The most unusual things that people collect. Toilet lids

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The world of collecting is amazing because it knows no boundaries or rules. Today, sometimes unimaginable objects or things are collected. The usual sets of stamps, coins or awards have long since taken second place. Do you want to know about modern hobbies? Then we offer a rating of the most unusual collections in the world.

10. Things from the hockey field

The Prague resident's collection contains a variety of items: lighters, keys, coins and other items. These things are completely different in application, so it becomes unclear on what basis the Czech selects them. It turns out that the unusual collector was a hockey referee and, from the time of his work, began collecting objects that fans threw on the field.

9. Beer mugs

Where else if not in Germany can you collect such glasses? Today, Heinrich Kath's collection numbers 20,000 mugs. For his family, collecting items is a common thing. For example, Heinrich's brother collects replica watches.

8. Newspapers

A resident of Novosibirsk came up with interesting hobby. He collects newspapers that have the word “truth” in their titles in any language. His curious collecting led him to the fact that today the collection contains 800 newspapers from different countries peace.

7. Plush story

Pam Barker is a serious owl collector. As a result, such a hobby has led to the fact that plush creatures are pushing the owner out of the house. More than 18 thousand specimens of owls have their own home, Pam has allocated several rooms for them. Thanks to her hobby, the British collector got into the Guinness Book of Records.

6. Handcuffs

This unusual collection belongs to Chris Gower, who lives in England. It contains more than 530 items. The handcuffs were made in different time and were used in different countries of the world. The collection also includes modern products.

5. Cheat sheets

Working as a teacher, you can not only teach reason and give grades. For example, school teacher A. I. Smirnov went further and began not only to confiscate cheat sheets, but also to save them. As a result, over 30 years of experience, the teacher managed to collect over 6,000 copies, which he stores in his albums.

4. Beach sand

The Italian Cundo Nebuloni became interested in unusual collecting. Traveling around the world, he collects sand from beaches and brings it home. The collection includes 300 jars containing grains of sand water world. Since in Lately Since many followers of such collecting appeared, a special name was invented for such people - arenophiles.

3. Illegal collection

Guy Van Keer is the only person who was not detained by the police for forging documents. A resident of Belgium has become interested in collecting: he keeps identity cards. The collection includes over 4 thousand documents from different countries. It contains not only modern crusts, but also documents from the 17th century.

2. Toilet lids

American Barney Smith not only collects these strange objects, but also opened a small museum in his garage. There are over 800 copies in it. Gathering began with a passion for hunting. Returning from another trip, Barney brought back deer antlers. After thinking for a long time about how to hang them, he placed them on the toilet lid. The American liked the result so much that he replaced his hobbies of hunting with collecting plastic products.

1. Celebrity hair

Completes the ranking of the most unusual collections in the world strange hobby John Reznikoff, who resides in Connecticut. Each piece of hair has a document confirming that it belongs to a distinguished owner. The collection includes curls of Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein and others famous personalities. How John obtained the hair specimens is anyone's guess.

Despite the strangeness of some collecting activities, it should be noted that this hobby is not for all people. Hobby requires patience, passion and faith in your collection.

A person’s penchant for collecting sometimes provokes him to collect the most unexpected things and objects with which he gradually surrounds himself. Sometimes unusual collections Quite quickly cease to exist due to an acute shortage of exhibits. But those that continue to exist, despite all the difficulties, become real legends.

One of the unique collections belongs to a Belgian named Ga van Keer, who lives in Brussels. During his life, he collected more than four thousand passports and replacement or identical documents from 130 countries. The oldest item in his collection dates back to 1615 and is a true historical rarity that adorns the collection.

Another example of an unusual collection is the collection of Darren Haake from Australia. His collection was born relatively recently in 1993 and began with a small decal. Over the years, the collection has been replenished, the number of exhibits in it has almost reached 280,000 pieces.

An interesting collection is that of Yakov Yosipov, who collected more than 14,000 used bus tickets. At first glance, you can find many identical exhibits in his collection, but this is where the special interest lies - he preserves those tickets that are at least in some way different from the rest. It should be noted here that collections of this kind very often do not even require special effort, you just need to go to work every morning and evening.

Whiskey collections belonging to two people living on different continents can be considered very impressive and interesting. One of them is Giuseppe Begnoni from Bologna, Italy. He inherited his collection from Edoardo Giaccone, whose collection at the time of his death in 1997 amounted to 5,502 unopened bottles of whiskey of various varieties, among which bourbon and Irish whiskey were of particular pride. Another, no less distinguished collector of this drink is Clive Vidiz, president of the Brazilian Whiskey Collectors Association. He owns more than two and a half thousand complete and completely different bottles of Scotch whiskey. His collection is kept in the Museum of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

It’s hard to even imagine that sometimes the most simple objects, surrounding a person, become a collectible. But Angelika Unfergau from Germany is ready to argue with this. She chose the object for collecting ballpoint pens and in less than ten years has collected almost 200,000 unique exhibits from 137 countries. According to Angelika herself, she is simply shocked and fascinated by the variety of their shapes and colors. It is worth noting that the cost of the most expensive exhibit was 500 euros.

Fans legendary film « star Wars» are familiar with the collection of Jason Joyner from London. Being a special effects expert on the set of this legendary epic, he could not resist the desire to collect a collection of toys and other items that are directly or indirectly related to the film cycle. The decoration of this collection is the original models of the robots S-ZRO, R-2D-2, as well as the Darth Vader costume, which were used during the filming of the first three episodes of the film.

One of the most unusual collections was put together by French winemaker Michel Pont - more than a hundred jet fighters. In his collection you can find aircraft of various eras from different countries of the world, ranging from British Vampires to Russian MiGs. It should be noted that Pon’s passion for fighter aircraft arose only in 1986, and before that he collected motorcycles and cars with particular passion; there are more than five hundred of them in his collection.

The collection of lawn mowers collected by Andrew Hall and Michael Duck from the UK may also be interesting. They managed to collect 680 different models of this garden equipment.

And the collection of adhesive plasters from Brian Weiner is truly amazing. It’s hard to even imagine that this simple first aid item can be performed in different ways. color scheme, styles, shapes and sizes. Brian managed to collect 3,750 unused exhibits.

But more than others, one eccentric American, whose name, unfortunately, is unknown, was able to amaze. He collects snowballs, storing them in special refrigerators. For example, one of the most interesting exhibits is a snowball made during the heaviest snowfall. But most collectibles are made by hand famous people. Sometimes the collector organizes birthday parties for his exhibits. For these events, guests dress up in all white, and the host treats them exclusively to white dishes.

This is only a small part of the collections that amaze the imagination. In fact, many of us are collectors of strange objects ourselves, sometimes without even thinking about it. But if you think about it, each one can be classified as an amazing collectible.


As children, many people were interested in collecting. Some people collected stamps or calendars, others were more interested in exchanging coins from different countries with friends, or carefully arranging miniature figurines of their favorite animals, cars, and dolls on a shelf. And in many kitchens today, the refrigerator door is literally hung with various magnets. What is this if not a collection? However, all these are examples of completely traditional hobbies, and there are people in the world who at some point decided to collect rather unusual things. Many of them have succeeded in this matter, but only 10 of the most unusual collections are presented here.

10. Banana Paradise

Children are sure that a banana with a sticker is much tastier than without it. These small labels are in great demand among children. But with age, interest in them goes away on its own. But for American Becky Marts, this childhood hobby has grown into an adult hobby, which she has been doing for 20 years. Today, the Miss Marts collection includes more than 7 thousand banana labels from different countries. Becky is not alone in her passion for such stickers. She meets like-minded people in collecting banana labels at thematic conferences around the world.

9. Erasers for every taste

Once you enter a stationery store, you can become a respected collector with worldwide popularity. This happened to young Hannah Walker from Great Britain. A girl enthusiastically collects fancy-shaped school erasers. It must be said that this hobby was inherited by a 7-year-old English girl. As a child, her aunt also selflessly collected erasers. Now she happily handed over her entire collection to her niece. As a result, Hannah Walker collected 1,500 erasers, many of which were born much earlier than the youngest collector. Thus, the decoration of the collection is considered to be elastic bands with the symbols of the 1986 FIFA World Cup. According to conservative estimates, the total cost of all exhibits is 2,000 pounds, which is a fortune for a seven-year-old collector. But there are other unusual collections of these stationery items in the world. Thus, Russian woman Yulia Kokina collected about 1000 erasers from all over the world.

8. You can never have too many balls

In 2015, his collection celebrates its half-century anniversary. Since 1965, Dick Falensky from Pennsylvania (USA) has been collecting golf balls. It must be said that the 74-year-old collector was very successful in this matter. To date, he has collected more than 36 thousand exhibits. Among them are balls that previously belonged to Bill Clinton and Michael Jordan - iconic personalities for every American. There are also real rarities on this list, the age of which reaches up to 200 years. To organize the collection, Dick uses furniture made according to his individual drawings. And even despite this, many balls are simply dumped into spacious baskets. The American's house is located on the street Right way, and for the determined Mr. Falensky this name is very symbolic. After all, he is confidently moving towards expanding his already extensive collection, dreaming of collecting 50 thousand balls.

7. Basic truths

Polish Szajnowski family long years collects primers. To date, they have already managed to collect 260 books in 30 languages. But Latvian Juris Cibuls can boast of a much more significant collection. A teacher by profession, he was able to collect 7,300 primers and alphabet books. Its collection includes books from more than 200 countries in 948 languages. Cibuls actively exhibits part of its grandiose collection. Thus, his primers became participants in 160 exhibitions, at which the collector himself met with the audience, talking about the most interesting exhibits. The man claims that using the alphabet you can not only learn a language, but also get to know the culture of a particular people. You can trust his authoritative opinion, because he began collecting primers back in student years. And in 1996, Cibuls himself became the author of a Latvian primer.

6. Do not disturb!

With German methodicality, Reiner Weichert expanded his collection over the course of 25 years. In total, since 1990, the man has collected 11,570 “Do Not Disturb!” door signs. His collection includes artifacts from 188 countries that called for silence in various hotels, cruise ships and airplanes. With such a great selection of signs at hand, Rayner doesn't have to worry about anyone disturbing his peace. It’s just that the unusual collection made Weichert famous, which means you can forget about silence. After all, great glory awaits him.

5. Seafood

Some people add to their unusual collections without spending a penny. Thus, Kari Hansen from Norway carefully collects all the objects that she finds on the seashore. For more than 20 years, the waves have brought the most incredible exhibits to her collection. Kari loves to walk along the coast, looking closely at the sand. To tell the truth, for many years the collector did not come across any particularly valuable specimens. But one day she came across a bronze decoration in the shape of a horseshoe. At first the woman did not attach much importance to this, but very quickly the find glorified Trondenes, hometown Kari Hansen. The fact is that the necklace turned out to come from Bronze Age, and its age is 2500 years. At the same time, the find was in excellent condition, but it did not become an adornment of the collection. According to the laws of the country, a valuable artifact is the property of the state. And that means its place is in the museum.

4. A student's dream

Thanks to his students, physics teacher Alexander Smirnov collected interesting collection. Over 30 years of work school teacher, he has accumulated more than 6,000 different cheat sheets. Epochs changed, but students still sought to make their work easier. Each new generation has shown more and more ingenuity in this matter. The transformation of crib sheets can be traced by studying the collection of A.I. Smirnova. There are handwritten and printed exhibits disguised as an eraser or embedded in wrist watch. The most resourceful students managed to write several formulas with inside long false nails, and the boys wrote the necessary information on banknotes. And if at first the teacher’s vigilance was explained by pedagogical zeal, then over time the collector’s passion was added to it.

3. Ties for all occasions

Most of the house of Englishman Tom Holmes is occupied by an unusual collection of clothes. It's about about this accessory men's suit like a tie. This hobby has scientific name– Grabatology. The namesake of the famous detective is not yet so famous on a global scale, but in his homeland his name has long been known. After all, in almost 80 years, which is exactly how long it took Holmes to create the collection, he collected 10,625 ties. The man is so popular in the UK that every year on his birthday he receives a gift in the mail from the Prime Minister himself. There is no need to guess about the contents of the parcel; of course, there is a new tie every time.

2. Penny by penny

Despite his specific hobby, Yuri Babin from Novosibirsk cannot be accused of pettiness. Although he collects coins in denominations of 1 kopeck, the scale of the collection is amazing. Over the years, penny by penny, the pensioner has collected as much as 5 million rubles. At the same time, Babin’s capital has serious weight. His entire collection weighs 7.5 tons. The idea to collect change came to the man in 1998 after the default. At that time, Russian money depreciated significantly, and penny coins became absolutely useless. Yuri not only received coins in change or accidentally found them on the street, but also purposefully bought them in banks in whole packages of 4,000 pieces. A resident of Novosibirsk found a use for his collection in his home. Coins serve as decoration for walls and floors. And he spent several thousand on decorating his own clothes. Thus, a millionaire's jacket weighing about 6 kg was born. True, due to the abundance of metal decor, the fabric is completely invisible, and it looks more like chain mail. Babin shows the collection to everyone, inviting them on a tour of his home.

1. Down collection

It is completely incomprehensible how Graham Barker came up with the idea of ​​collecting umbilical fluff. But he spent 26 years of his life on this venture. The main source of the collection was Barker's own navel. For more than a quarter of a century, a modest Australian librarian from Perth collected 22 grams of umbilical fluff. His unusual collection is very compactly housed in three small glass jars. This meeting was honored to be included in the Book of Records, but the main sensation was another event. A local museum became interested in the collection, offering Barker to buy the treasured cans of fluff. The collector immediately agreed, although he still prefers to remain silent about the amount of proceeds. In general, for some reason the topic of umbilical fluff worries many people on the Green Continent. Thus, the Australian scientist Karl Kruzelnicki was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in 2002 for research in this area. This comic award fell into the hands of the scientist after he established the nature of the occurrence of umbilical fluff. It turns out that this is a mixture of tissue microfibers and dead skin cells, which is formed as a result of friction of a hairy male belly against clothing. Well, a sensational discovery, to say the least. But who knows, maybe this information will inspire someone to create a new unusual collection.

There are an incredible number of the strangest collections in the world. Eccentrics never tire of proving that you can collect anything. Some people carefully store tea bags or toilet lids, while others have room in their collection for a couple of airplanes. It doesn’t matter what a person collects, the main thing is that it brings him joy.

You never know who hoards anything, but look at strange collections always interesting. After all, how much effort and work people put into finding the millionth Pepsi cap. But people are sincerely happy about such finds. It’s these kind of crazy collectors that we’ll be talking about.

Belgian resident Celine Corent is hoarding stuffed pandas. And not only them, but in general everything that has at least some relation to pandas. The passion began when in 1978 her husband, who was traveling in Italy, brought her a toy panda as a gift. The hobby is not meaningless - Celine is going to bequeath the collection to sick children.

Celine Corent shows off a stuffed toy from her panda collection

Harry Burrows from Lapal, Halesowen (UK), collects vacuum cleaners and has already collected 40 of them. I became addicted to the device when my parents turned on the vacuum cleaner, hinting that it was time for their son to go to bed. Since then, Harry has been wondering how vacuum cleaners are connected to his life. He spends his pocket money and buys rare models that are not popular on the market.

Harry Burroughs and his collection of vacuum cleaners

Dick Falensky is a golf fan. He brought 36,000 golf balls from around the world. Lives in Pennsylvania, USA. He has been collecting his collection for 50 years. His list includes balls used by Bill Clinton and basketball player Michael Jordan.

Dick Falensky and his collection of golf accessories

Margaret Tyler is an honorary devotee of royal life. She not only believes that living like a king is necessary, but that it is very cool. She accumulates things that remind her of such a life, as if partaking of royal regalia. Her collection includes life-size duke and duchess mannequins and a stained glass window that once belonged to Princess Diana. The old woman even converted her house in the Wembley area into a boarding house so that the house would resemble a royal one.

Margaret Tyler and the Royal Family's Trinkets

Hannah Walker is seven years old. Lives in Hampshire, UK. One day a girl started collecting beautiful erasers, and then her aunt found out about it and gave her her collection, which she had also collected since childhood. Some of the hundreds of erasers are still in their wrappers, and the total value of the collection is this moment is 2000 dollars. Some are truly collectible and dated back to 1986, for example, and look like toys or dolls.

Hannah Walker and erasers

Lucky J. Meisenheimer entered the Guinness Book of World Records for his collection. He collected 10,000 yo-yos. Lives in Orlando, Florida. He even published a guidebook “for those obsessed with yo-yos.”

Lucky J. Meisenheimer and his yo-yo collection

Collector Jian Yan from Singapore collects dolls, mostly themed. He buys them at auctions and all over the world. In the photo he is holding an Osama Bin Laden toy. In total, his collection includes 6,000 Barbie dolls and 3,000 other dolls. His collection filled all the free spaces on the terrace in the house.

Jian Yang collects dolls

Steve Sansweet lives in California and is a Star Wars fan. Steve is also the head of a museum that makes no profit at all, but generates constant interest. He has already collected 300,000 items that are somehow related to the film. There is even a miniature copy spaceship under the command of Han Solo.

Steve Sansweet collects Star Wars paraphernalia

Yvette Dardenne from Belgium loves decorated tin boxes for tea, chocolates and sweets. She has already collected 57,600 containers. The 76-year-old lady is proud of her collection: there are specimens that depict world events, scenes from everyday life, and portraits of strange personalities of the 20th century.

Yvette Dardenne collects tin boxes

Barney Smith from Texas worked as a plumber all his life, and in honor of this he collected 1,100 toilet seats. He decorates each one with an embroidered leather or rag shield. It took 40 years to create the collection. He keeps his collection in a garage, which has also become a local landmark and museum.

Barney Smith shows a toilet seat

For 26 years, Perth Australian Graham Barker has been saving fluff from his umbilical cavity in jars, which he carefully shaved and rolled into pellets. Already collected 22.1 grams.

Perth Graham Brecher stores umbilical fluff in jars

Wang Guohua from China collects cigarette packs and has already collected 30,000 pieces. The entire collection is housed in his apartment, in one of the rooms.

Wang Guohua collects cigarette packs

Heinrik Kath from Cuxhaven, Germany, collects mugs, of which he has more than 22,000. His collection includes many beer mugs, although he does not drink beer at all. He began collecting his collection in 1997.

Heinrich Kath and his mugs

Dimitris Pistiolas collects video cameras and lives in Athens. I have accumulated more than 1000 pieces.

Dimitris Pistiolas and video cameras

Pam Barker from Leeds, UK, collects owls. Her collection of almost 20,000 copies was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Pam Barker and her owls

A very tasty collection from Ron Hood from Lewiston, Scotland. He collects edible sweet toys. He converted the basement of his house into a museum, which already contains 3,000 toys. Ron thinks that's not enough. How he keeps visitors from trying to eat it all is a mystery.

Ron Hood and his sweets

Sharon Badgley collects Santa Clauses, of which there are more than 3,000. It took her almost a week to collect all the toys from the collection in one room.

Sharon Badgley and many, many Santas

Incredible facts

One way to get into the Guinness Book of Records iscollect something that others don't need.

However, it is worth knowing that some places in the book are already taken. If you want to start collecting, eliminate a few items from the list, including umbrella covers, fossilized feces, and toy dinosaurs.

Chair collection

3,000 miniature chairs.

Buying doll-sized chairs on the weekends has become a hobby for Barbara Hartsfield. Over the course of 10 years, until 2008, she managed to assemble a collection of small chairs, which totals more than 3,000 units. Today, in her museum in Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, you can find bottle chairs, feeding chairs, and chairs made from toothpicks and clothespins.

Toy collection (photo)

571 Daleks (extraterrestrial mutants from the TV series Doctor Who).

Surprisingly, Englishman Rob Hull is not a fan of the Doctor Who series; he only likes to collect Daleks - half-cyborgs and the main opponents of Doctor Who who wanted to conquer the Universe.

Rob began collecting action figures as a child when his parents refused to buy him a toy Dalek. At the age of 29, he bought his first figurine. In 2011, he entered the Guinness Book of World Records with his collection of 571 Daleks. The only person The one who was annoyed by his hobby was his wife.

Strange collection

730 umbrella covers.

Of course, Nancy Hoffman did not become the owner of all the umbrella covers in the world, but this did not stop her from getting into the Guinness Book of Records. In 2012, her collection consisted of more than 730 cases. Since 1996, she has been adding to the collection in her Umbrella Cover Museum, which is open to everyone who wants to visit Peaks Island, Portland, Maine, USA. Her collection includes cases from 50 countries, and she always greets her guests with a live accordion performance of the song “Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella.”

Home collection

3,700 units of snack bar paraphernalia.

Like many Americans, Harry Sperl loves hamburgers. But the Daytona Beach, Fla., resident has gone beyond just ordering his favorite snack—he's spent the last 26 years adding to his collection of diner paraphernalia. Today his collections number more than 3,700 items.

Because of his passion, he was nicknamed Hamburger Harry. It all started when Harry decided to sell one vintage tray that was used in a drive-in diner. To do this, he decided to purchase some plastic hamburgers to decorate his tray and increase his chances of selling it. Then he began to acquire more and more various goods related to snack bars, and even later they began to simply give him such goods as gifts.

He calls his friends and fans "hamburger helpers." Today it can be found in the Guinness Book of Records. His collection includes everything from a waterbed in the shape of a hamburger to a Harley Davidson motorcycle in the shape of the same hamburger. He plans to open a museum shaped like a double cheeseburger soon.

Dinosaur collection

5,000 toy dinosaurs.

Randy Knol's collection will be the envy of any 5-year-old summer child. Randy began collecting toys after he was given a set of Flintstones (famous American cartoon characters) for Christmas, which included a toy dinosaur. Today, even he himself does not know how many dinosaurs he has in his collection. According to him, there are five and six thousand, all of which are stacked in boxes, bags and food containers placed throughout the house.

Experts from the Guinness Book of Records have yet to verify the exact number of toys, but, according to Randy, he knew a couple of people who had a richer collection, “but they are no longer alive.”

Collection of plaques

11,570 DO NOT DISTURB signs.

Some people who travel a lot tend to buy souvenirs as keepsakes. These could be T-shirts, magnets or keychains with a picture of the place they visited. But in the case of Rainer Weichert, these are “Do Not Disturb” signs, which he brings to his home in Germany after his next trip.

In 2014, his collection included more than 11,570 plaques from various hotels, cruise ships and aircraft. All signs were collected from 188 countries. He considers two plaques to be the most valuable: one was part of the Olympic village in 1936, during the Olympics in Berlin, and the other was from the Canadian General Brock Hotel, which is more than 100 years old.

Toy collection

14,500 bistro toys.

Growing up in the Philippines, Percival R. Lugue took great care of his toys. As he grew up, his thriftiness never went away. Today he is the owner of the largest collection of toys purchased from restaurants. fast food. His collection includes more than 14,500 toys, which allowed him to get into the Guinness Book of Records in 2014. He considers the most valuable toys to be a 1999 Inspector Gadget bought at McDonald's, a 1987 Popeye the Sailor Man and a set of Friends from the Philippine bistro chain Jollibee.

Unusual collections

1,277 fossilized excrement.

George Frandsen can easily be called the Indiana Jones of excrement. Today, his collection includes more than 1,277 coprolite specimens (the scientific name for fossilized excrement). In 2016, he temporarily donated his collection to the South Florida Museum. The collection contains specimens from 8 countries. Among them is a 2-kilogram coprolite of a prehistoric crocodile.

The most unusual collections

137 traffic cones.

Britain's David Morgan's obsession with traffic cones began when he began working for Oxford Plastic Systems, the country's largest manufacturer of traffic cones.

In 1986, Oxford Plastic Systems was accused by a competitor of copying one of its designs. traffic cone, so Morgan had to look for that same cone to prove that the design was not new, which means the company had not copied anything. After this incident, he developed a desire to collect cones.

675 back scratchers.

If you visit the dermatology clinic where Manfred S. Rothstein works, you can see the world's largest collection of back scratchers for free. In 2008, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the doctor had 675 of these useful instruments in his collection.

Hundreds of scratchers are hung along the corridors and in the clinic’s offices. Among them you can find a scratcher with an alligator paw, or a scratcher made from buffalo ribs. It also has electric combs dating back to the 1900s.

Pokemon collection

16,000 Pokemon.

Most large collection 26-year-old Lisa Courtney can boast of toy Pokemon. Today the collection contains more than 16,000 units of these fairy-tale creatures. She started collecting Pokémon when she was 17 years old and has been in the Guinness Book of World Records since 2009, when she had just over 12,000 toys. According to the girl, every day she spends about 7 hours searching for new Pokemon models.

Vinyl record collection

6 000 000 vinyl records.

Wealthy Brazilian businessman Zero Freitas has been collecting vinyl records almost his entire life. He loves to travel around the world and buy records from the most famous collectors.

The 62-year-old businessman even hired international scouts who shop for him from New York, Mexico City, South Africa, Nigeria and Cairo, thousands of records in his name, after which they send them to him in Brazil.

Since the businessman was well aware that a collection was of no use if people could not see it, he decided to found a non-profit music organization called Emporium. It will play the role of a music library. It is also worth noting that the businessman decided to digitize part of his collection, since great amount music, especially Brazilian music, is preserved only on vinyl records.

Doll collections (photo)

300 hyper-realistic dolls.

The author of such an unusual collection is Marilyn Mansfield from Staten Island, New York, USA. It took her tens of thousands of dollars and a huge amount of time to become the owner of more than 300 dolls, which are different high level realism. All the rooms in her house are literally filled with dolls. Moreover, she cares for each doll as if it were her own child.

At over thirty years old, she loves to take dolls for walks, feed them and nurse them. The husband supports his wife and even decided to build a new room for her favorite dolls.

850 models of fire trucks.

Nail Ilyasov from Ufa, who holds the post of colonel of internal affairs, boasts an amazing collection. In addition to domestic cars, Nail also has many foreign ones.

The collection may be included in the Guinness Book of Records, but several cars still need to be obtained for their number to reach 1,000 units. After this, you can safely submit an application to the Book.

Nail Ilyasov himself said that he started collecting cars by pure chance, when his wife gave him a model of a Moskvich.