Tolstoy and Nikita's childhood literary hour. Literary reading lesson by A.N. Tolstoy “Nikita’s Childhood”

Goals: continue work on the work of A. Tolstoy; practice fluent expressive reading skills; learn to divide the text into parts, highlight the main thing, make a plan; develop memory, speech, thinking.

Planned results: subject: the use of different types of reading (studying (semantic), selective, search), the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes; meta-subject:

Formulating the educational task of the lesson based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, understanding it, planning together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating one’s work in the lesson,

— analysis of scientific and educational text, highlighting the main idea in it,

- answers to textbook questions based on a scientific educational article in a textbook and a work of art, discussion in pairs of answers to questions, proof of your point of view; personal: nurturing a sense of pride in one’s homeland, its history, people, the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations of the multinational Russian society.

Equipment: books and a portrait of the writer, cards with the text of speech warm-ups and tasks.

Lesson progress 1

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read an excerpt from the poem yourself.

It's always very sad to part with childhood,

The white boat has sailed and cannot be returned.

Memories bright feeling

It will become stronger the longer you live.

M. Ryabinin

- Read in a buzzing way (also: slowly, in a whisper, with acceleration, expressively).

— This is a quatrain from the song “Island of Childhood.” Listen to it. How did you understand the meaning of the text? (Children's answers.)

— What can you say about such a period of a person’s life as childhood? (Children's statements.)

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

— At home you read the work of A. Tolstoy. Let's start with vocabulary work. Explain the meaning of the words.

Carriage maker- a barn for carriages and other vehicles.

Crafting table- a machine for carpentry work.

Hood- a hat with two long ends that were wrapped around the neck.

Prairie- the vast North American steppe.

- Choose synonyms for the words.

Frowning- (sullen, stormy).

- Choose antonyms for the words.

Grow old- (get younger).

Work— (to idle, to be lazy, to be idle).

- Read the first part, which is called “Sunny Morning”.

— Ask questions to your classmates about this part of the text.

IV. Physical education minute

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

- Read the second part - “Arkady Ivanovich” - by role.

- Follow through the text what kind of relationship the boy had with his teacher, with his mother.

- Determine the main idea of ​​this part.

— Let’s read the third part, “Snowdrifts.” (Reading by students.)

— What is Nikita’s mood? What creates this mood for him?

— Did Nikita want to deceive the teacher?

- Why did Nikita see so many on the street? Does he love his native land?

— What was Nikita’s mood on the bench? What words did the author use to enhance the impression? Read it.

— What winter fun do you like? What about your parents?

- Why does Nikita climb under the very cape and dig a cave?

- Determine the main idea of ​​this part. (Reading part “The Mysterious Letter”.)

— What letter was everyone waiting for?

- What do you think it’s about? (Children's assumptions.)

— Restore the sequence of events.

□ The air stung in my nose.

□ Along the crunchy steps.

□ Snowy capes over Chagra.

□ The bench went down the mountain by itself.

□ Figurine of Arkady Ivanovich.

□ Snow cave.

□ Dialogue between the teacher and Nikita.

(Restoring the deformed plan.)

- Prepare a retelling according to the received plan.

VI. Reflection

Today in class I learned...

Today I managed...

VII. Summing up the lesson

— Guys, what is the meaning of this work? What does the author teach us?

— Determine the genre of this work. (A story is a literary narrative work with a plot less complex than a novel.)


Prepare a retelling on behalf of the main character of the work. Come up with a continuation related to the mysterious letter.

Lesson progress 2

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

(Working on skills of different types of reading.)

- The teacher is in my briefcase!

- Who? It can not be! Really?

- Look, please! He is here.

It's called a textbook.

V. Berestov

- Read the poem yourself.

- Read, dividing into syllables.

- Read it spelling.

- Read spellingly.

— How did you understand the meaning of the poem? (Children's answers.)

— Who do you think depends on how a student learns—on the teacher or on himself?

(Show students that, no matter how talented a teacher is, he will not be able to teach someone who does not want to learn and does nothing.)

- Read the topic of the lesson. Define its tasks.

III. Checking homework

— Retell the work on behalf of Nikita.

- What continuation did you come up with? Tell me.

In the last lesson you determined that this is a story. But it must be clarified that this is an autobiographical story for children - one of the most poetic works of A.N. Tolstoy. The story “Nikita’s Childhood” was written in 1920 in France for the children’s magazine “Green Stick”, published in Berlin in 1922, and first published in the Soviet Union in 1923. The writer’s bright memories of childhood are permeated with a lyrical image of his beloved Motherland, which appears in everything: in descriptions of the nature and life of the Sosnovka farm, in stories about village children, in the pure, beautiful Russian language of the story. This is its main educational value.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

- Name the heroes of this work.

— Were you interested in learning about Nikita’s life? (Children's statements.)

- Give a description of the main character of the work. What was Nikita like?

“Nikita’s Childhood” is a story about the first years of human formation. The main events of the boy’s life during the last year before the start of school unfold before the reader. The life of a child and the life of nature, the fusion and interweaving of these two themes create a unique lyrical flavor of the story. Nikita is close to nature, he seems to dissolve in the world around him. Unity with nature, the feeling of being an integral part of it, creates in the boy’s soul a constant expectation of happiness, something wonderful, fantastic: “It seemed to Nikita that he was walking in a dream, in an enchanted kingdom. Only in an enchanted kingdom can it be so strange and so happy in the soul.”

— Is Nikita like you, your friends?

V. Physical education minute

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

— What kind of person was Pakhom? What valuable quality did he have?

— How did the teacher treat Nikita: did he punish, offend, force him to be patient, explain, joke, achieve obedience without coercion?

— Describe Nikita’s teacher using words from the text.

- Why did Nikita have to keep her ears open? What does this expression mean? (Beware.)

— What was Nikita’s mother like? How did you understand this? (Students’ reasoning.)

(Work on an essay-reasoning.)

— Discuss with a friend what character traits you value in people.

— Write an essay on this topic. Us. 46 of the creative notebook are given supporting words.

VII. Reflection

- Choose any beginning of a sentence and continue it.

Today in class I learned...

In this lesson I would praise myself for...

After the lesson I wanted...

Today I managed...

VIII. Summing up the lesson

—Which of the characters in the work did you like best?

— Do you think the writer talked about modern life or about days gone by? Justify your opinion.


Finish the essay. If you wish, read the story yourself to the end.

Plan - summary of a literary reading lesson

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy “Nikita’s Childhood”

The purpose of the lesson: analysis of a literary work using the technique of composing a film script

Lesson objectives:

1. Reading chapter 1, analysis of artistic means of expression, development of interest in reading.

2. Using the technique of composing a film script as a method of literary analysis of a work, comparing the means of artistic expression of different types of art.

3. Development of communicative learning skills when students work together in pairs and groups, developing the ability to construct a detailed speech statement.

During the classes

1. Update

Today in class we will talk about different types of art - literature, painting, music, cinema.

Do you love movies? Why?

Slide:Two weeks ago, a meeting between the President of Russia and representatives of art took place in St. Petersburg. At this meeting, the famous Russian film director Karen Shakhnazarov said: “The reading civilization ends, the watching civilization begins, because it is easier for people to watch movies than to read books. After all, when you read a book, you have to turn the author’s word into an image, come up with a picture, but when you watch a movie, you can see the image that was invented for you. That makes it easier to watch movies.”

Do you agree with this opinion?

What is more interesting to you: inventing your own image or watching one created by another person?

Slide:At home you read an excerpt from A.N. Tolstoy’s story “Nikita’s Childhood”

Would you like to come up with your own image and try to make a movie based on this passage yourself?

Do you know the name of the text prepared for filming? – film script.

What will be the purpose of our lesson today?


The purpose of the lesson

: create your own film script based on the story “Nikita’s Childhood”

In order to create a film script based on a literary work, what do we need to do?

2. Lesson objectives:

The language of literary art is the word.

Slide:And the language of cinema art is the frame.

The film consists of frames. Frame- this is the object that the camera films continuously, without stopping.

So what should we highlight in the text? - slide

2. Divide the text into fragments - “frames”.

The frame has several characteristics - means of expressiveness of the art of cinema - Slide

Plan –can be large, when one object is photographed close and large, for example, a person’s face,

Maybe medium, when the camera is a little further away and the entire object is visible, at full height.

It can be distant, when the camera is even further away and not only the object is visible, but also what surrounds it.

The frame has angle– where the camera is filming from:

From below - as if we are looking up from below, all objects become large and tall.

From above - as if we are looking down from top to bottom, and all objects seem smaller.

From the side - as if we were standing next to each other.

Color– the frame can be color or black and white, and light- bright or muted, twilight, halftones.

Sound– may also be present in the frame: the hero speaks, music plays, or sounds of nature are present.

So, how should we work with the frame? Slide

3. Select the characteristics of the frame (plan, angle, color and light, sound)

These characteristics of eachWe will record the frame in the table.

After we've thought through every shot, what's left for us to do?

4. Edit the film by collecting all the footage.

2. Working with text.

"Sunny morning"

What is the name of the first chapter with which the story begins?(Sunny morning) -Slide - Let's read it?

What mood did you feel when you read this chapter?

From whose perspective is the story told?(on behalf of the author)

Through whose eyes do we see this morning? ( Through Nikita's eyes)

Why do you think the story “Nikita’s Childhood” begins with a description of this morning? (In childhood, everyone dreams of something joyful. Childhood is a time of joyful dreams, expectations, plans)

Let's make a movie and try to see this morning through Nikita's eyes.

Will our film be in color or black and white? Why? (Sun, sparkling snow, joyful mood - colorful)

How do you see the main character, what kind of actor will you look for? (boy? years old, ....)


I bring to your attention several options for what a boy of that time might have looked like.

Do you think any image could be suitable to choose a costume for our hero in this chapter?

3. Using the technique of writing a film script

Find in the first chapter the first frame that we shoot with a camera without moving it to another object. - Slide

1. frame –

Let's discuss together


1. Read the text

2. Choose a shooting plan, give reasons

3. Choose a shooting angle, give reasons

4. Select a sound.

Nikita sighed, waking up, and opened his eyes.

What is important for us to show?

Plan – close-up, perspective – from above or from the side

Enter the data into the table.

2. frame - Slide

Find those lines in the text that can be illustrated with such a frame.

The sun was shining through the frosty patterns on the windows, through the wonderfully painted silver stars and palmate leaves. The light in the room was snowy white. A bunny slithered from the wash cup and trembled on the wall.

By what means of artistic expression of literature did A.N. Tolstoy create this image? Find these words.

How can we create it through cinema?

Do you know what a wash cup is?

Plan - close-up - a window with patterns, a sunbeam on the wall next to it

Color – sunny, warm, joyful

Try, closing your eyes, to see this image again, imagine this frame.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky sounded. (Pause to create a visual image, relaxation)

3. the frame is Nikita's memories - Slide

Opening his eyes, Nikita remembered what the carpenter Pakhom told him last night:

“Here I’ll lubricate it and water it thoroughly, and when you get up in the morning, sit down and go.”

Yesterday evening, Pakhom, a crooked and pockmarked man, made Nikita, at his special request, a bench. It was done like this:

In the carriage house, on the workbench, among the ring-twisted, odorous shavings, Pakhom planed two boards and four legs; the bottom board from the front edge - from the nose - is cut off so that it does not get stuck in the snow; turned legs; There are two cutouts for the legs in the top board to make it easier to sit. The bottom board was coated with cow dung and watered three times in the cold - after that it was made like a mirror, a rope was tied to the top board - to carry the bench, and when going down the mountain, to straighten it.

Now the bench, of course, is ready and stands by the porch. Pakhom is such a person: “If, he says, what I said is the law, I will do it.”

When do the events described take place?

Should Nikita's memories be shown in the film? Why? - Nikita remembered and dreams about this bench, about how he will ride.

How to show that these are memories? What cinematic technique will help you do this?

Slide How did you understand which bench we were talking about?

An example of a 19th-century children's sled is also in the Russian Ethnographic Museum, which is located in St. Petersburg. But, if it is not possible to visit the museum, you can take advantage of its virtual excursions and catalogs. – slide

Have you encountered any outdated or unclear words?

Where can we find out the meaning of these words?

Slide - I can also offer you an online resource that contains the most proven explanatory and spelling dictionaries.-

Working in pairs

Please work in pairs and find the meaning of the words used in the text.

What is a carriage house? Crafting table?

How is Pahom described? What does curve mean? pockmarked?

In the paintings of artists we can see what a man of this class looked like in the 19th century. Look at the reproductions. You take the one that you think is close to the image of Pakhom that the author created and we are creating.

Try entering the frame characteristics into the table yourself.

Let's see how director Andrei Zelenov built this frame in his film.

Movie(excerpt from the feature film “Nikita’s Childhood”, scene in the carriage house)

How can we show it in our film? (looks affectionately, maybe hugged)

Are there any lines that Nikita could say out loud, as if talking to himself?( Now the bench, of course, is ready and stands by the porch. Pakhom is such a person: “If, he says, what I said is the law, I will do it.”)

In what tone can Nikita speak about Pakhom? ( respectfully, with love)

4.frame - Slide

Nikita sat down on the edge of the bed and listened - the house was quiet, no one must have gotten up yet. If you get dressed in a minute, without, of course, washing or brushing your teeth, then you can escape through the back door into the yard, and from the yard to the river. There are snowdrifts on the steep banks - sit down and fly...

With this shot, I suggest you work in your film crew, united in fours.

Take the group work algorithm into your hands. Read it.

Be attentive and respectful of everyone's opinions.

Plan - medium, angle - side

Are there any lines that could be Nikita's thoughts spoken out loud? ( If you get dressed in a minute, without, of course, washing or brushing your teeth, then you can escape through the back door into the yard, and from the yard to the river. There are snowdrifts on the steep banks - sit down and fly...)

Sound – Nikita speaks quietly to himself.

Could these lines be a dream, an image that Nikita paints in his imagination? What is Nikita’s mood at this moment? Then, in what medium of the art of cinema can we show them?

5. Lesson summary, reflection

Slide Let's return to the purpose and objectives of today's lesson.

When writing the film script, were you able to feel this mood and see the morning through Nikita’s eyes?

Did you ever have a moment when you imagined yourself in Nikita's place?

Using this technique, we opened this story today. This technique, like a key, can help you read its chapters or the whole thing.

You will show whether Nikita managed to carry out his plans in the next shots of this chapter, which you will work on at home yourself.

What homework did you want to do today?

Slide variable D/z

Teacher rating

I want to evaluate the work……..

Mark the expressiveness of reading......


Continue the sentence…..

I thank the film crew for their work.

M.b here - Stop. Cut!

State educational institution "Krulevshchina secondary school of Dokshitsy district" Vitebsk region

"Like in an enchanted kingdom"

(integrated lesson

based on the story

A. N. Tolstoy “Nikita’s Childhood”)

Lesson prepared and taught

Russian language teacher and

literature L.A. Bobrovskaya


Objective of the lesson (Russian literature):

    to promote the development in students of the ability to determine the role of figurative and expressive means of language in the text;

    promote the development of creative imagination;

    to cultivate a love for beauty, for nature, for literature, for the art of words.

1. Organizational moment.

    Checking homework .

    1. Selective retelling of “Winter Day.”

      Exhibition of drawings “Yard in the snow”.

    Content analysis, discussion of independently read chapters .

A) Chapter “Battle”:

Who are the “Konchanskys”?

How do they start challenging the “Konchanskys” to a fight?

What hurtful words do boys on both sides of the village say?

Styopka Karnaushkin, who is this? Why was everyone afraid of him, what did he “possess,” according to Mishka Koryashonok?

Styopka manages to scare “our people” (the freckled ones), and they, cowardly, run. How did Nikita behave?

1) Expressive reading of the “Battle” episode.

What boyish law were both sides supposed to follow during a fight (read the text)? "Nikita returned to his end excited, heated, looking for who else to fight.”

Why suddenly, after a few minutes, Nikita smiled? What caused his change of mood?

How can you evaluate Nikita’s reaction to Styopka’s proposal to “be friends”?

2) Lexical work.

How do you understand the word “befriend”, select associations (synonyms) for this word, write them down on a piece of paper.

Of all the words, choose for yourself the one that you think is the best, that you liked the most, underline it, explain it (optional).

3) Art teacher: Each group will try to reflect the word “be friends” in color (before and after, change of mood).

4) Music teacher: Performing a song about friendship.

5) Socialization.

Imagine yourself in Nikita’s place, what feelings overwhelmed the boy? Tell me.

Thus, on the one hand, Nikita showed combativeness, the ability to overcome fear, and on the other, generosity, goodwill, and a desire for friendship.

B) Chapter “Victor and Lilya” .

- The winter holidays have arrived, the most wonderful time.

1) Music teacher: The song “Vacation” is performed.

How does Nikita receive guests?

What impression did the girl with big blue eyes make on Nikita? Find this place in the text and read it.

2) Art teacher: Demonstration of drawings, portraits of heroes.

How does Nikita develop an interest in Lila, why does he admire it? What condition is it in?

3) Music teacher: Performing the song “Then you will feel sorry for Kulakov...” .

How does Nikita try to draw the girl’s attention to herself? His condition.

4) Music teacher: Using the “Emotion Poster”, determine the character’s mood.

Change of mood, pace of the story at the end of the chapter, what is it connected with?

5) Detailed retelling of “The Episode with the Bull.”

6) Art teacher: Frame plan “Episode with the Bull.”

What qualities did Nikita demonstrate in this episode that helped Victor escape trouble?

How did Nikita’s mood change after everything that happened? What was the highest reward (reading an excerpt from the text)?

7) Music teacher: Determine the mood of the main character from the “Poster of Emotions” .

B) Chapter “Christmas tree” .

1) Art teacher: Decorate the Christmas tree.

2) Art teacher: Winter fun (demonstration of drawings on the topic).

3) Music teacher: Song “Bells”.

What is the holiday associated with the green beauty?

What holiday are we talking about in the chapter “Yolka”?

What mood were adults and children in on the eve of the holiday?

How do you prepare for Christmas at home?

4) Music teacher: Performing the song “Silent Night”.

How did the adults and children in Nikita's house prepare for the holiday?

5) Retelling the episode “Preparing for the Holiday.”

6) Reciting the episode “Yolka” by heart.

How does the holiday itself go (when does it start, who is invited, how do children and adults have fun, what does Arkady Ivanovich, mother do)?

7) Music teacher: New Year's song competition (group work).

Nikita was especially happy. From what?

8) Role-based reading of the passage (“In the hallway, Lilya broke away from the chain... She turned and ran into the dining room”).

9) Reading the passage “Moonlit Evening” by heart.

What artistic means does the author use to convey the beauty of a moonlit evening?

Nikita feels good and happy in her soul. Everything is present here: beautiful nature, joy of life, luck, good deeds, understanding and care of adults, the smile of a sweet girl. This is how harmony of the soul arises, which most often occurs in childhood. This is a gift of childhood that must be preserved in the soul throughout your life or as long as possible.

10) Music teacher: Performing the song “Planet of Childhood.”

4. Reflection.

- “Only in an enchanted kingdom can things be so strange and so happy in the soul.”

How does it happen?

5. Homework:

A) Verbal drawing “She stood like a fiery tree” or “The children stood at the tree in shock”;

B) Illustrations “Garden under the Moon” or “Lily at Handicraft”;

C) Selective retelling of “Nikita’s Noble Behavior”;

D) Group task - frame plan of episodes

“Fun around the Christmas tree” or “Bayan, Bayan, watch out, Nikita!

The purpose of the lesson: through an analysis of the characters of the characters in the story, determine which character traits are the main ones.

Lesson objectives:

  • Learn to define a learning task;
  • Learn to plan the completion of a learning task;
  • Create a favorable emotional mood;
  • Remember the content of the story;
  • Describe the characters in the story;
  • Develop the ability to work with text;
  • Analyze your character traits;
  • Continue work on developing speech, memory, critical thinking;
  • Develop the ability to work in a group.

List of equipment for the lesson:

  • Literary reading. 4th grade. Textbook for general education organizations complete with audiopril. per electron carrier. At 2 o'clock Part 1/ L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykin; Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - 4th ed. - M.: Education, 2014. - 158 p. : ill. - (Academic school textbook) (Perspective);
  • Literary reading. 4th grade. Creative notebook for general education. organizations / T.Yu. Koti; Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - 3rd ed. - M.: Education, 2013. - 79 p. : ill. - (Perspective);
  • Multimedia equipment for showing presentations, computer;
  • Phonogram of the song “Island of Childhood” performed by M. Boyarsky;
  • Checked workbooks for literary reading;
  • Strips of phrases from the text for organizing work in groups (according to the number of groups).
  • Leaflets for writing syncwine.

Planned results


  • Determine what mood the works you read create.
  • Characterize literary characters based on the work you read.


  • Determine the learning objective of the lesson.
  • Plan the implementation of educational activities in accordance with the assigned educational task.
  • Carry out logical analysis, highlighting essential and non-essential features.
  • Carry out a logical comparison action based on given and independently selected criteria.
  • Carry out the logical action of generalization.
  • Communicate your position to others, giving reasons for it.


  • Compare your character traits with the character traits of literary heroes;
  • Assess your character traits;
  • Determine which features are the main and defining ones;
  • Motivate for educational activities;
  • Develop cooperation skills in different situations.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Checks readiness for the lesson.

Check their readiness for the lesson.

2. Motivation for active educational and cognitive activity (emotional mood).

Board. Annex 1

Read the poem by S.Ya.Marshak.
- Let me read this poem to you.

What country are we talking about? Why did they decide this?
- who has heard the expression “island of childhood”?
- how do you understand it?
- close your eyes, sit comfortably. I invite you on a journey to the “island of childhood”.
The first verse and chorus of the song “Island of Childhood” performed by M. Boyarsky sounds.
- what emotions did you have?
- why did I suggest you listen to this song?

Read S. Marshak's poem independently.
- listen to the teacher read a poem.
- express opinions about which country will be discussed, explaining their choice.

Explain the meaning of the expression “island of childhood”.
- listen to the soundtrack; express what emotions arose.
- explain why this particular song was played.

3. Message of the topic and formulation of the objectives of the lesson.

Today we continue our conversation about A. Tolstoy’s work “Nikita’s Childhood”. Try to formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Get acquainted with the topic of the lesson.
- formulate the objectives of the lesson: by analyzing the work, discuss and compare the characters of the characters in A. Tolstoy’s work “Nikita’s Childhood”.

4. Updating knowledge.

- what can you say?
- what could be the task?
- who didn’t understand the task?
- who can explain?
In 4, arrange the strips in the desired order.

Examination(error made) Appendix 3

Test yourself. Who disagrees? Why?
- Why did we complete this task?

Read the phrases on the board aloud one at a time.
- they conclude that these are phrases from the text.
- they offer variants of tasks, stopping at the fact that these phrases need to be put in the order they appear in the text.
- form fours, repeat the rules of working in a group and lay out strips with phrases in the right order.

Check their work against the example on the board.
- they notice a mistake on the board and prove their opinion.
- summarize the work done: remember the content of the text and the sequence of events.

5. Checking homework

What should you have done at home?
- open workbooks, page 45, table
- what is the name of the main character?
- why did the author choose this name, Nikita?
- what character traits did you see in Nikita?
- does he look like you? How?
- on your friends? How?
- who is Pakhom?
- what kind of person was he?
- what valuable quality, according to the author, did he have? Prove it with text.
- who is Arkady Ivanovich?
- find a description of his appearance in the text. Read it.
- how is he shown in this work?
- how does he feel about the main character?
- What does the expression “keep your eyes open” mean?
- why did Nikita have to “keep an eye out”?
- which hero is not in this table?
- how is she shown in this work?
- how did you understand this?

Open the workbooks on page 45. Check the completion of the table. Complete the table. Find answers to questions in the text, strengthening the ability to work with text, paying attention to details.
- they remember that the author dedicated the work to his son Nikita.
- they call Nikita’s character traits.
- compare themselves and their friends with Nikita.
- they remember that Pakhom is a carpenter. Pakhom's character traits are named. Based on quotes from the text, they prove what valuable quality, in the author’s opinion, Pakh had (textbook, p. 99).
- find in the text a description of Arkady Ivanovich’s appearance (textbook, p. 100).
- they discuss Arkady Ivanovich’s attitude towards the main character: he forced him to be patient, explained, joked, achieved obedience without coercion.
- explain the meaning of the phraseological unit “keep your eyes open” - beware. They find out why Nikita had to behave this way.
- give a description of the main character’s mother, explain what made it possible to draw such a conclusion.

6. Physical exercise

7. Organization of cognitive activity

Work in the workbook, pp. 46-47
- read the supporting words. What it is?
- read the task on page 47. who didn't understand the task? Who can explain?
- complete it. If anyone can, continue the series on your own.
- What character traits are the most important for you? Why?
- who thinks differently? Explain your opinion.
There is a discussion going on.

Open the workbooks on pp. 46-47.
- read support words aloud, conclude that these are various character traits of a person.
- independently familiarize themselves with the task on page 47. Comprehend it and complete it.
- students who complete the task earlier continue to independently list other character traits known to them.
- express their opinion on what character traits are most important to them and why.
- different opinions are expressed, always with proof of choice.

8. Homework

We work in thin notebooks on literature. Write down the number.
- below the title: essay-reasoning, below the topic “What character traits do I value in people.”
- what distinguishes text-reasoning from other types of text?
This will be homework. Open the diaries. Write it down.

They open thin notebooks on literature.
- write down the date and topic of the essay
- explain that in a text - a reasoning - a thought, a statement is first expressed, and then it is proven, an explanation is given why this is so.
- open diaries and write down homework.

9. Reflection

Let's try to write a syncwine. What it is? What are the writing rules? What topic would you suggest?
- who wants to read?

They remember that cinquain is a quintet and the rules for writing it
- offer their topics, explaining their choice.
- they write their own syncwine on the topic CHARACTER, read it out at will, and discuss what worked best.

10. Summing up

To summarize the lesson, complete the phrases:
“While working on this work, I realized...”, “The main character Nikita...”

Summarize the lesson and complete the proposed phrases.

11. Self-esteem.

Think about what grade you could give yourself for the lesson, put this grade on the back of the sheet. Hand in the syncwine leaves.

Everyone evaluates their own work and writes the result on a piece of paper. This can be either a regular score or the number of “bonuses” that are recorded and accumulated in a separate teacher’s journal. The slips are handed over to the teacher.

12. Emotional reflection.

Imagine yourself as an artist. What colors could you use to depict your childhood? What colors predominated? Why?
- in addition to the mandatory homework, I offer optional assignments:
1. Depict your childhood in color.

2. Write a syncwine


open lesson

in reading

carried out

in 3 "B" class

Chuchkovskaya secondary school

teacher Tamonkina Natalya Panteleevna.


Subject. A.N. Tolstoy “Nikita’s Childhood”, chapter “Spring”.

Target. Formation of the ability to retell a detailed description.

Tasks. 1. Learn to work with text.

2. Develop the ability to retell a detailed description.

3. Identify the similarities between poetic and prose descriptions

Spring nature.

4. Cultivate interest in the work of A.N. Tolstoy.

Equipment. Portrait of A.N. Tolstoy; reproductions of birds, spring;

Children's drawings; play "April" recording of birdsong.

During the classes.

I. Org. moment.

II. Psychological mood.

Imagine that you are sitting comfortably in a chair and getting ready to watch a movie on TV. But instead of it, a mesmerizing spring picture is visible on the screen, beautiful music sounds, and you hear a poem by Ivan Bunin

The rains have passed, April is turning yellow.

Fog all night, and in the morning

The spring air is definitely chilling

And turns blue with a soft haze

In distant clearings in the forest.

What desires have you got? (express their opinion)

And I had a desire to check my homework.

(3 persons)

III. Speech warm-up.

1. - Do you know that people call March“thawed”, April - “snow driven”, and May - “grass”.

Why do you think?

Yes, spring is an amazing time of year.

2. Instant reading

April spring

Starling messenger

A) read quickly;

B) name the words in order;

C) explain the meaning of the proverb

The April starling is the messenger of spring.

D) Read the proverb with different intonations:

With anger

With joy

D) Name the signs of spring.

E) Choral reading of V. Andreev’s poem “Spring”

Spring is bursting along the rivers.

In the forests and fields,

A humid wind is blowing

Along the crowns of oak trees.

It rings like a drop, it glows

And beckons to the open space,

Alive, cheerful

A huge old forest.

Flies on bird wings

And with every warm day

Flows, silvers,

Sings in the snow like a stream.

IY. Lesson topic message.

We have read a lot of poems about spring, and today we will read a prose description of nature.

Y. Work with the work of A. Tolstoy.

a) Before reading.

Look at the illustration and read the title.

What kind of spring (early, late) do you think we will be talking about?

b) Silent reading: note the comparisons that the author used.

Questions after reading:

Description of which day have we already read from A. Tolstoy? (summer


What were you reading now: a description of the whole spring or one spring day? (First about the arrival of spring, then the author describes a spring morning)

What pictures did you imagine while reading an excerpt from the story?

What familiar characters did you meet?

How do they feel when spring comes?

c) Reading aloud paragraph by paragraph with accompanying commentary.

1 paragraph

What did you see?

What smells did you smell?

What do you mean, “the chickens were moaning”?

2 paragraph

How do you understand “green cochets”?

What bird would you like to hear?

3 paragraph

4 paragraph

Do you hear the cuckoo crowing?

5 paragraph

How did the inhabitants of the garden react to the cuckoo’s blessing?

6 paragraph

What sounds and smells woke Nikita up?

What was the boy's mood? Why?

YI. Physical education minute.

YII. Questions after reading.

How does the arrival of spring make you feel?

What mood is in Alexei Tolstoy’s description of spring? Why do you think so?

Yiii. A story about a writer.

The story “Nikita's Childhood” is an autobiographical work. Alexey Tolstoy conveys his childhood impressions in it. Nikita's name is the name of his son. He writes in his autobiography about his childhood on the Sosnovka farm near Samara: “My childhood passed there. Garden. Ponds surrounded by willows and overgrown with reeds. Steppe river Chausa. The changes of seasons are like huge and always new events. All this, and especially the fact that I grew up alone, developed my dreaminess...”

Alexei Tolstoy’s mother tried to develop her son’s reading talent. Maybe thanks to her he became a writer.

IX. Independent work in pairs.

Write out words from the text that convey colors, sounds, smells.

X. Answer to the 1st question in the textbook.

What birds are mentioned in Tolstoy's passage? (Pictures)

XI. Retelling close to the text(Textbook task 3)

XII. Lesson summary.

What are the similarities between prose and poetic pictures of spring? (In expressing the author's mood and means of expression: epithets, comparisons, personifications)

Which poem is closer in mood and content to this sketch by A. Tolstoy?

I give grades for work in class.

XIII. Homework.