Autobiography of Alexander Sheps from the battle of psychics. Alexander Sheps - a vivid biography

Biography of Alexander Sheps: who is hiding behind the mystical appearance?

Alexander Sheps, the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, a necromancer magician, a young man with a memorable appearance, is of great interest to many adherents of esotericism. sonorous name- real or pseudonym, inherited abilities or discovered by chance that there was something remarkable in him so far short life? If you want to get to know each other better, start with a brief biography.

The name Alexander Sheps is not fictitious, it was given to the fourth of five children in the family by parents - Lyudmila and Oleg, who on November 26, 1986 had a boy with unusually white skin for a newborn baby. This event took place in Samara, where Sasha spent his childhood and youth. Now Alexander lives and practices in Moscow.

Choosing a life path and becoming a person
Alexander graduated high school and easily entered the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts. But extraordinary abilities manifested themselves not in studies, but in creativity, the student never received a diploma, and did not become a professional actor. But with early childhood unusual boy saw otherworldly entities, in adolescence he joined the Goth movement, wrote poems and stories on relevant topics, and composed music.

The family was not afraid of the son's communication with the world of the dead, the environment rather played into the hands of the novice psychic. His father is a cemetery worker, his mother is a doctor, a well-known specialist in Tarot cards in the city, a spiritualist and a clairvoyant. Wise parents did not interfere with the offspring's hobbies, and he was actively looking for his life niche.

A lot has been tried. The lack of a completed acting education did not prevent the young man from mastering many professions in the world of show business. He served in the troupe of the Molot Theater, was a news anchor and entertainment programs, organized holidays, acted as a DJ, worked as a model and photographer at fashion shows.

Crucial moment

Alexander continued to write - scripts, stories in the style of "fantasy", stories with gloomy overtones. The prototype of one of the works was Sasha's best friend, and unexpectedly the plot, where main character almost dies, almost fully realized in life. This was the first call that Alexander missed.
The next sign was the attack in 2007. Two people in inadequate condition fired at the car in which Sheps and his friends were driving. Everyone escaped with a slight fright, and Alexander was wounded in the neck. Victims were avoided, the novice psychic clearly saw the picture of actions, the possible outcomes of the incident and chose the best option.

After that, the formation of Alexander Sheps in the esoteric world began. He realized that fate did not intend to joke, and seriously took up the study of parapsychology. The result is obvious - 88% of viewers of the "Battle of Psychics" cast their votes for the young magician, unconditionally recognizing him as the winner. There he found a soul mate - Estonian Marilyn Kerro.

Member Name: Alexander Sheps

Age (birthday): 26.11.1986

City: Samara, Moscow

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He was born into the world with a perfectly white skin color, like ivory. Sasha's mother noted this, as the previous four children had a red skin tone.

Alexander's mother is a famous person in Moscow. She is a clairvoyant, tarot reader and spiritualist. The father of the family works at the cemetery.

From early childhood, the mother noted that the child secretly had a dialogue with someone. Mom immediately became clear that her son took over her gift. As a teenager, Sasha realized that he was able to see what others could not.

Studying at school, Sasha loses a loved one, his grandmother died, who was 87 years old. During their lives, they closely communicated. For a 13-year-old guy, this did not come as a shock, since he had long seen a vision that he was standing at his grandmother's coffin and holding a ring. When all this happened, Sasha took the grandmother's ring. He never takes it off.

After graduating from school, Sasha decided to enter a theater university. True, without completing his studies, he leaves him. For some time he was engaged on a professional basis in the modeling business, he realized himself as an actor and vocalist, he was even able to record a couple of songs.

He wrote various scripts, took photos. He was the host of various events, settled in the Monologue Theater. He never rested on his laurels, which surprised all his friends very much.

Trouble befalls him in 2007. An attempt was made on Alexander's car. The guys on motorcycles shot the car where Sheps and his friend were at that moment. It turned out that, thus, two drug addicts decided to have some fun.

Was in a relationship with. Their romance began on the project "Battle of Psychics". In the summer of 2017, Mary and Alexander broke up.

The couple did not talk about their relationship for a long time, but when the girl left the project, Alexander gave her a ring. Together, the guys travel and perform magical rituals.

On the project "Battle of psychics" season 14 became the winner. I also remember that I used in my work different ways and techniques to get information from the souls of deceased people. He passed the tests successfully, and therefore often appeared on the project among the best psychics.

Photos of Alexander

Sasha rarely uploads personal photos to the network, but there are shots from filming and from various photo shoots.

Only at the age of 12-13 Alexander Sheps began to understand for sure that others do not see those who are trying to get in touch with him. However, according to Alexander Sheps, she is not engaged in ritualism. Alexander Sheps took part in the 14th season of this project - and performed brilliantly.

Alexander Sheps was born on November 26 in Samara, studied at regular school, after which he entered the Saratov State Academy. Interest in everything otherworldly in Sheps did not appear immediately. Like many teenagers his age, he for a long time"Gothic" - even wrote the appropriate stories. A little later, Alexander began to fascinate with esotericism and magic.

Alexander Sheps: “None of the psychics ever look at themselves! But there are extreme situations when all receptors are reflexively activated. Unlike most competitors, Alexander used various methods to pass the tests - Tarot cards, pendulums, artifacts, runic symbols, and much more.

Hello, Alexander. Dear Alexander! NSS of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In addition, I found out that since 2006 there was also gr. Kyrgyzstan. Mom Lyudmila Sheps is a well-known person in the city, she is known as a clairvoyant and a doctor, spiritualist and tarologist. The biography of Alexander Sheps is very different from ordinary, ordinary people. As a child, the parents discovered that the boy was secretly communicating with someone invisible. When Sheps was at school, he died very close person- his grandmother.

Alexander foresaw her death. After school, Alexander entered the local Theatre Institute in the direction of "actor drama theater and cinema ", but did not finish my studies and quit educational institution. Sheps wrote scripts, was engaged in photography. For some time, Alexander Sheps worked as an actor in the Molot Theater, was the host, and also the administrator of the Atmosphere Special Events Studio.

Sheps was late for the official selection of the "Battle of Psychics", his participation in the project was accidental. With it, Alexander is supposedly able to overcome the barriers between the worlds in order to understand what the dead are saying. In the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, Sheps won, defeating many strong opponents. Sheps never conducts receptions via the Internet and does not ask to send money.

At the end of the project, Sheps publicly presented Marilyn with a case, which the girl refused to open in front of the cameras. Sheps and Kerro continue to meet after the project, despite all the gossip about the PR move. Joint photos Sheps and Marilyn are full of albums on their pages social networks. The couple travel together, share experiences and perform rituals.

Seeing in this not only a hobby, but also a vocation, he began to develop in himself psychic abilities. Gradually, a new awareness of the world around him came to him. From that moment on, he considered helping people and self-improvement to be the meaning of his life. For example, one day the car I was driving was shot at. During that situation - the guys who were traveling with me remember this - I shouted: "Calm down, everything will be all right!" And then the thought stuck in my head, and decided to call, and then went to the casting.

Today I met two women on the way to work, one after the other, both were polite, wished me luck. And somehow it got better. I wrote poetry and was surprised that something came true. My children also suffer with me. Am I not getting anything from the property?

I would like to meet with you given time I live in Kyrgyzstan. She said that apart from black magic, no one will help, neither the prosecutor's office nor the courts, and I will lose everything.

Biography of Alexander Sheps / Aleksandr Sheps

Alexander is the only one to whom I can tell about my grief. And I really want to believe that my letter will reach you. 15 years ago I buried my elder son. He was 22 years old. Since then, my life has stopped, or rather, I'm stuck in the year 2000. And my younger son feels the same with me. We do not live, we exist. And that's why my son and I are confused in life and don't know how to live on.

Battle of psychics Season 14 and Alexander Sheps / Aleksandr Sheps

Please help us. My son and I live in the past and cannot get out of the trouble that happened in 2000 on our own. Prior to this, in the summer I was clearing myself (because I was in a litter and pregnant from Vladislav Tokmakov) and asked for forgiveness in the energy company from N. Muntseva Nadezhda. My whole family was aware of where my son and I were cleansed.

Presumably this girl and me Elena and Nadya F. were confused. Company) was on the same day in September. In December, my boyfriend said that we were booked as a son. During the skating rink (approximately January 9th) -In the Temple (March 8th), - DURING THE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY IN MARCH (THE SAME THING HAPPENED IN THE TEMPLE), WHO DID THIS?

Alexander Sheps: personal life

As far as I understand, all the orders went to me, possibly to my child, as well as to us this person perhaps an experiment. PERMANENT SUGGEMENT THROUGH THE THIRD EYE - A PERMANENT negative effect on the Reiki channel without my knowledge (is it possible to break through it and make it so that no one has access to it at all?

WHO ORDERED ME AND THE BABY? Presumably, one of the past acquaintances from the past work of Vlad Tokmakov and his employees, or his friends ALSO HAD US A NEGATIVE IMPACT. Is it possible to make sure that by us the person who cleansed my child and my AURA (or one of her people) could not provide any negative impact from a photo of us with a child.

Activities of Alexander Sheps. About 5 years ago he was a professional actor and model. The psychic was not married, but serious relationship were. The personal life of Alexander Sheps is full highlights, but there were also love disappointments. Alexander Sheps - the winner of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics", seeing the dead everywhere and practicing dangerous rituals that he does not want to talk about, a medium (spirit) from Samara.

Alexander Sheps is a Russian practicing psychic, winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics. According to fans of the medium's talents, Sheps is able to communicate with the dead and tell details about things and their owners after one touch.

Alexander Sheps - biography of a psychic, projects and participation

Alexander Olegovich Sheps was born in the city of Samara on November 26, 1986. Alexander of his parents is the fourth son of five children.

Mother Lyudmila Sheps hometown a well-known personality: a woman is known as a clairvoyant and a doctor, spiritualist and tarologist.

WITH young years Alexander was fond of Gothic, went in all black and wrote fantasy stories. After graduating from school, Sheps entered the Academy of Culture and Art at acting department. Then he worked in the Samara theater "Hammer". In parallel with this, he was actively involved in organizing parties and holidays. In addition, he was a model, participated in many fashion shows and filming. He was the organizer of the reality show "Ready for Anything", which was the prototype of the famous scandalous show"House 2". He also worked as a DJ in Samara clubs and performed under the pseudonym DJ Alex Energy.

Time passed and Alexander Sheps realized that he was most interested in esotericism and magic. Then he stepped aside from the daily bustle and came to grips with the development of his abilities. Sheps claims that now his main life purpose is to help people and self-improvement. Having won the 14th Battle of psychics, the guy gained incredible fame in Russia and neighboring countries.

In 2016, the psychic, along with his colleague Victoria Rydos, became a member of the TV show "Psychics are investigating." In this show, popular mediums do not solve problems specially invented by the film crew, but help real people find out the truth about the past, find loved ones or deal with strange and frightening situations.

In June 2017, a tragedy occurred in Alexander's life: a friend and mentor of the psychic, Ilona Novoselova, died. The medium posted on Instagram a post about the death of Ilona Novoselova, Alexander communicated with dead witch as if alive and promised not to forget Ilona.

In 2017, Alexander Sheps also took part in a number of episodes of the show "Psychics are investigating" both in tandem with Marilyn Kerro and other psychics. In the same year, the medium became a participant in the special season of the show Psychics Investigate: The Battle of the Strongest.

Alexander Sheps, latest news, latest data as of 11/14/2017

The now popular psychic maintains a private practice, conducts seminars, lectures and publishes books on supernatural practices. Alexander Sheps reads Tarot cards and answers questions about the past and future with the help of a pendulum. Also, the psychic began to create or speak objects, which subsequently gave their owners a powerful positive energy charge.

In 2017, the psychic went on a tour of the cities of Russia with the seminar "Your Card". This autumn, Alexander Sheps will perform in Sochi, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod.

Alexander Sheps personal life: details and latest information

The psychic was not married, but there were serious relationships. The personal life of Alexander Sheps is full of bright moments, but there were also love disappointments. The guy was betrayed, after which he was worried, but everything is in the past.

On the project "Battle of Psychics" Sheps began an affair with the Estonian participant Marilyn Kerro. The couple hid their relationship for a long time, avoiding answers about what is really going on between them. At the end of the project, Sheps publicly presented Marilyn with a case, which the girl refused to open in front of the cameras. But the audience is sure that there was a ring. The girl then took second place in the battle, Sasha even tried to give the prize “hand” he won to the chosen one.

In an interview, Mary admitted that she had been dreaming of a family for a long time. The witch predicted that they would have a daughter with Alexander.

In the same year, rumors appeared that Sheps and Kerro broke up after Marilyn returned to the Battle of Psychics. Kerro denied these rumors, arguing that the couple, although experiencing a crisis in relations, still retained love. The problem was that the witch wants to have a baby, and Sheps had other views on life.

Sheps did not comment on the break with Kerro, however, in Lately photos in the company of a blonde, which the psychic accompanies with poems, increasingly began to appear on his Instagram.

Fans are at a loss as to who this girl is. Some suggest that she is a student of Alexander, others are sure that the blonde is his new sweetheart. Sheps himself prefers to remain silent and not answer questions from fans.

World of mysterious mysticism and supernatural forces always attracted attention ordinary people. Against the background of everyday life, those who in one way or another came into contact with a different reality stood out more and more clearly. It's about about healers, witches, mediums, psychics. So do they really exist, or is it just a figment of human imagination? Today we will try to deal with this issue using the example of a man named Alexander Sheps, whose biography is inextricably linked with the otherworldly beginning.

Briefly about the psychic

Today, Alexander Sheps, whose biography is rooted in 1986, is not at all an unfamiliar guy from a distant outback. Alexander is a famous spiritualist, or medium, actively practicing communication with souls of the dead, as well as rituals, which he prefers not to spread to the general public.

Sheps's height is 186 cm, weight - approximately 70 kg, shoe size - 41st, and clothes - 48th. The man has expressive blue eyes, which became one of his business cards in the TV show "Battle of Psychics", as well as dark brown hair of medium length, advantageously shading the natural pallor of the face.

Alexander Sheps: biography of one Samara boy

Sheps was not born into the most ordinary family, since his mother, Lyudmila, was a well-known tarologist, spiritualist, clairvoyant and doctor in the city. The boy was born not pink, as children should be, but white, as if made of ivory. This already seemed to the woman a kind of omen of the non-standard future of her son. By the way, it was from Lyudmila, his mother, that the psychic Alexander Sheps, whose biography would subsequently be associated at all stages with inexplicable, indescribable incidents, inherited paranormal abilities. From childhood, Lyudmila saw her late father, and this gift, apparently, passed on to Sasha. He was the 4th child in the family; after him, another baby was born in the family.

From childhood, Alexander Sheps, whose biography as a clairvoyant was just beginning to take shape, nevertheless, already knew how to find contact with invisible entities of intangible nature. By the age of 12, the boy clearly realized that his environment was unable to see what he sees, so Alexander had to develop his abilities on his own, without anyone's guidance.

School time and students in alma mater

Alexander studied at an unremarkable city school, where he worked tirelessly creative activity: arranged celebrations, performances and holidays, tried himself as a local news host, as a DJ under the pseudonym DJ Alex Energy set the tone for youth parties and even practiced in the modeling field.

How did it develop further life path a man named Alexander Sheps? Biography, personal path and destiny ordered that the young man came to the doors of the theater State Academy culture and arts), where he settled on the direction of "Actor of Drama Theater and Cinema". Here Alexander seemed to have found his native element and became very carried away: he tried himself in writing Gothic scary stories and stories in a medieval style and in general was very immersed in the topics studied. However higher education Alexander never received it, as he dropped out of his studies at the academy. In the end, he came to the esoteric and magic. Since then, Alexander Sheps began to develop unusual talents inherent in nature, accepted himself as he was, and was literally reborn.


In addition to all of the above, Alexander no less zealously showed himself as a screenwriter, musician and professional actor. In addition, he was the host of the "Agents of People's Control" project, which was broadcast on TV-3 and Skat-TNT TV channels. Behind Sheps there is a whole list of works with popular stars capital business, as well as a huge collection of video, photo and audio materials that cover the production and its participation in fashion shows, maintaining the author’s and joint activities With big amount of people.

Show "Battle of psychics"

fascination with necromancy and other worlds led young man in the popular TV show "The Battle of Psychics" (channel "TNT"). Alexander Sheps, whose biography, personal life and fate, it seemed, had to find its resolution in this program at all costs, proved to be a versatile and strong participant. As attributes, he used a variety of items: Tarot cards, runic symbols, pendulums, artifacts, Lenormand cards, the Ouija Ouija board, candles, daggers, etc. It was they who allowed the man to call on the souls of the dead, which helped him pass difficult tests over and over again prove what Alexander Sheps is worth. Biography, photos and numerous descriptions may suggest that the psychic was on the side of light matter, but this is not so. Despite his unusual appearance and good disposition, so beloved by the audience, Alexander declared himself as a representative of the black forces, as evidenced by dark colors clothes, and general style, and, of course, the emphasis on necromancy.

The biography of Alexander Sheps from the "Battle of Psychics" cannot be ignored by the fact that the medium, as a result, nevertheless won Grand Prize, "Crystal Hand", in the 14th season of the show, defeating equally strong rivals.

assassination attempt

A curious fact of the psychic's biography is that in 2007 an assassination attempt was made on him, according to Sheps himself, however, accidental and unintentional. Two motorcyclists shot at Alexander's car, where he was with his friend; Sheps was wounded in the neck. The medium hastened to calm the agitated public with the message that the shooters were under the influence of drugs, and his vehicle it was just unlucky to be the first to fall under the hot hand of the "killers". Be that as it may, Sheps was no longer seen in such incidents, which the circles of his fans are only happy about.

Personal life

Alexander Sheps can rightly be considered a Don Juan of the psychic world. So, he was seen in a relationship with such strong witches and part-time colleagues professional activity, as Ilona Novosyolova (participant in the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, who advised the spiritualist to participate in the show) and Estonian Marilyn Kerro (participant in the 14th and several other seasons of the project). WITH last girl Sheps is in a relationship today: once having met a red-haired sorceress on film set, Alexander could no longer part with her, as she did with him. The couple supports each other in joy and sorrow: for example, during the recent Sheps operation associated with a dislocation of the shoulder joint, Marilyn was next to her chosen one. This is evidenced by the photos literally from operating table! In general, lovers spend a lot of time with each other; such a conclusion can be drawn based on regularly updated materials of social networks.

life credo

Alexander's beliefs are a synthesis of a number of magics, philosophies, beliefs at once, multiplied by personal experience. So, the medium tries not to use abuse in his speech, because he believes that one inappropriate word can take a person away from the protection of an angel for 3 days. The psychic believes that negative thoughts attract unpleasant events in life and make a person more vulnerable to higher powers. That is why maintaining a positive attitude to what is happening is one of the necessary components happy life. The fact that thoughts, especially those set out on paper or having received material embodiment, tend to come true, Sheps was convinced after he created one tragic story in his youth. The prototype for the creation of the main character of this story was best friend Alexandra. The character of the story was pierced in the skull with a spear; everything would be fine, but as a result, Sheps' friend received a serious head injury - his head was broken. Since then, the psychic vowed to bring such negativity into life.

People's opinion

Today, the million-strong public is divided into 2 camps: some idolize the necromancer, constantly monitor his updates and changes in life, create new fan groups and pages on the World Wide Web dedicated to Sheps; others are extremely skeptical about the achievements and the created image, accusing the psychic of the fact that the role he created is a fake and props of a provincial actor who wanted to get the recognition and love of the public at all costs. Alexander Sheps, biography, family, whose personal life and worldview were discussed in this article, perhaps, will remain an unexplored "dark horse" to the end. And therefore, to believe him and his stories or not is a purely personal matter for each person.