What is the name of Pelagia's daughter. Who does Pelageya meet: the personal life of the singer

Pelageya is a popular Russian performer folk songs in modern processing, was born in cold Novosibirsk on 07/14/1986.


Its unique Creative skills The girl inherited from her mother. Svetlana Khanova showed great promise in her youth and was a fairly popular jazz singer. But, unfortunately, a serious illness prevented her from continuing her singing career, about which she was very worried.

When her daughter was born, Svetlana was overtaken by another blow of fate - she broke up with her father, and he completely disappeared from her and little Pelageya's field of vision. By the way, in the birth certificate the girl was registered as Polina.

The registry office staff did not find such a name in the official dictionary and entered it in their own way. Upon receiving the passport, the girl corrected this inaccuracy. So Pelageya is not a pseudonym.

Mom soon remarried, and Pelageya considers her stepfather, who officially adopted her, to be her own father. He brought her mother back to life, giving both of them touching care and love. And Svetlana completely switched to her daughter, who showed early musical talent and other versatile abilities.

Already at the age of three, the girl independently read fairy tales to herself. But she especially loved the evening songs before going to bed, which she sang with her mother. Instead of lullabies, Svetlana sang Russian folk songs to her child, so we can say that Pelageya absorbed her love for them with her mother's milk.

For the first time, a girl appeared on stage quite by accident. Her mother brought her with her to the opening of an exhibition of avant-garde artists, and there, noticing that the girl was humming something slowly, they asked her to sing from the stage. Pelageya really liked to feel real artist, and she now performed at every opportunity.

First steps

Her singing career actually began with kindergarten. When the girl turned eight, it became clear that she needed to seriously engage in singing, and her parents took her to music school at the conservatory. There she also very quickly became one of the best and performed at all events.

At one of the concerts, she was invited to participate in the all-Union children's vocal competition " morning Star» Dmitry Revyakin, leader of the popular Moscow Folk Singing Ensemble.

The girl's parents also liked the idea, and they sent a video application for the competition. Yuri Nikolaev personally invited them to come to record the program. Pelageya performed brilliantly and brought a prize from Moscow as best performer folk songs. At that time she was only 9 years old.

After the release of the program, she was often invited to perform at the Kremlin Palace in front of important foreign guests. The girl listened to Boris Yeltsin, and many other famous politicians.

blessings on further development The girl received creativity from the Patriarch of All Rus' himself. Soon she took part in an international program organized by a special fund at the UN.

Ensemble "Pelageya"

Frequent visits to Moscow from Novosibirsk became increasingly difficult. In addition, both the mother and the girl herself understood that she needed to learn singing from the best professionals. In Novosibirsk, vocal teachers were afraid to demand too much from a young talent, so as not to spoil unique voice with a range of 4 octaves.

The mother filled in some gaps, but she could not give her daughter a full-fledged music education. The family decides to move to Moscow, and Polina enters the Gnesinka, which she successfully completes at the age of 14.

Having successfully passed entrance exams in RATI, Polina creates her first team, named after the girl. The group successfully tours around the country and abroad. She has already recorded seven full discs and is loved by many thousands of fans of Russian music in the near and far abroad.

Pelageya herself, in addition to a successful vocal career, has proven herself as an actress and TV presenter. Her debut on the screen took place in the series "Yesenin", where the girl created a vivid and memorable image. And then she took part in the show "Two Stars", where after several episodes she became one of the leaders of the program, but for personal reasons she could not continue to participate in it.

Personal life

The personal life of a girl brought up on traditional Russian family values ​​could not be stormy by definition. Her first serious relationship was an affair with the director of "Comedy Vumen" Dmitry Efimovich. But for unknown reasons, this marriage quickly fell apart.

The second husband of the singer was the hockey player of the Russian national team Ivan Telegin, with whom the singer for a long time hid - at the time of their acquaintance, Ivan was not free. He was in a civil marriage, and the family was expecting an addition. However, already three months after the birth of the baby, Telegin leaves ex-spouse, giving rise to numerous gossip.

With Ivan Telegin

After waiting for the noise around their relationship to subside, Pelageya and Telegin register their marriage in one of the Moscow registry offices and almost immediately fly away to Honeymoon to sunny Greece. In January 2017, the couple becomes happy parents - Pelageya gave her beloved husband a daughter, Taisya.

Ivan Telegin is a Russian ice hockey player who plays for CSKA as a right winger. Husband of the singer Pelageya.

Childhood and youth

Ivan was born on February 28, 1992 in the main city of Kuzbass, the largest coal mining and metallurgical center of Russia - Novokuznetsk.

Interest in hockey was instilled in him by his father, a passionate fan of the local Metallurg. He did not miss a single match of his favorite team and from an early age took his son with him to the stadium. When the boy grew up, his parents bought him skates and enrolled him in the nursery. sports school at Metallurg.

Despite his young age, Vanya immediately showed himself as a persistent and purposeful athlete, he never gave in to difficulties and failures, stubbornly practicing the skills acquired in training on the courtyard hockey rink. These qualities helped him quickly become a leader and become the captain of the junior team.

In its composition, the young athlete has repeatedly become the winner of many prestigious tournaments, including international ones. In the spring of 2009, his team won the Russian championship among juniors, and Telegin opened the road to the Youth Hockey League.

But then he suddenly received an offer from the American agent Mark Gandler, the impresario of many eminent athletes. He offered him a contract with the Saginaw Club, one of the leading teams in the junior league. North America. 17-year-old Ivan had to pay Metallurg 800 thousand rubles as compensation, which at that time was a colossal amount. But he understood that completely different prospects were opening up before him, and, without hesitation, he took advantage of a unique chance.


After moving across the ocean, Telegin spent two successful seasons with Saginaw and even got into the team of young promising players. Residents of Saginaw were so impressed with the size of the new striker that his photo appeared on billboards with the inscription: "Have you seen the Russian bull?"

Soon, scouts from the Atlanta Thrashers playing for the NHL laid eyes on him, but for a start they decided to play it safe and “run in” him in the lower league.

Ivan successfully played the next season in the Canadian "Barry Colts" and showed excellent results. Only a few steps separated him from the coveted NHL, when Telegin was seriously injured and dropped out of the sports schedule for several months. The club decided that after a concussion, he would not return to the ice soon, and invited another player to replace Ivan.

Realizing that in major league nothing shines for him in the near future, the athlete decided to return to Russia. For some time he remained at a crossroads: in Metallurg they were still offended by him for escaping to America, he was expelled from the Russian junior team in 2010 for violating sports discipline, and his injuries still made themselves felt.

Unexpectedly, CSKA became interested in the athlete and in 2014 Telegin became the striker of this club. In February 2016, the coach of the Russian national team Oleg Znarok decided to try a new player in the Czech stage of the Eurotournament and was not mistaken: Ivan scored the winning goal and made several assists. In total, at the 2016 World Cup, he scored four goals, made two assists and again made himself talk about as a talented and promising player.

Interview with Ivan Telegin

Telegin's game was noted by the President National Federation hockey: “I don’t want to single out anyone, but Telegin struck me. He was like a workhorse, he managed everywhere, in martial arts he stung the enemy like a wasp.

Personal life of Ivan Telegin

Shortly after the 2016 World Cup, Telegin also came into the view of the gossip column - in June he secretly married the singer Pelageya. Prior to this, the lovers tried not to advertise their romance, and only relatives and friends were present at their private wedding.

The fact is that the hockey player met the singer, being in a relationship with the dancer Evgenia Nour, who in February 2016 gave birth to his baby Mark. But the appearance of the child did not hold them together, and the athlete went to his new passion, leaving ex-lover with a baby in her arms.

0 March 9, 2017, 09:30

Yesterday, March 8, guest holiday edition programs " Evening Urgant"became a singer, mentor of several seasons of the show" Voice "and" Voice. Children" - sunny Pelageya, who first appeared in public after giving birth.

At the end of January, the 30-year-old artist for the first time: the singer gave birth to her husband, 25-year-old hockey player Ivan Telegin, daughter Taisiya. The star prefers not to talk about her personal life (she doesn’t even have social media accounts!), but for the Ivan Urgant show, the artist made an exception by talking on Channel One about her everyday life as a young mother.

According to Pelageya, caring for a child is not easy for her, especially since they don’t have a nanny, but the singer is not discouraged:

I sleep badly, little, for two hours, I can practically stand up. There is no nanny, I am alone with her, we are left alone - she has colic.

The artist calls herself a lazy mother:

I lazy mother. I didn't walk until the very end. The hardest thing for me is walking for two hours with a stroller. Other mothers put it on the balcony, I don’t have a balcony, unfortunately, I would put it out and not walk,

Pelageya admitted with a laugh.

But the singer willingly deals with her daughter: she shows her black and white pictures to stimulate visual perception, sings songs. The girl is growing very intelligent: Pelageya believes that little Taisiya is ahead of her peers in development - she already holds her head and tries to speak, she manages to utter quite articulate sounds.

The star also spoke about the character of her daughter:

She is very strict. When she was still in my stomach, I saw on an ultrasound scan - she was super gloomy, I was already afraid of her and understood that I needed to treat my daughter with a little respect and be careful.

And outwardly, the girl is a copy of dad:

She is very similar to her dad, spitting image, only without a beard. When we watch hockey with her, I put on her father's uniform, only small,

Pelageya noted.

Recall that on June 16, Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin played a secret game, inviting only their closest friends to the Kutuzovsky registry office. The couple's romance before marriage lasted only a few months - for the sake of the singer, the athlete left civil wife and a small child.

Photo Images from the program "Evening Urgant"

Pelageya Khanova was born in 1986, July 14, in creative family from Novosibirsk. Her mother in the past was also a singer, acting teacher, directing and theater director. Perhaps it was she who had the most big influence on the work and life of our heroine. The girl almost did not know her father, she lived all her life with her stepfather, who raised her as his daughter, and also gave her the name Khanova.

In this article we will tell you who the singer Pelageya is. The biography, personal life of this girl is the topic of this text. We will also tell you some interesting facts about her. Let's start with the history of the name of this girl.

A little about the name Pelageya

The name Pelageya means "sea" in Greek. The Monk Pelageya is considered to be his patroness. She lived in Ustyug and was a holy fool for the sake of Christ.

Name day Pelageya (whose biography is presented in this article) celebrates October 21 - this is the birthday of Pelageya Kirillovna, her grandmother, in whose honor they named future singer. Associated with the girl's name interesting story. The employees of the registry office mistakenly considered him a derivative of Polina, so for the first 16 years she actually lived not under her own name Pelageya, whose biography is given in this article. Only after receiving the passport was this error corrected.

Some interesting facts about the singer

Pelageya's mother, Svetlana Khanova, knew the singer Yanka Diaghileva. The last couple of times she stayed with Pelageya when she was still small.

The girl practices yoga and is also a vegetarian.

The beginning of a creative career

In 1994, the girl without exams entered a special school located at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. Already in these early years was awarded as a scholarship holder of the "New Names of the Planet" and " Young talents Siberia "Pelageya. Her biography of those years is supplemented by the following important events. In 1996, the first arrangements of such songs as "Lyubo, brothers" and "Cossack" were made. Pelageya becomes the winner of the "Morning Star", is awarded the title of "Best Performer folk song in Russia".

Moving to Moscow

In 1997, the young singer participates in KVN, being a member of the Novosibirsk University team. In the same year, a performance took place in Moscow, on Red Square. She signed a contract at the invitation of Konchalovsky with a record company that specialized in alternative rock. The girl moves to Moscow with her mother, lives on different rented apartments, studies at a music school, participates in various festivals and government concerts.

First solo concerts

In 1999, Pelageya, whose biography is described in as much detail as possible in this article, terminates the contract with the aforementioned recording studio, as a crisis sets in, and it becomes difficult for this label to support artists. Together with Svetlana Khanova (mother), she gathers young virtuoso musicians, organizes a folk-rock group playing Russian songs processed in rock acoustics. In the overcrowded Central House of Arts, the first solo concert Pelagia. Then there were no less sold-out performances in a club called "Chinese Pilot Jao-Da".

Entering the institute, first album

In 2000, the singer Pelageya, whose biography is of interest to many, graduates from school as an external student and enters the pop department of the RATI Institute (that is, GITiS) at the age of 14. IN next year at the request of various figures of art and culture, the Moscow Government provides her with an apartment.

In 2003, the first album called "Pelageya" of the group of the same name was released. It includes recordings made in childhood from the time of the contract with FeeLee (which released this album), as well as a new acoustic program. Pavel Deshura takes an active part in this recording, gradually becoming the leader of the group musically.

Changes in the composition of the group

At the same time, changes were taking place in the line-up - a bass guitar appeared instead of a second acoustic one. The first solo concert is taking place at the main rock venue in Moscow, "B-2". The hype around the group was not affected even by the lack of advertising. The musicians themselves had to put up homemade posters at night. Singer Pelageya, whose biography is revealed in this text, was nominated for the title of "Discovery of the Year" by FUZZ magazine.

In 2004, the group became entirely electric, a drum set was added. More and more fatal are Deshura's arrangements, which no longer have anything to do with folk-rock. The musicians are looking for their own sound, calling the band's style art-folk. By big cities successful tours begin, immediately in thousands of halls. The group, which is already a member of the "VDOKH" association, which unites independent musicians, continues its independent existence.

Graduation from the institute, performance in London

In 2005, the singer graduated from the Institute with honors. At the same time, her performance took place in London, on Trafalgar Square. The Pelageya group from Russia is also the first of the domestic bands to give a small concert on the stage of the Albert Hall. She becomes, without having airs on Nashe Radio, one of the headliners of the Invasion.

In 2006, a cover of Yanka Diaghileva's composition "Nyurkina Song" was released, which ends the existing myth about the informality of this group. For 19 weeks this song has been in the charts of Nashe Radio.

In 2006, the group began to cooperate with the Melnitsa agency, thanks to which Pelageya reached the best concert venues capital Cities.

Album "Girls' songs"

The following year, 2007, an album called "Girls' Songs" is released, which is included in the list of sales leaders already 3 weeks after its release. This album wins an award Best Rock Album year", as well as "For the best mixing" - a professional award. He was nominated for "Best design". The song "Cossack" breaks records in the number of airs on the radio. Music criticism gives excellent reviews, adjusted for a not very wide range of compositions in style. The group was nominated for "MuzTV" as the "Discovery of the Year", and this is in the absence of broadcasts, since it still has not received a single clip.

In 2008, he received the Triumph award, given for his contribution to the culture of Russia. The group presents new program called "Siberian Drive", speaking in Ice Palace(St. Petersburg) at the stadium site.

First international festival

The following year, a live audio album is released on DVD, which becomes a bestseller. For her contribution to the field of rock and roll, Pelageya receives the Soloist of the Year award from Nashe Radio, beating Diana Arbenina and Zemfira in the voting. In July of the same year, with the support of S.A.T. and the agency "Melnitsa" the group holds the first festival in its history with the participation of stars from abroad. This festival was international concert- Together with "Pelageya" the soloists of the choir from Bulgaria called Angelite, Robert Yuldashev and Angela Manukyan are doing a program. The idea of ​​this project called "POLE-MUSIC" is an association of domestic musicians and world-famous ethno-music stars. This idea is received enthusiastically by the audience. The festival receives the status of an annual event. In April of the same year, the presentation of a single from the new album called "Tropes" took place. He became a top seller.

Biography of recent years

In 2011, the singer performed the song in the audio performance by Nikolai Borisov "The Treasured Tale". In 2012, she was a mentor in the Voice show on Channel One, participating in the company of Alexander Gradsky, Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan for three seasons.

In 2014, Pelageya was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of Ingushetia". This ends with this moment a singer named Pelageya has a biography.

Personal life

This performer had one husband, he is also the only boyfriend of the singer, which is known for certain today. We are talking about Dmitry Efimovich. In 2010, Pelageya married this director famous project comedy woman. After the wedding, the girl took his last name, but two years later she began to appear again under the name of Pelageya Khanova. After some time, she was replenished with an official divorce that Pelageya survived, a biography. Children are not included in the plans of this girl now. The singer plans to give birth as soon as she has free time as well as personal life. About the work and life of this performer, who is today one of the most famous in Russia, an autobiographical film called "Geeks" was shot.

We told you about who the singer Pelageya is. Biography, personal life, Interesting Facts about this girl were described by us as concisely as possible. If you are interested in them, we recommend that you watch the aforementioned autobiographical film. It will create a more complete picture of this talented singer with the name Pelageya. Biography, personal life (children, as we found out, are not included here) are described in more detail in it. Film director - Ilya Tsvetkov. It contains one of storylines dedicated to such a singer as Pelageya. The biography, children, husbands and other details of the personal lives of some other celebrities are also presented in this film. These are Nika Turbina, Olga Musina, Pavel Konoplev.

Pelagia - Russian singer, performing as part of the group of the same name in the genre that the musicians themselves call ethno-rock-art-folk. Today, the popularity of Pelageya has increased many times over also because within a few recent years she is the "mentor" of the show "Voice" on Channel One.

Pelageya's mother in the past jazz singer. However, due to the loss of her voice, she was forced to retrain and become a theater director. At the moment her main job- support her daughter in everything and everywhere, she acts as her producer. Surname Pelageya inherited from last husband her mother. In the birth certificate, Pelageya, by mistake, was recorded as Polina by the registry office workers. The girl corrected the unfortunate misunderstanding when she received her passport.

At the age of 4, Pelageya first appeared on stage. At 8, she entered a special school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. And, no exams. Amazed by the girl's talent, the teachers actually created a separate study place for her - she became the first student vocalist in the 25-year history of the school. In addition, two funds at once - "Young Talents of Siberia" and "New Names of the Planet" under UNESCO paid a scholarship to young Pelageya: just sing, just study!

Already at the age of 10, Pelageya glorified her native Siberia in the capital, becoming the winner in the competition of the Winners of the "Morning Star", and receiving the title " Best Performer folk song in Russia.

TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev, the famous rock musician, leader of the Kalinov Most group Dmitry Revyakin, and even director Andrei Konchalovsky expressed their undisguised admiration for the girl’s talent. The latter played a prominent role in the life of the young singer, offering her a contract with the FeeLee record company, specializing in the release alternative rock. In fact, from that moment on family council it was decided to move to Moscow, where Pelageya easily entered the music school at the Institute. Gnesins and began performing as a solo artist.

In those years, the fame of a child prodigy reached unprecedented heights. Suffice it to say that in 1998, at the personal invitation of Boris Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana Yumasheva, 12-year-old Pelageya spoke at a summit of three heads of state (B. Yeltsin, G. Kohl, J. Chirac), after which Jacques Chirac called her the new Edith Piaf . And in 1999, at the personal invitation of Mstislav Rostropovich, music festival in Evian, along with such musical titans as Evgeny Kissin, Ravi Shankar and BB King. Already at the age of 14, Pelageya graduated from school externally and entered the RATI in the pop department. And in 2005, after graduating with honors and creating a group named after herself, she began performing.

In 2009, Pelageya took part in the show "Two Stars" on Channel One, paired with Daria Moroz. And since 2012, the singer has become a permanent "mentor" in the people's show "Voice". In the first season of the program, her ward Elmira Kalimullina took second place, in the second season, Pelageya's pupil Tina Kuznetsova took fourth place. Pelageya was also a mentor on the show “Voice. Children".

Pelageya protects her personal life. It is known that the singer was married. Her marriage to the director of "Comedy Woman" Dmitry Efimovich lasted from 2010 to 2012. IN currently she meets a young man, but refuses to reveal his name.


  • Pelageya has been practicing yoga for many years.
  • Pelageya at the age of 10 became a member of KVN, speaking as part of the team of Novosibirsk University. At that time - the youngest in the history of the game.
  • Mom Pelageya's friend was Yanka Diaghileva. And Pelageya is very proud of the fact that in her infancy, the rock icon stayed with her several times instead of her mother.

1996 - Victory in the Morning Star competition in the nomination "The best performer of folk songs in Russia"

2007 - Award "Best Rock Album of the Year" in the nomination "For the Best Mixing" for the album "Girls' Songs".

2008 - Triumph Award for contribution to Russian culture.

2009 - Nashe Radio station award in the field of rock and roll "Soloist of the Year"

2014 - Title of Honored Worker of Culture of Ingushetia

2004 - Yesenin
1999 - Love!

2003 - Pelageya

2006 - Single

2007 - Girls' songs

2009 - Siberian Drive

2010 - Trails

2015 - The Cherry Orchard