How to make store-bought slime. How to make slime: video tutorials on making your favorite toy from various materials

A safe and interesting slime toy or smart plasticine made with your own hands will captivate children for a long time. And it will be interesting for an adult to play with strange plasticine, which softly gives in to pressure, sculpts perfectly, but left alone spreads almost turning into a puddle.

In literally 3-4 minutes, such a toy can be made at home using only three ingredients: PVA glue, any dye and sodium tetraborate. It is advisable to choose high-quality glue with an unexpired shelf life, otherwise you will end up with a lumpy mass unsuitable for modeling. Regular or food paints are suitable as a dye; you can add brilliant green, sparkles, or leave the handgam white. Note that if you overdo it with dye, the mixture will stain your hands. If there is not enough sodium tetraborate, the mixture will be too liquid, and if there is too much, it will be solid. Therefore, it is better to add it a little at a time, and then carefully mix the future plasticine.

In order for the toy to please you for a long time and not dry out, you need to store it in a small, tightly closed jar, the size of the slime itself. To make the mixture have a pleasant smell, you can drop aromatic oil at the very end, but it will dissipate fairly quickly. Watch the video “How to make Lizun” at good quality 720 HD. All materials are contained on the service and are available on our website without registration and SMS.

Such a toy as Slime became popular thanks to the film “Ghostbusters”, the character of this film was a ghost named Slime. The peculiarity of the slime is that this toy is plastic, viscous, and therefore can easily change shape. In addition, it can be made in any color and there are several recipes for making such a thing. This article will present a selection of videos on how to make slime, after reading which you will understand the whole process of work. First of all, in one of the master classes a video from the Galileo program will be presented, which will talk about the properties of slime and what materials it can be made from.

Methods for making slime

Below will be a selection of videos in Russian, thanks to which needlewomen will learn about how to make slime. Namely: it will talk about what materials such a toy can be made from, and recipes will be offered. If you want to learn how to make such a toy, then you should carefully watch the video.

Recipes for making lick

There are several ways to make slime at home. Each method differs in the ingredients used. The finished mixture must be stored in a closed container.

Glue and starch

One way is to make slime from glue and starch. This method is known for the fact that the slime is made without sodium tetraborate. To do this you will need liquid starch, PVA glue, food coloring and a thick bag. First, you need to pour about seventy milliliters of liquid starch into the bag. But you can also make a slime from starch and water; if the starch is dry, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 before placing the mixture in a bag. Then add a few drops of dye to the starch. Then you need to add twenty-five milliliters of glue, then you need to close the bag and mix the contents to form a clot. Then you need to remove the remaining liquid from the bag, the resulting clot is the slime, you need to take it out, blot it with a napkin and you can play with it. There is another way to make slime, for example, from shampoo.

Soda, glue and water

Another way is to make slime using ingredients such as soda, glue, water, dye. In order to make slime from soda and pva glue, first of all you need to mix about one hundred milliliters of glue with fifteen milliliters of water. Then you should add a dye of the selected color, preferably food grade, it is safer for children. All ingredients should be mixed into a homogeneous mass. Next, you need to dilute the soda with water to make a thick paste, then add the resulting paste to the previously made mixture. After this, the contents must be transferred to a tight bag, closed and the contents of the bag mixed until you get a slime of the desired density. Next, you need to get rid of excess liquid and the toy is ready.

Flour, water and dye

At home you can find all the necessary materials to make slime from flour. In addition to flour, you will also need water and dyes. First, you need to pour about two glasses of flour into the container, after sifting the flour through a sieve. Then you should pour in a quarter cup of cold water, then the same amount of hot water. Then you need to mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. Next, you need to add dye. In order to make a licker from plasticine, you will need the plasticine itself, water, food gelatin and a container. First you need to dissolve gelatin in cold water. Then, after an hour, place the container in a metal dish on the fire and bring to a boil. Then you need to warm up about one hundred grams of plasticine in your hands, then mix the plasticine with fifty milliliters of warm water. After this, the dissolved gelatin must be poured into a container containing plasticine and the contents must be mixed until smooth. Then the mixture must be placed in the refrigerator, wait until it hardens, and the work is completed.

We've all probably watched a cartoon about brave ghost hunters and their green slime assistant.

In all cases, the green friend left behind a lot of disgusting mucus, which stuck to whoever touched it.

Today, you can very often come across such a picture when someone runs around with a slime in his hands and scares his classmates, and they squeal in fear and everyone is happy at that moment.

However, slime does not leave behind such traces as a cartoon character; only a small greasy stain can be seen on the wall if you stick it.

How to make slime with your own hands at home, let’s figure it out immediately, because this one gives children a lot of joy and happiness, and parents greasy stains.

But it’s not as scary as, for example, felt-tip pens on new wallpaper, right? So let's get started.

How to make slime at home from PVA glue

To prepare the toy you will need:

1. One tube of regular stationery PVA glue. Pay attention to the expiration date and buy one that was produced relatively recently. Slime made from fresh PVA glue will be softer and more elastic.

2. The next item we need is (sodium tetraborate), a 4 percent solution. Can be replaced with Borax powder. It is sold without a prescription in pharmacies. If you have chemical reagents in your city, then Borax should be there too.

3. To give slime colors we need dyes. If you need red, then red food coloring will come in handy or you can use gouache. Also, beet juice does an excellent job with this task. If you need green slime, then take regular green slime.

4. A stick and a container will be useful for kneading. It could be a plastic cup or something similar.

5. Prepare some water, it may come in handy.

6. For the best result, you will need one that will allow you to accurately maintain the proportions.

The process of making slime

1. First, shake the PVA glue thoroughly. Then fill the prepared container with glue. The size of your slime depends on the amount of glue.

2. Now we need to paint our . Therefore, we add dye to the glue. For 100 ml of glue you will need 2 teaspoons of paint. If you want the color to be more saturated, add 3 teaspoons of dye.

However, remember, if there is too much paint, your slime will leave stains and get dirty.

3. Now add borax. For 100 ml of glue there is one bottle of tetraborate. When adding borax, you need to mix the mass thoroughly. If the slime sticks too much and looks runny, add more borax.

The condition of the toy depends on its quantity. If you use borax in powder form, it must first be dissolved in a glass of water. The proportions in this case are as follows: one tablespoon of borax per 200 grams of water at room temperature.

4. After mixing, it is necessary to get rid of excess moisture. To do this, put our slime on a napkin and blot it on all sides. Then, transfer the resulting mass into a bag and knead it properly for 5-7 minutes.

We take it out and rejoice, the slime is ready! Below is video on how to make slime, which will clearly show the process of preparing your favorite toy.

How to make slime from soda

For making slime from baking soda we also need PVA glue, a mixing container, a stick, dye, and instead of borax - . The process is similar to the example described above.

The only difference is that instead of borax you need to add 3 tablespoons per 100 ml of PVA glue. Then also put it in a bag and knead it properly. For clarity, view video on how to make slime from soda below.

How to make slime from shampoo

Make slime from shampoo quite simple. However, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Also, it is necessary to wash your hands after playing with him, and parents should keep an eye on theirs so that the slime from the shampoo does not get into the baby’s mouth and eyes.

So, for preparation we need:

1. Regular shampoo

2. Shower gel or dishwashing liquid, like fairy or something similar

3. Stirring container and stick

The process of making slime from shampoo

1. You need to add shampoo and shower gel (or dishwashing liquid) to the container. The proportions should be the same and mix thoroughly with a stick. It is very important that both liquids do not contain any solid particles.

2. The resulting mass should be placed in the refrigerator for a day. The next day you can take the slime out of the container and enjoy the process of playing with it.

It must be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. The service life of this slime is approximately one month.

If a lot of debris quickly sticks to the slime, it will begin to disintegrate ahead of schedule and lose its properties.

Below we present a video that will show you how to make slime from shampoo in a slightly different way.

How to make slime without sodium

To make slime without sodium tetraborate, we need dye, a container, flour, PVA glue, and a stirring stick.

The cooking process is similar to the above examples. For clarity, view video on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate

Essentially the video talks about how to make slime from flour. This option is also quite good and does not require special effort and costs.

How to make slime from glue and starch

To prepare slime we will need the following components:

1. Liquid starch. If there is no liquid, then you can use regular, but firstdilute it in water in a ratio of 1 part starch to 2 parts water.

2. PVA glue, with a fresh expiration date.

3. Dye. Gouache, food coloring or brilliant green.

4. Small, dense package.

The process of making slime

1. The first step is to place 100 ml of liquid starch in a bag.

2. Then add dye little by little to the desired shade. You can’t use too much dye; the slime will stain your hands and objects it touches.

3. Now add 50 ml PVA glue.

4. Knead the resulting mass until a homogeneous clot is formed. This is slime. The bag will also contain water.

It needs to be drained, and the slime should be placed on a napkin and carefully blotted off the remaining water. The slime is ready! Its service life is calculated for a week or 10 days.

It is better in a bag or in a resealable plastic container. Remember to watch your child so that the slime does not get into his mouth. After playing, it is recommended to wash your baby’s hands with soap.