How to go to work in Singapore: vacancies, visa application and general advice. Jobs and vacancies in Singapore

A small state with an area constantly increasing due to alluvial territories, Singapore is practically free from corruption and can teach any European country lessons of religious tolerance. The island city-state annually attracts a huge number of investors, businessmen, tourists and, of course, foreign trainees.

An internship in Singapore will be of interest to architects, doctors, biologists, future entrepreneurs, tourism specialists, as well as scientists from various fields. For those who have studied English, there is no need to fear a language barrier, since English in Singapore is the official state language.

Main destinations for internships in Singapore


Culture and religious studies

Students of culture and religion will find a wealth of research material in Singapore. After all, it is in this small country that four large religious communities coexist peacefully - Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism. The Singapore authorities pursue a special religious policy. Thus, in the 1970s, the position of Minister of Muslim Affairs was introduced, and later a service was established that is responsible for planning various Islamic holidays and publishing literature. In addition, in Singapore schools, students learn the basics of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.


If your dream is to organize exclusive tours for avid travelers, then this small country is definitely worth your attention.
Entertainment in Singapore can surprise even the most experienced lover of exotic and adventure: a huge amusement park (Universal Studios), the world's largest aquarium (Marine Life Park) and water park (Adventure Cove Waterpark), cable car, Singapore Zoo and, of course, amazing gardens where you can find plants from different parts of the world (Gardens by the Bay). The scale of festivals and celebrations held in tiny Singapore is amazing. Just look at the annual festivals of fashion, food, jewelry, writers, as well as the world’s only night Formula 1.

Useful resources for finding internships in Singapore:

- - official information for foreign trainees from the Singapore government. On the website you can find all the necessary information about visas, salaries, employment and necessary documents. The site is perfect for those who are just thinking about the possibility of doing an internship in Singapore.

— — a special site for finding internships in Singapore. Here you can find a lot of useful information about internships, rules for hiring foreign students, local and international companies in Singapore, and also take part in numerous competitions.

— — more than one and a half thousand internships in various areas in Singapore. Here you can find internships and vacancies for every taste. To access vacancies, registration on the site is required.

— — the largest job search resource in Singapore, recommended by the country’s government.

The Republic of Singapore is a series of separate islands located in Southeast Asia. The state can be called quite young - it declared independence in 1965, before which Singapore was under British rule. At the time of the formation of the independent Republic, Singapore's economy was in a deplorable state, but over several decades everything has changed significantly. Now Singapore is one of the world's financial centers; many world-famous companies are concentrated here. The standard of living in the country continues to grow rapidly, so these days, when there is no information barrier and the whole world knows about how the Republic began to live, more and more foreigners want to go there for permanent living, work and education.

general information

Singapore is a shining example of high-quality service in tourism, medical, business and other areas. Since the quality of life and level of wages in the country has approached and even in some regions exceeded European indicators, more and more migrant workers prefer Singapore instead of EU countries. There are currently more foreigners working in Singapore than in Canada, New Zealand or Australia, and there are only more people wanting to move to this country. Some statistics: in 2017, the country's population is slightly less than 5.7 million people, another approximately 1.3 million are foreigners working in Singapore.

Working in Singapore for Russians and Ukrainians in 2017 is an excellent opportunity to increase their level of well-being and move to one of the most prosperous countries on the planet

Singapore is attractive to foreign specialists due to its favorable working conditions, a full package of social guarantees, opportunities for career growth and, of course, high salaries. In addition, the country has a very low crime rate and a well-developed education system, which is extremely important for foreigners who want to move with their family and children. Even people who speak only English have a good chance of finding a decent job and not feeling uncomfortable - English is the official language in Singapore, even though two-thirds of the population is Chinese. If you are planning to open your own business abroad, the Republic of Singapore has all the conditions for this - the main thing is to have enough funds and patience.

Everyone has a chance to find a job. Everything depends on you. I have been to many countries abroad, and Russian-speaking people work absolutely everywhere in a variety of fields and areas: drivers, guides, in hotels, cafes and restaurants, some organize their own small businesses. So everyone has a chance.


Singapore ID Card

The first plus for me is professional. There is an unplowed field and hundreds of opportunities. The second plus is precisely the atmosphere of the country, where I include everything: climate, safety, diversity, and type of development. Amazing atmosphere of the place. And the third plus, in my subjective opinion, is the concentration of everything, a kind of “navel of the Earth.” Here you can meet anyone, anywhere and however you want. All roads, one way or another, lead through this city. For me, Singapore works this way. This is the collection point.


How to find a job

Finding a job in the Republic is much easier than it might seem at first glance, especially when it comes to highly qualified specialists

The Republic of Singapore is an island in Southeast Asia, united into a city-state under the same name

You can search for vacancies on your own by publishing your advertisement on numerous thematic sites and forums, as well as viewing advertisements from employers on all the same sites. The more time you devote to this, the greater the chances of success. When searching on your own, you will not only have to analyze Internet sources, but also communicate directly with employers about the positions that appeal to you most. When talking to possible future bosses, try to give the impression of a conservative, responsible person. Remember that most of the locals are ethnic Chinese, and the Chinese like things to be tidy. To get a job you will need to know English, there are no options here. Without knowing English, not only will it be almost impossible for you to find a job, but you will also not be able to understand others. Although, of course, many residents still speak Chinese, knowing this language alone is unlikely to help you.

The average Singaporean is 4 times richer than the average Russian. IMF experts put Singapore in 4th place in the world ranking. Last year, the World Bank ranked it 1st in the list of countries where it is most comfortable to do business. Russia took 120th position in the same list. Comparing the levels of corruption is not in our favor either. In the Transparency International ranking for 2009, Singapore took 3rd place, behind only New Zealand and Denmark in terms of “cleanliness of bureaucratic hands.” Russia's place is 146th.


Among the usual job search sites in Singapore, the specialized social network stands out. Here you can chat casually with foreigners who can help you find a job, give you good advice, or even hire you to work abroad. You can look for vacancies in local newspapers. The most popular of them is perhaps the Straits Times.

The most requested sites for finding a job in Singapore:

  • ;

Above are resources where you can find work specifically in Singapore. You can also use sites that offer searches in many countries around the world. Among these are, and others. You can also try contacting the Singapore employment service (, however, even if you contact, it is recommended to use other sources in parallel, because, as practice shows, the employment service is in no hurry to quickly find a job for a foreigner.

If you are not going to look for work personally and plan to entrust this task to specialists, you can contact one of the many employment agencies. It is recommended to contact agencies in Singapore - this is more likely to find you a good position in a short time. You can, of course, find an intermediary among specialized institutions in your home country, but in this case, do not have high hopes for early employment.

You can start your job search by arriving in the country on a tourist visa

The work permit is valid for exactly one year. After this, if you want to stay to work in the country, you need to go through the same procedure as during the initial registration.

In addition to foreigners who come to the country directly for the purpose of earning money, the following can also work in Singapore:

  • close relatives of Singapore citizens (children, spouses, parents, as well as people who are in the care of citizens);
  • Singaporean university students.

Opening a visa

If a work permit is confirmation of the legality of your employment in Singapore, then a visa document is confirmation of the legality of your stay in the country. Foreign employees can apply for an Employment Pass to work in Singapore - this is the most common visa among migrant workers in this country. To do this you need to have proof of your qualifications. This visa can be issued for two years with reference to a specific employer. This means that if you suddenly change your place of work (even if your profession is the same), you will have to do the paperwork again. If you are still working after your visa expires, you will be able to extend it.

Sample of filling out an immigration card when visiting Singapore

Table: visa types

Other types of visas available for migrant workers:

  • type SP. It is issued for people who do not have work experience or relevant education. The foreigner’s salary in this case should not be less than $2,500 per month;
  • PEP type. It is issued for employees of very narrow qualifications and has a number of advantages. Firstly, the holder of a PEP visa may not have to re-register documents after changing jobs, since a visa of this category provides the right to freely change jobs. Secondly, the visa document in this case is issued for five years at once, during which time the visa holder does not have to confirm qualifications in any way or apply again for the chosen position. However, the requirements for applicants for this visa are extremely high; most often, specialists are offered to open an Employment Pass type P1.

This is what a Singapore visa looks like

To open a work visa you will need:

  • a detailed resume, which will indicate your personal data, work experience, and so on;
  • an application approved by the employer or his authorized representative;
  • certified copies of educational documents (diplomas, certificates, grants and others);
  • two color photographs of the established size;
  • completed application form;
  • letters of recommendation from previous places of work (if any);
  • copy of foreign passport.

Applications are reviewed by the Ministry of Human Resources. You can submit documents in person or by mail - in this case you will have to wait three to six weeks for the authority’s response. You can also submit all documents electronically - a response usually arrives within a few days.

It is the Ministry of Human Resources of Singapore that resolves most issues related to the employment of foreign citizens

Video: a girl’s impressions of the country

Often, when finding employment abroad, the most important problem is the process of legalizing educational documents. It must be said that most often Singaporean companies accept Russian diplomas if they are translated into English and notarized. It is advisable that the translation and certification be carried out by the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Singapore.

Business immigration

Singapore provides favorable conditions for starting and developing a business. So, to register an enterprise, you will first need to contact the Accreditation and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), where you need to approve the name of the future company or enterprise. After this, you need to wait for some time until all the documents are ready. The final registration of the enterprise takes place in the Registry of Companies & Businesses.

The authorized capital of the new enterprise must be at least one Singapore dollar. In November 2017, this amount is equivalent to approximately forty-three rubles.

During the first three years of operation, a public company does not have to pay taxes on income if it is less than one hundred thousand Singapore dollars. A prerequisite after opening a business is to hire a secretary and/or analyst. This person must have the appropriate qualifications and must be responsible for the financial side of the enterprise. As a legal address, you can use either a specially purchased office or an ordinary apartment.

Doing business is the basis for obtaining a residence permit. To do this, you need to contact the immigration authorities. Required conditions: an open EntrePass visa and conducting business in Singapore for six months or more. You can apply for citizenship after two or three years of living in a country with a residence permit.

Opening a business visa (EntrePass)

The EntrePass visa is issued to foreign entrepreneurs who plan to conduct their business in Singapore. It must be said that the Republic is trying in every possible way to attract foreign businessmen, so obtaining a visa does not become a problem for business immigrants. Initially, EntrePass is provided for a period of one to two years, but it can be renewed an infinite number of times, subject to continued business activity.

By the way, the EntrePass visa document is also the basis for the relatives of a businessman to move to Singapore.

To obtain this visa, you need to provide the authorities, in addition to personal data, with a business plan, a detailed description of the proposed activities of the company being opened, as well as a job description for future employees of the new company.


Investment is another way to immigrate to Singapore. You can obtain the status of a permanent resident of the country if, within two years of your life, you bring the country’s economy an amount of at least two and a half million Singapore dollars. This can be investments in commercial real estate, business and other areas. If you want to move to the Republic with your relatives, you will need to pay another three hundred thousand Singapore dollars for each of them.

Video: about business in Singapore

Education in Singapore as a path to employment in the country

Higher education in Singapore is represented by both public and private educational institutions. In addition, dozens of branches of foreign universities have been opened on the territory of the state.

Education in Singapore is an interesting and memorable period in the life of a foreign student. A time when a young person gains not only academic or technical knowledge, but also knowledge of the world of Southeast Asia

The process of admission to universities in Singapore cannot be described unambiguously, as can be done in the case of Russian or European universities. As a rule, school leavers must provide A-level certificates and pass relevant exams. Particularly gifted applicants can be admitted only through a successful interview. Separate requirements for graduates of local colleges. Unlike the admission system we are accustomed to, the Singaporean system assumes the ability of university administrations to ask applicants to undergo additional testing, even if it was not announced in advance.

Foreign students most often enter Singapore as part of one of the international programs or enroll directly, based on the requirements of the chosen university. If the first option is chosen mainly by those who want to attend free education, then the second option for foreigners is almost always paid. However, it must be said that almost all foreigners who have knowledge within the framework of the school curriculum can enroll for a fee, but free education is available only to those who have really high academic performance or can already boast of certain achievements in the field of science.

To enroll, you must submit an application to the SOLAR (Student’s Pass On-Line Application & Registration) authority. The application must be submitted electronically at least two months before the expected start of studies. However, only university administrations can do this, so first of all you need to declare your candidacy by submitting documents directly to the admissions committee of the chosen educational institution. It is necessary for your university administration to report the following data to SOLAR:

  • personal data (full name, date of birth, gender, nationality);
  • registration number of the application in SOLAR;
  • start and end dates of your courses.

This is what a diploma from Singapore Polytechnic University looks like

Only after confirmation of your application from the university, access to the SOLAR portal is opened to applicants themselves. You will have to indicate:

  • all passport and travel document details;
  • full school address and contact information (including email);
  • identification documents of parents if they, being non-citizens of the country, are located and work in Singapore;
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • supporting documents from the selected educational institution;
  • one photo of the established passport type, taken on a white background (the photo must be taken no later than three months at the time of submission of documents).

Training is conducted in Chinese or English

All documents are drawn up strictly in English.

…Once I decided on the goal, everything went like clockwork. I sent an application to Singapore, in April I received the joyful news that the application was accepted, and already in July I set foot on the hot equator...


Obtaining a student visa

In order to have the right to officially live in Singapore during your studies, you must obtain a student visa. For this you will need:

  • completed Form 14A;
  • photocopies of important pages of the passport;
  • one color photograph of the established standard;
  • letter of recommendation (Form 39A);
  • contract with the host party - the university.

You can submit documents online. Based on them, you will receive a temporary visa, which should then be reissued immediately after arriving in the country. The cost of the document will be from thirty to sixty Singapore dollars, payment can be made using VISA or Mastercard Credit/Debit Card.

No. 4. Institute of Technology No. 5. Singapore University of Technology and Design

The most popular among foreigners are the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University.

The cost of studying in higher educational institutions in Singapore is on average fifteen thousand Singapore dollars for one year of study - this is less than in prestigious universities in Europe or America, but the quality of knowledge is no lower. As a rule, third- and fourth-year undergraduate students, as well as graduate students, are sent to practice at one of the institutions in Singapore in their field of activity. This practice is not only an opportunity for students to try their hand at real professional activities, but also a common way to find a future job.

Internship in Singapore

However, you should not assume that only those students who have completed training courses in this country can do an internship in Singapore. There are many internship programs that partner with local businesses to offer internships to students from around the world in Singapore. In addition, an internship is not only the final part of studying in higher educational institutions of any country. Internships can also be given to specialists who have already spent several years working in their chosen field and want to improve their knowledge. If you want to go on an internship in Singapore, you will definitely find the following links useful: Scientists, biologists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and tourism specialists go to Singapore for internships

...Singapore is a great place to relax and learn English. Everyone knows and speaks English, which allows you to freely integrate into the atmosphere. In addition, lessons at school allow you to master everything much faster. Classes take place in a pleasant and quite fun environment...


During their studies, students can work part-time, and the same applies to internships. In addition, in some cases, interns receive wages for their work. A big advantage of internship programs is the sufficient amount of free time. It can be devoted to studying the culture of the country or attending additional courses, for example, language ones.

...signed up for courses at Inlingua, I really like it! But, as with learning any language, courses alone are not enough, and with Chinese this will not work at all. Therefore, I study on my own every day for several hours...,404.msg41528.html#msg41528

Video: life of international students in Singapore

It is easy to see that Singapore is one of the best options for working abroad for Russians and people from the CIS countries. People who plan to stay to live and work in the country for a long time can go here, as well as those who regard the trip solely as a way to improve their material well-being and, after working in Singapore for some time, plan to return to their homeland. In any case, you need to be aware that employment in this country is only available to people with certain qualifications. If you want to find seasonal work that does not require special training, you are unlikely to find what you are looking for in Singapore.

Some of our compatriots, trying to improve their quality of life, are looking for employment options abroad. The availability of social benefits, a good level of medical care and the opportunity to improve one’s well-being are the most attractive factors. Is there work in Singapore for Russians, what kind of income can they expect?

Singapore's migration policy is aimed at attracting experienced and highly qualified specialists to promising sectors of the economy: IT, finance, tourism, medicine. In these and other areas you can find vacancies for Russians. Attracting professionals from abroad strengthens the economy of a metropolis. Among the advantages for foreigners it should be noted:

  • high salaries;
  • social security;
  • low crime rate;
  • favorable conditions for business activities;
  • communication in English.

In addition, corruption has been practically eradicated here, and is fixed at 2.2 percent. Despite this, Russians with a good level of education and practical experience can hope to get a job with a high salary.

Where to look for work

In accordance with their professional qualities, many can find vacancies in the republic. It is developing dynamically and supports innovative technologies. Finding a job in 2019 is quite easy for programmers, engineers, doctors, pilots, and mechanics. Defining requirements: experience in your field of activity, high qualifications, knowledge of English.

There are also jobs in Singapore for girls. There are many Russian dancers in the entertainment establishments of the metropolis, some find work in the modeling business. In addition, there are other vacancies for women: maids, nurses, nannies, tutors and English teachers.

You can find a place through one of the specialized sites listed in the table below, or by contacting a recruiting agency. The main thing is to write a competent and truthful resume, meet the employer’s requirements, and have a good knowledge of English. Professional skills, qualifications and experience will be of decisive importance to the employer. It is important to be in good health, preference is given to younger applicants.

Specialized Internet services in Singapore with vacancies for foreigners

Resource name Website address
Ambition Careers, Recruitment and Contracting
Career Central
Job Hunter
Job Search Online
Job Seek
Keppel Group
Michael Page International
Ministry of Health
Jobs in Social Service
Robert Walters
Ross Human Directions
Singapore Classified Jobs
Singapore Ministry of Defense (Defense Executive officers)
Social Service Career Choice
ST 701
TBC HR Consulting
VOG - The Singapore Public Service Job Portal
Work Singapore

Popular vacancies and salaries for them

The highest income in Singapore belongs to civil servants, judges, and police officers. Foreigners, with the exception of Filipinos, Indians and Indonesians, are not accepted for unskilled positions. The minimum wage in 2019 in the republic is not fixed by law. The specialist's salary is regulated by the contract.

The smallest amounts - about 1,000 US dollars - are paid to unskilled workers. Compared to the income of their colleagues at home, this is a lot of money, but do not forget that in terms of the cost of living, Singapore is recognized as the most expensive city in the world. The most modest residential space in the metropolis can be rented for at least $1,500 per month.

In order to prevent corruption in the republic, officials are given high salaries, comparable to the income of top managers in large private businesses. The government's personnel policy is based on the principles of providing vacancies for foreigners with the highest level of qualifications, as a result of which the average salary in Singapore is about $4,000.

Persons with a different nationality can expect a salary of 2500–3500. Experienced economists, financiers, programmers receive from 6000 to 7000. But it is important to take into account the high cost of living in the metropolis. The table below shows the breakdown of salaries by profession.

Job title Wage,
USD per month
Surgeon 24300
Managing director 15000
General manager 12500
Director of the company 10550
Business management consultant 8583
Treasury Manager 8500
Lawyer 8490
Computer and Information Systems Manager 7125
Technical manager 6700
Financial Accounting Specialist 6566
Corporate Planning Manager 6565
Business Development Manager 6500
Marketing Specialist 6114
HR Manager 6105
University teacher 6288
Production Manager 5924
Purchasing Manager 5800
Customer Service Manager 5714
Logistics Manager 5623
Creative Director (Advertising) 5599
Advocate 5514
Advertising and Public Relations Manager 5500
Sales Manager 5450
Hotel manager 3970
Electronics and Computer Mechanic 3282
Child care and English teaching 3200
Secretary 2706
Insurance agent 2301
Maid in a hotel 2098
Hairdresser 1853
Dental Clinic Nurse 1799
Doorman 1696
Telephone operator 1609
Preschool teacher 1409
Computer operator 1400
Private security guard 1379
Office attendant 1246
Bus driver 1230
Floor and wall tile installer 1225
Laundry or dry cleaning worker 1219
Cashier 1217
Messenger 1176
Packer 1100
Rigger 1000
Watchman at a construction site 950
Plasterer 850
Handyman 800
Gardener 800
Cleaner 790

Official employment for an emigrant from Russia

In Singapore, as in other Asian countries, the legislation is very strict, which practically eliminates the possibility of illegal employment. Employers who hire shadow personnel will be fined huge sums or completely deprived of the opportunity to carry out business activities.

Russians who have decided to apply, after a suitable vacancy has been discovered, need to contact the employer and send a resume. Once an agreement has been reached, the contract must be signed and the Immigration and Border Protection Service must apply for a permit. A work visa to Singapore for Russians can be of two types: EntrePass and Employment Pass.

The first version of the document allows our compatriots to enter and permanently stay in the metropolis to open their own company. Validity is 1-2 years, but EntrePass can be renewed an unlimited number of times. In order to attract entrepreneurs from all over the world, visas are also issued to family members.

The second version of the document is received by Russian specialists for employment in Singapore companies. An Employment Pass is issued based on a specific employer for qualified professionals in their field. This type of work visa is divided into three categories (amounts are in Singapore dollars):

  1. P1 – issued for applicants with a salary of more than 8,000.
  2. P2 – intended for specialists, with a contract from 4500 to 8000.
  3. Q 1 – for employees with income from 3000 to 4500.

To obtain a work permit, you need to collect a set of certificates and other papers and send them to the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore.

What documents are needed

First of all, you need to fill out the form and attach the required papers to it.

  1. International passport.
  2. Summary.
  3. Two color photographs (as for a passport).
  4. Diploma of education.
  5. Certificates, letters of recommendation from previous employers.
  6. For EntrePass: business plan, company description.
  7. For Employment: job description.

Copies translated into English and certified by a notary must be submitted.

Internship in Singapore

Young professionals without work experience should start by looking for vacancies for trainees. This will be a good start and will allow you to get a higher paying job in the future. Typically, internships in Singapore are accepted for a period of 3 to 12 months. But if successfully completed, there is a chance that the employer will offer further cooperation on more favorable terms.

The most popular areas for internships in the republic include tourism, healthcare, and culture. Young programmers also have a chance to find an internship position in a Singapore company. There are special courses for civil aviation pilots.

How to open your own business

Singapore is considered the most convenient country for investment and private business activities. According to local laws, any adult, including those with a nationality from another country, has the right to register a company. The procedure will take 1–2 days, the minimum amount of authorized capital may be 1 Singapore dollar. Most activities do not require a license.

The areas of tourism, IT technologies, entertainment, and public catering are suitable for the development of small businesses. A free niche is the provision of services in the field of private music schools. The peculiarities of entrepreneurship in Singapore are doing business in conditions of complete economic freedom, but with state control over personal life and human behavior. How suitable this is for Russians with their mentality, everyone must decide for themselves.

It will not be difficult for Russians to do business in Singapore, since there is virtually no corruption here, registration will take no more than 3 days, and further business management is not complicated by unnecessary bureaucratic procedures. You can open a company through a consulting or legal organization, or on your own. Registration of a company involves the following steps.

  1. Choosing a unique name.
  2. Drawing up and signing of constituent papers.
  3. Registration with certified organizations.
  4. Opening an account at a banking institution.

All registration papers are submitted electronically. In addition to the approved name, constituent documents, business plan, the Russian entrepreneur presents a foreign passport.

Taxation system in 2019

The scheme used in Singapore is as simple as possible, the procedure is very liberal. The amount of the wage tax depends on how long the foreigner works in the republic - the income of those working in Singapore for less than 60 days is not subject to taxation at all. After this period, 15 percent will be charged on earnings. If an employee operates in a metropolis for 180 days a year, he becomes the owner of resident status, which will automatically transfer him to progressive rates.

There is no double taxation in the republic. Singapore has official bilateral agreements on this, signed with more than 70 states, including the Russian Federation. For entrepreneurs, the rate is 27.1 percent. Of this, company income tax is 17 percent.

Working in South Asian Singapore is a desirable prospect for most Russian emigrants. In terms of economic stability, the state is equal to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. There is an excellent level of service, medicine, and tourism here.

This island city-state, which is primarily of interest for doing business, is developing at a rapid pace, paying attention to innovative technologies. This is not surprising, since the country has developed medicine, tourism and real estate. The incomes of the local population are high, residents are socially protected and prosperous.

To get a job in a legal position, you will need to enter into an employment contract with the employer. With official employment it will be easier to obtain a residence permit. Being a competent specialist, you can find high-paying employment.

So, the advantages of employment here are:

  • English-speaking population;
  • high salaries;
  • excellent conditions for business;
  • economic development;
  • social well-being;
  • absolute safety.

Work in Singapore for Russians

According to reviews from those who managed to find a vacant job, it is necessary to immediately sign an employment contract with the employer and only then buy tickets. But if the applicant’s specialty is one of those in short supply in the country, then he can apply for a visa and move here without receiving an invitation from the employer.

Areas in which there is currently a shortage of personnel: construction, medicine, finance, information communications, mass media, tourism, retail trade.

The government is interested in attracting highly qualified IT specialists, programmers, and medical workers.

Jobs in Singapore that are in demand:

  • programmers, web developers, website designers;
  • qualified medical personnel (doctors, nurses);
  • engineers, teachers;
  • office managers, establishment managers.

The most needed professions in 2019 are pilots, auto mechanics, biochemists, and IT specialists.

Girls need to be sociable, friendly, and have a neat appearance. Most often they find employment in various establishments: bars, cafes, restaurants. These could be vacancies for waitresses and managers. It should be remembered that only holders of the country’s internal passport are hired as taxi drivers.

Almost all employment requires the required level of qualifications, as well as proficiency in English and at least a short work experience. The exceptions are the professions of dishwashers, cleaners, and general workers. This is low-paid work and does not require a diploma or special education.

According to migration legislation, it is prohibited to hire representatives from Europe or the CIS for “menial” work. But if a foreigner agrees to such conditions, then he can get a job as a loader, parking attendant, packer, builder, or laborer. Without knowledge of the language, even such employment is not available.

Search for vacancies

The search for vacancies for Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians should start from special domestic agencies and employment information sites. You should use only trusted web resources and seek help from licensed institutions.

If a foreigner has received permission to move due to a shortage of national personnel, you can look for available vacancies in the local press or submit an advertisement yourself.

Before getting a job, you need to improve your English in courses, you can work on your professional language skills.


Employers prefer to hire specialists with a certain amount of experience and a good diploma, but young people and students can also earn good money in the hotel and restaurant business. An opportunity is provided that will increase the chances of further successful employment.

For Belarusians, Russians, and Ukrainians, employers often set the following conditions:

  • proficiency in English at a high level, confirmed by a special test;
  • work experience in the hotel or restaurant business for at least 2 years;
  • higher education for high-paying employment and specialized secondary education for students who are still studying at universities.

Most often, employers give preference to sociable and intelligent girls with good appearance. This is very important in business.

Places in dance groups and nightclubs are open for girls. In such a job you will have to adhere to a strict regime. You should carefully study the terms of contracts and immediately check the veracity of information regarding the cost of housing, bonuses and penalties, and the legality of the establishment. The employment contract is concluded for 3-12 months, after the expiration of the term it can be extended.


Local employers are willing to pay from 500 to 24 thousand Singapore dollars. The highest paid positions are occupied by qualified medical specialists and top managers. Their earnings range from S$10,000 to S$24,000.

Managers, programmers, lawyers, financiers, economists, engineers can count on 5,000-10,000 units of national currency. Next - aviation technicians, secretaries, clerks, insurance specialists. Their income is 2-5 thousand Singapore dollars.

Those employed in the service sector, parking, cleaning, operators, cashiers, security guards, and paramedical personnel can count on 1,000-2,000 Singapore dollars.

Cleaners and builders without qualifications are paid from 500 to 1000 units of national currency.

Visa categories

It is better for a foreigner who is employed legally to obtain a long-term visa. The permit can be issued online and picked up 1 week after submitting the application. In addition to obtaining an employment contract and a visa, you also need a work permit. To do this, you will need to collect a package of papers and undergo a medical examination.

The validity period of the document cannot be extended; it must be purchased again every year. This is somewhat reminiscent of the annual medical examination for workers and students from the CIS. Only here this procedure is more professional. The company where the employee works most often takes on all payments.

There are several types of permissions. For example, a PR visa is a document issued to foreign guests for 5 years. You don't have to be employed, but you do need to pay taxes. This is the most popular permit document.

If a company is interested in a specific employee, it must submit a request to be allowed to hire him. Only after confirming the absence of a candidate with such qualifications from local residents, the foreigner acquires an official permit - Work permit.

Singaporean university students, college and technical school graduates, and workers with secondary vocational education can apply for the S Pass category. To test your abilities, you can take an online test on the government website.

A multiple-entry visa is valid for only a few months, but it can be extended, for example, by a tourist trip to Malaysia.

Business immigration

Wealthy foreigners can try to start their own business or make investments in the national economy. By all accounts, Singapore is a good country for doing business. There is stability, security, a low crime rate, prospects for entering the international market and excellent conditions for registering a business.

In most cases, you can submit the necessary documentation online. The application is processed from several hours to several days.

Taxation is carried out on a territorial basis, that is, income tax only needs to be paid on profits made in Singapore or when financial assets are transferred here. Business taxes are 17 percent, and shareholder dividends are not taxed. Banks operate stably and the lending system is well developed.

Businessmen will need to negotiate in two languages: English and Chinese (Mandarin dialect).

There are excellent conditions for implementing international business, opening branches in other countries, intensifying the export of goods, and maintaining business contacts with foreign enterprises.

So, employment in the Singaporean state for Russians is varied and interesting. There are prospects here for both young and highly qualified specialists. High salaries, excellent level of service and social security are what foreigners need to live. Expats have an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Southeast Asia and the culture of this unique and very rich corner of the world.

I hope that the information will be useful and interesting. I wish you success! May you always be lucky in everything!

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Singapore truly seems to be a country suitable for a rosy life. Mild climatic conditions and an advanced economy provide immigrants with ways to work efficiently and have a comfortable existence. Singapore's welcoming atmosphere naturally increases the influx of foreigners. The main reason for immigration is the hope of finding a good job.

Finding a job in Singapore: reviews from foreigners

Immigration to Singapore is almost always preceded by a job search. This is an important component of organizing the move, without which immigration itself simply loses its meaning. But how to find a job in Singapore while remaining in Moscow or any other city?

Immigration to Singapore usually starts with finding a job

To solve the problem, various methods are used, ranging from personal acquaintances to sending requests to the mailing addresses of companies. However, the Internet search method is considered popular. There are many Singapore websites where job information is available:

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • .

According to many immigrants who have already found their place in Singapore, the bulk of all job seekers find jobs through personal acquaintances and searching for vacancies online. There are almost no people who first came to the country and only then started looking for work. This is obvious because Singapore's immigration policy, like other developed countries, is selective and aimed at attracting highly qualified specialists. However, employment at the low-skill level by Singapore businesses is also in demand.

Video: an overview of Singapore

…I am 39 years old. I have now been offered to consider a vacancy in Singapore in the IT field. In principle, I was interested in the vacancy, I have a lot of experience in IT, I speak more or less English (approximately upper-intermediate). They offer about 7,000 USD per month + the entire relocation package + an Employment pass + Aetna Foundation health insurance package...

Konstantin,162. msg4081.html#msg4081

...on the Internet you can only find jobs for beginners, with low salaries. Of course, if you work for 5–10 years and manage to build a career, your salary will be higher, but there are no guarantees here. Asian society has its own concepts of how to build a career...

Employment in Singapore becomes possible through the social network LinkedIn or similar resources. Such portals collect various information in the form of news, offers, vacancies, etc. Of course, recruiting agencies, labor exchanges, and job fairs can play a role:

  • Achieve Career Consultant Pte Ltd;
  • ER Employment Agency Pte Ltd;
  • Business Edge Personnel Services Pte Ltd ;
  • Jim Hunter Pte Ltd;
  • Jayamaids.

Singapore's job market offers many jobs, but competition is fierce

According to information from various sources, the most in-demand professions in Singapore are:

  • accountant,
  • corporate financier,
  • sales manager,
  • advertising specialist,
  • chemical engineer,
  • mining engineer,
  • doctors of different specializations,
  • pharmacists,
  • petrochemists.

Table: the most common vacancies in 2016

...In Singapore, in my profession, everything works like clockwork, I know for sure that I am changing the world for the better and bringing my knowledge; in Russia, processes do not always work at the same level. But, at the same time, I would take such a step if there was a real opportunity to do something important and necessary...


Average and minimum wage

Sometimes you can find very highly paid vacancies. For example, working as a plastic surgeon (from 25,000 SGD) or as a foreign exchange dealer and broker (from 15,000 SGD). Meanwhile, Singapore has no officially established minimum wage.. However, there are low-skilled jobs that are paid at the rate of 700 - 1000 SGD per month.

…There is a minimum salary for which a single expat can come and live in a room or apartment on his own at his own expense. This is $2000 per month. With this salary they rent a room and eat at the food court. To bring a family, the salary must be $4,000 per month. With this salary you can already rent an apartment...

Stage of official employment for Russians and not only

Usually it all starts with concluding a contract. That is, it is assumed that the immigrant’s job search was successful. The person has found a suitable employer, he is satisfied with the position, responsibilities, and working conditions. An employment contract is concluded with the employer, and on the basis of this document a work permit is issued in Singapore. An employment contract is also the basis for obtaining a work visa. In most cases, the employers themselves are responsible for obtaining permits and work visas.

As a rule, the employer is responsible for preparing all the necessary documents for employment.

The requirements for work permit holders differ depending on the field of activity. Currently, permits are issued for the following types of work:

  • building,
  • industrial,
  • nautical,
  • processing,
  • service and facilities.

Permits can be issued not only to professionals, but also to unskilled (low-skilled) workers. In this case, permit holders, regardless of work activity, must comply with the following rules:

  • work only within the area specified in the permit,
  • do not take another job or create your own business,
  • live only at the address agreed upon with the employer during employment,
  • always carry the received permit with you and present it at the first request of government services,
  • not to marry Singapore citizens, including outside the country, without permission from the Ministry of Employment,
  • do not become pregnant (women), do not have children during the entire period of validity of the work permit, even if you were married to a Singaporean citizen with the permission of the Ministry of Employment.

Again, in relation to the labor field, there are quotas for the number of hired labor, as well as quotas for countries. For example, for the maritime sector, it is allowed to attract labor only from the following countries:

  • Thailand,
  • Bangladesh,
  • Myanmar,
  • Philippines,
  • Hong Kong,
  • Macau,
  • South Korea,
  • Taiwan.

The maximum period of employment for unskilled workers (including Russians, Ukrainians) in all areas is 10 years, for skilled workers and specialists 18–25 years. However, all foreign workers can only work until the age of 60.

…If you are not a millionaire investor, you can only come here if you find a job. Finding a job is difficult, but it will be easy to come. Depending on the job and salary, if you are a white collar worker, after 6 months. or year you can apply for PR (Permanent Residence). If they give it right away, you can take out a loan (it’s true that a first payment is required, but you can earn it), if they don’t give it, then you can apply for PR again after 6 months. and so on until they give it. Usually they give it to our PR, although not everyone the first time...

Subtleties of obtaining a work visa in Singapore

If you are immigrating to Singapore for the purpose of working and living in the country, you will definitely need a work visa. There are two types of such documents - Entre Pass and Employment Pass. The first visa, as a rule, is intended for foreigners who plan to create a business in Singapore and engage in this particular direction. A second visa is required for immigrants whose priority is wage labor.

To obtain an Entre Pass permit, the following conditions must be met:

  • register the company as a Private Limited (analogous to a Russian LLC),
  • own at least 30% of the shares of a registered company,
  • provide a bank statement indicating that there is at least 50,000 SGD in the company’s account.

Documents for registration of Entre Pass (in English):

  • application and completed form,
  • a well-written business plan,
  • company owner resume,
  • certificates of relevant education,
  • two passport size photos,
  • copy of foreign passport.

Conditions for issuing an Employment Pass visa:

  • availability of an employment contract from a Singapore employer,
  • the salary amount in the contract is at least 2500 SGD (Singapore dollars),
  • availability of a certificate of scientific degree or high qualification,
  • availability of a certificate confirming knowledge of the English language.

The package of documents for obtaining this type of permit is the same as for Entre Pass, with the exception of the business plan. Additionally you may need:

  • information about the employee’s former work activity,
  • medical certificate,
  • diploma corresponding to the specialty of the selected vacancy.

Both visas are initially issued for a period of 2 years with the right to extend in the future. Meanwhile, the Employment Pass series permit has several subtypes - Q Pass, P2 Pass, P1 Pass. Depending on the type of permit, the established earnings limit is indicated. For Q Pass - from 2500 to 4500 SGD, for P2 Pass - from 4500 to 8000 SGD, for P1 Pass - from 8000 SGD and above.

Work visa extension rules

If this document is not renewed after the expiration of the work visa (for example, due to a contract extension), the employer risks paying a serious fine. You can extend your work visa for a short period (up to 1 month) via the Internet on the service of the Singapore Employment Agency. This is done directly by the employer. If an extension for a longer period is required, the employer must submit an application through another service - iSubmit.

Consequences for trying to get a job illegally

Employers are held liable for illegal employment. Consequences for using illegal labor can range from fines of up to SGD 10,000 to a complete ban on hiring foreign labor. However, these sanctions are imposed taking into account the existing work permits of foreigners, but which were used for other purposes.

More severe penalties await employers who hire immigrants without permits or with expired permits. In this case, a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 SGD or imprisonment of up to 1 year. If the same violation is repeated, the punishment is exclusively imprisonment.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of working in Singapore

Advantages Flaws
Mild climate, developed economy, good employment opportunitiesHigh humidity. The country is small, there are many applicants, the competition is huge
High profit paymentThe high cost of everything you need to live
You can sign an employment contract for 2 years the first timeStrict restrictions for foreigners under work permits
There is work in different fields of activity, both professionals and ordinary workers are neededYou cannot change your field of activity before the end of the contract

Internship in Singapore

Internships in Singapore can be recommended especially for university students and graduates.

An opportunity opens up to see with your own eyes and experience all the subtleties of working conditions. You can find many interesting offers in the fields of healthcare, culture, tourism, and industry. Sources for finding internships: is a government resource that provides up-to-date information on internship offers. There is also information about work for foreign students, as well as other useful materials. is a platform specifically designed for students who want to go on an internship in Singapore. A huge database of companies with internship offers allows you to find the desired direction. - another site designed mainly for job search. However, this resource also contains advertisements for practical training, including not only for students. Supported by the Singapore government.

Business immigration as a way to move to Singapore

After staying in Singapore for 12 months, within the framework of the business immigration program, the opportunity to obtain a residence permit in this country opens up. Thus, business immigration ensures relocation to Singapore and establishment in the state.

Video about starting a business in Singapore

Any foreigner or group of foreigners who act as founders of the business is allowed to open a firm, company, or enterprise. All that is needed at the first stage is to draw up a memorandum of association and collect the authorized capital (the authorized capital can be as little as 1 SGD). The next step is to prepare a package of documents and contact the Singapore authorities to register a business.

Package of basic documents:

  • company charter and memorandum of association,
  • information about founders and shareholders,
  • Declaration of Compliance with Singapore Laws,
  • copies of legal documents related to the business,
  • regulations of the enterprise.

By the way, you don’t have to create a business from scratch. Just buy a ready-made company and re-register it as easily as a newly created one. In terms of time to register a business, Singapore will give a head start to any other country. Registration takes a few minutes.

Another way to quickly obtain a residence permit is traditionally by investing. This option is more suitable for wealthy people who are ready to invest at least 5 million Singapore dollars in the country's economy. The investor is allowed to bring his family with him. Each family member can also obtain a residence permit.

...Of course, at the end of the year, when preparing a report, it is better to ensure that the authorized capital is in order, but its absence will entail the preparation of an additional report. Lyolik, everything has been tested in practice many times, don’t be afraid...


...After 2 years of permanent residence in Singapore, a foreign citizen can apply for PR (permanent resident), and after another 2 years - for citizenship...


Working and living in Singapore is not an easy time. On the one hand, Singapore is a well-developed region that occupies a leading position in the rankings. On the other hand, there is a lot of unskilled labor and an expensive life. Is it worth immigrating? It might be advisable to think through the pros and cons.