Drawing an autumn landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners. How to draw an autumn landscape in a few simple steps

Drawing an autumn landscape step by step

Master class on drawing. Landscape-mood “Late Autumn”

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher visual arts, Municipal educational institution Slavninskaya secondary school, Tver region, Torzhok district.

Purpose of work: master class on drawing is intended for children from 10 years old, fine arts teachers and educators additional education. The drawing can be used to participate in competitions, exhibitions, interior decoration or as a gift.

Target: execution of a landscape on the theme “Late Autumn”

develop the idea that through the selection of colors one can convey in a drawing certain weather and mood characteristic of rainy late autumn;
develop skills in wet toning of paper with watercolors;
cultivate interest in landscape painting and to the drawing process itself.

For work we will need: album sheet, watercolor, water glass, brushes of various thicknesses and hardness (squirrel or pony No. 4, No. 2; bristles No. 8), wax pencils.

It rains and rains. There are puddles everywhere
Streams pour onto the ground from the roofs.
Each day becomes cloudier and worse,
And from the acute autumn cold
You don't know where to find shelter.
All the rain and rain... the roses have faded,
The flowers are cold, they don’t bloom,
And there are only tears on the trees...
Another week - and frosts
They will come to us menacingly from the north.
(M. P. Chekhov)

Late fall. Many people consider this time boring, sad and sad. That's probably true. Usually during this period it rains endlessly, the sun hardly comes out, the birds don’t sing, the days look gray, and it starts to get dark earlier. The trees are already completely bare, the leaves have fallen off. The sky hangs low with gray clouds. But even in late autumn there are very nice days. Suddenly the rain stops and it gets a little warmer, and fog swirls above the ground. It's easy to breathe...

Today I propose to draw a landscape that conveys the mood of late autumn, which Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin told us about in his poems:
The days of late autumn are usually scolded,
But she’s sweet to me, dear reader,
Quiet beauty, shining humbly.
So unloved child in the family
I'm attracted to you...

For the drawing, take tinted cardboard in a gray-blue hue. Black wax pencil Let's draw the basis of our landscape.

Let's start with the tree. Let's draw the trunk and branches.

Let's outline the horizon line.

Let's draw a house.

There is a fence around the house.

Let's draw the details of the house: windows, roof.

Let's draw several large leaves on the tree branches.

We will also add a few leaves to the ground, and a small puddle in the foreground.

Let's draw clouds in the sky.

Stage two: watercolor paints paint over the drawing.
Let's start by filling the background. To get blurry tones, we use the technique of tinting the paper in a wet way.
I would like to remind you of the raw toning technique. Moisten a sheet of paper with water using broad strokes with a wide brush. Then on the wet sheet we apply paint of the color we need and suitable for the given color of the picture. We apply it so that the borders of the paint touch, even slightly overlap each other. So you can highlight the earth with one color, and the sky with another, and the border between them becomes blurred.
When drawing gloomy, rainy, cloudy weather, we will use gray, black, purple, brown, dark blue... a range of colors.
To fill the sky we will use purple watercolor, iron blue and ultramarine.

Paint over the tree trunk. To do this, we take black watercolor, natural umber and sepia.

Fill in bottom part drawing. For autumn withered grass we use natural umber and burnt sienna.

We paint the house. For the walls we use golden ocher and natural sienna; for the roof - dark red kraplak and sepia.

Let's draw the background. To do this, take a brush with stiff bristles and draw the trees using the “poke” method.

Using short strokes we set the texture of the blades of grass in the foreground.

Let's paint the leaves on the tree and grass with golden ocher.

Use black paint to shade the foliage of the trees and emphasize the texture of the trunk of the nearby tree.

For the puddle we will use the same paints as for the sky: violet watercolor, iron blue and ultramarine.

You can finish the drawing here, but I suggest third stage: draw the details of the drawing with wax pencils.
Use a black wax pencil to highlight the gray clouds.

Introduce black, dark blue and purple pencils at the top of the sky. We place the strokes horizontally, easily. Emphasizing rather than overpowering the texture of the paint.

Using a black pencil we highlight the trunk and branches of the tree.

Insert a dark green pencil into the grass.

Use a yellow pencil to highlight the shadows on the walls of the house.

Looking closely at the drawing, we see that there is not enough foliage on the tree. Therefore, we take a brush with stiff bristles and golden ocher and, using the “poke” method, apply paint to the crown of the tree and under the tree.

Now the work is finished, you can insert it into the frame.

Already drawn +14 I want to draw +14 Thank you + 279

Drawing an autumn landscape step by step

  • Step 1

    Select the object of the future drawing. Let these be two trees growing on a hillock near a wide river. First of all, we outline the horizon line and perspective

  • Step 2

    The trees are in the foreground; we denote the trunks with two lines.

  • Step 3

    The next step is to mark the left bank of the river

  • Step 4

    We do the same with the right one, draw a winding coastline

  • Step 5

    How to draw autumn as realistically as possible? It is important to be curious and attentive, to even notice small parts. For example, to prevent trees from hanging in the air, you need to “tie” them to the ground using a small mound covered with stunted grass

  • Step 6

    Trees lose almost all their foliage in late autumn. This means you need to pay more attention to drawing the tree trunk, its branches, and the visible part of the rhizome.

  • Step 7

    No matter how hard the wind tries, a few leaves still cling to the branches and are in no hurry to fall to the ground

  • Step 8

    Trees grow on a high hill, show the reeds below

  • Step 9

    Cover the hill with shading of varying intensity, this way you can show the volume and texture of bare earth

  • Step 10

    Using shading, draw a distant view of the forest on the right.

  • Step 11

    In autumn, life practically comes to a standstill; use pencil strokes to show the slow flow of the river, the blurred silhouette of the forest

  • Step 12

    This period is characterized by prolonged rains and cold showers. The sky is covered with continuous clouds and leaden clouds

  • Step 13

    Birds fly away to warmer climes, draw a crane wedge that, heading south, will definitely return to its native land in the spring

  • Step 14

    To liven up the drawing a little, you can show the remains of the web in which the forest dweller, the spider, fell asleep soundly and “went into hibernation.”

  • Step 15

    Using highlights we add to the picture cold look, the sun practically does not warm, frost glistens on the fallen leaves

How to draw autumn with colored pencils

  • Step 1

    On the sheet, mark the location of the main objects - fir tree, oak, birch and fields in the distance;

  • Step 2

    Draw the oak tree, depicting its massive branches and hollow;

  • Step 3

    Draw a birch tree next to the oak tree. Mark the grass under the trees and draw a mushroom near the birch tree;

  • Step 4

    Draw fir branches and the leaves lying on them. Draw the fields and the outlines of the forest in the distance. Draw grass, mushrooms and leaves falling on the ground;

  • Step 5

    Draw a field in the distance. In the sky, depict cranes flying away to warmer climes;

  • Step 6

    Now you understand how to draw golden autumn pencil. Of course, autumn landscape must be done in color, so don’t stop at this stage. Carefully outline the image with a liner;

  • Step 7

    Using an eraser, carefully remove any pencil lines from the paper;

  • Step 8

    Use a black pencil to paint over the hollow of the oak tree. Use brown pencils to shade the trunk of the oak tree, as well as its branches;

  • Step 9

    Use yellow shades, as well as orange and swamp green, to paint over oak foliage;

  • Step 10

    Paint the fir branches with green tones. Use yellow and orange pencils to color the leaves lying on the branches of the spruce tree, as well as on the grass and mushroom caps;

  • Step 11

    Shade the birch trunk a little gray pencil. Draw stripes on it with a black pencil. Color the birch foliage with yellow and orange pencils;

  • Step 12

    Color the mushroom legs with a black pencil, and their caps with red and burgundy pencils. Color the grass and forest in the distance with green pencils color range, as well as shades of yellow and brown;

  • Step 13

    Use brown and black pencils to color the field in the distance. Gray Shade the cranes, and blue the sky.

  • Step 14

    The drawing of the autumn landscape is ready! Now you know how to draw golden autumn.

We will devote this lesson autumn time. We will draw autumn with pencils and paints. More often autumn time associated with yellowed leaves that rustle underfoot as you walk. In autumn, all nature changes its colors to yellow-red.

And to reflect all this in the drawing, we will draw autumn in the form of a yellowed tree that begins to shed its leaves.

So let's begin!

Step 1. Let's draw an outline with a pencil autumn tree. At the first stage, you don’t have to be zealous, since we will cover all the branches with leaves in the next steps.

Step 2. Take a pale beige pencil or paint and draw leaves at the ends of the branches. We don’t need precision, we just draw with arbitrary contours.

Step 3. Now let’s add more leaves on top of these, but in a different color. We select a color that is more saturated than the previous one, but to match the fall.

Step 4. We look for a red pencil or paint in our color palette and draw the corresponding clusters of leaves on the tree without any detail. By the way, autumn details.

Step 5. We are left with the central part of the tree without leaves. We will fix this. Here we will also draw leaves, but try to choose shades that are slightly different from those used earlier.

Step 6. Let's leave the crown of the tree alone and move on to the trunk. Let's color it dark brown.

Step 7 Let's depict the texture of the bark on the trunk. We’re not trying too hard, we don’t need precision right now, we just want to convey the spirit of autumn through the drawing.

Step 8 In the crown of the autumn tree we will draw branches that are visible through the foliage.

Step 9 As with the tree trunk, we'll also add some bark texture to the branches.

Step 10 To prevent the branches from looking like they are glued to the tree, we will add more leaves that will cover the branches. This makes it look more like the branches are peeking out from behind the leaves of the crown.

Step 11 But there weren’t enough leaves, so we draw more.

Step 12 The painted tree is quite associated with autumn. But let's add more autumn sun, which peeks out from behind a tree.

Step 13 We are drawing autumn, which means the tree should shed its leaves. To achieve this effect, draw fallen leaves directly under the crown.

Step 14 Now we add light paint glimpses of the sun through the crown and around its contour. Our drawing is ready.

Drawing autumn with a pencil and paints turned out to be not so easy, although you may have succeeded the first time. Now you can admire the autumn landscape at any time of the year. And if you want.

Here is a video tutorial showing how to paint autumn with colored paints.

Write about your progress in the lesson in the comments.

We offer detailed instructions on painting an autumn landscape in gouache. Finished painting will be a wonderful interior decoration, especially when framed in a baguette.

This creative master class will help you improve your skills in working with gouache, learn how to draw the reflection of trees in water, develop a sense of composition and the ability to reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

You will need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes.

Execution steps:

1. Draw the horizon line with light blue.

2. Cover the upper part of the sky with dark blue.

3. Add white gouache and paint over the rest of the sky up to the horizon line.

4. Draw the water, painting the background light blue, turning into dark blue.

5. Draw clouds with white gouache.

6. Draw the earth with small strokes of brown, light brown and yellow.

7. Draw a tree in the background

8. Draw against the background of water mirror reflection this tree

9. Draw a few more trees in the same way

10. We paint the crown of the tree with bright autumn colors using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, and in the reflection of the water we use less saturated shades.

11. Using the same principle, we draw the remaining trees.

12. We can finish drawing the Christmas tree and bushes.

13. In the foreground we draw a pine tree trunk and branches.

14. Paint the pine crown with green paint using horizontal strokes.

15. Draw horizontal stripes against the background of water with a semi-dry thin brush using white gouache. We draw a couple more trees next to the pine tree.

16. Using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, we paint tree crowns, fallen leaves with small strokes of the same colors and grass.

Your work is ready! Now you can decorate it with a baguette and decorate the interior, or you can give it as a gift.

Of course, it is not necessary to draw exactly as shown in the master class, because this is a creative process.We wish you inspiration and success!

We have selected for you 3 simple, but completely different images in terms of their technique. autumn nature. Choose the one you like.

Autumn landscape in watercolor using monotype technique

The traditional autumn landscape - a colorful forest on the shore of a pond, reflected in the mirror of the water - can be painted using an original and easy-to-use technique.

You will need:

  • watercolor paints (preferably honey-based);
  • water;
  • natural brush (squirrel) - recommended size 2.5;
  • a sheet of thick paper for painting with watercolors;
  • palette for mixing paints.

Technique for drawing an autumn landscape step by step:

Apply a thin layer of water to the paper using a brush. Leave the sheet to dry.

Draw a horizon line. Determine where the sky will be in the drawing by allocating more space for it than for objects located on the ground. Paint the sky a soft blue by applying paint from bottom to top, working from the horizon line.

Draw water. To do this, choose a more saturated shade of blue and apply it from top to bottom from the horizon line. When painting the water surface, move the brush horizontally. Leave the sheet to dry - the paint should dry completely!

Complete the sky. Load your brush with yellow color and draw a stripe across the sky, approximately in its central part. Closer to the horizon line, draw exactly the same crimson stripe. These lines depict the reflections of the sun.

Place a sufficient amount of white paint on the brush and dilute it a little with water. Draw several oblique stripes across the sky and blend them in the same direction. These will be clouds.

Fill your brush with water and blur the crimson and yellow stripes by moving the brush horizontally.

Dip the brush in brown paint, draw a wide stripe on the horizon line. This will be a forest located in the distance. Wait for the paint to dry completely.

Using orange paint, draw silhouettes of trees that will be located in the foreground - directly on the shore. You can do this not only with a brush, but also directly with the help of leaf prints.

Fold the sheet in half, bending it from top to bottom. Run your hand over the paper and unfold the drawing. You have imprinted the reflection of the trees in the opening mirror.

Behind the trees, depict the sun, silhouettes of birds flying across the sky. Wait for the drawing to dry

Load your brush with yellow paint and paint silhouettes of trees at the top of the sheet. Fold the drawing in half again, run your hand over it and unfold it.

At the top of the landscape, draw in orange and yellow trees and yellow paint– grass.

Draw the trunks and branches of the trees.

Autumn drawing using monotype technique is ready!

Autumn landscape in pencil

Using a pencil is the best way to depict late autumn, when there are practically no leaves on the trees, the weather is gloomy, and the artist’s mood is a little sad. We invite you to depict two thin autumn trees bending under gusts of cold autumn wind on the bank of a river.

Autumn landscape technique step by step:

Draw straight horizons and perspectives

Draw tree trunks in the foreground

Draw the left and right banks of the river

To prevent the trees from “hanging in the air”, draw a small mound at their foot, covered with dry and sparse grass.

Draw in detail the silhouettes of both trees - rhizomes, trunks, branches

Draw fallen leaves on the ground and draw a few remaining leaves on the tree branches. Draw the reeds along the banks of the river.

Using horizontal lines, depict the flow of the river.

Cover the hill on which the trees grow with shading of varying intensity.

Use the same shading to depict the silhouette of a forest on the far bank of the river.

Draw clouds in the sky and silhouettes of birds flying to warmer regions.

Draw a thin autumn cobweb among the tree branches.

Use an eraser to add highlights to the landscape to give it an even cooler feel.

Creating an autumn landscape using natural materials

Children will certainly enjoy working on this landscape, because original technique execution involves the use of real autumn leaves.

You will need:

  • watercolor paints;
  • gouache;
  • simple pencil;
  • thick paper for drawing watercolors;
  • natural brushes (pony, squirrel No. 2.6);
  • masking tape;
  • autumn leaves of various shapes.


Outline with a simple pencil horizon line

Tear the paper tape into pieces free form and stick them above the horizon line - these will be clouds floating across the sky

Draw the horizon line with yellow watercolors. When depicting the horizon, add more water to the brush so that the line is blurred.

Use a rich yellow color to paint the sky, moving the brush from left to right.

Gradually introduce greenish shades into the general background of the sky. Don't forget to put plenty of water on your brush.

Emphasize the horizon line with dark shades of blue and green. This way you will depict a forest located in the distance.

Paint over the foreground of the landscape with blurry spots of various shades of yellow and green.

Peel off the paper tape above the horizon line.

Prepare autumn leaves that you will use to draw trees in the distance.

Cover the leaves with orange, yellow or brown gouache.

Attach the leaves to the background of the drawing, behind the horizon line. Make prints.

In the same way, print the outlines of the leaves in the foreground of the landscape. For the background, choose leaves of a different shape and use more saturated shades of gouache.

Using a thin brush, draw the trunks and branches of the trees located in the foreground.

The original autumn landscape is ready.

Have a creative autumn!