Purple color of human aura meaning. Human aura, colors, meaning: light and colors accompany the human aura

When we hear the word “aura,” we imagine something mystical and inaccessible to an ordinary person. Our mind is not able to fully grasp the entire essence of this concept. Only after a long and in-depth penetration into the secrets of the energy forces of the Universe can one understand the meaning and power of our aura.

It is generally accepted that human aura is a cocoon of energy surrounding the entire body. The cells of our body secrete their own power, which has individual characteristics: color, shape. Select people have the ability to see radiation.

We are all different. This also applies to the aura. Its density and color depend on the set of qualities, emotions, thoughts, possibilities. The determining point in this is the activity of the human chakras.

The first mentions of the aura are found in monuments of ancient times. We can say that with the advent of reason, people immediately realized that everyone has an energy field. This field emanates from the body and is luminous radiation.

Those who had clairvoyant abilities could see it. In subsequent years, many scientific works were written about Aura. Famous artists and craftsmen used it in their creations.

Gradually advancing science has provided a clearer explanation for the previously mystical concept. Scientists have determined that the human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living organisms. In other words, a person's aura is his.

As already mentioned, the individual characteristics of a person give impetus to the formation of radiation characteristics. That is, the color of the aura, its density, as well as the direction of the rays depend on the state of the body, on current experiences and on the level of development.

Thanks to its unique properties, the human aura can protect us from negative influences.

This is a defense mechanism that repels bad thoughts, envy, and damage. But this mechanism does not always work. What does this depend on?

We ourselves destroy our aura without even knowing it.

When we get irritated or quarrel with loved ones, cracks or even holes appear in our energetic defense.

To avoid such events, you need to monitor your behavior, your thoughts and inner content.

When talking, you should not waste your vitality; it is better to be restrained and pronounce your words thoughtfully.

Like fingerprints, a person's Aura is completely unique.

There are similar ones, but there are no identical ones. The spirit individually accumulates and absorbs the influences of the Universe, therefore the radiation of energy is unique.

Some auras have an accumulation of painful energy, anger and destruction. To protect yourself from the adverse effects of them, it is necessary to monitor the state of balance.

Who can see a person's aura?

When discussing the composition and appearance of the aura, many disputes arose. This was due to the fact that it is visible only to highly sensitive natures who have a connection with the Cosmos. Some people see part of the radiation and argue that the whole essence of the aura is manifested in this.

Due to insufficient development of psychic vision, they are not able to fully embrace the tender and beautiful fullness of the aura. They see only the gross component. Without thinking about the lack of facts, they are completely confident that their vision is the real essence.

In fact, the human aura has a huge number of forms and manifestations. She has balance and harmony. The level of sensitivity of nature and the subtle organization of the mind make it possible to understand the power of radiation.

Recently, a theory has emerged that the energy field is a continuation of the material body. But it is not very appropriate to assert this fact. After all, we do not believe that the sun’s rays are a physical part of the star. So it is in this case.

A person's aura comes from the origins of the human body, but is not part of these origins. In total we have seven principles (chakras). Each has its own energy.

The rays that emanate from the seven principles are similar in nature to x-rays. Ordinary people are unable to see them. Those who have a higher spiritual organization and developed psychic senses are able to distinguish the aura emanating from the six principles.

But the last beginning is accessible only to the Higher Powers; a person is not capable of reaching such a high level. Sensuality of mental sensations can be gradually developed, striving for higher sources of knowledge and skills. But you should not be guided only by your vision and draw conclusions about the aura and its composition. To master the truth, you should listen to people who have reached the heights of unity with the Universe.

How to see a person's aura

There are special exercises that help to reveal the ability to see the aura. First of all, you will be able to analyze your own energy radiation and recognize yourself. You will also have access to information about the auras of people around you.

The human aura has several layers. The first one, which is closest to the body, has a bright color and is easy to see. Almost everyone who followed the recommendations was able to identify this layer. It is called ethereal.

Next comes the astral shell. Its appearance is different from the first layer. The density is much less, it is dispersed. Not everyone can see the astral shell. There is never a clear boundary between layers. They constantly interact, mix colors, move from one position to another.

Use the help of someone close to you whom you trust. Let him guide you through the next steps. Ask him to stand near the wall. It is desirable if the background surface is light and uniform, ideally completely white. Extra patterns, drawings, posters will be distracting and prevent you from concentrating on following instructions.

So, a person is standing in front of you at a distance of 45 to 60 centimeters in front of the wall. Watch the lighting - there should be no direct sunlight, and also avoid artificial sources. You are three meters from the object.

The state of the object is very important, so tell him to keep everything in balance and calm: thoughts, breathing, muscles. Let him swing his body a little.

Your eyes should not concentrate on the physical embodiment of the object. Try to look at the wall as if through your body.

Gradually you will notice a blurred light around the body. Its width is about one centimeter. This is the first layer - the etheric aura of a person.

Don't be surprised and don't stop. The next step is to see the light behind the object. It comes in yellow or silver color. The structure will not be uniform everywhere; the aura is quite changeable and not symmetrical.

It happens that at first it is difficult to catch the light around the body. It depends on the person himself. Some people recognize colors instantly, others only after a few exercises.

To develop mental organization, you should work with different objects.

If you regularly work on your sensuality, soon you will clearly distinguish a strip of light up to half a meter wide. Most likely, it will be scattered and the color will be darker than the first stripe. This is the next layer - the astral.

How to see your own aura

You can examine your aura in front of a mirror at a distance of half a meter. There should be no distracting objects behind you. Let it be a wall. If this is not possible, hang a regular white sheet.

Watch your muscles, your breathing - everything should go calmly and measuredly. Rock slightly. Look at the background behind you and concentrate on it.

Over time, you will notice a faint and thin line of light that sways with the body. In order for lighting to help you see the aura better, make sure that the light is natural, not bright, not direct.

It doesn't matter what you wear.

Gradually you will be able to change the basic colors of the aura. You will be able to observe this change. Thanks to this new skill, you will have the opportunity to harmonize your wardrobe with your aura.

Colors of a person's aura. Meaning of colors

It has long been proven that each color has its own characteristics and unique characteristics. That is why, after analyzing the colors of the aura, one can come to the appropriate conclusion about a person’s emotional state, his health, and mental balance.

The meaning of aura colors

  1. Purple

Corresponds to individuals who are well versed in the spiritual spheres and have contact with the Highest Principle. People with such an aura easily learn the secrets of their body, comprehend the truth of the world around them, and open up to absorb super-knowledge. The location of the purple color is in the area of ​​the pituitary gland.

  1. Blue color

These are people with great knowledge in science. Their mental organization is quite subtle and vulnerable. Harmonious with the natural forces of nature. The blue color is visible near the pineal gland.

  1. Blue

It is located in the brain, and accordingly indicates a high level of intelligence and powerful logical abilities. Depending on the shade, you can judge a person’s character. Lighter colors mean that the person has a pure soul and thoughts. But the dark ones talk about excessive thinking on various topics, about suspicion.

  1. Green color

This color is for people who are harmonious and calm. Such natures often become doctors; they like to bring joy to people. Only dark tones of green indicate a person’s dishonesty. It can be seen in the neck area.

  1. Yellow

If the color is bright and sunny, then the person is like that. These are people who can cheer you up at any moment and bring cheerfulness and love into a situation. And if the color is dark, then we can talk about the envy of nature. You can see it in the chest area.

  1. Orange color

Located in the stomach area. It speaks about the good general condition of the body and physical fitness. If the color is cloudy, then one can judge the low development of mental abilities.

  1. Red color

Testifies to a hot-tempered and passionate nature that loves life. People whose aura colors have a darker red tint have an angry character and often quarrel. Its location is in the area of ​​the reproductive system.

Features of the human aura

  • All aura colors have their own characteristics. The brighter and purer the color of the aura, the purer the human soul. Dark and muddy elements, on the contrary, speak of negativity in the soul and low desires in thoughts.
  • The situations that surround us directly affect the aura. The more happiness and joy there are around, the better our energy becomes. The human aura absorbs and absorbs everything.
  • If you have the ability to see aura, you can recognize a person in advance.
  • The composition and colors of your aura depend on what people you communicate with.
  • To keep your aura intact, watch your behavior and your words.

How to see an aura in 10 minutes?

In this video, Reiki master Evgenia Dolgorukaya will teach you how to see a person’s aura in 10 minutes.


Let your aura shine with all the colors of the rainbow!

Arthur Golovin


A person’s aura is a special energy field around the body that has color and carries information about the personality (his health, lifestyle, thoughts and feelings). The aura cannot be separated from the body, because it is its continuation. Its thickness is about 10-15 centimeters, however, it can decrease in places (energy breakdowns) or increase if a person grows spiritually.

It is believed that the aura is not solid, but has layers, each of them is responsible for certain functions. Let's take a closer look:

  1. Etheric body. This is the first layer of the aura, which extends about ten centimeters from the physical body. This energy layer in color shows the essence of a person (good or evil, hard or gentle). It can also be used to understand whether a person is sick or has mental problems (in this case, the etheric body has a dirty color or thinning).
  2. Vital body. This is the second layer of the aura, which contains several types of energies, united by the word prana. They are responsible for breathing, the circulatory system, digestion, etc.
  3. Lower mental body. This is the third layer, which is responsible for the physical needs of a person and his motivations (for example, lust, hunger, fear, etc.).
  4. Astral body. The fourth layer of the aura can tell how much a person can love, feel affection, sympathy, or be able to be friends.
  5. Higher astral body. The fifth layer of the aura shows how much a person has a strong will, talent, ability to be responsible and persistent.
  6. Mental body. The sixth layer is responsible for telepathic abilities and clairvoyance, the possibility of developing intuition and the gift of foresight.
  7. Karmic body. This layer is the thinnest. He is responsible for spiritual energy and the possibility of communication with the Cosmos.

It should be noted that the second, fourth and sixth layers are constantly moving and have an amorphous structure, while the rest have a stable structure. With all this, all the bodies of the aura are intertwined with each other, but it should be noted that usually only two or three layers are active. Healers, psychics and everyone who works with energy and also raises their spiritual level can see the aura.

Color characteristics of the aura

Each person has his own aura color, the meaning of which is very important for determining personality. It is from color that you can learn about a person’s illnesses and emotions, as well as what is a priority in his life. Let's look at the main colors:

  1. The energy shell is red. If this color predominates, it means that the person is a leader by nature and has ambition. If this color is darker, then the character of its owner has a temper; he wants and can dominate others.
  2. The energy shell is pink. He is present in the aura of people who are selfless in love. They know how to communicate and also carry on a conversation.
  3. The energy shell is orange. This testifies to the humanity of a person; they respect loved ones and treat them with respect. In addition, this color can signal that problems with the liver are planned or already exist. If a golden color breaks through among the orange, then we can say about such a person that he is a lover of quarrels and conflicts and has a quarrelsome character.
  4. The energy shell is yellow. Good creative aura color. Such people are successful with the opposite sex because they are friendly and open, and have a certain charm. By nature, they are kind-hearted and have a fair amount of optimism. They usually don’t worry about trifles and aren’t afraid of new things. If a red tint appears among the yellow, then this indicates that the person may have an inferiority complex, and also does not have strong convictions.
  5. The energy shell is green. The color of caring and kindness. If necessary, people with this aura color will always come to the rescue.
  6. The energy shell is blue. People with this aura color are wise and often inspired. Usually they live in complete harmony with the world around them and themselves. The dark blue color speaks of the high spirituality of a person who has completely devoted himself to a good cause.
  7. The energy shell is black. The color of hatred and cruelty. People with such an aura should be feared; they are very aggressive. If the color is black and gray, then it speaks of melancholy and disappointment.
  8. The energy shell is white. Enlightened people who are close to perfection or already have it have this color.

It should be noted that the aura can be either single-colored or rainbow-colored, including several colors. The latter is considered more harmonious and correct; the more colors it contains, the more spiritual the person is.

Methods for teaching aura vision

As mentioned above, not everyone can see the aura, but this is available to almost all true healers and psychics. According to researchers, young children under five years old can also see it. Let's look at one of the simplest ways to learn to see the aura.

You need to sit comfortably and let all thoughts out of your head. Close your eyes and relax them. Then open and look at the selected object or one point. The look should be blurred and unfocused. As a result, the object you are looking at may begin to appear double. Next, this exercise can be done while looking at your fingers, bringing your thumb and index finger closer to each other. A glow should appear in between them. Of course, in this case we cannot yet say that we see an aura, but these are already the first steps towards revealing abilities.

If independent experiments did not help you, and you feel a great desire to learn, then in this case you need qualified training together with a Teacher. To do this, you need to contact a specialist who can see the aura himself, knows the intricacies of teaching this gift and can pass on the knowledge to you.

Ways to improve your aura

If your energy shell leaves much to be desired (depleted, has holes, etc.), then you should know ways to improve your aura. One of the most effective, which helps with any energy problems, is contacting a healer. If this is not possible, then use one of the methods listed below.

Recent effects on the aura can be washed off with cold water. Just take a cold shower and all the dirt from your energy shell will be washed away. A contrast shower is also useful (if a cold shower is not possible for some reason).
Various breathing exercises are very useful for nourishing the aura and replenishing its energy. You can choose any one that suits you and practice it regularly.
Plants and scents (natural) are very useful for strengthening energy. Choose the ones that suit you and like them.


So, now you know what an aura is, its meaning for a person, ways of strengthening and vision, as well as possible colors. Constant training and spiritual improvement will allow you to deeply see the essence of things and people. However, it should be remembered that such knowledge cannot be used to the detriment of others, and also one should not place oneself above those who have not yet reached such a level. This is very important for further development. You can read about other human capabilities, energy-informational influences and ways to protect against them on our website.

The concept of Aura appeared in ancient times. It is still used today. This is a fairly common word, however, despite a deep history dating back to the times of our ancestors, its understanding is still quite vague.

It is not for nothing that scientists have been devoting their works to the topic of Aura for many centuries. All this in order to learn how to explain something amazing and otherworldly, find hidden meaning in it and convey it to the masses. However, many people still do not believe that each person has a unique energy shell, since in principle they deny everything supernatural. They can dispel their doubts with some effort.

Doing special exercises, even the most inveterate skeptic will be convinced that there is an Aura, both in himself and in all other people. In addition, over time, he will learn to distinguish the colors of the Aura and thus better understand himself and those around him, because each shade does not appear by chance.

It says a lot about inner human qualities. And knowing what each of them means will help you not only learn how to properly cultivate your own character, but also choose a beneficial environment for yourself, and therefore build a better and more productive life.

Just as the sun gives out rays, so people emit their own energy. People deprived of subtle psychic vision see not the sun's rays, but the light itself. Same with Aura. The fact that rarely anyone is able to notice it does not mean its absence at all.

Many do not accept the concept of Aura; they do not fully understand what it is and know about it only by hearsay. However, it is not at all difficult to understand this; you can not only find out the definition itself, but also thoroughly study the topic. Fortunately, there is a lot of literature on this subject.

So, in simple words, Aura– this is the biofield that surrounds every person, the energy with which it is filled, and the necessary protective force.

  • The aura can be different, both positive and negative.
  • It can help, but it can also harm.

But absolutely everyone can change it in any direction. This may not be so easy to do.

Video: What is an aura?

You must make an inner transformation. Do major work on your character, actions and words. Improve them and thereby the energy that comes from you will also become more positive. But to do this, first of all you need to understand what state your Aura is in at the moment. This opportunity is available to anyone who shows desire and patience.

What does Aura look like? What influences its appearance?

There are no two identical Auras. Each person is individual, and therefore the energy emanating from him has unique properties.

Aura has several layers. They have no definite boundaries, but constantly mix and influence each other.

Aura shells:

  • First physical
  • Second broadcast
  • Third astral
  • Fourth mental
  • Fifth casual
  • Sixth Duchovan
  • Seventh atamic

Also, Aura has color and density. These characteristics depend on the character and a number of other individual personality characteristics.

At the same time, by our actions in relation to the world around us we can spoil and destroy the Aura.

For example, when we get angry and quarrel, holes and cracks form on it. It weakens and ceases to perform its protective functions. That’s why it’s important to constantly nourish and saturate it with favorable emotions and feelings.

Can I see the Aura if I do not have the gift of clairvoyance? What do I need to do?

For an unprepared person, the Aura remains invisible, but even those who work hard on themselves to learn to notice and understand the Aura see only a small part of it, the upper layers.

This ability, like any other, can be developed through training. Moreover, with this method you can see not only your Aura, but also the Auras of the people around you.

There is a special exercise that can be performed at home. It is very simple and does not require any additional funds.

Instructions and exercises for seeing the aura?

Video: How to learn to see a person’s aura in five minutes

Practice on a loved one first. Don't worry, it's not dangerous.

  1. Let him stand against the wall at a distance of half a meter. It is important that it be monochromatic, without distracting patterns or other decor. A person should not be exposed to sunlight or artificial light.
  2. He needs to completely relax and calm down, rock his body a little.
  3. You are at a distance of three meters and direct your gaze to the object.
  4. Look not at him, but as if through him, at the wall.
  5. After a while you will see a blurry light - this is the first, ethereal, layer of his Aura.
  6. If you continue to look intently, you will notice another, silver or yellow light behind.

Maybe, it will not work the first time and you will need to repeat the exercise again. Over time, if you develop the ability to see in yourself, you will be able to achieve more - learn to distinguish a certain thick strip of light - this is the next, astral, layer, rarely noticeable to anyone.

You can also see your Aura too.

Instructions on how to see your aura

  1. To do this, stand in front of a mirror. The background should be a neutral color, and the light should be natural and not bright.
  2. In the same way as in the case of your loved one, bring your body to a calm state, breathing should be even, sway slightly.
  3. Looking at your reflection, concentrate on the wall behind you.
  4. If you look long and carefully, you will see a thin line of light around your body, the base layer of the Aura.

By repeating this exercise, over time, you will be able to better feel your Aura and notice the color. It’s good if you select clothes in accordance with it that are in harmony and suit your inner state.

As you already know, each Aura has its own unique color. You can judge a lot about it regarding a person’s emotional state and health, so try to discern and understand it. You can see it both in yourself and in other people. Moreover, the same color, but in different shades, can have completely opposite meanings. Therefore you need to be extremely careful. The following descriptions will help you correctly interpret the meaning of an individual color. So, let's look at the most common cases.

Aura of purple color

People with a violet Aura, which is located in the pituitary gland, are highly spiritual individuals with a subtle mental organization. Sometimes they feel lonely in the world of a more mundane environment and experience a lack of intellectual communication. They have the gift of contact with Higher Powers and rare abilities for super-knowledge. They strive to provide an explanation for any non-standard phenomenon. It is necessary to use such amazing skills, be sure to develop and direct them in the right direction. In addition, the violet Aura is characteristic of extremely extraordinary men and women with pronounced leadership qualities.

Blue aura

The Blue Aura indicates that a person is strong in science, and also has a good sense and understanding of nature. Blue is a very deep color that symbolizes height. People with a blue Aura are prone to self-knowledge and reflection, wise, prudent and thoughtful. They believe in the Almighty and observe religion. In addition, they are merciful and kind towards others. They are caring and value family. They feel responsible for their loved ones. They respond responsively to requests and often help. But at the same time, they are passive in life and act more often as observers.

Blue aura

The Blue Aura is located at the head and indicates great intellectual potential. If the color is light, then the person himself is just as airy and light, but darker shades indicate a tendency to think and mistrust. Blue color means freedom. Such people rarely become attached to a place and travel a lot. Their social circle is not stable. They are honest and sincere, they always say what they think, without worrying about other people's opinions. They expect the same from others - they cannot tolerate flattery. The life of people with a blue Aura is a continuous search. Most often they follow their own path in independent solitude. By temperament - melancholic.

Green aura

Green is the color of harmony and tranquility. They are intended to bring goodness and help to people. That is why they often choose a corresponding profession, for example, in the field of medicine. They love nature. Women are usually blooming and feminine, men value friendship and loyalty. Green is the color of money. For people with such an Aura, material stability is important. They are stubborn and persistent in their goals. But if the color of the Aura is dark green, this indicates that the person is to some extent deceitful. May speak insincerely and be hypocritical.

Aura yellow

Yellow color is sunny and bright, bringing beauty to the world. A person with this color Aura is also positive. He is bright, cheerful and capable of the highest feelings, such as love. Yellow is also fire and warmth. People with a yellow Aura are bright and self-expressive individuals. They have rich creative abilities and developed intellectual data. Holiday people. Their life is full of bright moments. The main goal in life is to find happiness. For this they are ready to go all the way. The characteristic type of temperament is sanguine. Energetic and proactive individuals, powerful and self-confident. But the dark yellow color means that natural forces are directed in the wrong direction. It indicates that envy is seething inside a person.

Orange aura

Orange is located near the abdomen and shows good physical health. Orange means real heat! Such people are extremely courageous and ready for any adventure. They are not afraid of danger, they challenge and go beyond any limits. They love adventures and competitions. Usually they cannot be persuaded to marry, and they do not have any special emotional attachment to children. They rarely find a soul mate, but if this happens, they share any madness together. If light orange speaks of developed intellectual abilities, then a cloudy shade means a weak mind.

Red aura

The most passionate color. This is a bright and charismatic personality who takes everything from life. Such people are brave and often take risks. They strive for success, including financially. They are hardworking, capable of providing not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones. They rarely feel shame for their actions and treat others with the same understanding. Explosive, but quick to recover. They love life with all their passion! The dark red color, located in the genital area, means the other side of temperament - hot temper and anger.

Conclusion about aura colors

You can see that light shades are positive qualities, and dark shades are negative. Each color has its pros and cons, but in some cases the latter prevail. This happens when a person leads an incorrect and harmful life, primarily to himself.

After you have determined your character thanks to the ability to see the Aura, try to improve it in every possible way. Remember that no matter how we recognize ourselves, it is in our hands to change the color, and therefore the energy, to direct it in any desired direction. What our Aura will be depends on ourselves, on our actions and emotions, as well as our environment, because it also shapes our personality to some extent.

Watch your actions and words in order to radiate good energy and have a reliable protective biofield that will protect you from the negativity around you. This is why it is so important to understand and analyze your Aura. This way you can understand yourself, learn your strengths and weaknesses. You can build your own character.

The ability to see the Aura of others gives you the advantage of getting to know people in advance, thereby avoiding unpleasant acquaintances that lead to bad consequences.

Aura is a physical manifestation of the mental body, and each of us is able to see it. Actually, there is nothing supernatural in this - just ordinary physics, normal vision. and a little practice. In essence, we see the aura all the time, but we are not fully aware of it. Seeing an aura is not difficult, and after reading these recommendations, you can learn how to do it in one minute.

Why does a person need to see an aura?

Auras vary in color. Aura color is associated not only with the immediate state of your body, but also with your character traits. Moreover, you can learn to change the color of your aura, thereby maintaining good health, identify your illnesses even before their signs appear, and promote the healing of ailments. Having mastered the art of seeing the aura, you will also acquire the ability to recognize the nuances of the attitude of others towards you.

Colors and saturation of the aura, especially around and above the head, are of particular importance. By looking at someone's aura, you can actually see the color shade of another person's thought before he expresses it out loud. Nobody can lie to you. Those. the aura shows our true nature and all our intentions.

When people realize that their aura is visible and that anyone can see it, they will begin to monitor their thoughts. And, undoubtedly, the whole world will then become better and wiser.

Exercises for perceiving the aura

The two below exercises will help you learn to see auras, both your own and other people, using ten simple recommendations. The first, etheric, layer of the aura can be seen by everyone, since it is close to the body and, as a rule, is the brightest. The second, astral, shell of the aura is located further from the body, it is more diffuse. Please note that these layers may change colors and blend and are rarely separated by a clear line.

How to see the aura?

Place the object of observation at a distance of 45 to 60 cm in front of a white wall. It is advisable to avoid painted or patterned walls at first. Use indirect lighting - natural, diffused daylight if possible. Avoid neon lights and direct sunlight. View the object from a distance of at least 2.5 - 3 meters.

Look past the object, concentrating your gaze on the wall behind it.. Try not to look at the object, focusing on the structure of the plaster or the background that is behind the object.. at the border of the object and the air you will notice a strip of blurry light, about 1 cm wide. This is ethereal aura.

Keep looking “through” the object and you will see it as if it is backlit, perhaps with a bright yellow or silvery light. One side may be brighter. Auras are rarely homogeneous...

The glow will likely disappear soon.

This is due to the natural reaction of most people who, when they first see a halo, involuntarily turn their gaze to the person himself, rather than continue to peer at the wall. As soon as you focus your gaze on the background again, the halo will appear again. You have to train your eyes so that they do not return to normal focus - this is the main difficulty of training. Once you have mastered the technique of holding the “through gaze,” you will notice that you can easily see colors, shapes, rays, and even secondary fields of the aura.

All people are different. For some, the aura will be less visible than for others, and not every observer will see the colors the first time. A vague membrane, or halo, around the body becomes noticeable quite quickly, usually within a minute or even less.

Try working with different objects and experimenting with lighting and backgrounds. Soon you will see a second, wider band of light extending around the body to a width of 10 to 50 cm. This is the astral aura. It is usually darker and more diffuse.

How to see your own aura?

Stand in front of a mirror, half a meter away, a little further, if possible.

Make sure you have a white or neutral background visible in the mirror behind you.

Relax, breathe deeply and rock slightly from side to side.

Focus your gaze on the surface texture of the wall behind you.

Looking past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see a shell of light around your body that will move with you as you sway lightly.

Remember to follow your breathing, as you are now the observer and the object at the same time.

Lighting should be dim, not too bright and not too dim. Experiment... The aura cannot be seen in complete darkness, and bright light blurs even the most iridescent aura.

As you learn to distinguish the color of your aura, you may find that it does not harmonize with certain items in your wardrobe, but, nevertheless, you will understand that the true color of your aura is not affected by clothing.

Do some experiments with color projection. Select a color and try to visualize it. With this exercise you can temporarily change the base color of the aura, and this change will be noticeable.

When you exhale, the aura will increase.. Listing numbers from one to thirty will help you release energy.. After every two numbers, inhale. After the number twenty, hold your breath, increasing the counting speed, and you will see how the size and vibration of your aura changes. When you restore calm breathing, the aura will return to its previous size, but may increase in brightness.

Aura color meaning and location

Colors have certain emotional characteristics that have been known in most cultures of the world for many millennia. This explanation can be used as a basis for analyzing the relationship between emotions and colors, and also provides information about the main organs of the body that are influenced by these colors.

Basic colors of the human aura:


Achievements in the spiritual sphere, connection with the divine, mystical insight, cosmic self-awareness. Located in the area of ​​the pituitary gland.


Inspiration or deep wisdom. May indicate a spiritual or pious nature. Artistry and harmony with nature. The ability to control oneself. Located in the pineal gland region of the brain.


Powerful psyche, intelligence, logical thinking. The pure blue color of the aura demonstrates the ability to intuition. Dark shades indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mindset. Concentrated in the thyroid and neck areas.


Balance, harmony, a penchant for healing, the ability to bring peace. The pure green color of the aura indicates adaptability and versatility. Dark shades mean deceit and jealousy. Located in the heart area.


Love and kindness, compassion, optimism, “breath of life.” Dark, lifeless shades of yellow demonstrate suspicion, envy or greed. Concentrated in the solar plexus area.


Energy and health, physical endurance, activity. Pride can stem from an excess of orange in the aura. A dark or cloudy shade indicates low intelligence. Located in the area of ​​the stomach and spleen.


Physical vitality, energy, ambition, sexual power. Dark or cloudy red shows a tendency towards passion or anger. Focused on the genital area.

Other colors in the aura:

PINK – selfless love, tenderness, modesty.

BROWN – greed, selfishness.

GOLDEN – higher “I”, good qualities, harmony.

SILVER – versatility, high energy, constant change.

GRAY – depression, low energy, fear.

BLACK – bad thoughts, anger, evil intentions.

Looking beyond the halo

If you wear glasses, you'll probably want to take them off, although some people choose not to. Lighting is also an important factor. Fluorescent light is least suitable; natural diffused lighting will be ideal. Direct rays of the sun are too intense, they suppress and blur the aura. Candle light works well, but you should make sure that the candle does not cast shadows on the background on which you concentrate your gaze.

Try working with different people. They need to take a deep breath and exhale completely. One tip: Have them recite the alphabet slowly, taking a breath every two letters. After the letter “m” you need to increase the speed of listing the letters and, if possible, finish the alphabet in one exhalation.

You will notice how your aura changes when you change your breathing style. For some people, when they accelerate, their aura expands. If you breathe incorrectly, that is, shallowly, it shrinks. Deep breathing is the only and most powerful energy exercise you can think of. When a person inhales, the aura begins to decrease slightly, and when exhaling, it increases. When the subject's breathing rhythm changes to a faster rate, the aura may appear very weakly and close to the body.

Another helpful tip is to make the object sway slightly from side to side. You will see how the aura will move with the person. Sometimes it moves synchronously with the object, in other cases it moves with a delay. You might see a colored ball over one shoulder or a clear, bright line of light along your arm. They may pulse and then disappear.

Color vibrations

An aura cannot be right or wrong, and one color cannot be better than another. Some shades of colors may indicate aspects that are not entirely desirable, but the brightness and transparency of the aura indicate the degree of goodwill, peace of mind and happiness. A clear and bright aura is better than a cloudy and dull one.

Although the body is completely surrounded by aura, it is easiest to see it in the head and shoulder girdle. Most often, auras have one primary color, which is located close to the body and extends no more than 3 to 10 centimeters from the head and shoulders. This color can be mixed with another, usually nearby in the spectrum.

A yellow base, for example, will mix with green or orange and may become chartreuse for a moment, then, as you observe, return to a yellow color, then turn into orange-pink and stabilize again, remaining closer to yellow color.

The human aura is unstable by nature, it changes depending on both internal and external stimuli. Everything we do, say or think affects our energy field. The color we emit is affected by our physical environment, as well as the people we interact with and the energy fields they emit. What we eat and drink, as well as what we think about, contributes to the overall picture. Even the rhythm of breathing changes the aura, as became obvious from the previous exercise.

We all talk about vibrations or chemical compatibility of people... The first impression is formed under the influence of the moment. It largely depends on external signs: general charm, facial expressions, manner of dressing, posture and gestures. In the very first seconds of acquaintance, we analyze and evaluate people at the level of consciousness - positively or negatively. Subconsciously, we do the same thing: vibrations or chemistry may go unnoticed, but the interaction of energy fields gives us an instinctive feeling that, in addition to verbal communication, there may be a more subtle, higher level of mutual compatibility.

That is why you sometimes don’t like some people to whom others are drawn, or, conversely, at first glance you like a person who is not very attractive in appearance. There is simply something in those around you that attracts or repels you, which cannot be pointed out with a finger.

The color we see is determined by the frequency of light waves. Red, the color at the heart of the rainbow spectrum, is characterized by long, slow waves. As we move to orange and then yellow and green, the waves become shorter, faster and easier to perceive. Blue and violet have the highest vibration frequency; they are difficult to see, since they, as a rule, refer to the manifestation of the external (astral) aura, which should not be confused with the brighter internal (etheric) aura - this is what we learn to perceive in the first place. Some people have a predominantly purple color in their inner aura, which indicates their outstanding spiritual knowledge. Its presence in the external aura indicates great potential for spiritual growth. The color of high development is also golden - it demonstrates great inner strength. It may appear as an energy clot above the head or above one of the shoulders.

Perception training

So, now you know the basic technique by which you can see the aura! Now you need to train to develop and maintain the strength of your newfound ability. Try to work with different people in different environments, not forgetting the basic conditions: white or neutral background, diffused lighting, the distance from the object to the wall is half a meter, to you is three meters. Most importantly, focus your gaze on the wall, not the object.

Don't be discouraged if you can't tell the colors apart right away. Rest and keep trying. When you do see the colors, you'll likely open your mouth in amazement or exclaim something, because these colors, although subtle at first, are actually quite intense. With practice, you will begin to perceive auras in different situations, under different lighting, against less than optimal backgrounds.

Health auras

What energy you release is the same energy you attract. If you emit a positive vibration, then you will attract like-minded people with a positive vibration into your environment.

What if you could monitor your health constantly, day after day, based not only on how you feel, but also on what you see with your own eyes? Not just how we physically look in the mirror, but how we feel? What if you used your wealth in a completely new way? Until now, you have not paid attention to one of the most significant aspects of your physical state - the color and shine of your aura.

By looking at your aura in the mirror, you can see how others feel about you. Those around you may not be aware of what exactly they feel, but this is exactly what the so-called good or bad vibrations consist of. And since you now know this little secret, you have the power to change the appearance of your aura through good thoughts, positive emotions and meditation.

Those people who have a natural inclination to choose color combinations and surrounding materials to suit their luminous energy field are often some of the happiest, most creatively prolific and harmonious individuals we know. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of daily monitoring of your aura!

The material is made from selections from social media. VKontakte networks

The total radiation of all bodies of the cosmic human body is perceived by psychics as a colored aural image, the human aura. The energy of material and energy collections of bodies is usually called a bioenergy field, which carries integral information about a person to any distance and to any past and future.

Seven parts of the human aura

The general energy field of a person is symmetrical to the axis of his spine. A healthy person has a smoky silver aura. The aura is most clearly visible (by a person with astral vision or a special device) in the area around the head. The size of this human aura characterizes the overall energy of the body.

The more powerful the energy, the more perfect he is in his mental, spiritual and physical qualities. Astral vision can be received from the Cosmos as a “gift of God,” or it can be developed through a special complex of breathing exercises and psychotraining, observing fasts. Astral vision mainly sees the bio-circuit-aura formed by the astral body.

In the astral body there are seven shells, put on each other, like our clothes or “matryoshka dolls”. Each shell has its own color - from the inner (red - emotional) to the outer (violet - easily capturing energies of various cosmic natures from our environment).

The glow of a person’s aura also has seven primary colors, which reflects his emotional and intellectual baggage. Red and orange colors (corresponding to the lower chakras - Muladhara and Svadhistana) indicate low energies and are characteristic of an angry and excitable person. Green (Anahata chakra - accumulates transitional types of energies) is characteristic of a noble, virtuous person.

Shades of blue and blue colors (Vishuddha and Ajna, respectively) - a person is in a strong connection with the energy of the Cosmos. A yellow and golden halo around the head (as saints are depicted on icons) testifies to the development in a person of his best intellectual, human qualities.

To make color meditation more concrete, let's look at meaning of aura colors.

Basic principles of aura colors

Life. Clean energy. Warm affection. Enthusiasm. Passion. Anger. Danger.

Intelligence. Openness. Optimism. Capabilities.

Wisdom. Higher consciousness.

Altruism. Inspiration. Calm. Harmony. Artistry. Truth and love.


Energy. Nature. Equilibrium. Individualism. Update.


Ego. Mercy. Love for people.


Spiritual serenity. Spiritual strength.


Activity. Intelligence. Life enthusiasm. Ambition. Responsibility.


Persistence. Materialism. Managerial talent.

Formalism. Conservatism.

Negation. Evil.

The highest manifestation of spirituality.

Love of life. Love. Lack of jealousy. Modesty and art. Devotion.

Pale yellow

Intellectual aspirations. Developing consciousness. Pure love.

Pale blue

Highest idealism. Equilibrium.

Meditation with aura color

There is one color exercise you can do with your loved one. It will help you have a pleasant, relaxing, intimate evening. To do this, you will need strips of colored paper (one strip of each color). Each person should perform this exercise separately, without looking at the other. You can then compare your notes and see how your colors match.

Write a number or letter on the back of each strip of construction paper. Then place the strips on a white background, color side up. Without thinking about color, choose from these stripes the one that you intuitively liked. Take it in your hands, turn it over and place it over a row of colored stripes. Then take another look at the main row of stripes and choose from the remaining ones the one that immediately caught your eye. Place it to the right of the first strip you select.

Continue to do this, each time choosing, without hesitation, the color that immediately catches your eye and seems to be the “best”, more attractive of the remaining ones. Remember, you can’t pause, think, remember meaning of aura colors, talk about the associations that you may have in connection with this or that color. Quickly choose the color that automatically and instantly attracts you. When all the strips have been selected, write down the numbers (or letters) that were written on the back, moving from left to right - that is, in the order in which you selected them.

Then ask your loved one to do the same, but do not prompt or “stand over his soul” while he makes his choice. When your partner finishes the test and writes down the numbers of the colors he chose, compare your notes.

As a rule, the first two colors you choose represent the qualities that you are trying to develop in yourself. The next two colors chosen reflect the qualities you currently possess. The psychic will see these colors in your aura, and they will dominate. The next two or three colors you choose reflect traits that you possess but are not currently using in your life and love. The reasons may be different, but the main one is that these qualities do not correspond to your aspirations.

From these three groups of colors, you should be able to determine in general terms whether similar colors predominate in your aura and that of your partner - that is, whether you have similar characters and traits. In other words, you must understand whether you are generally compatible with your loved one. If among the three groups of colors you have chosen, at least three are the same, you are on the way to a wonderful love relationship.

This doesn't mean the colors have to match in the exact order you chose them. This simply indicates the degree of your compatibility. If there are more than three of these colors, that's just great! For every exact match (for example, you both chose red as your second color), your chances of mutual, long-term love increase.

What about the last few flowers? These colors reflect the qualities that you are currently letting go of. The last two or three colors you chose probably reflect traits that you've completely let go of, so pay attention to the last colors your loved one chose. Your couple could be in for a tough time if, for example, all the colors you chose first end up being the last ones he chose! But if this is the case, it's probably already obvious to both of you that the relationship is far from ideal.

Aura recharge

The aura, this energy field around each of us, needs to be “recharged” from time to time by contacting other people. We improve each other's auras by balancing the polarity between the "negative" energy of a woman and the "positive" energy of a man. In this context, the terms "negative" and "positive" do not mean "bad" and "good", they are used to denote opposites.

This is the yin and yang of nature, and when the two polarities come into physical contact, the auras become stronger and larger. The exchange of energy occurs where one polarity meets the opposite and is subjected to its energetic influence. Here the effect of softening and calming is manifested, even if sexual relations are not implied.

Interestingly, the American Eagle, the national symbol, has a remarkable instinct: it performs a love ritual every twenty-four hours, but not necessarily to achieve sexual climax. When roosting for the night, American eagles are so close that they touch each other. At the end of the day, simple physical intimacy becomes important to them on an instinctive level.

How to recharge aura color?

Nature attracts them to each other to balance and strengthen their auras, in order to feel like one again. Touch is important to us too. When we touch someone, expressing our love, we exchange aura energy, thereby giving new strength to ourselves and our ability to love.

In our impersonal city life, it is especially important for our emotional and mental survival to get close to someone, to reach out and touch. We constantly need contact with other people's auras in order to energize our own. The meaning of aura colors will help you understand how close the partner who is next to you is to you. Nature is truly beautiful, giving us this need for each other’s auras. Can you imagine a moment of greater bliss than being in the arms of a loved one? Enjoy this feeling, for it not only brings satisfaction, but also heals the body and soul.

The Meaning of Aura Colors Will Reveal All Secrets

Each person, like a cloud, is enveloped in a multi-colored energy field, we call it an aura. Many people consider the aura to be a manifestation of the human soul. This theory explains why different people's auras differ in color. If auras were only a manifestation of our life energy, they would be exactly the same. But the human soul is deeply individual, and this is precisely what shows the multicolored nature of its shell. The meaning of aura colors can not only describe a person’s character and abilities, but also tell about the state of his health. So what do aura colors mean?

Materialists are surrounded by a red aura. Subtle, spiritual relationships are not available to these energetic, ambitious and sexual people. They perceive the world that surrounds them only with the help of their five senses. What they cannot touch, taste or smell does not exist for the Reds. People with a red aura are not able to plunge into the world of dreams. They love life and know how to enjoy it.

Humble intellectuals with a good sense of humor have a yellow aura. Yellows are smiling, they joyfully perceive the reality around them and often become the life of the party. Thanks to their innate rationality and responsibility, yellows often become scientists and are able to create an intellectual masterpiece.

The green aura belongs to calm, harmonious and versatile personalities. This color is a sign of philanthropy and kindness. Greens are prone to harmony and creation, they have a strong will and are predisposed to risk. Having lost, the Greens will never admit their guilt. Not only do they have a sentimental and friendly nature, but they are also very hardworking. The talent of a healer, combined with the ability to quickly analyze the most difficult situation and make the right decision, makes greens very good doctors.

A blue aura marks people who are wise, artistic, gentle and not alien to inspiration. Calm, loyal and confident, Blues often display the ability to telepathy and clairvoyance. Love and family are the most important concepts for people with this aura color. Those in need of love and support will always find it from people with a blue aura. These qualities help blues become good teachers, nannies, psychologists and clergy.

One of the rarest types of aura is crystal. People with such an aura are pure and harmonious. They are very careful about their surroundings. Crystal ones are able to capture the emotional waves of loved ones and perfectly adapt to them, while changing their color.

The meaning of aura colors is not limited to this list. There are auras of mixed shades, which include certain properties of the four primary colors. For example, people with a purple aura have properties of both red and blue.

Before finding out the meaning of aura colors, we need to clarify which color we are dealing with. How to determine the color of the aura? To learn this, you can conduct a simple experiment with paints. Take tubes of paints of three colors - red, yellow and blue. Calm down, get rid of all anxious thoughts from your head and mix these colors in random order on a sheet of paper. When you look at the result, you should feel warm and comfortable. Then blindfold your eyes with a thick cloth and take that tube of paint from which the heat will emanate. Open your eyes, add your chosen dye to the colored spot and mix.

The color of the aura is also determined using numerology. To do this, you need to find out the sum of the digits in a person’s full date of birth. The result is a number that corresponds to a specific color. So the number 1 corresponds to red, 2 to yellow, 4 to green, and 6 to blue. Now you know your color, and the meaning of the aura colors will help you get to know yourself more deeply.

Aura color. Photo of the aura. Aura color: test

The term “aura” has become a part of our lives. There are probably few people who are not familiar with him. But not everyone can really explain what it is. At best, people know that the color of the aura has a special meaning. And then the “solid fog” begins. To understand, you need a detailed familiarization with the topic. We will find out the meaning of the color of a person's aura, as well as how to deal with problems if they exist. So, let's figure it out.

What is aura

We are accustomed to associate ourselves only with the physical body (few people even remember the soul). It turns out that this is wrong. An energy cocoon is formed around the human body. It is formed by two streams moving towards each other from space to the center of the planet and vice versa. For ease of understanding, it is suggested to imagine your body as a grape hanging in the middle of a long thread. This is a flow of energy. Through the chakras, a person releases certain “streams” from it and forms a cocoon around himself.

It's an aura. It is egg-shaped and has a definite size. For some, the edges of the aura are separated from the physical shell by an average of half a meter, for others - much more. It all depends on the individual and circumstances.

The size and color of the aura are unstable. You can change them yourself. Any normal person will wonder why to do this. Maybe let it be as it is? The fact is that the characteristics of this field affect the duration and quality of our life. Or rather, on the contrary: any negative manifestations, internal attitudes, intentions, feelings affect them. This is why it is so important to understand the meaning of the color of a person’s aura. This is a kind of energetic diagnosis of the state of a person and his physical body.

What can be determined by the aura

Let's start with size. The larger the aura, the stronger the person. This does not mean muscles and the ability to move heavy objects. A person with an impressive aura is able to make serious decisions, lead, convince, “pierce with his gaze,” and so on. There is a term “charismatic personality”. This is a person who has a large and attractive energy field.

Now about what the color of the aura demonstrates. This indicator is studied primarily to identify dark spots. They are formed in the case of existing or future diseases, when a person experiences strong negative emotions, and so on. There are people who see the field. They can make a diagnosis and predict future events. We must understand that everything that happens to us in life is first formed at the level of the energy field. If you can see the aura, then you can correct events and influence them. But these are extreme options. And usually the color of the aura indicates a person’s inclinations, character, and, in a broader sense, his capabilities, aspirations, and potential achievements. Most often they try to figure it out in order to gain a deeper understanding of their personality.

We are greatly influenced by our social environment. It confuses and instills false goals and ideals. Striving for them, a person becomes deeply unhappy. And at the end of life he suffers from its worthlessness, feeling emptiness instead of satisfaction from the path traveled. Nowadays, people are increasingly thinking about how to avoid this, how to make their existence filled with true joy. And knowing what you were born with (aura color) seriously helps with this. For example, what do you think, if a born engineer spends his whole life in a bank and doesn’t create the machine he has dreamed of since childhood, will he be happy?

Probably not, even if the amounts in his account are impressive.

How to determine the field color

There are several methods. Everyone's results are relative to one degree or another. We are accustomed to considering only what we can touch as reliable. And in the case of a field, only a few people can see it. They are absolutely confident in the information they receive. Everyone else, like blind people, has to trust them.

You can also take a photo of the aura. It is obtained using a special camera. The picture shows not only the color of the field, but also its density, dark places, chakras. After analyzing the information received from the aura camera, a specialist can tell about the physical and emotional state of a person. Usually this is followed by advice on adjustments. This method is also considered by many to be relative. Still, you have to believe in aura photos. Otherwise, it may seem like scammers are trying to deceive you.

Well, the last way is independent work. It’s not entirely easy, but you walk the path yourself from start to finish. To do this, you need to place your palm on a sheet of white paper in semi-darkness. Squint your eyes and concentrate. You should see rays coming out of your fingertips. If it works, then determine the color. Almost no one succeeds the first time. In order to notice these rays, you need to learn to concentrate. Sometimes the original (innate) color of the aura is determined by the date of birth. This method speaks only of what has been given to you from the Higher Powers, and does not contain information about the current state of the energy field, which can be extremely important.

Calculations by date of birth

Richard Webster, the famous numerologist, came up with a fairly simple way to find out the color of the aura. To do this, you need to write down the full date of birth, then add all the numbers together. Then add again until you get a single digit number. Example: a person was born on April 12, 1969. We count: 1+2+0+4+1+9+6+9=32. Next we add it up again: 3+2=5. This is the number of aura color.

The interpretation is given to scientists in a special table. For example, the color red corresponds to one. Its meaning is as follows: an active and cheerful person, a purposeful, ambitious optimist. People with this characteristic clearly stand out from the crowd and have leadership qualities. It is clear that they are uncomfortable if they have to obey someone else’s will.

The green color of the aura, according to Webster, corresponds to the number four. They are good-natured and friendly people. Easily adapt to changes. They attract others with their warmth and responsiveness.

The yellow color of the aura corresponds to three. These are creative and sociable intellectuals. They are always at the center of events, doing what they love.

The deuce is characterized by orange color. These are decent individuals with heightened sensitivity. They are capable of free help and mercy.

Five is indigo color. These are always knowledge-seeking individuals with a complex character.

Six is ​​the blue color of the aura. These are mainly philanthropists looking for opportunities to patronize the weaker.

Seven is purple. Such individuals feel a special intuition and are able to predict.

Eight corresponds to the color pink. These are hard workers who value material wealth. It is difficult to push them off their chosen path.

And finally, nine is a bronze color, according to Webster's table. Most conservationists have this aura. These people are capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of all living things. If you want to know about your inclinations, then find out the color of your aura. The test and its results are described above.

Another interpretation

Aura experts believe it is important to track its color over time. It changes along with your condition and way of thinking. When you receive a photo, for example, be sure to look at the location of the dark spots. They talk about which organs or systems are currently under threat. In addition, dark shades show that a person develops bad character traits, he often indulges in dark thoughts or is focused only on carnal pleasures. All this leads to a weakening (darkening) of the field, which can cause diseases of the physical body.

Experts say that the colors of the aura, which are deciphered in the article, are ambiguous. You should concentrate on the main backgrounds. Every person's field contains all colors. Diagnosis is carried out based on the brightest ones. Now specifically about flowers. There are seven of them in total, each can prevail in the picture of the field depending on what emotions are currently guiding the person.

Red color

The meaning of this color does not cause optimism. He talks about a tendency to nervous disorders, impulsiveness based on emotions. If the color turns out to be dark, burgundy, then this person is prone to despotic manifestations. Spots of this shade can tell about diseases that may not yet have manifested themselves. Light, scarlet color occurs in people who are active, overly sensitive, and prone to impulsiveness. Pink signifies an immature personality. Most often it appears in the field of young people.


This color tells about a person who is attentive to the problems of others. If it is light, then the personality is viable and self-sufficient. This is a brave and patient person, whom people go to for advice or just a kind word.

When brown tones are visible in orange, it means that these characteristics have undergone some negative changes. In principle, it is precisely in order to determine this that the color of the aura is studied. Deciphering in this case is quite difficult. It is believed that brown notes (blotches) speak of ambition mixed with carelessness. This is the confidence that you can literally go over your head, and nothing will happen for it. A risky postulate. If a large brownish spot appears in the field, then they speak of depression due to an unpleasant event or ordinary laziness.


This is an indicator of excellent health and tranquility. Such people study with pleasure, are independent, and do not seek patronage for themselves. They move through life with dignity, easily overcoming obstacles. They are not prone to unnecessary worries. But they are always ready to lend a shoulder to others. These are the good angels who show up on time and do what needs to be done. When reddish tones appear in the yellow color, they speak of excessive shyness, characteristic of those who suffer from an inferiority complex.

Green aura color

These are individuals with increased adaptability. They are sentimental, capable of compassion, but only when everything goes well. If problems arise, everyone will be to blame except them. Despite this, they are capable of loyal friendship, although they often show frivolity. These are strong personalities. They gradually accumulate potential, which will be difficult to contain. The darker the green, the stronger the personality traits appear. Lighter shades indicate instability of characteristics.


Spiritual life-lovers have such a field. The blue color of the aura demonstrates the vigor of a person, his aspiration to high ideals. If it is pale and barely visible, it means the person is weak.

He is prone to indecisiveness and does not strive to develop talents. Such people need to engage in self-improvement.


Wise people are characterized by this color. They move through life with inspiration, not so much contemplating as creating. They are distinguished by complete harmony with nature, they are always balanced and happy with events. Light shades will tell about a person for whom spiritual development is the main meaning of life. They do not particularly strive for comfort, although, as a rule, they have everything they need. If a rich blue is visible in the aura, it means that this person is completely immersed in his favorite activity. Lucky! He found himself. Only shades of gray in the aura can tell about problems. Most likely, the person is too carried away by the results of the work, and not by the process itself. A rich blue color indicates that a person is working according to his calling, fulfilling his assigned mission.


This is believed to be a sign of spirituality. Only people with a pure soul, who have managed to rise above the bustle of the world, have such an aura color. Purple with pink tones speaks of finding a spiritual path. There is still something to strive for. Although we can definitely say that this person is moving in the right direction. Sometimes dark shades of purple suggest that a person does not have enough energy. If bright spots are visible against this background, it means that the person has not passed the test of power. This person is too clearly trying to impose his spiritual baggage on others. You should work on yourself.

What to do if the field has dark spots

Usually a person is not interested in the state of his aura if everything is normal. It just doesn't occur to me. As a rule, such information is important for those who have problems. Having found out their general direction by the color of the aura, it is necessary to begin adjustment. There are many ways to cleanse. All of them are quite effective. For example, believers can be advised to cleanse the aura with prayers.

You are simply trying to get rid of the sin that the diagnosis revealed. If pride has surfaced, then ask for humility; if frivolity has emerged, which can harm both you and others, then ask for strength of character. There is a way to cleanse the aura with a candle, meditation, salt or egg. You just need to understand that the field reflects your inner world. If you want to achieve results, then you definitely need to work with him. This is why it is recommended to cleanse the aura with prayers. This method allows you not just to perform a certain ritual, but to conduct a thoughtful analysis, identify your own mistakes and work on adjusting your thoughts and intentions. If you are wondering who to pray to, you should consult with the clergy. They will tell you which saint to contact. But that's not important. The main thing is to know what you personally should rule. When you understand where you were wrong, then go to church and pray to Christ or the Mother of God. The Lord will always hear and help, no matter what form you turn to.

Cleansing the aura with a candle

Many people consider this method more effective. You just can’t do it yourself. Need help. Only church candles that are blessed are used. It is necessary for the person whose aura will be cleaned to take off his shoes. Ideally, it is placed on bare ground, although you can simply place it on the floor, on a sheet of paper. The assistant lights a candle and moves it along the outline of the person. You need to start above your head and slowly move the light around all parts of the body. At the same time, you can read prayers together. The Lord's Prayer or the 90th Psalm are used. The latter must be read forty times in a row. If the problems are large, then you need to use several candles. At the end of the ceremony, both must drink holy water and wash themselves with it. In fact, the ritual is quite complicated. Both are very tired. It can be divided into several sessions. In this case, the treatment will take longer, but there will be no negative consequences. And one more thing: the person who cleanses the aura should be helped by someone who does not have similar problems. Otherwise, you will just share dark spots with each other.

Cleansing the aura with an egg

This method is also called rolling out. Only live eggs are used for it. That is, those that were not stored in the refrigerator. It is advisable to buy them “from the laying hen” - in a place where you can see the manufacturer yourself.

You will also need help during the ritual. It is necessary to treat the entire surface of the body with the egg, stopping for a long time in the places where the main chakras are located. They start rolling from the crown. At the same time, prayers are also read. The Lord's Prayer will do just fine. If the egg becomes heavy, and this is very noticeable, then it should be replaced with the next one. Move it clockwise, slowly rolling it over bare skin.

Information about the state of a person's aura is important. It helps to recognize impending (or existing) problems in a timely manner, and therefore take steps to resolve them. There are many methods for determining the color of the aura, as well as interpretations. It’s worth choosing one that best suits your worldview at a given time.

In the article we looked at two descriptions of the meaning of a person’s aura. They should not be confused. Webster developed a technique to determine the color of a field. He has his own transcripts. And the second description concerns the current state of the aura, which is recommended to work with in order to completely get rid of problems and ailments.


The aura is not always visible in color. Many beginning mediums see it as wavy, flowing whitish stripes.
However, for the purpose of psychic "reading", many mediums turn on their mental television screen, so to speak, so that they can see the aura in all the variety of colors that change into one another, and use these differences to determine the patient's condition.
Although a general description of the special meanings of various colors and combinations can be given, it should be said that the perception of these colors can be purely individual, and NO TWO MEDIA WHICH WILL SEE THE SAME SHADES IN THE AURA AT THE SAME MOMENT - PERCEPTION IS VERY INDIVIDUAL.
"AURO – CAMERA 6000"

In 1992, a special device for photographing the human aura, the “Aura Camera-6000,” was manufactured in the USA.
A photograph taken by the “Aura Camera-6000” allows you to look into the inner world of a person, get an idea of ​​the characteristics of his psyche, emotional state, his qualities and problems. This is how the long-forgotten knowledge about the aura - the structure of human energy - returns to us.
The camera of this device is a regular Polaroid instant camera, which is built into the body. This housing contains ordinary colored light bulbs that illuminate the Polaroid card during exposure. Light bulbs are connected to devices on which the palms of the hands rest.
These devices measure the resistance of the skin of the palms, and depending on this, they issue a command to one or another colored light bulb to illuminate a general photo of the client who has placed their palms on these devices.
When your hands come into contact with the sensors, information about the main auric colors is read, then the signal is sent to an electronic processor, which models the halo of radiation, converts it into a color scheme and superimposes it on your photo.
The electronic analogue of the aura, which is visible in a regular Polaroid photograph, corresponds to the human aura.
The vision of colors by psychoenergeticists and senses always coincides with the colors in the photograph. The intensity of the glow does not always coincide, but this is natural, since the aura structure is dynamic and can change under the influence of emotions, thoughts, feelings, internal transformation of the personality, external influences

Aura images are deciphered only in dynamics, so you must have at least two images. You need to take a picture while in a neutral psycho-emotional state. Only under this condition will the picture be objective, since the size and quality of the color of the aura can fluctuate depending on the emotions and thoughts overwhelmed by a person.
To study and interpret the states of the aura and a person from a photograph taken with this device, it is necessary to have several photographs. The information content of the photo is reduced due to its limited size and unclear structure. The main parameter that is interpreted in this case is the orientation of the psyche and the level of development of consciousness. Due to the fragmentary nature of the photograph (only the head and shoulders are visible), it is very difficult to judge the full structure of the aura. In addition, by highlighting color it is quite difficult to judge the general condition of a person. The color of the aura is not a constant category; in addition, it is necessary to take into account different shades and purity of color. The professionalism of the researcher plays a very important role in the interpretation of photographs.
Auras are in constant flux, their colors and shapes changing along with the thoughts and sensations of the individual. In addition, sometimes colors fade and merge, as in a rainbow, and it is often impossible to tell exactly where one color ends and where another begins.

RED is the color of emotionality and vitality. Strong feelings of any kind, such as anger, fear or love, are represented in red.
A person with a red aura has physical vitality, energy, ambition, as well as sexual power. Red - courage, activity, assertiveness.
RED LIGHT, delicate, bright color, pure red color indicates that a person is in love, full of energy, and vitality. In such an aura, red color means physical activity, ambition, courage, joy.
SCARLET- “warns” about excessive self-confidence, that a person loves himself too much. This is the color of false pride, pride without foundation. The scarlet color around the hips shows women who sell "love" for money.
BRIGHT RED with flashes - anger.
RED WITH BROWN- thirst for passion, tendency to violence.
BURGUNDY- indignation, sometimes sensuality.
DARK RED color is characteristic of people with a lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue; materialism. Darkish red - malice, aggressiveness.
RED AURA WITH DARK SHADES OR BRIGHT FLASHES mean sudden anger, sometimes sudden and unmotivated. Such a person usually has a lot of energy, but quite raw energy.
CRIMSON- sexuality and passion.
DIRTY – RED with dark streaks speaks of a person’s selfishness, the ability to fly into rage, and greed for pleasure.
REDDISH ORANGE- the desire to impress others, vitality.
DULL BRICK RED among arrogant and arrogant people.
A clear red border or red tongues extending from the organ shows that the organ is in good health.
Assassins always have lower shades of red in their aura.
The lighter the red (lighter does not mean purer), the more nervous and unstable the person is. Such people are very active and cannot remain at rest for more than a few seconds. As a rule, they are self-centered.
Red colors around organs indicate their condition. A dull red color, especially with a brown tint, slowly pulsating from the organ indicates cancer. You can tell whether cancer has developed or is just beginning!
Spots, flashes of red on the jaw indicate toothache, rare pulsations of dull brown in the halo indicate fear of the dentist.

The group of red flowers also includes pink (not to be confused with coral), it indicates immaturity. In teenagers, pink predominates over other shades of red.
PINK is the color of intuition and intense knowledge of the earth. It is sometimes called the "color of planetary intuition." In adults, pink indicates immaturity and unreliability.
Pink tones - kindness, compassion for others, love.
PALE PINK - inability to show off, shyness
BRIGHT PINK - human love for other beings at its highest stage

ORANGE is a traditional healing color. Like the sun which it symbolizes, it indicates the masculine principle or the masculine side of feminine nature. When visible in the aura, it may indicate that the individual has strong healing abilities, or that the individual is in the process of physical growth or emotional self-healing.
A person with an orange aura has energy, health, physical endurance, and activity. He is constantly looking for change, open and optimistic. Pride can come from too much orange.
Orange (pure) - good health, kindness, the ability to feel other people, internal respect for the interlocutor. Orange - emotions, sociability and openness, at the same time discipline and competence, the color of pride and ambition.
BRIGHT ORANGE - strong emotions, fun, optimism.
DARK ORANGE - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
CLOSE ORANGE - irritability.
ORANGE-GREEN - a tendency to causticity, internal ridicule, callousness of character. An orange color with a hint of green indicates that a person loves to quarrel for the sake of quarreling, and when you develop to such an extent that you can see the shades of shades of colors, avoid quarreling with such people, because for them there is only white and black, they do not understand and do not want to understand shades and halftones in anything, be it knowledge, opinion or color. People with greenish-orange in the aura argue endlessly just for the sake of argument itself, not caring whether they are right or wrong, for them there is only argument.

YELLOW is the color of intelligence, representing the process of change from the unconscious to the conscious. It involves changes and movements of all kinds, especially those leading to purification and growth of the mind. Most often the yellow color is visible as a halo or halo around the head.
A person with a yellow aura has qualities such as love, kindness, optimism, and compassion.
Pure yellow - high intelligence, active friendliness, enormous creative potential, expresses intellectual strength.
BRIGHT YELLOW - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with a bright yellow aura can be completely trusted.
YELLOW-RED - willpower, swiftness, determination, vitality.
LEMON YELLOW - clear mind.
MUSTARD YELLOW - deceit and dishonesty.
CLOUDY YELLOW - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
DARK YELLOW - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
REDDISH-YELLOW - a person’s intelligence is low and needs to be developed. This speaks of physical, moral and mental timidity, the absence of one’s own spiritual view and beliefs. People with reddish-yellow are always rushing from one religion to another, always looking for something that cannot be achieved in five minutes. However, they lack endurance; they do not linger on anything for more than a few minutes.
People with red-yellow and brown-red in their aura are always looking for their half and do not find it anywhere.
It is worth noting that if a person has red hair and a lot of yellow-red in the aura, the person is pugnacious, touchy and takes a remark as a personal insult. This is especially true for those who have bright red hair and reddish, sometimes freckled skin.
Redder shades in yellow indicate that a person has an inferiority complex. The redder the red hue in the yellow, the stronger the complex. BROWN-YELLOW - shows impure thoughts and very weak spiritual development. Brown-yellow indicates that a person has impure thoughts and does not always adhere to straight paths.
From a health point of view, GREENish-YELLOW indicates liver complaints. If greenish-yellow turns into brownish-reddish-yellow, this indicates that the malaise is more of a social nature.
People with social dissatisfaction always have a dark brown, dark yellow stripe around the thighs. Something like red pollen often glimmers in it. If the brown gradually fades to yellow and sometimes appears in the form of jagged stripes, this indicates a mental disorder.
A person suffering from duality often has one half of the aura bluish-yellow, and the other half brownish or greenish-yellow. This is a very unpleasant combination.
Pure golden-hued yellow color, the highest is "Yellow", it should always be cultivated. You can achieve it if you keep your thoughts and intentions pure. We all must reach "yellow" before we move on to the next stage of evolution.

GOLD is the color of pure intuition, mental courage and self-knowledge. Shining golden halos can often be seen above the heads of mystics and people in a state of bliss. Gold is a masculine color and is often represented by the sun. It is also the color of purification and healing.
Gold - the highest spirituality, enormous life potential, high intelligence and great abilities, wisdom, the ability to share knowledge with others
Pure gold - bright mind.
Golden - impeccability, creativity, integrity
Golden yellow - expresses high mental achievements, broad and brilliant abilities, well-being and material prosperity. Golden yellow color indicates that the person is very spiritual.

GREEN - color of growth; its presence in the aura usually indicates that a person is in the stage of choosing his attitude towards life, beliefs or behavior. This is a positive color that can appear when a person, unsettled by radical internal changes, believes that his life is going badly.
A person with a green aura is a balanced, harmonious person, prone to healing, capable of bringing peace.
Green (pure) - sympathy, desire to help, a person who has a predominant color of this color is endowed with healing abilities and special magnetism
The BRIGHT GREEN color of the aura expresses tolerance for the beliefs of others, the ability to easily adapt to new conditions, versatility, tact and politeness. Bright green - philanthropy and warmth, good health, friendliness.
Dark green - selfish plans, deception. Dark shades mean deceit and jealousy.
EMERALD GREEN - mercy, sympathy and forgiveness.
MUZY GREEN - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartache, fears
LIGHT GREEN - creative thoughts.
GREEN WITH YELLOWSHOW - self-interest, thirst for profit and the use of other people to satisfy one's own goals, hidden manipulation of people in one's own interests.
LIGHT LIGHT color is a sign of mental development.
Green with a suitable shade of blue shows a capable teacher.
Green is not a dominant color; it almost always accompanies some other color. This is an auxiliary color; it indicates that the person is friendly, respects the opinions of other people, and sympathizes with them.
However, if a person has yellowish-green in his aura, he is unreliable, and the more unpleasant yellow there is in the unpleasant green, the more unreliable the person is, the less you can rely on him.
If green turns into blue, usually a nice shade of sky blue or electric blue, this shows the most reliable people.

A person with a blue aura has a powerful psyche, broad intellect and logical thinking. Usually such a person is able to pacify with a few words.
Pure blue is a state of active thinking, readiness to act, the color of sincerity and determination, creativity, healing, self-expression, softness, tenderness.
LIGHT BLUE - lack of strong-willed qualities of a leader, such a person must be stimulated to action
DARK SHADES OF BLUE indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mentality. Dark blue without unpleasant shades, that is, pure - the gradual disclosure of spiritual potential, self-awareness.
BRIGHT BLUE - loyalty, commitment to high ideals.
SKY BLUE - spirituality, dynamism.
TURQUOISE - peacefulness, tenderness, charisma.
DARK BLUE - wisdom. Dark blue is often found in the aura of missionaries who became missionaries because they heard the "Call" as a calling. This color is not found among those who became missionaries because they wanted to travel the world for free.
The brighter the blue color, the healthier and more cheerful the person is.
PALE BLUE is the color of a person who often hesitates, cannot make a decision, such a person needs to be pushed in order for him to decide on something.
A darker shade of blue indicates that a person is making progress and comprehending.
If the shade of blue is even darker, this indicates that the person is captivated by the tasks of life and that he finds satisfaction in them.
You can always judge a person by how bright the yellow color is in his aura and how dark the blue color is.

BLUE is the color of creation, imagination and self-expression. Like the sea and sky, which this color symbolizes, it expresses femininity or the feminine side of a man's nature. A person with a blue aura harbors deep wisdom and inspiration. He is artistic and easily finds harmony with nature, knows how to control himself, can be devout or spiritual in nature, and hence an altruist. Most often - phlegmatic.
Blue color develops your own mental abilities, frees you from anxieties and fears. Blue - highly developed intuition and self-confidence. Blue - perception of beauty, selfless nature
BRIGHT BLUE - religious feeling, care for others, responsibility, spiritual insight..
CLAY BLUE - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
DARK BLUE - spiritual aspiration bordering on mercy. Dark blue is often a sign of depression, which develops if a person acts for the ideas of others, which he - or she - must protect more than his own.

A person with a violet aura has some achievements in the spiritual sphere, a connection with the divine, cosmic self-awareness, and so on. The color purple is associated with artistry, great ideas, intuition and mysticism. The color purple promotes compassion, sensitivity, and inspiration. Purple color - spirituality, harmonization of personality, achieving high goals, access to open life paths, patronage of the forces of light, compassion for others
Purple color with an increased aura - high spirituality, potential wisdom, revelation of spiritual qualities and superpowers
AMETHYST - spiritual insight.
LIVEL - philanthropy, altruism, healing.
PURPLE WITH SILVER - the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
ULTRAMARINE-INDIGO - stillness, mystery, delicate fragrance.
DARK PURPLE with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
PURPLE is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also a color of pride and a passion for showing off.

SILVER is the feminine color of the moon, similar in meaning to the gold color, although it is visible much less frequently.
A large proportion of silver in the aura may indicate a tendency towards such psychic gifts as telekinesis - moving objects with the power of thought - or levitation. Silver is the color of astral travel; it is believed that the silver thread connects the astral body with the physical body when they are separated.
Silver color - will, steadfastness, idealism.

GRAY is the color of boredom and malaise, usually masking the emotions of fear or anger.
Gray - melancholy, boredom, despondency, depression, self-doubt, suppressed fears and resentments, anxiety, laziness
BRIGHT GRAY - selfishness, lack of imagination.
LIGHT GRAY - deception, unreliability, often apathy
DARK GRAY - horror, fear
Gray softens the colors of the aura. If you look at the aura of a clothed person, gray does not mean anything, there will be gray stripes and spots in the aura. But suppose we are looking at a naked body. Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has visible gray stripes over vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed, or is in danger of destruction; medical attention is needed immediately. In people with persistent severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed billowing and passing through a halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just during headaches.

BROWN - Typically an earth color, indicating a strong connection to the physical level.
If it surrounds the feet and legs, it may indicate that the person is doing a lot of exercise. Sometimes, especially if the color appears dull and washed out, this can be a sign of weak energy.
Hard brown color is in the aura of people who are selfish, down-to-earth, jealous and greedy.
BROWN-RED, like raw liver, shows an evil, vile person, one of those who are best avoided because they can bring misfortune.
If this color is visible near any organ, then that organ is diseased; if it is a vital organ, then the person is likely to die soon.
If red color is visible at the end of the sternum, then the person has a nervous disorder. Such people should curb their activity and lead a more balanced lifestyle if they want to live happily ever after. Brown-red also indicates kidney disease, if it is located above the kidney and has bluish-gray teeth - this indicates the presence of kidney stones.
Brown-orange shows a lethargic, depressed, lazy person who “doesn’t care.” Brown and red - hatred, anger.
DARK BROWN - depression, despair

BLACK is the color of death and destruction and can be read as a sign of depression, especially if it appears as a dark cloud enveloping the patient's head. However, death is a state that precedes rebirth, and destruction is a state that precedes creation and creativity. "The darkest hour comes just before the dawn." In this case, black can be seen as an extremely positive color. Black is also considered a color that symbolizes the invisible Divine Light that comes to illuminate and purify the soul.
Black - malice, anger; black holes in the aura – health problems, an indicator of pain areas, disturbed energy (damage, evil eye, etc.).

WHITE is the color of the highest spiritual achievement, purification and enlightenment. However, certain types of meditation, such as TM (transcendental meditation), whether they may or may not produce enlightenment, produce this color in the aura.
White color: - purity, kindness, perfection and spiritual insight. Powerful cosmic protection and patronage of “light forces” (spiritual mentors, Guardian Angel). The presence of white color in the aura makes a person protected from any negative influences, life troubles and adversities.
But also white is a serious illness, artificial stimulation (drugs, medications). Several hours before death, the aura turns white, increasing in size and becoming more intense. In most cultures, "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black) because in the past, people could actually see a white aura before death. It would seem that our ancestors knew much more than we are “prepared” and ready to admit it.

Red-yellow moving currents in the aura, incontinence, anxiety.
Wavy stripes of blue color with a reddish tint; an attack of fear, alertness.
Red-blue stripes in the form of radii, going from inside to outside, tense anticipation.
Flashing orange-yellow dots indicate strong excitement.
Bluish spots of variable shape mean absent-mindedness.
Pure blue streams, sincerity, nobility, the desire to improve one’s qualities.
Dirty blue moving streams betray a feeling of envy.
Black color in the aura is hatred.
Red-brown flashes of anger.
All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
Gray-brown stripes indicate selfish intentions.
A dark gray cloud means deep depression.
Pale gray color in the aura indicates fear
Greenish-gray stripes, insincerity, desire to deceive for profit and to satisfy vanity.
Green-brown dots with red splashes, a person experiences a strong, exciting feeling of jealousy.
The green cloud is an unpleasant swamp color; a person wants to assert himself by any means necessary at the expense of those around him.
Blue-brown color indicates lower religiosity, aimed at achieving selfish goals.
A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person signifies love and compassion for all humanity.
Pink rays emanating from the inside out, love for the world, wishes for love and harmony to all beings.
Moving orange cloud with brown drops, thirst for power.
A greenish blurry cloud is a sign of empathy.
Light green color sympathy.
Brown-gray stripes with red egoism, the desire to dominate other people, to capture and enslave them.
Violet lines, aspiration to a higher ideal, renunciation of the sense of ownership and thirst for possession.

The vibrations on the left side represent the feminine introversion.
We receive this energy at the present moment. And it depends only on us how we will be able to manage it, building our future.
The color RED means that your vital energy is flaring up, you are gaining physical strength or are struggling with something. Be careful and remember your limits.
The ORANGE color on the left shows that the energy of life, creativity, sexual desire or new transformations in business and affairs is flaring up in you. Be reasonable and try to maintain inner balance.
The YELLOW color on the left indicates that you may be thinking about and looking for new directions in life or work. You are strong, self-confident, able to act effectively in practice, you know what you want. Use your energy as efficiently as possible, but do not overexert yourself intellectually.
GREEN is the color of harmony and peace. You open up to new energies and events; you follow the path of soul development with joy and trepidation. You stand at the source of a Divine source that can bring joy and peace to you and through you to other people.
The BLUE color to your left is a sign of purity of soul, inner intelligence and good taste. You are intuitive and have your own special inner world, often filled with spiritual or creative quest. Perhaps you have to comprehend what is happening to you on a more subtle, intuitive level.
VIOLET. If the color violet is to your left, then you are endowed with a special, unique sensitivity or the gift of capturing energies inaccessible to others. Your inner life is more important to you than external vanity. You have talent and personal power. But do others always understand this?
WHITE. If there is white energy at the entrance to the left, then your inner perception is heightened, sometimes the tension reaches its limit, preparing to reach a new level of spiritual or creative experience. This is the energy of meditation and enlightenment. Treat her and yourself with care.

This energy reflects the internal state of your personality, gives an idea of ​​what is going on in your thoughts, how you react to the surrounding reality.
The RED color above your head indicates that you are obviously currently absorbed in earthly affairs, constantly encountering manifestations of the material world. You will need strength, courage, self-confidence.
ORANGE. A balanced fiery red orange in the center indicates that you are craving an eventful life, vivid experiences, and cheerful company. Your actions are guided by strong emotions and inner purity.
YELLOW. If there is a lot of yellow around your head, then you are a great thinker. At the moment you feel a surge of strength. You are ready to lead and take full responsibility. Try to find time for creativity and meditation, because... this will significantly expand your life horizons.
GREEN in the center means that you radiate around you the energy of calm, regularity and acceptance of everything and everyone. You see your role as one of "service", always ready to give compassion and love to those who need it. Intuition and inner knowledge helps you.
BLUE. The glow of blue above the head is a sign of a person’s high spiritual and personal aspirations, combined with intelligence, gentleness, devotion to high ideals, although sometimes detachment from real life and the everyday essential needs of loved ones.

Series of messages "Esoterica":
Part 1 - Rum from the Cave of Spirits.
Part 2 - Zadornov in the Urals
Part 12 - Signs and Symbols. Semiotics. Part 2.
Part 13 - PROSPERITY: How to do it on Earth? (full version)
Part 15 - Runes of Odin
Part 16 - Pictures-prophets

What does a violet aura mean in a person? He is generally physically healthy...

Explain to me please.

First of all, it is potential. Discovering your full potential is the greatest work of a lifetime. Few people are born with an understanding of their path. Since you have questions, you are in a state of search. What areas of activity you develop for yourself are not important and do not depend on the aura. a person of royal descent can live as a beggar and never learn about his roots. Experience and knowledge are important. you will receive both, and your aura will confirm the weight of your word.

Achievements in the spiritual sphere, connection with the divine, mystical insight, cosmic self-awareness. Located in the area of ​​the pituitary gland.
Inspiration or deep wisdom. May indicate a spiritual or pious nature. Artistry and harmony with nature. The ability to control oneself. Located in the pineal gland area.
Powerful psyche, intelligence, logical thinking. Pure blue color demonstrates the ability to intuition. Dark shades indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mindset. Centered in the brain.
Balance, harmony, a penchant for healing, the ability to bring peace. Pure green indicates adaptability and versatility. Dark shades mean deceit and jealousy. Located in the thyroid gland and neck area.
Love and kindness, compassion, optimism, “breath of life”. Dark, lifeless shades of yellow demonstrate suspicion, envy or greed. Focused on the heart and solar plexus.
Energy and health, physical endurance, activity. Pride can stem from an excess of orange in the aura. A dark or cloudy shade indicates low intelligence. Located in the area of ​​the stomach and spleen.
Physical vitality, energy, ambition, sexual power. Dark or cloudy red shows a tendency towards passion or anger. Focused on the genital area.
SCARLET - lust, base passions, materialism.
PINK – selfless love, tenderness, modesty.
BROWN – greed, selfishness.
GOLDEN – higher “I”, good qualities, harmony.
SILVER – versatility, high energy, constant change.
GRAY – depression, low energy, fear.