Beautiful coloring pages to print by numbers. Coloring by numbers dashing deer

    It’s not immediately clear what kind of animal is in the picture, but that’s okay! You and I know how to color carefully, and at the same time we will teach numbers in a free game. Perseverance and attentiveness will lead us to a colorful and vibrant result. Let's paint piece by piece and find

    This amazing children's game “Numbers of the Nations of the World” offers for study not only the familiar Arabic numbers 1,2,3 and so on up to 15, but also Roman, Chinese, Korean and even Egyptian notations for numbers from 1 to 15! This game will be useful and interesting not only for children, but also for their parents.

    There’s just some kind of picture mystery in this free game, you say. But you will see who is depicted there by following simple steps. You have to “decipher” the drawing using the colors at the bottom of the screen. Each color is a number, be patient and get to work. As a result,

    A cheerful dinosaur is calling you for help! His online coloring book has a palette of colors, and the picture itself is divided into parts, which are indicated by numbers; looking at them, select the desired color and fill each element of the picture with paints. As a result, you should end up with a smiling Draco

    Everything in this online coloring book is somehow very unclear, isn’t it? But note that there is a number on each piece, there are seven in total. So, take the brush in your hands, take a close look at the area of ​​the picture and select the appropriate color. For example, 1 is red, match

    In front of us is a huge, kind whale, boasting to the islanders about its ability to launch a fountain. This whale came to you from an online game for a reason; it wants to help you, future schoolchildren, get to know numbers better. Each number corresponds to a specific color, look at which

    The snowman very carefully and with great pleasure hangs toys on the New Year tree on the eve of a wonderful holiday. The free game "New Year's Coloring by Numbers with the Snowman" will immerse you in the festive atmosphere and become a fun and useful activity,

You are in the coloring category Color by Number. The coloring book you are considering is described by our visitors as follows: "" Here you will find many coloring pages online. You can download Color by Number coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the topic of Coloring by Numbers develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, and introduces us to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog, compiled by category, will make it easier to find the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring books will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.

Coloring by numbers games are not just entertainment, but a real find for many. There is a wide selection of virtual fun on creative topics, which contain different levels of complexity, so such an activity will be interesting not only for kids, but also for adults. Since many people prefer to spend time at the computer, you can not only have a great time, but also learn how to choose the right color for each fragment of the picture. In addition, coloring pages with numbers can teach a child to understand the relationship between digital records and encodings, which develops logical thinking. And in order to paint the required area, you don’t need to draw for a long time; you just need to click on a certain area with the mouse and first select the desired color.

Every person in childhood discovers a great desire to engage in creativity. There is no such child who would not like to draw. And for this, any available means are suitable, and little people, houses and cars can even appear on the wallpaper. Color by number games can be a great alternative. They are slightly different from the usual ones in that each fragment of objects is indicated by a number that refers to a certain color. Thus, not only is it easy and fun to complete tasks, but you can also learn new things and acquire skills that will help you develop and understand art in the future.

In addition, most of these applications offer to print a picture that can be used to decorate a child’s room. Depending on the complexity of the work, the children are given a certain number of colors in the palette. The older the gamer, the more shades and smaller the details. Some games are designed so that you can even develop your mathematical skills, adding and subtracting numbers, and the correct answer will indicate the required blue, red or green.

How did it come about?

Such entertainment was invented back in the twentieth century in America. While European countries were rebuilding after the war, the United States was actively developing in the creative field. What people could do themselves became in demand, so they began to figure out exactly how they could create a masterpiece without having any special skills in this matter. Once they came up with pictures that you could draw yourself at your leisure using numbers, they sold 15 million copies in just four years. After this, Europe also paid attention to this activity, and in the 2000s it became popular in Asian countries and in Russia.

At the moment, drawing by numbers has become more relevant in computer terms. Virtual coloring can be compared to hobbies such as cross-stitching or even knitting, as it requires perseverance and effort. Developers and authors of new similar flash drives come up with more and more games every year. The assortment becomes very wide and varied, themes, sizes, complexity, and so on change. Preferences are taken into account not only by age, but also by place of residence and interests. In each application you can find not only paints, but also any virtual materials, the same as in reality. Gradually, the picture begins to come to life and turn into a real colorful drawing, which depicts your favorite cartoon characters, cars, landscapes, still lifes and much more.

Some have become accustomed to the fact that coloring has become a common meditative activity, the purpose of which is to calm. But flash drives, where the process occurs digitally, are much more interesting and more active. Before our eyes, an ordinary drawing is transformed into a bright creation.

Does your child love creativity? A great gift - a small painting by numbers. An interesting set will allow you to unleash the potential of the artist in your child. Even a small child will enjoy drawing by numbers - it is a simple, but exciting, useful activity.

Thanks to paintings by numbers for children, you can learn colors and numbers. Look at the canvas with your child - explain to him what shades of paint the symbols represent. This is especially important for children learning to count and mastering new words.

The benefits of painting by numbers for children

  • Thanks to coloring books, it is easy to learn how to work well with color and develop your innate talent. Drawing calms you down, relieves stress, and improves your mood.
  • Author's paintings will perfectly complement the interior of a room: a child's room, a living room, a kitchen.
  • Bright shades lift the mood of everyone who looks at the finished work.
  • No need to mix the paint yourself: after unpacking the kit, immediately start creating. The kit is already ready for use.
  • Anyone can master drawing, the main thing is to carefully follow the instructions. No professional skills required.

Choice of gift set

  • nature, plants, animals;
  • still lifes;
  • characters from fairy tales and cartoons.

Let your child choose the story themselves. The cost of the set depends on the number of shades and the size of the canvas. Of course, the more diverse the palette, the more interesting the work.

All materials used in the kits are tested for safety, cannot cause an allergic reaction, and the components are environmentally friendly. The paint is made from natural, water-based ingredients.

Order high-quality canvases with designs from the 4 Crosses craft store. The assortment includes complex options suitable for teenagers and adults. In a word, this is a universal, win-win gift for creative people.

The catalog contains products from well-known and trusted brands. Children's products are accompanied by certificates confirming their safety. Purchases will be delivered to your home. Contact our consultant at work number, he will help you clarify the information. We wish you pleasant shopping and creative inspiration.

Have you ever wanted to wean your child off a phone, tablet or computer? Have you been scratching your head over an original gift?

Now you don’t need to ask these questions, because in the store “ Two pictures» You can buy children's coloring by numbers absolutely inexpensively. An inexhaustible variety of topics, only high-quality and safe materials, affordable prices and delivery to all regions of the country.

Children's coloring by numbers is

  • - A hobby that develops observation, memory, fine motor skills.
  • - Confidence in your abilities, since the result will always be excellent, regardless of the baby’s abilities.
  • - The opportunity to develop imagination, creativity, artistic taste.
  • - A portion of excellent mood and positive emotions.
  • - Developing perseverance, perseverance, and the ability to see things through to the end.

An important advantage of children's paintings by numbers on canvas is the accessible and simple drawing technique. It is enough to paint the sectors with paint in accordance with the indicated number so that the finished picture is formed. Please note that in our “Two Pictures” store there are options and themes aimed at young artists of different ages. So, you can choose easy coloring by numbers for children 4 years old with funny cartoon characters, domestic or wild animals. Here the drawings are depicted in large elements, so it’s easy for kids to paint over them.

For children from 5 years old

For senior artists, we have selected more complex subjects. We present coloring by numbers on canvas for children aged 5-7 years in the form of ready-made sets, complete with materials necessary for creativity. Choose a suitable coloring by numbers story for children 5 years old, so that your little one will discover a completely new exciting hobby.

The online store “Two Pictures” offers inexpensively and with delivery the purchase of paintings by numbers for children 5-10 years old. Give your child the opportunity to develop with the help of interesting, unusual coloring of paintings on canvas.