Arina Sharapova before and after plastic surgery. Stars before and after plastic surgery: the best photos of Russian and foreign celebrities

Everyone strives for beauty, including celebrities. Trying to regain youth and remove the hated wrinkles, many of the stars turn to surgeons. Celebrities who have had blepharoplasty and their before and after photos are in the material.

Arina Sharapova

Being the permanent host of the Good Morning program on Channel One, in August 2017 she surprised fans with a wonderful transformation. After the summer vacation, the star appeared in the studio as a completely new person, and the audience recognized the TV presenter only by her voice. Sharapova lost weight, changed her hairstyle, and her skin became healthier, age wrinkles disappeared.

Commenting on the new photos of Arina Sharapova in in social networks, fans noted that such a transformation would be impossible without plastic surgery. According to them, Sharapova underwent blepharoplasty to achieve a “wide open” look, a contour facelift and all kinds of injections.

Ozzy Osbourne

One of the founders and member of the British rock band Ozzy Osbourne admitted that he is one of the stars who made blepharoplasty. The rock musician noted that the hectic lifestyle in his youth negatively affected his appearance in later years.

The skin of the performer's face became flabby and wrinkled, dark circles appeared under the eyes. In 2010, he turned to plastic surgeons, had a lower eyelid lift and several other procedures. Now Osbourne looks much younger and healthier.

Nikita Dzhigurda

The Russian showman built himself a reputation as a brutal person, but still, even he could not ignore the achievement plastic surgery. In 2013, Dzhigurda decided to make a Valentine's Day gift to his wife. The showman did a lift of the lower and upper eyelids. This procedure saved him from wrinkles and bags under his eyes.

Marina Anisina, who herself chose a doctor and personally enrolled her husband in the clinic, admitted that although she loved her husband, despite some external flaws, she likes her rejuvenated husband much more.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Hollywood actress, who talentedly played in the series “”, is known for her non-standard appearance. Although fans recommended that she make an appointment with a surgeon to correct the shape of her nose, the star does not intend to adjust her own face to the generally accepted canons of beauty.

However, at the service plastic surgeons the actress still came running. Star blepharoplasty helped get rid of age-related changes skin: wrinkles and bags under the eyes.

Ludmila Artemyeva

Although the star of the series “Taxi Driver”, “”, “” and a member of the jury of the show “One to One” has repeatedly stated that “she will not buy youth from surgeons”, fans still caught the star that she had plastic surgery.

By the release of the new season of the show “One to One” in 2016, the star has become prettier. The look became more “open”, the wrinkles around the eyes disappeared. Fans suggested that Artemyeva did blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. However, others noted that the same result could be achieved after a regular visit to a beautician and “beauty injections”.

Robert Downey Jr

In 2018, he turned 53, but there are practically no wrinkles on the actor's face. Experts note that such a phenomenon is unnatural and would not have been possible without the intervention of plastic surgeons. According to doctors, Downey Jr. is either addicted to Botox or had a facelift and blepharoplasty.

Elena Letuchaya

The ex-host of the program “” on the channel “Friday” herself admitted to subscribers that she resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, arguing that she does not want to look artificial, but wants to “wake up in the morning like a morning rose”.

What specific operation Elena Flying underwent is unknown, but fans suggest that this is a rejuvenating lifting and blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids. After blepharoplasty in the photo, the TV presenter lost wrinkles under her eyes, and her eyes became more open.

Every morning for 15 years, viewers have watched Arina Sharapova smile from TV screens and delight with her flawless smile, neat styling and perfect makeup. A few months ago, the presenter has changed a lot, having noticeably built and rejuvenated.

How Arina Sharapova looked before plastic surgery

Arina Sharapova, whose photo is presented below, has been working for about 30 years on Russian television. She managed to participate in many projects on different channels, worked in the Sobyanin team. The audience knows her as one of the brightest hosts of the Good Morning program on Pervy.

Journalist and TV presenter prefers classic style, always well made up and with a neat hairstyle.

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

With a height of 175 cm, her weight is about 72 kg, but she was able to achieve such a result quite recently. Arina often wore wide clothes, avoided tight-fitting things.

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

On vacation, Sharapova prefers a more sporty style, applies a minimum of cosmetics (pictured below is a trip to Jurmala).

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

In the spring of 2017, Arina began to lose weight rapidly. The initial weight did not suit the popular TV presenter.

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

She decided to get rid of extra pounds and started to lead healthy lifestyle life. First of all, Sharapova revised her diet, got rid of bad habits and started going to the gym.

Arina rejuvenated beyond recognition

Arina's transformation is not only getting rid of the extra 11 kilograms, but also a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the face and décolleté. At the end of the summer, the TV presenter changed so much that it became hard to recognize her.

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

Appearing on the air of Channel One, the TV presenter caused a flurry of admiration. The thing is that in appearance Arina could be given no more than 35 years (on this moment Sharapova is 56 years old). Many claim that she made herself a plastic face.

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

On the face of a rejuvenated woman, wrinkles are not visible, the contour of the face has become more toned, and the skin looks unusually fresh. The audience was able to recognize the presenter only by the characteristic timbre of her voice. The absence of bags under the eyes, a more open look, a stylish hairstyle - all this can be seen in Arina's photo from her Instagram page.

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

Officially, the presenter does not talk about changes in appearance, but most of the subscribers believe that she resorted to "beauty injections", made a contour lift. In addition, not without blepharoplasty. It was thanks to this procedure that Sharapova's eyes became more expressive and open. Photo in the dressing room:

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

Despite the fact that the presenter refutes the rumors about the appeal to a plastic surgeon, the result is noticeable on the face - a blooming appearance Arina and obvious rejuvenation. In addition, she began to appear more often on social events looks very upbeat and positive.

Photo: Instagram @arinasharapova1tv

Incredible charm, well-groomed appearance, calm manner of communication - all these people like the presenter Russian viewers. In 2017, Arina dramatically changed, which only added to her attractiveness and attention of millions of viewers.

As most fans and experts in medicine say, Arina had problems with being overweight, she lost it several times, and gained the same amount again, but during these periods she remained in the same volume as always. Rumor has it that this is with the help of plastic intervention.

However, Sharapova denied everything, because at one point she underwent a plastic procedure with, but everything did not end so well. From that moment on, Arina does not trust plastic surgery at all. However, in an interview, she stated that she would resort to plastic surgery only when absolutely necessary.

But as understood large quantity her fans, that very case came, and her still young face does not allow to doubt it. However, Sharapova does not confirm plastic changes.

With her height of one meter seventy-five centimeters, Sharapova weighed almost seventy-two kilograms. These figures scared her very much. Around 2017, Arina decided to lose weight, since the current weight and shape in general did not suit her, and she succeeded. Going to the gym, a healthy lifestyle and stopping the use of bad habits helped her lose almost eleven kilograms. After some time, she returned to the screens in a different guise, it was not her, as her fans said, and claimed that it was all about plastic.

Truth or myth: Arina Sharapova made plastic surgery

The best option to understand whether the star did plastic surgery is to look at photos before and after Arina Sharapova's plastic surgery. When she celebrated her fifty-sixth birthday, in May, after spring, she went on the air as a completely different person. In such a new body, she appeared on the show "Let them talk" with Andrei Malakhov. People said that if it were not for the voice and signatures on the screen, they would never have thought that this was the same presenter.

If you compare most of the photographs, for example, at thirty-five and fifty-five years, then you will hardly find any changes there. The contour is very taut, and the skin in the facial area is smooth. At the moment, the presenter seems to be at least twenty years younger.

The presence was confirmed by plastic surgeons. Hyaluronic acid injections, contour facelift, rhinoplasty have also been confirmed. As it is already becoming clear, Arina Sharapova made to plastic surgery, just look at the photos of past years and current ones.

Also, as it turned out, the so-called sparing plastic surgery of the face was carried out. In fact, it is very difficult to confirm any plastic surgery on Arina's appearance, because great amount plastic surgeons have a jewelry and delicate work, and their lifting methods, not every person is able to recognize. Because after him the face remains the same, but this is not at all the case.

Arina Ayanovna Sharapova is considered one of the most powerful women in the field of television. This is not at all surprising, because she took an active part in the creation of the Russian media space, working for 30 years as a journalist and TV presenter.

Arina Sharapova is the host of the programs of the main TV channels of the country. It is also related to political life Russia. In the late 90s, Arina Ayanovna became a participant in the parliamentary elections from the Unity bloc, and in 2013 she was on the team of Sergei Sobyanin. In this article, we will tell you how Arina Sharapova looked before and after plastic surgery.

early years

  • Arina Sharapova was born on May 30, 1961 in the capital of Russia, but she spent her childhood in the Middle East;
  • her father worked as a diplomat, and her mother taught Russian in diplomatic missions. Later, she was sent to her grandmother in Moscow, because due to frequent trips, she had to constantly change schools;
  • Arina studied well and loved classical literature. She also often watched foreign films. Sophia Loren became her idol. Sharapova even began to dream of becoming an actress, however, having matured, she chose a different direction of development;
  • after school, she entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. In parallel, Sharapova got a job in one of metropolitan libraries. Then she began to study in absentia as a translator;
  • second higher education Arina received, already working as a journalist for RIA Novosti.

Television career

  1. In 1985, Sharapova was writing materials on political topics at the RIA Novosti agency and did not even think about going under the camera's sights. But everything changed when one of the employees invited her to participate in the casting of the presenters.
  2. Sharapova worked in the TV segment of RIA Novosti until 1991. Then she was offered a position at RTR (now the Rossiya channel). She became the host of the Vesti news program and the 60 Minutes program. After working for four years, Arina Yanovna began to think about her further development. At this time, producer Konstantin Ernst invited her to try herself as the host of Channel One. From 1996 to 1998, Arina took part in the Vremya program. The popularity of the presenter began to grow rapidly, but she really lacked free time. As a result, Sharapova quit.
  3. After some time, the presenter began to release the author's program and signed a contract with NTV. However, the Arina project did not show high ratings. Many reproached Sharapova for hypocrisy, acting in public and harshness in her statements. A few months later, the project was closed. This failure knocked Arina down, and for 2 years she moved to Krasnoyarsk region, where she worked as a host on local television.
  4. In July 2001, Arina Sharapova returned to Channel One, where she has been working to this day.

The woman hosts the Good Morning program, and also takes part in other projects:

  1. "Fashion Judgment"
  2. "The best husband".
  3. "Island of Crimea".

plastic surgery

At the beginning of 2017, 56-year-old Arina Yanovna surprised viewers with her weight loss results. The journalist dropped more than 10 kg. However, then she changed so much that fans could only recognize her by her voice.

After the summer vacation, Sharapova appeared on the air of the Good Morning program and surprised the audience with her transformation. The journalist's face became extremely smooth, and the contour tightened. Officially, Arina Sharapova did not give any comments about the changes in her appearance, but most viewers are sure that they could not do without surgical intervention.

Plastic surgeons claim that the TV presenter obviously resorted to blepharoplasty to get rid of bags under her eyes and achieve a “wide open” look. Also, there was a contour facelift and various beauty injections on the face and décolleté.

Personal life

Among Arina's friends are Dmitry Kiselev, Edward Radzinsky and Vyacheslav Zaitsev. The presenter travels with pleasure, but her favorite vacation spot is the Crimea. There she meets with colleagues for a cup of tea.

What do you think of Arina Sharapova? We are waiting for your comments.

Arina Sharapova is a TV presenter who every day wishes the whole country good morning. For more than sixteen years she has been working on the program of the same name on Channel One, delighting with her impeccable images. About a year ago, viewers could observe how Arina's image changed - she became more slender and younger. There were calls in the press to evaluate Sharapova's photo after plastic surgery. Rumors about her transformation spread with unprecedented speed. Some believed that weight loss was the reason for her transformation, others said that all this was due to the help of surgeons and urged to compare her photos before and after. But what is her secret really?


The TV presenter was born in 1961 on May 30 in Moscow, but her childhood passed on Far East. Arina's father worked as a diplomat, and her mother was a Russian language teacher in diplomatic missions. Later, the parents sent their daughter to the capital to her grandmother, so that Arina did not have to constantly change schools due to the frequent trips of her parents. Arina Sharapova was a diligent student, interested in classical literature. She liked to spend evenings watching foreign films. Her idol was Sophia Loren. In her youth, Arina even wanted to become an actress, but after a while she changed her preferences. After graduating from school, she entered the Moscow State University to the Faculty of Philosophy. At the same time, the future TV presenter got a job in the library. After that, she wanted to get an education as a translator and entered the correspondence department, working at that time already as a journalist for RIA Novosti.

Television career

In the late 80s, Arina wrote articles on political topics for RIA Novosti, and her plans were not to become a leader under the camera's guns. And then one of the employees invited Arina to participate in the casting of TV presenters. She agreed, and this began her career as a TV presenter. Arina Sharapova worked at RIA Novosti until 1991 inclusive. After that, she received an offer from the Rossiya TV channel (in those years, RTR). She began to lead news programs. After four years of work, Arina began to think about how to develop further. And just during this period she was invited to Channel One. Her popularity grew, and her free time became less and less, as a result, Arina Sharapova quit. The next step in her career was work in the author's program on NTV, but the program did not earn high ratings. To many, her behavior in the program seemed hypocritical and harsh. A few months later, the program was closed. Such a failure upset the TV presenter very much, and she left for Krasnoyarsk, where she worked on a local channel. In the early 2000s, Arina Sharapova returned to work on Channel One, where she works on currently.

Appearance adjustment: if so, what kind?

At the beginning of last year, Sharapova surprised viewers with her transformation. She lost 10 kilograms. But this was not all of her transformation, many noticed changes with her face. The oval of the face began to have clear outlines, the skin shone and began to look flawless. It seemed that Arina was ten years younger. Later, the changes in her appearance became so strong that most viewers were able to recognize her only by her voice. Arina, who returned from summer vacation, surprised everyone with an even greater transformation. The skin of the face became flawlessly smooth, the contour even more toned. Officially, Arina Sharapova did not comment on the changes in her appearance, but even without this, many were sure that plastic surgeons could not do without the intervention. According to the luminaries of plastic surgery, the presenter did blepharoplasty to get rid of bags under the eyes. They also believe that Arina did a contour facelift and various injections in the décolleté and on the face.

Sharapova's fans on social networks claim that there was no plastic surgery here. Looking at the photographs of Arina, it can be assumed that gentle plastic surgery of the face, eyelid plastic surgery was done on her face, and injection methods of rejuvenation were used. Regarding such injections, Arina Sharapova does not give specific answers to the general public, but surgical operations on the plasticity of the face categorically denies. Admirers of the TV presenter on the network noticed a very strong difference in the photos before and after, while leaving not the most personal comments. At the same time, the presenter herself is not particularly concerned about this, Arina Sharapova is completely satisfied with her appearance.