Libra character traits. Libra woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope

People born under this Sign are unusually contradictory and unstable. As a rule, they are pleasant to talk to and friendly to others. When you first meet him, you may think that he is a very active and energetic person. But the further you get to know this person, the more surprised you will be at his frequent changes in mood. The element of Libra is changeable Air. At one moment it can be indestructible and calm, and at another it can burst into a storm and hurricane. This happens with Libra too. Suddenly, their positivity and activity may disappear somewhere, and will be replaced by apathy, irritability and even melancholy. Such shifts are misleading and tiresome not only to those around them, but also to the representatives of the Libra sign themselves. There is an eternal struggle in their souls with themselves.

Libra hesitates until they find themselves in some activity. It is really very important for them to do what they love, which must bring good profits. Then all their pessimism, melancholy and dissatisfaction with life evaporate without a trace. Libra restores balance.

This one can be called one of the most hardworking and efficient. When conducting business and solving various issues, Libra puts everything in order, weighs the pros and cons for a long time and carefully thinks through each step. This often irritates their interlocutors, and sometimes even delays the solution to an important problem. But thanks to such qualities, they very rarely make mistakes. In their work, Libra is very scrupulous, responsible and honest. They do their work approximately and never redo it, because everything must be done perfectly the first time. In appearance, Libras seem brave and decisive, but in reality they only want and try in every possible way to appear so. Since childhood, they have had a certain complex of lack of confidence. All their lives they try to prove something to someone, they want to be the best and the first in everything. They don't like to be bossed around. This is an attack on their authority.

The bulk of Libras are peace-loving and friendly, they try to avoid any conflicts or disputes. But for some Libras, inconstancy and a long search for self-affirmation are often manifested by a love of controversy and criticism. In disputes, it is not the result that is important for them, the main thing for them is the process itself, the discussion. Therefore, they often defend the opposite point of view of their interlocutor, although they themselves are not sure of its correctness. After the end of the discussion, they think about their position for a long time, and try to justify their point of view to themselves, because deep down they understand that they were wrong. But they won’t show you this, they really don’t like to admit their mistakes.

Along with this, they are excellent listeners. They often like to pimp and reconcile quarreling people. They have a very charming smile, which often wins people over. With early childhood They love to read, this love is inherent in them by nature itself. Basically, these are subtle and sensual natures. Often in their image you can detect a certain aristocracy, nobility and elegance. Their feelings for their loved one are sincere, bright and pure. They expect the same return from their partner; it is very important for them to feel loved. The indifference of loved ones can lead them to deep and prolonged depression. Therefore, you need to find a special approach to Libra,

Due to a busy work schedule and a weak nervous system, Libra needs healthy and complete rest. They know how to work well, but they also know how to relax well. Often Libra prefers active recreation. But the main thing here is not to go overboard, so that later you don’t have to take a break from your vacation. Libras are not known for their good health. Very often they are exposed to colds and viral diseases. In addition, many representatives of this Sign often encounter problems with the digestive system. They need to monitor their diet, eat as little harmful foods as possible, and stop drinking alcohol.

In relationships with friends, they do not tolerate insincerity and lies, therefore true friendship They only start with time-tested people. The most strong friendship they get involved with people born in winter and from May 21 to June 20-27.

Compatibility horoscope: Libra zodiac sign character - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Planet Libra

The patron planet of Libra is Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and harmony. Libras are refined natures who love everything beautiful.

Those born under this sign always know what to say and how to help others feel at ease. They are artistic, have a sense of style and love to create beauty. But if they get bored, they plunge into a state of apathy and laziness.

Element of Libra

Libra is an Air sign, and this element gives a person good intelligence and sociability. Libras love to use their heads and love to share their thoughts with others. Libras are able to present both convincing arguments and powerful counterarguments, because they live by the principles of diplomacy and compromise. But they are very easy to convince. Libras prefer to solve problems through negotiations, and they are not offended if they encounter an opposing opinion.

Libras are pleasant and friendly people. But they can also be gloomy, especially when they are commanded. They may be depressed, confused, or irritated. Changing moods is their normal state.

These are active people but they rarely do anything hastily. They can talk for hours, but at the same time they know how to listen.

Libra women are all pretty, sometimes dazzlingly beautiful, and men are slender and elegant. Libras do not like to be rude, for the most part they are benevolent, but do not tolerate being bossed around. Libras have a high intelligence, but sometimes they can be very naive and gullible.

Libra, like Gemini, is a dual sign. Their symbol is two scales trying to find balance. That is why there is some amazing change in qualities in this sign. Those born under it combine the incompatible - courtesy and almost undisguised rudeness, strength and weakness, joy and despondency, enormous efficiency and hopeless laziness. Sometimes it seems that inside each of them there are two different people. Libras can work hard and persistently, and then suddenly they begin to have a period of laziness. This state is natural for them, since they need to restore strength; during such periods it is difficult to force them to work, but once restored, they begin to work with full dedication.

Main goal Libra is to find balance, or rather, harmony in everything. Sometimes this results in mood swings. Such a person can be calm, balanced, friendly, and a minute later become grumpy, irritable and stubborn. Then everything comes into balance. Spiritual harmony comes. Sometimes, in an attempt to make a harmonious and correct decision, Libra cannot make it. For example, two Libras can discuss for a long time whether to meet at the first or the last subway car.

But the symbol of Libra also has a deeper meaning - it is the alignment of internal and external. Libras are inherently peacemakers. First of all, it is important for them to learn to live in harmony with themselves, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to fully realize themselves in the world and in their profession. Therefore, the task of Libra is to develop the ability to take more active actions. They have a lot of positivity and too little ability to actively do something: defend their point of view, develop the accepted worldview, etc. Their task is to learn to fight for their beliefs, develop determination and not follow the lead of others.

Libra character consists equally of kindness, tenderness, justice, desire for clear argumentation, stubborn unwillingness to capitulate, philosophical logic and indecisiveness.

And they always strive for the truth, for a direct solution, while not forgetting to weigh all the possibilities. But thinking for a long time when making a decision can be annoying, since they can hesitate for a very long time. They never make hasty decisions. But if the decision is made by them, it will be final. They do everything right so that they don’t have to redo anything later.

Libras are big fans of arguing. b. Tell one of them you like a movie and they'll immediately criticize it. Start criticizing the same film, and he will immediately begin to defend it, but at the same time he will always strive for justice.

Libra is quite attached to money.. The sphere of materiality often sounds in their conversations. They earn either a lot or very little, and spend most of their lives on the brink of survival.

Libras don't like extremes. They are very friendly to others, and in return they expect praise, affection, encouragement, admiration, and approval. They need to be admired, they need to feel loved and lucky. Dependence on the world around them interferes with their originality: they work better not on their own, but on other people’s ideas, improving and perfecting them.

Libras tend to be physically and mentally healthy people. Their inherent desire for the golden mean usually leads to self-discipline, preventing serious violations. However, some Libras can abuse food, alcohol, and love. This is the biggest danger to their health. In general, these people get sick less often than others, unless they overeat or abuse alcohol, which causes kidney disease, liver disease, and headaches. But if Libra gets sick, they demand maximum attention.

The greatest advantage of those born under the sign of Libra is their desire for justice, peace and harmony. This greatly contributes to their reputation as diplomats, and thanks to their inimitable sense of style, a wonderful path in life awaits them.

Libra man

Libra men need impulse to take the first step. They need approval, positive evaluation, moral and material support. This is very important to them. To one degree or another, Libra men depend on the opinions of others and the support of their partner.

They tend to seduce everyone if they are sure that they are favored, that they are the center of attention of the chosen one. There is no partner more charming, generous and adaptable to your feelings than Libra. If you do not show interest, the Libra man becomes gloomy and cold.

Libra men are often called the life of the party. They are sociable, friendly, and very skillfully avoid sharp corners in relationships.

The Libra man will always have a solution to all your problems and questions. He has excellent intuition, so don't try to deceive him. He has a good grasp of life, sees people through and through, and will always try to understand you. Will not show excessive emotionality. He hates scenes. His sensitive nature is happy when everything around him is in order and calm.

He uses all his charm during courtship. And although he knows how to treat a woman, he last stage faces a problem. He hesitates too long before deciding to take the final step. The reason for hesitation is that he weighs the pros and cons too carefully.

If you try to leave him, he will persuade you to stay with such logical and clever arguments that it is useless to try to defeat him. However, his habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can sometimes drive him crazy.

His behavior is full of contradictions. He will never tire of love, but he is not the most faithful of lovers. He does not experience deep feelings, and his connections are superficial. At the same time, he does not see anything reprehensible in several relationships at the same time. Sometimes such a good sign as Libra amazes with spiritual callousness.

Life with him will not be smooth and calm. However, when he is in a state of balance, living with him is pleasant, easy and fun.

He can conquer almost any woman. However, having acquired it, he does not always know what to do with it next. Not wanting to be cruel can lead to a bad marriage.

He is kind, has a sense of justice, and treats everyone equally. Tactful, diplomatic, perfectly understands humor. Peaceful by nature, but capable of fighting for justice. Libra is held in the hands of the goddess of justice, so being unjust for him is the same as killing.

Libras rarely suffer from broken heart. If you leave, he will be worried, but will quickly forget you. So don't expect long torment.

Libra is not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance it seems that he is interested in everything connected with you. However, he does not notice what is happening under his nose. Everyone can notice, but not him.

His conclusions will be very fair, accurate, reasonable and practical. But he has no desire to find out motives and reveal hidden feelings. He is only interested in facts.

It is almost impossible to get a secret out of him, so you can Trust him. But as far as your personal experiences are concerned, it will be quite difficult with him. You pour out your soul to him, but he does not notice your inner experiences.

The Libra man is quite generous. He is happy to spend money on things that bring beauty and happiness. But get ready to become a good housewife, as his house will be the center of hospitality at any time of the day or night. However, he does not like too large gatherings. Crowds of strangers disturb his balance.

The biggest danger in life together and the closest road to divorce is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is run. Don't forget about this, otherwise you will quickly lose it. He may not be very tidy himself, but he believes that you should maintain exceptional cleanliness and order.

He needs harmony in everything to maintain balance. His home should be a beautiful, quiet oasis amid the hustle and bustle of our world.

Libra always good fathers, and children benefit greatly from their heightened sense of justice. They never allow their elders to offend their younger ones and maintain discipline with their high authority. Children receive a lot of good things, he will always explain to them why he punishes them, and punishment will not make the child angry. He will charm children with his charm. But his wife will always come first.

And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you yourself must do absolutely everything for him, including a marriage proposal.

Libra woman

She is endowed with masculine logic and can become a good partner in any discussion. The Libra woman can even outdo a man in conversation, although she is usually very tactful in demonstrating her clear victory over the opposite sex.

She is often right, so her final decision is always carefully thought out. Libras tend to weigh everything twice to make sure nothing is missing and everything is fair.

The Libra woman loves to dress beautifully and wear expensive perfume. She is ready to show attention to anyone who appreciates her beauty. She loves her body and thinks that it was created for everyone to admire. Seeks perfection in the little things. The slightest sign of disorder can make her irritated. Libras do not feel good in an ugly environment, which is why they strive to earn good money to get out of this situation.

Libra women are gentle and charming, they can get along with any man, sometimes reaching the point of self-denial. These are ideal assistants who find happiness in their husband’s successes. But if they do not feel loved, they begin to look for happiness on the side and are consoled quite quickly. There's no denying her penchant for fickleness. She tries to flirt with any attractive man in her path and very quickly moves from one to another, trying to conquer each one. Her affection is usually shallow and short-lived. In fact, the Libra woman is not interested in a man as such, she just wants to be admired.

Her greatest need is cooperation with a man, both in work and in love. She is literally unable to live alone. It is designed for collaboration. Marriage, from her point of view, is a joint venture, and the rules in it are as strict as in any job.

She will be involved in all your interests. But don't try to command her. She will not listen, and if you insist, you will encounter even greater stubbornness. The more pressure, the more stubborn she becomes. Sweet words and gentle persuasion are the only way to overcome her negative attitude.

Her role is to smooth unpleasant situations and protect you from impulsive actions and ill-considered decisions.

The average Libra woman is highly intelligent and analytical. She can help solve your business problems. But she is annoyed by a man who only talks about money. She believes that money is for spending and shopping, not talking. Talking about money gets on her nerves.

Being a woman is her calling, and here she strives for perfection. This woman is both strong and soft at the same time. In moments of crisis, she can show a steely character. But sometimes, when she finds herself in a difficult situation, she can feel absolutely helpless and will sit passively, waiting for help.

She will never belittle your role in life, and be grateful to her for that. You can always rely on her. The Libra wife is a real treasure, as she has many advantages. For example, she will never open a letter addressed to her husband (this is an unworthy thing); will never trust his secrets to his friends, will not discredit him in front of his superiors.

One of her most endearing qualities is her ability to hide her sharp mind behind her charming femininity.

She will love and care for her children, but frankly speaking, they will still come second to her husband. However, if you spoil the children, she will definitely intervene.

The Libra woman can sometimes go to extremes: either eat too much or drink wine excessively, sometimes she will be silent for a long time, and sometimes she will talk too much. But such moments never last long. Libra usually comes into balance on its own.

Mutual compatibility

Aries is persistent and tireless, while Libra seeks perfection and needs calm partners. A radical difference in temperament leads to inevitable quarrels. A completely possible relationship and an unlikely marriage.

Physically, they are well suited to each other, both are emotional, both feel beautiful things. But Taurus is too possessive and materialistic for the romantic Libra. Libra is reasonable, flexible and will be able to cope with the arrogance and stubbornness of Taurus.

The perfect partnership. Both are smart, charming, and neither of them is particularly jealous or possessive. They have a lot in common in character, and they understand each other perfectly. Great connection, happy marriage.

Cancer prefers to stay at home, while Libra loves to travel. Cancer is practical and economical. Libras are impulsive and love everything that money can buy. There are few compatibility options. A tolerable relationship and an unimportant marriage.

When there is a clash of characters, Libra must give in. This will not be difficult, since Libra is, in principle, ready to cooperate. The relationship can develop into a very successful marriage.

Virgo can be grumpy and boring, with dictatorial tendencies. Libra will not agree with this and will seek approval from the outside. A dubious relationship, an extremely difficult marriage.

They have a lot in common. But none of them wants to come down from the clouds to the ground. Their love affair can be somewhat exalted. While a connection may work, marriage requires a more practical approach.

Scorpio is too jealous for Libra. Libra's carelessness confuses Scorpio. Scorpio must dominate, Libra must submit.

There is a field of strong mutual attraction between them. A passionate, stormy relationship, so is marriage.

The problem is that Sagittarius does not like to stay in one place and strives for independence. Libra needs a real partner and a pleasant home. If they manage to overcome these differences, then there is a good chance for a serious and long-term relationship.

Libra's tendency toward laziness irritates Capricorn, who is accustomed to working without rest. In turn, Libra is offended by the sober practicality of Capricorn. Capricorn will not like Libra's desire to be in society. There is too much personal incompatibility for a successful marriage.

They should be a great match for each other, they have many friends, but this does not prevent them from remembering their personal interests. Sensual connection and good prognosis on marital relations.

The gentleness, sensitivity and devotion of Pisces appeals to Libra. However, Pisces is not a sign prone to dominance, and Libra does not seek to take charge. A serious connection is unlikely. The marriage is unsuccessful.

Born under the sign of Libra

Brigitte Bardot, Mahatma Gandhi, Graham Greene, Franz Liszt, Mikhail Lermontov, Dmitry Pisarev, Marcello Mastroianni, Eugene O'Neill, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, William Faulkner, Dwight Eisenhower, Ivan Pavlov.

Libra character according to horoscope | Libra - the nature of the zodiac sign

Representatives of Libra are always unique individuals. They have a lot in common, but they differ due to their temperament, character, family upbringing and other factors that somehow or have ever influenced them in particular. However, the character of Libra according to the horoscope is practically unstudied - he is so fickle.

What is the character of Libra according to the horoscope?

This is a set of characteristics that under no circumstances can be in symbiosis. But not in the case of scales! These people are able to think for a long time about the simplest question. They take difficult paths to achieve their goals.

But as soon as they decide on something, they are then endowed with the ability to convince. That is why scales usually produce effective politicians who can lead the people. And the sphere of art lends itself to them without any resistance.

Being actors, they convince with their acting, singers fascinate with the depth of their lyrics, attractive appearance and interesting manner of performance, artists show originality and do things differently than everyone else.

People born under the sign of Libra are always sociable. They know how to choose interlocutors for themselves, and everyone enjoys communicating with representatives of a given zodiac, regardless of their gender. Libras are able to “put everything into perspective”, and they absolutely do not need to know the situation in its entirety.

Basic facts are enough for them to draw a conclusion, which in rare cases will be rash. Despite the fact that these people treat themselves with special love, they can be very critical. At the same time, as soon as Libras begin to criticize themselves, they immediately criticize the external environment in which they live and the people around them.

Libras are most often extroverts, they are not interested in blaming themselves for something, they simply take a closer look at the situation, adapt to it, and only then take measures to establish their favorite balance.

Libras are usually very pleasant and friendly people. But these people can also be gloomy, it just so happens that they can’t stand being bossed around. The character of Libra according to the horoscope is peculiar, and now to write about them, dear readers, I am especially pleased.

Libra character trait

Libras are happy people who were born under the bright evening “star”, the planet Venus. You can’t even imagine how contradictory this sign is!

These are very intellectually developed people who are incredibly naive and can talk for hours and still remain excellent listeners. These are the people leading active image life, but you can rarely get a hasty decision from them. It’s not for nothing that they are scales; everything needs to be weighed and calculated.

These people can both reconcile those around them and take part in the dispute themselves. Moreover, these contradictions surprise not only those around them, but also themselves!

Their usual state, no matter how it sounds, is a change of mood. Their smile can be difficult to resist. Libras are often indecisive when they have to make an important decision.

In any case, this zodiac sign will always strive for harmony. Although they can sometimes succumb to such temptations as alcohol, food and enchanting love.

One can only envy Libra’s perseverance, perseverance and meticulousness, but this state can easily be replaced by the next wave called all-consuming laziness. Everyone needs rest, and the scales, swinging from one side to the other, are either active or relaxed.

This is not a manifestation of duality, which is characteristic of Geminis, but rather a rebalancing of something, now in one direction, now in the other. Thus, rushing to one extreme, after a period of time they can go to the absolutely opposite extreme.

The unique character of Libra according to the horoscope and their philosophical approach to life's joys and failures allows them to mitigate their own difficulties. Due to the fact that the character of Libra forces them to always strive for balance, as a result, almost all Libras are harmoniously developed mentally and physically. Their most main enemy- this is an abuse of everything; in no case should they forget about rest.

According to the horoscope, the character of Libra consists in equal parts of tenderness, kindness, clear argumentation, justice, perseverance, indecisiveness and philosophical logic. These people will always strive for the truth. Their slowness in making decisions can be annoying, but the decision will be final and unshakable.

If we consider the character of Libras through the prism of psychology and the influence of a particular constellation and planets on a given zodiac sign, one cannot help but say about them that they are naturally endowed with traits that others can develop in themselves over the years. These are very capable people!

Somehow it turns out that everything they don’t take on is built in the right accordance and acquires a specific structure. They have analytical thinking and are prone to rationalization. At the same time, they do not neglect their creative abilities.

Features and character traits of the zodiac sign Libra

What are the main character traits of Libra?

The character of Libra is heterogeneous, changeable, full of surprises, their mood is changeable.

Usually these are charming people who know how to approach anyone and are able to achieve their goals. Their behavior depends entirely on their mood, which changes quickly and dramatically.

They realize their variability in disputes, in critical assessment. The confrontation of two opinions is their element, because their whole essence is building harmony, searching for a golden mean.

Therefore, the result of an argument or discussion is not so important, what is important is the search for truth, the birth of a new opinion, the presence of two sides, their interaction.

What is the real character of Libra?

The life of this zodiac sign is determined by the lively temperament of Libra. They are changeable, their sense of beauty is developed and gives them increased emotionality, a sharp mind, and elegant style. Such people are sensual, delve into everything they touch, and experience every event with a full range of feelings.

Resolving any issue takes these people a lot of time and effort; they weigh all the pros and cons, look for compromises, and analyze every detail. Such indecision in the character of Libra can do a disservice, allowing you to miss a chance, but it can also save you by preventing you from making a mistake. The habit of checking everything several times makes these people good workers and allows them to achieve excellent results in the work of an analyst, critic, and editor.

Knowing what kind of character Libra has, we can say that these people are unique, their mental structure has a subtle organization, is constantly changing, creates many facets of this person’s personality, making him interesting and attractive.

They love to achieve everything on their own, but at the same time they have difficulty making decisions; their world is not divided into black and white, but consists of many shades in which everyone will find something attractive for themselves.

Positive features Libra character

Libra's temperament obeys the movements of the heart. They are attentive to others, capable of empathy and compassion. Their thoughts are pure, their words are sincere. Behavior is dictated either by a warm heart or by a cold mind.

These people are able to adapt to anyone and, from a position of complete trust, defend their interests, gently, unobtrusively, and therefore effectively.

Women of this sign are passionate and charming, they know how to manipulate men, they use this opportunity only to create harmonious relationships, they value loved ones and will never harm them.

Men born under this sign can hardly be called enterprising, protectors or breadwinners, but next to them you feel easy and comfortable, relationships are built of trust and good fathers emerge from them.

Negative traits Libra character

The disadvantage of representatives of this sign can be called their pride, inflated self-esteem, which makes them slightly capricious and demanding of others.

They often feel that they are deprived of attention and are shown less respect than they should.

They love to be the center of attention and will come into conflict with anyone who wants to take this position. They do not like to be interrupted or ignored, and their work is assessed negatively.

Scales: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Libra. This information will help you succeed in your relationship with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Libras have a diplomatic character, are elegant, and soulful. Behavior is emphasized by common sense and reason. With an abundance of emotions, they do not allow passions to take over, they strive to maintain balance in everything. For all their impressionability, they observe the culture of its manifestation; for them, the form of relationships is extremely significant. Communication with them is sweet, harmonious, they love and develop art. The feeling of beauty is strongly formed. Dress with taste. They love big holidays. They don't like anything vulgar. Aesthetics are given a significant role, uncultured excesses are rejected. A powerfully formed sense of form often leads to a reluctance to achieve the essence, hence disappointment, superficiality, and something vague and formless remains. Slippery politeness, constantly maintaining a distance between themselves and others, with all the contact there is a danger of loneliness. The character is receptive, the interests are varied, they are very sociable, they like to argue, they are cold in communication, which attracts people to them, since behind this coldness one can feel a restrained feeling. If feelings break through, the balance is disrupted, which is difficult and dangerous for them, so they prefer love in general and live in illusions. Over the years they can become pretenders, talented actors.

They know human weaknesses and the need to overcome them, and as a result they can shape themselves. They admit their mistakes, find the strength to obey, and are the first to extend their hand for reconciliation. Cheerful and resourceful interlocutors. Their purpose is to balance, negotiate, represent. Art, music, everything that adorns life and needs excellent taste is their business, from the hairdresser to the head of a cultural institution. Due to their strong need for harmony and their sociability, they always create a good working climate around them, making it easy and pleasant to work with them. They present their company brilliantly. The successes of others do not affect them, they only follow them in order to grab a pattern of behavior from others. Examples of how others have achieved success. They don’t like people only if they belittle their dignity. They are naturally insecure, because they see two sides to everything at once and hesitate, trying to maintain balance, and for this they should be praised. But the bosses should remember about absent-mindedness, they do not notice little things, their mind is mobile, they lack concentration. True, they apologize immediately for mistakes made - this is required by their sense of harmony.

They are very enterprising, but need good employees, since they cannot complete the work they start. They have a strong sense of justice. They are hardworking, especially after 29 years. They seek knowledge and spiritual interests. The basis of marriage is love, in the main place is true unity (the embodiment of the dream of an ideal). But they also love to flirt and flirt, and flirting does not always lead to intimacy and does not indicate readiness. Erotica alone is not enough for marriage; you need common hobbies, a love of art. Children are raised with taste and a sense of independence. Dangers: when the balance is upset for some reason, they lose their line of behavior, their face, and they become ashamed of themselves, a chain of endless miscalculations ensues. Another danger is increased claims to a partner in business, love, friendship; they are looking for an ideal and are unlikely to find it. They are insecure and unstable, which leads to vanity and dandyism. They are vindictive, although they rarely give vent to their anger.

Harmony and balance are the main colors in the picture of your life. You are subconsciously aware of the need to adapt to the passions and thirsts of people, and are always ready to meet them halfway. You are tactful, a good diplomat and do everything possible to avoid conflicts and disagreements. The spirit of cooperation and compromise seems to emanate from you. Thanks to charm and prudence, you reach the necessary goals, where this cannot be achieved directly and ahead. The ability to find a common language with people turns out to be overly important for you, since when making your own decisions you run the risk of becoming overly dependent on the approval and opinions of other people. You will rarely take action without advice and support. Over independent action, you choose cooperation and your share of the rewards for success. Loneliness feels like something very unusual to you. You have a considerable need for a partner and a close relationship with him.

You transfer a great part of your energy to the person you love. A great idealist and romantic when it comes to marriage, you are looking for a partner who would be your equal intellectually, as well as physically and spiritually. You become a serious, caring friend or lover and take great pleasure in the traditional attributes of love - courtship, flowers, etc. Relationships of this type seem to you to be an art for which you do not skimp on time, attention and creative efforts. You value subtlety and sophistication in a partner. He should not be dull, cocky, rude.

You protect knightly impartiality and provide the person with whom life encounters equal potential both in your personal life and in big world, in which you do not take personal part. If you fight for something, then very often it is objectivity in relation to a person. Balance is extremely important to you. You believe in the golden mean, avoiding fanaticism and extremes of any kind. You have a great need for beauty and harmony in your environment. Your natural sense of style and taste are reflected in how you dress, how you organize your home, workplace, etc. - everything should please the eye. You get satisfaction from working with people as an advocate, advisor, consultant, negotiator, and in the world of art, such as design or photography.

7th Zodiac Sign
2nd air sign
3rd main sign
Ruling planet - Venus
Lucky numbers: 6 and all divisible by 6
Astrological symbol: e s s
Astrological colors: dark blue, purple and color sea ​​wave
Astrological stones: emerald, sapphire, opal, pearl and beryl
Libra rules the 7th HOUSE of the horoscope

general characteristics personalities

Every person is looking for Venus, the goddess of love, the planet that rules love, but the sign of Libra has it, doesn’t it? Who can tell? After all, Libra, just like their symbol in e s, has a lot of up-and-down fluctuations in their personal life. Their personalities are bright and intellectual because they are an air sign. Their charm is boundless, their smiles are irresistible.

Libras spend their whole lives looking for the person who would be the ideal husband (Libra rules the House of Matrimony), but when they do find the ideal partner, they are rarely happy - why? Perhaps Libra is in love with love itself? Perhaps, just like the surface of Venus, which is difficult for astrologers to see due to its foggy atmosphere, people of the Libra sign are inexplicable?

The astrological symbol of this sign is Libra, and most of these people are constantly trying to balance these “scales” socially and personally. Libras have a great need for balance and harmony, and when this is not possible, they will retreat rather than make any effort to change the situation. Venus endows her sons and daughters with a keen analytical mind, especially when it comes to the arts. Libras are thoughtful and attract many people who ask them for advice. They are also sincere friends and diligent business partners.

Intuitive traits and an aesthetic understanding of beauty make Libra outstanding artists, poets, writers, composers, singers and actors. One might imagine that all these valuable qualities make them the happiest astrological sign, and they often are - but that still depends on whether Libra finds a soulmate in life. For them it is a duty. It is absolutely impossible to think about Libra in the singular: all their plans for the future are associated with partial dedication of themselves in all areas of life. So, we see that Libra is a seeker of love, but not in the literal sense, like, for example, Sagittarius or Scorpio. Libras perhaps always hope for that extraordinary evening when they hear the laughter of a stranger who will then become their spiritual accomplice and make their life complete.

But still, these qualities do not make Libra a weak opponent when you already possess them. Their independence is unshakable, although they express it softly and imperceptibly. They always have a clear idea of ​​the type of person they are looking for. Libras value people highly. Their desire to make other people happy goes so far that they would rather please others than themselves. However, they are not weak-willed people and will rebel if they see their delicate natures insulted.

Libras are often at odds with the surrounding reality and reality, as they completely identify themselves with elegance and grace. They will go to great lengths to avoid contact with people who violate the laws of ethics and good taste.

Although Libras are well-equipped mentally, they have a streak of impracticality. They often go through periods of extravagance, defying all winds, and live only in the present; later they regret it. Since they are afraid of all types of earthly work, Libras often find themselves among the unemployed. They should act wisely and take up some special skill, preferably one related to art, so that they always have a job. Since this is the only way to achieve a balance of their financial and aesthetic needs.

The planet Venus is considered by astrologers to be “less fortunate” compared to the “more successful” planet Jupiter. Libra must develop a practical spirit in order to reap the benefits that their heavenly ruler brings. When Libra is balanced, they are irresistible. And in today's harsh and commercial world, Libra has an advantage: its sign rules the areas of love, beauty and idealism.

Psychosexual characteristics

The question arises: if Libra has so many virtues and is so passionately looking for a partner, why are they often unable to satisfy and retain the object of their love? The answer is that Libra people treat their lovers not as people, but as beautiful works of art. And in this age of sexual freedom, there are very few women who like to be admired from a distance. And everyone already knows that men of this type are as rare as purple unicorns.

Affection and physical intimacy get on Libra's nerves over time. These gods and goddesses of love make every effort to make themselves beautiful, seductive and charming and when they finally find the one they were looking for, a delightful rosy period of romantic enchantment begins for them, and then one can truly believe that Libra people are coming from from the planet of love - Venus. However, dreams are not reality and Libra soon gets tired of the physical aspect of a relationship with a lover. This means that they are not interested in sex, they are simply too busy with the spiritual side of love and, secretly from everyone, consider the physical side of love to be rude and unaesthetic. Of course, being human (when they come down from heaven), they need sex, but the people who love them must wait for those first to give them the signal.

Astrological statistics say that many of the famous courtesans of the past and present were under the sign of Libra. Women of this sign see nothing wrong with being a street woman if they are given a lot of money and an environment of beauty and harmony, which allows them to strengthen their independence. Such freedom-loving women satisfy themselves by being spiritually active social life. They are afraid of the moment when they will have to pay their landlord for luxury. And as for the men of this sign - are they also “goddesses”? Yes, to some extent, because the masculine appearance that many men of this sign possess conceals homosexual desires. This sign, as well as Taurus (both ruled by Venus), makes up a large percentage of homosexuals.

In my private records there appears one very handsome man sign of Libra, who was in a homosexual union with another man who was older and rich. The young man maintained his relationship even after he got married and after the birth of two children. The same man told me that gradually his “lover” was introduced to the family and became their good friend. Then the two of them began to take advantage of his wealth.

Recently the planet Uranus entered the sign of Libra for 7 years: expect crazy behavior from these people, standing up for their rights and sexual liberation. During this transit of Uranus, Libra has a change of heart.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Libras can perform non-sexual maneuvers with such skill that their victims are rarely aware of what is happening. Some astrologers consider Libra to be the most selfish sign, but I, without denying that all signs have selfishness to one degree or another, attribute this to the sign of Leo. Libra's non-sexual maneuvers are that they require their friends to help them establish social contacts and achieve their desired heights. Libras understand that they are not nearly as skilled in business maneuvers, and they often begin to exploit the skill of their friend. In marriage, people of this sign avoid various unpleasant jobs, citing mood or inability to perform them. In fact, they consider small worries beneath their dignity.

During love, Libra is idealistic, paying more attention to caresses and kisses. They are very sensitive to the atmosphere in the bedroom; there should always be clean linen on the bed. They are strongly influenced by Venus and require luxury, silk shirts, soft lighting and romantic music. Their lovers must be extremely clean and perfumed. Libra requires long love play, after which sexual intercourse should take place quite quickly. Otherwise, their aesthetic feelings will be offended.

How to Satisfy a Libra

Treat them with tenderness. They hate vulgar decorations, and of all the signs they are the most easily distracted during sexual intercourse. Libras often dream during love; it is common for them to think about someone else: about ex-lover or about an unfulfilled image. Many Hollywood stars were born under this sign, but calculations suggest that people of this sign, which rules love and marriage, are not very lucky in these areas.

Positive features

Libra is a very honest, sincere and considerate sign. They have an excellent sense of aesthetic values ​​and are very reasonable in behavior. These are friends for many years, excellent professional managers.

Libras can be very intemperate. Their affections come from the heart, not from lust.

Women of this sign adapt to the demands of their husbands. This ability allows them to have big influence over men, but the influence is pleasant and touching. Men of this sign, although they are not among the best providers of the family, create an atmosphere of harmony and agreement, and they are good fathers. This is a real romantic!

This is a poet! The key word for Libra is harmony!

Negative traits

Since Libras strive to please others and create an atmosphere of harmony, they go so far in this that they lose their individuality. They should also try to become more practical and should embody their creative ideas into action, not just dreaming. They must learn to accept the sexual side of marriage with joy. They should not respond to the affections and demands of people who are not worthy of them, just because Libra finds them harmonious. They should be wary of destroying their egoism and turning their idealism into pickiness.

Economics of love

Libra is not adept at playing the economics of love. In today's world, in order to achieve your goals, you need to have a firm, cruel character, and Libra often hates open aggression and competition. Their way of fighting for the benefits of the world is the hope that their ideal, pure image will bring them these benefits as a matter of course. This is, of course, too luxurious an attitude towards life, and Libra needs to think about old age, when charm and beauty will begin to fade. The thought of buying love is beyond Libra's understanding. Many people of this sign despair in old age and old age, as they awaken after quickly passing years of youthful idealism, find themselves alone and unprepared to financially support their future. This sign should be collecting reserves for a rainy day.

Libra is a sign whose sense of well-being depends on financial independence and financial security.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years of age, Libra is most compatible sexually with the sign of Gemini, Aquarius. All three are air signs, and until the age of 29.5 their intellectual, social and sexual connections are not strong and changeable.

After 29.5 years they begin to mature and become more practical. They have already moved towards a more sedentary and less impetuous lifestyle. Now they often find compatibility with the sign of Scorpio and Aries, since although these two Mars-ruled signs are sometimes a little rough on Libra, they both have a high degree of aggressive ambition. They need Libra's gentle poise and encourage their calm demeanor.

After 41.5 years, Libra has already developed and gained control over its intellectual self. Now they are often compatible with the sign of Pisces and with the sign of Sagittarius, due to their romanticism and idealism.

Fidelity Score

In younger years - good. From approximately 13 to 23 years of age, Libra strives to form a close union in both love and friendship.

In marriage - excellent, provided that they are not required to play the role of a passionate lover, and also if they are given freedom, relative, to engage actively in social life and devote free time aesthetic values.

The best condition for compatibility with Libra is mutual interests in work or a large number of money, which allows Libra to be given freedom from various responsibilities.

Libra, we astrologers ask you:

Why can't you learn to live only for yourself for a while, without caring so much about friends and lovers?

Why do you put yourself through serious tests before trusting anyone?

Why don't you obey passion?

And finally, why did the stars make you so charming and irresistible?