Characteristics of the speech development of a child with onset. Levels of speech development level 4 onr according to Philicheva

Speech impairment is currently becoming an increasingly common speech disorder among preschool children. Level 3 OHP is especially common, the characteristics of which are often compiled not only by speech therapists, but also by psychologists. This pathology can be corrected with treatment from a speech therapist.

To recognize the disease as quickly as possible, it is important to know what can trigger the development of this condition, how type 3 OHP is characterized, how this condition is treated, and whether it is possible to completely correct the disorder without consequences.

General underdevelopment of speech is understood as a distortion of any speech characteristic (grammatical, semantic or auditory) with normal intellectual development and a sufficient level of hearing of the child. This deviation is classified as a speech disorder.

Depending on the degree of manifestation of the disorder, there are 4 levels of general speech underdevelopment:

  • absolute absence of speech ();
  • poor vocabulary (level 2 OHP);
  • the presence of speech with certain semantic errors (OSP level 3);
  • trace fragments of lexical and grammatical errors (level 4 OHP).

In speech therapy practice, the most common is level 3 of speech impairment, in which the child speaks with a predominance of simply constructed phrases without complex phrases.

Reasons, first signs

Often, speech problems that determine the level of speech development are predetermined even before the birth of the child due to genetic predisposition or complications during pregnancy. The most common reasons for the development of general speech underdevelopment include:

  • Rh conflict between the child and the mother;
  • intrauterine strangulation of the fetus, hypoxia;
  • injuries caused during childbirth;
  • persistent infectious diseases in infancy;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • chronic diseases.

Reasons of a psycho-emotional and mental nature include shock of any nature, place of residence or conditions unsuitable for the development of communication skills, lack of verbal communication, and attention.

Typically, the onset of the disorder can be diagnosed at a fairly late age. The development of OHP may be indicated by a prolonged absence of speech in a child (mostly by 3–5 years). In the presence of speech activity, its activity and diversity are not high; often spoken words are illegible and illiterate.

The concentration of attention may be reduced, the processes of perception and memorization may be inhibited. In some cases, there is a violation of motor activity (especially related to coordination of movements) and hidden motor skills of pronunciation.

Often, general underdevelopment of level 3 speech is mistakenly identified with delayed speech development. These are different deviations: in the first case, there is a pathology of speech reflection of thoughts, in the second - the untimeliness of the appearance of speech while maintaining its clarity and literacy.

Deviation characteristic

Children with level 3 ODD are characterized by the use of simple, uncomplicated words without constructing complex sentences. Often the child does not form full-fledged phrases, limiting himself to fragmentary phrases. Nevertheless, speech can be widespread and extensive. Free communication is quite difficult.

With this type of deviation, the understanding of the text is not distorted, with the exception of complex participial, participle, and additional constructions that are built into sentences. The interpretation of the logic of the narrative may be disrupted - children with level 3 OHP do not draw analogies and logical chains between spatial, temporal, cause-and-effect relationships of speech.

In contrast, the vocabulary of children with level 3 SEN is extensive, as it includes words from almost all parts of speech and forms, each of which is in the active vocabulary of the speaker. The most commonly used words in children with this deviation are nouns and verbs due to the general simplicity of speech; adverbs and adjectives are less common in oral narration.

Typical for type 3 OHP is the inaccurate and sometimes incorrect use of names of objects and names. There is a substitution of concepts:

  • part of an object is called the name of the whole object (hands - clock);
  • names of professions are replaced by descriptions of actions (pianist - “a person plays”);
  • species names are replaced by a common generic character (pigeon - bird);
  • mutual substitution of non-identical concepts (tall - big).

Errors are made in the selection of auxiliary parts of speech (prepositions, conjunctions), cases for them (“into the woods - in the woods”, “from the cup - from the cup”), even to the point of unjustifiably ignoring them. It may be incorrect to coordinate words of different parts of speech with each other (usually children confuse endings and cases). Incorrect placement of stress in words is often observed.

In uncomplicated forms of general speech underdevelopment, type 3 errors in the sound perception of words and violations of the structure of syllables (with the exception of the repetition of long words of 3 or 4 syllables, where such shortening occurs) are practically not observed. The distortion of the sound transmission of speech is less pronounced, but when this symptom manifests itself in a free conversation, even those sounds that the child can pronounce correctly may be distorted.

Diagnosis of ODD by a speech therapist

Diagnosis of speech abnormalities for any type of OHP at the initial stages does not differ. Before the examination, the speech therapist collects an anamnesis of the disease, which indicates all the features of the course of the condition in a particular case:

  • duration of the condition;
  • moment of occurrence;
  • main symptoms;
  • speech characteristics of children with special needs development disorder;
  • degree of expression;
  • possible speech pathologies associated with the activity of the speech centers of the brain (, etc.);
  • features of the manifestation of OHP in the early stages;
  • illnesses suffered by the child in the past.

For an accurate diagnosis of the condition, a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician and a neurologist who deals with disorders of children's mental activity is necessary.

A direct examination of speech function includes testing all components of harmonious, coherent speech. Typically examined:

  • the ability to form coherent thoughts (when describing images, retelling and storytelling);
  • the degree of development of the grammatical component (literate agreement of words in a sentence, the ability to change and form word forms);
  • the degree of correctness of the sound transmission of thoughts.

In the images for children with level 3 ODD, it is proposed to separate the concept of an object and its part (handle - cup), correlate professions and corresponding attributes (singer - microphone), animals with their cubs (cat - kitten). This way, the ratio of active and passive reserves and their extent are revealed.

The breadth of the vocabulary is examined to determine the child’s ability to make analogies, identify a concept with its denoting object, and relate several related concepts.

When the diagnosis of OHP is confirmed, a study of the ability to remember through auditory memory is carried out. The degree of correct pronunciation of words, the literacy of syllable construction, the phonetic component of speech and the motor skills of the child’s speech activity are analyzed. The child’s skills in speech etiquette are also assessed.

OHP type 3 involves:

  • slight change in sound pronunciation and syllabic transmission of words;
  • the presence of minor grammatical errors when constructing sentences;
  • avoiding the pronunciation of complex sentences;
  • simplification of verbal reflection of thoughts.

Based on the results of the examination, the speech therapist makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of OHP, and, if necessary, prescribes a number of preventive or therapeutic measures to correct the condition. A characteristic of the speech of children with ODD is being compiled.

Level 3 OHP correction

There is no main, commonly used treatment method: for each specific case, the type of treatment is selected differentially due to differences in speech development in different children.

When stage 3 OHP is diagnosed, corrective speech therapy sessions are prescribed. During the course of treatment, the skills of forming coherent thoughts are developed, the quality of speech is improved according to lexical and grammatical parameters, the sound pronunciation of words and their auditory reflection are improved.

During the correction, children with level 3 SEN are simultaneously prepared to study the grammatical aspects of the language.

Usually, regular sessions with a speech therapist are sufficient to correct the condition, but for complicated cases of speech disorders, training in specialized preschool and school educational institutions is provided. The duration of education for children with level 3 SEN is 2 years. Correction is more effective at an early age (about 4 or 5 years) - it is at this age that enrollment in such educational institutions occurs.

In general, there are no grounds for mandatory enrollment of a child with level 3 special needs in a specialized school. Such a child is distinguished by increased absent-mindedness of attention, as well as concentration.

Preventive measures, prognosis for correction of OHP

Level 3 OHP is much more treatable than grade 2 OHP. At the same time, the process of improving oral speech skills is long and complex, as it is associated with changing speech habits, expanding the vocabulary, and developing the correct pronunciation of complex words.

Preventive measures are aimed at reducing the influence of unfavorable factors. For the harmonious development of speech it is important:

  • pay sufficient attention to the development of communication skills;
  • reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases in childhood;
  • prevent traumatic brain injury;
  • stimulate speech activity from infancy.

It is especially important to adhere to this regimen during and after OHP correction, because it is necessary to maintain the effect with the formation of a habit.

ONR grade 3 responds well to therapy, since this type of deviation is not critical. Children can express their thoughts relatively freely, despite the simplification of speech reflection and the appearance of some grammatical, lexical or sound errors during narration.

Compulsory education in a specialized school for such a disorder is not required - it is enough to properly organize the child’s daily routine, follow the recommendations of a speech therapist, and, if necessary, regularly attend general correction sessions.

ONR can be expressed in varying degrees : from absence of speech to extensive speech, but with elements of lexical and grammatical underdevelopment. Depending on the degree of development of the child’s linguistic means, ONR is divided into 3 groups (according to the classification of R. E. Levina). Filicheva identified the 4th level of ONR.

I level speech development is characterized by virtually no speech. Children have a fairly large passive vocabulary; the active vocabulary is very poor. Speech consists of babbling words, onomatopoeia, a small number of words (“mother”, “woman”, etc.). Communication takes place through gestures and facial expressions. Phrase speech in its infancy Understanding of addressed speech is insufficient. Children do not understand the grammatical forms of words well.

Level II. It is characterized by the fact that, in addition to babbling words, words of an everyday nature appear. The vocabulary is poor, usually limited to listing objects and actions. The meaning of many words is unknown to the child. The words are very distorted, the statements are poor. The phrase becomes much longer, but it is grossly ungrammatical: · inconsistency in gender, number, case of nouns and adjectives; · errors in the use of number forms and gender of verbs; · prepositional structures have not been mastered - prepositions are omitted or replaced; omissions of sentence members; · ignoring adjectives and conjunctions. The structure of words of various syllabic structures is grossly violated: · simplification of words; · rearrangement of syllables. The pronunciation of all main groups of sounds is impaired. The pronunciation of sounds is characterized by numerous distortions, omissions, and confusion. Distortions are often of an unstable nature, for example, in the same child - “c” - lowers, lateral, interdental.

III level. Understanding of spoken speech is close to normal. Children speak in extended phrases. They can carry on a conversation, answer questions, make sentences and even short stories based on pictures. However, there are elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. The expanded phrase is simple. Complex sentences with conjunctions are practically not used in speech. Agrammatism: errors in coordination and control when using prepositional constructions. The child is able to correct many of the mistakes himself if he pays attention to them. Vocabulary below age norm: ignorance of many common words (entrance, lake, etc.), inaccurate use of words. The vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs; the vocabulary of adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and other parts of speech is very limited. Practical word formation skills are insufficient. Persistent disturbances in the syllabic structure of polysyllabic words. Sound pronunciation is partially impaired in the most difficult sounds (sonoras, affricates). Insufficient differentiation of individual sounds that are similar in sound and articulation. Difficulties in automating assigned sounds in independent speech. There are children of the 3rd level with normal sound pronunciation. However, phonemic hearing in children of this subgroup is not sufficiently developed.

IV level. This level of ONR began to be identified relatively recently, as the number of children with speech impediments entering secondary schools from mass kindergartens has increased. This diagnosis is given to children after 5 years 6 months. - 6 years. The oral speech of a child with level 4 OHP is generally as close as possible to the norm. There are isolated errors associated with inaccurate use of individual words, some case endings and prepositions, and word formation errors. But a more thorough examination conducted by a speech therapist makes it possible to detect a low level of readiness in the child to master the reading and writing program, as well as theoretical knowledge of the native language. For children with mildly expressed ODD level 4 (NONR), speech therapy work is prescribed for 1 year.

Currently, a description of such a complex speech defect as general speech underdevelopment would be incomplete without characterizing the additional fourth level of speech development. This includes children with mildly expressed residual manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech. Minor violations of all components of the language are identified during a detailed examination when performing specially selected tasks.

In the speech of children, there are isolated violations of the syllabic structure of words and sound content. Eliminations predominate, mainly in the reduction of sounds, and only in isolated cases - omission of syllables. Paraphasias are also observed, more often - rearrangements of sounds, less often of syllables; a small percentage is perseveration and addition of syllables and sounds.

Insufficient intelligibility, expressiveness, somewhat sluggish articulation and unclear diction leave the impression of overall blurred speech. The incompleteness of the formation of the sound structure and the mixing of sounds characterize the insufficient level of differentiated perception of phonemes. This peculiarity is an important indicator of the process of phoneme formation that has not yet completed.

Along with deficiencies of a phonetic-phonemic nature, individual violations of semantic speech were also found in these children. Thus, with a fairly diverse subject dictionary, there are no words denoting some animals and birds ( penguin, ostrich), plants ( cactus, loach), people of different professions ( photographer, telephone operator,librarian), body parts ( chin, eyelids, foot). When answering, generic and specific concepts are mixed (crow, goose - bird, trees - Christmas trees, forest - birch trees).

When designating actions and attributes of objects, some children use typical names and names of approximate meaning: oval – round; rewrote - wrote. The nature of lexical errors is manifested in the replacement of words that are similar in situation ( uncle paints the fence with a brush- instead of “uncle is painting the fence with a brush; cat rolls a ball– instead of “tangle”), in a mixture of signs (high fence – long; brave boy - fast; old grandfather - adult).

Main symptoms:

  • Babbling instead of words
  • Violation in the construction of words
  • Impaired mental functioning
  • Impaired concentration
  • Incorrect pronunciation of sounds
  • Irrational use of prepositions and cases
  • Inability to recognize similar sounds
  • Limited vocabulary
  • Lack of interest in learning new things
  • Lack of understanding of the difference between numbers
  • Logical presentation disorder
  • Difficulty putting words together into phrases
  • Difficulty constructing sentences

General speech underdevelopment is a whole complex of symptoms in which all aspects and aspects of the speech system are disrupted, without any exception. This means that disorders will be observed both from the lexical, phonetic and grammatical sides.

This pathology is polyetiological, the formation of which is influenced by a large number of predisposing factors associated with the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Symptoms of the disease will vary depending on the severity. There are four levels of speech underdevelopment in total. In order to determine the severity of the disease, the patient must undergo speech therapy examination.

Treatment is based on conservative methods and involves the work of a speech therapist with the child and parents at home.

The International Classification of Diseases divides this disorder into several ailments, which is why they have several meanings. OHP has a code according to ICD-10 – F80-F89.


General underdevelopment of speech in preschool children is a fairly common ailment, occurring in 40% of all representatives of this age category.

Several factors can lead to such a disorder:

  • intrauterine, which leads to damage to the central nervous system;
  • conflict of Rh factors in the blood of mother and fetus;
  • fetal asphyxia during birth - this condition is characterized by a lack of oxygen and can lead to suffocation or apparent death;
  • the child receiving injuries directly during labor;
  • Pregnant woman's addiction to bad habits;
  • unfavorable working or living conditions for female representatives during pregnancy.

Such circumstances lead to the fact that the child, even during intrauterine development, experiences disturbances in the formation of organs and systems, in particular the central nervous system. Such processes can lead to the emergence of a wide range of functional pathologies, including speech disorders.

In addition, such a disorder can develop after the baby is born. This can be facilitated by:

  • frequent acute diseases of various etiologies;
  • the presence of any chronic illnesses;
  • suffered traumatic brain injuries.

It is worth noting that OHP can occur with the following ailments:

  • rhinolalia;

In addition, the formation of speech abilities is affected by insufficient attention or lack of emotional contact between the baby and his parents.


There are four degrees of speech underdevelopment:

  • OHP level 1 – characterized by a complete absence of coherent speech. In the medical field, this condition is called “speechless children.” Babies communicate using simplified speech or babble, and also actively gesture;
  • OHP level 2 - the initial development of general speech is observed, but the vocabulary remains poor, and the child makes a large number of mistakes when pronouncing words. In such cases, the maximum that a child can do is utter a simple sentence that will consist of no more than three words;
  • underdevelopment of speech at level 3 – differs in that children can form sentences, but the semantic and sound load is not sufficiently developed;
  • OHP level 4 is the mildest stage of the disease. This is explained by the fact that the child speaks quite well, his speech is practically no different from his peers. However, disturbances are observed during pronunciation and construction of long phrases.

In addition, clinicians distinguish several groups of this disease:

  • uncomplicated ONR - diagnosed in patients with minor pathology of brain activity;
  • complicated OHP – observed in the presence of any neurological or psychiatric disorder;
  • general underdevelopment of speech and delayed speech development - diagnosed in children by pathologies of those parts of the brain that are responsible for speech.


The characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment will differ depending on the severity of the disorder inherent in the patient.

However, despite this, such children begin to utter their first words relatively late - at three or four years old. The speech is practically incomprehensible to others and is incorrectly formatted. This becomes the reason that the child’s verbal activity begins to be impaired, and sometimes the following may be observed:

  • memory impairment;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • lack of interest in learning new things;
  • loss of attention.

In patients with the first level of OHP, the following manifestations are observed:

  • instead of words there is babbling, which is complemented by a large number of gestures and rich facial expressions;
  • communication is carried out in sentences consisting of one word, the meaning of which is quite difficult to understand;
  • limited vocabulary;
  • violation in the construction of words;
  • disorder in the pronunciation of sounds;
  • the child cannot distinguish sounds.

Speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree is characterized by the following disorders:

  • reproduction of phrases consisting of no more than three words is observed;
  • the vocabulary is very poor compared to the number of words used by the child’s peers;
  • children are unable to understand the meaning of a large number of words;
  • lack of understanding of the difference between numbers;
  • irrational use of prepositions and cases;
  • sounds are pronounced with multiple distortions;
  • phonemic perception is insufficiently formed;
  • the child’s unpreparedness for sound analysis of speech addressed to him.

Third level OHP parameters:

  • the presence of conscious phrasal speech, but it is based on simple sentences;
  • difficulty constructing complex phrases;
  • an increased stock of words used compared to children with second-degree SLD;
  • making mistakes using prepositions and coordinating different parts of speech;
  • minor deviations in pronunciation and phonemic awareness.

Description of the clinical picture of general speech underdevelopment of the fourth level:

  • the presence of specific difficulties with sound pronunciation and repetition of words with a large number of syllables;
  • the level of phonetic understanding is reduced;
  • making mistakes during word formation;
  • wide vocabulary;
  • disorder of logical presentation - minor details come to the fore.


This disorder is identified through communication between a speech therapist and the child.

The definition of pathology and its severity consists of:

  • determining the capabilities of oral speech - to clarify the level of formation of various aspects of the language system. Such a diagnostic event begins with the study of coherent speech. The doctor assesses the patient’s ability to compose a story from a drawing, retell what he heard or read, as well as to compose an independent short story. In addition, the level of grammar and vocabulary is taken into account;
  • assessing the sound aspect of speech - based on how the child pronounces certain sounds, on the syllable structure and sound content of the words that the patient pronounces. Phonetic perception and sound analysis are not left without attention.

In addition, it may be necessary to conduct diagnostic methods for assessing auditory-verbal memory and other mental processes.

During diagnosis, not only does the severity of ODD become clear, but such a disease is also differentiated from RRD.


Since each degree of general underdevelopment of speech formation is divided into several stages, then, accordingly, the therapy will also differ.

Directions for correcting general speech underdevelopment in preschool children:

  • Level 1 illness – activation of independent speech and development of processes of understanding what is said to the child. In addition, attention is paid to thinking and memory. The training of such patients does not set itself the goal of achieving normal phonetic speech, but the grammatical part is taken into account;
  • OHP of the second level - work is carried out not only on the development of speech, but also on the understanding of what is spoken. Therapy is aimed at improving sound pronunciation, forming meaningful phrases and clarifying grammatical and lexical subtleties;
  • Stage 3 disease – conscious coherent speech is corrected, aspects related to grammar and vocabulary are improved, the pronunciation of sounds and phonetic understanding are mastered;
  • OHP level 4 – therapy is aimed at correcting age-related speech for subsequent problem-free learning in educational institutions.

Therapy for children with varying degrees of severity of this disorder is carried out in various conditions:

  • ONR levels 1 and 2 - in specially designated schools;
  • ONR level 3 – in general education institutions with the condition of correctional education;
  • mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech - in secondary schools.


Ignoring the signs of such an illness can lead to the following consequences:

  • complete lack of speech;
  • emotional isolation of a child who notices that he is different from his peers;
  • further difficulties in education, work and other social areas that will be observed in adults with untreated ODD.

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid the development of such a disease, it is necessary:

  • women during pregnancy should give up bad habits and pay special attention to their health;
  • parents of children to promptly treat infectious diseases;
  • devote as much time as possible to children, do not ignore them, and also engage in their development and upbringing.

Since correctional work aimed at overcoming ODD takes quite a lot of time and is a labor-intensive process, it is best if it starts as early as possible - when the child turns three years old. Only in this case can a favorable prognosis be achieved.

The state of general speech underdevelopment (GSD) is characterized by a violation of all aspects of the formation of speech skills. Its main distinguishing feature is the presence of problems both with the sound side (pronunciation), and with lexical and grammatical aspects.
At the same time, children with general speech underdevelopment do not have hearing or intellectual impairments.

Distinctive features of OHP:

  1. The presence of problems both with the pronunciation of sounds and with the skills of coherent expressive speech, mastering the rules of grammatical structure and a poor active vocabulary.
  2. Hearing is not impaired. A specialist check is required.
  3. Primary intelligence is normal. That is, a child at birth does not have a diagnosis of “mental retardation,” etc. However, it is worth keeping in mind that long-term uncorrected mental retardation can also lead to mental retardation.

It is possible to talk about the presence of general speech underdevelopment in a child only after 3-4 years. Until this time, children develop differently and “have the right” to some deviations from average norms. Everyone has their own pace of speech formation. But after 3, it’s worth paying attention to how the child speaks. It is quite possible that he needs the help of a speech therapist.

The manifestation of OHP in children is expressed differently based on the depth of their disorders.

General speech underdevelopment level 1

A violation of this degree means an almost complete absence of speech in the child. Problems are visible to what is called the “naked eye.”

What does it show:

  1. A child's active vocabulary is very poor. To communicate, he uses mainly babbling words, the first syllables of words, and onomatopoeia. At the same time, he is not at all averse to communicating, but in “his” language. A cat means “meow”, “beep” can mean a car, a train, or the process of driving itself.
  2. Gestures and facial expressions are widely used. They are always appropriate, carry a specific meaning and, in general, help the child communicate.
  3. Simple sentences either simply do not exist in the child’s speech, or may consist of two amorphous words combined in meaning. “Meow bee bee” during the game will mean that the cat drove the car. “Woof di” means both the dog is walking and the dog is running.
  4. At the same time, the passive vocabulary significantly exceeds the active one. The child understands spoken speech to a much greater extent than he can say himself.
  5. Compound words (consisting of several syllables) are abbreviated. For example, bus sounds like "abas" or "atobu". This indicates that phonemic hearing is unformed, that is, the child does not distinguish individual sounds well.

General speech underdevelopment level 2

The main striking difference from level 1 is the constant presence in the child’s speech of a certain number of commonly used words, although not yet pronounced very correctly. At the same time, the beginnings of the formation of a grammatical connection between words are noticeable, although not yet permanent.

What to pay attention to:

  1. The child always uses the same word, denoting a specific object or action in a distorted form. For example, apple will always sound like “lyabako” in any context.
  2. The active dictionary is quite poor. The child does not know words denoting the characteristics of an object (shape, its individual parts).
  3. There is no skill in combining objects into groups (a spoon, plate, pan are utensils). Objects that are similar in some way can be called in one word.
  4. Sound pronunciation is also far behind. The child pronounces many sounds poorly.
  5. A characteristic feature of level 2 OHP is the appearance in speech of the rudiments of a grammatical change in spoken words depending on the number. However, the child can only cope with simple words even if the ending is stressed (go - goUt). Moreover, this process is unstable and does not always manifest itself.
  6. Simple sentences are actively used in speech, but the words in them are not consistent with each other. For example, “papa pitya” - dad came, “guyai gokam” - walked on the hill, etc.
  7. Prepositions in speech may be completely missed or used incorrectly.
  8. A coherent story - based on a picture or with the help of an adult's questions - is already obtained, in contrast to the state at level 1 OHP, but it is very limited. Basically, the child uses two-syllable, inconsistent sentences consisting of a subject and a predicate. “Guyai gokam. Videy seg. Ipiy segika." (Walked on a hill, saw snow, made a snowman).
  9. The syllabic structure of polysyllabic words is disrupted. As a rule, syllables are not only distorted due to incorrect pronunciation, but also rearranged and simply thrown out. (Boots are “bokiti”, people are “tevek”).

General speech underdevelopment level 3

This stage is characterized mainly by a lag in terms of grammatical and phonemic development of speech. Expressive speech is quite active, the child constructs detailed phrases and uses a large vocabulary.

Problem points:

  1. Communication with others is mainly in the presence of parents, who act as assistant translators.
  2. Unstable pronunciation of sounds that the child has learned to pronounce separately. In independent speech they still sound unclear.
  3. Sounds that are difficult to pronounce are replaced by others. Whistling, hissing, sonorant and affricates are more difficult to master. One sound can replace several at once. For example, the soft “s” often plays different roles (“syanki” - sledge, “syuba” - “fur coat”, “syapina” - “scratch”).
  4. The active vocabulary is noticeably expanding. However, the child does not yet know the little-used vocabulary. It is noticeable that in his speech he uses mainly words of everyday meaning, which he often hears around.
  5. The grammatical connection of words in sentences, as they say, leaves much to be desired, but at the same time the child confidently approaches the construction of complex and complex constructions. (“Papa wrote and pyinesya Mise padaik, how Misya haase behave yourself” - Dad came and brought Misha a gift, BECAUSE Misha behaved well. As we see, a complex construction is already “asking for the tongue”, but the grammatical agreement of words is not yet given ).
  6. From such incorrectly formed sentences, the child can already compose a story. Sentences will still only describe a specific sequence of actions, but there will no longer be a problem with constructing phrases.
  7. A characteristic feature is the inconsistency of grammatical errors. That is, in one case, a child can correctly coordinate words with each other, but in another, use the wrong form.
  8. There are difficulties in correctly agreeing nouns with numerals. For example, “three catsAM” - three cats, “many sparrows” - many sparrows.
  9. The lag in the formation of phonemic abilities is manifested in errors when pronouncing “difficult” words (“gynasts” - gymnasts), in the presence of problems in analysis and synthesis (the child finds it difficult to find words starting with a specific letter). This, among other things, delays the child’s readiness to succeed in school.

General speech underdevelopment level 4

This level of OHP is characterized only by isolated difficulties and errors. However, when taken together, these disorders prevent the child from mastering reading and writing skills. Therefore, it is important not to miss this condition and contact a speech therapist to correct errors.

Characteristic features:

  1. There is no problem of incorrect sound pronunciation, the sounds are “delivered”, but the speech is somewhat slurred, inexpressive and has unclear articulation.
  2. Periodically, there are violations of the syllabic structure of a word, elision (omission of syllables - for example, “skein” instead of “hammer”), replacement of one sound with another, rearrangement of them.
  3. Another typical mistake is the incorrect use of words denoting a feature of an object. The child does not very clearly understand the meaning of such words. For example, “the house is long” instead of “tall”, “the boy is short” instead of “short”, etc.).
  4. Formation of new words using suffixes also causes difficulties. (“hare” instead of “hare”, “platenko” instead of “dress”).
  5. Agrammatisms occur, but not very often. Mainly, difficulties can arise when agreeing nouns with adjectives (“I write with a blue pen”) or when using plural nouns in the nominative or genitive case (“We saw bears and birds at the zoo”).

It is important to note that all the disorders that distinguish level 4 OHP are not common in children. Moreover, if a child is offered two answer options, he will choose the correct one, that is, there is criticality towards speech, and the formation of a grammatical structure approaches the necessary norms.