Yarmak vs Artem Loik: conflict in Ukrainian hip-hop. Pure rap, variety performances and demonstrative swoons at the battle Artyom Loik vs Yarmak Who won the battle Yarmak vs Loik

It seems that the conflict has been settled, because a few hours ago YarmaK wrote the following on his Instagram:

"They call us shorter and say" that the fuck they will cut everyone, "and my psyche can not stand such things, I take the number and call Artem (Loik) to ask who will "cut" us there, but it turns out to be a very normal adult conversation. In short, some Internet clowns gathered to cut us, and the conflict that occurred is a consequence of black tongues and misunderstanding of some things. A lot has been said, because from now on, we live in different worlds and do not cross. The herd craves blood and battle, but there would be no battle under any circumstances, since the organizers of the battle are mine former business partners who treated me not very well. That's why I don't play other people's games, I create my own and this year I'm going to make an interesting hip-hop project! In our country, whatever you do, everything is bad: music, sports, dancing, cinema, politics, business. Let's not divide, but build! If you have not understood yet, there is nothing to share yet, everything is destroyed! And if you fight for these crumbs, then you are not people, but animals! Creative people are always welcome and always lend a helping hand! Peace and goodness to all! #yarmak #loik #conflict #exhausted"

A few minutes ago, Artyom Loik commented on his VK page

“Yarmak, you are a hypocrite. If I wanted to go your way, I would have eaten you a long time ago, but my path and my goals are diametrically opposed to yours. It would be better if he agreed to battle when they offered, ”- writes Artyom.

Yarmak's answer was not long in coming: “ Dude, you have already unreasonably insulted me so many times that it might not be a battle, but something much worse!) guy, you don’t even have a way for me to go out with you to some battles, 32 people are listening to you, of which 30 relatives, and two more confused you with Eminem!», - writes Yarmak.

Loic offered to meet on the set of the next #rapsoxbattle on February 22, saying that there will be no time for posts on Instagram.

Last year we did (do not forget to re-read), it also talked about Yarmak and his work:
« And how did you break up with Leps? I read that you had a hard breakup.

Yes! Straight to the scream, to the breakdown! “You are nobody and you will be nobody! With your social songs, you will not achieve anything!”

Don't you think that one rapper in Ukraine is now reaching with social songs?

These are not social songs. These are songs with a political orientation, moreover, made on time, with a sense of the mood of the masses. You know, when you say something bad about your opponent, you have to notice the bad in yourself as well. "My country will not fall to its knees" - yes, it is already hanging in a noose, your country. And when we look closely, we will notice that it was we who hung her, not the politicians.”

There are wars after which there is no winner
In fact, a similar multi-meaning mysterious outcome remained after this battle.
Uncertainty and suspense - the impression that both opponents were not up to the fight.

Which they partly subconsciously both refused because they didn't need it in many ways.

In what who looked better and worse friend friend?
The reason for the battle was a personal conflict.

Kyiv. 3 rounds.
In fact - whatever one may say - in any scenario.
Kiev - territory of Oleksandr Yarmak.
Loic is like "came to visit"
It is surprising that for Alexander there was 1 battle in his career.

Yarmak from Borispol near Kiev, public support was much higher in relation to Yarmak.

Yes, Yarmak on the show looked a lot like "Impenetrable Monster".

Numerous pictures of the opponent's mistakes were displayed on the screen.
Many different interesting facts and details.
Yarmak has such a number of subscribers in public that, of course, Loic is very, very far from him.

Rap was skilled, turning on the audience, Yarmak really looked intelligent and professional with all the "dirt of the battle", this battle will not overshadow his high ratings at all. He invited half of the Ukrainian stars to it in his support. And he did his part.
In general, Yarmak did not spoil his high reputation as the "People's Favorite"
Loic stood sipping some water when Yarmak was rapping, and Alexander listened more calmly, listened ....
I defended the whole battle ... But after 2 rounds I passed out ...

Loic put all the directness of character, rage and power of the chords into the texts and the audience expected even more "fire" from him. Artem, in fact, “burned out evil with words”, although the rationality and meaning of the texts was weaker than Alexander (who has few equals in these rap reading skills) Nevertheless, Artem’s ardent performance gradually made the people move away from delight to Yarmak and raised and interest in the fight and the public and the jury.
From the outside, of course, it is difficult to understand how to evaluate David against Goliath.
Something like "Handsome, that went out!"
Yes, not to the end. because Artem missed the 3rd round altogether. Didn't get to him at all.
Because. "Gentleman" formally - as a matter of fact - no one knows there.
Yarmak fainted. Yarmak was put in order and he left.
Artem didn't come out.
They wanted shows and spectacles, but
It turned out somehow not for show.
The two participants in the battle seem to have agreed on a common opinion for each honest to himself.
In general, both adult men looked at the situation and what are the minuses in it and not the pluses.
They did not chase after a naive victory.
The moral of this rap fight is this:

"Battle is messy, it's an experience that's far more bad than good."


The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

It does not matter whether you are connoisseurs and true fans of the rap and hip-hop industry, echoing the tongue-twisting recitative of your idols for hours, or just passers-by who decided to get to the end of a somewhat protracted conflict between the two favorites of the given directions in Ukraine, but not notice the difference between Artyom Loik and YARMAK was simply impossible.

Pure, daring, topical rap from the first and pop productions from the second, represented by a good dozen artists invited to help, including choral singing, hyperlinks to the field of cultivated patriotism, as well as staged, as it seemed to us, fainting spells, allegedly from an overabundance of feelings, spoke for themselves myself.

As a result, the scandal that broke out in February of this year remained hanging in the air due to the fact that Artyom Loik, throwing the phrase “Will there be a striptease in the third act?” after the next "blockage to the ground" Alexander YARMAK'a simply refused to continue to take part in a visual farce. Those present remained to rake own emotions under solo concert YARMAK, trying to figure out whether what he saw was a clearly orchestrated production of the participants and organizers, or a well-thought-out move by Alexander, which allows him to avoid the answer of the battle panel of judges.

We do not judge anyone, but simple observation from the outside is enough to form an opinion about both performers. And you know what is most important - there is real hip-hop in Ukraine! Not a parody, not a citation of Western analogues, but a frank improvisation coming from the depth of awareness of the pressing problems of our society. All the best!

But there will be no battle

Yesterday, a large interview with Yarmak appeared on the rap.ua website. The article also touched upon Artyom Loik:

What did Tom go wrong, do you think? He's a great MC.
The problem is his psychology. I can tell him this openly - from the outside, you can see it better. Moreover, I will not show off - but I have trodden the road wider than he did, and I have made more mistakes, and in many ways I understand better. Everyone: athletes, businessmen, musicians - everything is in our head. That's when he decides certain things for himself, when he works more on himself, demands more from himself, when he moves from Poltava to Kyiv - this is the first thing! I was very surprised when he earned 300,000 hryvnias on Ukraine Got Talent, an unrealistic wave went through him, and he just bought an apartment, instead of investing in himself, and then buy 10 apartments, buy Poltava! This is, in my opinion, the wrong approach. If he had invested in himself, I am sure that everything would have turned out much better for him. But for some reason, he chose this path, the most primitive, here is the comfort zone, it suits me.

Yarmak did not hesitate to answer, and an hour later, an answer to Artyom was posted on his Instagram:

And Loic, in response, simply challenged Yarmak to a battle.

This morning it turned out that the conflict had exhausted itself, the rappers managed to come to a mutual understanding in telephone conversation. Here's what about it told Yarmak:

They call us shorter and say “what the fuck they will cut everyone”, and my psyche can’t stand such things, I take the number and call Artem (Loik) to ask who will “cut” us there, but it turns out to be a very normal adult conversation . In short, some Internet clowns gathered to cut us, and the conflict that occurred is the result of black tongues and misunderstanding of some things. A lot has been said, because from now on, we live in different worlds and do not intersect. The herd craves blood and battle, but there would be no battle under any circumstances, since the organizers of the battle are my former business partners, who did not treat me very well. That's why I don't play other people's games, I create my own and this year I'm going to make an interesting hip-hop project! In our country, whatever you do, everything is bad: music, sports, dancing, cinema, politics, business. Let's not divide, but build! If you have not understood yet, there is nothing to share yet, everything is destroyed! And if you fight for these crumbs, then you are not people, but animals! Creative people are always welcome and always lend a helping hand! Peace and goodness to all!

Recently, Ukraine has its own battle ground, RapSoxBattle. In the issue that just came out, Artyom Loik battled against Gigi.
Giga, in turn, was part of the Stolny Grad association, whose leader was Yarmak. Capital City fell apart an hour before the start of this battle.
By the way, the battle turned out to be very worthy, we recommend:

Yarmak vs Artem Loik - a conflict that developed rapidly and eventually flowed into a battle. Relatively recently, Kiev has its own venue for such events - Rap Sox Battle RapSoxBattle. At the same time, Yarmak decided to hold a completely autonomous battle from rap sites.

Of course, the participation of such major performers helps hip hop develop and popularize not only in their own country, but throughout the entire Russian-speaking segment.

Organization success and rounds Yarmak vs. Artem Loik

What happened during the event Yarmak vs Artem Loik? Immediately it should be noted that the organization was on top. Big hall which accommodates everyone. Scene with brick wall. But a surprise was kept on it - a huge projector, on which it was possible to display both photos and video materials. According to the regulations, the battle goes through two rounds of each participant without music and one round for a beat.

Yarmak approached the competition in a creative and quite original way. He used the site to the maximum. His performance is a mixture of rap battle and real show. Both clippings from Artyom's previous battles and cuts of his interviews were used.

Opinion of the public VKontakte RapSoxBattle

Other opinions about the battle

All this was dressed in a jokingly satirical form, which pricked the opponent with maximum accuracy. It was clear that the audience liked it. The performer managed, as they say, to shake the crowd.

Changing into a sweatshirt school teacher physical education and interactive with the audience, who temporarily became students. Yarmak's measured presentation made it possible to make out every word.

Even the judges, who were sitting on the far sofa, were satisfied with the organization of the sound for the performance. It is worth noting that Yarmak vs. Artem Loik has got a small innovation. The judges sat on sofas. Apparently, the previous concerts were long, so we decided to resort to such a measure. Despite concerns about poor hearing, everything went perfectly.

In the second round, Yarmak's friends were brought in. As an opposition to the opponent, the rapper suggested his friends who have been successful in sports career. Also invited a small academic ensemble, who performed the insulting slogan that became the unspoken motto of the evening.

meeting atmosphere

Yarmak vs. Artem Loik was expected to be a heated confrontation. And so it happened.

Artem Loik showed that rap battle is his element. Online music lovers are familiar with his tracks and can note the excellent technical performance of his works.

Artyom this time did not use the possibilities of visual accompaniment of his performance. But he took it with excellent reading and signature delivery of words. His manner is significantly different from Yarmak against Artyom Loik. The serious text, seasoned with the so-called "debriefing" also found a response in the hearts of the listeners.

It is worth noting that Yarmak vs. Artyom Loik had an active audience. A wide support group was located both with one and the other opponent. Yarmak against Artem Loik received their portion of applause and a warm welcome.

In addition, the rivals themselves treated each other with respect. There were no interruptions, provocations and other examples of inappropriate behavior at the rap battle.

After the second round, Yarmak lost consciousness. The organizers announced the end of the meeting. Artem Loik said goodbye to the audience. However, after several tens of minutes. Yarmak took the stage and read out the text of the round. Artem Loik did not continue the battle, with the wording that he was afraid for the health of Yarmak.

Among other things, it should be noted and excellent camera work. The camera moved from different angles. The spirit of the confrontation between Yarmak and Artem Loik was also conveyed. Listeners of online music are well aware of how important the operator is in a rap video. And he did a great job in the third round of Yarmak, which he read to the beat. Thanks to the dynamic change of frames, it turned out something like a concert video.
