Regional open competition of violinists and cellists. V Moscow Cello Festival

03/23/2012. TV channel "Culture"
I International Svyatoslav Knushevitsky Cello Competition

The first International Cello Competition named after Svyatoslav Knushevitsky (1907-1963) will be held from April 25 to May 2 in Saratov, the homeland of the famous musician. Its organizers spoke about this today at a press conference.

According to People's Artist of Russia, Vice-Rector of the Moscow Conservatory Alexander Bonduryansky, the competition was created in order to preserve the memory of the outstanding Russian cellist, who devoted his entire life to serving national culture, raising a number of wonderful musicians in his class.

“Another goal of the show is to popularize cello performing culture in Russian regions, identify new talented young musicians, instill in young people a good memory, a sense of respect and gratitude for individuals who have increased the glory of the great Russian culture,” added the director of the forum, a student of Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Sergei Usanov.

The competition, the organizing committee of which is headed by the rector of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky Alexander Sokolov, is held in two age categories - the younger group (juniors) up to 18 years old and the senior group (seniors) from 18 to 26 years old. Auditions will take place in the Big and Small Halls of the Saratov State Conservatory named after Sobinov, whose centenary is celebrated this year. According to the chairman of the jury of the review, People's Artist of Russia Igor Gavrysh, “there were great doubts about the number of participants.” “We expected 40 people, but it turned out to be a record number of 53. We decided to give the opportunity to show their talent to everyone who sent an application to participate. For the sake of Svyatoslav Knushevitsky,” he noted, adding that “the geography of the competition is amazing, Russia is surprisingly widely represented.” Thus, musicians from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Yakutsk, Ufa and other cities of the country will gather in Saratov.

The program is mainly composed of works that were part of Knushevitsky’s repertoire. The competition will be held in two rounds for the younger group and three rounds for the older group. The final stage will be accompanied by the symphony orchestra of the Saratov Philharmonic named after Schnittke. The laureates of the upcoming show will have the opportunity to perform in Russia and other countries of the world during the 2012-2013 concert season.

As part of the competition, members of the jury - famous musicians from Russia, near and far abroad - will give concerts, as well as master classes. And in the foyer of the conservatory it is planned to open an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Svyatoslav Knushevitsky.

The famous solo cellist, head of the cello and double bass department of the Moscow Conservatory, professor, laureate of the USSR State Prize, Honored Artist and People's Artist of the RSFSR Svyatoslav Knushevitsky was born in the city of Petrovsk, Saratov region. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, class of Professor Kozolupov. Thanks to the maestro’s work as a soloist, the cello took a place on the concert stage equal to the piano and violin. For a long time he performed as part of a unique trio with brilliant musicians Lev Oborin and David Oistrakh. Together they successfully toured in many countries around the world.

Dear Colleagues!
The results of competitions of various ranks (reports, protocols, photo reports) from the 2013-2014 academic year onwards will be posted in the COMPETITION TABLES in the corresponding cells in the DOCUMENTS AND LINKS column.
This section of the COMPETITION RESULTS menu will no longer be filled in and remains on the site only for archival information about previously held competitions.


I cordially greet you, the organizers and participants of the Moscow Regional Open Competition of violinists and cellists in Dubna! Organized with the support of the Government of the Moscow Region and the administration of the city of Dubna, the competition is an important incentive in the work of teachers and students of music schools. Young string musicians will meet again in the science city’s concert hall to demonstrate their achievements, gain experience, and pass, perhaps for the first time in their lives, an important creative test. Let this competition be a starting point in a musical biography for someone!

I wish you, my young colleagues, creative success, and I sincerely thank your teachers for their difficult, but so necessary and noble work!

Artistic director of the KFO Mosconcert, People's Artist of Russia,

Moscow Prize laureate M.Yu. Utkin

45 students from 23 cities and 26 educational institutions of the Moscow region took part in the Moscow regional open competition of violinists and cellists: Children's Music School in Dubna, Children's Art School No. 1 named after. G.V. Sviridov, Balashikha, Children's Music School No. 2, Belozersky village, Children's Art School named after. Verstovsky, Children's Art School in Vidnoye, Children's Art School "Elegy" in Voskresensk, Children's Art School in Zheleznodorozhny, Istrinskaya Children's Music School, Children's Art School "Scarlet Sails" in Krasnogorsk, IOC named after. S.S. Prokofiev, Pushkino, Children's Art School, Korolev, Odintsovo Children's Music School, Odintsovo Children's School "Classics", Children's Music School named after. A.A. Alyabyev, Pushchino, Children's Music School No. 1, Mozhaisk, Children's Music School, Mytishchi, Children's Music School No. 1, Pushkino, Children's Music School No. 3, Serpukhov, Stupinskaya Children's Music School, Skhodnenskaya Children's Art School, Central Children's Art School, Chekhov, Central Children's Art School. Khimki, Children's Art School named after. N.N. Kalinin, Shatura, Children's Music School No. 1, Elektrostal, MOBMK im. Scriabin, Elektrostal.

The competition was held in four age groups, based on the results of listening to each group, participants were awarded diplomas and titles: “Grand Prix winner”, “I degree laureate”, “II degree laureate”, “III degree laureate”, “diploma holder”, “participant”.
The best performance of the program was awarded by the jury.
Grand Prix winner - 1 person
Laureate of the 1st degree - 5 people
Laureate of the 2nd degree - 12 people
III degree laureate - 8 people
Diploma holder - 15 people
Participant - 4 people

Special diploma - Best accompanist - 2 people: Borovikov A.V., Stepanov A.A.
45 out of 46 declared participants arrived.

Competition jury:
- Utkin Mikhail Yurievich,
Russian cellist, winner of the First Prize at the International Competition in Prague, plays in the Moscow Trio and performs with the world's most famous orchestras and conductors. Awarded the M. Ravel gold medal, Moscow Prize laureate, People's Artist of Russia.
- Spiridonov Andrey Alekseevich
Professor, Head of the Department of Strings, Wind and Percussion Instruments, Faculty of Historical and Contemporary Performing Arts, Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, composer. Winner of the 1st prize held by M.L. Rostropovich competition for young cellists. He is the artistic director of the Baroque Soloists ensemble, tours abroad, and conducts cello master classes.
- Sachenko Nikolay Anatolievich
Laureate of the III International Leopold Mozart Competition (Augsburg, Germany, 1995). Winner of the 1st prize at the XI International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (1998). Concertmaster of the state symphony orchestra “New Russia” under the direction of Yu. Bashmet. Soloist of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic. Performs as a member of the Brahms Trio, with the Russian National Orchestra, and the Russian Symphony Orchestra “Young Russia”.
- Spiridonova Margarita Igorevna
Professor of the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after M.M. Ippolitova - Ivanova. Member of the Taneyev Musical Society, performer of all the composer's chamber works. Participates in numerous international festivals of ancient and chamber music, productions of ancient operas and ballets, and records CDs. Honored Artist of Russia.
- Krivtsova Tatyana Alexandrovna
Teacher at the Academic Music College at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, methodologist.
- Nikitskaya Natalya Alexandrovna
Director of the Dubna Symphony Orchestra, head of the orchestral instruments section of the Dubna Methodical Association.

Start of accepting applications for participation in the VII Moscow Cello Festival “CELLO GENERATIONS” November 25 - December 8, 2019

Artistic director of the festival “Cello Generations”

People's Artist of Russia, Moscow Prize Winner,

Professor - Tonkha Vladimir Konstantinovich,

Festival Director - Honorary Artist of the City of Moscow, Chief Specialist of the Creative Department of the Moscow Musical Society - Chernova Larisa Konstantinovna (tel. 8 925 8332709)

sent by email:


about the start of accepting applications for participation

VI Moscow Cello Festival


The Moscow Musical Society regularly holds festival concerts in several of the best halls in Moscow.

This is the only festival in Russia in which musicians of all ages participate, from seven-year-old children to seasoned cellists. These concerts provide a creative opportunity for communication between young and mature performers, which we consider one of the main conditions for the development of a musician. The festival attracts more and more attention from the music community every year.

Artistic director of the festival “Cello Generations”:

People's Artist of Russia, Moscow Prize Laureate, Professor - Tonkha Vladimir Konstantinovich,

Festival Director- Honorary artist of the city of Moscow, chief specialist of the creative department of the Moscow Musical Society - Larisa Konstantinovna Chernova.

Applications and participant programs should be sent by email: [email protected]- V.K, Tonkha, [email protected] OK. Chernova.

  • The time, place and order of performances of participants are determined by the Organizing Committee.
  • The participant is responsible for the information provided and sent to the Organizing Committee.
  • Please inform the Organizing Committee about changes in the performance program in advance.
  • Diplomas will be awarded on December 8, 2018. At the Central House of Arts at the Gala concert.

The application indicates:

    first and last name of the participant.

    Full name, title of accompanist and teacher.

    official name of the educational institution, full name of the Director.

    In the performance program, indicate the title of the work, the composer’s surname with his initials.



For objective reasons, the competition is postponed for a year.

Scheduled for November - December 2018

VMoscow Cello Festival

"Cello Generations"

Concert schedule

December 2nd Opening of the festival. MSSMSH named after. Gnesins. "Organ Hall" start 18-00
December 3 Concert Hall named after. N.Ya. Myaskovsky MGC start 19-00
December 4 "Big Hall" of the school named after. Gnessins start 19-00
December 6 FIAN "Column Hall" start 18-15
December 7 Living room of the Shuvalova House
9th December Library of Foreign Literature. Big hall start 18-00
December 10 CDRI. Gala concert Exhibition hall start 17-00

The first Moscow competition “Cello Generations” was established and held by the Moscow Musical Society in the fifth anniversary of the Moscow Cello Festival “Cello Generations”.

The competition is held for students of Children's music schools and colleges. As part of this competition, a competition is held for students of special music schools (MSMSH named after the Gnessins, Central Musical School at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky).

The objectives of this competition are to attract interest in the instrument, improve the quality of teaching in music schools and colleges, and increase the level of training of applicants for higher educational institutions.

The competition jury will include professors from the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Russian Academy of Music named after the Gnessins, teachers of Children's music schools and colleges, representative of the Directorate of educational programs in the field of culture and art.



1.1. The 1st Moscow competition “Cello Generations” is held in three age groups: Junior, Middle and Senior.

The junior group can include performers who are under 11 years of age at the start of the competition.

The middle group can include performers who are under 14 years old on the day the competition starts.

In the senior group, performers from 14 to 16 years old (inclusive) can perform.

1.2. The competition will be held in Moscow from November 28 to December 1, 2017 in the Concert Hall of the International Union of Musical Workers (UIMU).

Address: Moscow, Bryusov lane, 2/14, building 8. (entrance from Bolshaya Nikitskaya street) Directions - Metro: Arbatskaya, Alexandrovsky Garden).

1.3. To participate in the competition, the following documents should be sent to the Competition Directorate by e-mail or registered mail, fast mail:


♦ Birth certificate, Passport (copy)

♦ Full name teacher and accompanist

♦ Program for tours with the obligatory indication of the title of the work, composer and playing time.

♦ Photo - printed or electronically in jpeg format. in high resolution;

1.4. Entrance fee. The amount of the entry fee and the form of payment will be announced later .

1.5. Address of the Competition Directorate: Russia, 125047, Moscow, 1st Tverskaya - Yamskaya street, building 4. Moscow Musical Society - Directorate of the Cello Competition.


2.1. Competitive tests in the younger age group will be held in one round. In the middle and senior groups, the competition is held in two rounds: the first qualifying round, the second final.

All pieces must be performed by heart. Each piece can only be performed in one round.

All auditions are held publicly

2.2. The order of performances is determined by drawing lots and remains until the end of the competition. The draw will take place on Monday 27 November 2017.

2.3. Participants who have scored at least 18 points (according to a 25-point system) will be admitted to the second round (middle and senior groups)

2.4. Non-resident performers are allowed to participate in the competition.

Travel and accommodation are not paid for by the organizers of the Competition.

2.5. All participants in the Competition must perform with their own accompanists.


3.2. The winners are the participants who take the first three places.

3.3. By decision of the jury, the winners of the competition can also be determined.

3.4. All participants in the competition are awarded certificates of participation (with a separate note for those who made it to the second round).

in the Organ Hall of the Moscow Secondary Special Music School (College) named after the Gnessins.

3.6. The best of the competition laureates, as well as the best festival participants, will take part in the GALA CONCERT of the V Moscow Cello Festival “Cello Generations” in the Rachmaninoff Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky on January 22, 2018.


Junior group

2 - 3 pieces, total sound duration up to 10 - 12 minutes