Singers and musicians for the wedding: how to make the right choice? A variety of images and stage costumes.

Live music for a holiday is always a highlight at any celebration. Oksana can surprise any listener and even the most sophisticated music lover will be satisfied with her singing.

A singer at a corporate party, another person who sets your company up for festive mood. IN cheerful, incendiary songs of Oksana so turn on the crowd that you can be sure that at your party they will dance until you drop.

Several performance options are possible:

1. Live performance with a backing track.

(Does not require the cost of musicians and additional equipment.)

It is possible to perform in a duet with a singer.

2) With jazz trio or French quartet "Argael" (Oksana + keyboards or accordion + double bass + drums + saxophone)

Ideal for social events, cocktail parties, meeting guests, and lovers of elite music.

3) With the cover band "Constellation" (Oksana + keys + guitar + bass + drums + saxophone)

The repertoire includes domestic and foreign dance different years, from retro to today, if necessary, we will play jazz. Ideal for corporate parties, anniversaries, weddings, city events.

You can choose the option that best suits you in terms of task, scale and budget.

Professional singer for your event

Oksana Nizovskaya - professional singer, graduate of the Gnessin Academy of Music, laureate of All-Russian and international competitions. For many years she has been a leading soloist creative association"Slavic Circle", ex-soloist Academic Ensemble songs and dances of the Moscow Military District (Moscow Military District), soloist jazz orchestra"Son Debussy", soloist and founder of the ensemble of French music "Argael". She was applauded by the audience in many cities throughout Russia. They were greeted with applause in France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Poland, Belgium, Germany.

Live music

The repertoire includes foreign and domestic stage, modern and retro hits, as well as french songs, All best compositions that can decorate your holiday. Oksana, as a wedding singer, will be simply irreplaceable. World masterpieces of romantic songs, such as - I will always love you (Whitney Houston), Une vie d "amoure ( Eternal love Charles Aznavour), I "ll be There ( Mariah Carey), The last poem, The World Without a Beloved, performed by Oksana, will delight not only the newlyweds, but also all the guests at the wedding, often these compositions are chosen for the first dance of the young. You will not remain indifferent to her magnificent vocals, beautiful, velvety timbre.

For several years, Oksana Nizovskaya collaborated with a French company and represented Russia in France, hence her passion for French vocals. The repertoire of the classic French chanson which the magnificent musicians of the ensemble "Argael" help to embody.

Finding a singer online is easier than ever. With the help of our talent database, you can absolutely safely browse and order artists for your event on our website. See photos, read reviews of our clients and listen to the music of the artists. Singers create their own pages with pricing, location, reference materials and much more.

You will find a large number of vocal artists, many of whom also play piano, guitar, keyboards and other instruments. Here you can find performers of any genre, from blues to rock, classical or anything else. Our singers are professionals and perform both solo and as part of musical groups. Also in our catalog you can find world-famous singers and musicians. Who will decorate your holiday better than the star of the music scene, already loved by millions of fans?

Among our singers are performers of various genres and directions - jazz singers, rock singers, solo singers or duets. Before ordering a musician for your holiday, we recommend that you decide in which part entertainment program you will need it and for how long. Usually, singers are ordered from us for a program lasting from 10 minutes to 2 hours. Here you can choose from one to 10 singers and send your request with detailed description your requirements for the event. You can also choose in our service a musical group for your event or an instrumental musician.

A wedding is an amazing day when a new family. This day is awaited with trepidation by the newlyweds, their relatives and friends. They prepare for it just as responsibly - they choose outfits, rings, banqueting hall, tuple, etc. Everyone wants to make this day unforgettable.

Singers for a wedding in Moscow - whim or necessity

Not a single wedding takes place without entertainment events, which are certainly accompanied by music. Musical arrangement allows you to create the right atmosphere of the holiday. Under the appropriate musical accompaniment, parting words are pronounced to the young, contests, drawings are held, and the banquet part of the celebration is held.

And, of course, where, in this case, without a vocalist for a wedding in Moscow. No wedding banquet is complete without songs. And so that the evening does not turn out to be hopelessly spoiled, we advise you to contact professionals. The invited singer for a wedding in Moscow, no doubt, will be able to enliven any event. At the same time, they themselves know at what point a slow composition is needed, and when to sing an incendiary, cheerful song.

Before giving preference to one or another performer, decide what songs you want to hear that day. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the repertoire offered by the vocalist. As a rule, all wedding singers are creative personalities, possessing a strong and beautiful timbre of voice, vocal and artistic abilities. Their repertoire may include several hundred songs that differ in genre and theme. These are romantic retro compositions, hits of domestic and foreign pop music and, of course, classical genres: romances, folk motives, jazz works, etc. What kind of accompaniment will be at the wedding banquet is decided by the newlyweds based on their musical preferences.

A vocalist for a wedding in Moscow can be invited both for the entire time the event is being held, and for separate parts of it. Some wedding singers not only provide vocal services, but also participate in staged shows. Can be used as an accompaniment live music, and the phonogram, minus.

How to make your wedding unforgettable

So that the wedding celebration does not turn into a farce and is remembered for a long time not only by the newlyweds, but also by their guests, you need to think through all the details in advance. For this:

  • choose professional vocalists and discuss the repertoire for the evening with them in advance;
  • creative approach to the organization of the holiday;
  • when coordinating the repertoire for singers, make sure that it is not monotonous;
  • choose musicians and vocalists with good lighting and sound equipment;
  • read reviews about the work of vocalists, watch videos from their performances, listen to recordings.
Rida Khasanova

A wedding is one of the brightest events in the life of a family. Every couple tries make this day unforgettable not only for newlyweds, but also for guests. Some prefer to trust professionals, others take the whole organization of the celebration on themselves. It is important to consider every detail here. One of key points is the musical accompaniment of the celebration. The mood of the gathered guests and the success of the event as a whole will largely depend on the singers and musicians at the wedding.

How to choose singers for a wedding?

IN Lately became fashionable invite singers to the wedding, because the live performance of your favorite songs sounds much more interesting than in the recording. Firstly, the sound quality is higher than any recording from electronic media. Secondly, professional singers are able to set the tone for the event, interacting with guests and heroes of the occasion. Well, and thirdly, in addition to hits from the artist's own repertoire, you can always ask to sing your favorite song at the wedding. All this creates a special atmosphere at the celebration, such events are usually remembered for a long time by everyone.

The first dance of the young to a live performance

Undoubtedly, choice of musical accompaniment- a matter of taste of the newlyweds.

Currently, live performance of songs has ceased to be a luxury, newlyweds are quite capable of affording singers for their wedding. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice

First of all, it is worth deciding what kind of wedding will be - incendiary in a youthful way or calm and “comfortable” in a homely way. The repertoire and the choice of the performer will depend on this.

Today there is great amount singers, singers and musical groups specializing in wedding celebrations. And choosing "your" is not so easy.

Many trust feedback from your friends and acquaintances who have already held a wedding with the participation of performers. Surely they still have a video that can be used to judge the creative data of a particular singer or group.

If the newlyweds decided on the host of the wedding you can ask him for help. Often the toastmaster works in tandem with musical groups or once worked with interesting performers.

You can also contact a wedding agency. They usually have big choice performers with their portfolio, contacts and reviews. Experienced agents will help you decide, all that remains is to contact the artist and clarify the details of the order.

One of the hardest options is trying to find suitable artists through classifieds. You will have to spend a lot of time choosing performers who will satisfy the needs of customers.

Singer at the wedding

What to pay attention to:

  1. Voice. Male or female, sonorous, soft, slightly hoarse, bass, tenor, baritone and the like.
  2. Manner of execution. In other words, the style that the performer adheres to.
  3. Breadth of repertoire. Of course, the greater the variety of songs a particular singer has, the more chances that everyone present at the wedding will be satisfied.
  4. Price for services. This is an important point if the newlyweds have a fairly limited budget.
  5. External Data. This is also worth paying attention to, because hardly anyone wants to look at an untidy artist.

As you can see, the selection criteria entirely depend on the taste of customers and the amount they are willing to spend on the musical accompaniment of the banquet.

In any case, nothing will not replace a personal meeting, during which it will become more clear whether to invite a person or still continue the search for a suitable performer.

Rules for choosing musicians for a wedding

Musicians performing at a wedding a win-win , because in addition to performing the original repertoire, the artists are able to feel the mood of the guests and influence the audience, while focusing on the most important and emotional moments weddings.

Musical accompaniment of newlyweds registering on the beach

Not worth saving and invite musicians with a dubious reputation. After all, they set the tone for the event. No matter how beautiful the hall is, no matter how wonderful the presenter is, the old “wheezing” equipment, meager repertoire can ruin any holiday.

Almost every restaurant or cafe has their musicians. The composition of the team can be the simplest or quite diverse and include wedding pianists, trumpeters and even harpists. However, here you need to be careful. They have a salary that they will receive regardless of how they work, which means that such musicians have no incentive to entertain the public. Of course, not all teams work this way, there are those for which reputation above all else.

It is preferable to make a choice from musical groups that specialize specifically in performances at weddings. If search for musicians on the internet, it is important to remember that professional teams there should be a website where anyone can get acquainted with their performances. In order to assess the abilities of the team, as an option, you can visit their performance. Musicians should be ordered only with their equipment, on which they play constantly. It is also necessary to personally meet with the group and agree on the style of music at the wedding. You may have to pay extra for a specially selected repertoire.

Musical accompaniment of registration by musicians

Experienced musicians know that their professionalism determines what impressions people will get from the celebration.

Therefore, specialists in this field always have a clearly and competently selected music program that meets the expectations of customers and invited guests

Currently, cover bands performing with diverse repertoire that will appeal to both young and older guests. Vocalists perform author's compositions in their own way, and musicians play a variety of melodies.

One of the advantages of cover bands is the ability to sing popular hits at a wedding and the ability to work with any audience. Artists can provide customers with their own playlist, or customers can trust artists and let them create a list of songs based on guests.

Most often, cover bands do not limit their repertoire to a certain original musical group or style. Such teams can perform songs in various styles starting from popular music ending with rock.

Cover band at the wedding

It has now become popular to invite jazz bands to weddings. Jazz combines the best features and musical traditions different cultures and peoples. Therefore, connoisseurs of this direction are always among the guests. Professional jazz bands work in the most popular destinations such as soul, funk, rock and roll and, of course, classical jazz. Guests will never be bored, because the repertoire of these groups is huge.

Saxophonist for a wedding

great way make your wedding unforgettable- invite a saxophonist to the wedding. The expressive melodies of the tenor saxophone will not leave anyone indifferent. The criteria for choosing a saxophonist are the same as for choosing other musicians - portfolio, repertoire and tariff. The versatility of the saxophonist allows you to perform not only solo melodies, but also together with string quartet or VIA. The enchanting sound of the saxophone is perfectly complemented by a guitarist, piper, drummers, as well as strong, confident vocals.

Saxophonist at a wedding

Wedding bayan and accordion players

A few years ago, no one remembered bayan and accordion players at a wedding. However, such artists are now regaining their former popularity.

The wedding will sparkle with new unexpected colors, accompanied by an accordion or an accordion. With the help of these tools, you can give the celebration an unforgettable retro charm or a perky tone of unbridled fun. In both cases, guests of any age will appreciate it.

Button accordion sounds with ease create the right atmosphere. An accordionist can arrange a real incendiary disco thanks to the original arrangements of his favorite hits. A real concert will be the accordion player playing together with folklore ensemble. Nobody will ever forget this performance.

accordion girl at the wedding

Violinists at a wedding

Perhaps it is difficult to come up with a more soulful melody than violin sound touching to the depths of the soul of everyone present. Only she can so sincerely and gently emphasize the solemnity and romance of the moment. The string duo of violinist and violinist will be a stylish addition to any wedding. The violin sounds great in combination with brass bands. However, it is problematic to invite such orchestras, so high-quality recordings are used, and the violin sounds like an addition. To do this, you can invite a professional DJ to the wedding, which, in addition to playing individual works, will also be able to provide sound design throughout the celebration. If you want not only romance, but also incendiary dances, it would be a great idea to invite drummers and guitarists.

Violin girls at the wedding

Choice of musical accompaniment for a wedding is incredibly wide and depends on the personal preferences of the customer and the budget of the event. You need to approach this responsibly, you should not rush and save money, because then there is a risk that the celebration will be spoiled. Thanks to professional vocalists and musicians, it is possible to get an unforgettable wedding decoration, and turn the restaurant into a concert hall.

To learn more about how to choose a cover band for a wedding, watch this video:

April 17, 2018, 00:44