Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Joanne Rowling). Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - JK Rowling Harry Potter last part read online

This is the eighth Harry Potter story and the first official stage production. A special rehearsal edition of the script - a continuation of the journey of Harry Potter, his friends and family - was released simultaneously with the play's premiere in London's West End on July 30, 2016 and immediately became a bestseller.

Read online Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

About the book

Harry Potter, living legend, the chosen one who repeatedly defeated the dark lord and eventually rid the world of him forever. He is a faithful friend, a brave fighter against the forces of darkness, loving husband and the father of the family.

He is the one about whom hundreds of books have been written, and whose name will be remembered for centuries. The halo of his glory does not fade over the years, but only grows. And he is undoubtedly a great wizard, perhaps one of the strongest in all of Britain.

Both adults and small children know all this; they all remember his story by heart. And that’s why it’s not so easy for Harry’s children. After all, they are Potters and therefore bear no small share of their parents’ glory. Great deeds and success in all areas are expected from them.

The hardest time is for the youngest of Harry's offspring, Albus Potter. Elders often make fun of him, although they love him. He is afraid of being sorted, because what if he is sent to Slytherin? And he doesn’t know at all how to behave at Hogwarts in order to be worthy of his father’s name.

And somewhere ahead, adventures and great achievements, big mistakes and hard work to correct them, studies, enemies and friends already await him.

The book, like the play that formed its basis, caused a real split in society, lovers of the story about the boy who lived. Is it a continuation of his story and the story of his family and friends. Or is it simply a perversion of a great literary work?

Hello everyone! The stories about Harry Potter, about the boy who lived, shocked me from the first pages of the first book and helped me fall in love with literature back in the day. early childhood. These books are still some of my favorite books, and for this many thanks to J. Rowling.
I always believed that there would only be seven of them and this is correct, since the story ended, a happy ending, everyone is happy, etc. When I found out about book 8, especially since Rowling co-authored it, it shocked me a little and confused me, but still curiosity got the better of me! It was also interesting to learn about fantastic creatures, but there is no doubt good job. It's very interesting because, although we're talking about about a world in which a boy who survived will appear in the future, in real life a completely different story is told, which only marginally affects Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Only those who have read the books, especially the latest ones, can approximately accurately determine what time we are talking about)
If he talks about the book "Harry Potter and damn child", then I wouldn’t say that the book is nothing at all, rather it’s just not finalized. I really liked the idea itself, I read the book in one go and I don’t regret the time I spent. Minus: it was written in the form of a play, which not entirely convenient, but that’s not even a minus, but the fact that there are attributions, for example: The role of little Hermione is played by Rose. Or someone is standing behind the stage. Why is this? It could be done as a footnote. I’m not going to stage a play, I want to enjoy reading the book.
If you break the book into parts: book 8 doesn’t start the way book 7 ended, the first 3 years passed in the first 10-20 pages. The children are all mentioned in passing, except for Rose (or Rose, which is correct is also not clear), Scorpius and Albus. Harry turned out to be some kind of tyrant, Ron, it seemed to me, was a little stupid, he was not like that.
Second part: interesting point, when all the main events take place, I really liked the idea, but something was missing. In my opinion, if it were written in regular text, there would be more descriptions and it would be more interesting. How they found the time turner is not at all clear to me, how they were overwhelmed with books, Albus disappeared and appeared. Nothing is clear, I re-read the moment twice, I understood it in passing. There is not enough description, mostly dialogues, well, as it should be in a play, but this is fantasy, everything should revolve around the description! There are a lot of surprises, interesting discoveries, but everything is also too fast, you don’t have time to enjoy and experience this moment with the characters. I repeat, the main part is very interesting, but without a description it will not be revealed as desired!
And finally the ending: Everything is crumpled and fast. Now we have already completed 4 years and the flywheel has been returned and everything is fine in the family and father and son seem to be starting to understand each other and THE END. Also literally 10 pages long. To be honest, I was even upset. Something was missing.
As for the general opinion about the book, then, of course, 7 out of 10. This is not the same Harry Potter. As it is written in the book about his son: "POLLY CHAMPAN: Oh, Merlin's beard, how humiliating! He's not really like his father, you see?" Quote from the book.
I really love Harry Potter. These are the books of my childhood. I still love to reread and rewatch films, but not this book. There is simply no desire to read it a second time.
PS: I hope they don’t plan to make a film. It will be just something! Although, it seems to me that even if they film, it will probably be their beloved cast I won't see it anymore(

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny find themselves back on the platform from which the express train departs for the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But this time Hogwarts was preparing to accept their children as students. At the end of the seventh and, as expected, last book about Harry Potter, the main characters ended their journey at Hogwarts, grew up and had their own offspring. In 2015, readers are stunned by unexpected news - all Harry Potter fans are in for a continuation of the story. The theatrical play was created jointly by JK Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany. Tickets for it were sold out 2 years before the show, and Harry Potter fans waited for the book with such anticipation as they had not waited for any of the previous parts.

On the night of July 30-31, the play went on sale, and right from the morning JK Rowling was hit with a barrage of criticism from readers. “I sincerely hoped that I would fall in love with this book as much as I did with the seven previous ones, but I am very disappointed,” “This story is not a continuation of the seventh book, but sheer nonsense,” “Joan Rowling should have been ashamed to publish this” - and even more hundred similar angry comments. If you remember with what trepidation readers treated JK Rowling and with what impatience they awaited the release of each of the 7 parts of the book, it becomes clear that something has gone wrong in this world.

Readers were dissatisfied with a great many aspects - from the absurdly conceived intrigue to the blurry images of the main characters. In the play, for the first time in 7 parts released, there is a change of characters. Even though the Hogwarts students are now grown up, Rowling still presents the reader with the image of the boy who survived 19 years later - and he hasn't changed much. Harry is tormented by nightmares where he sees himself locked in a dark closet, his scar hurts unbearably, and the evil Aunt Petunia entrusts all the housework to him.

The traumas of childhood still haunt Harry, although he has already matured and has everything he has strived for for so long. He has a wonderful wife and beloved children, loyal friends nearby, high post in the ministry and his favorite thing is the battle with dark forces and their supporters. The only thing that upsets Harry is his strained relationship with his son Albus. He tries his best to be like his successful father, but has absolutely no ability in Quidditch, is dissatisfied with his placement in the Slytherin house and is not particularly popular at the school of witchcraft.

The school is again depicted from Albus' point of view. Almost for the first time, Hogwarts causes a certain rejection in the souls of readers. The only outlet for Albus is friendship with the same hunted teenager as himself - Scorpius Malfoy. Ill-wishers even spread gossip that Malfoy’s father was Voldemort himself. In fact, Voldemort has not a son, but a daughter who intends to use magic to return to the past and change her father’s fate. The basis of the plot is a time vortex that takes us to the very beginning: the Triwizard Bar and Godric's Hollow, where Harry lost his parents. JK Rowling portrays each episode through the eyes of an adult Harry, who relives the events of many years ago over and over again. Much attention the play focuses on the conflict between fathers and children - constant confrontation younger generation eldest, Harry cannot be found mutual language with a son, and Voldemort could also have a child.

Digital heart

magical world


The play “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Parts one and two" cannot

be publicly performed in whole or in part or in any way

used for profit without express permission

copyright holders (J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions Limited).

For any questions, please contact: [email protected]

J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two

Jack Thorne, who came into my world and

created something beautiful in him.

J. K. Rowling

For Joe, Louis, Max, Sonny and Merle...

You are all wizards...

John Tiffany

of the year. While we were rehearsing, he was snoring.

Jack Thorne


Harry Potter.

Ron Weasley.

Hermione Granger.

Draco Malfoy.


A l b u s P o t t e r.

S c o r p i u s M a l f o y.

A m o s D i g g o r i.

Delphi and Diggori, his niece.

P r o f e s o r M a c g o n a g a l l.

S e v e r u s S n e g g.

Albus Dumbledore.

D o l o r e s A m b r i g.

R o w e G r e n g e r - U s e l i .


L i l i P o t t e r - the youngest one.

P lak sa M i r t l.

Witch - wire.

M a d a m T r u k.

Daddy Vernon.

Aunt Petunya.

D a d l i D u r s l .

Sorting Hat.

H a g r i d.


S e d r i k D i g g o r i.

V i k t o r K r a m.

V o l a n d e - M o r t.

JAMES POTTER - eldest.

L i l i P o t t e r - old.


C r a i g B o u k e r




P o l l i C h a p



Harry Potter.

J u n a i H e r m i o n a

G r e n g e r.

V o r s t e p

e n n e l i c a .





A busy, crowded train station. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. Among the noise and

bustle, the rumble of two huge cages on top of loaded

carts. They are pushed by two boys, James and Albus Potters. Their mother

Jinni follows. A thirty-seven-year-old man, Garry, holds his

daughter, L and l, on his shoulders.

A l b u s. Dad. He keeps saying it.

G a r i. James, stop it.

JAMES. I just said he might end up in Slytherin. AND

he can… (Under the gaze of his father.) OK.

A l b u s (looks at mother). You will write to me, won't you?

JINNI. Every day if you want.

A l b u s. No. Not every day. James says most

guys receives letters from home about once a month. I don't want...

G a r i. Last year we wrote to your brother three times a week.

A l b u s. What? James!

Albus looks at James accusingly.

JINNI. Yes. Don't believe everything he tells you

about Hogwarts. Your brother really likes to joke.

JAMES (with a grin). Please, can we go now?

Albus looks at his father, then at his mother.

JINNI. All you have to do is walk right through

barrier between the ninth and tenth platforms.

L i l i. Can not wait!

G a r i. Don't stop and don't be afraid that you'll crash, it's very

important. It's better to run away if you're nervous.

A l b u s. I'm ready.

Harry and Lily put their hands on Albus's cart... Ginny takes James' cart, and

the whole family rushes to the barrier.



The platform is covered in thick white steam released by the Hogwarts Express.

It's also very crowded here... But instead of people in well-tailored suits walking along

to their own affairs, now wizards and witches in robes. Most of them are occupied

by saying goodbye to his beloved offspring.

A l b u s. Here she is.

L i l i. Wow!

A l b u s. Platform nine and three quarters.

L i l i. Where are they? They are here? Maybe they didn't arrive?

Harry points to Ron, Hermione and their daughter Rose. Lily rushes towards them.

Uncle Ron. Uncle Ron!!!

Lily runs and Ron turns to her. He grabs her in his arms.

R o n. Is this my beloved Potter?

L i l i. Can you show me a trick?

J. K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne


Parts one and two


translation: pargeo

Version 2.10 (10/18/2016)

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two may not be performed in whole or in part and no use may be made of it whatsoever except under express license from the rights holders of the work, J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions Limited.

Please email [email protected] with any enquiries.

This translation is not official, authorized, agreed upon, sanctioned, etc. version of the play " Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" into Russian, and is not intended for wide distribution. By reading it, you agree that you are violating the copyrights of the authors and distributors.

Version 2: completely reformatted (epub-docx-epub), with the removal of a number of graphic elements, as well as text not related to the play.

* * * J.K. ROWLING

Dedicated to Jack Thorne:

He entered my world and created beautiful things in it.


Dedicated to John, Louis, Max, Sonny and Merle - real wizards...


While we were rehearsing, he was drooling.

* * *





A noisy train station full of rushing people. In the bustle of the station we see two large cages, which are placed on two trolleys filled with luggage. The carts are pushed forward by two boys, JAMES POTTER and ALBUS POTTER. Their mother, GINNY, follows them. There is also a thirty-seven-year-old man, HARRY, who carries his daughter LILLY on his shoulders.


Dad, he keeps saying it.


James, stop it.


I just said that he might end up in Slytherin. It's true, so... ( his father's stern look stops him) Fine, fine.

ALBUS (looks at mother)

You will write to me, won't you?


At least every day, if you want.


No. Not every day. James says most receive letters from home about once a month. I don't want…


Last year we wrote to your brother three times a week.


What? James!

ALBUS looks at JAMES reproachfully.


Yes. You better not believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts. Your brother is a joker.

JAMES (with a grin)

Maybe we can finally go, huh?

ALBUS looks at his father, then at his mother.


You need to go straight through the wall between platforms nine and ten.


I am so excited!


Don't stop and don't worry about crashing into it, this is very important. It's better to do this on the run if you're nervous.


HARRY and LILLY place their hands on ALBUS' cart; GINNY pushes JAMES' cart and they all run straight through the barrier.