The daughter of fame was accompanied to graduation by her own father. Family well-being of the singer of fame Married to a millionaire

It would seem that only recently we read essays about personal life and creative career singer Slava, but life is so fleeting that now the name flashes more and more often on the front pages Alexandra Morozova, daughters singers. This is not surprising, because the young beauty is already 17 years old, and therefore she is beginning to take her first steps in her nascent career in show business.

Alexandra Morozova is the daughter of singer Slava from her first civil marriage with businessman Konstantin Morozov. Unfortunately, family life the couple never worked out. However, as far as can be understood from the singer’s interview, Alexandra Morozova’s parents still communicate normally, and important questions They try to resolve issues concerning their daughter together. Singer Slava became a mother at the age of 18. Perhaps someone will condemn her for such haste, and she herself for a long time in an interview she admitted that she was not ready for motherhood. But now, when the singer is only 35, she can boast of a friendly and trusting relationship with her 17-year-old daughter. Mother and daughter go on vacation together and often appear at social events.

Of course, her mother enjoys the achievements of Alexandra Morozova much more than her own. This applies both to school success and to the daughter’s creative ideas. Alexandra Morozova recently graduated from school. By her own admission, the girl planned to enter GITIS, but it is difficult to say whether she realized her intention. At the same time, Alexandra Morozova has a magnificent voice and for a long time even she herself was thinking about a career on the stage. And there’s no point in talking about appearance, it’s better to just see it! The girl looks like her mother like two peas in a pod, and has an equally beautiful and graceful figure.

For all its external advantages and star mom Alexandra Morozova is quite independent. As you know, she even worked for some time as a waitress in a cafe for her businessman father Konstantin Morozov. And just recently - in mid-June - a girl published photos from her professional photo shoot on social networks, which suggests that she is ready to try her hand as a fashion model. Many were shocked by such courage, because from the clothes on young talent There was only paint for body painting.

The beauty’s personal life does not stand still either. At the beginning of last year, magazines wrote about the young beauty’s romance with a guy named Nikita Shatokhin, and already this year her mother approves of a completely different boyfriend - Dmitry and is proud of the huge bouquet that her daughter received upon returning from Thailand, where she was vacationing with her mother.

“Mom taught me to be strong,” the singer’s daughter says seriously Glory(37) . And, to be honest, you can see it in her. At 18 years old, Sasha knows exactly what he wants from life and has no doubt that he will achieve all the goals he has set for himself. Today, the main one is admission to a theater university, for which Morozova is diligently preparing. “I haven’t even chosen a dress for prom yet. As usual, I’ll do this in a week,” she laughs. - And now the main thing is to pass well Unified State Exam. I write samples very well, so I have no doubt in my abilities!”

Top, GUESS; shorts, Monki; Jacket, Tommy Hilfiger; Glasses, Ray Ban; Sneakers, Adidas

True, entering the theater is not so easy (“Every time I think about it, I start to worry”), you need to prepare a program (poetry, fable, prose) with which you will perform in front of teachers, and they will decide whether you are worthy of being an actor or No. She took courses at Moscow Art Theater, Shchukinsky school and studied with a teacher. “I have the program ready,” says Sasha. – I rehearse it once every two days - no more often, so that every time everything I read comes from the heart.”

She plans to apply to several universities at once: Moscow Art Theater School, VGIK, GITIS, “Sliver” and “Pike”. “I want to act in films and work in the theater too much. I realized a long time ago that this is mine, so I’m not going to back down.”

She cums Lomonosov school– private educational institution, therefore, Morozova never encountered envious glances from classmates and attacks like “well, of course, your mother is a star,” but she still doesn’t like to remember her childhood and says: “I was constantly sad.” She doesn’t want to say why exactly, but we have some guesses: when Sasha was very little, her parents separated.

Right: Top, Tommy Hilfiger; Skirt, Mango; Sneakers, Adidas

But the separation did not in any way affect Sasha’s relationship with her father, restaurateur Konstantin Morozov. “We spend a lot of time together,” she says.

When Slava gave birth to her daughter, she was only 18 years old, so Sasha and her mother communicate in the same language - they, on top of everything else, are also close friends. But with Morozova’s peers in Lately relationships don’t work out: “I used to have a lot of friends, and I was always the life of the party, I easily got along with everyone mutual language. And when I got older, I began to understand people better and now I’m not friends with just anyone.”

But the press is more concerned about the other side of Sasha’s life – the personal one. Namely, her relationship with an aspiring lawyer Dmitry(20). And as soon as everyone began to discuss this issue, the couple broke up. How and why, Sasha does not want to tell. And although with Slava’s new husband, businessman Anatoly Danilitsky(65), and baby sister Antonina(5) her relationship is excellent; after breaking up with her boyfriend, Morozova did not return to her parents - now she lives alone.

But, despite the cherished dreams of big stage And " Oscar", Sasha believes that the most important thing is family. “I hope that in 10 years I will already have a husband and children, but I would still like to devote myself more to them than to work.”

Yes and by social events Sasha, unlike her star peers, does not go: “I’m bored at them, I’m not interested, I don’t like half the people at all these dinner parties and cocktails." And in general, what she values ​​most in people is sincerity - a quality that is so lacking secular world, as well as honesty and the ability to correctly show one’s strengths. So she goes through life with a clear understanding that “if you really want to, you can fly into space”: “I’m joking, of course. But there is some truth in every joke. I believe that if you confidently move towards your goal, you will definitely achieve everything,” Alexandra smiles.

Maxim Shirkov. Style: Konstantin Koshkin. Makeup and hairstyle: Lidiya Alieva. Producer: Angelika Purtova.

June 27, 2017

The girl came home in the company of her mother, grandmothers and her own father - the ex-husband of singer Slava Konstantin Morozov.

Alexandra Morozova graduated from the Lomonosov school this year with a gold medal and plans to enroll in Theatre Institute. At her prom, the girl appeared in the company of her family, among whom was her own father, whom Sasha hid from the public for a long time. She often published joint pictures with her mother on the microblog and never with her father. This time, after graduation, the girl did not appear on Instagram with her own father, but in the photographs taken by the paparazzi, the family looked happy.

For High school prom Slava's daughter chose a bright red floor-length dress and open-toe shoes. The singer herself appeared at the event in a white trouser suit. The girl's father appeared in trousers and a sweater.

Let us remember that Slava met her first common-law husband when she was still a schoolgirl. Upon learning of the pregnancy, she decided to have an abortion, but was unable to do so. Together with her husband and daughter, they lived in cramped circumstances. When the baby was six months old, the couple decided to separate. Konstantin helped his daughter’s mother: he spent time with the child and supported him financially.

Foreign media report that Los Angeles police shot and killed a man suspected of kidnapping his nine-year-old son and murdering him. ex-wife. On the evening of August 22, 48-year-old Konstantin Morozov was spotted in a quiet suburb of Encino, leaving his friend’s house with little Daniil. During the operation to detain the criminal, law enforcement officers had to use weapons.

Police Officer Mike Lopez said the child was fine and in good hands. The boy's father was taken to the hospital, where he died from his injuries. No law enforcement officers were injured.

A day earlier, Konstantin Morozov was suspected of murder. This happened after police discovered the body of the man’s ex-wife Natalia in his home in the city of Santa Maria. Officers determined the woman had died. violent death. Late in the evening of Monday, August 21, the so-called “Amber Alert” was announced - a notification system for missing children, which is adopted in the United States. Information about the child was disseminated through all channels, including the media and information boards on highways.

Police and FBI officers joined forces to find the missing boy. Before stopping Konstantin Morozov, they were watching him. The "interception" plan was introduced.

Later, information appeared in the American press that Natalya and Konstantin Morozov divorced, but could not resolve the contradictions that arose between them. The ex-spouses resolved financial issues and the procedure for communicating with their son Daniil in court. A hearing in their case was scheduled for Thursday, August 24. The Russian consulate in San Francisco confirmed that the boy and his family members are citizens of the Russian Federation.

As correspondents learned, the man’s chosen one filed for divorce in December 2015. Morozova decided to leave her husband after thirteen years spent together. Natalya accused Konstantin of abuse, and he claimed that the woman had committed fraud in her homeland and in America. However, the process was delayed because she was leaving for Russia for some time.

Natalya and Konstantin met in 2000 in Los Angeles. Then the Russian woman worked as a nanny. The immigrants decided to legalize their relationship in 2002, after which Morozov, as written in the documents, received political asylum. After the wedding, the man’s chosen one worked as a teacher’s assistant at a local school, and Konstantin managed to get a job as a nurse, The Tribune reports.