War on Mars who launched a nuclear strike. Who could fight with the earth

Friday, Aug 30 2013

The listed material finds and historical evidence are not sufficient to conclude that the disaster was nuclear. It was necessary to find traces of radiation. And it turns out there are a lot of such traces on Earth.

Firstly, as the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster show, now in animals and people mutations occur leading to cyclopsism(Cyclopes have one eye above the bridge of their nose). And we know from the legends of many nations about the existence of Cyclopes, with whom people had to fight.

The second direction of radioactive mutagenesis is polyploidy - doubling of the chromosome set, which leads to gigantism and duplication of some organs: two hearts or two rows of teeth. The remains of giant skeletons with double rows of teeth are periodically found on Earth, as reported by Mikhail Persinger.

The third direction of radioactive mutagenesis is Mongoloidity.Currently, the Mongoloid race is the most widespread on the planet. It includes the Chinese, Mongols, Eskimos, Ural, South Siberian peoples and the peoples of both Americas. But earlier the Mongoloids were represented much more widely, since they were found in Europe, Sumeria, and Egypt. Subsequently, they were driven out of these places by Aryan and Semitic peoples. Even in Central Africa there are Bushmen and Hottentots who have black skin, but nevertheless have characteristic Mongoloid features. It is noteworthy that the spread of the Mongoloid race correlates with the spread of deserts and semi-deserts on Earth, where the main centers of the lost civilization once were.

Fourth evidence of radioactive mutagenesis - birth of deformities among people and birth of children with atavisms (return to ancestors). It is explained by the fact that deformities after radiation were widespread at that time and were considered normal, so this recessive trait sometimes appears in newborns. For example, radiation leads to six-fingeredness, which is found in Japanese survivors of the American nuclear bombing, in newborns of Chernobyl, and this mutation has survived to this day. If in Europe during the witch hunt such people were completely exterminated, then in Russia before the revolution there were entire villages of six-fingered people.

The two- and three-headed nature of the Gorynych Serpents could be due to nuclear mutagenesis, which was hereditarily fixed and passed on through generations. For example, in the USA in San Francisco a woman with two heads gave birth to a two-headed child, i.e. a new race of people has appeared(see also news "A girl with two heads was born in China [video]"). Russian epics report that the Serpent Gorynych was kept in chains, like a dog, and on it the heroes of the epics sometimes plowed the ground, like on a horse. Therefore, most likely, three-headed dinosaurs were the main pets of the asuras.

It is known that reptiles, which are not far removed from dinosaurs in their development, are not amenable to training, but an increase in the number of heads increased general intelligence and reduced aggressiveness.

What caused the nuclear conflict?

According to the Vedas, asuras, i.e. The inhabitants of the Earth were big and strong, but they were destroyed by gullibility and good nature. In the battle between the asuras and the gods described by the Vedas, the latter, with the help of deception, defeated the asuras, destroyed their flying cities, and drove them underground and to the bottom of the oceans. The presence of pyramids scattered throughout the planet (in Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, India) suggests that the culture was united and earthlings had no reason to fight among themselves.

Those whom the Vedas call gods are aliens and appeared from the sky (from space). The nuclear conflict was most likely in space. But who and where were those whom the Vedas call gods, and various religions call the forces of Satan?

Who was the second belligerent?

In 1972, the American Mariner station reached Mars and took more than 3,000 images. Of these, 500 were published in the general press. On one of them the world saw a dilapidated pyramid, as experts estimate, 1.5 km high and a sphinx with a human face. But unlike the Egyptian one, which looks ahead, the Martian sphinx looks into the sky. The pictures were accompanied by comments - that this was most likely a play of natural forces. NASA (the American Aeronautics and Space Administration) did not publish the remaining images, citing the fact that they supposedly needed to be “deciphered.”

More than a decade passed and photographs of another sphinx and pyramid were published. In the new photographs, it was clearly possible to distinguish a sphinx, a pyramid and a third structure - the remains of a wall of a rectangular structure. At the sphinx looking to the sky, A frozen tear rolled out of his eye.

The first thought that could come to mind was that the war took place between Mars and Earth, and those whom the ancients called gods were people who colonized Mars. Judging by the remaining dried up “canals” (formerly rivers), reaching a width of 50-60 km, the biosphere on Mars was no less in size and power than the biosphere of Earth. This suggested that the Martian colony had decided to separate from its mother country, which was Earth, just as America separated from England in the last century, despite the fact that the culture was common.

"Pyramid" on Mars

The Sphinx and the pyramid tell us that indeed there was a common culture, and Mars was indeed colonized by earthlings. But, like the Earth, it was also subjected to nuclear bombardment and lost its biosphere and atmosphere (the latter today has a pressure of about 0.1 atmosphere of the Earth and consists of 99% nitrogen, which can be formed, as the Gorky scientist A. Volgin proved, as a result of vital activity organisms). Oxygen on Mars is 0.1%, and carbon dioxide is 0.2% (although there are other data). Oxygen was destroyed by a nuclear fire, and carbon dioxide was decomposed by the remaining primitive Martian vegetation, which has a reddish color and annually covers a significant surface during the onset of Martian summer, clearly visible through a telescope. The red color is due to the presence of xanthine. Similar plants are found on Earth. As a rule, they grow in places where there is a lack of light and could well have been brought by asuras from Mars. Depending on the season, the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide varies and on the surface in the layer of Martian vegetation the oxygen concentration can reach several percent.

This makes it possible for the “wild” Martian fauna to exist, which on Mars can be of Lilliputian proportions. People on Mars would not be able to grow more than 6 cm, and dogs and cats, due to low atmospheric pressure, would be comparable in size to flies. It is quite possible that the asuras who survived the war on Mars were reduced to Martian sizes, in any case, the plot of the tale about "To the little boy" widespread among many peoples, it probably did not arise out of nowhere.

During times Atlanteans who could move on their vimanas not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, but also in space, they could have brought the remains of the Asur civilization from Mars, Thumb Boys, for your own amusement. The surviving plots of European fairy tales, how kings settled little people in toy palaces, are still popular among children. The enormous height of the Martian pyramids (1500 meters) makes it possible to approximately determine the individual sizes of the asuras. The average size of Egyptian pyramids is 60 meters, i.e. 30 times larger than a person. Then the average height of asuras is 50 meters.
Almost all nations have preserved legends about giants, giants and even titans, who, with their growth, should have had a corresponding life expectancy.

Among the Greeks, the titans who inhabited the Earth were forced to fight with the gods. The Bible also writes about giants who inhabited our planet in the past. Cydonia - region of Mars.

Approximately in the center is the “Martian Sphinx”. The weeping sphinx looking at the sky tells us that he built after the disaster by people (asuras) who escaped death in the Martian dungeons. His species calls out for help to his brothers remaining on other planets: “We are still alive! Come for us! Help us!"

The remnants of the Martian civilization of earthlings may still exist. The mysterious blue flashes that occur from time to time on its surface are very reminiscent of nuclear explosions. Perhaps the war on Mars is still ongoing. At the beginning of our century, there was a lot of talk and debate about the satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, and the idea was expressed that they were artificial and hollow inside, since they rotate much faster than other satellites. This idea may well be confirmed. As reported by F.Yu. Siegel in his lectures, there are also 4 satellites orbiting around the Earth, which have not been launched by any country, and their orbits are perpendicular to the usually launched orbits of satellites. And if all artificial satellites, due to their small orbit, eventually fall to Earth, then these 4 satellites are too far from Earth.

Therefore, most likely they remained from former civilizations. 15,000 years ago history stopped for Mars. The scarcity of remaining species will not allow the Martian biosphere to flourish for a long time. The Sphinx was not addressed to those who were on their way to the stars at that time; they could not help in any way.
He was facing the metropolis - the civilization that was on Earth. Thus, Earth and Mars were on the same side.

Who was with the other one? At one time, V.I. Vernadsky proved that continents can only form due to the presence of the biosphere. There is always a negative balance between the ocean and the continent, i.e. Rivers always carry less matter into the oceans than comes from the oceans.

The main force involved in this transfer is not the wind, but living beings, primarily birds and fish. If it were not for this force, according to Vernadsky’s calculations, in 18 million years there would be no continents on Earth. The phenomenon of continentality has been discovered on Mars, the Moon and Venus, i.e. these planets once had a biosphere. But the Moon, due to its proximity to the Earth, could not resist the Earth and Mars.

Firstly, because there there was no significant atmosphere, therefore the biosphere was weak. This follows from the fact that the dried river beds found on the Moon cannot be compared in any way with the size of the rivers of the Earth (especially Mars). Life could only be exported. The Earth could be such an exporter.

Secondly , a thermonuclear strike was also carried out on the moon, since the American Apollo expedition discovered glassy soil there, baked from high temperatures. By the layer of dust you can determine when the disaster occurred there. 3 mm of dust falls on the Earth in 1000 years; on the Moon, where gravity is 6 times less, 0.5 mm should fall in the same time. Over 30,000 years, 1.5 cm of dust should have accumulated there. Judging by the footage of American astronauts filmed on the Moon, the layer of dust that they raised while walking is somewhere around 1-2 cm.

In the 80s, there were reports in the press about the observation of twisted structures on it, possibly representing the remains of ancient units belonging to the Asur civilization, which, according to American ufologists, created a lunar atmosphere from the soil. In the area of ​​the Stern Crater, on the visible side, even with an amateur telescope you can see a web of some kind of structures, maybe these are the remains of an ancient city on the Moon?

Thirdly, everything that happened there was learned very quickly on Earth. The blow was struck suddenly and from a distant object, so that neither the Martians nor the earthlings expected it and did not have time to make a retaliatory strike. Such an object could be Venus.

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich

  • Ending:

According to American geologists Jim Bell and Briony Hogan from the University of Arizona, the surface of Mars has turned to glass in places. In the images sent by the Mars Express probe, researchers were able to see what appeared to be melted dunes. According to scientists, the glass that covers the dunes arose after volcanic eruptions. In turn, this suggests that the Red Planet had a violent volcanic past. As a result, approximately ten million square kilometers of its surface turned into glass.

But, naturally, ufologists have their own opinion about Martian glass. First of all, they remember the rather popular hypothesis that a nuclear war led to the death of life on a neighboring planet. Allegedly, a large number of explosions of hydrogen or atomic bombs melted the sand on the dunes, and literally swept almost the entire atmosphere into space, causing oxidation of the soil.

In support of this hypothesis, anomaly enthusiasts cite finds that were made during excavations in the 70s of the last century in the territory of present-day Pakistan, where the ruins of the ancient Indian city of Mohenjo-Daro, which was the center of the Harappan civilization, are located. Archaeologists found large areas of fused glass sand there, just like on Mars.

According to English researcher David Davenport, this glass appeared as a result of nuclear explosions that thundered here about four thousand years ago.

Judging by the Indian epics, the war was started by the gods who arrived on flying machines - vimanas. Maybe they were Martians? First, they destroyed their planet, then blew up the neighboring planet, Phaeton, in the place of which an asteroid belt currently remains. And already on Earth they finally exterminated each other?

But, according to geologists, glass on Mars formed a long time ago, when there was a lot of water on Mars. Thus, the “wars” on Mars, Phaethon and Ancient India diverged greatly in time, not to mention space.

And what could have been preserved from the warlike Martians was recently discovered in images sent by the Curiosity rover. According to members of the research group Alien Disclosure UK, one of them has a real army boot on it.

The rover is currently exploring the equatorial Gale Crater. It was here that the discovery was made by specialists from the Alien Disclosure UK group, which searches for traces of aliens.

Naturally, skeptics claim that the picture is just a piece of rock that looks like a shoe. To which the group members say that everyone decides for themselves whether this is a play of light and shadow, or really something man-made.

It is worth noting that thousands of people all over the planet are looking for extraterrestrial artifacts. They carefully look at pictures taken from other planets. And sometimes they really find a lot of surprising things. For example, a figurine of a Martian woman from the Gusev crater, which caused a real sensation, since it is very similar to the real creation of sculptors from Mars.

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Did aliens commit nuclear genocide on the Martians?

Nuclear war destroyed ancient civilizations on Mars, says scientist John Brandenburg.

With Earthlings struggling for power and a new arms race that requires neighboring countries not to have nuclear energy, have you ever thought about the future of the Earth and its inhabitants? Nuclear war is a possibility that has troubled humanity for decades, and we have seen firsthand the effects of the use of such “bombs.”

Maybe Mars is the home planet of a civilization that was destroyed by nuclear war?

John Brandenburg, a plasma physics doctor at Orbital Technologies in Madison, Wisc., believes the Mars race ended in a nuclear explosion. In 2011, Brandenburg presented a theory according to which the red color on Mars is explained by a thermonuclear explosion that took place, writes the Daily Mail.

"The surface of Mars is covered with a thin layer of radioactive materials, including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium - and this pattern is emitted from hot spots on Mars," Brandenburg previously said. "A nuclear explosion could spread debris across the planet."

However, a scientist with a PhD in theoretical plasma physics from the University of California, Davis, now believes that the ancient Martians, known as Cydonians and Utopians, were victims of genocide.

Given the large number of nuclear isotopes in the Martian atmosphere, reminiscent of those produced by hydrogen bomb tests on Earth, Mars may be an example of a civilization destroyed by a nuclear attack from space," Brandenburg wrote in an article published in Vice.

"It's possible that the Fermi Paradox means that our interstellar neighborhood contains forces hostile to young, bustling civilizations like us," he writes in the paper. “Such hostile forces may include, for example, aliens, an AI (artificial intelligence) population” that has accumulated a resentment “against blood and flesh”, as in the film Terminator, all sorts of things, the type, unfortunately, familiar to us as a mindless humanoid bureaucrat , Governor Tarkin from Star Wars, who decided to destroy the planet Alderann as an example for other worlds."

The video, posted on a French YouTube channel, shows a "cloud of smoke" in the Marineris region, a 2,500-mile (4,000 km) canyon on Mars. "The image shows a huge mushroom, and we can wonder if this huge, rare dust cloud is created by the wind, or if it is caused by a nuclear or methane explosion," the video says.

Astronomer Jontay Horner of the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, told the Express, "Fans might imagine this to be evidence of the use of nuclear weapons on Mars, or even chalk it up to a fragment of Comet Siding Spring crashing into the planet. But, unfortunately, this is simply not the case."
According to Horner, the "cloud" is just an optical illusion.

Brandenburg, whose next paper will be published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, argues that Mars once had an advanced Earth-like civilization, such as the ancient Egyptians. Brandenburg says his theory relies on "high concentrations" of xenon-129 in the Martian atmosphere, as well as on the surface of uranium and thorium, as detected by NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft, the Daily Mail writes.

Brandenburg also used data from his studies of two sites on the Red Planet to support his theories, including Cydonia, where the now discredited "Face on Mars" was discovered. Brandenburg claims that the “face” is an ancient artifact of the life of the Martians who previously inhabited the planet.

Brandenburg believes that the “face” on Mars is a trace left by ancient Martians.
Later, the "face" on Mars was discredited and represented by some kind of shift in the dunes.

One of the suspected nuclear explosions occurred in Sidonia Mensa, and a smaller explosion destroyed a civilization in an area called Galaxias Chaos, according to the Daily Mail.

Part 1 - the beginning.

The listed material finds and historical evidence are not sufficient to conclude that the disaster was nuclear. It was necessary to find traces of radiation. And it turns out there are a lot of such traces on Earth.

Firstly, how show the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, now in animals and people mutations occur, leading to cyclopsism(Cyclopes have one eye above the bridge of their nose). And we know according to the legends of many peoples about the existence of Cyclopes that people had to fight with.

The second direction of radioactive mutagenesis is polyploidy - doubling of the chromosome set, which leads to gigantism And doubling of some organs: two hearts or two rows of teeth.
The remains of giant skeletons with double rows of teeth are periodically found on Earth, as reported by Mikhail Persinger.

Giant People.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report the discovery of skeletons of abnormally tall people in different parts of the globe. .

The third direction of radioactive mutagenesis is Mongoloidity.
Currently Mongoloid race is the most widespread on the planet.
It includes the Chinese, Mongols, Eskimos, Ural, South Siberian peoples and the peoples of both Americas.
But earlier the Mongoloids were represented much more widely, since they were found in Europe, Sumeria, and Egypt.

Subsequently they were driven out of these places by Aryan and Semitic peoples.
Even in Central Africa they live Bushmen and Hottentots having black skin, but nevertheless having characteristic Mongoloid features.
It is noteworthy that the spread of the Mongoloid race correlates with the spread of deserts and semi-deserts on Earth where there is no time were the main centers of the lost civilization.

Fourth evidence of radioactive mutagenesis - the birth of deformities in people and the birth of children with atavisms(return to ancestors).
It is explained by the fact that deformities after radiation were widespread at that time and were considered normal, so this recessive trait sometimes appears in newborns.
For example, radiation leads to six-fingered And, found among Japanese survivors of the American nuclear bombing, y Chernobyl newborns, and this mutation has persisted to this day.
If in Europe, during the witch hunt, such people were completely exterminated, That in Russia before the revolution there were entire villages of six-fingered people.

More than 100 craters have been discovered throughout the planet , the average size of which has a diameter 2-3 km, really, there is two huge craters: one with a diameter of 40 km in South America And second 120 km in South Africa.
If they were formed in the Paleozoic era, i.e. 350 million years ago, as some researchers believe, there would have been nothing left of them long ago, since wind, volcanic dust, animals and plants increase the thickness of the surface layer of the earth by an average of a meter per hundred years.
Therefore, in a million years, a depth of 10 km would be equal to the surface of the earth.
A the funnels are still intact, i.e. They over 25 thousand years they reduced their depth by only 250 meters.
This allows us estimate the force of a nuclear strike, produced 25,000 -35,000 years ago.
Taking an average diameter of 100 craters per 3 km, we obtain that As a result of the war with the asuras, about 5,000 Mt were exploded on Earth « boson» bombs.
We must not forget that The Earth's biosphere at that time was 20,000 times larger than today so she was able to withstand such a huge number of nuclear explosions.
Dust and soot obscured the Sun, it became nuclear winter.
Water, falling as snow in the zone of the poles, where eternal cold set in, was turned off from the biosphere circulation.

Manicouagan Crater in northern Canada is one of the oldest known impact craters.
At the site of the crater formed 200 million years ago, a hydroelectric reservoir with a diameter of 70 km was formed, having the expressive shape of a ring lake.
The crater itself has long been destroyed as a result of the passage of glaciers and other erosion processes.
Nevertheless the hard rocks at the impact site largely preserve the complex impact structure, the study of which can help in the study of large impact formations on Earth and other bodies of the Solar System.
The photo shows the vertical stabilizer of the space shuttle Columbia, from which this photo was taken in 1983.

It was found among the Mayan peoples two so-called Venusian calendars- one consisted of 240 days, another of 290 days.
Both of these calendars associated with disasters on Earth, which did not change the radius of rotation along the orbit, but accelerated the daily rotation of the planet.
We know that when a ballerina, while spinning, presses her arms to her body or raises them above her head, she begins to spin faster.
It's the same on our planet. The redistribution of water from the continents to the poles caused an acceleration of the Earth's rotation and a general cooling, because the the earth did not have time to warm up.
Therefore in first case, when the year was 240 days, the length of the day was 36 hours, and this calendar refers to the period of civilizationasuras, in second calendar ( 290 days) the length of the day was 32 hours and it was period of civilizationAtlanteans .
The fact that such calendars existed on Earth in ancient times is also evidenced by the experiments of our physiologists: if a person is placed in a dungeon without a clock, he begins to live according to an internal, more ancient rhythm as if in days 36 hours .

All these facts prove that there was a nuclear war.
According to ours and A.I. Krylov's calculations given in the collection " Global problems of our time», as a result of nuclear explosions and fires caused by them, 28 times more energy should be released than during nuclear explosions themselves (calculations were carried out for our biosphere; for the Asur biosphere this figure is much higher).
The spreading continuous wall of fire destroyed all living things.
Those who did not burn were suffocating from carbon monoxide.

People and animals ran to the water to find your death there.
The fire raged for "three days and three nights" and eventually caused widespread nuclear rain- where the bombs did not fall, radiation dropped.

This is how they are described in “ Codex Rio» Maya people consequences of radiation:
"Coming the dog had no fur, and she has claws fell off"(a characteristic symptom of radiation sickness).

But besides radiation, a nuclear explosion is characterized by another terrible phenomenon.
Residents of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, although they did not see the nuclear mushroom (since they were in shelter) and were far from the epicenter of the explosion, nevertheless received light burns of the body.
This fact is explained by the fact that the shock wave propagates not only along the ground, but also upward.
Carrying dust and moisture with it, the shock wave reaches the stratosphere and destroys the ozone shield, protecting the planet from hard ultraviolet radiation.
And the latter, as is known, causes burns to unprotected areas of the skin.
The release of air into outer space by nuclear explosions and a decrease in the pressure of the Asura atmosphere from eight to one atmosphere caused decompression sickness in people.
Started decay processes changed the gas composition of the atmosphere, the lethal concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and methane released poisoned all those who miraculously survived(the latter is still in huge quantities frozen into the polar ice caps).
Oceans, seas and rivers were poisoned by decaying corpses.
For all the survivors famine began.

People tried escape from poisonous air, radiation and low atmospheric pressure in your underground cities.
But the subsequent showers, and then earthquakes destroyed everything they created and drove them back to the surface of the earth.
Using the device described in the Mahabharata, reminiscent laser, People hastily built huge underground galleries, sometimes more than 100 meters high, thereby trying to create conditions for life there: the necessary pressure, temperature and air composition.
But the war continued, and even here the enemy overtook them.
Researchers suggest that surviving to the present day " pipes», connecting caves to the surface of the earth are of natural origin.
In reality, burned by laser weapons, They were made to smoke people out, trying to escape underground from poisonous gases and low pressure.
Already these pipes are too round to talk about their natural origin (many such “natural” pipes are located in the caves of the Perm region, including the famous Kungurskaya).
Certainly, construction of tunnels began long before the nuclear disaster.
Now they have an unsightly appearance And perceived us as " caves» of natural origin, but How much better would our metro look?, O let us go there in about five hundred years?
We could only admire the “play of natural forces.”

Laser weapons were apparently used not only to smoke people out. When the laser beam reached the underground molten layer, magma rushed to the surface of the earth, erupted and caused a powerful earthquake.
This is how we were born on Earth artificial volcanoes.

Now it becomes clear why Thousands of kilometers of tunnels have been dug throughout the planet. who were discovered in Altai, Ural, Tien Shan, Caucasus, Sahara, Gobi, V Northern And South America.
One of these tunnels connects Morocco with Spain.
According to Colossimo, through this tunnel, apparently, the only species of monkeys existing today in Europe, the “Magotes of Gibraltar,” which lives in the vicinity of the exit from the dungeon, penetrated.

What actually happened?
According to my calculations made in the work: “ State of the climate, biosphere and civilization after the use of nuclear weapons" for that, to provoke a flood in modern conditions of the Earth with subsequent sedimentary-tectonic cycles, it is necessary to detonate 12 Mt nuclear bombs in zones of concentration of life.
Due to fires release additional energy, which becomes a condition for intense evaporation of water and intensification of moisture circulation.
To immediately nuclear winter has arrived, bypassing the flood, you need blow up 40 Mt, and so that The biosphere completely died, necessary blow up 300 Mt, in this case air masses will be released into space and the pressure will drop as on Mars - to 0.1 atmosphere.
For complete radioactive contamination of the planet, When even spiders will die, i.e. 900 roentgen(70 roentgens are already fatal for a person) - necessary blow up 3020 Mt.

Carbon dioxide, formed as a result of fires, creates a greenhouse effect, i.e. absorbs additional solar energy, which is spent on moisture evaporation and increased winds.
It's becoming cause of intense rains and redistribution of water from the oceans to the continents.
Water, accumulating in natural depressions, causes stress in the earth's crust, What leads to earthquakes And volcanic eruptions.
Latest, throwing tons of dust into the stratosphere, lower the temperature of the planet (as dust blocks the sun's rays).
Sedimentary-tectonic cycles, i.e. floods, developing into long winters, have been going on for thousands of years until the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere returned to normal.
Winter lasted 20 years(the time it takes for dust to settle in the upper atmosphere, at our atmospheric density, dust will settle for 3 years).

Those who remained in dungeon, gradually lost their sight.
Let's remember again epic about Svyatogor , whose father lived underground and did not come to the surface, because went blind.
New generations after the asuras rapidly decreased in size to dwarfs , about which there are plenty of legends among various nations.
By the way, they have survived to this day and have not only black skin, like the pygmies of Africa, but also white: Menechets of Guinea who mixed with the local population, nationalitiesDopa And Hama having a little over a meter tall and living in Tibet, finally, trolls, gnomes, elves, h go white-eyed etc., who did not consider it possible to come into contact with Humanity.
In parallel with this there was a gradual wildness of people, cut off from society, and turning them into monkeys.

Close to Sterlitamak out of the blue there are two adjacent dunes, consisting from minerals, and under them oil lenses.
It is quite possible that this two graves of asuras(Although There are a lot of similar graves of asuras scattered across the Earth).
However, some of the asuras lived until our era.
IN seventies, to the commission on anomalous phenomena, then headed by F.Yu. Siegel, messages have arrived about observing giants, « propped up by clouds", whose step felled forests.
It’s good that excited local residents were able to correctly identify this phenomenon.
Usually, if the phenomenon does not resemble anything, people just don't see him.
The height of the observed creatures did not exceed a 40-story building and was in fact well below the clouds.
But otherwise matches the descriptions, captured Russian epics: the earth humming, groaning from heavy steps and the legs of a giant falling into the ground.
The asuras, over whom time has no power, have survived to our time, hiding in their huge dungeons, and they may well tell us about the past, how they did it Svyatogor , Gorynya , Dubynya , Adopted son and others titans, who are the heroes of Russian epics, unless, of course, we try to kill them again.

Regarding the possibility of life underground.
It's not that fantastic.
According to geologists, there is more water underground, than in the entire oceans, and not all of it is in a bound state, i.e. only part of the water part of minerals and rocks.
By now underground seas discovered, lakes and rivers.
It has been suggested that The waters of the World Ocean are connected to the underground water system, and accordingly, not only the cycle and exchange of water occurs between them, but also the exchange of biological species.
Unfortunately, this area remains completely unexplored to date.
For the underground biosphere to be self-sufficient, there must be plants that produce oxygen and decompose carbon dioxide.
But plants, turns out, can live, grow and bear fruit without lighting, as Tolkien reports in his book The Secret Life of Plants.
Enough on the ground pass a weak electric current of a certain frequency, and photosynthesis occurs in complete darkness.
However, underground life forms do not necessarily have to be similar to those existing on Earth.
In places where heat came to the surface from the bowels of the earth, there were special forms of thermal life discovered and, which do not need light.
It may well be that they can be not only unicellular, but also multicellular and even reach a very high level of development.
Therefore it is very likely that the underground biosphere is self-sufficient, it contains species similar to plants and species similar to animals, and it lives completely independently of the existing biosphere.
If thermal “plants” are not capable of living on the surface, just as our plants are not capable of living underground, then animals that feed on thermal “plants” are able to feed on ordinary ones.

Periodic appearance " Zmeev Gorynychey", or, in modern language, dinosaurs, every now and then happening all over the planet: let’s remember the Loch Ness monster, the repeated observation by teams of Soviet nuclear-powered ships of floating “dinosaurs”, a 20-meter “plesiosaur” torpedoed by a German submarine, etc. - the cases that I. Akimushkin systematized and described tell us that those who live underground sometimes come to the surface to “graze.”
A person penetrated only 5 km. deep into the earth, he cannot now say what is happening at depths of 10, 100, 1,000 km.
Anyway there air pressure is more than 8 atmospheres.
And perhaps many floating creatures from the times of the Asur biosphere found salvation underground.
Periodic media reports about dinosaurs appearing in the oceans, seas, or lakes are evidence of creatures penetrating from the underground that have found refuge there.
IN fairy tales many peoples have survived descriptions of the three underground kingdoms: gold , silver And copper, where the hero of the folk story consistently ends up.

Monsters of the Underworld .

Where do prehistoric monsters appear from time to time in various bodies of water on the planet? They are observed by credible witnesses, and sometimes by dozens of people, but subsequent attempts by scientists to detect exotic animals are unsuccessful. Maybe this happens because these monsters live in a kind of underground Plutonia and only sometimes appear on the surface ?

The Gorynych Serpents could have two or three heads caused by nuclear mutagenesis, which was hereditarily fixed and passed on by inheritance.
For example, in the USA in San Francisco woman with two heads gives birth to two-headed baby , i.e. a new race of people appeared.
Russian epics report that Zmey Gorynych was kept in chains like a dog, and on it the heroes of epics sometimes plowed the land, like on a horse.
Therefore, most likely, three-headed dinosaurs were the main pets of the asuras.
It is known that reptiles, which in their development are not far removed from dinosaurs, are not trainable, however increasing the number of goals increased general intelligence and decreased aggressiveness.

What caused the nuclear conflict?
According to the Vedas, asuras, i.e. The inhabitants of the Earth were big and strong, but they were destroyed by gullibility and good nature.
In the Vedas described battle of asuras with gods, latest won through deception asuras, destroyed their flying cities, and themselves driven underground and to the bottom of the oceans.
Presence of pyramids scattered all over the planet (in Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, India), suggests that the culture was united and the earthlings had no grounds for war among themselves.
Those whom the Vedas call gods are aliens and appeared from the sky (from space). There was a nuclear conflict , more likely, cosmic .
But who and where were those whom the Vedas call gods, and various religions call powers Satan?

Who was the second belligerent?

In 1972, the American Mariner station reached Mars and took more than 3,000 photographs.
Of these, 500 were published in the general press.
On one of them the world saw a dilapidated pyramid , as experts have calculated, 1.5 km high And sphinx with a human face .
But unlike the Egyptian, who looks ahead, Martian sphinx looks into the sky.
The pictures were accompanied by comments - that this was most likely a play of natural forces.
NASA (the American Aeronautics and Space Administration) did not publish the remaining images, citing the fact that they supposedly needed to be “deciphered.”
More than ten years have passed and there have been photographs of another sphinx and pyramid published.
The new photos clearly show it was possible to distinguish the sphinx, pyramid and further third building - remains of the wall of a rectangular structure.
At the Sphinx looking at the sky, A frozen tear rolled out of my eye .
The first thought that came to mind was war occurred between Mars and Earth , and those whom the ancients called gods, were people, colonized Mars.
Judging by remaining dry « channels"(formerly rivers) reaching a width of 50-60 km, the biosphere on Mars was no less in size and power , than the Earth's biosphere.
This suggested that the Martian colony decided to separate from its mother country what the Earth was like, just like how America separated from England in the last century, despite the fact that the culture was common.

"Pyramid" on Mars.

The Sphinx and the pyramid tell us that indeed there was a common culture, and Mars was indeed colonized by earthlings.
But, like the Earth, he too was nuked and lost its biosphere and atmosphere(last today has a pressure of about 0.1 atmosphere of the Earth and consists of 99% nitrogen, which can be formed, as the Gorky scientist A. Volgin proved, as a result of the vital activity of organisms).
Oxygen on Mars is 0.1%, and carbon dioxide is 0.2% (although there are other data).
Oxygen was destroyed by nuclear fire, A carbon dioxide decomposed by remaining primitive Martian vegetation, having a reddish color and annually covering a significant surface during the onset of Martian summer, which is clearly visible through a telescope.
Red color due to the presence of xanthine.
Similar plants are found on Earth.
As a rule, they grow in places where there is a lack of light and could well have been brought by asuras from Mars.
Depending on the season ratios of oxygen and carbon dioxide vary and on the surface in the layer of Martian vegetation, the oxygen concentration can reach several percent.
This makes it possible for the “wild” Martian fauna to exist, which on Mars can have Lilliputian sizes.
People on Mars could not grow larger, than 6 cm, A dogs and cats because of low atmospheric pressure, by size would be comparable to flies.
It is quite possible that survivors of the war on Mars asuras, shrank to Martian size at least the plot fairy tales O " Little boy ", widespread among many peoples, certainly did not arise out of nowhere.
During times Atlanteans who could move on their vimanas not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, but also in space, they could have brought the remains of the Asur civilization from Mars , Thumb Boys, for your own amusement.
Surviving European fairy tales like kings put little people in toy palaces, are still popular among children.

The enormous height of the Martian pyramids (1500 meters) allows us to approximately determine the individual sizes of asuras.
Average the size of the Egyptian pyramids is 60 meters, i.e. V 30 times more than a person.
Then average Asuras are 50 meters tall.
Practically All nations have preserved legends about giants, giants and even titans, which, with their growth, should have had a corresponding life expectancy.
Among the Greeks, the titans who inhabited the Earth were forced to fight with the gods.
Also The Bible talks about giants who inhabited our planet in the past.

Cydonia - region of Mars. Approximately in the center - " Martian sphinx».

Weeping Sphinx , looking into the sky, tells us that he built after a disaster by people And (asuras ), saved from death in the Martian dungeons.
His appearance calls for help to his brothers, remaining on other planets: “We are still alive! Come for us! Help us!"
The remnants of the Martian civilization of earthlings may still exist.
Occurring from time to time mysterious blue flashes on its surface, Very resemble nuclear explosions.
Perhaps the war on Mars is still ongoing.

At the beginning of our century there was a lot of talk and debate about the moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos, it was suggested that they are artificial, and are hollow inside because they rotate much faster than other satellites.
This idea may well be confirmed.
As reported by F.Yu. Siegel in his lectures, 4 satellites also revolve around the Earth, which no country launched, and their orbits are perpendicular to the normally launched orbits of the satellites.
And if all artificial satellites, due to their small orbit, eventually fall to Earth, then these 4 satellites are too far from Earth.
Therefore, most likely they left over from past civilizations.

15,000 years ago history stopped for Mars.
The scarcity of remaining species will not allow the Martian biosphere to flourish for a long time.

The Sphinx was not addressed to those who were on their way to the stars at that time; they could not help in any way.
He was facing the metropolis- a civilization that was on Earth.
Thus, Earth and Mars were on the same side.
Who was with the other one?

At one time, V.I. Vernadsky proved that continents can only form due to the presence of the biosphere.
There is always a negative balance between the ocean and the continent, i.e. rivers always carry less material into the oceans than it comes from the oceans.
The main force involved in this transfer is not the wind, but living things primarily birds and fish.
If this force did not exist, according to Vernadsky’s calculations, in 18 million years there would be no continents on Earth.
Continentality phenomenon discovered on Mars, Moon And Venus, i.e. these planets once had a biosphere.
But the Moon, due to its proximity to the Earth, could not resist the Earth and Mars.
Firstly, because there was no significant atmosphere there; accordingly, the biosphere was weak.
This follows from the fact that The dry river beds found on the Moon cannot be compared with the size of the Earth's rivers(especially Mars).
Life could only be exported.
The Earth could be such an exporter.
Secondly, a thermonuclear strike was also carried out on the moon , because The American Apollo expedition discovered glassy, soil baked from high temperature.
By the layer of dust you can determine when the disaster occurred there.
3 mm of dust falls on the Earth in 1000 years; on the Moon, where gravity is 6 times less, 0.5 mm should fall in the same time.
Over 30,000 years, 1.5 cm of dust should have accumulated there.
Judging by the footage of American astronauts filmed on the Moon, layer of dust, which they raised when walking, is somewhere around 1-2 cm.
In the 80s there were reports in the press about sightings on it twisted structures, Maybe, representing the remains of ancient units belonging to Asura civilization, who created from the ground, according to American ufologists, lunar atmosphere.
Near Stern Crater, on the visible side, even with an amateur telescope you can see a web of some structures maybe it's leftovers ancient city on the moon?
Thirdly, everything that happened there was very quickly learned on Earth.
The strike was carried out suddenly and from a distant object, so neither the Martians nor the earthlings expected him and did not have time to make a retaliatory strike.
Such an object could be Venus.

Civilization on the Moon .

What the scientist said is similar to science fiction: he said that supposedly 40 years ago there were traces of an ancient and clearly extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon. But NASA ordered the destruction of photographic evidence. Johnston disobeyed and hid some. Briefly, Johnston-Hoagland's accusations boil down to the following: the astronauts of the Apollo missions discovered architectural and technological traces of an ancient civilization on the Moon and photographed them. In addition, they have mastered anti-gravity technology. NASA hid all this data from the public .

Part 2 - ending - in the following entry:
Part 2