House 2 moving to a new house. When is the move planned?

The dream of the haters has come true – “Dom” is moving to a new territory. The film set will be demolished and frontal place there will be a new bus stop. But that's not the end of the show. The project is waiting for some changes.

"Dom-2" will move to a new location only half. The residential complexes will not be demolished and permanent residents will feel only small changes that will help to prolong the popularity of the project, which has been in existence for more than 14 years.

Unfulfilled hopes

The haters of the project were immensely grateful to the Moscow authorities when they learned that the Salaryevo-Maryino highway would be laid right through the famous “Execution Ground”. But the joy of the haters was short-lived. It turned out that "Dom-2" is moving to a new territory, which will simply be located slightly away from the highway.

Photo: Territory “House-2”

According to the law, the owner of the land where the film set is located, the authorities of the metropolis are obliged to compensate for all losses. On this moment Doma-2 real estate is valued at $50 million. To reduce payments, it was decided to demolish only the place of execution, non-residential premises and wooden houses of the glade.

All residential cottages will remain in their places. Accordingly, the territory where Dom-2 is moving will be only a few hundred meters from the usual address.

Though new address the participants and the film crew will not have to memorize, the project is still waiting for changes. The need to relocate key buildings is a great opportunity re-modify the project, which is gradually losing popularity.

The news that the Moscow site of Doma-2 will be demolished has excited many fans of the show. Recall that the set of the TV project prevented the plans of the Moscow authorities to build road from the village of Salaryevo to Maryino. It is also planned to lay tram tracks in this area.

The old Dom-2 filming site, which is planned to be demolished

According to the law, the authorities have the right to withdraw the land from the owner for their needs, notifying him in advance and providing compensation. Haters rejoiced at the rumors that the show was ending, but their jubilation was premature.

The cost of the film pavilion, which will be demolished, is $50 million.

Within two months, another site will be allocated for Dom-2, which is located next door and adjacent to the residential buildings of the television project. Non-residential premises are now located on the site where it is planned to lay the road and tram tracks.

A place where all participants gathered for discussions

All financial losses incurred by the creators of the project will be compensated to them. In about a month, when the paperwork issues are sorted out, the move will begin.

It is interesting that the inhabitants of residential buildings will not have to move - they will not be demolished.

We'll have to move the "frontal place", a large number of scenery and recreate wooden buildings on the new "meadow". These plans are expected to be implemented by the end of the year.

The relocation of the site has already been commented on by both former and current participants in the reality show. Most of them hope that the changes will benefit the project. Many viewers believe that the move of the TV project will not solve its problems and it is time to close the show. However, fans of "House-2" are glad that nothing threatens their favorite TV show.

Photos of the new glade of the telestroy Dom 2 have already spread around everyone social media and groups dedicated to the TV project. The new address where the participants of the show will live has ceased to be a secret. Now, instead of the territory near the village of Leshkovo, Istra district, the participants moved to a cottage village called Letova Roshcha (Antonovka 2), which is located on Kaluga highway 8 km, and 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The total territory of the village is 60 hectares, and there are 151 households on the territory.

The village is surrounded by a natural forest park, and the size of the land allotments of the village varies from 15 to 125 acres. In the immediate vicinity are a first-aid post, and a pharmacy, and a cinema, and a bar, and restaurants, and shops. The village is under round-the-clock surveillance, so we can say that, in addition to comfort, there are all the conditions for the heroes, and now they can easily go on dates wherever they want.

Now the road between the City and the Glade has been significantly reduced in time. Instead of the previous 46 kilometers, now the two film sets are separated by only 25 kilometers along the Kaluga highway. However, city apartments are also expected to be updated soon.

The photo of the new apartments made a big stir on the Internet for viewers, as well as for the participants, and in the next broadcasts we will see the heroes already in the new apartments. What will happen to the old territory of the show is still unknown. The construction of the new territory according to the template of the old one was carried out in secret from everyone, and only when the territory was ready, the message about the construction got on the Internet, however, only objects under construction were shown in the photo. In real time, the participants are already living with might and main in the new VIPs and in the new clearing, but as long as they have enough to take care of the new home and keep order in it, we will watch the broadcasts. The spectators of the show, all as one, are sure that the participants will not be able to keep the order for a long time. Watching how domovtsy in their flirtations, drunken brawls, fights did not spare the Polyana property, it is hard to believe now that they will be able to preserve the original ideal state of things. Fans of the project suggest that the organizers introduce fines for damage to the house's property.

However, the innovations do not end there. Soon all viewers of House 2 will see a completely different picture on their TVs. The point is that the new set equipped according to last word technology. Keeping up with the times, the project is moving to broadcasting in HD quality. From now on, all the characters of House 2 can be considered with an accuracy of "up to one pimple."

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Moving is a big, serious business. Especially when we are talking about the relocation of all participants of "House-2" at once. Yes, yes, very soon on the air we will see the heroes of reality in new houses, on the new Lobny and in brand new city apartments.

It's just that I'm thinking about something else. As far as I understand, this is a “gift” for the 10th anniversary of the show: they decided to celebrate a birthday in a new place. And there is a feeling that they have moved, because it is easier to change their place of residence than to remove all the rubbish in the former monastery, which was filthy by the participants. I almost wrote "resident evil", because in Lately love does not smell here, but malice, swearing and intrigues have become the cornerstone.

Rustam Solntsev - about moving: “Farewell, unwashed village ...))”

In addition, two more questions are spinning in my head. Firstly, before, if anyone remembers, the participants in the reality show really built houses in which they were supposed to live happy couples who found each other on the project. They worked as hard as they could, but they plowed on reality TV for real. And now?.. Hike "to the construction site" has long lost its original meaning. So, wave brooms, wiggle around with a rag for the sake of appearance. And there’s nothing to say about the incredible mess both in the city and in the Polyana - every day on the air they show what’s going on in the kitchens, stained mirrors, reflected in which girls with duck lips take selfies.

Oh, lips! Another girl pumped up her lips, though not very hefty ones. Who now with "new" lips? Tanechka Kirilyuk. Probably, she decided to console herself like that, because now she is all “out of her mind” because of the “betrayal” of her young boyfriend Ilyusha(he told the whole world that Kirilyuk gave herself to him on the very first evening, and then agreed to play Tanya's "inaccessibility").

As usual, “new” lips need to be walked on social networks - and Tanechka posted a photo with a meaningful caption: “Nipples”. As they say, we were silent - she herself voiced ...

Let's go back to our sheep, that is, to the move. So, the first question: maybe the orgs should not provide new houses to the participants, but make the parasites work? And then they will soon be attacked by obesity of the third degree. Here Rustam, for example, does not buy new shirts, but the old, familiar colorful one already fits all three of his belly.

By the way, I don’t know what kind of love Ilya has with Kirilyuk: he is only with Rusya and takes pictures everywhere and everywhere, but with such tenderness ... Maybe they will soon announce themselves as a couple? And what, this has never happened before, and the scriptwriters have repeatedly proved that they are much more than enough. And "suicide" can be written in the script, and a rumor can be started about Irsanna's romance with Samsonov ...

Diana Ignatyuk, again, although she undertook to lose weight, so far the results are not very good: she was very heard in all places.

Then the second question: how long will it take for boys and girls to turn a new home into a pigsty? I give a maximum of a month - and again we will see food interspersed with boots and bras.

And in general, I don’t understand why it was necessary to relocate hamsters? It would be better if the orgies thought about the fact that originally conceived as a reality show "Dom-2" gradually became for the most part a burdensome and sluggishly flowing series with rare bursts of some strange events that are presented to us as something "hoo, wow ".

An example is the chewing on of the topic of Olga Vasilievna's relationship with Svetlana Mikhailovna (it is not clear why two aunts are needed on a project on how to build love for young people) and Olga Vasilyevna with her unlucky son Sasha. Tired of everyone! Almost in unison, viewers on the forums are already downright shouting: “Home! Got it! Boring!" But no, the scriptwriters do not hear and squeeze everything they can out of this story to the last.

Now they’ve come up with: a wedding at Dom-2 OV with her husband Robert ... Do we need it?

And finally - I want to congratulate everyone on the past bright holiday! Happiness to you dear readers, peace in your families and love! Alas, only Pynzari remembered Easter at Dom-2: Sergey went to the temple and congratulated the audience ...

Sincerely yours, Natusya Zebberg

Recently it became known that the site where the shooting of the reality show "DOM-2" is going to be demolished. In its place will appear new track, and where heated disputes about relationships used to take place, on the so-called frontal place, a bus stop will be located. Vladimir Zhidkin, the head of the capital's department for the development of new territories, hastened to reassure all the fans of the long-running show and announced that the owners of the land would be able to reinstall the site in another place, and therefore the audience would not be left without their favorite program.

“The owner of the objects and the land plot is fully compensated for the loss of part of the land plot, and in the same place, on the other side of the remaining plot. The decision has been agreed with the owner,” the department said.

The reality show "DOM-2" began in 2004. Then the meaning of the program was that single young people are trying to find love and start a family, and at the same time they are building a mansion together, which was supposed to be the main prize for the winning couple. However, the project was delayed - other conditions appeared, additional competitions for participants, as well as the opportunity to live big family and raise children under the guns of television cameras. So, already several people received city apartments as a gift, becoming the winners of the “Person of the Year”, and arranged marriages, winning the “Million Dollar Wedding”. Also, "DOMA-2" has a site in the Seychelles. For current members it is not at all necessary to hold building materials in your hands, but only with interest for the audience to talk about your mental throwing in search true love.

“At the very beginning, no one could have imagined that it would exist for so long. "DOM-2" has become an integral part of my life, influenced my life in some way. Therefore, the most highlights The project for me personally was the people with whom I met at "DOM-2" and are still friends! These are my favorite girlfriends! - said the permanent host Ksenia Borodina.

Now young people and girls are building their love on the territory of New Moscow. Very soon there will be a Maryino-Salaryevo road. According to Moscow City News Agency, construction is focused on the period of 2018-2021.