Calculate your birthday according to the lunar calendar. Birth according to the lunar calendar

Birthday according to the lunar calendar

We are all accustomed to the solar horoscope, but sometimes we are not happy that it is not accurate enough. And indeed, it needs addition.
The lunar horoscope is just that.
After all, the Moon is our subconscious, instincts, intuition, that is, the entire inner world, what makes the soul alive. Programs of behavior, reactions, and our hidden capabilities are associated with the Moon.
Lunar birthday is always considered in more detail than, for example, the characteristics of the zodiac sign. The lunar day on which we were born gives knowledge about character traits, reveals abilities and opportunities, probable career paths, determines health, activity, and luck in personal life.
This day is a talisman for you.
We bring to your attention information about lunar birthdays. Every 19 years of the civil calendar coincides with a day of the lunar calendar, that is, every 19 years a lunar day falls on the same civil day. If 01/1/1960 is 4 ld., the Moon in the sign of Pisces, then 01/1/1979 is 4 ld., the Moon is in Pisces. You can find out your lunar day from the table, it shows Moscow time


Born on the 1st Lunar Day:

On this day, emotional people are born who have great internal energy, and therefore long-live. The fantasies of these people can come true. Creative activities are successful and bring pleasure.
Day 1 people should not make hasty decisions, as they can bring unexpected results and create problems. There may be many unforeseen situations in the lives of people on this day, but it is difficult to take them by surprise. They have a developed intellect, it is difficult to deceive them, but in business matters everything is not so easy. They study easily, are organized, and have a good understanding of people. In general, life will be long and successful. For good health, you need to give up alcohol and smoking, and you need to be careful when doing physical activity.

Advice: find an opportunity for energy work on the 1st lunar day: for such people, wishes made have special power. These people have a very strong connection with the Moon.

Born on the 2nd Lunar Day:

Advice: physical activity should not be too much. For good health you need simple food and no alcohol.

Born on the 3rd Lunar Day:

The great activity of those born on this day is their trump card, since in many life situations these people are saved by determination, the ability to act actively, and the ability to make decisions. Endowed with enormous willpower, they never stop, strive forward, and hate passivity. They succeed in professions that require full energy output, and they have good success in sports. Inactivity is dangerous for these people, as it leads to stagnation of mental energy, anxiety, and depression. Accumulating energy without giving it an outlet is the path to sadness, irritability, strained relationships with other people, and deterioration of health. You need to spend your energy on the right goals.

Advice: it is worth keeping in mind that it is dangerous for people on the 3rd day to get angry, as well as to cause their anger. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed only in small quantities. You can't overeat.

Born on the 4th Lunar day:

There is some kind of secret in people born on this day, there are many rumors about them, not everyone is able to understand them. The main danger of people of this day is the power of melancholy, a little apathy. They often delve into introspection and sad memories. These people know a lot about the world and are constantly expanding their knowledge. For an hour they do not realize how deep their knowledge of the hidden is. They are often drawn to reveal secrets. Having started something, they can return to the starting point, and this is their main problem. They need to move on.
It is very important not to lose touch with their parents and ancestors. Alcohol is harmful, but herbal infusions and teas are beneficial. Rest is important: calm, in silence, alone with yourself.

Advice: it is important to control every word you say, as it can quickly come true. You cannot wish harm either on yourself, since your wish will come true, or on other people, because you will have to pay severely for the senseless expenditure of energy.

Born on the 5th Lunar Day:

Those born on the 5th lunar day have pronounced magical powers. And even if you don’t develop abilities, it is human nature to help people. You need to avoid negative emotions and not provoke others. Sharp, unexpected changes are possible in the lives of these people. Calmness and wisdom will help you cope with unpredictable situations.
People of this day can combine physical strength with moral strength. You need to avoid fuss and haste. The weak point in the body is the digestive organs. Possible problems due to nutrition.

Tip: watch what and when you eat. Read positive literature, develop your abilities.

Born on the 6th Lunar Day:

Those born on the 6th lunar day can foresee certain events; much of what they say comes true. These people should be listened to. And they themselves should not throw around words, say out loud something that would be better off never coming true. All promises must be kept. Creative activities are successful and bring pleasure. Professions related to voice and pronunciation are good. These people are contactable, diplomatic, and their ideas are not limited by stereotypes. Independence is of great importance in relationships. They do not tolerate pressure, are often dreamers, and are endowed with creative taste and imagination. There is every chance of living a long and happy life, which will be more successful the more seriously they take them.

Advice: spend time in the fresh air as often as possible, avoid smoky rooms, and watch your respiratory system.

Those born on the 7th lunar day:

People born on the 7th lunar day have good memory, good health and a developed sense of humor. Often they do not have their own opinion and are not capable of deep understanding or serious feelings. They have a strong character and will, and, if desired, are able to reach any peak. If you were born on this day, avoid conflicts and showdowns. A receptive mind will help you learn easily and absorb information quickly. People of this day have a penchant for analysis and deductive method. Professions that require intense thinking process work well: scientist, writer, speaker, investigator. Often the talents of people of this day are manifested in trading and consultations.
Advice: believe in yourself and do not listen to the advice of strangers, avoid empty talk.

Those born on the 8th lunar day:

Those born on this day are extremely attractive in their inner qualities. They are smart, quick-witted, decent, hardworking and friendly. They are distinguished by an extraordinary vision of life and ingenuity. They are interesting in communication, capable of unexpected, extravagant actions, broad gestures, are not afraid of change and are always ready for it. Such people have a strong character, they are endowed with the ability to survive and recover. People of this day have good intuition and often have the gift of foresight. The main danger is loss of self-control. This leads to constantly repeating errors. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the course of events and be able to control yourself. Successful professions are chemists, doctors, healers.

Advice: engage in self-improvement, and you can achieve a lot in life and bring great benefit to others.

Those born on the 9th lunar day:

If you were born on this day, avoid critical situations, the teacher will avoid “sharp corners”. Most situations, one way or another, are created by a person himself. Do not provoke conflicts or participate in them. In people of the 9th lunar day, two contradictory qualities coexist: they do not have good health, but at the same time they often become long-lived. It is necessary to maintain a comfortable state of mind, not overload it, and develop stress resistance. Those born on the 9th lunar day prefer hidden actions to open combat. It is very important to have a clear spiritual orientation and not allow the dark side of your soul to triumph. People of this day have a heavy load on the heart and blood vessels. Alcohol is harmful.

Advice: get rid of negative emotions, try to think positively, spiritual practices are very useful.

Those born on the 10th lunar day:

People born on this day are strongly connected with their ancestors and their family. They are endowed with excess energy, they are energy donors for other people, and this benefits them. These people are charming, have great power over others and know how to benefit from it. They are romantics at heart and are able to captivate other people with their ideas. Extensive physical activity is contraindicated, since people of this day are more susceptible to chronic diseases than everyone else. A healthy lifestyle is simply necessary. If you do not develop spiritually, you can become indifferent and calculating.

Advice: use your energetic power to help people, this will increase the years of your life.

Born on the 11th lunar day:

These people have excellent mental abilities and extraordinary thinking. They are very strong and almost unpredictable; you can expect bold judgments and unexpected actions from them. People of this day can control their power, but they do not always realize this in themselves or do not know what to do with this power, they are scattered over trifles. They need a mentor who will give direction and teach them how to use their energy for good. They maintain good health and a clear mind until old age. They can become professional athletes. You need to take care of your spine. If you often find yourself in unexpected situations, this is an indication that you should change your lifestyle and become more attentive to yourself and your environment.

Advice: Do any task with complete dedication. Concentration is the key to success.

Born on the 12th lunar day:

These are good, bright people, called to help everyone in word and deed, to bring good into the world. They are trusting, modest, merciful, charming. People on the 12th lunar day have well-developed heart and emotional chakras. They are very sincere and can openly express their feelings. But they often suffer from the fact that others take advantage of them, their kindness and gentleness. These people need to love someone - this is the meaning of their life, for the sake of love they are ready to sacrifice themselves. To move through life confidently, realizing your talents, you need to beware of self-deception.

Advice: accumulate peaceful emotions, do not overload the psyche, avoid conflicts.

Born on the 13th lunar day:

On the 13th lunar day, restless, very sensitive people are born. They are easy-going, sociable, and receptive to information. They have an excellent memory, so they learn everything “playfully.” They can do several things at the same time and have versatile abilities. But we tend to “walk in circles” throughout our lives, making the same mistakes. In terms of energy, such people are good at working with time. If you want to program your future, you can do it.
People of this day clearly see the relationship between cause and effect, between events that happened long ago and what is happening now. The main thing is to draw conclusions.
Those born on the 13th lunar day can easily make a career in any chosen field.
Advice: use your potential abilities, because you have been given a lot.

Born on the 14th lunar day:

People born on the 14th lunar day are considered “chosen ones”. Even in childhood, they realize their calling in life, find the only right path and begin to follow it early. They are characterized by: intuition, insights, providence. They are purposeful and strong-willed natures, internally ready for achievements. It is important for people on the 14th day to listen to advice, to “signs of fate.” You may often have prophetic dreams.
Despite their directness and categorical nature, these are quite flexible people who easily adapt to any situation. Successes await in medicine, management, and pedagogy. The main danger for people on the 14th day is mood swings. You need to control yourself. And laziness is also harmful to you.

Tip: be sure to give yourself physical activity every day.

Born on the 15th lunar day:

People of this day are able to achieve success in trading. They are helped by their remarkable performance and highly developed intelligence. In their studies and work, they highlight the main thing and are only interested in this, without wasting it on trifles. In any situation, those born in the 15th century feel internally free. They feel their independence, strive for spiritual harmony, and cannot stand pressure and coercion. They are great connoisseurs and lovers of the opposite sex. On their life's path they encounter many temptations and are often unable to resist them. It is useful for such people to restrain their passions; they act destructively, undermining their health. The main problem of these people is negative emotions. They must be kept under strict control.

Advice: avoid heavy physical activity, limit communication with unpleasant people.

Born on the 16th lunar day:

Born on the 16th birthday They are distinguished by a high spiritual level, endowed with optimism and love of life. These qualities help to find a way out of any difficulties.
These people are peaceful, modest and friendly, do not judge anyone, are not envious and easily forgive insults. They make good lawyers, psychologists, doctors, and priests. They try to live in harmony with themselves and with the world, they have a well-developed imagination. They can correct the past and correct the future. But, if they do not develop spiritually, they develop a feeling of limitation, and their whole life is spent fighting against illusions. They have many friends.

Advice: sports and outdoor recreation are good for you. Limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Born on the 17th lunar day:

A person born on the 17th lunar day is endowed with a very emotional nature. Feeling comes first for him. He is never tormented by confrontations between the mind and the heart, since the voice of the heart is much louder. This is the positive side and its danger. Sometimes it is not enough to listen to emotions; they can be deceiving. You need to remember this to protect yourself from problems. People of this day are sincere, open, and trust people. If you were born on this day, be sure to meet with friends and communicate as much as possible. For such people, love and marriage mean a lot. They strive to find their soulmate, sometimes they see the meaning of life in this. A union with a close person helps their spiritual development, motivates them to activity, gives willpower and wisdom. They are prone to demonstrative behavior, often shock the public, and make it clear how little other people’s opinions mean to them. This behavior is self-defense; a person is simply afraid to expose his sensitive inner world to strangers. They don’t like restrictions, they can’t stand being led by circumstances, they worry when there is no other way. The main danger is to have low self-esteem and depression may develop.

Advice: evaluate yourself realistically and you will be able to find application for your many abilities and advantages, you will become successful and happy people. Alcohol is very harmful.

Born on the 18th lunar day:

People born on this day are hardworking and efficient, stubborn and persistent, patient. They know how to achieve their goals, often achieving an enviable position in society and material well-being. Able to teach and lead other people. You can listen to their advice; they are often insightful. If these people work on themselves and develop, they gain the ability to see the world objectively. They get rid of misconceptions and realize their own and others’ mistakes. If they follow a poor path of development, their idea of ​​the world and people is distorted, they become entangled in their illusions, and a distorting mirror situation arises. The biggest harm comes from selfishness; as soon as they start thinking only about themselves, they fall into a streak of failure. It is important for the companions of these people not to infringe on their sense of freedom. They cannot bear obligations, but if you give freedom, then in this way you can force him to take on those very obligations.

Advice: go to the sea more often, especially if the moon or sun is in your water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio).

Born on the 19th lunar day:

People born on the 19th (critical) lunar day have 2 radically different paths before them. These are the paths of Good and Evil. The chances are equal. Which path to follow is the choice of the person himself. But upbringing, society, and events also have an influence. Usually these people are keenly aware of their surroundings and can choose their friends themselves. There are many temptations and problems along the path of life. But the powers given at birth are capable of helping in any matter. Initially endowed with a sharp mind. Not evil, not deceitful. They can be the arbiters of destinies. The main danger for people on the 19th lunar day is irritation, apathy, and negative emotions.

Advice: keep your emotions under control. Give up alcohol, thereby you will attract bright people into your life and get rid of the dark spots of your personality.

Born on the 20th lunar day:

People on the 20th lunar day can live with a constant expectation of a miracle and with a feeling of flight in their souls. They are given contact, the ability to stand up for themselves and for those who are dear to them. Creative and active natures. Nothing is given to them for nothing. A long search for simple joys can become bitter, but they know the prices of everything that comes in life and are ready to pay for their happiness. The main danger is to become proud of your knowledge. But, as a rule, the opinion about oneself is quite justified.

Advice: don’t be arrogant and control the load.

Born on the 21st lunar day:

People born on the 21st lunar day are noble natures, thirsting for justice. Strength, energy, activity, efficiency are given. They may be reserved on the outside, but very passionate on the inside. It is important to develop spiritually. You need to avoid arrogance and arrogance. Determination and patience will bring good results. Look into your soul more often.

Advice: remember that the end does not always justify the means.

Born on the 22nd lunar day:

People born on the 22nd lunar day have access to many secrets and are bearers of wisdom. The task of birth is to increase spiritual knowledge and bring it to people, to become a defender of traditions. Long-lived. In old age they have a clear mind. They often become philosophers.

Tip: Avoid laziness and passivity.

Born on the 23rd lunar day:

People born on the 23rd lunar day have an iron grip and are guardian angels of the people they love. They see the benefit, they will not miss theirs, they look for meaning in every action, they cannot tolerate unjustified actions.

Advice: give yourself constant physical activity.

Born on the 24th lunar day:

People born on the 24th lunar day are created for work and business, endowed with abilities and energy of character. More often they are peaceful and kind. Secrecy does not allow you to be completely sincere. They listen to advice, but act in their own way. They don't change opinions. If they don’t share their energy with people, they can become bitter.

Advice: play sports, have active rest.

Born on the 25th lunar day:

The strength of a person born on the 25th lunar day is to wait in the wings. He shouldn't rush. Wisdom and patience will help in waiting, as well as knowledge of a simple law: everything always comes in due time. The life of this person is rich and interesting, the events are impressive. They have reliable intuition and good logic. They are able to reason sensibly in any situation (and this can be seen already in childhood). So, these are the favorites of fortune, they are usually lucky in life, they have a correct idea of ​​the world, they know how to be in the right place at the right time.

Advice: Be careful with your desires and emotions.

Born on the 26th lunar day:

People born on the 26th lunar day are distinguished by their attraction to the material world and insufficient understanding of the laws of existence. They live a complex, confusing life. It is difficult for them to find harmony with themselves and the world around them. There is constant self-evaluation going on. But at the same time, these people quickly make contact, are charming, and achieve a good position in society.

Tip: Don't fuss or talk too much. You lose energy in conversations. Keep your promises, be modest, thereby you will work off your karma and make your life easier.

Born on the 27th lunar day:

People born on the 27th lunar day carry hidden knowledge, but live in a state of anxiety, doubt and hesitation. Something is constantly happening in their lives. They lack stability and stability so as not to become weak-willed, suggestible, and lethargic. It is very important to develop the spirit.

Advice: take up meditation, learn yoga.

Born on the 28th lunar day:

People born on the 28th lunar day initially carry within themselves the secret of existence and are distinguished by wisdom and spiritual ideals. How consciously you live depends on how much you work on yourself. You can become an altruist to whom others will be drawn, or you can have no attachments at all.

Advice: do not lose the ability to distinguish between good and bad, develop “inner light” in yourself, bring it to people, give them your love.

Born on the 29th lunar day:

People born on the 29th lunar day are endowed with complex karma, but at the same time they have a very rich life. From birth they carry dark power within themselves, but at the same time they have the ability to fight it. Therefore, they can behave as if they are fighting with someone. Long-lived. Life is lived not for joy, but for the atonement of one’s sins, often also the sins of the family or clan. Mistakes on the path of life are not uncommon, just like temptations. But the easier it is to treat trials, the faster they recede.

Advice: get rid of negative thoughts. Let the positive into your life!

Born on the 30th lunar day:

People born on the 30th lunar day have the best human qualities, they are given a happy and joyful life. Beautiful, spiritually developed, kind, bringing grace and forgiveness to the world, compassionate. They are aware of their calling and the tasks of birth from an early age. The main thing for these people is Love.

Advice: do not disturb your inner harmony. Don't change anything until you're sure you're assessing the situation correctly.

Moon in Aries

Endows with stubbornness, impulsiveness, courage, haste in action, sharpness of reactions, and a tendency to extreme manifestations. At the same time, a person whose Moon is in Aries is forgiving and easy-going.

The main negative programs are associated with impatience, irritability, aggressiveness, external, rudeness.

Advice: listen to your inner self more often, analyze your emotions, actions, and motives for your actions more often.


Gives practicality, thoroughness, calmness. Stability and reliability in everything is the main thread of life. People with the Moon in Taurus are adequate, have good intuition, a healthy reaction to external stimuli.

The main negative programs are associated with passivity, inertia, inflexibility, and inability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Advice: trust your intuition, do not rely only on common sense and logic.

Moon in Gemini

Gives sensitivity, inconstancy, curiosity, sociability.

A person with the Moon in Gemini has a good memory and is receptive.

The main problem is the rejection of one’s own instability, the attempt to take on many things at the same time.

Advice: calm your internal tossing, acquire external warmth, softness, spontaneity.

Moon in Cancer

Gives sentimentality, vulnerability, sensitivity, affection.

People with the Moon in Cancer respect their parents and love their family. But they are often suspicious, jealous, touchy, and irritable.

The main problem is excessive exposure to emotions and isolation, which is a consequence of strong sensitivity.

Advice - remember that you were created to understand and help others. So help yourself for this: calm your emotions, listen to your intuition.

Moon in Leo

Gives charm, passion, the desire to play, shine, and be in the center of events. People with the Moon in Leo are self-centered, vain, power-hungry, capable of presenting themselves beautifully, and love to be the center of attention. Touchiness is often caused by inflated self-esteem and complaints about others. Negative programs are associated with excessive pride and the inability to remain alone.

Advice: learn to realize the intrinsic value of your inner world, regardless of what they think about you. Find ways to restore spiritual harmony.

Moon in Virgo

Gives a person unconscious attention to detail, accuracy, and scrupulousness. It is difficult for these people to “open up”, become spontaneous, liberated, free from inner coldness, suspiciousness, and psychological pressures. The strong point is the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly.

A negative program is denial of your true feelings. Hence the denial of one’s own personality, the inability to accept and love oneself.

Advice - you should not strive for security and stability at any cost. This leads to increased internal anxiety even with external well-being. And the appearance of prosperity will never give true happiness.

Moon in Libra

Gives emotional and psychological flexibility, the ability to get along with people. However, it gives dependence on other people’s opinions, sensitivity to the words and reactions of others.

A person with the Moon in Libra craves social recognition and love. The state of mind depends on relationships with others and a friendly atmosphere. The main negative program is associated with indecision, susceptibility, and hesitation.

Advice: learn to trust yourself, your intuition.

Moon in Scorpio

Gives temperament, harshness, secrecy, impatience with other people's opinions. Often a person with the Moon in Scorpio tries to “suppress” or subjugate his partner. Internally lonely, vulnerable, unhappy, unconsciously attuned to risky, extreme situations.

Main problems: the habit of investing strength and passion in everything that does. Touchiness.

Advice: learn to approach life more easily, identify significant areas of your life. Intuition will tell you how you can use your energy most constructively.

Moon in Sagittarius

Gives ambition, vanity, excellent intuition, optimism, openness, generosity. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius loves to be admired, to turn to him for help and advice, loves to help with deeds and advice. He doesn't keep his feelings to himself. He strives to live on a grand scale. Often his life does not fit into generally accepted standards. The main problem is carelessness.

Advice: often draw up a plan of your actions for a specific period. Listen to your intuition. Remember that you have an amazing gift: finding happiness within yourself. You are completely self-sufficient. And yet, you shouldn’t change people. Learn to accept them for who they are.

Moon in Capricorn

Gives restraint, caution, the ability to wait and calculate future actions. A person with the Moon in Capricorn gives the impression of a strong personality. The nature is emotionally mature, but almost always “with melancholy in my soul.” Unconsciously determined to assert himself, defend his principles, and achieve ambitious goals. He is often shy, timid, fears his own feelings, and fears misunderstanding. Can be tough, vindictive, and manipulate other people. The main problem is unmotivated fear and suppressed emotions.

Advice: try to change your perception of the world. Open your intuition and learn to trust it. Don't be afraid to express your feelings openly. Love yourself, feel your own worth, show love to other people more often.

Moon in Aquarius

A person with the Moon in Aquarius is distinguished by extraordinary thinking and a penchant for unusual actions. He values ​​independence, is wary of deep attachments, but values ​​friendship and like-minded people. Rarely is it truly revealed. Sometimes he may not know what he really wants. There is a craving for innovation, change, and contacts.

The main problem of Lunar Aquarius is his rejection of real life due to inconsistency with invented ideals.

Advice: learn to accept yourself for who you are, lower the bar of your ideals. Ideal people don't exist! But being with a person who compares you with the standard is quite difficult. Life isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. Don't ask too much of her.

Moon in Pisces

Gives increased emotionality, sentimentality, sensuality. The psyche of a person with the Moon in Pisces is plastic.

For other people, Moon Pisces is often a mystery, but also for itself.

A non-standard worldview and a penchant for everything unknown are distinctive features.

The main karmic problems are emotional instability, instability.

Advice: cultivate an internal culture of attitude towards yourself. Remember that you are a special, hypersensitive person. But you shouldn't escape reality. Trust your intuition. Keep your feelings under control, manage them.

People who know astrology understand the importance of a lunar birthday. Knowing this date, any person can learn a lot about his character, life preferences and destiny. Calculating the lunar day by date of birth is not too difficult - there are special ways to do this.

The moon is responsible for intuition and the subconscious, allowing you to reveal your inner world and bring out hidden instincts and potential capabilities. Thanks to this, a person is able to discover new, often unexpected potential in himself, correctly set his life values ​​and priorities, and build future steps and actions based on the newly discovered knowledge.

This will help:

  1. In personal life.
  2. In a career.
  3. In communication with the outside world and people.
  4. In knowing yourself.

Each day has unique energetic effects that depend on the distance and position between the Moon and the Sun, which changes daily. Accordingly, for each lunar day the meaning and influence of the Moon will be different. These data provide a more detailed description than the zodiac sign and solar birthday.

If you use lunar energy correctly, it will help both in restoring health and in building the correct movement of energy flows in your life. Each creature has its own individual rhythm, which begins on the day of its birth and remains until its death. Only by acting in harmony with him and his own internal energy can a person achieve the greatest harmony with the world around him.

Find out where the moon was at the time of birth: calculating this is not as difficult as it might seem.

Calculation of lunar birthday is done as follows:

  1. On one's own.
  2. Or with the help of an astrologer.

There is a lunar calendar, thanks to which it is quite simple to calculate the necessary information. According to it, a person can independently find out his moon in the birth horoscope, calculating this information, and get a definition of his character and capabilities.

In addition, there are now many online forms on sites that allow you to determine your lunar horoscope by date of birth. Calculating this using such forms has become quite easy. To do this, you just need to enter your full date of birth, down to hours and minutes.

Many people are faced with the fact that they don’t know their time of birth so accurately. The easiest way to clarify this information is with your parents, who usually know the time accurate to the clock. The more accurate the information, the more correctly the lunar day on which the person was born will be determined. And also to determine the date, you will need the city in which he was born, since the moonrise depends on geography.

Do not despair if the exact time up to the minute is unknown. Even approximate data can provide a lot of comprehensive information that will allow you to get to know yourself much better than before. In the same way, you can determine not only your own day of the Moon, but also other people. Knowing this day for your loved ones will help you know and understand them better.

The value of the knowledge gained

Many people evaluate themselves and their loved ones Zodiac sign, as well as information about which planets were in the sign at the time of birth. This gives a deep understanding of a person’s character, his inclinations and life goals. Knowing your lunar birthday will help you to understand even more deeply the root causes of certain actions of yourself and your loved ones, will help you understand traits that previously seemed vague and incomprehensible, and will help you discover new opportunities in yourself and those around you, and learn to apply them.

This information will also help predict to some extent what obstacles and lessons may be expected in the future, what you will have to go through and what you will have to overcome. It will also tell you what needs to be done to avoid the most unpleasant moments or emerge victorious from them. Many people, only after learning their lunar birthday, understood why they made certain mistakes and how they could have been avoided. This knowledge greatly helped them in the future.

Such knowledge perfectly helps to better understand those closest to you and relatives, accept their strengths and weaknesses, come to terms with certain shortcomings and even learn to work around them. . If both partners in the family know this date for each other, it is easier for them to find harmony and build the right creative relationships.

There are also antiphase lunar days - they can be calculated using a special table. These days stand opposite each other in it. Such days are negative for a person and it is better for him not to engage in important matters and new beginnings during them. People born on an antiphase lunar day should also be treated with caution. This knowledge will also help you plan your life and relationships in the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

The energy of the 20th lunar day exudes mystery. This is a mystical day, also called bird's eye day. Each of us gets a chance to look at our lives from the outside, from a higher perspective. It would be nice to devote today to the awareness of our internal connections between events, people, nature and objects that are dear to us. We should understand that nothing happens by chance in our world. Everything is very natural and follows from each other. In ancient times, great sages said: “you need to look not at things, but to see the connections between them, then the great truth will be revealed to you.” On the 20th Lunar Day, the energy of the Moon gives us a chance to direct our energy to transform and change ourselves. This lunar day helps people find their inner core, strengthen their principles, and find themselves.

The twentieth lunar day is a wonderful day for meditation, spiritual transformation, knowledge of the laws of the Universe, comprehension of one’s own path and the meaning of life. People who can read and see the signs of nature can see the sign today. The eagle symbol represents a religious feat. It is very useful on the 20th day of the moon to gain moral and aesthetic pleasure from observing various natural creations.

Dreams today do not carry any valuable information.

Love and relationships

The 20th day of the Lunar calendar is perfect for romantic and love encounters. On such a day, people understand each other very easily. The energy of this lunar day is conducive to a calm and positive pastime. A favorable day for marriages.


On these lunar days, if possible, you should abandon various household works. It is recommended to carry out only urgent matters. A very good day for planting trees and perennials. A good day to start building a house.


Element: Air.

Afterwards, the Moon begins to wane, turning into its own. This time is most favorable for the realization of the energy that came with the growth of the heavenly body. This phase of the Moon is associated with the air element, and it also has a yellow color. This is the last stage when your plans and ideas will come true as you would like.

You cannot waste this time and waste energy; it is better to use it to achieve your goals, because then you will have to wait quite a long time for a new influx of strength and energy. During this period, a person is in a good positive mood, he is cheerful and cheerful, because the accumulated and not wasted energy asks to come out. We need to give her a way out, and not a simple one, but a directed one. Use your strength to implement your plans, finish all the things you wanted to do, and under no circumstances put it off until later.

MOON IN SCORPIO k 15° 48" 17"

Emotions, feelings, desires intensify. The tendency to hysterics and showdowns may increase. Large and small passions captivate people. A person feels dissatisfied with himself, sees the world in black colors, wants to radically change the environment in one fell swoop. It is dangerous to give in to this destructive desire, since it is caused by dependence on mood swings.

During Scorpio days, a person becomes gloomy, gloomy and irritable. Everything around him makes him nervous because his sensitivity increases. Life appears at its worst. However, there is a certain advantage to this: seeing the bad, we can get rid of it in time.

During this period, self-analysis and consistent correction of character flaws are useful. It is better to put harsh actions and important decisions aside. When a person improves some qualities of his character, the world will seem more friendly and open.

What unusual things can you learn from a lunar horoscope? The lunar horoscope by date of birth reflects that side of our personality that we are not aware of. It explains why we do what we do.

The way the Moon affects our feelings depends on its location on the birth chart. Most people have a Moon sign that is different from their Sun sign. This is why many people with the same zodiac sign can be very different from each other. Reading the definition of their sign in the horoscope, they may feel that it is not entirely about them. If you rely only on the sun sign, the picture will not be accurate. The moon sign describes a person's qualities much more accurately. If your Moon sign is also your Sun sign, then you may find that its characteristics are more pronounced in your personality.

The Moon rules the heart, stomach, brain, bladder, intestines and left eye. As well as tonsils and fluids in the body. It serves as a reflection of that part of you that obeys instincts. Most people keep this part of themselves hidden.

If your sun and moon signs are compatible, they can work together to help you get out of trouble and achieve your goals. If they are incompatible, you may feel conflicting desires or be at odds with yourself to some extent. For example, if your moon sign is Gemini, chances are your emotions are very volatile and you get nervous easily. At the same time, people around you may judge you for this, which can embarrass you. A person with a Scorpio moon sign can also be very nervous, but he has a habit of hiding it. However, for the latter, envy can be a big problem. People with the Moon in Aries are stubborn, aggressive and can be difficult to control. It’s great if they can give vent to negative emotions during physical activity.

Our moon sign also offers insight into how to look inside the mind, to where the child lives within a person.

Free lunar horoscope by date of birth

Person's date and time of birth:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December b 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197 3 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199 8 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Find your moon sign

By finding out what your moon sign is, you will be able to understand yourself much better, and you will also learn how internal processes occur. Use our free lunar horoscope calculation by date of birth to find out your sign. To do this, you will need your date of birth and time of birth. Since the Moon moves through each sign very quickly (about 2-1/4 days), the time of birth is very important. If you don't know what time you were born, you can set your birth date to first 12:01 and then 23:59. If both of these times correspond to the same sign, then you are lucky. If they are different, read the definitions for both lunar signs; based on the characteristics, you can understand which sign best suits your character. Also, it is necessary to take into account that calculations are carried out according to Moscow time - try to bring your time of birth to Moscow time by adding or subtracting the corresponding time difference.

Moon Zodiac Signs

1 - Lunar day. Symbol of the day: Lamp.

The energy of the first lunar day gives those born on this day a rich imagination and daydreaming. Such people retain childish character traits until the end of their lives. They are characterized by indecisiveness. They can spend their whole lives in dreams and fantasies about great deeds and accomplishments. But they are also capable of sudden, bright and very active actions. It happens that after a long period of contemplation, unexpectedly for those around them, they achieve unprecedented success in a short period of time. They have good vitality potential, but it is still worth monitoring their health, then longevity is guaranteed. If something is imagined in detail on a new moon or full moon, it will most likely come true.

Top tip— learn to control your emotions, which are often very strong and stormy, and structure a huge flow of thoughts, then success is guaranteed.

2 - Lunar day. Symbols of the day: Horn of plenty.

The main features of those born on the second lunar day are practicality and rationality, which manifests itself both in work and in personal relationships. They are also curious and intelligent. They have developed intuition, which helps them understand not only their own desires, but also easily determine who is worth dealing with and which contacts are better to refuse. Those born on the second lunar day have good health.

Advice- from childhood, learn generosity, kindness and responsiveness, since initially they may have a tendency towards opposite character traits. The manifestation of greed and greed affects health and can lead to diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.

3 - Lunar day. Symbols of the day: Leopard.

The main feature of those born on the third lunar day is enormous energy. They are active, assertive and resilient. Easily cope with a large number of tasks. From childhood, you need to look for ways to direct the flow of energy in the right direction. Any sports section is perfect. They also have creative potential and are able to learn several types of art. They are implemented in professions that require activity, endurance, physical and mental strength.

Advice— you should take care of your health, strengthen your will and spirit, learn to concentrate and manage your energy.

4 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The fourth lunar day gives the world mysterious, ambiguous people. They are little understood by others and themselves, but if they can answer an internal question, they will discover the amazing things inherent in them. . The peculiarity of these people is manifested by the symbol and energy of the day. Their entire life path is built on duality and choice. Their fate depends on their own choice, since they have equal chances for both good and evil. On the one hand, this can be exhausting, on the other hand, it is a special freedom granted to those born on this day. Another feature of them is a strong energetic attachment to traditions, clan, family and roots - this is a place where they can always draw unlimited energy.

Advice— from childhood, learn awareness, responsibility, and develop clear principles.

5 - Lunar day. Symbols: Unicorn.

The energy of the fifth lunar day rewards a person with a special ability to understand the spiritual world. This part of life is the main one for them; harmony and balance on a subtle level gives happiness and success. They easily learn new things and creatively implement fresh ideas. Such people have subtle sensitivity and vulnerability. Dramatic changes often occur in their lives, as in fairy tales.
From here basic advice— learn to understand what is happening, notice patterns, not give in to emotions in order to find your own path.

6 - Lunar day. Symbols: Crane.

The sixth lunar day gives the world people who are distinguished by a pronounced sense of personal freedom and do not tolerate being put under pressure and limited. Their inner world is very rich, and their intuition is developed. They perceive reality very clearly and have a great understanding of people. When working on oneself, they can develop extrasensory abilities. They make acquaintances easily. They need to work with people and communication.

Advice— learn to deal with your desire for independence, find a compromise between it and those around you, so as not to be left completely alone.

7 - Lunar day. Symbols: wind rose.

Being born on the seventh lunar day gives a person a strong character. Their special talent is their voice and everything connected with it. They can both successfully practice vocals and use their talent in communication. They make excellent public figures, announcers, speakers and presenters. But there is also a downside to this gift - in the absence of proper discipline, they can become gossips and intriguers. They easily learn and absorb information, and then find application for it.

Advice— develop will and nobility. In their absence, it is easy to succumb to laziness and idleness, which, in the case of those born on the seventh lunar day, lead to losses and defeats.

8 - Lunar day. Symbol: Phoenix.

The eighth lunar day gives the world original, inquisitive people. They usually have good artistic abilities and a strong character. They are very smart, easy to learn and adapt to new environments. Like the symbol of their Lunar birthday, they are capable of being “reborn” even after the most difficult trials and shocks. Their life consists of separate development cycles, only after completing one can they begin a new one. It is very important for them to engage in self-development.

Advice- choose an activity only at the behest of your heart, and spend your whole life improving in it. Then you will never remain stagnant, and development will proceed smoothly and naturally.

9 - Lunar day. Symbol: Bat.

The energy of the ninth lunar day is considered heavy and dark. But this does not mean that everyone born on this day is doomed to misfortune or bad character. Instead, such influence gives people a very strong character, an unbending will and the ability to overcome any difficulties. They are often born with poor health, and this is where inner strength must help them overcome this. The desire for spiritual and physical resilience, self-improvement - this is the way to unlock the potential of those born on the ninth lunar day.

Advice— find hidden internal reserves of positive energy and learn to manage it, because your reserves are truly enormous.

10 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Secret source.

Being born on the tenth lunar day makes people inquisitive and talented in learning. But their main talent is considered to be the ability to please. They are popular and respected. This brings them both benefit and can turn into negative. After all, some seek to use them as energy donors or for their own unseemly purposes. Also, those born on this day have very strong ties with family and ancestors. Traditions and maintaining connections with family are very important to them.

Advice- cultivate the spiritual side in yourself in order to use your attractiveness only for good purposes. Otherwise, fate will bring a lot of disappointments and troubles.

11 - Lunar day. Symbol: Crown.

A feature of those born on the eleventh lunar day is inconstancy of character; sometimes they succumb to their own impulses and act unexpectedly even for themselves. Endowed with very strong energy from birth, they need a place to realize it. Sports or creativity are especially good for this. But you need to choose solely based on your own desires and the dictates of your heart, otherwise the matter will not bring results. Those born on this day are liked by others, sociable and able to influence others.

Advice - stop at one area and put all possible effort into it. Don't allow yourself to stray from your chosen path.

12 - Lunar day. Symbol: Holy Grail

The twelfth lunar day gives the world kind, gentle and merciful people. They are open and trusting, have a special craving for the spiritual, and are religious. Endowed with the gift of subtly feeling and understanding things hidden from the eyes of others. Their task is to bring love, light and forgiveness to the world. Although they are distinguished by a modest and shy character, they have enormous inner strength and the ability to overcome any difficulties, maintaining spiritual purity and not becoming embittered.

Advice - It is very important for you to express your feelings, do not deny yourself this under any pretext. Otherwise it will end in indifference and depression. And for a person born to feel, this is like death during life.

13 - Lunar day. Symbol: Ouroboros, snake.

One of the most striking features and unique talent of those born on the thirteenth lunar day is the ability to learn. By nature they are very curious, constantly in search of something new and unknown. But the main thing is that no matter what they undertake, they always bring something original, new both to the process and to the result. This is also their feature - an unusual look at things, from an original angle. Thanks to their special sensitivity and observation, they notice subtleties that are not noticeable to others.

Advice - do not hide your views, do not choose routine activities, or those whose results are not visible to anyone - your task is to open the eyes of the world, help notice new things, discover the other side.

14 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Trumpet.

The fourteenth lunar day marks the birth of a person with a pronounced will. This is the talent born on this day. They are independent, self-sufficient, capable of bearing enormous responsibility and being responsible not only for themselves, but also for others. They have excellent leadership skills, the gift of leading and inspiring. Usually from an early age they know their calling and confidently follow their chosen path.

Advice - do not give in to the opinion of the crowd, learn to rely only on your own principles, make your own decisions, and do not look for support and tips from others. Then nothing will allow you to take a wrong turn.

15 - Lunar day. The symbol is a snake.

A feature of those born on the fifteenth lunar day is strong emotionality and a tendency to sensual experiences. With a developed natural intelligence and excellent creative abilities, they have difficulty in the area of ​​social contacts. All due to the inability to obey someone else's will. They need complete freedom and independence. This is the only way they can realize their talents. The best choice is creativity. They are very susceptible to temptations and vices, from which they can suffer greatly.

Basic advice— learn asceticism, develop spiritual resilience, calmness and independence. Independence and peace of mind are what will bring true happiness.

16 - Lunar birthday. The symbol is a butterfly.

The sixteenth lunar day gives the world people of the contemplative type. They are cheerful, calm, tolerant and kind, bringing peace to others. Their main calling is to be peacemakers. Concerned with self-improvement and spiritual search. With the purposeful development of this side of the individual, they easily achieve success and happiness, especially in creativity. It is very important for them to maintain contact with nature, it gives additional energy.

Advice- Do not be influenced by public opinion. Look for your own answers to all questions and make your own judgments, do not judge or blame.

17 - Lunar day. Bell symbol.

The energy of the seventeenth lunar day gives a person a special talent for emotional sensitivity. Those born at this time are capable of experiences that are not available to most other people. They are also very talented, and must definitely engage in creative work. They easily gather people around them, igniting and inspiring, sharing their bright feelings. For these people, the main task in life is to find a loved one. Once they acquire one, they become stronger and wiser.

Advice- don’t give up, learn to realize your talents, don’t succumb to apathy - indifference is not your path. Be careful when choosing a partner, as it determines your life.

18 - Lunar birthday. Mirror symbol.

Those born on the eighteenth lunar day have psychological flexibility, easily tolerate changes and have a good sense of situations that require quick adaptation. They have a talent for acting and impersonation. But also a tendency towards vanity and arrogance. Often they need a person who will support them not only in achieving their goals, but also in spiritual development. Despite all their characteristics, they have a very difficult time enduring emotional shocks. They can feel the negative emotions of others as physical pain.

Advice- take care of yourself from evil, cruel people, even without harming you directly, they are capable of destroying you. Choose only bright, balanced and kind people.

19 - Lunar birthday. Spider symbol.

The talent of those born on the nineteenth lunar day is the ability for hidden control. They know how to organize and guide others without appearing from the shadows. Intellectually developed, they can find the simplest and most effective solutions due to their rationalism. They strive to keep everything under control and manage what is happening. But the dark energy of the nineteenth lunar day also intensifies the craving for lawsuit sheniyam, weakness in the face of vices. Such people are not afraid of loneliness, and this increases the likelihood of turning into a cruel manipulator.

Advice— learn to control your negative emotions and desires. Develop awareness and rationality - they are your salvation from oblivion and self-destruction.

20 - Lunar day. Eagle symbol.

Those born on the twentieth lunar day are characterized by a change in phases of ups and downs. They have a deep understanding of life, and with due effort they can realize its meaning. They are capable of transformation. Which is experienced less painfully than many others. That is why they are able to improve themselves and improve the world around them. They are noble and prone to self-sacrifice, which attracts people to them. Don't be afraid to show your individuality.

Advice- pay attention to all aspects of life, both good and bad. Do not ignore the negative manifestations of the world. Be truthful and seek truthfulness from others and from the world.

21 — Lunar day . The symbol is a horse.

Those born on the twenty-first lunar day are distinguished by strong will and high intelligence. They learn quickly and are able to master any field. Initiative, assertive, sometimes stubborn. People of the twenty-first lunar day are capable of becoming leaders, defenders, fighters for justice and leaders, as they are distinguished by inner strength and know how to take on enormous responsibility.

Advice: develop the spiritual side of the personality, abandoning pride and vanity. Otherwise, there is no way to become a tyrant, destroying any disobedient person.

22 – Lunar birthday . The symbol is an elephant.

A feature of those born on the twenty-second lunar day is a special intellectual sensitivity. Their thinking is open to the facets of reality that are not always noticeable to others. This makes them comprehensively developed and easy to learn. They literally grab everything on the fly. Very insightful, they literally see through everything. In general, the sphere of reason and knowledge occupies a central place in their world system. Which is why they often show some cynicism.

Advice: develop patience and attentiveness to other people's opinions. Otherwise, self-confidence will close all the doors to something new, and you simply need it.

23-Lunar day. Symbol of turtle, crocodile.

The twenty-third lunar day gives a person the talent to bring everything to the end, to the highest point. They not only finish everything they take on, but also lead to better results. This also manifests itself in the ability to achieve your goal, complete the most difficult tasks, and achieve success where others cannot. They develop in their chosen activity to a perfect level, becoming recognized specialists. They do not retreat and do not give up positions. They have a “death grip”. They are naturally endowed with great energy, for which the main thing is to find the right application.

Advice: choose the bright path of creation and learn to direct your strength in this direction, otherwise there is a high probability of bringing a lot of evil.

24 - Lunar day . The symbol is a bear.

The twenty-fourth lunar day gives the world very confident people. This is their distinctive feature. No matter what they do, they always believe in themselves. This makes it easy to organize and gather other people around you. Those born on this day are also distinguished by physical strength, a restless, inquisitive character, high innate potential, and are often talented in various fields. They strive to approach everything creatively, they need the opportunity to express themselves, to contribute to everything they do.

Advice: pay close attention to the point of application of your strength and talent. You need to choose jobs where you will show your individuality, and then a successful and vibrant life awaits you.

25 - Lunar day.The symbol is a shell.

Those born on the twenty-fifth lunar day are thinkers. Their main activity is aimed at internal work, at analyzing what is happening. They are distinguished by a very developed mind and are naturally endowed with wisdom. They do not show high activity outside, since they do not strive to influence the world. Although this personality trait may seem strange to some, it can be invaluable in research activities. These people are able to live through an infinite number of hypothetical situations due to their highly developed imagination. From birth they have a craving for searching for answers and spiritual development.

Advice: Don’t waste time on empty thoughts, find an area of ​​activity where your gift can bring real benefits, teaming up with people who have the ability to implement everything you tell them.

26 - Lunar day. Frog symbol.

Those born on this day are naturally gifted with many talents and abilities. Their distinguishing feature is duality. Outwardly, they are usually reserved, calm, but can be cold, indifferent and even arrogant. At the same time, their inner life is always in motion, at high speed, constantly seething and boiling. They make good analysts, are able to work with a large amount of information, and need activities in which they will not be pushed. They can remain idle for a long time, and in the end produce a completely finished result.

Advice: narcissism and pride, which are constantly with you, are contraindicated for you. Try to prevent these feelings from entering your life and success is guaranteed.

27 - Lunar day. The symbol is a trident.

Those born on the twenty-seventh lunar day have very developed intuition. They are able to take information as if from nowhere. Endowed with innate wisdom. Therefore, sometimes their actions are not always clear to others. Due to the ability to understand the world, they can reach new levels of development. They can learn to completely control their destiny, directing it in the right direction.

Advice: Developing awareness and responsibility for your life is the most direct way to learn how to manage it.

28 - Lunar birthday. Lotus symbol.

Advice: do not succumb to despondency and melancholy, fight your own isolation - loneliness and unsociability are not your way.

29 - Lunar day. The symbol is an octopus.

Those born on the twenty-ninth lunar day are given very great energy. But it's chaotic. This manifests itself in very strong passions and emotions, and a craving for the dark side of life. But with a conscious choice of the righteous path, kindness, honesty and decency, they are capable of a lot. Since this behavior allows you to adjust the energy balance and release positive energy at a higher level. This helps you live a happy and successful life.

Advice: choose to serve good and stick to this choice based solely on cold reason, not trusting emotions and instincts to decide.

30 - Lunar birthday. The symbol is a swan.

A special quality of those born on the thirtieth lunar day is internal and external harmony. These are people who understand themselves and the world with which they seem to sound in unison. This makes it easy to find happiness. When making choices, they follow the natural flows of energy. They quickly find their life’s work and love, they are faithful, honest and are able to preserve their feelings for life. They strive for knowledge and are contemplative by nature.

Advice: Don’t give in to fuss and outside pressure. Don't let someone disturb your harmony, otherwise you can deviate from the true path.