Kuzya leaves the "university". Why Kuzya left Univer

This funny hero was remembered and loved by many. The series was associated with Kuzey and the series was not presented without Kuzya. Even all sorts of changes in the project while he was there. But suddenly he left. Moreover, the reason for Kuzi's departure from the plot was strained and implausible. Why did he leave

"Univer" remained, and Kuzya left ...

There are such students in every university. They are big, strong, they are fond of some kind of sport, they do poorly in basic subjects, but girls are always interested. Therefore, Kuzya became close and dear to the main audience of the series, unlike girls model appearance and In addition, it is Kuze who owns the songs from the project, playful and original words. Almost everyone likes the light humorous atmosphere of the series, and love lines add spice to the story.

The end of the storyline of Eduard Kuzmin

In the new season of the series "Univer: New hostel" Kuzya found new love- Masha, which she played petite Anna Khilkevich. According to the plot, he sought her love for a long time, and in the end she could not resist. The romance lasted quite a long time, until Masha gave Edward a reason for jealousy. The jealous and resentful Kuzya got drunk to the point of clouding his mind, which is completely unlike him, since he is an athlete. Returning late in the evening to the hostel, he managed, by waving at a neighbor, to hit Masha, which he did not forgive himself for and therefore promptly left for his native Agapovka. The inconsolable girl even went to his village, hoping to return, but she herself came back after a couple of days. This turn of events seemed to many viewers somewhat "far-fetched", so questions about why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer did not subside.

Rumors about the departure of Vitaly from the series

Perplexed fans of the series and the character played by Vitaly overwhelmed the editors of the channel with questions and everywhere discussed the departure of the actor. There were various rumors about why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer, among which the most popular were information about the abuse of alcohol by the actor and the scandals with the director arising from this. Also, the public was disturbed by rumors about the "star disease" of the artist, who allegedly demanded an increase in wages from year to year.

According to the TNT channel, the actors of the sitcom are not in poverty anyway, and in five years of filming they managed to buy themselves an apartment in Moscow. And Gogunsky's greed knew no bounds and the producers lost their patience. So the question of why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer can be given such an answer. The continuation of this rumor was the information that the “starred” Vitaly broke off relations with his wife and left her with her little daughter Milana for the sake of a certain blonde Anna.

The reason for the termination of the contract, according to Vitaly himself

The actor gave his fans some time to worry, and then issued an official denial of the rumors, saying that he himself abandoned the idea of ​​renewing his contract with the channel. He starred in Univer for 5 years, 12 hours a day. Hard work resulted in 390 episodes of the beloved series. Such a schedule did not allow me to concentrate or even just pay attention to the family and other work offers.

In addition, Vitaly realized in the fall of 2012 that he had become too old for the student series. He has crossed the thirty-year milestone, is happily married and is raising his little daughter Milana, whom he wants to devote time to. He was also tired of the image of Eduard Kuzmin, of the fact that fans associate him with a dumb, good-natured guy from the village, not taking into account that Vitaly himself is an educated and well-read young man. In a word, the reasons for leaving were personal.

In his interview, Vitaly Gogunsky moved away from the topic of agreements with the producers of the series, who were very unhappy with his departure from the project, because many interesting moments. On the part of the creators of the series, Vitaly received several angry attacks, accusations of irresponsibility. And he himself bitterly notes that what was most striking was that at the height of the scandal, none of the filming partners with whom he was friends during work contacted him. Therefore, after leaving the series, Vitaly stopped communicating with his former colleagues.

Further plans in personal life and work

Rumors that Vitaly Gogunsky was leaving Univer appeared earlier, and then
the actor called the reason for the desire to try his hand at directing. He has similar intentions now: in collaboration with friends at VGIK, Vitaly is preparing a script for the series, and also devotes his free time to filming in the Sasha + Tanya project. Many do not understand why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer and continues to act on the same channel in a similar field. This is because he got the opportunity to select the proposed material and agree to age roles, as well as free time, which can be given to both the family and incoming job offers.

In the new season of Univer, fans will no longer see Kuzya. A kind of narrow-minded, stupid, but very kind and funny jock. Actor Vitaly Gogunsky decided not to renew the contract to continue filming. Why did he make this decision? Why did Kuzya leave Univer?

Who is Kuzya?

Kuzya, or Eduard Kuzmin, a student, a dormitory resident, one of the heroes of the Univer sitcom. The role was played by Gogunsky, a thirty-five-year-old actor, composer and singer.

Vitaliy spent all his childhood in the Poltava region. From an early age he was fond of music, studied at a local music school, where he studied the piano. In the Poltava region, at one time Gogunsky became a nominee for a children's music competition. At the same time, he was actively involved in karate and football.

From the age of twelve Gogunsky worked. And not because there was nothing for the deputy's son to eat. First, as a loader and ancillary workers, then as a presenter at a local radio station. Subsequently, he was invited to lead information program on the channel "Russia".

Gogunsky did not immediately choose the path creative person. On the instructions of his father, he graduated from a technical university, received the specialty "Engineer-technologist". Only then did he enter the pop department of VGIK. Graduated in 2007.

He made his acting debut in 2004. Gogunsky played the seventeen-year-old son of Anton, the head of a construction company, in the film Farewell, Doctor Freud! The boy is completely uncontrollable, so he is invited to a psychoanalyst.

The actor creates another image in the film "The Irrevocable Man". His hero - a young boy Roman Volkov - decided to quickly and easily break big jackpot. The drama is the story of the rise and fall of Roman, the search for happiness by other families.

Gogunsky played episodic and supporting roles in the films The Heiress (2006), Storm Gates (2006), Bear Hunt (2007). In parallel with acting, Vitaly carried out composing. In particular, he owns songs from "Doctor Freud!" (“Think of me”, “The wind will show me the way”) and “Univer” (“Shnyaga shnyaga”, “About the end”, “About paratroopers”).

Since 2008, Vitaly has starred in the TV series Univer. But there was a rumor that we would not see the hero in the new season. Why?

The reasons are on-screen and real

According to the plot of the film, Kuzya misunderstood the conversation between Masha and Martynov. He thought that the guys were lovers. He got drunk as hell, wanted to hit Martynov in the face, but accidentally hit Masha.

In frustrated feelings, Kuzya gathered his things in the middle of the night, wrote a farewell note and left for his native Agapovka. In a note, he wrote that he couldn’t do anything in Moscow, he didn’t have a normal job, he strained with his studies and everything was bad in his personal life. Therefore, he leaves for his homeland.

Masha goes after him a day later, but soon returns. She says that you need to live on, and Kuze is fine there. He will not return. Beautiful and logical departure of the actor from the TV project.

It is logical because for so many years of participation in the Univer project, the label of a dumb and eternal student has already clung to Gogunsky. The actor himself confirms this fear. But not only the boring role made him leave. Vitaly wants to move on: acting in other films, writing songs, directing. Yes, and thirty-five years for a student and for a youth series is not quite the right age.

Work on film set"Univer" was too tense. Often had to shoot for twelve hours a day all week. There was simply no time to participate in other projects. Rumors even spread that, due to a busy schedule, Gogunsky began to apply to the bottle. For alcoholic passions, he was asked from the project. Fortunately, these are just rumors.

"Univer" for Vitaly became a good acting practice and made him recognizable. True, on vacation in the Dominican Republic, everyone took the actor for Brad Pitt. He was not against such confusion and responded with pleasure ...

2012 was a year of losses for Univer. And not only. Ekaterina Gamova announced her resignation. Why did Gamova leave the Russian national volleyball team?

But back to Univer. Shortly before Kuzmin's departure, Allochka (Maria Kozhevnikova) left the project. She also decided to move on, develop, act in other films. And she succeeded. After "Univer" Maria Kozhevnikova starred in the films " Dark world” and “Exchange Wedding”.

Gogunsky has not yet managed to “move” too far from Univer. Still, thanks to this series, he became world famous. But the actors do not deny the role in their creative destiny"Univer". In 2013, Vitaly starred in the new sitcom Univer. Sasha Tanya.

Well. Young and talented guys have the right to leave their old and familiar places. Youth project good. But it is impossible to develop one hero for so long. Students grow up, leave the dormitory, new ones move in to take their place... This is how it should be.

Currently, Vitaly Gogunsky works at the Lekur theater agency, writes music, composes songs, rides on a skating rink with the stars (the show Dancing with the Stars; his partner is Ekaterina Osipova) and plans to open his own theater. The actor announced this after his couple was removed from the ice dance show. Guess what the theater will be called? That's right, Kuzya. The audience is children. The actors are only comrades and friends of Gogunsky, proven in the creative workshop. He himself plans not only to direct the theater for young spectators, but also to go on stage. In addition, the new institution will give acting lessons.

For many viewers, for several years he was eternal student, naive and absent-minded good-natured Kuzey from the series "Univer". Last year, Vitaly Gogunsky announced his departure from the sitcom. Now the actor is participating in the One to One reincarnation show. Moreover, not alone, but together with his daughter Milana. We managed to talk with Vitaly Nad during a break between filming. In life, this young man turned out to be very serious, intelligent and eloquent. Vitaly, how did you decide to participate in the One to One TV project?

I've finished music school. As a child, he even sang in the school choir. And then on pop vocals studied at the Kiev Institute. Also on the project, acting skills are very helpful in reincarnation. I don't have problems. In the first season of the project, mostly only singers took part, and I did not think that the actor could get into it. I participated in the casting, which took place over four months. Completed five tasks and passed.

IN latest release"One to one" image of the lead singer of the "Scorpions" Klaus Meine brought you a brilliant victory. How did you manage to make such a transformation?
It was very interesting to me. And when something is interesting, you simply do not pay attention to the complexity. Now I am working on the image of Grigory Leps. By the way, he will perform together with Ani Lorak, whose image will be presented by my daughter Milana. I really look forward to this moment and, of course, I'm worried. The recording has already taken place. Milana did a great job. She had her first success.

Cameras didn't bother little Milana?
The daughter did everything for her father. She really wanted dad to win, so she starred in a TV show for me. Milana did not pay attention to her shyness, so much she wanted dad to like everything.

What is your daughter like?
I'm afraid of being a biased father. I mean like all parents who praise their children. I am no exception... We really enjoy being with each other. In our free time, Milana and I go to a cafe, my daughter loves the zoo very much. Together we spend a lot of fun and great time. We love to travel. I cherish these moments...
Now, most of the time I spend on the set. So far, my thoughts are mostly about work. Filming often takes place between 9:00 am and 2:00 am.

There were a lot of rumors around your departure from the television series Univer. So, why did you decide to leave the sitcom?
The contract ended, it was necessary to take a break. I had many offers. Now I'm working on my own production project. But I see that interest in Univer is not fading away. I will gladly continue to work again, provided that I am called. I have always loved Kuzya. It all started with him. I have nothing but gratitude and love for the character and also for the guys I worked with. They write to me on VKontakte that, they say, we fell in love with you, but you left us. I would like to return to Univer for at least a couple of episodes.

So, there is hope to see you again at Univer?
Certainly! You should always believe in a fairy tale (laughs).

It's no secret that parallels are often drawn between you and Kuzey, or vice versa, they are looking for differences. What do you like about this look?
Kuzya is awesome! Just watch the series and see for yourself. The more I played Kuzya, the more I saw that we were practically no different. Indeed, we are very similar. This role gave me a lot professionally. It's a great experience. Every day for 12 hours. If you suffer for a long time, something will work out!

Vitaly, I can not help but note your amazing physical form. What sports do you prefer?
I would not talk now about the amazing physical shape (smiles). I really love to play football. Despite the fact that it is traumatic, I can not help myself. Sometimes the guys and I play airsoft. By the way, my friend Misha Galustyan organized this story. A very extreme sport. I really like that there you can run around with a machine gun that shoots ceramic balls. I also love the sea. I dream of going surfing, but I can’t find the time yet. I really want to be like the guys with the inflated press from Hollywood. I grew up by the sea. I really miss this. I think that in Moscow it is necessary to dig the sea. Moscow must afford it.

Do you have bad habits?
I do not drink and do not smoke. Although when we rest with my wife in Italy, I can allow red wine. And if with oysters, then white ... But if you also drink in Moscow, then you simply won’t have time to recover. bad habits no, because you need to always be in working mode.

Will you watch the World Cup?
There were even plans to go to Brazil. Irakli Pirtskhalava called. But, probably, it will not work, because you need to prepare for filming. I will watch on TV. But I will definitely attend the next World Cup.

What are your predictions?
There are a lot of strong teams. But I think Brazil or Argentina will win. I am not an emotional fan, but a rational one. Our football players are taught that you shouldn't worry about football. Get yourself more expensive. That's why I'm not rooting for our team. I just look, I rejoice for certain individuals. These are Mourinho, Costa, Ronaldo, Simeone.

Gogunsky Vitaly Evgenievich, Russian actor.
Date and place of birth: July 14, 1978, Kremenchug (Ukraine).
Education: VGIK, workshop of Alexei Batalov.
Family: wife Anna Gogunskaya, daughter of Milan (born in 2010, from ex-wife Irina).
Hobbies: music, sports (karate, football, airsoft).

It is true that they say student years- the happiest and most cheerful. The Russian youth series "Univer" is a vivid confirmation of this. "Sitcom" - it was under this name that it was filmed by TNT. The film was a resounding success and won the love of the audience from the very first episodes.

The action of the tape takes place in a student dormitory, university and other places frequently visited by young people. Every time the guys get into a variety of situations (funny, sad, funny and curious), their life is full of passions and love adventures, they never lose heart and find a way out of any situation.

Kuzya, who are you?

The main characters of the series are seven young boys and girls. They are all different: their characters, dreams, are fundamentally different. But each of the students is ready to help in the most Hard time. Incredibly colorful and interesting is the image of Edik Kuzmin performed by Vitaly Gogunsky. Eduard, Edik, Kuzya, Tornado... All this he is a jock-karate, who studies at the Faculty of Philology. He is a narrow-minded guy and, as they say, "on his own wave." Choosing a specialty, he did not imagine that he would have to write so much and read even more.

The audience got so used to this character that it was a complete surprise for them to watch their favorite Univer without him. The series where Kuzya leaves is very sad for many. Edik is very kind and pure soul Human. He gives all his love to sports. Very often, a guy solves the simplest problems in absolutely extraordinary ways. That is why the public liked the hero so much. Personality has nothing to do with the image of Eduard Kuzmin. But, despite this, he did an excellent job with the role of the eccentric Kuzi.

The real Vitaly Gogunsky

Vitaly Gogunsky - actor, singer and composer. At the time of filming "Univer" (2008) young man was 30 years old, and he had to play a young student. The artist is very often entrusted with the role of characters who are much younger than him in age. But for Vitaly, this is not a problem. The image of Kuzi came out quite convincing. If everything is so good, then why did Kuzya leave Univer? There are some reasons for this. But first things first.

Gogunsky successfully graduated from VGIK, and Edik is not expelled from the university just because he successful athlete and constantly wins different competitions. And to maintain the image of the university is very important. Vitaly is a smart and well-read young man, which cannot be said about his hero. The actor is a wonderful family man who is raising his daughter, and Kuzya can’t figure out his relationship with Masha. But opposites attract, right?

When will Kuzya leave?

Many media have long been full of headlines: "New Univer", "Kuzya is gone." But no one believed. The viewer simply did not fit in his head that this could happen. How will the series continue without everyone's favorite hero? But there is no smoke without fire. And it happened: after Maria Kozhevnikova, Vitaly Gogunsky also left the project. After his departure, the series did not cease to exist, he continues to tell the viewer about how students live and study. But only in some respects the meaning of it sounds different. Something like this: "University, a new hostel, Kuzya is leaving." This may not be an entirely accurate description, but this guy was a significant part, an entire era of a long-running soap opera. So why not make a whole tragedy out of Edik's departure and dedicate at least a small name to this event? And there will be an event at the end of the 70-beginning of the 71 series.

Why did Kuzya leave?

Departure from the series "Univer" Vitaly Gogunsky and Kuzi are different things. The actor had his own reasons, the student Edward had his own. First of all, let's find out why Kuzya left the university?

According to the plot, a misunderstanding arose between Masha, Kuzey and Martynov. Edik misunderstood the conversation between his girlfriend and Martynov and decided that they were lovers. Having drunk, he wanted to hit his opponent, but missed, and Maria became the victim. Eduard was very upset, offended and decided to leave for his native Agapovka. Before leaving the walls of the hostel, the student left a note to his friends, where he explained the reason for his action: they say, nothing works out for him either with studies, or with love, or with work, so he returns to his homeland.

Masha could not believe that her boyfriend did this to her. At first she thought he was just hiding in the bathroom, but when Farewell letter it turned out, Maria understood why Kuzya left the university. She even went to Agapovka to return her beloved. But there it turned out that Edik was happy and did not want to study and live in Moscow anymore. With this, the girl returned, deciding to live on, sometimes remembering her kind and sensitive friend.

Reasons for leaving the series Vitaly Gogunsky

Why Kuzya left the university is clear. But doesn't the actor who played the close-minded jock regret his act? Or maybe it was all meant to be? No, everything should have been different. But the project dragged on so much that Vitaly and Eduard became one. Gogunsky did not like this turn of events at all. He wanted to participate in other films and TV shows, but due to the heavy schedule of Univer, he did not succeed at all. Isn't it true that after a twelve-hour shooting, it is unlikely that you will want to and will be able to play somewhere else?

As you know, Gogunsky is an excellent musician, and due to his employment in the series, he did not have time to devote himself to creativity. Becoming a hostage to one role was not in the plans young actor. Age also played a role. At 35, embodying a 20-year-old student is a little hard. All this forced Gogunsky to refuse the offer to participate in Univer further.

Rumors, speculation and life

Man is so arranged that it is not enough for him real facts and the reasons that explain this or that event. He needs gossip, intrigue. The same thing happened with Vitaly. No one believed that he left the series for the reasons described above. And he didn’t do it himself, but because of the order of the leadership. It was rumored that the actor began to look into the glass. Say, the work is hard, it takes a lot of time, it becomes boring to play. But all this, fortunately, turned out to be just fiction and gossip. Kuzya-Vitaly is an absolutely adequate person who loves to drink, but in moderation and about it. And he left the series precisely because he wanted to.

But what about Univer without Kuzi? Great: the guys learn, fall in love, quarrel, make up, in general, see for yourself!

The star of the youth series "Univer" Vitaly Gogunsky announced his departure from the popular sitcom. The reason for your departure famous actor named his own age.


Popular artist Vitaly Gogunsky performed one of the key roles in the famous youth sitcom "Univer". It was he who played the role of the narrow-minded and not very smart student-athlete Eduard Kuzmin, whom everyone calls Kuzey. However, Kuzya once met with the first beauty of the course, the blonde Allochka, whose role on the screen was embodied by Maria Kozhevnikova. According to many fans of the series, Kuzya and Allochka were one of the brightest couples in the series.

However, Maria Kozhevnikova left Univer a long time ago and went into politics. And after her, Vitaly Gogunsky "pulled himself up". The popular actor cites his own age as the reason for his departure. "Despite the success of the series, I'm going to leave. I see that I have already become an adult for such a youth project. I think it will come new hero with their problems, dreams, whom the viewer will love, "quotes Vitaly Gogunsky" Express newspaper ".

According to the publication, no one has yet been hired as an actor. However, it is known that filming next season"Univer" will be held without the familiar and beloved by many Kuzi. The performer of the role of the unlucky athlete himself does not yet know exactly what he will do after the completion of filming in the series: " I always wanted to do music and cinema, I would like to try my hand at directing. I am writing a script for a series with my VGIK friends. To be honest, there are still few offers to act in other projects, and we have few good directors. offer absolutely different roles. In the meantime, I'm all at Univer: I'm busy five days a week for 12 hours. And so for five years in a row - 310 episodes were filmed!

In life, Vitaly Gogunsky is strikingly different from his hero Kuzi. The actor is already 33 years old, he is happily married. Vitaly met his 25-year-old wife Irina a little over four years ago. In the summer of 2009, the couple spent a romantic vacation in the Dominican Republic, and upon returning home, it turned out that Ira was in her second month of pregnancy. The wedding was postponed due to the busy filming schedule of the actor. Apparently, when all the planned episodes were filmed, Vitaly found time for his personal life. As a result, in March 2010, Irina gave Gogunsky a daughter, who was named Milana.