the popular single “Mommy” was released, produced by the singer’s future husband. Also in 2015, the singer presented the song “Floors,” which Brezhneva performed together with rapper T-killah, and a video for this song.


Vera Brezhneva's acting career started in 2005. The artist first appeared on television in the role of Motri in the musical “Sorochinskaya Fair”, in which, along with Brezhneva, Georgy Khvostikov also played.

In 2009, Vera Brezhneva played in full length for the first time. She was invited to play the role of Katya in the film “Love in the City,” in which she became her partner. In addition to acting in this film, Brezhneva took part in creating the soundtrack for it and released her third video based on it.

In 2011, the artist starred in the comedy “Yolki”, and in 2012 she played the main role in the film “Jungle”. Among the latest film works of Vera Brezhneva, it is worth noting her role in the film “8 Best Dates” and in the TV series, in which the appearance of the artist came as a complete surprise to the audience.

Personal life

Vera Brezhneva's personal life is no less eventful than her career. The artist gave birth to her eldest daughter Sonya at the age of 18 from Vitaly Voichenko, with whom the singer lived in a civil marriage. But the relationship between Brezhneva and Voichenko did not work out, and the young people broke up.

In 2006, the singer became the wife of Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman, from whom she inherited her previous surname. In 2009, Brezhneva gave birth to her second daughter, Sarah, but the child they had together did not contribute to the preservation of the family, and in 2012 the couple divorced, and Vera returned her own surname-pseudonym.

In 2014, the press started talking about the affair between Brezhneva and producer Konstantin Meladze. Almost from the very beginning of cooperation, journalists continually attributed a love relationship to the couple. Photos of Brezhneva and Meladze from Jurmala leaked onto the Internet, and the paparazzi “caught” the famous producer several times at the singer’s house. Their mutual acquaintances were divided into two camps: some refuted the information, saying that Konstantin was an exemplary family man, while others unequivocally answered that this relationship had long been an open secret.

In October 2015, the media reported about the secret wedding of the stars. .

At the same time, a stormy personal life and a wedding with Konstantin Meladze did not prevent Brezhneva from continuing her solo career - the singer is currently one of the most popular performers in Russia and Ukraine.

Unlike her colleagues, Vera Brezhneva does not hide the parameters of her own body. The singer posted in “ Instagram"photo of the scales and dispelled the doubts of fans. It turned out that the artist’s weight is 53.5 kg with a height of 172 cm.

Vera Brezhneva now

In 2016, the singer presented a new composition “Number 1”, which entered the Top 100 charts in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries. In the same year, Vera Brezhneva released another new song called “Feel” and recorded music videos for both compositions.

On October 6, 2016, Vera Brezhneva gave a solo concert entitled “Number 1” at the National Palace of Arts of Ukraine in Kyiv. Two days later, the singer performed the same program at Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

In 2017, Vera Brezhneva presented a music video for a new composition. The clip was directed by.

In the summer of 2017, Vera Brezhneva became a participant in a star scandal. The quarrel between the two celebrities began with the fact that she wrote a harsh text on her own page in “ Instagram" In this post, the TV presenter accused people who remember her participation in a reality show and respect her less than Vodonaeva’s colleagues. And Alena called Russian show business hypocritical, since the modern scene is not embarrassed by singers who dated married men and then took their chosen ones away from the family.

The TV presenter did not write specific names, but Vodonaeva’s subscribers immediately guessed who the girl was talking about: Vera Brezhneva and. Journalists circulated this guess, and Brezhneva, offended by the accusation, blacklisted Vodonaeva’s account. Vera did not comment on the conflict, and Alena once again emphasized that she did not mean Brezhnev personally, but was only talking about trends among celebrities.


  • "Stop! Cut!”
  • "Biology"
  • “Stop! Stop! Stop!”
  • "L.M.L."
  • "Love saves the world"
  • "Ververa"


  • "Sorochinskaya Fair"
  • "Sex and the City"
  • "Yolki"
  • "Yolki 2"
  • "Jungle"
  • "Rockland"
  • "8 dates"
  • "Major-2"

Vera Brezhneva(Vera Kiperman, maiden name Galushka) is a Ukrainian and Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter, former member of the pop group “VIA Gra” (2003−2007). UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS program).

Childhood and education of actress Vera Brezhneva

Father - Galushka Viktor Mikhailovich (1954−2015) worked as an engineer at the Dnieper chemical plant.

Mother - Galushka Tamara Vitalievna (maiden name Permyakova, born in 1954) graduated from medical school and worked at the same plant.

In addition to Vera, there are three more daughters in the family: the eldest Galina (born May 10, 1977, went abroad) and the youngest - twins Anastasia and Victoria (born December 22, 1984). Victoria Galushka became the wife of a famous showman Alexandra Tsekalo. As Vera Brezhneva described her relatives in her biography on the official website, she “grew up in a large, friendly family with three beautiful sisters.”

In the photo (from left to right): Vera in childhood; twins Vika and Nastya with their parents

Vera turned out to be a kind and grateful daughter. In the future, the singer bought her parents an apartment in the city of Boryspil, not far from Kyiv.

Vera Brezhneva graduated from secondary school No. 41 in Dneprodzerzhinsk. Vera was a very active schoolgirl: she did rhythmic gymnastics, played handball, basketball, and for some time was interested in martial arts, in particular karate.

At the same time, as noted in the biography of Vera Brezhneva on the 24 media website, the girl “did not have the opportunity to attend vocal, theater and choreographic clubs.”

While studying at school, Vera Brezhneva was also an active participant in school amateur performances. Teachers, friends and classmates admired her artistic talent. Vera even made the role of Baba Yaga original. Brezhneva introduced an element of good nature and sympathy into this fairy-tale image.

Vera Brezhneva dreamed of becoming a lawyer. However, there was no money for such an expensive education. Brezhneva graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in economics.

Vera Brezhneva combined her studies with secretarial and English language courses. Vera also completed computer science courses and a motorist school, after which she successfully received a driver’s license.

Vera Brezhneva was an amazingly purposeful girl. Unfortunately, her parents could not help her financially, and therefore Vera earned money for additional education outside of school hours: in the summer she weeded flower beds at Zelenstroy, and in the evening she worked as a nanny.

“Since childhood, I have known the value of every penny. I myself started earning money very early and I believe that any work should be paid. I'm generally quite a frugal person. In addition, I studied to become an accountant. And this is very convenient in my work!” Vera says in an interview now, having become a pop star.

Vera Brezhneva's career in show business

A significant event in the fate of Vera occurred in 2002. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the group “VIA Gra” came to Dnepropetrovsk with a concert. The singers invited everyone on stage to sing the song “Attempt No. 5” with them. The beautiful Vera with an excellent figure, excellent plasticity and good hearing attracted the attention of the producer Dmitry Kostyuk, and he invited her to a casting in Kyiv. Vera (then still Galushka) did not believe such a sharp turn in her life.

Dmitry Kostyuk suggested that Vera change her dissonant surname Galushka to another. And having learned that Vera is a fellow countryman Leonid Brezhnev, suggested her the pseudonym Vera Brezhneva. Vera was asked to sing instead of a group member Alena Vinnitskaya.

In the life of Vera, now Brezhneva, the finest hour has come. The updated line-up of the group first appeared on stage in January 2003.

In the photo: popular singer Philip Kirkorov and members of the group "VIA Gra" - Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya (from left to right) - at the presentation of the group's new album, which was called "Stop! Removed!", 2003 (Photo: Konstantin Kizhel/TASS)

In February 2003, the song “Don’t Leave Me, Darling” was aired, and then the video, which did not leave the top of the charts for 7 months. Photos of Vera Brezhneva and the entire group appeared on the covers of Russian and Ukrainian glossies.

In the photo: pop group "VIA Gra", 2005 (Photo: Vasilii Smirnov/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In April 2003, the album “Stop! Removed! The album was awarded the "Golden Disc" award. This was another breakthrough in the career of Vera Brezhneva and VIA Gra as a whole.

The group went on tour abroad and enjoyed great popularity.

In the photo: soloists of the group "VIA Gra", 2005 (Photo: Vasilii Smirnov/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In 2007, news began to appear that Vera Brezhneva was leaving the VIA Gra group for a solo career. This information turned out to be true.

In the photo: members of the group "VIA Gra" Albina Dzhanabaeva, Meseda Bagaudinova and Vera Brezhneva (from left to right) before the start of the Muz-TV 2007 award ceremony, which took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, 2007 (Photo: Alexander Saverkin)

Vera Brezhneva's solo career

After leaving the VIA Gra group, Vera Brezhneva took a sabbatical. In 2008, Vera was invited to Channel One as the TV presenter of the show “Magic of Ten”. But Vera did not part with music. Soon Brezhneva released videos for the songs “I Don’t Play” and “Nirvana”, and in parallel with her musical work she became a participant in the show “Ice Age 2”.

World Fashion Awards 2009 in Moscow. In the photo: singer Vera Brezhneva (Photo: Anna Salynskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

The year 2010 was marked by a new song in Vera Brezhneva’s career - “Love will save the world.” The singer received her first Golden Gramophone for it. Afterwards, Vera recorded her first album with the same name, and then released two tracks in a duet with other artists.

In the photo: TV presenter Vera Brezhneva (right) on the set of the new game show "Magic of Ten", 2008 (Photo: Maxim Shemetov/TASS)

With the song “Petals of Tears” together with Dann Balan Vera was the leader in four charts compiled by the popular music portal “Tophit”.

In the photo: singers Vera Brezhneva and Dan Balan before the start of the Muz-TV 2010 award ceremony at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, 2010 (Photo: Alexey Filippov/TASS)

2011−2014, the songs “Real Life”, “Good Day”, “Good Morning” and others appeared in Vera Brezhneva’s solo career.

In 2015, listeners got acquainted with Ververa Brezhneva’s second solo album “Ververa”. Also in 2015, the singer presented the song “Floors,” which Brezhneva performed together with rapper T-killah, and a video for this song.

In 2017, Vera Brezhneva presented a music video for the new song “Close People”. The clip was directed by Alan Badoev.

Speaking about her songs, Vera says that her musical style has an ethno influence. “Folk instruments bring her songs closer to nature and give strength to the sound,” says the singer’s biography on the website.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva on the pages of MAXIM magazine (Photo: / Anton Zemlyanoy / MAXIM)

In the photo: actors Alexey Chadov as Artem and Vera Brezhneva as Katya in a frame from the film “Love in the City” directed by Marius Weisberg (Photo: Leopolis Film Company / TASS)

The comedies “Yolki” and “Yolki-2” were of great importance in the singer’s filmography, where her partners were colleagues of a relative Alexandra Tsekalo- presenters Ivan Urgant And Sergey Svetlakov. Vera Brezhneva's roles in these films were small, but remembered by everyone.

Although Brezhneva herself stays out of politics, the film “8 Best Dates” caused a scandal in Russia. Activists of the National Liberation Movement held a series of pickets in many cities of the country with posters “ Vladimir Zelensky- a bloody buffoon" or "Zelensky is a sponsor of the murders of Donbass residents." Many were offended that a Ukrainian actor with an anti-Russian position who was helping the ATO wanted to make money from films in Russia. Like, the film with Zelensky and Brezhnev failed at the box office.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva in the film “8 Best Dates”

Personal life of actress Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva lived in a civil marriage with Vitaly Voichenko. At the age of 18, Vera gave birth to his daughter Sonya. But the couple soon broke up.

In 2006, the singer became the wife of a Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. In 2009, Brezhneva gave birth to her second daughter, Sarah, but the child together did not strengthen the family, and in 2012 the couple divorced, and Vera returned her own pseudonym.

In October 2015, the media reported about the secret wedding of the stars. Wedding ceremony Konstantina Meladze, which was the producer of VIA Gra, and Vera Brezhneva took place in Italy. Brezhneva’s biography on Wikipedia states that Vera’s relationship with Konstantin Meladze continued since 2005.

At the same time, a stormy personal life and a wedding with Konstantin Meladze did not prevent Brezhneva from continuing her solo career - the singer is now one of the most sought-after performers in Russia and Ukraine.

Unlike her colleagues, Vera Brezhneva does not hide the parameters of her own body. The singer posted a photo of the scales on Instagram. The artist's weight is 53.5 kg and her height is 172 cm.

Vera loves children and says that she is thinking about having more. “Sarah appeared when Sonya was already eight. By that time, the eldest daughter no longer wanted a brother or sister. She felt good alone, she was more than satisfied with everything. “Why do I need someone else who will be loved besides me?” said Sonya. Thank God, selfish tendencies quickly dissipated... Sonechka is already 16. Just a couple more years, and she’s about to fly away from under her parents’ wing. Sometimes I think: “How is it possible that Sarah will be alone? Then I want more!’” Vera Brezhneva said in an interview with

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva with her daughters (Photo:

Social activities of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva opened her charitable foundation “Ray of Faith” to help children with hematological cancer.

In 2014, Vera Brezhneva became the UN Ambassador on the rights and discrimination of HIV-infected women living in Central Asia and Eastern Europe (UNAIDS program).

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva - UN Ambassador (Photo: video screenshot /

Vera Brezhneva is a singer, actress, and TV program host. Born on 02/03/1982 in the industrial Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk.


Vera's parents worked at a large chemical plant to provide for their four daughters. As a child, Vera changed many hobbies, among which music was far from the first place. She was actively involved in sports, danced a lot, and studied well.

However, the girl was not too interested in school life. Most of all she loved the summer holidays, which she spent in a pioneer camp. There she could be herself and open up emotionally. Therefore, parting with classmates did not particularly sadden the future star.

The girl’s dream was to escape from the unpromising town in which she could only find work at one of the factories, like her parents. But she wanted something more, and she went to seek her fortune in neighboring Dnepropetrovsk. Since the family could not afford to support the student, Vera entered the correspondence faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk Transport Institute.

After graduating from school, Vera turned from an ugly teenage duckling into a real beauty. And she even had enough self-confidence to become one of the participants in the Dnepropetrovsk beauty contest. Vera easily passed the preliminary selection, but the young beauty did not have the chance to participate in the finals. Life gave her an unexpected surprise.


At one of the concerts of the VIA GRA group in Dnepropetrovsk, to which Vera came along with her friends, the artist invited the audience to get on stage and sing the song “Attempt No. 5” with them. Vera fearlessly came out and gladly joined the group. After some time, she received an invitation to a casting.

So, instead of the Dnepropetrovsk beauty contest, Vera ended up in the successful and already promoted Kyiv group VIA GRA, replacing Alena Vinnitskaya, who was leaving the lineup. Vera fit into the group so organically that many still call this trio Sedokov-Brezhnev-Granovskaya the golden composition of VIA GRA.

From 2003 to 2007, Vera Brezhneva's star journey continued as part of VIA GRA. A huge number of hits were recorded and many awards were received. But in 2007, due to disagreements with the producer, Vera left the group. However, the stage has already become Vera's way of life, and she begins a solo career.

Solo career

In 2007, Maxim magazine named Vera the sexiest Russian woman and this helped her in promotion. A year later, Vera’s solo video, “I Don’t Play,” was released, and a little later, the second one, “Nirvana.”

In the same year, Vera tries her hand at television as the host of the TV show “Southern Butovo”. Which she was soon forced to leave due to going on maternity leave.

However, she very quickly returned to television screens as part of the jury of the Superzirka competition.

Vera not only actively participates in various television projects, but also records songs for a new solo album, “Love Will Save the World,” which was successfully released in 2010 and again brings Vera to the top of the charts. In the same year she received the Golden Gramophone.

In 2010, Vera Brezhneva recorded two songs in a duet. The first duet was with Potap and the single “Pronto”. And the second is with Dan Balan and the song “Petals of Tears”. This composition took first place in many charts in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

In 2011, Brezhneva’s song “Real Life” was released, and in 2012, “Love at a Distance,” recorded in a duet with DJ Smash.

In 2013, Vera performed the song “Good Day,” which also became very popular. She also recorded a duet composition with the group “Druha Rika” - “Tell”.

2014 was more fruitful, and the singer recorded three new songs - “Good Morning”, “My Girl” and “Luna” in a duet with Arthur Pirozhkov.

In 2015, Brezhnev released the album “Ververa”. In support of the new album, the song “Mommy” was released, which later became very popular. Back in 2015, the singer recorded a duet with T-killah “Floors”.

In 2016, the singer presented a new song “Number 1”, which became popular in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. She also recorded the song “Feel” and released a video for both works.

Also in 2016, Vera held two solo concerts, one in Kyiv and the second in Moscow, called “Number 1”.

In 2017, Vera and Alan Badoev released the video “Close People”.

Personal life and husbands of Vera Brezhneva

Growing up in a large family, Vera always dreamed of her own. Quite early she gave birth to her first daughter, Sonya, from her common-law husband Vitaly Voichenko, with whom she soon broke up.

In 2006, she became the official wife of businessman Mikhail Kiperman, to whom she gave her second daughter Sarah. However, this marriage also broke up.

Recently, Vera married again - to producer Konstantin Meladze.