Questions and tasks for Bela. Test on the story "Bela", "Maksim Maksimych" literature test (grade 9) on the topic

In order to understand the image of Pechorin, you need to understand his soul, his inner world, the motives of his behavior and actions. Pechorin's Journal will help you solve this riddle.

We study the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”

Questions and tasks for discussing the chapter “Bela”

1) How many narrators are there in the story? What is the artistic significance of changing narrators?

2) How can the inconsistency of his character be discerned in the first portrait of Pechorin, given by Maxim Maksimych?

3) Why is Bela’s story, which happened in the past, constantly interrupted by evaluative remarks from Maxim Maksimych and the author?

4) Analyze the dialogue between Maxim Maksimych and Bela from the words “Where is Pechorin?” to the words “fell on the bed and covered her face with runes.” What artistic means does the author use to reveal the psychological state of the characters? How is Pechorin indirectly characterized in the subtext of the dialogue?

5) Why didn’t Pechorin consider himself to blame in the story with Bela?

How does the inconsistency of Pechorin’s character manifest itself after Bela’s death? What artistic details highlight this?

6) Read Pechorin’s monologue from the words “Maksim Maksimych,” he answered, “I have an unhappy character” to the words “Are all the youth there really like that?” Compare Pechorin's reasoning about his past with the life story of Onegin.

7) Compare the text of Pechorin’s monologue with Lermontov’s poem “Duma”.

8) What role do landscape sketches play in the chapter?

9) How does the character of Maxim Maksimych appear in the chapter? Trace the details of his psychological portrait.

Questions and tasks for discussing the chapter “Maksim Maksimych”

1) Find in the text details that characterize the psychological state of Maxim Maksimych, waiting for Pechorin.

2) Read the description of Pechorin’s appearance. Prove that this is a psychological portrait. Why do we see the second portrait of Pechorin through the eyes of the author?

3) Read the episode of Pechorin’s meeting with Maxim Maksimych from the words “I turned to the square and saw Maksim Maksimych running as fast as he could” to the words “his eyes were constantly filling with tears.” By what means does the author depict the psychological state of Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych? Try to comment on the subtext of their dialogue.

4) Why didn’t Pechorin strive to see Maxim Maksimych?

6) What impression does Pechorin make on the reader? What traits of his character seem negative to you? What details of the text of chapters 1-2 emphasize its positive qualities?

"Pechorin's Journal".

Questions and tasks for discussion of the chapter “Taman”

1) What is the artistic meaning in the fact that in the chapter “Taman” the hero himself is the narrator?

2) What surprised Pechorin in the heroes of the chapter “Taman”?

3) Read the dialogue between the blind man and the undine girl at night on the seashore from the words “So about an hour passed” to the words “I could hardly wait for the morning.” How does Pechorin’s character manifest itself in this episode? Why did he need to “get the key” to the smugglers’ riddle?

4) Read the portrait of an undine girl. What assessments does Pechorin give her and how does this characterize him?

5) Analyze the episode of Pechorin’s fight with the girl in the boat. Assess Pechorin's behavior in this scene.

6) Why does Pechorin call smugglers “honest”?

7) Why is he sad at the end of their story? What does this reveal about his character?

8) What position of Pechorin in relation to the people around him does the author emphasize?

Questions and tasks for discussing the chapter “Princess Mary”

1) Why did Pechorin seek Mary’s love?

2) How to understand his statement: “What is happiness? Intense pride"? Is Pechorin consistent in observing this life position?

3) What are Pechorin’s views on friendship? How does this manifest itself in his relationships with people around him?

4) How is Pechorin characterized by his relationship with Werner and Grushnitsky?

5) Why did Pechorin single out Vera out of all the women? Find an explanation for this in the diary entries for May 16 and 23.

6) Note the features of sincerity and pretense in Pechorin’s confession to Mary (from the words “Yes, this has been my fate since childhood” to the words “This will not upset me at all”).

7) Read the episode of Pechorin and Mary crossing a mountain river (entry dated June 12). How does Mary’s explanation with Pechorin reveal the intelligence and originality of her character?

8) Read the entry dated June 14. How does Pechorin explain the changes in himself and how does this characterize him?

9) Read Pechorin’s internal monologue before the duel (entry dated June 16). Is Pechorin sincere in this confession or is he being disingenuous even to himself?

11) What is Pechorin’s behavior during the duel? What positive and negative does the author emphasize in his image?

12) Is it possible to sympathize with the hero or is he worthy of condemnation?

13) How is Lermontov’s skill demonstrated in depicting the life and psychology of people in this episode?

Questions and tasks for discussing the chapter “Fatalist”

1) What is Vulich’s attitude towards predetermination in fate? At Pechorin's? From the author? Which of them has it ambiguous and why?

2) Why does Lermontov introduce into the narrative the idea that Pechorin felt Vulich’s imminent death?

3) Is Vulich looking for death?

4) Is Pechorin looking for death? Why?

5) How does Pechorin characterize his desire to try his luck?

7) What traits of his personality are manifested in the scene of the capture of a drunken Cossack?

8) Which character does the title of the chapter refer to? What artistic meaning is revealed in this?

9) Prove that the chapter “Fatalist” is a philosophical work.

Lesson summary on Russian literature

On the topic of:

Analysis of the story "Bela"

Topic: Analysis of the story “Bela”


1 ) Educational:in the course of analyzing the story and observing the hero’s behavior, identify Pechorin’s character traits, show the narrator’s assessment of the hero’s image, the role of the landscape in creating character;

2) Developmental: develop text analysis skills;

3) Educational:develop respect for the culture of other people.

Equipment : portrait of a writer.

Methodical techniques:text analysis, teacher's commentary, commented reading.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Review questions.

1. Tell us about the history of the creation of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.”

2. What does M. Yu. Lermontov write about in his “Preface” to the novel? (About the purpose of writing your work.)

3. What main feature of the main character does the writer note in the “Preface”? (“... this is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development.”)

5. What did M. Yu. Lermontov point out to the reader with his novel? (On the moral illnesses of his contemporary society.)

III. Teacher's opening speech.

“Bela” is the first story in the novel “A Hero of Our Time.” It is a story within a story." The narrator, who begins the story, soon gives the floor to the staff captain he met on the road. Maksim Maksimych, an officer of about 50 years old, has seen a lot in his life, but the most memorable event for him was not the military actions with the “mountain thugs”, but the story of the young man Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, expelled from St. Petersburg for some offense and served under him.

V. Analysis of the story.

1) Briefly retell the plot of the story “Bela” (development of coherent oral speech).

2) From what person is the story narrated? (On behalf of Staff Captain Maxim Maksimych.)

3) How did Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin appear when he first met Maxim Maximych?(<...>so new that I immediately guessed that he was onWe recently arrived in the Caucasus,”)

4) What attracted Pechorin toBela? (Beauty, novelty of impressions,)

5) Give a detailed description of Bela to from following criteria:

Education (highlander family);

The role of traditions in her life is (great);

Appearance (extraordinarily beautiful);

Character (savage);

Attitude towards Pechorin (fell in love with Pechorin).

6) Describe the life of the mountain people. (Strong role of traditions, proud people prone to military raids, reverence for parents, etc.)

7) How did Kazbich and Azamat differ from Pechorin? (Pechorin is a secular person, without a specific way of life, Kazbich and Azamat are people of the mountains, living according to the laws of the mountaineers)

8) Why did Pechorin stop loving Bela? (“The love of a woman is little better than the love of a noble lady,” “I’m bored with her.”)

9) What trait in Pechorin’s character did Maxim Maksimych pay attention to? (“Only a little strange,”)

10) How did Pechorin perceive the death of Bela? Why didn't he ever talk about her again? (Pechorin takes Bela’s death hard; for him, the girl’s death is an unhealed wound.)

Analysis of Pechorin's autocharacteristics(reading a fragment of the story from the words: “Listen, Maxim Maksimych,” he answered, “I have an unhappy character...”).

Questions to consider

  1. Choose words that convey Pechorin's disappointment in life. Please comment on them.
  2. What is the reason for Pechorin’s boredom and disappointment, in his opinion?
  3. What are the similarities and differences between Pechorin and Onegin?
  4. Why can't Pechorin be happy in his environment?

In his monologue, Pechorin seems to reveal his inner biography: the pleasures of life, love, reading - nothing brought satisfaction. Pechorin's boredom directly echoes the blues of Evgenia Onegin. But, unlike Onegin, Lermontov’s hero is characterized by an insatiable thirst for something new, a “restless imagination”, “an insatiable heart”. When preparing to travel, he is looking not for peace, but for “storms and bad roads.”

The role of landscape in the story.

Find the most striking landscape sketches. What pictures of nature does Lermontov choose for his description? What is the connection between landscape sketches and the image of the main character and the event outline of the story?

The majestic pictures of mountain nature are imbued with lyrism, a sense of the beauty and poetry of the world. Against the background of harmony in nature, Pechorin’s discord with life and anxiety are clearly highlighted.

In addition, the rebellion and majesty of the Caucasian landscapes emphasize and strengthen the rebellion of Lermontov’s hero, his proud spirit.

IV. Generalization.

In the first story that begins the novel, the main character Pechorin appears as a man who embodies contradictory qualities. Pechorin's character remains a mystery, because the motives of his actions are hidden from the reader. The hero is described through the perception of the narrator - a middle-aged staff captain, who, for a number of reasons, is not able to explain the character and actions of Pechorin.

Lermontov uses a number of techniques to outline the image of the hero:

Characterization of Pechorin by the narrator;

Actions and deeds of Pechorin;

Autocharacteristics of the hero;

Comparison of Pechorin with other characters in the story;


V. Homework.

VI. Summing up the lesson. Assessing student work.

1. Who tells the story of Bela and Pechorin?
a) Pechorin himself;
b) narrator;
c) Maxim Maksimych.

2. The action of the story “Bela” takes place:
a) in Pyatigorsk;
b) in Crimea;
c) in the Caucasus.

3. Pechorin's name was:
a) Grigory Alexandrovich;
b) Alexander Grigorievich;
c) Grigory Alekseevich.

4. How old is Pechorin:
a) 20; b) 25; c) 30.

5. What color was Pechorin’s hair?
a) black;
b) blond;
c) redheads.

6. What feature is characteristic of Pechorin’s view?
a) insightful and difficult;
b) proud and arrogant;
c) decisive and dominant.

7. Bela's nationality:
a) Georgian;
b) Ossetian;
c) Circassian.

8. What Azamat asked Kazbich in exchange for his younger sister:
a) checker; b) dagger; c) horse.

9. How Bela died:
a) shot Kazbich; b) stabbed Kazbich with a dagger;
c) threw herself into the river; d) Pechorin shot.

10. Where was Pechorin going when he met Maxim Maksimych for the last time:
a) to Persia;
b) to Turkey;
c) to Russia.

11. What is the name of the technique used in the passage below?

“This valley is a glorious place! On all sides there are inaccessible mountains, reddish rocks, hung with green ivy and crowned with clumps of plane trees, yellow cliffs, streaked with gullies, and there, high, high, a golden fringe of snow, and below Aragva, embracing another nameless river, noisily bursting out of a black gorge full of darkness , stretches like a silver thread and sparkles like a snake with its scales.”

a) interior
b) landscape

c) detail

12. Name a means of artistic expression"fringe of snow"
a) epithet;
b) metaphor;
For comparison.

M.Yu. Lermontov. "Bela." "Maksim Maksimych."

Sample answers

1. In what row are the heroes named only in the story “Bela”?

1) Pechorin, Maxim Maksimych, Werner
2) Pechorin, Bela, Grushnitsky
3) Pechorin, Maxim Maksimych, Princess Mary
4) Pechorin, Maxim Maksimych, Azamat

2. The actions of the story “Bela” take place:

1) in St. Petersburg 2) in Crimea 3) in the Caucasus 4) in Persia

3. Where did Pechorin first see Bela?

1) at a wedding 2) at a housewarming party

3) at a national holiday 4) at a name day

4. Indicate the name of the horse for which the brother sold Bela.

1) Circassian 2) Karagyoz

3) Kazbich 4) Azamat

5. Where did Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych go on the day when Bela died?

1) on business 2) fishing

3) for hunting 4) for a wedding

6. How did Bela die?

1) drowned 2) fell from a cliff 3) shot 4) stabbed with a dagger

7. Recognize the hero by description.

“He was wearing an officer’s frock coat without epaulettes and a Circassian shaggy hat. He seemed to be about fifty years old; his dark complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the Transcaucasian sun, and his prematurely gray mustache did not match his firm gait and cheerful appearance.”

1) Maxim Maksimych 2) Pechorin 3) Grushnitsky 4) Azamat

8. In what rank did Maxim Maksimych serve?

1) colonel 2) staff captain 3) captain 4) lieutenant

9. Recognize the hero by description.

“He was so thin and white, his uniform was so new that I immediately guessed that he had recently arrived in the Caucasus.”

10. What color was Pechorin’s hair?

1) black 2) light 3) light brown 4) red

11. Recognize the hero by description.

“And what a thug he was, agile at whatever you want: whether to raise his hat at full gallop, or shoot from a gun. There was one bad thing about him: he was terribly hungry for money.”

1) Azamat 2) Kazbich 3) Bela’s father 4) Grushnitsky

12. Recognize the hero by description.

“...tall, thin, black eyes, like those of a mountain chamois, looked into our soul.”

1) Princess Mary 2) Bela 3) Vera 4) Ondine

13. What is the name of the technique used in the passage below?

“This valley is a glorious place! On all sides there are inaccessible mountains, reddish rocks, hung with green ivy and crowned with clumps of plane trees, yellow cliffs, streaked with gullies, and there, high, high, a golden fringe of snow, and below Aragva, embracing another nameless river, noisily bursting out of a black gorge full of darkness , stretches like a silver thread and sparkles like a snake with its scales.”

1) portrait 2) interior 3) landscape 4) detail

14. Indicate who owns the following words:

“If I had a herd of a thousand mares, I would give you everything for your Karagöz.”

1) Pechorin 2) Maxim Maksimych 3) Azamat 4) Kazbich

15. On whose behalf is the story about Pechorin in the story “Bela”?

16. Why couldn’t Pechorin’s love for Bela work out happily? Select incorrect answer.

1) Bela did not love Pechorin
2) The love of a “savage” for Pechorin is “little better than the love of a noble lady.”
3) Pechorin is not capable of truly loving, not capable of sacrificing himself for someone.
4) Pechorin and Bela eventually became as bored as with many others.

17. Indicate the option that contains a complete answer to the question: “How does Maxim Maksimych relate to Pechorin?”

1) The hero condemns Pechorin for his attitude towards Bela.
2) The staff captain does not understand many of the actions of his friend.
3) Maxim Maksimych is sincerely attached to Pechorin, but does not understand the motives of his actions or character traits.
4) Maxim Maksimych sympathizes with Pechorin.

1) The author in this story invites readers to draw their own conclusions about the hero.
2) M.Yu. Lermontov believes that Maxim Maksimych’s opinion is enough.
3) The main thing in this story is not the opinion about Pechorin, but the events that happened to him.
4) Maxim Maksimych’s attitude towards Pechorin is the author’s attitude.

19. What is the main idea of ​​the story “Bela”? Select incorrect answer.

1) In this story the reader meets Pechorin.
2) In the story “Bela” we learn about Pechorin’s upbringing, education and social status.
3) The story “Bela” is an exposition of the image of Pechorin.
4) In this story, the reader has the opportunity to find out the reasons for many of Pechorin’s actions.

20. When do the events described in the story “Maksim Maksimych” take place?

1) before the story with Bela 2) after the story with Bela 3) during the story with Bela

1) by successfully roasting a pheasant 3) by killing a wild boar with a well-aimed shot

2) by crossing the Terek 4) by putting a servant in his place

22. What did Maxim Maksimych pay attention to before he learned about Pechorin’s arrival?

1) for a stroller 2) for suitcases 3) for horses 4) for a tube

1) gait 2) smile

3) eyes 4) nose

24. When did the meeting between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych take place after the servant reported that the old man was in the hotel?

1) immediately 2) in an hour

3) in the evening 4) the next morning

25. Where did Pechorin go when Maxim Maksimych met him for the second time?

1) to St. Petersburg 2) to Georgia

3) to Persia 4) to Turkey

26. Which of Pechorin’s things did Maxim Maksimych keep and then give to the author?

1) pistols 2) notes

3) scarf 4) epaulettes