What education do you need to become a cosmetologist? Medical education in the Russian Federation in the field of cosmetology: levels, standards, subtleties of regulation


There are cosmetologists, but there are definitely no cosmetologists without higher medical education. Where can you get an education as a cosmetologist today, how much, and most importantly, where do you study to become a cosmetologist? Let's find out.

The activity of a cosmetologist is to help people eliminate aesthetic imperfections. A cosmetologist helps solve skin, hair and nail problems. Beauty is a healthy and well-groomed appearance; a cosmetologist will help you maintain and achieve it.

Before you go to study to become a cosmetologist, you need to know that there are several areas of professional development in cosmetology. Each requires a different level of preparation. And the answer to the question for a cosmetologist - where to study - will depend on this.

Cosmetologist-esthetician. He does cosmetic procedures in beauty salons. These are procedures such as massage, wraps, cleansing, masks, depilation, eyebrow and eyelash tinting. They are not associated with interference and damage to the skin, but are aimed at care, they are done in many establishments working in the beauty industry. A cosmetologist-esthetician can also apply makeup, in which case he will be called a cosmetologist-makeup artist.

An esthetician cosmetologist is not the same as a cosmetologist. Where to study to become an esthetician? To work as a cosmetologist-esthetician, it is enough to complete special courses or college. Many, in addition to basic training, constantly improve their qualifications at various thematic courses in various modern areas and methods. An esthetician cosmetologist can work with his hands or with the help of cosmetology devices (the so-called hardware cosmetology). There are now a lot of devices for cosmetic effects. This includes cavitation, laser resurfacing, cryogenic techniques and many others. But there are procedures that can only be performed by a doctor, that is, a specialist with a higher medical education. For example, procedures using Botox, because to carry out injections correctly, you need to know the anatomy of the face and neck, and be able to calculate the required dosage of the drug, and similar procedures.

Cosmetologist – where to study?

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist or dermatologist. This is a specialist with higher medical education. A doctor has better medical training to be able to correctly diagnose and successfully treat skin diseases. To obtain the education of a cosmetologist, you must first graduate from a medical school with a specialty in General Medicine. Then you need to undergo specialization in a residency or internship and, preferably, take specialized courses at a prominent research institute or clinic.

The doctor can prescribe individual methods and means of treating skin diseases, order the necessary studies, and analyze their results. Also, the doctor can perform minor surgical interventions, such as removing moles, papillomas, warts, etc.

Another type of aesthetic correction is plastic surgery. A surgeon corrects deformities and defects in appearance through surgery. Including, he tightens the skin, changes the shape of the ears, nose, chest and other parts of the body. Plastic surgery is a branch of surgery responsible for cosmetology. A plastic surgeon needs a residency in oral and maxillofacial surgery as well as post-graduate training in aesthetic surgery.

Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons are specialists with higher medical education. This gives them the right to perform complex manipulations, diagnose and prescribe treatment. It is necessary to separate the esthetician-cosmetologist and the doctor.

Cosmetologist - where to study in Moscow?

Residents of the capital have plenty to choose from. You can get an education as a cosmetologist in Moscow at the country's leading medical universities by completing training in the specialty “General Medicine” with a specialization in dermatology or aesthetic surgery. This option is best for those who are young, just finished school and want to work in medicine. Since medical training is a very long training. It will take about 7 years on a full-time basis; there are no correspondence departments in medical universities.

Medical colleges and schools, complete with cosmetology courses or colleges with the specialties “Cosmetology” or “make-up” - this is a simpler option and not for doctors. The duration of study at a college is, of course, less than at a university and is two to three years. After receiving a diploma, the aspiring specialist will be able to work in a medical institution (if the college was medical) as an assistant to a cosmetologist or in a beauty salon as a cosmetologist. Some colleges help graduates find employment.

Courses for cosmetologists. This training option is suitable for those who did not immediately decide on the right profession and decided to change it. You won’t be able to get an education as a cosmetologist through courses, but you will be able to master the profession at a basic level, which means you will also be able to work. You can study at training centers, choose the duration according to your taste. A graduate of the course can work as a cosmetologist-esthetician.

From the considered training options, you can choose the appropriate one and select the right educational institution where you can study to become a cosmetologist.

With the average one will be limited in his actions. Such a cosmetologist will only be able to carry out certain procedures, for example: facial cleansing, peelings, masks. A professional cosmetologist with a higher education will be able to offer the client a much wider range: these include various injections, hardware cosmetology, ozone therapy, massage and much more.

Depending on your level of preparation, courses can last from a month to three or four. By the way, a short period, as a rule, is intended for practicing cosmetologists who want to raise their level of qualifications or learn how to perform new types of procedures.

However, no matter who the lesson is intended for, in any case, it will begin with a theoretical block. The future cosmetologist must master physiology, anatomy, the structure of the muscles of the face and body, and the biochemistry of the skin. In addition, you will have to learn the types of dermatological diseases, methods of their diagnosis and treatment.

In practical classes, after completing the theoretical course, you will be presented with various methods of facial and body care, different types of massage, and methods of cleansing the skin. Also, for further work you will need to master hardware cosmetology, phototherapy, electrolysis, oxygen therapy, lymphatic drainage. This practice will allow you to feel confident when working with a client. It is worth noting that at first students practice only on mannequins, then, after gaining a little experience, they can work with volunteers. The fact is that quite often people are invited to courses as models. They can receive any cosmetic service completely free of charge, simply by spending their time attending such courses. And students, in turn, can gain invaluable experience.

By the end of the training, you will be taught how to create your own programs, individual for each client. During cosmetology courses, you will also be taught psychology and ethics in communicating with clients. This is a big plus for those who are just starting to master this profession.

Helpful advice

If you do not yet have a medical education, then you can enroll in training by passing chemistry, biology, Russian as an exam, and knowledge of physics will not be superfluous.


  • What subject do you need for a cosmetologist?

The profession of a cosmetologist is in demand and popular. Modern cosmetology has all the necessary means for healthy skin, and the use of advanced technologies allows you to achieve amazing results in the field of face and body rejuvenation and figure correction. Therefore, the decision to become a cosmetologist is a good chance to succeed.

You will need

  • - diploma of higher or secondary medical education.


A qualified person must have diverse knowledge and skills. In addition to basic skin care procedures, it is important to master all the techniques of therapeutic cosmetology. This includes massage, injection of special preparations into problem areas, hardware cosmetology, introduction of gels, electrophoresis, ozone therapy and oxygen therapy, lymphatic drainage, electro- and bioepilation, etc.

If you decide to become a professional cosmetologist, but do not have a medical education, you better get one. Otherwise, you will not be able to get into reputable ones and will not be able to get a job in a prestigious beauty salon. In this case, you can do the following: finish and then enroll in cosmetology courses or enroll in and simultaneously study in courses. If you have a high school diploma or higher education, you will receive your nursing degree in just 10 months.

Cosmetology courses offer two types of training: short-term and long-term. The programs last from two weeks to several months. It all depends on your level of preparation. Short-term training is usually designed for practicing cosmetologists who want to improve their skills.

At the initial stage, you will study anatomy, skin biochemistry, physiology, and the structure of the muscles of the body and face. Then you will begin to study dermatological diseases and methods of diagnosing them, including computer ones.

Practical classes are conducted by practicing cosmetologists. First, you will learn how to cleanse your skin, types of masks, methods of caring for your face and body, and various types of massage. Then you will acquire skills in working with the necessary devices - for body contouring, phototherapy, electrolysis, etc. You will practice on each other. Thanks to such practice, not only professional skills are acquired, but also the sensations obtained from a particular procedure become clear.

Throughout the entire training period, tests and tests will be conducted. Test grades are fours and fives. If you get a C, you will have to retake the course. If something doesn’t work out, you will be offered to study individually with a teacher. Before receiving an education document, you will need to defend your thesis project.

Working as a cosmetologist is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, the desire to prove oneself in this area is completely justified. But before mastering this responsible profession, you must become a qualified specialist, having a wealth of knowledge in the field of medicine. Where to get knowledge and where to go to study as a cosmetologist are the most pressing questions for those who want to create aesthetic beauty.

The profession of esthetician is at the peak of popularity today. This is indeed a very popular field of activity, because the esthetician’s competence includes the standard and most popular salon services: manual and machine facial cleansing, masks, massages, body wraps, hair removal, manicure and pedicure, nail service, eyebrow and eyelash tinting, figure correction, namely all kinds of scrubs, anti-cellulite programs, hardware cosmetology and much, much more. Essentially, we are talking about any manipulations related to face, body and skin care services.

True, without damaging the skin, because a certain range of cosmetic procedures, in particular injection surgery or plastic surgery, requires the qualification of a doctor, which means having a medical education. Thus, there are two areas of activity that are in demand in salons, image studios and beauty clinics - cosmetology in the broadest sense (cosmetologist) and services related to care programs. The latter is quite within the capabilities of estheticians, or as they are also called cosmetologists-aestheticians.

Where do cosmetologists and estheticians train?

So, if to work as a cosmetologist you need a medical education, then to work in a salon on a large list of procedures and manipulations it is enough to receive a secondary specialized education. In order to get a job in a prestigious salon or beauty studio or even a beauty clinic, it is enough to graduate from college with a degree in Applied Aesthetics. Intercollege has such a state standard. We are recruiting applicants both on the basis of 11 classes and on the basis of 9 classes.

The training program for estheticians includes the following list of general professional disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of Dermatology
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Basics of plastic anatomy
  • Venereology
  • Oncodermatology
  • Cosmetic facial massage
  • Cosmetic work on body correction

The professional modules of the educational program “Applied Aesthetics” include the following areas:

  • Manicure and pedicure technology
  • Technology of cosmetic services
  • Makeup technology
  • Dietetics
  • Tattoo
  • Massage technology and more

Thus, a graduate of our college has enough knowledge to get a job without any problems. In addition, he can be called a certified specialist, because upon graduation from our educational institution, the student receives a state diploma, which, in conditions of great competition, plays an important role in finding a job. In addition, Intercollege gives the student not only a wealth of knowledge, but also a solid amount of practical competencies.

At the college, much attention is paid to educational and industrial practice. We provide students with the opportunity to hone their skills to near perfection, first in college laboratories, then in beauty salons, city beauty salons and medical and cosmetic centers. We have partnership agreements with many of them, and experience shows that most graduates get a job in the same place where they did their internship. This is a good start to start a career.

Training to become a cosmetologist.

An important step for anyone who wants to become someone is education. Your goal is to become a cosmetologist. The training of a cosmetologist consists of a long but productive training:

1. Obtaining a medical education. First of all, remember that a good cosmetologist is also a doctor. The areas most needed are anatomy, pharmacology and biochemistry. Thanks to your medical knowledge, you will be able to understand what is happening to your clients’ skin and why. It is best, of course, to get a higher medical education, but if this is not possible, then at least graduate from medical college;

2. After studying or during the period of studying medicine, attend cosmetology courses. These courses are especially suitable for those who have received a nursing education. However, the courses provide only an approximate understanding of cosmetology, and sometimes do not provide the main practical background in the classes;

3. Internship in a salon with an experienced cosmetologist. It is interesting that this particular period of training becomes the most important and significant for a novice cosmetologist. The main thing to remember is that you shouldn’t be afraid of the “guru,” you need to ask questions and even ask again if you don’t understand something.

A cosmetologist must know a lot of basic theory, have a large base of practical seminars, training and tests. You also need to take care of yourself, otherwise no one will work with a cosmetologist who has the same skin problems as his clients.

Becoming a cosmetologist.

The formal training ends here, but you become an apprentice to your new job, so here's something to remember:

- to begin with, “getting your teeth into” is with friends and relatives from whom you will not take money, but who will be ready for an imperfect result;

- if you decide to work with real clients without sufficient experience, you need to warn them about your lack of experience and offer to work with you for free, at the cost of the funds used, or at half price, for example;

— be sure to develop the qualities necessary when working with clients, such as positivity, kindness, understanding, politeness, tact, punctuality and conscientiousness.

Also remember that you cannot become a cosmetologist if you have a high level of disgust. If you notice this quality in yourself, remember that you will not become a cosmetologist, but you can be a good cosmetologist for yourself.

But how to become a cosmetologist to whom clients will be drawn and make appointments several weeks and months in advance? For this to happen, you need to remember these rules:

1. If possible, undergo new training, improve your skills, participate in competitions;

2. Don’t deceive your clients, don’t be rude to them, don’t use “you” unless you yourself have agreed on this in advance;

3. Don’t be late for a meeting, don’t neglect any client;

4. Be friendly, but unobtrusive. There are clients who only want to hear pleasantries, but until you know this, you should not please so much, it can be annoying. There are also unpleasant clients who behave impudently and rudely, but you must answer them in a fundamentally polite manner.

Advice: if such an arrogant client wants you to perform a procedure on her that she does not need and may cause harm, it is better to refuse, otherwise, due to the negative result of the procedure, which will most likely occur, she will torture you and may well file a lawsuit or complain to your superiors;

5. You should not talk to the client during the procedures, because firstly, he may be uncomfortable having a conversation, secondly, he may not be interested in it, and thirdly, the client may want to take a break from conversations. You can easily check the client’s desire to talk - ask a simple question, if you get a long answer, then your client is clearly interested in the conversation, if the answer is short and “dry” - the client needs silence;

6. Don’t mix up client appointment times. Even if the procedures allow you to accept 2 clients at once, do not do this, because... your client will think that you will forget about him, which you can actually do. Dedicate yourself to one client at a time “his” time.

These are the simple rules on how to become a cosmetologist. Use them, remember them, and do your job to the best of your ability.


To become a cosmetologist, you need to graduate from a university - that’s what cosmetologists say. But not all practicing cosmetologists have received higher education. Surely, in the beauty salon closest to your home there are excellent cosmetologists working, most of whom do not have such an education.

It turns out that higher education is not always required. You really can do without it. But education cannot be completely excluded. Knowledge will still be required. How to become a cosmetologist, where to start learning about the profession and what does a cosmetologist need to know? Every person has a dream, a calling - this is the first thing you need to become a cosmetologist. But, of course, desire and calling alone are not enough.

How to become a cosmetologist?

What advice should you give to girls, at what point should they start their path to the profession? The beginning will be the decision to continue education, because this is the main thing.

You can, of course, after graduating from school, throw yourself into the deep end and get a job as a cosmetologist. On the Internet you can find many open vacancies offering to become cosmetologists without work experience. But who came up with the idea that without work experience and knowledge you can work as a cosmetologist? Yes, of course, you can start working, but it will just be work in a cosmetology salon, maybe as an assistant to a cosmetologist. But to work as a cosmetologist, you need education.

How to become a cosmetologist: where to start?

The question is, how to become a cosmetologist and where to start? - the solution is simple: you need to sit down with books and...

Get a special medical education.

Many girls believe that if they complete short-term courses, they will be able to become cosmetologists with a capital B. And it’s true - graduates will receive the necessary education to work as cosmetologists. But they need to argue: “Yes, they will get certificates through training, but such training is not real medical education. To become a qualified specialist, you need to graduate from a medical college, or even better, from a university, because in cosmetology practice there are many nuances that can be solved by a person who understands medicine.

In addition to the above, the specialist must be competent in the field of cosmetology. It turns out that to work as a cosmetologist, you also need a cosmetology education. Certain knowledge in psychology is also required: a cosmetologist works with people and must know how to communicate with clients and how to get out of unforeseen situations. It takes practice. The more practice, the more experience. With experience comes recognition as a good specialist, and, therefore, an expansion of clientele.

To become a cosmetologist, what do you need to complete?

Those who are going to master the profession of a cosmetologist need to study. There is no other way to master this profession. To become a cosmetologist, you need to study, acquire special knowledge, and learn how to perform cosmetic procedures practically.

It turns out: in order to become a cosmetologist, you need to graduate from two educational institutions with different profiles:

  1. An educational institution of a medical direction, because a cosmetologist is essentially a doctor. A modern cosmetologist has the knowledge in anatomy, pharmacology, and biochemistry necessary to understand how to treat the client’s skin. This means that ahead is a college that will provide a specialty as a pharmacist or nurse, as well as a university with a doctor’s degree. Of course, in terms of the quality of education, higher education is not comparable to secondary education, but the importance of college cannot be denied. He will provide knowledge in the required specialization.
  2. Now, if the desire to become a cosmetologist has not disappeared, you can complete cosmetology courses by spending several months on it. The courses will provide theoretical knowledge in the field of cosmetology, but everyone will have to gain practical experience on their own.
  3. Experience is gained through an internship with a professional cosmetologist, from whom you can “find out” many secrets.

The training is completed, diplomas are received, independent work as a cosmetologist begins. What does it take to become a cosmetologist, a specialist to whom people line up for an appointment?

  • Firstly, you need to develop traits in your character that will become not only professional: kindness, positivity, politeness, tact. These are precisely the traits that are inherent in a truly polite and tactful person.
  • Secondly, you need constant work to improve your own skills and professionalism: participation in various competitions, trainings, familiarization with the latest literature on the topic.

How to become a successful cosmetologist?

What leads a specialist working as a cosmetologist to success? Is it just education? After all, it has already been received, what next?

And then there is a job that you need to love right away, and not later, to love communicating with people. You should master modern methods and technologies, work using methods that bring results. Cosmetology is a science, and the novice specialist who asked the question, how to become a successful cosmetologist, should follow its new products?

What a cosmetologist needs to know?

A cosmetologist needs to know that he will have to constantly give a piece of his skill to the client in order to bring him joy. This is the pinnacle of professionalism.