Summer Music Festival “Classics in Kuskovo. Dissemination of information about the announcement is welcome

From May 28 to September 3, 2017 in the Kuskovo Museum-Estate, in the center of a wonderful park ensemble among ancient statues, gilded chandeliers and candelabra, traditionally there will be a festival"Classics in Kuskovo".

The Palace of the Manor will host twenty concerts, varied in subject matter and composition of performers.

On summer evenings, under the arches of the Dance Hall, you can hear masterpieces performed by the soloists of the concert Philharmonic Association"Mosconcert": People's and Honored Artists of Russia, laureates international competitions.

Listeners will be presented not only the best concert programs outgoing season, but also new, specially prepared for this event.

“Every summer, the Kuskovo estate turns into a real feast of art, where a huge number of famous artists come.

Here anyone can get acquainted with the versatility of the world musical heritage: From Vivaldi, Bach and Mozart to Piazzolla and McCartney and find the gourmet "musical dish" to your liking.

There is no other place in Moscow where music, architecture, painting, sculpture, the beauty of nature and the skill of musicians merge in a harmonious and magical unity.”

- tells National artist Russia, Mosconcert soloist, cellist Mikhail Utkin.

The festival opened on May 28, 2017 with a performance chamber orchestra"Seasons" under the direction of the Honored Artist of Russia V. Bulakhov.

On June 4, in the program “Music in the Palaces of the Classical Era”, the Ensemble of Soloists “Orfarion”, led by artistic director O. Khudyakov (flute), will perform works by composers of the 17th-18th centuries, including Bach, Sarti, Mozart, Haydn, Bortnyansky, Berezovsky.

Connoisseurs of quartet art are waiting for a meeting with a famous team. On June 11, the State Quartet named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, soloists - laureates of international competitions N. Korshunova (piano) and E. Nesheva (soprano).

In the program "Kings of the Waltz. Straussian" you will hear waltzes, polkas, gallops, quadrilles of two Johann Strauss - father and son, as well as excerpts from the operetta "The Bat".

Noteworthy is the program on June 15 with poetic name"On the Wallenstadt Lake", which not only corresponds to the atmosphere of the estate, but also fully conveys the amazing flavor of the surrounding nature. This concert is dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia.

Talented musicians, laureates of international competitions N. Belokolenko-Kargina (flute), N. Makarova (soprano), I. Pokrovsky (violin), O. Bugaev (cello), I. Nikonova (piano) will perform whole line colorful and spectacular plays by Western European classics.

On June 18, you will have an unforgettable meeting with the Moscow Camerata chamber orchestra led by the Honored Artist of Russia N. Sokolov, as well as bright and charismatic soloists.

One of the gifted and sought-after European violinists, Honored Artist of Russia G. Murzha, will perform the popular The Four Seasons by Astor Piazzolla and Fantasia on themes from the opera Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin, transcribed by Igor Frolov.

And on June 25, a magnificent line-up of musicians N. Bogdanova (piano), People's Artist of Russia S. Lukin (domra), Yu. Igonina (violin), O. Bugaev (cello) will offer you the program "Music of the Russian Estate". Works by Berezovsky, Alyabyev, Glinka, Balakirev, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Glazunov will be heard.

Vocal fans are waiting for their programs. On June 29, they will be pleased with the Mirror of the Stage program with arias and ensembles from the famous singspiel - comic operas Pergolesi, Paisiello, Mozart, Donizetti, Rossini, Verdi.

On July 2, lovers of the new will meet with the Cantilena chamber orchestra, conductor A. Istomin. extravagant plays in various styles will be performed in an inimitable, incendiary and masterful performance of soloists accompanied by an orchestra. Among the compositions - Fantasia on themes from Bizet's opera "Carmen", "Carnival of Venice", soloist - N. Belokolenko-Kargina (flute), as well as a guitar concert by A. Abril, which will be performed by the laureate of international competitions A. Reznik (guitar).

"Remembering New York" is the name of a brilliant program of works by Piazzolla, Popper, Lennon-McCartney, which will take place on July 9th. A real discovery for the listeners will be an acquaintance with a new modern opus - "Spanish Suite" for cello and orchestra by the People's Artist of Russia M. Utkin.

For those who love the cello, addressed to exclusive program Violoncellissimo. In various combinations - one, two and three cellos will sound on stage Grand Palace. On July 16 you will hear compositions by Couperin, Handel, Boccherini, Chopin, Tchaikovsky. Soloists - People's Artist of Russia M. Utkin (cello), O. Bugaev (cello), R. Komachkov (cello), N. Astapenkova (piano).

On July 20, the Moscow Quartet ensemble will demonstrate its skills with the program Classics in Folk Style. Artworks famous composers different eras - Bach, Rossini, Glinka, Borodin, Tchaikovsky, Gliere will be performed by balalaika, domra, harp and piano.

This is exactly the composition of the Moscow Quartet, which is distinguished by its unique colorful coloring and masterful arrangements. Soloists E. Nesheva (soprano), L. Molina (mezzo-soprano), A. Fomin (bass) will decorate the performance of the ensemble.

On July 23, you will have an unforgettable meeting with the Moscow Camerata chamber orchestra led by the Honored Artist of Russia N. Sokolov, as well as bright and charismatic soloists.

The world-famous concertos “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi will be performed, as well as the rare flute concerto by C. F. E. Bach and the double concerto by J. S. Bach. The soloists are laureates of international competitions L. Semenova (violin), N. Belokolenko-Kargina (flute), S. Usacheva (oboe).

On July 30, lovers of the charming violin are invited to listen to the virtuoso pieces by Venyavsky, Saraste, Gade, Galliano performed by the famous duet Y. Pokrovskaya (violin) and I. Pokrovsky (violin) in the Ice and Fire program on July 30 in the Ice and Fire program.

Another evening called "Summer Pleasures" is dedicated to the music of the great Venetian A. Vivaldi.

August 3 Ensemble early music"Laudes" will introduce listeners to the composer's brilliant instrumental and vocal compositions. Soloists - V. Nosovskaya (soprano), O. Sidorenko (mezzo-soprano), E. Lopukhina (mezzo-soprano).

August 6 at the Opera Gala - a brilliant divertissement opera masterpieces each singer will demonstrate their vocal abilities in arias, ensembles and scenes from famous operas"Don Juan", " barber of seville”, “Norma”, “Troubadour”, “Turandot”, “Carmen”, “Eugene Onegin”, “Enchantress”.

"Kammermusik" is dedicated to the great Viennese classics. August 13 you will hear brilliant creations Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn in the masterful performance of a duet - Honored Artist of Russia V. Yampolsky (piano) and N. Savinova (cello).

As always, do not forget about lovers of romance. This time, popular romances by Russian composers will be performed by soloists and the chamber orchestra "The Seasons", conductor Honored Artist of Russia V. Bulakhov. The program entitled "Elegies captivating sounds" will be held on 17 August.

And on August 20, a great musician will play for you - Honored Artist of Russia A. Chernov (violin). The writings of two geniuses musical Olympus– Mozart and Mendelssohn will form the basis of the program.

Jazz has long been a tradition for the festival in Kuskovo. On August 27, the Wanderers in the Night program will feature jazz compositions by Kampfert, Warren, Ellington, Handy, Emerson, beloved by the public, performed in a unique and enchanting performance by the Classic`n`Jazz Ensemble.

As part of the celebration of Children's Day for the second year, creative festival"Summer in Kuskovo". On May 28 and 29, 2016, in a beautiful historical park - the Sheremetevs' estate - our craftswomen also delighted visitors with their products for the second year self made, held master classes, providing an opportunity for everyone to try their hand at creating wonderful handicrafts.

Vera Vasilievna Brusnigina taught how to make Angels from threads and Amulets, and Nadezhda Mikhailova created colorful postcards from paper with the children. New friend of our club - a mother of many children from Novogireevo Rezgo Raisa – surprised everyone with a variety of handmade soaps. We will definitely invite her to our master class! There are many visitors to the park on weekends and it's great that our craftswomen were able to show their talents to the general public. Wool products were especially in demand. mother of many children Kopneva Svetlana. In addition to the products sold, Svetlana received many orders, which is very important for a family with five sons!

Thanks to the organizers of this festival for the opportunity to show themselves! We express our personal gratitude to Yakhnenko Elena Vasilievna! We invite everyone to Kuskovo to the Italian House on June 19th. On this day, the entrance to the Park and visiting all the buildings is free. Enjoy the “Moscow Pearl”, as you would like to call the Sheremetev Estate Museum, and at the same time support our craftswomen!

From May 26, in Moscow, in the Kuskovo Museum-Estate for the tenth time, a summer music Festival « Organ Evenings in Kuskovo. Founded in 2010 as a community of young performers, over the years of its successful existence the festival has become one of the leading summer music forums in the capital.

The 2018 poster featured the names of leading Russian organists, stars opera stage, instrumental soloists and early music ensembles. Masterpieces of European and Russian classics will be performed, original programs ethnic and medieval music, jazz arrangements and works by contemporary composers.

Who is suitable for

For adults, lovers classical music.

Why you should go

  • Opportunity to enjoy famous pieces of music
  • Stunning performance of classic masterpieces
  • Music for the soul
You can buy tickets for Organ evenings in Kuskovo on the websites of our partners

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Summer concerts in Moscow estates and palaces, in the entourage of blooming nature, park beauties, in ancient palace interiors, illuminated by the setting sun - special genre concert life, which gives a different dimension to the music itself, which sounds here. That is why almost all museum complexes hold their own summer music festivals - Arkhangelsk and Ostankino, Tsaritsyno, Izmailovo. One of these festivals has been held for the eighth year in a row in the Dance Hall of the Palace of the Kuskovo Museum-Estate - "Organ Evenings in Kuskovo". Elena Privalova-Epshtein, art director of the festival, organist and producer, told about what program will be presented this summer by one hundred of its participants.

Photo: Press service of the festival "Organ Evenings in Kuskovo"

Why Kuskovo was chosen for holding organ festival?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Kuskovo itself is an amazing place, the former residence of Count Sheremetev, a unique historical monument, not a brand new one. This is the only palace and park ensemble in Moscow, where there are both Italian and Dutch houses, a grotto, a greenhouse, a palace with a unique dance hall, decorated with mirrors, "dancing parquet", crystal and an incomparable panel on the ceiling. All this, of course, contributes to a special perception of music. In addition, the location of the estate is very convenient - within the boundaries of Moscow. And it so happened that in 2010 I purchased a Viscount electronic organ, similar to the one that stands now in the Kuskovo estate. I appreciated how well it suits salon music, and I immediately had the idea of ​​an organ festival in Kuskovo. In Moscow, in all churches - Catholic and Lutheran - there are live instruments, and it would be impossible to do a project with an electronic organ there.

Meanwhile, do you play in the church yourself?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Yes, I have been living in Riga for the fourth year and I am the main organist of St. Paul's Church. This church is known to Russians from the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", fragments of which were filmed in Riga. There is a scene where Pastor Fritz Schlag comes down the stairs, at this time the organ of St. Paul's Church sounds and the camera shows the facade of our organ. This is very good tool and we hold various festivals and concerts in the church. I also play in the Dome Cathedral: every month Latvian organists give small solo concerts, the so-called "piccolo".

How is the program of the festival in Kuskovo different from those programs that usually sound in concert halls and cathedrals?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Our programs are aimed at different audiences: both for philharmonic listeners and for a random audience that comes to Kuskovo for a walk. On the poster are academic programs, for example, "The Great Bach", which will be performed by one of the best Russian organists Alexei Shevchenko (July 29), solo concerts by such famous organists as Fedor Stroganov (August 11), Evgeny Lisitsyn from Riga (August 5). By the way, she performed with us last year, and the listeners later said that they had the feeling that pipes had grown on the electronic organ. We have programs popular music: for example, film music in an unusual ensemble of pan-flute (Anton Rogozhin) and organ (Igor Goldenberg) - August 18, "Piazzolla Plus" (July 5) performed by Anton Kotikov playing the saxophone, duduk and flute, harpist Maria Kulakova and organist Maria Moiseeva. It seems to many that the organ is a religious instrument, so the music for the organ is uninteresting and boring. But when the names of Morricone or Piazzolla appear on the poster, this attracts the public, which most often after such concerts goes already to a cathedral or concert hall to listen to a live organ. Very unusual combinations of instruments will also be presented at the festival: organ and marimba, organ and duduk, saxophone, theremin.

Were arrangements for such compositions made especially for the festival?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Many compositions that sound in Kuskovo are written for some solo instrument and symphony orchestra. But the organ is the most suitable instrument, capable of conveying the entire palette and all the richness of colors of a symphony orchestra in transcription. The organ has timbres that imitate and wind instruments- oboe or flute, and stringed instruments. When a beautiful recording and competent transcription is made, the accompaniment of the organ sounds incomparably. In addition to the organ itself, we wanted to present at the festival in Kuskovo the whole variety of instruments and voices. Singers will perform with us - Ekaterina Shcherbachenko (July 19), a young singer from Estonia Olesya Litnevsky (August 9), Ekaterina Liberova (August 16), will sound great amount solo instruments, ranging from violin, cello, viola de gamba. You can even hear unusual instrument, as terminvox, where multi-instrumentalist Olesya Rostovskaya will perform (August 23). In the poster - concerts for flute, duduk, saxophone, guitar with organ. Rostislav Sharaevsky and Maria Lesovichenko will play the program "Wind in a Bamboo Grove" on marimba and organ (June 24). And several programs will be held with the participation of a harp - a wonderful instrument that sounds magical in the Kuskovo estate. All this beauty can be listened to on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and in August - even three times a week. Those guests who come to the palace early may be lucky to see the Kuskovsky miracle - the "dancing parquet". Usually in the summer it is hidden under the carpet, but the guides always lift it up, showing the relic of the 18th century preserved by the museum.

Summer 2018 years will pass 9th Festival "Organ Evenings in Kuskovo". In 2010, it became the first festival in Moscow where the organ was played in the estate.

We started from scratch, and gradually world-famous soloists, stars Bolshoi Theater and even foreign guests.

At the same time, we keep low ticket prices compared to central concert halls and theatres. And the festival gets no state support. This is one of the few summer music festivals of classical music in Moscow, and it is held in the unique interiors of the Sheremetev estate near Moscow.

For eight years we have held about 200 concerts. Music of Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Mozart, medieval melodies, works of romantic composers and even jazz sound in Kuskovo!

Unfortunately, less than a month before the start of the 9th festival, the Moscow organ supplier doubled the cost of renting an instrument. It would be possible to solve the problem by raising ticket prices, however, we believe that the increase in prices will make concert attendance unaffordable for many of our listeners. Therefore, we made an alternative decision: to purchase for the festival own body, which will be performed in Kuskovo both in 2018 and at subsequent festivals.

The organ is one of the most complex musical instruments. It is assembled by hand from precious woods and high-quality metal, therefore it is very expensive. The organ that we plan to purchase costs 9240 euros. We use part of the funds from the planned budget for organ rental, also the artistic director and director of the festival Elena Privalova will contribute our own funds. Epstein.

And we hope for financial support from music lovers, as well as those who are ready to support a private cultural initiative, like to visit estates and listen to music in magnificent interiors.

More about the festival - 2018

From May 26 to August 25 in Moscow, in the museum-estate of Kuskovo, for the ninth time, the summer music festival "Organ Evenings in Kuskovo" will be held. Artistic director and the organizer of the project - the famous organist Elena Privalova-Epshtein (Russia-Latvia).

Founded in 2010 as a community of young performers, over the years of its successful existence the festival has become one of the leading summer music forums in the capital.

Featured in 2018- the names of leading Russian organists, opera stars, instrumental soloists and early music ensembles. Masterpieces of European and Russian classics, original programs of ethnic and medieval music, jazz arrangements and works by contemporary composers will be performed.

The ninth festival will feature for the first time an outstanding Russian organist and cellist, HPeople's Artist of Russia Alexander Knyazev. On July 11, he will perform in Kuskovo "Organ Mass" by J.S. Bach. Solo organ programs will also be performed by laureates of all-Russian and international competitions Alexey Shmitov, Alexey Shevchenko And Fedor Stroganov.

On August 15, the literary and musical project "Stories about Bach" will be presented: the fate of the composer, based on the surviving documents about his life, will be told by the People's Artist of Russia, theater and film actor Valery Barinov; organ masterpieces by Johann Sebastian Bach will be performed by an organist Elena Privalova-Epstein.

By tradition, a baroque chapel will perform at the opening and closing of the festival "Golden age"- the leading Russian group in the field of musical authenticity, performing music of the 16th-18th centuries on historical instruments. The chapel will perform the music of I.S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, A. Caldara and other baroque composers. Choir soloists will also perform at the festival with chamber programs.

Listeners can expect a great variety of "organ plus" programs, in which the organ will sound in an ensemble with other instruments and voice. Vocal programs will be performed by an invited Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Oksana Lesnichaya, soprano Tatyana Barsukova And Maria Aria, mezzo-soprano Elena Lopukhina, Tatyana Chupina and Natalia Dubrovskaya, countertenor Oleg Bezinskikh.

Among the instrumental soloists are laureates of international competitions Konstantin Kaznacheev (violin), Sergei Poltavsky (viola and viola d "amour), Rustik Pozyumsky (viola da gamba), Alexander Listratov (baroque cello), Anna Shkurovskaya and Aidana Karasheva (harp), Maria Khachaturova (Celtic harp), Vladimir Paruntsev, Anton Paisov and Igor Lisov (flute), Yulia Klimova (clarinet), Sergei Govorov and Yuri Tashtamirov (saxophone).

The ensembles will feature prominent Moscow organists Alexander Udaltsov, Margarita Yeskina, Igor Goldenberg, Maria Lesovichenko, Anna Orlova, Vladimir Skomorokhov, Anna Suslova, Maria Moiseeva, Olesya Kravchenko.

Among the original festival programs- "Three Worlds of Old Spain" (June 2), the main decoration of which is Spanish songs of the 15th-17th centuries, which will be performed accompanied by organ and percussion. The program "Rhythms of Distant Shores" for saxophone, harp and organ (July 4) will feature the music of the American continent - from Astor Piazzolla to Paul Desmond and George Gershwin.

On July 21, baroque music related to birds will be heard. A August 11 Alexey Shevchenko will perform compositions for organ by Yuri Butsko: the concert is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the composer.

The program of the festival will be of interest both to connoisseurs of organ art and to a wide audience of music lovers. The former Sheremetev estate near Moscow is now surrounded by densely populated areas, and their residents no longer have to come to the city center to visit good concert. Fabulous architectural ensemble, unique interiors Palace and great works of musical classics, some of which could have been played at Sheremetev balls in the 18th century - all this will give visitors to the festival concerts an unforgettable experience!

Photos of participants from previous festivals

Photos from festivals - Tatyana Sokolova and Vera Zhuravleva

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