How to draw the solar system? Step-by-step instruction. How to draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil

Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. In the center of the solar system, a hot star, the Sun, shines brightly. Eight major planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.

Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth, it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, a year lasts less, and on those that are farther away, a complete revolution can be several Earth years. The planets also rotate on their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).

Presentation for children: Planets of the solar system


A bright star at the center of the solar system. The sun, like a hot fireball, distributes heat to its nearest planets. True, those planets that are very close to the Sun (Mercury and Venus) are very hot, and those that are farther from Mars are very cold, because before them warm rays almost never get. But on planet Earth, the temperature turned out to be neither low nor high, very convenient for the appearance and development of life on it.


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun on one side. Therefore, it is very hot on one side of Mercury and very cold on the other.


Second planet from the Sun. On it, like on Earth, there is an atmosphere, it is such an air shell. Only unlike our earthly one, it does not consist of oxygen, but mostly of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is impossible to breathe on Venus, and it is very, very hot on its surface. There are no plants, no animals, no bacteria.


This blue planet, the third from the Sun, is our common home. Here we live, animals, people, fish, birds - all under one roof. And the roof of the planet Earth consists of an atmosphere in which great amount oxygen necessary for life. Here we build our world, write history, and from here we observe other planets and stars. And the planet Earth also has a little girlfriend - the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth.


Red small planet, fourth in a row. There is very little oxygen on it, almost none. There is also almost no water, although scientists are always looking for it, because once there may have been a lot of it on Mars. Then, many, many years ago, there could have been rivers, seas and oceans on the planet, but then something happened, and the water disappeared. This mystery is yet to be unraveled.


The largest, fifth planet in the solar system. Jupiter is made up of gas and is called a gas giant. Storms and whirlwinds of winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, very quickly rotates around its axis, like a top.


Beautiful and unusual planet, the sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is a ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, but in fact it is not a solid disk, but thousands upon thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.


A mysterious planet, the seventh in a row, which, for unknown reasons, lies on its side and rotates in a completely different way than other planets. Uranus has an unusual Blue colour and it looks like a round ball with a flat surface.


The icy, very cold planet, the eighth in a row, is very far from the Sun, so the sun's rays hardly reach the surface of this blue planet. The strongest winds blow on Neptune and therefore the weather on it is not just winter, but by cosmic standards, it is very cold, so that everything on it, even gas, turns into ice.


Once this planet was the ninth in a row and was part of the solar system, but it turned out that it was too small for the title of a planet and it is now called a dwarf planet and they are not allowed to adult planets with a name. Maybe Pluto is still quite a baby and he just needs to grow up)

As a child, I always dreamed of traveling a lot. There was a small globe in the room that could take me in my imagination anywhere in the world. I read a lot about new discoveries and places, drew endless planet Earth for a long time. I wondered how she could fit on one piece of paper.

How to quickly and easily draw the planet Earth

For drawing in simple form you will need:

  1. Compass.
  2. Globe or map of the Earth (you can also use a picture from a tablet, for example).
  3. Pencils (felt-tip pens, paints, gouache, etc.)
  4. Album for drawing.

Compasses can replace any convenient objects with which it will be possible to draw the shape of a circle. Although our planet is not perfectly round, it is customary to depict it in the form of a ball in the drawing. Next, we need to divide our ball with a slightly rounded horizontal line in the middle. It will divide the world into southern and northern hemispheres. We supplement with the same curved lines above and below, in total we get 7-8 pieces. Then the meridian lines are drawn vertically. The highest point in the middle, connecting all the vertical lines, is the North Pole, and at the bottom is the South Pole. There will be 6 vertical semicircular lines and straight line in the middle. The result is a degree grid, which can then (if desired) be erased.

draw continents

Looking carefully at a map or globe, you need to show Antarctica below, and the Arctic at the top. You can not go into details. Then transfer Asia and Europe to our sheet. Only then will it be convenient to apply the North and South America. To make the map seem more visual, you need to circle the continents more boldly. Then you can start coloring a miniature copy of the Earth. Continents are most often painted in green, orange and brown flowers, a territory with waters - blue, blue or turquoise. With each step, the drawing will become more and more like the original and give a lot of joy.

Today, children are given the opportunity to draw online, so even the smallest children will not be difficult to create their own unique planet.

    In order to draw the solar system, you must first know and study the solar system well, and then take the white blank paper, colored pencils, original picture solar system(like a still life) and start with the contour of the planets and the sun, rearrange the planets correctly and then paint them. There are already very good graphic shots above, so I have attached only pictures from which you can start drawing, following my instructions.

    If you need a drawing with all the planets around the sun, then the user Txajan showed how to draw the solar system in full. I want to suggest how to draw the solar system from another review.

    Very often at school they are given the task of drawing the solar system. For this purpose, we need colored pencils and a sheet of paper.

    First of all, draw the Sun.

    Then we proceed to the very first planet Mercury. It is a small ball and a gray-brown color.

    Mercury is followed by a green-blue Earth with a gray dot of the Moon.

    Then we draw red Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth.

    The gray shadow behind Mars symbolizes the asteroid Belt.

    Next comes the striped orange-white Jupiter.

    Then we draw a yellow Saturn.

    And behind him - the blue-blue planet Uranus.

    Well, the last planet is a tiny brown Pluto.

    In order to draw our solar system with pencils step by step, we will need the following items.

    First we need - Pencils (multi-colored), White paper and most importantly - Photo - scheme.

    Below I have attached a photo - diagram for your convenience. draw our solar system.

    First you need to draw the orbits of the planets (as in the diagram.)

    Then we start drawing general form planets of the solar system.

    At the beginning you need draw the sun.

    After that you need draw the planet Mercury.

    Then you need draw the planet venus.

    Then we start draw the planet mars.

    After Mars draw the planet Jupiter.

    After you draw the planet Jupiter, start draw the planet saturn.

    After Saturn draw the planet Uranus.

    After you have drawn the planets, start drawing comets and asteroids (as in the diagram).

    So we continue, as in the diagram.

    In the end, we start painting as in the diagram below and we get this beautiful picture solar system.

    draw the solar system There are many ways to go to physics class.

    The main principle of drawing the solar system is to show the sun in the center of the system, and the planets that revolve around the sun in their orbits.

    Mercury is closest to the sun in the solar system, followed by the planet Venus, then our planet Earth, then comes Mars, after Mars Jupiter, then Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

    You can draw the orbits of the planets of the solar system simply by placing circles around the circle-sun or by drawing them in the form of ellipses.

    The planets themselves are drawn in the form of circles, it is desirable to observe the size of the circles in accordance with the size of the planets, showing their approximate sizes in relation to each other.

    Solar system drawing You can just draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, or you can color it. making the background dark.

    The solar system is the Sun and other space objects that revolve around this star.

    Drawing a solar system is not so difficult. You just need to know the placement of certain objects / planets, their sequence and name.

    Draw the solar system with a pencil like this:

    Drawing the solar system with a pencil is not so difficult. To do this, you need to designate the center of the system - the sun. can draw big circle and flames from it. Then we draw a circle and a circle-planet Mercury on it. Draw another circle and the next planet on it. So we depict all the planets of the solar system.

    All drawings are relatively easy, so everyone will be able to copy them.

    The most important and main tool - an assistant in drawing our solar system - is a compass! Or, in extreme cases, an mp3 disc. It will help to draw both the Sun and all planetary orbits.

    We start, perhaps, with the largest circle (this is our Sun), draw the lines of orbits, draw the planets with a compass, and depict the stars under the guise of many points.

    I propose to draw the solar system with a pencil in stages as follows:

    Drawing steps:

    1) We start drawing with the image of the sun and nine lines around, on which we will place the planets;

    2) We begin to draw the planets with circles;

    3) Draw Saturn with a circle around meteorites;

    4) We finish drawing with Plato;

    5) We hatch the planets with a pencil.

How to draw the solar system with a pencil in stages?

    In order to draw the solar system, you must first know and study the solar system well, and then take white clean paper, multi-colored pencils, the original picture of the solar system (like a still life) and start with the outline of the planets and the sun, rearrange the planets correctly and then paint them. There are already very good graphic shots above, so I have attached only pictures from which you can start drawing, following my instructions.

    If you need a drawing with all the planets around the sun, then the user Txajan showed how to draw the solar system in full. I want to suggest how to draw the solar system from another review.

    Very often at school they are given the task of drawing the solar system. For this purpose, we need colored pencils and a sheet of paper.

    First of all, draw the Sun.

    Then we proceed to the very first planet Mercury. It is a small ball and a gray-brown color.

    Mercury is followed by a green-blue Earth with a gray dot of the Moon.

    Then we draw red Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth.

    The gray shadow behind Mars symbolizes the asteroid Belt.

    Next comes the striped orange-white Jupiter.

    Then we draw a yellow Saturn.

    And behind him is the blue-blue planet Uranus.

    Well, the last planet is a tiny brown Pluto.

    In order to draw our solar system with pencils step by step, we will need the following items.

    To begin with, we need - Pencils (multi-colored), white paper and, most importantly, Photo - scheme.

    Below I have attached a photo - diagram for your convenience. draw our solar system.

    First you need to draw the orbits of the planets (as in the diagram.)

    Then we begin to draw a general view of the planets of the solar system.

    At the beginning you need draw the sun.

    After that you need draw the planet Mercury.

    Then you need draw the planet venus.

    Then we start draw the planet mars.

    After Mars draw the planet Jupiter.

    After you draw the planet Jupiter, start draw the planet saturn.

    After Saturn draw the planet Uranus.

    After you have drawn the planets, start drawing comets and asteroids (as in the diagram).

    So we continue, as in the diagram.

    At the end, we start painting as in the diagram below and get such a beautiful picture of the solar system.

    draw the solar system There are many ways to go to physics class.

    The main principle of drawing the solar system is to show the sun in the center of the system, and the planets that revolve around the sun in their orbits.

    Mercury is closest to the sun in the solar system, followed by the planet Venus, then our planet Earth, then comes Mars, after Mars Jupiter, then Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

    You can draw the orbits of the planets of the solar system simply by placing circles around the circle-sun or by drawing them in the form of ellipses.

    The planets themselves are drawn in the form of circles, it is desirable to observe the size of the circles in accordance with the size of the planets, showing their approximate sizes in relation to each other.

    Solar system drawing You can just draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, or you can color it. making the background dark.

    The solar system is the Sun and other space objects that revolve around this star.

    Drawing a solar system is not so difficult. You just need to know the placement of certain objects / planets, their sequence and name.

    Draw the solar system with a pencil like this:

    Drawing the solar system with a pencil is not so difficult. To do this, you need to designate the center of the system - the sun. You can draw a large circle and flames from it. Then we draw a circle and a circle-planet Mercury on it. Draw another circle and the next planet on it. So we depict all the planets of the solar system.

    You can depict the orbits of the planets in semicircles like this:

    The solar system is already very thoroughly drawn, then I'll just add ...

    Isn't it a beautiful photo...

    Since it is not indicated which stars are needed, I propose this option.

    The drawing of the planets is schematic.

    Here is our planet Earth.

    All drawings are relatively easy, so everyone will be able to copy them.

    The most important and main tool - an assistant in drawing our solar system - is a compass! Or, in extreme cases, an mp3 disc. It will help to draw both the Sun and all planetary orbits.

    We start, perhaps, with the largest circle (this is our Sun), draw the lines of orbits, draw the planets with a compass, and depict the stars under the guise of many points.

    I propose to draw the solar system with a pencil in stages as follows:

    Drawing steps:

    1) We start drawing with the image of the sun and nine lines around, on which we will place the planets;

    2) We begin to draw the planets with circles;

    3) Draw Saturn with a circle around meteorites;

    4) We finish drawing with Plato;

    5) We hatch the planets with a pencil.

Preparation for work

We will need simple and colored pencils, sparkles, an eraser, compasses, a sheet of paper and a little theory. To understand how to draw the solar system correctly, remember school curriculum. This will help us avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

  1. It is impossible to convey the true sizes and distances between space bodies in the picture. After all, if the Sun is depicted the size of a tennis ball, then the Earth must be drawn as a small dot at a distance of 4 meters from it. Therefore, for clarity, the proportions will have to be distorted.
  2. At the center of the solar system is a star called the Sun. Various cosmic bodies, large and small, revolve around it in ellipsoidal orbits. The pictures usually depict the largest of them - the planets.
  3. When we were in school, we remembered by heart: there are nine planets in the solar system. However, in 2006, Pluto was officially stripped of this title. He took his place in the series of dwarf planets, which include, besides him, four more cosmic bodies.

How to draw the solar system with a pencil? Sketch

Let's start drawing. We put with a simple pencil point on the left side of the sheet, placing it approximately in the middle. We lead a slightly rounded line to the center, aiming it a little up, as shown in the diagram. Then we continue the line to the right, towards the end landscape sheet lifting it up again. The orbits of cosmic bodies will be located on this line. We denote them with dashes, remembering the size.

As you can see in the pictures, the smallest planet is Mercury, the largest is Jupiter. Decide whether you will portray Pluto or, following the scientists, exclude it from the list.

Using a compass, draw a large circle on the left. This is the Sun. It should occupy about a third of the sheet, although in reality its dimensions are even larger compared to other bodies.

How to draw the planets of the solar system?

In those places where the orbits of cosmic bodies were outlined, we draw circles with a compass or by hand. First - a small Mercury, then Venus and the Earth bigger size. Where the rounded line rises is Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth and Venus. All of these are terrestrial planets. After them comes the asteroid belt, which we will depict later.

Let's start drawing the giant planets formed by their gas. Jupiter is denoted by a sufficiently large circle. Saturn is a little smaller, we draw rings around it. They consist of both small particles of dust and whole blocks of ice rotating around the orbit. In fact, other giant planets of the solar system also have such rings, but they are much less pronounced. Let's denote Uranus with a smaller circle, Neptune with a slightly larger one, but both planets should be much larger than ours native earth. If you want to draw Pluto, make it really tiny. Now we erase all auxiliary lines.

Let's add colors

How to draw the solar system in paint? Follow our instructions and you can't go wrong! Color the sun bright orange with red spots. Mercury is grey. For Venus, you need a yellow pencil, for Earth, a blue one. Mars is famous for its red-orange soil rich in iron.

Gas planets do not have a solid surface. They are covered with clouds. On Jupiter, in addition to white clouds, there are also orange ones. Let's paint it with these colors. For Saturn, you need yellow, but not bright, but pale. Uranus color in blue, almost no pressure on the pencil. Neptune is exactly the same, but appears darker as it is farther away from the Sun. Pluto is denoted by light brown. Our planets are ready, it remains to add the finishing touches.

Finishing the drawing

It's time to depict small celestial bodies. Between Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt. In total there are more than 600 thousand of them. In the figure, asteroids can be identified using a set of points evenly distributed along an ellipsoidal orbit.

Behind the planet Neptune, there are also many ice shards that make up the Kuiper Belt. Pluto is one of the largest objects in this cluster. We take a pencil and use dots to depict this phenomenon. From here, comets sometimes fly into the solar system. They look like a ball, from which many straight lines of different lengths depart.

Outer space is painted black. It remains to decorate the picture with tiny shining stars. You can use glitter for this purpose. The drawing is ready.

Now you know how to draw the solar system with your child and impress school teacher astronomical knowledge. We hope you enjoy working together.

Space attracts not only scientists. This eternal theme for drawing. Of course, we cannot see everything with our own eyes. But the photos and videos taken by the astronauts are amazing. And in our instructions we will try to depict space. This lesson is simple, but will help the child figure out where each planet is.

You will need: a sheet of paper; pencil; eraser; compass;
Step 1

Basic circle

First draw a big circle on right side sheet. If you don't have a compass, you can trace around a round object.


Orbits of planets that are at the same distance depart from the center.

central part

The circles are getting bigger. Of course, they will not fit completely, so draw semicircles.

The orbits of the planets never intersect, otherwise they will collide with each other.

We finish drawing the orbits

The entire sheet should be covered with semicircles. We know only nine planets. But what if there are also cosmic bodies in distant orbits that move along the most distant orbits.


Make the central circle a little smaller and circle it with a thick line so that the Sun stands out from the rest of the orbits.

Mercury, Venus and Earth

Now let's start drawing the planets. They need to be placed in a certain order. Each planet has its own orbit. Mercury revolves around the sun itself. Behind him, in the second orbit, is Venus. The third is the Earth.

Mars, Saturn and Neptune

Earth's neighbor is Mars. It is slightly smaller than our planet. Leave the fifth orbit empty for now. The next circles are Saturn, Neptune. These celestial bodies are also called giant planets, as they are ten times larger than the Earth.

Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto

Between Saturn and Neptune is another big planet- Uranus. Draw it on the side so that the images do not touch.

most big planet The solar system is considered to be Jupiter. That is why we will depict it on the side, away from other planets. And on the ninth orbit, add the smallest heavenly body- Pluto.

Rings on Saturn

Saturn is known for its rings that have appeared around it. Draw several ovals in the center of the planet. Draw rays of different sizes that depart from the Sun.

planetary surfaces

The surface of each planet is not uniform. Even our Sun has different shades and black spots. On each planet, depict the surface using circles and semicircles.

Draw fog on the surface of Jupiter. This planet often experiences sandstorms and is overcast.

The last details are concentric circles on the Sun. On some planets, draw a shadow, separating it with a semicircle. You can also draw near the Earth its satellite - the Moon.


Space in space is dark blue. The sun is yellow, Mercury is grey, Venus and Jupiter are brown. The earth is green and blue. Mars is red, Neptune is green, Saturn is sandy and its rings are white or light blue as they are icy. Uranus is blue-blue and Neptune is grey-black. You can also add other details like stars, comets and asteroids.