Drawing lesson in a group of different ages on the topic: "Swans on the lake." Summaries of classes on art activities in different age groups (from work experience)

Program tasks:
ml. gr. - Expand children's ideas about natural phenomenon leaf fall.
To learn to identify yellow, green, red colors, to draw leaves using the method of sticking with a brush, evenly placing the drawing over the entire surface of a sheet of paper. To form an active and passive vocabulary of children. Develop brush skills. Develop aesthetic perception; Creative skills.
Wed gr. - Teach children to portray autumn. Exercise in the ability to draw a tree, correctly conveying its structure, with multi-colored foliage, using three colors - red, green and yellow; make additions to the drawing that enrich its content. Clarify children's knowledge of the landscape. Cause a feeling of joy from bright beautiful drawings.
Bouquet of fallen leaves of different trees; gouache paints green, red, yellow flowers, brushes No. 4, landscape sheets (for the junior group with the image of trees). flannelgraph, pictures for flannelgraph (leaves), easel, multi-colored paper leaves, hoops (red, yellow, green), napkins; music "Autumn" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Methodical instructions.
I. Part.
Invite the children to go for a walk in the park.
Educator: "Guys, I suggest you go to the city park, and we will ride bicycles." Children lie on their backs and perform the “bike” exercise to the song from “I twist, I twist, I twist the pedals.”
- Here we are with you and came to the park. Look how handsome he is!
Viewing autumn illustrations to the music (an excerpt from Tchaikovsky's work "The Seasons" - "Autumn" sounds).
Guys, what season is it? (Autumn).
- Guys, what signs of autumn do you know? (A cold wind blows in autumn, it's raining, the leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall, the birds fly south).
Children are offered pictures with signs of autumn and one picture with snowfall (rain, wind, leaf fall, snowfall).
- Guys, choose the sign that does not apply to autumn. (It's snowing.)
- You are right, but these paintings have a common feature - these are landscapes. A picture that depicts nature is a landscape. (Children repeat).
-What can you say about autumn? What is she? (Autumn is beautiful, autumn is sad, etc.)
- How beautiful are the trees in their golden and scarlet robes! See how the colorful leaves, swirling quietly, fall to the ground. There are so many of them on earth, as if everything is covered with a beautiful, bright carpet.
Didactic game"Multicolored Leaves"
- On a walk, we saw beautiful multi-colored leaves. What color are they? (Children's answers.) We have green, and red, and yellow leaves (shows pictures for a flannelograph - multi-colored leaves).
The teacher lays out pictures of leaves on the table and suggests first choosing and attaching green, then red and yellow leaves to the flannelograph.
Autumn leaves are so beautiful that it becomes very pitiful for them, because they quickly dry out and crumble. How can we save the leaves? We can draw them. To do this, you need to choose a paint. Here is my paint box. Who will help me choose green, red and yellow paints? (Children choose.)
We are autumn leaves.
They sat on the branches
The wind blew - they flew.
They flew, flew and landed on the ground.
The wind came up again
And lifted all the leaves
Turned them around, turned them around
And dropped to the ground.
Children perform actions (squat, spin) in accordance with the text.
II. Part.
Educator: - Today we will draw a lot of beautiful leaves, creating from them the same carpet that lies on the ground. To draw, we need a brush, which we must first soak in a glass of water. Then you need to pick up a little paint on the pile of the brush, remove its excess on the edge of the jar. Now I can draw the first leaf (draws a leaf using the luring method), then another leaf. To draw a leaf of a different color, I need to rinse the brush well in a glass of water and only then pick up the paint desired color. (The teacher draws a few leaves different color.) I need help. There are a lot of leaves to draw so that we get a carpet. Can you help? (2-3 children are drawn on the teacher's sheet). "But to get beautiful landscape autumn forest there should be a lot of trees. See if there are pictures of bare trees in the group? (Children find) You will become magicians and turn these boring trees into an autumn landscape.
In the process of drawing, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the leaves should be located over the entire surface of the sheet of paper. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn".
At the end of the work, the teacher reminds that the brush will last a long time if, after drawing, it is thoroughly washed and dried.
Wed gr. - Exercises, mobile-didactic game "Find your color".
The teacher gives the children leaflets of different colors (red, yellow, green) and invites the children to run to the hoop of the corresponding color on command. During the game, the teacher stimulates the children's actions with words, for example: “Now the fastest is the team of green leaves. But the red and yellow leaves come together even faster."
III. Part.
- Look at what wonderful drawings we have made - these are also landscapes! Why? (Trees, nature are depicted). Colorful leaves adorned our bare trees. This is how we all together depicted the fall of the leaves, which will decorate our group.
Outside the window, an autumn leaf turned yellow,
Broke off, spun, flew.
The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,
Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.
And when the cheerful wind flew away,
Yellow leaf on the pavement, bored.
I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,
I brought it home and gave it to my mom.
O. Chusovitina

Relationship with other activities. Learning poems about autumn and leaf fall. When walking, pay attention to how they fall. autumn leaves. On their colorfulness, diversity. Invite the children to collect the leaves and depict leaf fall, throwing the leaves up, run along the fallen leaves.
Then the children choose one sheet they like.

Our kindergarten visited by children from 3 to 7 years old, are included in the same age group.

Tasks for the younger-middle subgroup: To give children an idea about the birds that live in their native land. Exercise children in neatly coloring the picture, without going beyond the contours. Strengthen the ability to use a brush, dilute paints with water. To develop the perseverance of children, the aesthetic perception of wildlife. Cultivate care, love for native land.

Tasks for the senior preparatory subgroup: To give children an idea about the birds that live in their native land, as well as about the signs of a swan, as a bird listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. To teach children to depict a swan using large and small ovals. Consolidate children's knowledge about geometric figure oval. To develop in children perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to highlight the main thing, the aesthetic perception of wildlife. Cultivate love for the native land, careful attitude to nature, as well as to the animals and birds that live in it.

Methodical methods:

teacher's story, art word, questions, questions of a search nature, the use of visual material, the teacher showing image techniques.

Preliminary work:

Observation during an excursion to the lake for swans. Reading the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen " Ugly duck". Examination of illustrations of wintering and migratory birds. Didactic games "Wild and domestic birds", "The fourth extra", "Flies - does not fly."

Materials: blue A4 paper watercolor paints, brushes, a jar of water, simple pencils, bird illustrations, napkins, brush holders.

Course progress.

1. Conversation about the native land.

Play - Guys, please tell me the answer to this question: what is the name of the village in which we live?

Children. - Kandrykul.

Play What is next to our village? Big, beautiful, blue?

Children - Lake!

2. A conversation about swans.

Play - That's right, kids. What kind of birds did you see on our lake?

Children. - Ducks, geese, swans, seagulls.

Play - Right. And you can also see birds such as: black-headed gull, coastal swallow. A rare duck nests on the lake - a shelduck, and also mute swans fly to us, which are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus (illustrations). The Red Book is such a book where birds, animals, insects, plants are recorded, which must be protected, they must not be killed.

3. Practical work.

Consider a picture of a swan with the children.

Play - Today we will draw a swan in class. Look, this is a beautiful, proud and majestic bird. The body of a swan is covered with feathers, under the feathers there is down. Long beautiful neck, bright red beak. The swan can fly and swim. Swans are larger than geese and ducks.

Place a sheet of paper in front of you. Juniors and middles, look at you already beautiful swan drawn, you need to carefully color it. What color swans swim in our lake?

Children. - White.

Play - That's right, now take the brushes, dip them in water and take white paint. Show me white paint. Now start coloring the swan. Be very careful. (Children with the help of an assistant teacher paint a swan)

Seniors need to work harder. You have figures on the table. What are these figures?

Children. - Ovals. Small and big.

Play - Right. From a large oval we will make the body, and from a small one - the head of a swan. (Display on the board) Now take a large oval, put it in the middle of the paper, it can be lower, and circle the oval with a simple pencil. Then take a small oval, leave room for the neck, and the swan has a long one, and also circle it with a simple pencil. It remains for you to draw a neck that looks like a question mark, a tail and wings in a wavy motion. Then draw the waves below.

Then the children work independently, coloring the swans. At this time, I check the posture of the children, whether they hold the brushes correctly, especially junior-middle group, whether they sit correctly, I help those who find it difficult.


The swans are flying.

Swans fly, flap their wings, (get up on your toes, smooth hand movements)

Bent over the water (bend back, foot on the toe of the hand on the belt)

They shake their heads. (shaking head)

Straight and proud they know how to hold on, (half squat, hands on the belt)

They sit very quietly on the water. (squat down, hands insides)

White swans flew, flew, (get up, hands up, wave your hands)

And sat on the water. (squat down, hands to the sides)

sat down, sat down (sit down get up)

They flew again. (arms up, through sides down)

Play - Junior, show me your work. What beautiful swans you have. Well done! Now go play.

After the physical minute, the younger and middle ones, at the end of their work, get up, wash their hands, dry themselves and leave to play.

The elders continue to draw.

5. Reflection:

Play - Look how beautiful our swans turned out.

Conversation with children.

What birds come to our lake?

Which bird flying to the Kandrykul Lake is listed in the Red Book?

What is the Red Book?

Well done boys! We have done a very good job. Now let's go wash our hands so that they are clean.

Used materials:




A comprehensive lesson for children of different ages from 3 to 7 years old (familiarization with the environment + drawing) "Water Magic"

Target: to give four-year-olds an idea of ​​what great importance has water for all living things in the world; to introduce children 5-6 years old to the form in which water exists in nature (rain, snow, ice, fog, etc.)
educational: introduce the properties of water (transparency, temperature, taste; water is a solvent)
developing: to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives on the topic of the lesson;
educational: develop social skills; ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner;
visual material: toy "Kapitoshka", "droplets" made of cardboard, a map with pictures on which snow, ice, cloud, etc. are depicted, jars of water, salt, sugar.
Organizing time.
Preparation for the main stage (introduction to the topic)
Guys, look at the map. Who knows what is on the map blue color? (Water) The topic of our lesson is “The Sorceress is Water”. And a little bit will help me.
- What is the water for? (children's answers).
Generalization: There is not a single living organism on Earth that can live without water.
- Imagine what would happen if all the water on Earth disappeared? (children's answers)
- Guys, a droplet invites you to determine whether the water in three jars is the same in color, in transparency, in taste, in temperature.
- How do we define color, transparency? (through the eyes)
- Temperature? (Hand)
- Taste? (language)
Children determine with their eyes, hand, tongue, color, transparency, temperature, taste.
Generalization: The water is clear, colorless, cold, and tastes salty and sweet.
- Guys, look, salt, sugar are not visible, but the taste remains. That's so magic! It turns out that water has the ability to dissolve salt and sugar.
Assimilation of new knowledge
The teacher's story: - Do you know where the water comes from. Ivan Bunin has a poem "Spring"
In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,
Always shady and damp
In a steep ravine under the mountain
A cold spring beats from stones,
Boils, plays and hurries.
Spinning in crystal clubs,
And under the branchy oaks
Runs like molten glass.
- That's where it comes from pure water. The spring forms a stream. The streams then flow into lakes and rivers. Animals and birds drink water from lakes and rivers. And plants drink water from underground. Rain waters the earth.
“Water is a real magic. She knows how to transform and change! It can be in liquid and solid state.
The teacher invites the children to solve riddles about water.
First it flies, then it runs
Then on the street lies ...
Then without a bot or galoshes
You won't cross it dry. (rain)
Doesn't burn in fire
And does not drown in fire. (ice)
She grows upside down
Grows not in summer, but in winter
A little sun will bake it,
She will cry and die. (icicle)

What kind of stars through
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through - cut,
And you take it - water in your hand. (snow)
Physical minute.
Invite the children to spin like snowflakes to slow music.
- And some of you children know what else water can turn into! (in rain, steam, fog, dew, clouds, etc.)
Primary knowledge check.
Game "Call it right"
Show children pictures of snow, ice, clouds, etc.
- It's also water. Name the way you see the water in the picture.
Independent work of children
Group work.
"Kapitoshka" invites children to draw a picture about the rain. We will work in groups. And the “droplet” will watch how you know how to negotiate, work together.
Consolidation of the material covered
"Kapitoshka" asks children questions and for the correct answer gives small "droplets"
Questions: What can water turn into?
- What are the properties of water? (transparency, has no color, smell)
Why is water magical?
What does she dissolve?
"Kapitoshka" Praises children and offers to remember the rules for using water.
1. Close the water tap.
2. Do not blast water with a strong jet.
3. Collect as much water as necessary.
4. Keep rivers, lakes clean, do not litter.

Abstract classes uneven-aged groups.

Educational area: "Creativity".

Section: "Drawing".

Theme: "Funny Snowmen".

Purpose of the lesson:

Know: 2nd junior, middle group.

What time of the year does it snow, what color is the snow, call the season - winter, that you can play games with snow, make snowballs and a snowman. In winter, sledding down the hill, skiing, skating (middle group). Know what shape the Snowman is, how to sculpt it. Know what color to call snow. Be able to:

2nd junior group: draw a circle (large and small), correctly hold the brush in your hands and pick up paint, carefully paint over without going beyond the outline of the circle. Bring the product to desired image with the help of markers.

Middle group: draw a circle correctly, hold the brush in your hand above the metal tip with three fingers, pick up the excess white paint on the bristle of the brush, squeeze the excess white paint on the edge of the jar. Compose an image using felt-tip pens, add your own elements to the image and drawing.


Teach children to work in a team and not interfere with each other, but help. Cultivate independence, creativity, perseverance, accuracy. Develop imagination love for drawing. Cultivate positive emotions from the work done.

move classes:

Motivational - incentive:

The teacher uses a game technique: he reports that a hare has come to visit. Offers to show him how we can play and practice. The teacher tells the children that his friend came with the bunny, but who will he help to guess the magic snowflake in this.

(Children show interest, listen carefully to the riddle).

The teacher makes a riddle:

I wasn't raised

Blinded from the snow

Instead of a nose deftly.

Inserted a carrot

Eyes are coals.

Lips - knots

cold, big

Who am i?

Children guess the riddle in chorus, I answer the Snowman.

Organizationally- search:

The teacher offers to draw a snowman, but so that it does not melt, put a magic snowflake next to it and listen to the snowman's story.

I was a sad snowman.

And looked sad

Didn't find any friends

And so he was sad.

But one day I went

Went to kindergarten.

The teacher offers to consider it and asks the question: What kind of snowman?

Children answer: he is sad, sad.

Why is he sad?

The children answer: he has no friends.

The teacher offers to help the snowman find friends, but before considering him, he asks questions:

What shape is it?

The children answer: The snowman is round, a large “ball of snow”, show with their hands the size of the “lump of snow”, then a smaller “lump of snow”.

The teacher invites the children of the younger group to draw in the air with their index finger circular movements of the shape of a circle, each "lump of snow", large and small.

What colour?

Children of the younger group answer: snowman white color.

The teacher clarifies what parts the snowman consists of, offers to show each detail and fix the name with group repetition

Children answer: the head is a small circle and big circle- torso.

The teacher offers to remember what else the snowman has, helps the children with the answers.

Children answer (middle group): there is a bucket on the head, a carrot on the face, eyes and mouth, and there is a broom nearby.

Offers to start drawing friends for the snowman at their workplaces.

Reminds you how to properly hold the brush in right hand with three fingers and gently pick up white paint, squeeze the excess on the edge of the jar.

Children listen and observe the actions of the teacher, following his instructions. The teacher asks: “Where do we start the work?”

Children (middle group) answer: “First, draw a large circle - the body, and paint over it, and then a small one - the head.

The teacher draws attention to the landing at the table. In the process of drawing, if necessary, conducts an individual demonstration. Offers to play a game while the paint dries.

Invites, children are held on the carpet, physical education.

Physical education minute: « Let's warm up pens».

My hands are frozen. How can they be warmed up? We rub our hands vigorously.

Children answer: blow on them, rub against each other, put on mittens.

The teacher offers to go to their places to complete their work. Children of the middle group work independently, the teacher recalls the technique of painting round shapes. To complete and obtain the desired image, the teacher suggests drawing additional parts with a felt-tip pen (bucket, eyes, nose, mouth)

Children of the middle group draw a broom next to the snowman.

The kids are finishing up.

Reflexively - corrective:

The teacher sums up the lesson, hangs the work on the board, offers to consider. Children evaluate their work and comrades, rejoice at what happened. The snowman thanks the children for drawing such beautiful snowman friends for him. The teacher notes different design options for snowmen, and a different mood. Encourages the desire of children to make the drawing beautiful, neat, done by themselves.

KSU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school".

Abstract of a drawing lesson

V mixed age group.

Theme: "Funny Snowmen".

Educator: Galenko E.R.


svetlana tretyakova

Abstract of a drawing lesson

mixed age group

« Large and small firs» teacher Tretyakova S. N.

Integration of educational regions: "Knowledge", « Artistic creativity» , "Reading fiction» , « Physical Culture» , "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety".

Tasks: To develop in children an aesthetic perception of the environment, hand motor skills. Teaching children 4 years old draw a Christmas tree, children 5-6 years old continue to learn draw a Christmas tree, achieving an expressive transmission of needles in various ways. To teach to convey the difference in height of old and young trees, their color and structure, brush tip drawing. Cultivate accuracy in work, respect for nature.

Material: gouache, tinted paper, illustrations, didactic game "Build a Christmas Tree"- cubes "Fold the Pattern".

Preliminary work. Examining fir trees while walking on the site, as well as examining illustrations in which the needles are depicted different ways.

Course progress.

Children go to the middle of the carpet.

Guys, guests have come to us, let's say hello unusual: with each other, with guests, with fingers.

finger game "Good morning".

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, listen to the riddle.


She looks like a hedgehog

Like a hedgehog, she's in needles too

There are fruits on it - cones.

The girls are waiting for her, the boys,

When she is on New Year's Eve

He will come to them for the holiday.

What is the riddle about? Christmas tree.

Listen to the poem.

I. Tokmakova "Eli..."

Ate on the edge-

To the top of the sky -

Listen, be silent

Look at grandchildren.

And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,

fine needles-

At the forest gate

They lead a round dance.

caregiver: Children, what is the poem about? - about Christmas trees.

And what kind of Christmas trees are we talking about? - about Christmas trees big and small.

Show illustrations that show big and small trees.

Questions for children:

What is shown here?

What trees do you see? - high and low.

What color are the trees? - green.

Children, what are the branches on the Christmas trees covered with? - needles.

And which Christmas trees are more fluffy? - big Christmas trees fluffier, they have a lot of branches and needles (pine needles).

Children, how should we treat them, and the nature that surrounds us? - do not break branches, do not cut down Christmas trees, do not light fires in the forest.

Get up, let's rest: physical education minute - Our Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is large, Make circular movements with your hands.

Our Christmas tree is high, They stand on their toes, raising their hands up.

Above mom, above dad, Squat, hands forward, and stand on their toes.

Reaches the ceiling. Pull up.

We will dance merrily, put our feet alternately on the heel,

We will sing songs, spreading our arms to the sides and putting them on our belts.

For the tree to want

Come visit us again!

If you want to build a Christmas tree out of cubes, go to the beds. Didactic game "Build a Christmas Tree" Ask who has high, who has low ate. Children, today we will be with you draw Christmas trees - big and small come to the tables.

I show you how to consistently draw fir. I'll take a sheet and lay it vertically, what color will we be draw the trunk - brown. We start from above, draw with the tip of the brush, gradually pressing the brush with the whole pile. To show how thick the trunk of an old spruce paint on the other side, we also draw another trunk, on the other hand, we got such a gate. And now it's dark green paint draw the branches, start from top to bottom, with the end of the brush do small strokes. It turns out such spruce "paws".

A small trees next to big ones, at the forest gate in the clearing they dance. Let's depict them with light green paint thin trunks little Christmas trees, paint on the branches, paint as if skirts, triangles.


At the end classes we consider all the drawings and choose the ones that the children liked.

Guys, find the highest spruce.

In which picture is the most fluffy Christmas tree?

Which Christmas tree has beautiful, fluffy branches?

Well done guys, everyone did their best, we got a real spruce forest, and if you want to play the game, you will be bunnies.

mobile game "A gray bunny jumped".

Children arbitrarily jump on the carpet, perform movements according to the text.

A gray bunny was galloping, A bunny was looking for food, Suddenly, at a hare on top, Ears rose like arrows, A quiet rustle is heard, Someone sneaks through the forest, A bunny confuses tracks, Runs away from a fox.

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