Rating of Zodiac signs by soul age: from youngest to oldest. Horoscope and age

Do you want to know what awaits you in old age? You can look into the future using your age horoscope. Astrologers say that old age comes to everyone differently, and it depends on a person’s belonging to a particular constellation. Some people in retirement are raising grandchildren and knitting socks, while others are looking for extreme sports. Find out what you will be like in old age, according to your zodiac sign.

Aries They don’t feel age at all. Having lived to old age, representatives of this zodiac sign still lead an active lifestyle, do their favorite things and almost never get sick. They live in the same moment, they don’t think what awaits them tomorrow. Their good spirits maintain the enormous energy of youth until their very old age. Maybe at the age of 60 Aries will not wear a leather jacket, but he will not stop being interested in motorcycles. Moreover, he will do this with the same zeal and frantic energy as before.

Taurus live to a ripe old age despite all the ailments that arise from time to time. Representatives of this constellation prefer a calm and comfortable life in retirement. They lead a measured lifestyle and love to eat well, sometimes even too much. For this reason, they often gain a lot of excess weight as they age. Stubborn Taurus over the years become even less flexible creatures, both psychologically and physically. However, they have good endurance, and even despite illnesses they will most likely live for a very long time.

They try to lead an active lifestyle even in retirement. They love to gossip, know everything about everything and go everywhere. You won’t get bored with them: they are eager to please everyone and adapt easily. These neurasthenics with ideas are always elusive, witty, resourceful, sociable and eloquent. Representatives of this constellation always look young and do not want to hear about their age. We can say that old age never comes to Gemini. Those born under this constellation always feel like they are 18 years old.

In old age they can manifest themselves in different ways. They either remain a child at heart until the end of their lives, or they fiercely take care of their grandchildren and their already adult children. Cancers, like Leos, really want everyone around them to respect their “noble gray hair.” Cancers can make excellent “classic” grandparents, as most children want them to be. If representatives of this zodiac sign do not have close people at the end of their lives, then they will surround themselves with pets so that they have someone to take care of.

Lions are condescending and sedate by nature, this will become more and more evident over the years. By old age, these are already very calm, seasoned, dignified individuals who have grown a little overweight. They will increasingly want universal respect, authority, and sometimes even worship. They see themselves as the main role model, which is why they will try to achieve their main life goals and settle down as early as possible. In old age, Leos will be happy to give advice to everyone and teach others about life.

Virgo With age, they begin to perceive the world around them more and more negatively, especially if they lose control over excessive criticality. In old age, Virgos look very good and, as a rule, seem younger than their years. People of this constellation try to keep themselves in shape until the end of their days: they play sports, do anti-aging procedures and dress well, they are constantly on the path of improving their brain activity, so they meet old age as fit gentlemen and ladies, albeit somewhat strict, but very smart.

They don't like to grow old, so they are always concerned about their appearance. Every new wrinkle is a tragedy for them. Representatives of this zodiac sign will try to take any measures and use all possible means to prevent the appearance of extra pounds and wrinkles on the face for as long as possible. Usually, they succeed. And even at eighty years old, Libra will convince others that they are not yet forty. They are unlikely to bother with their grandchildren, but they are more than likely to travel and play sports.

They look dignified and respectable in retirement. By their appearance, you might think that they have lived a hard life, even if this is not the case. They like to think of themselves as philosophers who have accumulated enough wisdom over the years. Confidence in their rightness makes Scorpios irritable, they find fault with everything and can ruin the lives of the people around them. Often, older Scorpios very often become too fixated on personal beliefs and goals, to the point of obsession and insanity.

Sagittarius They try with all their might not to notice the onset of old age and do not even want to think about it. Sometimes even so much so that it turns into an obsessive thought for them, and they begin to pester those around them with questions about their own estimated age, hoping to receive a compliment or two, which they love very much. However, these compliments are usually always justified, because Sagittarius, despite their reluctance to take care of themselves, manage to maintain their external attractiveness and charm into old age.

In their youth they are serious beyond their years, reasonable, wise and responsible. Being ambitious and ambitious, they work hard in an effort to achieve high status, material well-being and ensure a dignified old age. But as they grow up, more and more tomfoolery and childishness are added to their character, and in old age they already behave like absolute children, requiring constant attention to their person. They do not sit idle and are constantly doing something, as if making up for lost time.

Aquarius in childhood, as in the case of Capricorns, they are very serious. Over the years, Aquarians become more and more eccentric; they stop caring about what others think about them; what matters to them is how they feel. At 80, Aquarians can behave as they please and consider it their duty to make the most of every day. They can easily go to a nightclub or buy themselves a bike. In old age, representatives of this zodiac sign become real rebels and cause a lot of trouble to their children and grandchildren.

They are terrified of old age, as they have too many unfulfilled plans and started projects. Constant worry and disregard for their appearance and health greatly shortens their lives. Pisces often take time to take stock of their lives and count everything they have accomplished. Older Pisces love to be nostalgic and remember their youth. They really like to mentally return to those years when they were beautiful and full of strength. They do not tolerate care and even at an advanced age they try to do everything on their own.

Astrologers have named 3, whose representatives simply do not know how to grow old. They are cheerful, cheerful and young at heart. Maybe your zodiac sign is among them?


He is always in action, Aries simply does not have time to grow older. He always has something to do. He lives his youth to the fullest, enjoys everything that life offers, and until he reaches an honorable age, he has enough wisdom to know how to deal with difficulties and how to cope with them.


Cancers hate complaining about pain or fatigue. They love to take care of loved ones. Even at the age of retirement, he still has a young soul, a warm heart and a gentle voice, kindness and patience, just like in his youth.


He feels his young body even at 80 years old, as well as his eternally youthful spirit. Aquarius maintains an active life, even when it is time to retire. He won't sit for a second, he's always doing something. He always has a house full of friends who feel great in the company of their beloved Aquarius, even if they are 20 or 70 years old.

Aquarians practically never have wrinkles, only around the mouth, because they laugh a lot.

Each zodiac sign has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are very emotional, while others, on the contrary, are logical. But, according to astrologers, there are only two.

All signs of the Zodiac have their own characteristics of character, behavior and attitude towards the world around them, which are unique to them. There are many different moments that suit only certain signs.

Thus, there are diets based on zodiac signs and searches for a soul mate based on the compatibility of the location of the constellations. But as it turned out, even such a process as aging affects all signs differently. Therefore, today the editors of Estet-portal decided to tell you about how zodiac signs age.

How do Aries age?

Representatives of this sign do not focus on their own age. Aries live for today, often without thinking about what tomorrow might await them. Cheerfulness of spirit maintains in them the enormous energy of youth until old age. Most likely, 60-year-old Aries will not wear a leather jacket, but he will not give up his passion for motorcycles. Moreover, he will do this with the same zeal and enthusiasm as before. Therefore, Aries grow old unnoticed by themselves and almost unnoticed by the people around them. Usually such grandparents are very loved by their grandchildren.

How do Taurus people age?

Taurus people love to have a good snack, sometimes even more often than necessary. This is why they gain a lot of extra pounds as they age. Over the years, the already stubborn Taurus becomes even more stubborn. But despite this, they live a long time due to their good endurance. Often they do not neglect communicating with relatives and going on vacation together, but convincing an elderly Taurus to go on vacation on their own is almost impossible, since they cannot stand getting to know a new environment on their own.

How do Geminis age?

Representatives of this sign set goals in their youth and confidently move forward, with no intention of slowing down over the years. Don't expect Gemini to go home early. Even in old age, you will rarely see them resting, much less idle. Their career growth will continue until retirement, and if such an opportunity arises, long after it arrives. Therefore, Geminis usually cause a lot of trouble to the employer who is trying to see them through to retirement. After all, they simply need constant movement.

How Cancers age

There are two types of Cancers: those who never grow up, and those who, in old age, take care of others no worse than Mother Teresa. With age, representatives of this sign demand more respect for themselves. Cancers make excellent “classic” grandparents, the way most children want them to be. They will always cook something delicious, take them to the zoo, or clean the nursery for them. Grandfather Cancer always strives to pass on his skills to his grandson. But it is worth remembering that they will do all this only if they see the return.

How do Leos age?

The condescension to which Leos are so susceptible will manifest itself more and more over the years. As they age, they become calm, dignified and a little overweight individuals. Representatives of the sign crave universal respect and perhaps even worship, they want to serve as an authority and be the main role model. It is Leos who mainly fill the benches near the entrances and know everything about everyone. Leo grandfathers generally do not retire for a long time and become mentors for the younger generation.

How Virgos age

With age, most Virgos begin to perceive the world around them more negatively, especially if they lose control over their excessive tendency to be overly critical. Representatives of the sign maintain themselves in excellent shape and good health until old age, and constantly improve themselves. As a rule, Virgos greet old age with smart ladies and gentlemen, somewhat strict, but exceptionally smart. Aging Virgos become even more picky in relation to the chosen ones of their children and to the children themselves too.

How Libra ages

Representatives of this sign have been concerned about their own appearance all their lives, so they are ready to take any steps to prevent the appearance of cellulite or wrinkles. Since Libra is aging, not one zodiac sign is aging anymore. They become regular clients of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists. Due to this, they most often manage to maintain their youth for a long time, and even at sixty, Libra looks excellent. It’s true that they rarely make caring grandmothers, because most of all they are concerned about their appearance.

How do Scorpios age?

How Sagittarius ages

Sagittarians try with all their might not to think about old age. Sometimes this even transforms into an obsession, and representatives of the sign begin to pester others with questions about their own age in the hope of receiving a compliment or two. However, these compliments are almost always justified, because Sagittarians somehow manage to maintain attractiveness and sex appeal into old age. Moreover, many of them succeed in this with virtually no special effort. After all, most Sagittarius people monitor their nutrition and health all their lives, which ultimately helps them in their old age.

How do Capricorns age?

Sometimes it seems that time flows in the opposite direction for Capricorns. Representatives of the sign are already born “little old men”, serious beyond their years, responsible and wise. And as they grow older, more and more childishness and tomfoolery are added to them. Usually, in old age, Capricorns behave like absolute children. This is why their grandchildren often love them. After all, such grandparents allow what parents prohibit. Watch cartoons a little longer or eat something sweet before dinner. Moreover, they not only allow their grandchildren to do this, but also enjoy playing pranks with them.

How do Aquarians age?

Serious since childhood, Aquarians pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and over the years they do not get tired of it. Although, as for expressing their own opinion, here the representatives of the sign cease to care about what others think about them, because by the age of 80 they begin to behave exclusively as they please. Therefore, the older Aquarius gets, the less people influence them. They are only interested in someone else's opinion when they ask for it themselves. An aging Aquarius ages only on the outside; on the inside they remain young for many years.

How Pisces ages

Representatives of this sign are terrified of old age: so much has not been lived, done and accomplished! For this reason, Pisces constantly spend a lot of time summing up their life stages, counting savings and comparing balances. But the less they worry about this, the happier and longer they will live, because nothing depresses and shortens life more than constant worry. It’s interesting that Pisces often don’t worry too much about their appearance. Although constant experiences greatly affect her.

As we see, all zodiac signs age differently. Of course, one cannot say with certainty that in old age you will be exactly like this, but observing the behavior of the older generation allows the younger generation to think about it. Therefore, Estet-portal wishes you to always remain young and adopt only good qualities.

As you know, the coveted “elixir of youth” exists, and it is nothing more than our energy. Keep your soul and body young with us:

Every person ages differently. Genetics, heredity, lifestyle, psychological state - all this equally influences the speed of the withering process. However, at the same time, zodiac affiliation also leaves its mark - on some to a greater extent, on others to a lesser extent. Today we will tell you what kind of old age the stars have “prepared” for representatives of different signs of the Zodiac.

How Aries ages (March 21 – April 20)
While Aries are busy with business - working, conquering new heights, setting difficult-to-achieve goals, old age is in no hurry to “catch” them. Of course, age-related diseases may appear, but representatives of this zodiac sign try not to pay attention to them, continuing to be active and finding an opportunity to enjoy life.

Having retired, Aries strive to diversify their existence and begin to do things that they did not have time for in their youth. They travel, learn new hobbies, and some get another education. Even grandchildren can become the meaning of life for them, because this is also a reason not to sit still.

How Taurus ages (April 21 – May 20)
The stubbornness and intransigence of Taurus literally turns into mania with age. Representatives of this zodiac sign become authoritarian old people who “build” their relatives, salespeople in stores, doctors in clinics and neighbors who behave inappropriately. It is useless to argue with Taurus, even if you are going to do something for their own good.
In addition, many of them become overweight over the years, and the situation is aggravated by the fact that they do not want to deny themselves delicious food. But they always have something to do in retirement - Taurus is perhaps the only sign of the zodiac pantheon who, in old age, is capable of preparing complex, multi-ingredient dishes even for himself alone.

How Geminis age (May 21 – June 21)
The course of old age in Gemini is largely determined by the state of their health. If they have escaped the negative consequences of their turbulent youth, then until their old age they will set new goals for themselves and vigorously achieve them. Fresh impressions forever remain the meaning of life for them, so Geminis either work until the last moment or find themselves in some kind of applied art.
But if a representative of this zodiac sign is overtaken by illness, he becomes very cautious, begins to “collect” treatment methods, limits activity and seems to freeze, trying to “stretch out” as long as possible. However, he still has some kind of hobby.

How Cancers age (June 22 – July 22)
Cancers, as a rule, reach old age with strong material capital, and this allows them to feel quite protected. Although they do not spend their savings very willingly. The exception is grandchildren. Representatives of this zodiac sign cannot deny them anything, and the more children there are around them, the happier (and healthier) they feel.
In general, Cancers age very harmoniously; they seem to be fueled by the love and respect of their loved ones, while giving them all their warmth, their experience, their care. Often it is on them that families are supported, and this allows representatives of this sign to receive a kind of pleasure from old age.

How Leos age (July 23 – August 22)
The intensity of aging in Leos depends on how early they matured. If they managed to “linger” first in childhood and then in adolescence, then they remain strong and full of strength for a long time. But if in adolescence they had to take on enormous responsibility, then old age sets in much earlier than according to their passport.
Moreover, in any case, representatives of this zodiac sign, with age, demand more and more respect and worship from those around them. However, not selfishly. They are happy to help their relatives with money, give them gifts, and take care of them. It is important for them to feel in demand and needed, and if they receive this, then their old age becomes almost happy.

How Virgos age (August 23 – September 22)
Virgos are so afraid of old age that they begin to take care that it comes as late as possible long before maturity. They take care of their bodies, undergo regular medical examinations, and try to control their weight. All this gives them a chance, if not for longevity, then at least for a long and active existence.
However, the character of Virgos does not improve with age. The desire to criticize everyone and everything worsens, grumpiness appears, the love of cleanliness degenerates into a fear of dirt - ripophobia. So it’s hard for those around him to be with such an old man, but he himself is quite comfortable, both alone with himself and among people.

How Libra ages (September 23 – October 22)
For Libra, an indicator of age is a decrease in external attractiveness, so they try to remain “young” as long as possible. If all kinds of creams, masks, and baths do not give the expected effect, then representatives of this zodiac sign easily fall under the knife of a plastic surgeon.
And this applies not only to women. Men are no less concerned about preserving youth, especially those involved in public activities. This is why there are so many truly beautiful older people among Libras. And everything is fine with their brain activity, unless they “fly off the rails” before the age of 50.

How Scorpios age (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpios often become gloomy old men, inclined to perceive the world in black terms. They scare their family and friends with vague but menacing prophecies, see negativity in everything and do not know how to enjoy life. Representatives of this zodiac sign find fault with those who care for them, and believe that everyone around them owes something to them.
However, there is another category of Scorpios. Those who, from their youth, were not only aware of their sexuality, but also actively used it, continue, by inertia, to invest in appearance and health, devoting almost all their time to this and spending almost all their money on it. Although this also does not always distract them from the exciting activity called “ruining the lives of others.”

How Sagittarius ages (November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius consciously do not want to think about approaching or already approaching old age. They hide from it behind the youth style of clothing, behind newfangled accessories and communication with those who are much younger than them. And if in their youth they were actively involved in sports and led a healthy lifestyle, then they quite manage to remain ageless for a long time.
However, if their existence has always been a little immoral, then attempts to delay the inevitable turn them into funny, youthful old men with traces of many vices on their faces. In addition, their evil tongue pushes away from them even those people who for many years were considered their faithful and devoted friends.

How Capricorns age (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorns, as a rule, greet old age, if not with joy, then at least without much worry. The fact is that only during this period of their existence do they begin to truly enjoy life. In childhood, adolescence and adulthood, they simply do not have time for this. They constantly and steadily move towards their goals, so they no longer have enough pleasure.
So in old age, Capricorns seem to make up for what they missed earlier. They acquire new hobbies, begin to attend social parties, make friends and even have affairs. Therefore, for them, “sunset” becomes a kind of “dawn”, when all goals are achieved, and they can simply live for their own pleasure.

How Aquarius ages (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarians perceive time very sensitively, so they try to fill each day with special meaning. They take great care of their appearance, love beautiful clothes and expensive accessories, travel and communication. And nothing changes with age, it only becomes more intense.
The older the representative of this zodiac sign, the more greedy for life he becomes, and this helps him to be on his toes until the very last moment. In addition, if in their youth Aquarians try to maintain their reputation and worry about how others will react to their actions, then in old age they “let go of the reins,” which, as a rule, is to their benefit.

How Pisces ages (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces age gracefully, even if in their youth and youth they were not stunningly attractive. And it’s not a matter of appearance, it’s just that with age, a kind of inner light appears in the representatives of this zodiac sign, which makes them even more attractive.
In addition, they try not to bother others and do not try to sit on their necks. As long as Pisces has the strength, they will do everything on their own, without asking for help and even indignantly rejecting it. It is important for them not to become a burden, and their inner core, which is not always noticeable in their youth, allows them to be on their feet for a long time and “pull along” less stable relatives and friends.

For some women, the years just make them look better. From ugly ducklings they turn into luxurious swans. At the same time, even thin wrinkles near the eyes do not betray their age, since a mischievous spark of youth shines in their eyes. This is largely due to the stars. Certain zodiac signs seem to get younger as they age.

A fleeting flash

Sociable and active Geminis never sit in one place. The air element of the sign also determines their easy-going attitude towards life: from having money to family and children. They find a permanent place of residence late, often change partners, and categorically refuse to grow up. For such inconstancy, parents and loved ones always condemn them. Only friends and colleagues are happy to have a young soul in their company. True, there is a feeling of envy: Gemini women always look younger than their age. They are especially zealous about their appearance, because they love to impress the public. It is about Geminis that they say that they look stunning. Men's legs give way when they momentarily catch this woman's radiant smile. How old she is doesn’t matter at all.

A model for others

From a young age, these women lead a healthy lifestyle. Virgos pay a tremendous amount of attention to their body. They practice everything that allows them to preserve their beauty for as long as possible. They are seriously interested in yoga, they buy tons of cosmetics of natural origin, they carefully monitor the correct combination of products in food, etc. People around you are often skeptical about such pedantry regarding their own health. However, the opinion of skeptics changes sharply to the opposite when, already in age, they compare their peers with the Virgo woman. There is a feeling that different generations are before your eyes. When mature ladies have obvious problems with their figure, Virgos look fit and slender. Long legs, a wasp waist, healthy skin color - all this raises suspicions about the elixir of youth, accidentally found by Virgos. However, the real secret is self-discipline. These women are examples of competent handling of their bodies.

Top Model

While Virgos spend their entire lives strengthening their willpower, practicing yoga and a balanced diet, Libras do not care at all about methods. They are quite happy with plastic surgery. These women are used to enjoying today, living for their own pleasure. Therefore, for the time being, they do not pay attention to age, and then simply make an appointment with a cosmetologist. A certain amount of money - and they look young again. Therefore, when meeting a Libra woman of advanced age, you should not think about some kind of miracle. These are all the achievements of modern medicine. Thanks to injections and various ultra-therapies, they can always boast of an ideal appearance. Being on the cover of a fashion magazine at age 50 costs them nothing. Relatives and loved ones can condemn Libra’s behavior as much as they want, but the result, as they say, is obvious. However, the youth and easy approach to life of these women greatly depend on money. They either become financially independent and successful themselves, or find themselves a rich partner.

Frog traveler

Such a comparison should not mislead anyone. Sagittarius women are by no means scary and ugly in their youth. Their cheerful faces are illuminated by a charming smile. The point here is different: they love to travel. Sagittarius spend all their free time traveling around the world, learning about the culture of other countries. And when they return after a while, friends get the feeling of a countdown. Constant movement and an unquenchable thirst for life affect Sagittarius in the most positive way. And for people stuck in the routine of everyday life and familiar routes, it seems that they are witnessing a fairy-tale effect: from a frog to a princess. Even at an advanced age, Sagittarius women have excellent posture. They have no time to sit and ruin their backs when last-minute tickets are waiting for them at their favorite travel agency.