Test to check your brain: interesting possibilities of the hemispheres. Test to determine the dominant hemisphere, left or right - which hemisphere is dominant?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 04:01 am + to quote pad


Right or left?

The human brain has two hemispheres - right and left. There is a clear "division of labor" between them: the right controls some functions of the body, the left - others. At the same time, one of the hemispheres is the leading one, which largely determines the characteristics of a person's character. Which of the leading hemispheres you have, you can determine for yourself.

1. Close your fingers several times and you will notice that the top is always the same thumb. If you are on the left emotional person, right - your analytical mindset prevails.

2. Take a pen or pencil. Try to aim by selecting a target and look at it with both eyes through the tip of a pen or pencil. Close one eye, then the other. If the target moves strongly with the left eye closed, then the left eye is the leading one, and vice versa. The right leader speaks of a firm and persistent character, the left one speaks of a soft and compliant one.

3. If, when interlacing the arms on the chest, the right hand is on top (on the elbow), you are inclined to simplicity and good nature. Left - to coquetry.

4. If it is more convenient for you, applauding, clapping with your right hand, you can talk about the decisiveness of your character. If left, then you are subject to hesitation before making a decision.

Now mark the results obtained in these four tests with the letters P (right) and L (left) and find the features of your character in the following answers.

PPPP: you are characterized by constancy, orientation to generally accepted opinion. You do not like to conflict, argue, quarrel.

PPPL: Your defining trait is indecisiveness.

PPLP: you are characterized by determination, sense of humor, artistry. This is a very contact type of character.

PPLL: a rare type of character, close to the previous one, but softer. There is some contradiction between indecision and firmness.

PLPP: a variant that combines an analytical mindset with a gentle nature. Slow getting used to the new, caution.

PLPL: weak - and the rarest type of character. Its owners are subject to various influences, often defenseless.

LPPP: this combination is very common. The main feature is emotionality, bordering on insufficient perseverance. You succumb to other people's influence, and also easily adapt to different conditions life. Happy in friends, easy to get along with people.

LPPL: you are characterized by softness and naivety. You require a special, attentive attitude towards yourself.

LLPP: you are characterized by friendliness and simplicity, some dispersion of interests, as well as a tendency to introspection.

LLPL: innocence, gentleness, gullibility prevail in your character. A very rare combination.

LLLP: you are emotional, energetic, determined. But often hastily make decisions that bring significant complications. You need to develop a reliable "brake mechanism".

LLLL: non-conservative character type. You are able to look at old things in a new way,_ Characterized by emotionality, selfishness, stubbornness, sometimes turning into isolation.

LPLP: the strongest character type. It's hard to convince you of anything. You hardly change your point of view. But at the same time, you are energetic, stubbornly achieve your goals.

LPLL: very similar to the previous type. The same perseverance in achieving goals, a tendency to introspection. But friends are hard to find.

PLLP: you have an easy nature. Know how to avoid conflicts, love to travel. Find friends easily. But often change your hobbies.

PLLL: impermanence and independence. You seem soft, but when it comes down to it, you are demanding and persistent.

The human brain is an incredible thing. How many abilities he hides! Do you know that a person can tickle himself mentally, that it is more difficult for him to look at an image than to play dominoes, lotto, chess. The human brain analyzes objects much longer than a future holiday in the Maldives represents. It's interesting that computer games learn not to focus on one thing. Shooters, quests disperse attention and allow you to react with lightning speed. By daily training the brain, you can achieve brilliant results in any field: in the humanities or mathematics, in sports, cooking, develop memory, motor skills, learn to juggle and add the Rubik's Cube.

At what age is it best to develop the brain?

It is better to load yourself with studies, sports training, learning languages, playing the piano, reading encyclopedias, dictionaries and other things in the period from 2 to 11 years. Then there is the most rapid development of the brain. The best way to develop it is to fully immerse yourself in an unfamiliar field of activity.

How do you know which hemisphere is dominant?

To test your abilities, you can find out which hemisphere prevails over the other with a simple test. A picture of a spinning girl has already spread all over the Internet. This check was invented by creative designer Nabieki Kayahara. At home, he feels at ease, because Japan has the largest percentage of people with an IQ above 111.

Take a look at the spinning female silhouette. Is the girl spinning clockwise or counterclockwise? Left or right direction will determine the ability of your brain. But before you know the result, try to scroll it in reverse side. Any imagination can do it.

"Right-sided" (clockwise) movement indicates that the right hemisphere is better developed, "left-sided", respectively, the left. Statistics show that a larger percentage of people use left hemisphere.

If you can't change direction, take a look at the next picture, which consists of 3 parts. Throw a glance to the left, to the right, then the central "dancer" will be able to spin in both directions.

The possibilities of the left hemisphere

This part of the brain is excellent at processing verbal information. From here, a person is given a talent for learning languages, controlling his speech, the ability to write, work as a journalist, announcer. The left hemisphere remembers important events, tries to keep in mind the facts, dates, names and surnames. These are your analytical and logical abilities. Digital series, formulas, physical schemes and even valency chemical elements- all this on the "shoulders" of the left hemisphere. If you have developed it, then you like to organize your life “on the shelves”, act consistently.

The possibilities of the right hemisphere

Non-verbal information is well processed by this hemisphere. Symbolism, fantasy "rules" here. With a developed right hemisphere, you see dreamers, writers, science fiction writers, people in front of you. creative professions, songwriters incredible stories since childhood. Such people are drawn to fine arts, to notes, run to art departments, finish acting courses, etc.


At Yale University, they conducted another test and found that people who can change the movement of a spinning girl for “one or two” have a very high IQ (from 160).

In children, verbal-logical thinking is not yet developed. As soon as they pick up a pen or pencil, try to repeat the letters of the number, you can notice the mirror image of the characters. This is exactly how, at the age of 2 to 6, the brain works in babies, the hemispheres “compete” for the right to receive leadership. You can also instantly determine whether you are right-handed or left-handed using the following tests:

  • put your fingers in the "lock". Is the thumb on top of the right or left hand?
  • Cross your arms over your chest, which one is on top?

Such asymmetry of the hemispheres will indirectly influence the choice of your profession.

The picture he created shows the silhouette of a spinning girl. Just look at the picture and immediately tell which way the girl is spinning.

Decided? And now know that you can make it rotate in any direction, you just need to strain your brain a little.

So, if it seems to you that the girl is spinning clockwise, we can say that you have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain. Accordingly, if the girl rotates counterclockwise, then the left hemisphere.

Most people perceive the rotation of the girl counterclockwise. And this is not surprising, the right hemisphere is usually more developed.

Now focus, look at the girl and try to change the direction of her rotation.
Happened? Congratulations, you've put your left brain to work.

For those who could not change the direction of rotation of the girl with a glance, other 3 pictures will help. Take a quick look at the right or left picture and you can very easily change the direction of the dancer in the center.
This very simple test allows you to find out which hemisphere of your brain is predominantly active.

By the way, a few decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain was not given much importance. It was believed that it does not perform any important functions. But today, we are sure that the right hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for creative thinking.

The left hemisphere of the brain processes verbal information.

The left side of our brain is responsible for language abilities, speech control, the ability to read and write. Using the left hemisphere, we memorize facts, dates, names and control their spelling, analyze facts, and think logically. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

Right hemisphere The brain processes nonverbal information.
The right hemisphere processes information that is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. The right hemisphere gives us the ability to fantasize and dream, gives us the ability to visual arts and music. The right side of the brain can simultaneously process a lot of different information, as if considering everything as a whole, without analyzing the details.

Yale University conducted an experiment that lasted 5 years. The principle is about the same, the person was asked to change the direction of rotation of the object. People who succeeded almost immediately and without much effort generally have IQs above 160.

Pass the psychological test "The leading hemisphere of the brain", this will help you to better know your own characteristics and the characteristics of your children.

As you know, the human brain has two hemispheres and each of them is responsible for different functions. The right hemisphere - "creative" - ​​is responsible for imagery, integrity of perception and emotionality. The left hemisphere - "logical" - provides the analytical and linguistic aspects of mental operations.

This division of functions is also associated with asymmetry in the functioning of the human body, when behavior is built according to the right or left type. Some people are “right-handed” (the left hemisphere is dominant and the person has an analytical mindset). Others are “left-handed” (the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed and the person has a well-developed emotional sphere). There is also a mixed type of people, when both hemispheres equally guide their actions.

The proposed psychological test will help you determine your leading hemisphere of the brain. The test is based on the innate reactions of a person, which change little during life.

Your task: complete 4 simple exercises and record the results on paper. You write the right type of reaction with the letter P, and the left type with the letter L. In total, you get a combination of 4 letters.

Let's start the test:

1 task. Interlace your fingers, bending your arms in front of you. Which of the two thumbs is on top? If the top left - write the letter L and vice versa.

2 task. Fold both hands with a “pistol”, pull forward and aim. Fix the point of sight. Both eyes are open! Close alternately, then the right, then the left eye. If the point has shifted with the right eye closed - put the letter P, if with the left eye closed - the letter L.

3 task. Cross your arms over your chest - Napoleon's pose. See which hand is on top. Put the letter P or L.

4 task. Applaud. When clapping, determine which palm was on top, more active. Enter the appropriate letter.

As a result of the psychological test you got a certain combination of letters corresponding to some type of interhemispheric asymmetry and, accordingly, a certain type of behavior.

Find a description of your type below:

PPPP - A person is guided by certain stereotypes of behavior, generally accepted norms. He is most likely conservative, stable, with stable behavior.

PPPL - A person is a conservative, but with a weak temperament, indecisive.

PPLP - A decisive, active, temperamental person with artistry and some coquetry. In dealing with him, humor and determination are necessary, because. it does not accept weak types.

PPLL - A rare type of character: independent, artistic, soft, with a sense of humor and some coquetry in behavior. It has inconsistency: indecision - firmness; kontaktnost - slowness of accustoming.

PLPP - Type of character - business, combining an analytical warehouse and softness. Characteristic for "" business women". They are characterized by: avoidance of conflicts "on the forehead", calculation, caution, coldness, tolerance, "viscosity in relationships" (slow addiction and slowness in the development of relationships).

PLPL - A very rare and weakest type of character in women. Defenselessness, weakness, susceptibility to influence.

PLLP - More common in women: loves new experiences, fickle, dislikes conflicts, emotionally slow and languid. In communication, she is simple and bold, easily changes the type of behavior.

PLLL - Fickle and independent type of character. Analyst. Occurs infrequently.

LPPP - A well-adapted type to a variety of circumstances. Emotional (in men it is rather phlegmatic), but not persistent enough (manifested in important issues of life - marriage, education, etc.), subject to the influence of others. Easily converges with other types of characters.

LPPL - Type of "little queen" (king). Gentleness, yielding to cautious influence, naivete, requires a careful attitude towards oneself.

LPLP - Strong type of character. It's hard to convince him of anything. Perseverance is sometimes excessive - a person "fixes" on secondary goals. Individuality is pronounced, energy, ability to overcome difficulties. Does not always take into account someone else's point of view, some conservatism. Dislikes infantilism in others.

LPLL - A person with a strong, but unobtrusive character. It is difficult to convince. Internally it can be aggressive, but outwardly covered with softness and emotionality. Quickly enters into interaction, but slowly comes to an understanding.

LLPP - This type of person is characterized by friendliness and simplicity. But there is some dispersion of interests.

LLPL - This rare type occurs in only 1% of women, it is practically not typical for men. Main features: softness, gullibility, innocence.

LLLP - Main feature: decisiveness combined with emotionality. Energy, but some dispersion leads to the adoption of ill-conceived, emotionally colored decisions. Therefore, when communicating with this type of people, it’s good to turn on additional “brake mechanisms”.

LLLL - A type that does not accept conservatism is able to look at things in a new way. High emotionality. Not alien to selfishness, individualism and stubbornness, sometimes shows isolation.

All people, according to their thinking, are divided into right-hemispheric and left-hemispheric individuals, i.e. in each person one of the hemispheres dominates. We present to your attention a fairly simple, but at the same time the most reliable test for determining the dominant hemisphere of the brain.

1. Interlace your fingers into a lock.
If the thumb of the left hand is the top one, write the letter “L” on a piece of paper, if the thumb right hand- the letter "P".

2. Aim at an invisible target.
If for this you use the left eye, closing the right one, write the letter "L", if vice versa - "P".

3. Cross your arms over your chest, assuming the pose of Napoleon.
If the left hand is lying on top, mark it with the letter "L", if with the right hand - with the letter "P".

4. Applaud.
If you strike with your left palm on your right, then this is the letter "L", if right palm more active - the letter "P".

Now evaluate the resulting result according to this scheme:
"PPPP" (100% right-handed) - orientation to stereotypes, conservatism, conflict-free, no desire to quarrel and argue.
"PPPL" - one of the most striking character traits - indecision.
"PPLP" is a rather pronounced contact type of character. Coquetry, determination, sense of humor, artistry. (More often in women...)
"PPLL" - this combination is not often found. The character is close to the previous one, only softer.
"PLPP" - an analyst, with simultaneous softness. Gets used slowly, cautious in relationships, tolerance and some coldness. (More often in women...)
"PLPL" is a very rare combination. Defenselessness, susceptibility to various influences. (More often in women...)
"LPP" - this combination is common. Emotionality, lack of perseverance and perseverance in the decision important issues, susceptibility to other people's influences, good adaptability, easy contact, friendliness.
"LPPL" - more significant than in the previous case, softness of character and naivety.
"LLPP" - friendliness and simplicity, some dispersion of interests and a tendency to introspection.
"LLPL" - gentleness, innocence, gullibility.
"LLLP" - energy, emotionality, determination.
"LLLL" (100% left-handed) - "anti-conservative type of character." The ability to take a fresh look at the old. Strong emotions, pronounced individualism to selfishness, stubbornness, sometimes reaching isolation.
"LPLP" is a very strong character type. But the inability to change your point of view. As well as perseverance in achieving goals and vigor.
"LPLL" is a similarity to the previous type, only it is not so unstable and prone to introspection. Has some difficulty making friends.
"PLLP" - easy character, ability to avoid conflicts, ease in making acquaintances and communication, frequent change of hobbies.
"PLLL" - independence and inconstancy, the desire to do everything yourself.

If you get more letters "P", then the left hemisphere dominates, and vice versa.

If the answers are evenly divided, we offer you an additional test:

If the girl in the picture rotates clockwise, then in this moment you have more active left hemisphere of the brain (logic, analysis). If it turns counterclockwise, then you have an active right hemisphere (emotions and intuition).

Areas of specialization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Left hemisphere:
Logical thinking is the main area of ​​specialization of the left hemisphere.
The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for language abilities. It controls speech, reading and writing abilities, remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking:
The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It analyzes all the facts. Numbers and mathematical symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Literal understanding of words:
The left hemisphere can only understand literal sense words.

Mathematical Ability: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Logical analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

Right hemisphere
Intuition is the main area of ​​specialization of the right hemisphere.

Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for the perception of location and spatial orientation in general.

Musicality: Musical ability, as well as the ability to perceive music, depend on the right hemisphere.

Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can make up different stories.

Artistic Ability: The right hemisphere is responsible for the ability to visual arts.

Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is associated with them more closely than the left.

Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.

Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.