Andrei Malakhov spoke about a frank conversation with Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay Lohan in the show "Let them talk" told how she was beaten by Yegor Tarabasov Linsey lohan Malakhov let them talk

And they all started so beautifully: she is famous, he is rich (at least his father, a Russian businessman, is rich). She has behind her - treatment in a clinic for alcoholism, and he has such a charming smile. On joint photos with Egor, now deleted, which the actress published on Instagram, she looked really happy ... But, apparently, Lindsey's karma is like this - there was a scandal this time too. The actress eventually accused Yegor of infidelity and assault. What happened?

In the pictures on Instagram, the actress looked happy ...

The interview did not take place as usual, in the studio, but at the hotel, where the actress told about the breakup with the Russian fiancé.

I have been through a lot in my life, and there is nothing left for me but to recognize and realize that other women have gone through this, - says british star. - IN charitable foundation I work with children who have had to endure abuse. So I'm still lucky that I came to Moscow and can speak. Someone else may have to hide, not being able to tell someone what is happening to him.

Photo: frame from the program “Let them talk”, Channel One

When we love a person, we try our best to keep him, but it is very difficult. We think: what will we do if he leaves? But we forget that we have our own life. It was extremely unpleasant for me: I became another battered woman who does not want to admit it. Life is what you create it. The people with whom we connect our lives - we choose them ourselves. Sometimes in relation to love and life, you don’t realize what will happen next. And what happens, happens very quickly. I lived under the guns of cameras for a long time, for 27 years of my life I opened up to people, was honest with them and never hid, never refused what I did, right and wrong. I've always been myself, but falling in love is different, it's personal, and when you're in public, it's hard to get used to. I fell into this trap. I met Yegor and gave him all of myself, but in the end it only ruined me.

Read the full interview of Andrei Malakhov with Lindsay Lohan.

Filming, it is worth noting, was not easy - they ended as early as five in the morning, and in general the program was almost disrupted through the fault of Lindsey, who unexpectedly closed her room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on the day of filming and did not answer a knock on door and on phone calls. According to the site, the actress was simply drunk. Although according to other versions, the actress was simply unwell. Moreover, Andrey Malakhov himself was allegedly in the lobby of the hotel, who was trying to somehow resolve the situation. In the end, Lindsey still came out, and the shooting took place. And after the star even published in Instagram photo with Andrei Malakhov and the film crew, signing it: "My Russian family."

By the way, Lindsey's invitation cost the host a pretty penny. published an agreement with 19 "exclusive" conditions for its participation in talk show of the First channel. The amount of 500 thousand pounds sterling, which was previously called as the estimated fee for participating in the program, turned out to be even lower than the final one - the actress estimated her presence in the studio at 650 thousand pounds sterling, and this, for a minute, is 54 million 600 thousand rubles! Lohan also asked for a private jet flight, accommodation at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel overlooking Red Square and 24-hour security. But the item on the mandatory meeting with the President of Russia, which the media wrote about, was not on the list - here the star decided to be more modest. But Lindsey did not be modest in terms of spending, not wanting to spend a penny in Moscow - absolutely all the expenses for her stay in the Russian capital should be covered by Channel One. Also on the list of requirements was the mandatory absence of Yegor Tarabasov and his new girlfriend Daria Pashevkina.

famous actress Lindsay Lohan, after long negotiations, nevertheless gave her consent to an interview with the popular program “Let them talk” on Channel One and its permanent host Andrei Malakhov.

The Hollywood diva herself flew to Moscow the day before to personally meet with Malakhov. True, the flight of the red-haired beauty from London was delayed, and she arrived in the capital a little later than scheduled. At the same time, the conversation with the host of the program did not turn out right away. The thing is that Lindsay Lohan needed a pause in order to come to her senses and think things through. The artist needed time to collect her thoughts and tell the truth about her relationship with Yegor Tarabasov. It's no secret that parting with a young man was not easy for a Hollywood star. In addition, Lindsey has great respect for Tarabasov's parents, and therefore doubted whether she should publicly raise this difficult topic again. The authors of "Let them talk" turned out to be extremely patient people. As a result, the conversation developed and turned out to be very sincere. TV presenter Andrey Malakhov told about this to the subscribers of his microblog.

“4:55 and we did it... Tired but satisfied... Touching and vulnerable Lindsay Lohan. Eye to eye interview, world exclusive. Talk about wanting to escape from loneliness and danger along the way in the form of young man named Yegor with rich parents from Russia,” wrote Andrey Malakhov.

Apparently, Lindsay Lohan was also satisfied with the communication. The Hollywood star posted a picture on the microblog with the creators of the Let Them Talk program and her fans. “My Russian family,” the actress signed the photo.

Users who saw almost simultaneously published pictures in the microblogs of Andrei Malakhov and Lindsay Lohan reacted with great enthusiasm to the news about the interview of the Hollywood diva and hurried to announce that they were looking forward to its broadcast.

It is noteworthy that, having chosen one of the most luxurious metropolitan hotels, Lohan still preferred the most ordinary room. Having learned what kind of guest came to Moscow, the owner of the hotel decided to give her a kind of compliment and provided her with a presidential suite. Certainly, Lindsey was pleased with this attention, and she accepted the grand gesture with gratitude.

By the way, before shooting in one of the most popular and rated programs on domestic television the star managed to visit a Moscow restaurant - it was there that she gathered her thoughts and realized that she was ready to talk about her personal history.

"Gorgeous! I wish her feminine and human happiness!”, “Lindsay? This is great! When to look?”, “It’s good that they picked up a closed dress for her, she’s so pretty, maybe they’ll find her husband here. See how it has changed!”, “This is the first release that I want to watch,” such comments are left by fans on the pages of Andrei Malakhov and Lindsay Lohan.

Recall that last summer the name of 30-year-old Lindsay Lohan did not leave the pages of the foreign and Russian press. The famous actress became a member of the scandal that arose due to the fact that she decided to break off relations with her Russian boyfriend, 23-year-old Yegor Tarabasov.

Ex-lovers accused each other of violence and theft. Several times Lindsey told reporters that the young man beat her.

About a passionate affair and parting with Russian millionaire Egor Tarabasov. Chosen 30-year-old actress seven years younger than her. We were talking about an imminent wedding. Hollywood actress and golden boy. And suddenly a Hollywood star posted on social networks scandalous video and stated that Yegor Tarabasov had raised his hand to her more than once.

“I have become another battered woman who does not want to admit it,” Lindy Lohan began her interview with Malakhov with this.

It turns out that at first the actress met Yegor's father, and his parents treated Lindsey very kindly. They saw that their son was changing next to his 30-year-old lover. “His father paid for a lot, for him, but mostly me. So it is incorrect to assume that everything was on him, since he is a Russian billionaire, ”the Hollywood diva admits.

When asked by Andrey Malakhov what attracted her to Yegor, she admitted that it is very pleasant when you feel safe with a person who is not public, who does not use Twitter and Instagram. This attracted Lohan to Tarabasov very much and earned respect. Besides, as Lindsey says, Ego is a charming, very likeable young man.

Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov

“I’m 30, he’s 23. I already had everything, and I told him what to do. Imagine me, a 20 year old woman, and I provided for a 23 year old guy who does not work. Ultimately, out of guilt, one person hit the other. There is no explanation for this. I became like my mother. And she suffered a lot. My mother and my sister noticed this: I had to cover up bruises, ”says Lohan. However, Tarabasov is immediately looking for an excuse, saying that this does not mean that he is a bad person.

However, Lohan immediately stated that there was a moment that she did not like. The thing is, she didn't read. yellow press, but Egor liked that they wrote about him, a Russian guy, that he had an affair with Lindsay Lohan herself. For the actress, this was a very frightening factor in the relationship. Even worse was what happened next.

“I’m still lucky that I came to Moscow and can speak ... I was afraid that Yegor would splash acid in my face ... I went to bed, and he broke into the house and began to choke me. He was drunk. I jumped out onto the balcony and screamed with all my might: “He is trying to kill me! Someone call the police!" Lohan says with tears in her eyes. And two people filmed it.

By the way, Lindsey's father still communicates with Tarabasov. And this is the reason why Lohan does not want to speak this moment with your parent.

Recall that information that Lindsay Lohan is in talks to participate in the popular Russian show“Let them talk”, appeared on the Web at the end of August. Then they started talking about the crazy rider, which the actress presented to the representatives of our television. It included the following items that the star demanded: a private jet; on board the aircraft - makeup artist, hairdresser and manicurist; visa to Russia for a period of one year; 500 thousand British pounds; penthouse suite at the Ritz-Carlton. And yes, another requirement of Lindsay Lohan is nothing less than a meeting and a selfie with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It is not known which points of the rider were completed, but the selfie with Putin did not appear on Lindsay Lohan's microblog. But the actress published a photo with Malakhov, which she touchingly signed: “My Russian family.” Some sources say that during Lohan's visit to Moscow, there were some unpleasant incidents. Allegedly, Lindsey drank too much and did not want to leave the room, shouting that Tarabasov forbade her to give interviews. Apparently, the issue has been resolved.

Lindsay Lohan interview with Andrey Malakhov. Most dramatic moments

“Let them talk” by Andrey Malakhov with Lindsay Lohan video from 09/21/2016

Photo of Lindsay Lohan during an interview with Malakhov for the program "Let them talk" in September 2016

Lindsay Lohan (Lindsay Lohan) appeared in Moscow and gave an interview to Andrei Malakhov for the show "Let them talk." The faded Hollywood star did not appear in the transfer studio, the meeting took place in a hotel room. Previously, Lohan put forward absurd demands to Channel One, such as joint photos with Putin and 500 thousand pounds for an interview. The TMZ portal was the first to tell the world about this.

Lindsay Lohan stated that her ex-fiance Egor Tarabasov beat her, she had to cover up bruises. Lindsey also denied suggestions that she received money from Yegor, allegedly she even bought an engagement ring for herself. During her life in London, she paid the bills herself, Yegor Tarabasov in this interview Lindsay Lohan exposed as an aggressive, infantile person. The actress felt that Tarabasov liked her popularity and stated that she was used. Like it or not, it's hard to say, Lindsay Lohan is known for her deceit, she has a long history of drug use and alcohol spree. During the interview, she expressly speaks positively about her ex-fiance's parents.
Video of an interview with Lindsay Lohan to Andrey Malakhov for the program “Let them talk”, release dated 09/21/2016

This year, for the first time in the history of the existence of the most popular talk show on the first channel: world celebrity Lindsay Lohan in Let Them Talk! The Hollywood star agreed to take part in the program with Andrey Malakhov. The actress made very high demands, but the Channel 1 team still managed to persuade Lindsay to fly from the USA to the capital of Russia to shoot the program, and today she is here in Moscow! What will the famous Hollywood actress tell about her romance with Yegor Tarabasov? How did the lovers break up and is Lohan pregnant from Yegor? You will see the scandalous video of the fight! And later the release date will be known. Let them talk about Lindsay Lohan.

In the summer of this year, Channel One announced that it was interested in inviting Hollywood celebrity Lindsey Lohan to its famous talk show “about non-fictional stories”, who definitely has something to tell about her privacy! First of all, we should talk about the novel of an American actress with the son of a successful Russian businessman. Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov have been dating since October 2015 (according to other sources, since December), but their union was short-lived. After a short time, the couple broke up with a huge scandal and mutual accusations.

Lindsay Lohan in Let They Speak: Yes or No?

Lindsay Lohan responded positively to the offer of Channel 1 to take part in Let them talk, however, as befits a real movie star, she put forward too high demands! And here are the main ones:

  • The actress should pay 650 thousand British pounds
  • It is obligatory to provide a private comfortable aircraft
  • A room in one of the most expensive hotels in Moscow
  • Russian visa for a year (+ its extension in the future)
  • Finally, Lindsey's most sensational condition: a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin + a selfie with him!

Lohan's super-high demands became known in August 2016, after which many viewers doubted that the Hollywood star would visit Moscow soon and take part in the program with Andrei Malakhov. However, negotiations continued and some demands famous actress were taken into account. So will Lindsay Lohan be in Let Them Talk or not?

Lindsay Lohan in Moscow: the star agreed to participate in "Let them talk"!

Almost a month passes and suddenly there is news that Lindsay Lohan is ready to fly to the capital of Russia to give candid interview V live talk show Let them talk!

The artist flew to Moscow after a holiday in a Greek resort. It is worth noting that Channel One did not agree to the conditions put forward by Lindsey and offered her much less money: a Hollywood star should receive 10 thousand US dollars instead of 650 thousand pounds sterling for participating in the program.

Arriving in the capital American actress stayed at the Ritz Carlton, which is considered one of the best in Moscow. And then the fun begins: the star almost disrupted the filming of the program! Lindsay Lohan was supposed to arrive at Ostankino on September 16 at 12 noon, but the artist did not appear on time ...

The entire film crew Let them talk, along with the presenter Andrey Malakhov, went to the Ritz Carlton to find out where the Hollywood celebrity is. It soon became known that Lohan had tasted a considerable amount of Russian vodka the day before, after which she became ill and for a long time could not recover from alcohol intoxication.

The well-known media persons invited to the program began to leave the studio due to the absence of the heroine of the air, and at this time the presenter Andrey Malakhov, being at the hotel, was waiting for the star to feel better and she would be able to give long awaited interview. In the end, the broadcast still took place! Filming of "Let them talk" began at 20.00 Moscow time.

Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov: love and separation

There was information that former lover Lindsay Lohan, the son of Russian millionaire Egor Tarabasov, having learned about the actress's arrival to shoot the program, also came to Moscow. The 23-year-old is vehemently opposed to Lindsey mentioning his name on the talk show!

Egor's father - Dmitry Tarabasov, owner transport company. Yegor himself is the director of the Home House Estates real estate agency. Lives in London.

As you know, the separation of the couple was very scandalous and painful for both. In July of this year, Lohan announced to the press that she was pregnant with her Russian boyfriend Yegor Tarabasov, but later one of her acquaintances told reporters that Lindsay was lying to attract attention.

The reason for the separation of Yegor and the actress was, according to Lohan, the betrayal of Tarabasov. Once the guy did not come to spend the night at his beloved's house and spent the whole night in the company of girls, one of whom was designer Daria Poshevkina.

Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov: fight (video)

Lindsay Lohan and Andrey Malakhov: an interview with a Hollywood star

Parting with the Russian boyfriend Lindsey experienced very hard. Channel One TV presenter Andrey Malakhov noted that Lohan is a very vulnerable, sincere and sensual girl. With great difficulty, he managed to get revelations from her about her recent relationship with Yegor Tarabasov. Moreover, the actress admitted that she respects the ex-boyfriend's family very much and did not want to talk to the public about her personal life at all.

After a while, in the early morning, Andrey Malakhov wrote in his microblog about the successful completion of the filming of the broadcast Let them say where main character was Lindsay Lohan. The celebrity herself, apparently, was also pleased with her participation in the popular Russian talk show and even agreed to take a joint photo.

Very soon the broadcast of the program Let them talk with Lindsay Lohan will be released. Despite the fact that the heroine herself almost disrupted the recording of the broadcast, the shooting nevertheless took place, and, according to the TV presenter, everything went great. Do not miss! World exclusive! Lindsay Lohan will tell everything about her personal life and parting with the son of a Russian millionaire Yegor Tarabasov.

Lindsay Lohan, short biography

She was born on July 2, 1986 (New York). Daughter of actor Michael Lohan. She first appeared on TV screens in the TV series Underworld at the age of 11. She starred in popular films (" Mean Girls”,“ Cool Georgia ”,“ Kiss for Good Luck ”, etc.) and released a couple music albums. She had drug problems and was sentenced to 30 days in prison.

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