KVN school evening for February 23. KVN game script

KVN game script,


Progress of the event:


The native army stands guard over the beloved Motherland.
In the battle for a person’s happiness, she is a reliable sword and shield.

Our beloved Army's birthday is in February!
Glory to her invincible! Glory to peace on earth!

The floor is given to Deputy Director Svetlana Vasilievna:

“Today we will dedicate our fun game to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

I present the jury members:

School director - Kyle Alexander Petrovich - chairman of the jury

Deputy of the District Duma - Chepak Oleg Nikolaevich

Deputy of the District Duma - Tesida Afanasy Vasilievich

(Congratulations to the jury.)

My congratulations are not an empty sound!
My congratulations are sacred!
It is for you - our former hero,
Our defender in the form of a soldier!
And may the conquered world preserve
Holy your serenity,
And may all people, the whole world give you:
Love, gratitude and tenderness! (at this time, team captains present postcards to the jury)

I wish the teams good luck in the competition, may the strongest win.”


We are starting KVN. What it is? This is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. There are many cheerful and resourceful children in our boarding school. Three teams participate in KVN - "", "" and "". Our teams also have fans - these are the guys from the groups.

Before starting any test, it is customary to take an oath. Teams get ready for the oath.

Do we want to live in peace forever?
If you agree, then let's shout...yes!
If trouble comes from beyond the mountains,
Can we help anyone? Exactly...yes!
Someone else's loss and it's mine,
We will support you in any way we can, really...yes!
We won't leave if war breaks out.
We will give our lives for our Motherland...yes!
We promise to always remember
We will keep our word...yes!

Our first competition "Greetings".

While the teams are preparing for the performance, the fans and I will hold a quiz:

Is a veteran an old, experienced warrior? (Yes)

Is a cook in the army a cook? (No)

Is a diver someone who is always looking for treasure? (No)

Is the steering wheel on an airplane or on a ship called a steering wheel? (Yes)

Is a compass a device for measuring distance? (No)

Does being on duty mean being on patrol? (Yes)

Is patrol a conditional secret word? (No)

Is the hospital a military hospital? (Yes)

"Katyusha" - a car named after all the girls named Katya? (No)

Is a papakha the headdress of all dads who served? (No)

“There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”

By drawing lots, the first team to appear on this stage is "".

Our next competition is called “Warm-up”


To proudly bear your military rank,

Every soldier needs a lot of knowledge.

(Guess riddles on a military theme.)

I’ll put it under myself, under my head, and it will remain a place to hide. (overcoat.)

A hoop during the day and a snake at night. (belt.)

Not a god, not a king, but you can’t disobey. (commander.)

What do a rifle and a tree have in common? (trunk.)

The sparrow flew away, but the nest remained. (bullet and cartridge case.)

Black Kochet wants to bark. (gun.)

Next competition: “Captains Competition”

Leading: In ancient times, any decisive battle always began with a battle of heroes. I invite the team captains to the stage. Let's play the game “The strongest, the most resilient and the most, the most...”.

    "Arm wrestling" (arm wrestling)

    "Cockfight" (push your opponent out of the circle)

    "Jump rope" (who can jump rope the most)

Our next competition is called “Pilots”

Leading: This competition is a competition between aircraft designers and pilots. The whole team participates. The competition consists of two parts:
1) all members of both teams must design their own airplanes. The speed of aircraft production is estimated.
2) flight tests for range and beauty of flight.

While our teams are making airplanes, you guys and I will play. (Come up with games with fans.)

The next competition is called “Chauffeurs”

Leading: It is known that any man would like to drive a car. The army also has a special category - military drivers. Let's see if you have driving ability. One participant from each team is invited first. (Three identical toy cars are placed on the floor, to which ropes with sticks at the end are tied.) At the sound of the music, participants begin to wind the rope around the stick. The next participant must unwind the rope, then the third must rewind it again, etc. The team whose car reaches the finish line first wins.

Leading: While our teams are preparing for the “Homework” show, we will play with you:

Questions for ingenuity

    Is our army strong? (Yes)

    Does she protect the world? (Yes)

    Will the boys join the army? (Yes)

    Will they take the girls with them? (No)

    Is Ilya Muromets a hero? (Yes)

    Did he go to the front young? (No)

    Did he defeat the nightingale? (Yes)

    Shot from a machine gun? (No)

    Does Pinocchio have a long nose? (Yes)

    Was he a sailor on the ship? (No)

    Was he swimming in the mud in the pond? (Yes)

    Will the enemies drown Pinocchio? (No)

    Is there a pilot standing on the border? (No)

    Does he fly higher than a bird? (Yes)

    Are we celebrating a holiday today? (Yes)

    Congratulations to mothers and girls? (No)

    Is peace more important than anything in the world? (Yes)

    Do even children know this? (Yes)

So, the final competition “Homework”

(Presentation of wall newspapers and their protection.)

Our competition has ended, while the jury is summing up the results, we will listen to poems performed by our future defenders.

We give the floor to the jury, Oleg Nikolaevich, please. The floor goes to the chairman of the jury, Kyle Alexander Petrovich. (awarding, presenting prizes)


Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and loud laughter,
For the excitement of competition, which ensured success.
Now the moment of farewell has come. Our speech will be brief:
We say: “Goodbye, happy new meetings!”

And once again we congratulate all men on the holiday:

We congratulate all men
Happy such a wonderful day to men!
Rich pictures of life!
Happy, difficult, long roads!
Not battlefields - arable fields,
Not the whistle of bullets - but the whistle of birds!
Let yesterday not return,
Let the earth be without borders!

Kulish Irina Sergeevna, mathematics teacher, MAOU Secondary School No. 18, Kungur, Perm Territory
The event is designed for students in grades 5-6.
To carry out it is necessary:
3 presenters
3 teams
Materials: peas and rice, 3 A4 sheets, 3 scarves, three felt-tip pens, 3 packs of paper clips, question cards, 3 plates of flour, 3 balls, 3 dartboards, 3 rolls of toilet paper, score sheet for the jury.

1 presenter:
Today is not just a February day, today is a special day. We have gathered to congratulate our boys on Defenders of the Fatherland Day!
Do you know why February 23 is called Defenders of the Fatherland Day?
On February 23, 1918, the Red Army was formed. And this day began to be celebrated as the Birthday of the Red Army.
After the formation of the USSR, this holiday was renamed Soviet Army Day. Later it began to be called the Day of the Armed Forces and the Navy. And now February 23rd is Defenders of the Fatherland Day
But this day has always been a holiday for men. And today we glorify the defenders of the Fatherland.
We wish you all to become strong, brave, brave, protect the weak, and become worthy representatives of our Motherland.
And now you can show your courage, courage, resourcefulness and cohesion.
2 presenter: We give you a friendly message -
Great success awaits him
Who, without flinching, if necessary,
Will enter the battle one for all.

3 presenter: Let the jury take the entire course of the battle
He will follow it without a mistake,
Who will be friendlier?
He will win in battle.

Presenter 1: Boys, now we will choose the captains of future teams. To do this you need to solve a riddle.
2 presenter: First riddle:
It flies - squeaks, sits - is silent. Whoever kills him will shed his blood.
I wanted to pick a flower, it took off and was like that (Butterfly)

3 presenter. First team captain - (Names the first and last name of the person who guessed it) comes out and takes the first group of chairs
1 presenter: Second riddle:
No one saw it, but everyone heard it. Without a body, but it walks, without a head it sings.
In a shell - but not a turtle, crawls, but not a snail, lives in the sea, but not a fish (Crab)
2 presenter. Second team captain - (Names the first and last name of the person who guessed it) comes out and takes the second group of chairs

2 presenter: Third riddle:
A clock in which time falls apart.
Sometimes it’s crooked, sometimes it’s broken, sometimes it’s Venetian (Mirror)

3 presenter: Third captain of the team - (Names the first and last name of the person who guessed) comes out and takes the third group of chairs.
Presenter 2: Now each captain will select a team for himself. To do this, you just need to take a piece of paper out of the plate, unfold it and loudly say the name of your player.

1 presenter: Let's start
The command recruitment procedure is underway
2 presenter: After the teams are formed, you need to give them a name and motto.
3 presenter: And while the teams are busy with serious business, we will present to the jury:
Introduces himself to the jury
1 presenter: Often defenders of the Fatherland have to deal with weapons. How accurate are our defenders? Let's check it out.
Presenter 2: Our first competition is called “The Most Accurate”. You must hit the target with darts as many times as possible. And the representative of the first team begins (Names the team), and then the second and third teams.

After the competition, the jury sums up the results and announces the number of points scored by each team.

3 presenter: Our second competition is the “Captains Competition”. After all, the success of the entire team often depends on the captains, how they show themselves.
1 presenter: if the captain proves himself strong, brave, resourceful, then his team will be united and successful. We ask the captains to come forward, and let the teams support them.
2 presenter: Every captain, first of all, must be strong. So let's see which of you will inflate the balloon the fastest (the captains inflate the balloons, and the jury determines: Who is ahead?)
3 presenter: Also, the captain must be resilient and patient. Which of you will be the fastest to separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, rice from peas?
1 presenter: In order to find a way out of a difficult situation and not let his comrades down, the captain must be resourceful. Your task is to get the candy out of the plate with flour without using your hands.
We found out how resourceful, strong and patient they are, and now how accurately you remember military equipment.
So, the next “Artists” competition
With their eyes closed, each team needs to draw a tank.
Team members are blindfolded one by one, brought to a board on which an A4 sheet is attached and given a felt-tip pen.
2 presenter: The success of our soldiers in battle is determined by the fact that they support each other and do not abandon their comrades in trouble.
3 presenter: Our next competition, which is called “Chain”,
We will test the team's cohesion, ability to help each other and act in concert.
Presenter 1: You are offered the same number of paper clips. The team that assembles one chain from them faster will win this competition. And all the fans will count down in unison - One... Two... Three... Let's start.
1 presenter: A true defender of the Fatherland never leaves his friends to their fate, but always helps them get out of the most difficult situations.
2 presenter: The following competition is being held for you: “If you go on a journey with a friend...”

And all the fans will count down in unison - One... Two... Three... Let's start.
The competition takes place, the jury announces the results

3 presenter: Defenders of the Fatherland are distinguished not only by strength, courage and endurance. A true defender of the Fatherland must be smart and well-read. The next competition is “Quiz”.
1 presenter: captains receive cards with questions and the whole team answers them. The answer is written on the card. You are given three minutes for this task.
It's time for the competition.
Presenter 2: Now we ask the captains to read the answers out loud. If the answer is not written down on the card, the verbal answer will not be counted.
The competition takes place, the jury announces the results

Presenter 3: While fighting bravely on the battlefield, a soldier may be wounded. And who will help him if not his comrade? Our final competition "Mummy"
1 presenter: imagine that your friend is wounded in the arm. You need to bandage it, do it quickly and efficiently.
Each team is given one roll of toilet paper. After the students bandage the captain, they approach the jury, which evaluates the quality of the task.

Presenter 2: Who said that we should give up singing during the war?
3 presenter: After the fight, the heart asks for doubly music!
1 presenter: And now a competition for the fans. Help the team you support win.
2 presenter: The “Military Song” competition is being held for you. Your task is to sing a war song the best and thereby bring your favorite team a maximum of 10 points.
The competition takes place, the jury announces the winner
Presenter 3: Now let’s sum up the results and reward the winners of the tournament

Award ceremony takes place

Presenter 2: Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the fire of competition,
Guaranteed success.
1 presenter: And now we’ll treat everyone
Fragrant, strong tea.
Those who eagerly drink tea,
The “tea room” has been waiting for a long time! Question No. Question Answer
1 What formidable weapon is named after a girl? (Katyusha)
2 In what year was the Red Army formed? (In 1918)
3 Which weapon is named after its inventor? (Kalashnikov assault rifle)
4 What are the shoulder badges called in the Russian army? (Epaulettes)
5 What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Cabin boy)
6 What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk)
7 Using what device can you determine the cardinal directions? (Compass)

Extracurricular event for Defender of the Fatherland Day, grades 3-4

KVN for boys “Defenders of the Motherland”

Kulikova Irina Viktorovna, primary school teacher, MKS(k)OU boarding school No. 11 VIII type, Mezhdurechensk
Description: This event is intended for students in grades 3-4. The material may be useful to primary school teachers, educators and parents. KVN allows you to have fun with children and solve a number of pedagogical problems.
Target: organization of children's leisure time.
- to form a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and a correct understanding by boys of their role as defenders of the Fatherland;
- to cultivate the desire to become strong, dexterous, courageous;
- unite the children's team;
- broaden the horizons of students.
Preparation: the boys are divided into two teams and come up with a name; They make models of military equipment, learn military songs and poems.

Progress of the class hour
Leading. Hello guys. Today we celebrate a real men's holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Being a defender has always been considered a great honor in Russia. This is how it was and how it will always be. The defenders of our Motherland are the Russian Army, Air Force, Navy and their units.
1st student: A warrior protects the peace of his native country at his post. And our people are proud of the military past of our army. Let the children grow up calmly in the vastness of the Russian land. A warrior protects the peaceful labor of his people.
2nd student: The winds blow in February.
The pipes howl loudly!
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
3rd student: The date has a special meaning -
Birthday of the brave sons.
All Russian people on this date
Sends greetings to the sailor and soldier.
4th student: Protects our sea
Nice valiant sailor.
Flying proudly on a battleship
St. Andrew's Great Flag.
5th student: Border guard on the border
He guards our land,
To work and study
Our people could calmly.
6th student: Long live the artillerymen -
Defenders of our lands,
Carriers of terrible projectiles,
Gunners hitting the target.
7th student: Our pilots are heroes
The sky is vigilantly guarded.
Our pilots are heroes
They protect our comfort.
8th student: So that there is a Fatherland,
Strong as granite
The army is dear, strong, steel
The free state is glorified and preserved.
(Students perform the song “A soldier is walking through the city”)
Leading: We all gathered in the hall,
Rejoice and have fun!
Let's start KVN
On a holiday for all of us.
It is dedicated to the birthday
I know, I know, without a doubt
Our dear army,
What preserves the country's peace.
Team captains, introduce your teams.
-Border guards!
- Paratroopers!
Leading: Time for business, time for fun. Teams in formation. The competition has begun!
Questions are asked to the teams one by one. A flag is awarded for the correct answer.
-What do wood and rifles have in common? (trunk)
-Why are a spear and a shield friends and enemies at the same time? (One protects, the other attacks)
-Who owns the words: “It’s hard to learn, easy to fight?” (To Suvorov, Russian commander)
-Who is called a fighter of the invisible front? (scout)
-What do you call a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (cabin boy)
-What were the shoulder insignia called in the Russian army and navy? (epaulettes, epaulettes)
Leading: Well done! Let's move on to competitions.
1 competition “Checking combat readiness”
Pass through an obstacle: blindfolded, walk past the pins and not drop them.
2nd competition "Cyphermakers"
The teams are given cards with the words of the songs, they must encrypt them using various icons, and the opposite team must decipher them.
3rd competition "Translator"
Teams are given cards with words. Explain the meaning of these words.
1st team - blockade, Katyusha, fascist, infantry, Reichstag.
2nd team - counter-offensive, reconnaissance, son of the regiment, Hitler, allies.
4th competition “Telegraphers”
An unfamiliar text is given and 3 minutes are given to familiarize yourself with it. Convey the content briefly in the form of a telegram.
Team 1 – excerpt from the story “Sappers” by L. Kassil
2nd team - an excerpt from the story “Forward, tankmen” by L. Kassil
5th competition "Best Scout"
A poster is attached to the board, which depicts an airplane, a tank, ships at sea, and helicopters. Participants look at the poster for 15 seconds. Then the poster is removed, and team members must restore them in their places in the team using a felt-tip pen (with conventional signs).
6th competition "Throw"
Homework: both teams are asked to make in advance any means of transportation that are used in the army, navy, and aviation. (Tank, ship, plane, etc.) Then the players of each team stand on a line opposite each other, with a neutral zone between them and move the equipment to the side without using their hands.
enemy. The team whose equipment advances further towards the enemy wins.
7th competition “Mined field”
Cones are scattered on the floor. Blindfolded, you need to clear the field: collect all the cones.
8th competition "Nurse": After each battle there are many wounded. There are wounded in our teams too. It is necessary to provide first aid if you are wounded in the arm (bandages are provided). Who will bandage his hand more carefully and quickly?
9th competition “Cartridges for the front line”
The teams line up. The first participant with a bag of “ammo” and a machine gun over his shoulder runs to the chair at a signal, runs around it, comes back and passes everything on to the next participant.
10th competition "Crossing"
Presenter: There is a river in front of you, you need to cross to the other side, the ferry (hoop) is on the other side. One participant runs, puts on the hoop, comes back, and grabs the next team player inside the hoop. And they “swim” to the other side. The first player remains there, and the second runs after the next one. And so on until everyone crosses to the other side.
Leading: In his work “Vasily Terkin,” Alexander Tvardovsky wrote about crossing to the other side during the battle. Read this passage...(student reads the passage).
11th competition "Halt"
At a rest stop, soldiers often sing songs. Each team must perform a song from the Great Patriotic War. Meanwhile, the cooks will prepare the soup. They need to peel each potato, onion, and carrot.
12th competition "Titles"
Presenter: Every soldier dreams of becoming a general, but for this you need to take into account the order in which ranks are assigned. Which word is not an officer's rank?
- captain
- senior lieutenant
-lieutenant colonel
13th competition "Military Cunning"
Leading. Each unit has platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, etc. In one word, they are all called: divisions. From this word you need to create many nouns.
(time, section, division, matter, beer, saw, thrush, order, vine, pose, time, floor, pony, turnip, feather, rose, dose, deza, building, plaid, captivity, rubber, grain, mignonette, cut and etc.)
Leading. Our KVN has come to an end. You have shown yourself to be strong, dexterous, resourceful, cheerful experts and future warriors. Play sports, develop such qualities as courage, perseverance, will. And now the girls' wishes.
1st student: We held a competition
We wish you farewell
Strengthen everyone's health,
Pump up your muscles stronger.
2nd student: Watch TV less often
Sweat more with weights.
Don't lie on the sofa
Jump with a jump rope.
3rd student: We wish all the boys
Don't be discouraged and don't get sick!
At the end of the holiday, girls and parents present gifts to the boys.

Children from preparatory groups enter the hall to the sound of a march (phonogram). Child
Happy birthday, army! - The country speaks. - Glorious protector, always be strong!
presenter Today we will dedicate our fun game to Defender of the Fatherland Day.
V. Shainsky's intro for the TV game "KVN" plays (pre-recorded from the television program).
We are starting KVN. What it is? This is the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. There are many cheerful and resourceful children in our kindergarten. Two teams participate in KVN - “Invincible” and “Brave”. Our teams also have fans - parents.
Competitions are held next...
Competition "Greetings"
The participating children stand up and say their greetings. physical education (in chorus) Hello! Song “Good Soldiers” Competition “Charging”
Leading. Our soldiers protect peaceful life. Military service is difficult. You have to be strong not to get tired. Every morning a soldier does exercises.
Exercise is good for everyone, Everyone needs exercise, For laziness and illness

She saves us. (Take turns to sit down, whoever can do push-ups faster, girls on jump ropes)
Song "Physical Education"
To proudly carry a military rank, Every soldier needs a lot of knowledge. Competition “Who can name the most military branches”
The teams take turns naming the types of troops. The last team to say the name wins.
Competition "Build a Rocket" Presenter
Let's prepare the rockets
To the distant planets to fly.
I'll draw a rocket
I'll outline it with blue paint,
The main word is “Russia”
I'll write on board.
Game "Who can build a rocket faster"
One person from each team participates. They assemble rockets from ready-made geometric shapes. The team that completes the task first wins.
Competition "Cosmonauts"
Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets. Whichever one we want, we’ll fly to that one. But there is one secret in the game: There is no room for latecomers. Game "Take a Seat in the Rocket"

The game involves three people per team. Five hoops are laid out on the floor. Children-“astronauts” “float in space” to calm music
(slowly move in different directions, making smooth movements with their hands). As the nature of the music changes, children try to “take a place in the rocket” (get into the hoop).
The remaining child is eliminated from the game. When the game is repeated, one hoop is removed. The last time two participants play. The team whose member is the last to stand in the
1st child
We always play together, and we don’t need people who aren’t friendly. We don't need brawlers, we don't need crybabies either.
2nd child
The border guard will not whine, And the rocket scientist will not whine, Even if he falls and breaks his knee.
3rd child Because bruises are nothing for a soldier. This is the kind of squad we have - Twenty friendly preschool children.
4th child
All boys throughout the country must be brave, so that borders are protected, so that mothers smile. All
So that there is no war Competition “Captains Competition”

Leading. I invite the team captains to the stage. Let's play the game “What has changed?” Our captains will be scouts. But a real intelligence officer must be very attentive.
Different items are prepared on trays for each captain. They will look at them for one minute, turn away. At this time I will remove some object.
The captains must guess what is missing from the tray.
Competition "Tug of War" Presenter
In the seas and oceans
Far from the shore,
On patrol tirelessly
Native ships.
Under the Russian banner,
Under the banner of the fathers
They're coming, the squads are coming
Brave sailors.
And now our last competition is the favorite competition of sailors. Our teams will measure their strength. Let's see which team can pull off the other.
All team members participate in the game. One team takes on one end of the rope, the other on the other.
Child: My dad is a military man. My brother and I know this from my mother, not from a book! I attended my dad's service. Where does he serve? What is he doing? I found out everything! We want to be like dad!
Both strong and brave! Do the same responsible thing!

The tank driver has a lot to do

The tank driver has a lot to do
If the tank were always in order
The crew is reliable and brave! Child: Our pilots are heroes!
The sky is vigilantly guarded
Our pilots are heroes
Protect peaceful labor
Child: Protects our sea

Glorious, valiant sailor Our native Russian flag flies proudly on the battleship! Child: Our dads are officers, They take care of the peace of the country, So that we grow up without knowing troubles
So that there is no war!
A cheerful dance is performed: “If life is fun, do this!”, but instead of traditional claps and clicks, children make expressive imitation movements
(lift a weight, hug themselves, turn the steering wheel, and so on).

Calmly let the children grow up

In your beloved sunny Fatherland.
He protects peace and work, Wonderful work in the name of life!
Leading. And now I invite sappers to compete. A sapper is a soldier who can clear the way for other soldiers.
Game "Sappers"
Three people per team participate. They are given a ball. Skittles are placed in the middle of the hall. At a signal, participants take turns throwing the ball at standing pins.
The team that knocks down the most pins wins.
A cook is a very necessary profession in the army. After all, it is difficult for a hungry fighter to fight and difficult to protect. Let us now show what kind of cooks we are.

Relay race “Boil the fish soup”

The whole team participates. Each player has a fish in their hands, the last players have a spoon. There are pots on the stove at a distance of 5-6 m from the teams.
Players take turns running up to the stove, putting fish in the pan and returning to their team. The last participant stirs the pan with a spoon and lifts
her up (“the ear is ready”). The team that completes the task first wins.
Presenter No. 2: Do you want a serious, responsible business? Fine! Carry the Ammo Competition
Dads and children - one at a time, carefully transfer balls filled with water “Grenades” from box to box.
Presenter No. 1: After such an important task, we need to properly feed our soldiers. Competition for girls:
1. Set the table
2. Make a sandwich
3. Dads - eat
Presenter No. 2: And our last competition is “build a fortress”
Dads: jumping in a bag, carrying cubes, building a fortress.
giving gifts to dads.

I have a father! It doesn't matter what he is! The best dad in the world, Because HE IS MY!
Our card is ready! Happy holiday! And good luck to everyone!