Night of museums program of events. Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts

"Night at the Museum" at the Museum of Moscow will be interesting for everyone. 10 exhibitions will open for free visits, more than a dozen excursions will be held, as well as performances, quests, lectures, music, cinema and three festivals - everything that the Museum of Moscow has prepared for its main holiday of the year.

Three festivals - a music festival, a food festival and a flower festival - will be held on Saturday at the Provision Warehouses. In the morning at 11.00, the Local Food Market and the Flower Festival will begin their work - everyone who decides to visit museums on the day of the “Night at the Museum” action has an amazing opportunity to stop by the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow and have a bite to eat in a festive atmosphere. Multimedia starts at 19.00 music Festival"Sounds of the City: Moscow-Paris-New York". Sound images of the cities performed by the "Belcanto-orchestra" and the organ duet "Belcanto" will be combined with a special video sequence.

Among the exhibitions — “Moscow. Fashion and Revolution”, and “Night at the Museum” is the last chance to see this exhibition project! The exposition will be open until 01.00, and from 18.00 the last special tours will take place on it.

Excursions will also take place around the Provisional Warehouses themselves, an outstanding architectural monument that houses the Museum of Moscow, as well as through all the exhibitions now presented at the main site of the museum: “The History of Moscow for Children and Adults”, “The World of Soviet Photographer Boris Kosarev”, “Moscow guests: comics from Belgium, Armenia and the USA”, “110 facts about Plekhanov University”, “Donskoy Monastery. Fragments of history”, “M1:870. Peace and war in Everyday life Moscow".

In "Night at the Museum" together with Igor Chapurin, the Museum of Moscow will dress its curators in new form, designed specifically for the event, and exhibition visitors will be the first to appreciate the new visual image of museum workers.

The city excursion bureau operating at the Museum has prepared excursions to Ostozhenka and Prechistenka, the area where the Museum of Moscow is located. Youth and teenagers, in addition to the exhibition of comics, are invited to visit the performance "VASYABEGI", which will begin at 21.00 in the Museum's Lecture Hall and will tell about urban subcultures, as well as about today's Moscow.

Museum of Moscow - connects history and modern city, talks about Moscow and Muscovites, and is also a platform for presenting the most interesting and new city projects today. And each of the Museum's branches — the Museum of Archeology of Moscow, the Old English Court, the Museum of the History of Lefortovo, the Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki Manor — is dedicated to a separate period in the history of Moscow. Each of the museums has its own exhibition, each branch has prepared its own special program.

The guests of the Old English Court are waiting for short musical interludes, acquaintance with military affairs of the 16th-17th centuries and master classes in the basics of navigation, home economics and old games Shakespearean England, as well as a concert medieval music. In the Museum of Archeology of Moscow, located underground, you can take part in the “List of Discoveries” quest and discover archeology as a science. The Museum of the History of Lefortovo from 20.00 will host tours of the exposition “Lefortovo. Milestones of History”, which tells about the history of the German settlement and the Lefortovo region. At 18.30 in the Vlakhernskoe-Kuzminki Manor there will be a performance of the BALDU KIDS project, comic costumed folk festivals with songs, dances and round dances, and at 22.30 - a horse show.

See you at the Museum of Moscow!

On May 20, 2017, for the 11th time, a large-scale annual event will be held in the capital - Night of Museums in Moscow. Within the framework of the action from 18-00 to 24-00 it will be possible to visit many museum sites for free, take part in excursions, quests, theater, musical and literary evenings epax and other events. The motto of the Moscow action this year is “Opening Time”.

Night at the Museum in 2017

May 18 is celebrated annually around the world. International Museum Day. This tradition began in 1977 when Museum Day was proclaimed by ICOM, the International Council of Museums.
In 2001, the Moscow government adopted a resolution "On the days of historical and cultural heritage of the City of Moscow”, which determined the dates of their holding on April 18 (International Day for the Preservation of Monuments and Sites) and May 18 (International Museum Day) of each year.However, in reality, these dates are sometimes moved to the nearest weekend. Eleventh time in a row from 20 to 21 May 2017 in Russia will pass which has become an annual cultural event - night at the museum in 2017. It is traditionally held in a number of countries around the world. Its main goal is to familiarize a wide audience, especially young people, with the history of national and world culture. To this end, the expositions of the vast majority of museums and galleries are shown on the night of museums for visitors completely free of charge.

12 Ideas for a Night at the Museum

On May 20, the capital will host the traditional cultural event "Night at the Museum": from 18:00 to midnight, key Moscow exhibition sites will be open to free admission. chose 12 places with the most exciting program.

This is the eleventh year Night at the Museum» opens the doors of all major metropolitan exhibition centers. This year, Moscow will host about 500 events of the main program - guests are expected not only in museums, but also in theaters, libraries, parks, zoos.

Already on the way to the museum, you can suddenly find yourself in the center of events: from 18:00 to 23:00, artists will drive around the city in branded cars. They will make stops and perform at the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Central Manege, the Zoo and Darwin Museum.

ETOLIK offers a guide to the most interesting free cultural insomnia events.

In the museum

State Darwin Museum

st. Vavilova, 57 (metro station "Akademicheskaya")

"Night at the Museum" is the only chance to see the exhibition "Andy Warhol. Endangered Species" for free. This series of paintings has become one of the most famous and expensive in the legacy of the pop star of contemporary art, and the sensational theft of the 21st century is also associated with it (in 2015, attackers stole three works from Endangered Species at once and got hundreds of thousands of dollars for them).

A visitor at the exhibition "Andy Warhol. Endangered Species" at the Darwin Museum in Moscow. | Source: RIA News"

Visitors are invited to the experimental exhibition "Fluffy and Dangerous!". The exposition will acquaint you with the history of the appearance of the famous images of Dracula, the Werewolf and other heroes of Hollywood horror films, and also explain why animals need sharp needles, claws and teeth. This evening, guests of the Darwin Museum are even expected on the roof, where they can see the expositions “Secrets of the Darwin Museum” and “Looking at the Birds”, and at dusk, listen to the performance of musician Vlad Andreev.

Museum Association "Museum of Moscow"

Zubovsky Boulevard, 2 (Metro Park Kultury)

On May 20, the Museum of Moscow on Zubovsky Boulevard and all its branches will be open until midnight. The program includes the most interesting excursions of the scientific staff of the organization: from the history of medieval Moscow to the world of the Soviet photographer Boris Kosarev, from the mysteries of the ancient city to the history of the Food Stores complex.

At 21:00 you can visit the VASYABEGI self-knowledge laboratory dedicated to modern Moscow teenagers, and in Building No. 2 you can find out how world capitals “sound”: Frank Sinatra, Oblivion, Piazzolla ... Guests will be introduced musical project"Sounds of the City: Moscow-Paris-New York" performed by Belcanto-orchestra and organ duet "Belcanto".

IEC "Museum of Fashion"

st. Ilyinka, 4 (metro station "Revolution Square")

True fashionistas are expected on May 20 at the Fashion Museum, where several free educational lectures will be held at once. At 04:00 pm visitors will be able to compare the “glossy” magazines of the times of Peter the Great with modern blogs, at 06:00 pm learn about the main trendsetters of the style of the 19th-20th centuries, and at 08:00 pm attend a lecture on the trends of the Soviet “thaw” period with vintage elements display.

The most fashion program Museum Nights with a concert by The Freemans Orchestra, which will perform world rock hits in a symphonic arrangement.

Hockey Museum

st. Avtozavodskaya, 23, building 3 (metro station "Avtozavodskaya")

For male half in the program of a large-scale cultural action, there will also be events to your liking. For example, the doors of the Hockey Museum will be open to everyone from 19:00 to midnight. The program includes: watching the film "Hockey Games" and cartoons on sports topics, a table hockey tournament, watching the semi-final matches of the 2017 Ice Hockey World Championship. There will also be a photo zone where you can try on hockey equipment and feel like a real goalkeeper of the Russian national team.



Prospekt Andropova, 39 (metro station "Kolomenskoye")

On May 20, Kolomenkoye Park will host a street festival " White Night in Kolomenskoye. From 18:00 to 21:00 there will be performances to the sounds of jazz and pop music circus artists, hold contests, flash mobs and master classes.

On this day, everyone will be able to visit the main and temporary exhibitions of the museum dedicated to Peter I, the treasures of the Russian art XVII century, the secrets of the Church of the Ascension and even Mikhail Bulgakov's play "Ivan Vasilyevich".

And at 21:00, guests of the park are invited to watch the performance "Reception of a foreign ambassador at the Kolomna residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich." The boyars will gather at the front porch of the tower of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and the audience will play the ceremony of receiving ambassadors in Rus' in the form in which it took place 400 years ago.

Hermitage Garden

st. carriage row, 3 (metro station "Pushkinskaya", "Mayakovskaya")

The Hermitage Garden from 15:00 to 21:00 will turn into a venue for the Open Lectures educational festival. Representatives of Moscow museums will give their best lectures on a wide variety of topics: what does the famous architect Vasily Bazhenov have in common with detective stories and fairy tales by J.K. Rowling, how to photograph modern Moscow, is it possible to study social science using the texts of the popular rapper Oxxxymirona, and how to take a fresh look at the Black Square » Kazimir Malevich. Here you can also meet visionary artists and learn the latest news from the life of the cosmos and the universe.

Among the festival participants are art historian Andrei Sarabyanov, art critic Sergei Khachatyrov, art historian Olga Bad and many others.

Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val

st. Crimean Val, 10 (metro station Oktyabrskaya, Park Kultury)

The program of the State Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val this year will be devoted to the Thaw exhibition, which is open at the museum until June 11. The building itself will host a Farce Major Concert, where the main songs of the era will be performed by actors of the Theater of Nations, and an international food court dedicated to VI World Festival youth and students in 1957.

Everyone will be able to take pictures in the interiors of that time, and in the evening dance to live music. The program includes: foxtrot, jive, lipsy, charleston, twist and step.

Gorky Central Park and Gorky Park Museum

st. Krymsky Val, 9 (Oktyabrskaya metro station)

Throughout the evening, poetry, prose and music inspired by the theme of space will be heard in the meadow near the People's Observatory. At the same time, guests of Gorky Park can visit the exhibition “People of the Sixties. Rest ”or watch films from the thaw in the Lecture Hall:“ Give me a book of complaints ”,“ Once again about love ”and“ I walk around Moscow ”. From 18:00 chess battles will be held on the Observation Deck, and at 19:30 a lecture on fashion and leisure culture of the 60s will begin.

Night at the Museum 2017. The most unusual

Institute of Russian realistic art

st. Derbenevskaya, 7, building 31 (metro Paveletskaya, "Proletarskaya")

"Night of Museums" is the best time for lovers of experiments. For example, from 17:00 to midnight in the space of the old cotton-printing manufactory of Emil Tsindel, on the territory of which, in the building of the former boiler house, the Institute of Russian Realist Art is now located, the quest performance "Theatrical Manufactory" will be held. This evening, artists will even appear from the famous boiler chimney, and visitors will unravel the secrets of the former owner of the factory and its red-brick buildings.

An equally unusual program has been prepared for young guests - a master class with the telling title "I am a museum exhibit", where everyone can try on the role of a work of art.

IRRI events will be free of charge, but pre-registration is required by phone +7 (495) 276-12-12 or by mail This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. .

Museum of the History of Sheremetyevo

Khimki, airport Sheremetyevo terminal F, 5th floor

You can have a great “Night at the Museum” even at the airport. The Sheremetyevo History Museum, which offers a breathtaking view of the airport's airfield, has prepared a tour of the permanent exhibition and terminals for visitors. On this day, well-known blogger Artyom Kashirin will share the secrets of professional photography of flying equipment, and the director of the Aeroflot Museum will talk about legendary and modern aircraft.

The most interesting thing is that for the first time the airport will give everyone the opportunity to feel like an aircraft commander. An aircraft simulator will be installed on the second floor of Terminal F, in the cockpit of which it will be possible to "fly" and perform exercises aimed at developing coordination of movements.

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

Prospekt Mira, 111 (metro station "VDNKh"). Even if you have been to Memorial Museum cosmonautics, on the "Night of Museums" it is worth visiting it again. This evening there will not only be a free sightseeing tour, but also a meeting with a real cosmonaut Alexander Ivanovich Laveykin. Everyone will be able to ask the Hero a question Soviet Union, who spent almost 175 days aboard the Mir orbital station and went out into outer space three times.

Single ticket to "Night at the Museum"

Since in one night the natives of the city and the numerous tourists who arrived here have a unique opportunity to visit several museum institutions in a row and get the most out of what they see, the organizers of the event have developed a single ticket that allows you to visit all the events of the famous "Night" without exception. The cost of such a ticket is 400 rubles. The holder of such a ticket will visit the thematic excursions and exhibitions provided for by the program, choosing the format of the establishments according to your taste:

  • from 6 pm to midnight,
  • from 6 pm to 6 am.

Night at the Museum 2017. Free buses

Six museums of Moscow will be connected by a free bus route. On May 20, from 18-00 to 00-00 with 15-minute intervals, 8 buses will run with the following stops:

1. Museum of Cosmonautics (stop "VDNKh metro station")

2. Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (stop "Palace of Culture MIIT")

3. Tele2 communication salon (stop "Eye hospital")

4. Myzey Bulgakova (stop "Trymphalnaya Square")

5. Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val (stop at Gorky Central Park of Cinematography)

6. Tretyakov Gallery in Lavryshinsky Pereylka (stop "Tretyakovskaya metro station")

7. Darwin Museum (stop "Darwin Museum")

Popular museums and venues participating in the Night at the Museum 2017 promotion

  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin
  • Space Museum
  • Museum of A.S. Pushkin
  • Art gallery of Ilya Glazunov
  • Art Gallery of Alexander Shilov
  • Patriarchal Museum of Church Art (Transfiguration Church of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior)
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA)
  • Manor "Tsaritsyno"
  • Manor Kolomenskoye
  • Zoological Museum of Moscow State University
  • House-Museum of M. Tsvetaeva
  • Darwin Museum
  • Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Tretyakov Gallery on Museum Night 2017

  • The main building in Lavrushinsky Lane will be open to the public free of charge. A temporary exhibition "The Artist's Model in the Camera Lens" will be organized here. You will see original photographs of people who posed for Ilya Repin and Ivan Kramskoy, Mikhail Nesterov and Valentin Serov, Konstantin Korovin and Viktor Borisov-Musatov
  • On Krymsky Val, within the framework of the special program “It has become possible to love”, the exhibition “Thaw” and the musical program “Farce-major concert” have been prepared. You will hear the main songs of the era, which will be performed by the actors of the Theater of Nations. In the evening there will be a master class on foxtrot, modern ballroom dance (lipsy) and Latin American dance (jive)
  • Meetings with collectors will be held at the Museum-Apartment of Apollinary Vasnetsov, the House-Museum of Viktor Vasnetsov and the Museum-Workshop of Anna Golubkina.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (The Pushkin Museum) on the Night of Museums 2017

State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin prepared online test, the correct answers to the questions of which will allow you to enter the building without a queue. In the program of the action Night at the Museum:

  • Quest for the main building of the museum "Revived Pushkin"
  • Campaign "I am a guide"
  • Virtual tour with audio guide of the Museum Town
  • Exhibition of one exhibit - a helmet of the Illyrian type of the 6th century BC. e.

Museum of Cosmonautics on Museum Night 2017

Here you will find free tours of the main exhibition and screenings documentaries“Time of the first. History of creation”, “Time of the first. Leonov". Cosmonaut Alexander Laveikin, Hero of the Soviet Union, will tell you about the structure of the Universe. At 21:00 in the night sky with the help of a telescope you will see the moon, planets solar system and distant galaxies.

More than two thousand museums in Russia will open their doors this night for everyone who wants to join the art at an unusual time of the day, and many of them are preparing unique events for visitors.

"Night of Museums" is one of the main cultural events of the year not only in the Russian Federation - an annual event that is timed to international day museums, takes place in many countries of the world.

In Russia, the main theme of the action will be the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution, and events in a number of museums will be dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia.

On this day, galleries across the country will host master classes, lectures, concerts, performances, historical reconstructions. The detailed program and schedule of events can be found on the official website.

Where and how did nighttime museum festivities originate?

The first official action, which went down in history as the "Long Night of Museums" (Lange Nacht der Museen) took place in Berlin in 1997. The city administration decided to let visitors to museums for free on this day, and to conduct excursions all night long.

This idea had big success and the following year, 20 more German cities joined the action. Since then, this arts and education event has been held in Berlin twice a year on the last Saturday of January and August.

The history of night museum adventures in Europe, dedicated to the International Museum Day, which is celebrated on May 18, began in 2001 in Paris. This idea was picked up in all major European capitals.

Action "Night at the Museum" in Moscow Four years later, the French put forward the idea of ​​holding the annual International Museum, Exhibition, Cultural and Educational Action "Night of Museums", which was approved by the Council of Europe in the same year. The action is supported by the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

In Russia, the Krasnoyarsk Museum Center was the first to open its doors to night visitors in 2002, and in 2007 the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, joined the action. The cultural and educational project "Night of Museums" has become traditional and is held on the third weekend of May.

How will the Night of Museums be held in the Russian capital

A large-scale annual event - "Night of Museums" will be held in Moscow for the 11th time. The motto of the Moscow action in 2017 is "Opening time".

Museum Night in Gorky Park The State Tretyakov Gallery, the Tsaritsyno Estate, the Moscow Zoo, the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, the Hermitage Garden and many others will host visitors on the Night of Museums.

In particular, the museum-theater "Bulgakov's House" on the "Night of Museums" will be open until six in the morning and will present the plastic performance "Bertrand's Toys" and the performance "Country of Scoundrels" based on the forbidden poem by Sergei Yesenin.

The Mikhail Bulgakov Museum The Moscow Zoo invites everyone to free sightseeing tours of the evening zoo as part of the Night of Museums campaign. Those who wish can get acquainted with animals from the most different corners the globe, find out what different animals and birds are called, where they live, how they live in the zoo and what needs to be done so that they do not disappear from the face of the earth.

On Krymsky Val in the Tretyakov Gallery, a master class on foxtrot, lipsy and jive will be held to the accompaniment of songs of the thaw performed by actors of the Theater of Nations.

The All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and folk art master classes in ceramic floristry and sculpting from polymer clay, as well as lectures "Antiques", " Fascinating stories about shoes" and others. The program of the night will continue with excursions, a film screening, a fashion show and an art show from the Aofmoka studio.

The action at the Museum of Cosmonautics will be opened by free tours of the main exhibition and screenings of documentaries “The Time of the First. History of Creation”, “The Time of the First. Leonov". During the master class “Ask a cosmonaut a question!” Hero of the Soviet Union cosmonaut Alexander Laveikin will tell the museum guests about the structure of the Universe. Astronomical observations of different planets of the solar system will begin at nine o'clock in the evening.

A visitor during the "Night at the Museum" event in State Museum Fine Arts named after Pushkin Pushkin Museum during the action, quests will be held and special exhibits will be displayed. In particular, on the occasion of the Night of Museums, an Illyrian type helmet (Greece, 6th century BC) will be on display.

The range of events that can be visited in Moscow as part of the action on the night of May 20-21 is very diverse. Covering everything, or at least half, will be simply unrealistic.

Some of them will be held only by prior appointment, so you need to know in advance about the conditions of participation, schedule, availability of free places and sign up on official sites sites.

To choose the most interesting events and not to deprive yourself of pleasure, you should first familiarize yourself with the detailed program and schedule of the action on the official website.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Hello friends! Today we will talk about an event that is interesting not only for guests of the capital, but also for the natives: the legendary Night at the Museum is approaching in Moscow. Museums will be open, as always, in the morning, but the most interesting will begin after 18:00.

Night of Museums in 2017 year will pass May 20. Official start nights - at 18:00. From now on, admission is free and open until 24:00.

What will happen?

It is planned not just a boring walk through the cool halls. Will musical productions, special programs, performances, excursions and unforgettable lectures. We advise you to visit, because the main museums of Moscow have been preparing for this event for a long time.

Yes, one more thing: the program has an age limit. It is better to go to the site - it says where you can go with children, and where it is better only for adults.

The program includes a lot of exhibition centers. Not to list everything, but the classifications are as follows:

  • Art;
  • Technical;
  • Applied Arts;
  • Theatre, literature, music;
  • Exhibitions;
  • The history of homeland;
  • Folk art.

International Museum Day

They began to celebrate since 1977 in different cities of the world. Every year more and more different museums join the festival. Museum Day is celebrated in mid-May on a day off. In many cities of the world the doors famous museums and exhibition centers are open for night visits.

Night walks through the expositions have become fashionable relatively recently. But already captured the whole world. Finally, the tradition has reached Russia.

The date was postponed to the first nearest day off - May 20. The holiday is established by the Government. But, our government has not decided that cultural centers should work for free. The special program is initiated by the city's museums themselves.

Someone will make the entrance completely free, while for others, free visits will begin only from 18:00. The price is symbolic. It's Saturday, so you can make a whole raid around the city, visit several interesting places.

Practice shows that most museums open their doors on May holidays. Muscovites and tourists can visit their favorite exhibitions for free. We think this is a great idea.

The international action is aimed at attracting young people. This is not just a boring walk among the antiquities, but a whole event. Imagine - the whole evening or even night, high spirits reign. The guides deviate from the standard program and tell something exciting.

Moscow has been holding such an action for 8 years now, people are looking forward to next year to visit more more museums. also accepts everyone who wants to take a walk and listen to the guide.

Which museums are participating

This is only a part of the museums, the most, as they say:

Houses of culture and theaters will also take part in the action. The entire program has already been published on the official website of the Night at the Museum. The most inquisitive tourists can already buy tickets to Moscow.

Official page

Be sure to go, something really interesting is planned in 2017. Share your impressions of the night museum outing with us! By the way, if you have already visited the Night of Museums last year, write to us how it went, what do you remember?

Photo Museum of Russian Impressionism

Museum of Russian Impressionism

The debutant of the museum night this year will be the Museum of Russian Impressionism, which on May 20 invites you to visit not only the main exposition, but also the temporary exhibition “Armenian Impressionism. From Moscow to Paris”: a total of 58 works by artists from the sunny republic who fell in love with the “foreign” genre and gave it a special national flavor. In addition, the museum will present a unique project-performance "Museum of Impressions", consisting of dramatizations of numerous stories based on real events. And those who wish to win an annual subscription for a free visit to the museum with the whole family will be given the opportunity to take part in the “I am a guide” campaign by filming a short video and posting it on social networks with the necessary hashtags.

Museums of the Moscow Kremlin

Another newcomer to the Night of Museums program. Visitors will be able to learn about the life of the museum hidden from prying eyes and get acquainted with what is not available during regular excursions, as part of a specially prepared program. The events dedicated to the royal chapel of Sainte-Chapelle in Paris are interesting in their own way: a lecture program on the history of the creation of the chapel, architectural style and its transformation over time, as well as the screening of documentaries on the restoration of the stained glass windows and carved decorations of the chapel. And at 18:00 an interesting lecture starts Museum stories: what showcases hide”, which will tell about the hard work of restorers, curators of exhibitions and custodians of funds.

Photo Evgeny Alekseev, Tretyakov Gallery

State Tretyakov Gallery

A regular participant of the Night of Museums this weekend opens for free access to the exposition and exhibition of both of its sites: historical building in Lavrushinsky lane and "new" on Krymsky Val. The museum on Krymsky Val will present the project “It has become possible to love”, dedicated to the exhibition “Thaw”, with a musical program, thematic workshops, a food court and even a dance floor. From 6:00 p.m., the performance of the Kandinsky Night project will begin, which includes a choreographic production by director Yuri Kvyatkovsky, the author of the sensational performances Normansk, Dvoitsa, music program composer Dmitry Kurlyandsky, a children's creative workshop and thematic excursions.

Also, since the founding date of the museum - May 21 - falls just at the time of the festival, the museum-workshop of A.S. Golubkina, the house-museum of Viktor Vasnetsov and his museum-apartment younger brother Apollinaria Vasnetsova. We draw your attention to the fact that you should come to visit the Vasnetsov brothers early: the doors of their native halls will be open only until 8 pm.

Photo of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

The ticket offices of the Main Building of the Museum and the Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries, where free tickets will be distributed from 18:00, will work until 22:00, and exhibition halls– until 23:00. The museum, as you know, is famous not only for rare expositions, but also for long queues. Therefore, for those who want to see the exhibits on the night when access to them is most in demand, we have created an online test on the history of the museum and the content of current exhibitions, giving any enthusiast visual arts a chance to earn entry without queuing.

In addition to free admission to the museum, guests can enjoy virtual tour with an audio guide around the Museum Town, the opportunity to view a Greek helmet of the Illyrian type of the 6th century BC, several quests (“Revived Pushkinsky” and “Walker Walkers”, for example), as well as the action “I am a guide”, similar to the one that will be held at the Museum of Russian Impressionism.

Moscow City Museum

The program of the Museum of Moscow will also be rich in adventure games, which will be supplemented by festivities, dances, round dances and equestrian performances at the Museum of Russian estate culture, the presentation of the multimedia project "Sounds of the City: Moscow - Paris - New York", the performance "VASYABEGI" in the Lecture Hall, short musical interludes in the museum "Old English Court" and, of course, excursions to permanent exhibitions museum association. The historical spirit of Moscow can be felt from 18:00 to midnight.

Photo Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

For the museum, whose 10th anniversary is only a year away, active participation in the Night of Museums is a matter of honor and a “warm-up” before the grandiose marathon. From the very opening, visitors will find an interactive game based on the world's largest museum archive. "Garage" also prepared a literary and theatrical project "Unprincipled Readings. Museum version” with the aim of presenting and popularizing the texts of contemporary prose writers. This evening the exposition “Hudprom of the Congo: painting for the people” will open, and you will also be able to see the exhibition project “Kholin and Sapgir. As a Manuscript” and visit the Garage Art Book Fair, which this year will become part of the festival. There will be readings, lectures, discussions, seminars and, in general, everything you need to feel the atmosphere free art.

Metropolitan, Vladimir ZuevPhoto Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow

Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow

This coming weekend, the museum guarantees free access to the current exhibition (and these are the Metropolitan by Vladimir Zuev, Retrospective. To the 100th Anniversary of the Birthday by Yevgeny Khaldei, 2017 PIRELLI CALENDAR BY PETER LINDBERGH AND MORE... and others). For young visitors, the museum will hold 3 master classes: "Magical Beasts", dedicated to the exhibition "Inherit the Dust" by Nick Brandt, "Back to the Future" and the lesson "Metro" based on the above-mentioned exhibition by Vladimir Zuev. In addition, everyone will have the opportunity to attend group tours and free screenings of the film “William Kentridge. Triumphs and defeats" at 19:00, 20:30, 22:00 and 23:30, for which you must first register.

Photo Center for Contemporary Art "Winzavod"

Center for Contemporary Art "Winzavod"

Being the first and, perhaps, the largest center of contemporary art in Russia, Winzavod decided to take part in the Night of Museums, linking the program with a theme that endlessly rushes into the future - the theme of space. Those who wish will be able to hear the reasoning of artists and poets about cosmism and, what is even more interesting, about the borderline states: sleep, dreams and daydreams.

The performance of the still young, but already promising Vasily Berezin will be presented, new exhibition"Urban Sauna" by the Urban Fauna Lab group and performances from the "Sketches in Space" theater by sculptor Roman Ermakov, the PoemaTheatre group and the artist of the Start project Ivan Khryashchikov.

Most museums participating in the action do not bypass little connoisseurs of culture. Winzavod is no exception. A variety of master classes will be held for children - and this is an occasion to visit the museum with the whole family.

Artplay photography

Artplay Design Center

The first creative cluster in Moscow will please multimedia exhibition“From Monet to Malevich. Great Modernists”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of Edgar Degas and including more than 5,000 works. The highlight of the action at the museum will be the concert of the project "Electrocabaret" "Night of the Modernists", where texts by Mayakovsky, Vertinsky, Pasternak and Brecht will be performed. For eco-conscious citizens, the Organic People Market “Day&Night” will be held in the small hall, dedicated to both healthy nutrition and organic cosmetics, eco-friendly clothes, accessories and gifts. All this can be studied to the accompaniment of live music and inspiring speeches by lecturers - yoga masters and experts from other fields related to the topic of health. Also noteworthy is the Art Weekend fair of unusual things.

Specially for the event, the center prepared a kitsch performance called “Freaks” based on the works of Francois Villon and beloved by many writer Charles Bukowski. In addition, there will be exhibitions "Anything can be in these factories" (about "Red October", "Flacon", "Winery" and Artplay itself), "Vanishing body culture" about trends in the depiction of nudity and an exhibition of more than 100 best shows -cars of Moscow in the courtyard of the center.

Artplay carefully warns about the parking closure on May 20 and motivates them to take a walk to the site.

Photo Hermitage Garden

Hermitage Garden

The Moscow Hermitage is wonderful not only as a place to relax, but also as a large-scale complex of cultural and educational sites. In mid-July, the garden will turn 123 years old, but for now it pleases us with a more than rich program on the occasion of the Night of Museums.

Already this Saturday, the Hermitage will become a platform for an educational festival for just one day, before the opening of which you can enjoy performances by the Mosbras Brass Band, the Academy of Choral Art under the direction of V.S. Popov and reading literary anecdotes by Daniil Kharms by students of the Dmitry Brusnikin Workshop. The educational festival, in turn, will be held from 15:00 to 21:00 and will delight visitors with a special special program, because the speakers of the event are all professionals who are in love with their work. Among them are Igor Mukhin (photographer), Andrey Sarabyanov (art historian), Sergey Khachaturov (art critic), Alexandra Sankova (director of the first Design Museum in Russia), Vera Martynov (artist, director), Ekaterina Bochavar (artist, sculptor) , Alexey Maslyaev (culturologist) and others. Each participant will present a lecture program.

In addition, there will be a discussion about the space of a modern metropolis and the existence of a “(In)Sensual City” within its boundaries, which will be attended by architectural critic Maria Fadeeva and journalist Daria Varlamova. The festival will end no less exciting: there will be a screening of excerpts from the upcoming film, which tells about the Burning Man rave and party festival. The show will be presented by artist Oleg Kulik and Philip Mironov, editor of Afisha.