Proper exercise: what exercises can and should be done in the morning. When is the best time to exercise? How to do exercises correctly and when: practical exercises, advice and recommendations from experts

So the day has come when you decided: “Today I’m starting to do morning exercises!” Where to begin? “” will help you figure out what morning exercises are, how to do them correctly so that they are as effective and beneficial for us as possible. And, of course, he will offer a complex of morning exercises.

Morning physical exercise improves the general condition of the body: improves blood circulation, which means it supplies oxygen to all organs, normalizes metabolism, increases muscle tone and elasticity. When moving, adrenaline is burned - one of the culprits in increasing blood pressure and the hormone endorphin is produced - the hormone of pleasure and joy.

What is morning exercise?

These are general developmental exercises that can be done both at home and on the street: walking, using apparatus, running on the street. It has now become very popular to practice oriental practices such as qigong and yoga on your own instead of regular exercise.

If every morning you run to a pond, to the forest, or just to the stadium to do exercises, then there can be a double benefit: you not only gain vigor, but also harden the body. If you decide to go for a run along the highway, then I think there will be no benefit from such “health improvement”. It's all the fault of car exhaust fumes.

You need to understand that morning exercises are not a workout and not a way to build muscles or get rid of extra pounds. The morning exercise complex is aimed at preparing the body for an active working day. Such exercises are done with pleasure, without undue stress. The principle of “leaving the table with the feeling: I would like to eat another piece” also applies to morning exercises. Yes, yes, I have not completely spent my physical strength, but I am ready to continue moving, warming up, and acting.

How long should you do morning exercises?

The time of morning exercises should not exceed more than fifty minutes. Even if it seems to you that you could still exercise longer, check your pulse, it should be around 120-140 beats per minute.

Get ready to exercise!

  1. As soon as you wake up, without getting out of bed properly, stretch, turn over in bed, stretch properly again and now just get up.
  2. Turn on some fun music, go to the kitchen and drink a glass of water. Return to your room and start your morning exercises.

A set of morning exercises

  • Breathing is voluntary.
  • Duration no more than 20 minutes. For beginners: from 5-7 minutes and then gradually increase to 20 minutes.
  • The number of repetitions is from 6-12 times in each direction, if, of course, the exercises are symmetrical.


  1. Starting position: stand with your hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your head slowly, first to the right, then to the left, forward and, if you can, back. At the same time, do not close your eyes.
  2. Starting position: Place your arms along your body, place your heels together and toes apart. We stretch, raising our arms up, and stand on our toes. In this position you need to make a short delay
  3. Starting position, as in the first exercise. We bend the body to the left and right every two counts. Tilt to the right: one and two. Tilt to the left: three and four. A few days after the start of classes, you can strengthen this exercise by raising your arms, while tilting to the right, lift and stretch with your left hand and vice versa.
  4. Twisting exercise at the waist. Starting position: take your hands in front of your chest, so to speak, “lock”, with your elbows at shoulder level, and place your legs wide. Alternately counting: perform the exercise once or twice in different directions. To increase the amplitude, you can straighten your arms, clench your fists, and place them parallel to the mat on which you are standing.
  5. Sit on the mat: bend to the right leg, in the middle, to the left leg, alternately on a count; right, two - in the middle, three - left, four - straighten up. If it is difficult to bend over, there is not enough stretching, then bend down as low as you can. Every day the stretch will get better and this exercise will be performed more accurately.
  6. We perform a complex exercise to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Starting position: stand with your arms along your body and place your feet shoulder-width apart. For four counts: Raise your arms up, bending slightly back, two, bend forward, trying to touch the floor with both hands, three, squat on both feet and try to keep your back straight, four, return to the starting position.
  7. Abs exercise. We lie on our backs on the mat. Place your hands behind your head, and bend your knees and rest them on the floor. Raise and lower the torso (butt :)) from the floor.
  8. Push-ups from the floor. Each time, increase the number of push-ups by one more.
  9. Restoring breathing. Get into the starting position: inhale - slowly raise your arms, exhale - slowly lower them.

The whole set of morning exercises has been completed: you are not tired, but at the same time you are energized. Now water procedures. Don't forget about the contrast shower. Then a full breakfast. And now you are ready for all the solutions to the tasks of the new day.

We are all different: some people smile about morning exercises because they regularly work out in the gym, run or play sports. But there are people who, due to their physical illness, cannot simply get out of bed without first warming up. And they succeed with strength and courage. There are those who cannot imagine their day without a morning exercise routine. But there are also a large number of simply lazy people who feel sorry for themselves and make excuses for themselves. Choose who you are and who you are with. Be healthy and happy!

The content of the article:

Few people do morning exercises, and the main reason for this lies in simple laziness. It is very easy for each of us to find a huge number of excuses not to do a few simple exercises after waking up. However, developing the habit of morning exercises is quite simple, and now you will find out what benefits morning exercises can bring to the body. Perhaps after reading this article you will find the strength to start every day with exercise.

What are the benefits of morning exercises?

During sleep, blood flow slows down, the heart contracts more slowly, and the blood becomes thicker. During sleep, all systems of the body, including the nervous system, rest. Immediately after waking up, the body continues to work in slow motion, which leads to a decrease in mental and physical activity.

The body can restore normal functioning on its own in about three hours. This is precisely the main reason that a person on the way to work (study) can continue, as people say, “nodding off.” If you wake up and do morning exercises, the duration of which can be a maximum of a quarter of an hour, the sleepy state quickly disappears. It should also be noted that physical exercises performed in the morning normalize the water-salt balance of the body. People often underestimate this fact, not realizing how important this indicator is for the normal functioning of the body.

If you exercise regularly, at least 5 days a week, you will very quickly find that your tone has increased. Under the influence of simple exercises, the aging process slows down and metabolic reactions are normalized. The latter fact suggests that exercise can prevent obesity. In addition, the immune system works more actively, and thanks to regular morning exercises, you will be less susceptible to colds. Let's highlight six important reasons that eloquently demonstrate the benefits of morning exercises:

  1. The heart muscle is unloaded. To prolong a person’s life, it is necessary to take good care of the heart and brain. Thanks to morning exercises, you train your heart. As we have already said, after sleep the body needs a lot of time to normalize its functioning. This fully applies to muscles. Thanks to morning exercises, you can activate all the muscles of the body in a short time. Today, diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system are a very serious problem for humanity. Their development is largely promoted by poor nutrition, sedentary work and a passive lifestyle; in addition, many people do not monitor the condition of their body. By doing exercises in the morning, you will increase the concentration of oxygen in the blood, and, therefore, ensure the quality functioning of all organs.
  2. Energize for the whole day. When the body awakens from sleep, it begins to create reserves of energy and strength for the entire coming day. If you don't help him create sufficient energy reserves, you will feel overwhelmed all day.
  3. Nutrition of internal organs. To slow down the aging process of organs, they need to be provided with high-quality nutrition. This applies not only to nutrients, but also to oxygen. By doing exercises in the morning, you can achieve this.
  4. Nutrition of blood vessels. A significant benefit of morning exercises is the ability to saturate the cellular structures of the body with oxygen. Thanks to blood, complete nutrition of all tissues is ensured, which increases the efficiency of all systems and organs. To do this, the capillaries must be elastic and have high permeability. Morning exercises help improve the condition of blood vessels and this will immediately affect the functioning of the entire vascular system.
  5. Blood thinning. It is enough to exercise for a quarter of an hour so that the blood becomes liquid. This is necessary to increase blood flow and reduce the load on the heart muscle. If the blood is thick, the risk of developing diseases such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis increases.
  6. Increased brain activity. The higher the oxygen concentration in the blood, the more active the brain is. This has a positive effect on a person’s attentiveness and concentration. To saturate the blood with oxygen as much as possible, it is advisable to do morning exercises in the fresh air. By doing a little physical activity in the morning, you will save yourself from the blues for the whole day.
  7. Rules for doing morning exercises. If you, having learned about the benefits of morning exercises, decide to do them, then do not perform heavy movements after waking up. The body is not yet active in the morning and strong physical activity can harm you. Morning exercises have only one goal - to normalize the functioning of all systems and organs in a short time. To improve your physical fitness, you need to do a full workout. Most fitness experts agree that preparation for morning exercises must begin in the evening. To do this, it is enough to program the brain.

Just imagine how you wake up in the morning and the sun is shining through the window. You will wash your face while listening to your favorite musical compositions and perform a set of simple movements that will charge you with energy for the whole coming day. Also, to enjoy exercise, you should follow the correct daily routine. Try to go to bed no later than 10 p.m., and preferably get up between six and seven o’clock in the morning. Once you get used to this regimen, you will ensure yourself a restful and deep sleep. It is in this case that the body can rest well. Here are a few rules for doing morning exercises, the benefits of which will be invaluable:

  • Before starting a set of movements, you should slowly stretch while remaining in bed.
  • To quickly get rid of night numbness, you should wash your face with cool or even cold water.
  • Exercise should not be done on an empty stomach, as the sugar concentration may then drop sharply. You must also remember that charging requires energy, which can only be obtained from food.
  • Your set of morning exercises should include exercises aimed at developing flexibility, mobility and improving the functioning of the respiratory system.
Once again, it should be recalled that morning exercises are necessary solely to activate all body systems, but in no case to increase strength or endurance parameters.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Start your gymnastics with a short but high-quality warm-up. This will increase blood flow to the muscles and prepare them for further work. As a warm-up, you should perform rotational movements in which all large joints of the body work.

Start working on the neck, then move on to the hands, elbows, and then the shoulder joints. The last ones to stretch are the pelvis and leg joints. After this, it is useful to run in place at a slow pace for a couple of minutes. But the transition to running should be done only after walking.

After this, you need to perform stretching movements. There are a lot of such exercises and you probably remember them from school physical education classes. After this preparatory work has been completed, you can proceed to the main set of exercises.

  • 1st exercise. Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. Rise up on your toes and begin to stretch your arms upward, thereby stretching the spinal column. Do ten repetitions.
  • 2nd exercise. The starting position is similar to the previous movement. Start bending forward, trying to reach your fingers to the ground. Perform at least ten repetitions.
  • 3rd exercise. Having taken a starting position while standing, placing your legs at the level of your shoulder joints, begin to do squats. It is enough to do ten repetitions.
  • 4th exercise. Get into a plank position and perform three to four repetitions. Now you only need to move your body, and not pump up your muscles.
  • Exercise 5 Walk around the room on your heels, then on your toes, as well as on the inside and outside of your feet.
As you can see, all the exercises are extremely simple and do not require a certain level of training from you. If you do gymnastics regularly, you will feel the results very quickly.

More about the benefits of morning exercises in this video:

  • Morning exercise helps the body wakes up faster, invigorate the mind and provide physical tone for the muscles.
  • Regular exercise promotes weight loss.
  • Properly selected exercise complexes improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.
  • Morning exercises are sometimes the only physical activity, so it cannot be neglected.

Here are 4 reasons why you should include morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main condition is consistency! We have prepared a special set of exercises that takes only 15–20 minutes.

Rules for building morning exercises

Calm exercises are suitable for morning training. The complex should be composed without including heavy loads on the body. The body is relaxed after sleep, the main task is stretch your muscles, improve blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen and vigor. In addition, strength training in the morning is undesirable; the functioning of the cardiovascular system suffers.

The set of exercises for morning exercises includes:

  1. Warm-up. Any physical complex should begin with a warm-up. This prevents sprains, improves tone, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ligaments become more flexible. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes.
  2. Basic exercises. The rest of the charging complex takes 10–15 minutes. The exercises are higher intensity and work different muscle groups.

Before you start charging, it’s okay to drink a glass of water, and don’t forget to breathe calmly and deeply. Now in detail on each point.


Warm-up exercises are based on rotation, bending and bending. They are aimed at restoring the functioning of the joints of the body.

1. Bend back and forth, turn left and right.

  1. Slowly rotate your head clockwise and back.

Arms and shoulders

  • Rotate your shoulders. First the left shoulder, then the right, then at the same time.
  • Swing your arms. Make up and down movements. Then left hand down, right hand up and try the other way around.
  • Hands at chest level, elbows bent. Pull them back, then to the sides.
  • Swing your arms in front of your chest - right and left.
  • Rotate your hands in different directions.


  1. Hands on the belt. Bend first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  2. Rotate the pelvis clockwise and vice versa.
  1. Bend and straighten your knees. Raise your right leg, then your left.
  2. Rotation of the ankle in different directions.

Do not forget that any physical activity must be accompanied by proper and healthy nutrition. For example, knowing about it, perhaps it will become an integral part of your diet. Well, if you want to lose extra pounds, then you need to know about another product.

Basic exercises

After a calm and restorative warm-up, move on to the main part. Start picking up the pace. It's good to start the basic complex from walking in place. Raise your knees high, breathe regularly, walk intensely.

Let's move on to the main part of charging. Perform approaches 8–13 times.

We begin to bend forward, while trying to reach the floor with our hands. It’s not possible to bend over completely the first time, but with constant training, the exercise is quite easy to perform. The dynamics are average, the movements are smooth, they leaned over, paused a little, and stood up.

Exercise 2

Swing your legs. Make movements with straight legs forward and backward, left and right. Engage your left leg first, then your right leg.

Exercise 3

Lie down on the mat, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Start doing abdominal exercises. First lift your torso at a slight angle, then lift your knees.

Exercise 4

Continue to sit, straighten your legs, restore your breathing a little and begin to bend forward. Try to reach your fingertips with your hands; if possible, touch your chest to your knees.

Exercise 5

Stand in the starting position, hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Start squatting with your arms extended forward. Try to make deep movements, feel the tension in your legs.

Exercise 6

Get on your knees with your hands on the mat. Start doing push-ups. The amplitude is average, the back does not bend. If physical fitness allows, then do push-ups with a straight body.

Avoid basic mistakes when performing and completing exercises. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • The basis of any physical activity is regularity. This also applies to morning exercises. It's best to exercise in the morning 4–5 times a week. In this case, a beneficial effect on the body is ensured.
  • If you feel the load is too much for you, reduce the number of repetitions. And vice versa. At the same time, do not try to include as much load as possible in charging. In this case, you can get very tired, and the purpose of exercise is to gain performance for the day, and not to lose strength.
  • After charging is complete, check your pulse. He shouldn't exceed 120 beats per minute. If more, you should reduce the load.

You can complete the set of exercises for morning exercises contrast shower. It is not forbidden to drink water and have breakfast. It is advisable to include omelet or porridge in the menu.

A set of exercises for morning exercises on video

We have selected for you a video clip with a set of exercises that will help you get a general impression of how morning exercises should go and show an example to follow.

Thus, provided that the complex is properly composed, exercise is considered a good way to increase performance and restore strength after sleep. , but the effect lasts all day. If you are short of time, you can limit yourself to warming up, but it is advisable to spend time on the main part.

How do you structure your morning? Does it have time for exercise? Here are two questions for discussion in this issue and we will also be grateful for likes, shares and other recommendations.

However, when choosing exercises, you must remember that exercise is not an ordinary workout.

Morning exercises are a warm-up before the working day. It helps the circulatory system adjust to daily activity and improves the supply of oxygen to muscles, brain, internal organs and tissues. After sleep, blood circulation throughout the body is reduced, the lungs are narrowed, and the nervous system is inhibited. You cannot give yourself a serious load, such as running or strength exercises, immediately after waking up - the body cannot cope with it, there is a high risk of injury or even disrupting the balance of various systems. But after morning exercises, you can either go to the gym or go to work.

Thus, the purpose of morning exercise is to gradually improve blood circulation throughout the body. This will speed up your metabolism. And even if you sit in the office all day after exercise, at least in the first half of the day your body will not accumulate calories, but burn them. That's what you need to lose weight!

When and how?

It is best, of course, to do exercises every day. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough, but if desired, you can increase the duration to half an hour. If you can’t do it every day, do it as often as you can, it will still be more useful than not doing anything at all.

You need to do exercises BEFORE breakfast. But you should definitely drink water before exercise, at least a glass. After all, you didn’t drink at least 8 hours of sleep, some amount of water was excreted in your urine and sweat. Once the fluid is gone, it means the blood has become thicker and increasing its circulation in such an “undiluted” form is overloading the heart. So, you need water, and if you are hungry, juice. Those who cannot live without coffee or tea can also drink these drinks. But a standard cup of coffee (50 ml) will not dilute the blood, so supplement it with another liquid.

Now let's look at the intensity of movements. Remember a simple rule: the colder the weather, the less active you should start. That is, if in the summer you can do exercises with a pulse of 90–100 beats per minute, and by the end of the workout you can raise the pulse to 110, then in the winter start with 85–90.

Subtleties of choice

It is necessary to start with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase the load. The difference from a full workout is that after exercise you should never feel tired. If this happens, then shorten your morning warm-up or make it slower. At the same time, morning exercises are not relaxation or stretching. During class, you should feel that your heart has begun to beat faster and your breathing has become faster. After morning exercises, you should definitely feel a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness. If, after charging, you are going to go to the gym or, for example, ride a bike, the charging should be longer and end at a higher heart rate than usual.

Another important point is breathing. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, not only with your full chest, but also with your stomach. This will open up the lungs that have collapsed overnight and increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood. In turn, increasing the amount of oxygen and improving blood circulation will speed up metabolism and increase the amount of fat burned during movement.


Now let's see what exercises are useful to include in morning exercises and how to perform them correctly.

It is best to start by stretching your arms up, turning your head, and twisting your arms to develop your joints. When you reach up and twist your head, do not throw it back under any circumstances (do not lower the back of your head onto your back). It is better to first bend your arms and legs slightly at the joints, without tension, and then begin to rotate them at a moderate pace.

Use complex exercises, that is, those that involve all the muscles of your body. For example, walking in place or around the yard. Don't forget to move your arms while doing it and don't slouch.

Great exercises to exercise are squats and lunges. You should not go down too low, so that the angle at the knee joint is straight or obtuse. Never bend your knees when doing squats.

Another complex exercise is push-ups. Few people can do push-ups on their toes, as they require decent physical fitness. Feel free to simplify this exercise. The easiest option is to do push-ups with your hands on the wall. The farther your legs are moved from the wall, the more difficult it is. Slightly higher load - knees on the floor, hands on a chair or sofa. Even more difficult - feet (toes, not knees) on the floor, hands on the sofa. Finally, the “female” version – knees and hands on the floor. When you can do 20 push-ups like this, lean on your hands and toes.

Exercises can be done with dumbbells and other weights. In this case, choose exercises that again use as many muscles as possible. That is, don’t just bend and straighten your arms, but do bends in different directions, squats, lift dumbbells from the floor, etc. with weights. But abdominal exercises (crunches, leg lifts) are not suitable for morning exercises - they involve too few muscles, they do not increase the flow of oxygen and blood circulation. It is better to leave them for the evening.

Finally, another option is to exercise with a device that, willy-nilly, involves the whole body. For example, a short bike ride, spinning a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop), stretching an expander, and so on.

In general, as you can see, morning exercises are very simple and at the same time very effective!

Morning exercise is a healthy habit that allows you to keep your entire body in good shape, improve your health and take care of your figure. After its implementation, general well-being improves, attentiveness increases, internal organs and systems are enriched with oxygen. The health procedure will bring maximum benefit if it is performed on a regular basis. Let's look at how to do exercises correctly and what exercises you should use for this.

After waking up, the human body remains in a state of sleep for some time: the lungs are constricted, the nervous system is inhibited, and blood circulation is reduced. Therefore, it is not recommended to give yourself a serious load in the morning. Long distance running and strength exercises will be a real test for the body. You risk getting injured or causing an imbalance in your internal systems.

But exercise is a universal and useful option for morning activity. A set of simple but effective exercises will tone your muscles, improve oxygen saturation of the brain and internal organs, and speed up metabolic processes. Even if after this you have to sit all day in the office, then at least in the first half of the day calories will not accumulate, but will be burned, which is necessary.

Photo: How to do exercises in the morning correctly

Charging has fundamental differences from other types of loads. Its goal is to fill you with energy for the whole day. Strength training and cardio exercises exhaust the body, after which the only desire is a well-deserved rest. Charging is a set of warm-up exercises for joints and muscles.

Unconditional advantages:

  • allows you to cheer up in the morning;
  • saturates with energy and positive emotions;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increasing physical endurance;
  • takes little time, unlike other types of physical activity.

When and how to exercise - make a schedule

Morning exercises are perhaps the most popular way to exercise at home, but some people still don’t know how to do exercises correctly. You should definitely start doing it in the morning. This way you will set your body up for the upcoming work regime and get a boost of energy for the whole day.

In the evening, almost all a person’s strength is already running out, so doing a set of exercises will not bring the desired vigor, but, on the contrary, will take away the last energy. However, if you want to not only improve your health, but also lose weight, then supplementing your exercises with evening exercises is a great idea.

Charging time may vary. Beginners are recommended to practice for 10 minutes; gradually the duration can be increased to half an hour. The basis of morning exercises is their regularity. You should exercise every day, but don’t be upset if for some reason you had to postpone exercise. By doing exercises 5 days a week, you will already achieve noticeable results, strengthen your body and improve your well-being.

Photo: How to do exercises in the morning correctly
  1. Exercises should be done before breakfast. However, be sure to drink a glass of water before doing this. If you feel a pang of hunger, you can pour a glass of juice or tea. The blood is in a thickened state after the night. If you start charging right away, you will overload your heart;
  2. start the exercises with the easiest ones, gradually moving on to more complex ones;
  3. choose the optimal set of loads that do not take away strength, but rather add vigor. Or shorten the charging time;
  4. breathe correctly - inhalation should be carried out not only from the chest, but also from the stomach;
  5. during activity, think about pleasant things - this will make the exercise more effective, because training “through force” does not lead to the desired result;
  6. start training with a pulse of 90 beats, gradually raising it to 110 beats.

Advice: Plan your time in advance so you can do what you planned without rushing. There should be at least an hour between your awakening and going to work. After finishing charging, take a shower, preferably a contrast shower. This way you will relieve tension from your muscles and get an additional boost of strength. It is recommended to have breakfast half an hour after completing exercises.

Personal motivation

Exercise seems like a fairly simple form of physical activity, but most people don’t find time for it. It is very difficult to give up an extra hour of sleep. Therefore, first of all, you need to change your attitude towards morning activity and understand that you are doing this for your health and maintaining your figure.

Understand that exercise is an investment in your happy future. How much effort you invest, you can count on such a volume of dividends. Before training, light a fragrant candle, drink a cup of delicious tea and turn on rhythmic music. Then the training process will seem really pleasant to you.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of music. She motivates and doesn't let you stop. If the set of exercises involves fast movements, then choose melodies with a tempo of about 150 beats per minute. If the workout is more relaxing and smooth, then slow compositions are suitable. It is important that the breathing is coordinated with the movements and rhythm of the music.

Compiling a set of exercises

Choosing the right exercises is not difficult. If the exercise lasts 15 minutes, then the first 5 should be spent on warming up. Next, start exercising to strengthen muscle tone. You should start your warm-up by walking around the room. At the same time, the abdominal muscles should be tense. Supplement your walking with arm movements. The ideal end to the warm-up is jogging in place or jumping jacks. More dynamic exercises follow.

Photo: Morning exercises: a set of exercises

For the neck:

  • tilting the head to the right and left;
  • forward and backward movements;
  • slow circular rotations.

For hands:

For the body:

For legs:

Additional loads

If the standard program seems too simple to you, then you can supplement its complex with the following exercises:

  1. leg lunges;
  2. push-ups - the easiest way is to lean on the wall in a standing position, then you can do push-ups from the bench, then from the floor on your toes;
  3. bending in different directions with dumbbells;
  4. abdominal exercises - crunches, leg lifts, rotation of a gymnastic hoop;
  5. exercises with an expander;
  6. deflections for the legs - we bring one leg forward and bend it, the other remains straight, resting on the toe;
  7. back deflection - we lower ourselves to our knees, rest our palms on the floor, make deflections;
  8. holding the plank position;
  9. perpendicular movements - lie on the floor, at the same time raise straight arms and legs;
  10. lunges with bends.

What effect can you expect?

The effect of regular use of a set of exercises will not take long to appear. In just a couple of days you will begin to wake up easier, and your body will begin to work much faster. Morning exercises help activate the auditory and visual organs, normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, eliminate lethargy, and mobilize the nervous system.

Morning exercise leads to improved blood flow, as a result of which the brain and other organs are better saturated with oxygen. The heart muscle is also strengthened. Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on the health of organs, joints, muscles, and activates restoration and regenerative processes.

Morning activity prepares the body for the upcoming load and activates mental activity. Therefore, the working day will be more productive. Exercise also allows you to lose weight by losing fat mass.

Key mistakes when charging

  • emphasis on only one muscle group - exercise is aimed at activating all muscle groups, concentrating on only one of them completely contradicts the concept of morning exercises. Many argue that they do not have enough time to work out the whole body, and they pay attention only to problem areas. In this case, it will not be possible to achieve the effect of general tone and quick awakening of the body;
  • equating exercise with intensive training - do not confuse two completely different areas of physical activity. The first is aimed at giving muscle tone and strengthening overall health. You can and even need to do it immediately after waking up. The second one requires a lot of time and energy, and should be started several hours after sleep;
  • hopes for rapid weight loss - exercise cannot provide the same effect as regular visits to the gym. It has a slower effect on weight loss. However, it does not take much time. To speed up the process of body correction, supplement exercises with proper dietary nutrition, walk more;
  • supplementing exercises with serious physical activity - it is recommended to leave exercises that are exhausting for the evening. Otherwise, instead of an influx of strength after charging, you risk feeling a loss of energy. It is best to do jogging and strength exercises at the end of the working day, when mental activity is no longer needed, and after completing the workout you can rest peacefully.