Physical signs of a wife's cheating. Why do women cheat


What could be worse for you than betrayal? Probably nothing! Men claim that they are polygamous creatures, thereby explaining. Then, what are the motives for women cheating on their husbands? A woman is initially endowed with maternal instinct, a sense of responsibility and compassion for others. What pushes her to such a cruel act towards her husband, children and herself? Going on, you realize that further there can only be a break with the person who led you by the hand to the altar, with whom you have children, family ties and the years you have lived. How to live with this now? How to explain to yourself and your husband what prompted you to take this step? After all, it is impossible to prove anything to a man’s violated dignity. What can we say about such an offense as his wife’s betrayal?

Reasons for female infidelity

As a rule, most women say the main reason for their betrayal of their husband is the lack of warmth and attention on his part. The woman feels unwanted, forgotten and lost in life. A man, minding his own business, simply does not notice the changes taking place in his wife. He does not see her impulses to talk or draw attention to herself. Having abandoned all attempts to stir up her husband, the wife is looking for “adventures” on the side. And, as a rule, she succeeds in this.
Another of the main reasons for a spouse’s infidelity is constant. Realizing that there is no way to correct the situation with the adventures of her passion, the woman finds a way out - she takes revenge with the same “weapons” as her husband. She does this so that her husband guesses about her infidelity and, out of jealousy, draws attention to the fact that he has a wife. This is an erroneous approach to seeking understanding from a spouse; here the saying that we knock out wedges with wedges does not work. This tactic leads to...

There is another reason why women cheat on their husbands - permissiveness. She is used to her husband forgiving all her misdeeds. He pampers and cherishes her like a child, blowing away specks of dust from her. The woman has the mistaken opinion that the whole world is now at her feet, and in any case, her husband will love her just as before.

The list of reasons for a wife's betrayal can be endless. The most justified reason for a woman to cheat is. After all, it happens that people, having been married for many years, realize that they have not loved each other for a long time. Each woman has her own excuses, each individual situation has its own nuances. Just before you decide to cheat, think about the fact that this is one of the key moments in your life with your spouse. It will not be possible to return anything back, and you will have to live with “a stone in your soul” all your life.

You feel that something new is happening to your wife. What is this? She behaves strangely, comes home late, chirps like a bird, and then suddenly falls into a stupor. Maybe with her or in her parents' family? Do you ask her leading questions and she doesn’t answer? It's time to understand the situation. There are several main signs that indicate your spouse is unfaithful.


Women are creatures who get tired of everyday life. They always need to be new and appear younger than their age. But, if you notice that your wife suddenly signed up for the gym, cut her long hair short, and changed her makeup style, think about whether this is a normal desire to be or something else. Now she spends a long time spinning in front of the mirror, deciding which dress to wear, carefully styling her hair, and doing makeup for an hour.

The first thing you should notice is with you. She avoids you in every possible way, tries to come up with a lot of things to do for the evening, just so as not to go to bed. Men who prioritize sexual relationships always notice a sharp change in their wife’s attitude towards carnal pleasures.

You haven’t heard stories from her for a long time about how your day went, what’s new at work, and how your mother-in-law is doing. In your presence, she does not want to express any emotions at all, afraid of letting it slip and giving herself away with an unfortunate word. Don't wind yourself up like a spring. Ask the woman directly what she thinks, feels, what is happening to her. Perhaps she herself has been trying to tell you everything for a long time, but she is afraid.

Now family is not the main thing.

One thing can be said about female infidelity - it radically changes a woman’s worldview and values. If before she cared whether you were wearing a hat and gloves, now she simply doesn’t notice it. The woman becomes far from family problems, needs and experiences. She is present here - next to you, but the impression is that in her thoughts she is somewhere far away.

Doesn't argue or reproach.

Previously, you solved problems together, argued, discussed and came to an agreement. Now the woman simply agrees with what you say or does everything her own way.

She leaves the conflict silently, without answering anything.

Communication with people.

Aren't you worried that your wife started taking her mobile phone with her even to the toilet? She does not let him out of her hands, and at night hides him under her pillow. Her pages are now closed from prying eyes. She slams the laptop lid just as she hears footsteps from the other room. At the same time, the spouse constantly corresponds - answers SMS, messages and leaves to talk on the phone in another room.

Delays at work.

Every woman strives to come home after work and do something necessary for the family. For example, work with your child, bake a cake, or prepare a delicious dinner. For several evenings now you have been sitting at home with the children, and your wife comes home late, explaining that she has another difficult report or meeting at work. Even when going to the nearest supermarket for shopping, the wife returns after a few hours. Every time she will get confused in explanations and be indignant that you pester with questions. She will constantly find reasons to disappear from home for a while.

The longer this exhausting competition between the wife's secrets and the husband's search for the truth continues, the more difficult it is for them to live. A woman will find all sorts of ways to alienate her husband; she will become irritable and secretive. The constant feeling of guilt and pity for her husband will completely exhaust her. She understands that it is no longer possible to avoid. Now all that remains is to muster up the courage and tell your husband about your betrayal. But how? You must take the first step. Fatigue from constant lies and the ambiguity of the situation will help you with this. Talk to your wife, don’t let her torture herself and you further. You can throw a scandal later, the main thing is to find out the true reason for her behavior. Perhaps you are just screwing yourself up, and everything is much more trivial than the terrible and irreparable betrayal of your wife.

February 9, 2014


The wife ceases to be interested in her husband's affairs. She does not meet him, does not pay attention to him, and coolly perceives stories about the past day and its events.

The woman does not want to discuss joint plans for vacation or upcoming ones. She is distant and shows no interest in family matters or spending time together.

The wife calls up and meets with her friends more often than before. From time to time, her cell phone is turned off during such meetings, or she does not pick up the phone. The excuses are banal: I didn’t hear the call, the phone ran out, the battery ran out, and the like.

The cheating spouse begins to carefully monitor. She suddenly changes her appearance, begins to use cosmetics more actively than before, goes on a diet, and pays more attention to her toilet.

The wife is not at all eager to spend time with her husband. Scandals end over the spouse working overtime, the inability to travel out of town, and some events. The wife is even glad of the fact that her husband is extremely rarely at home.

In your wife’s phone (well, if you are not one of those who disdain the opportunity to rummage through other people’s things or someone else’s phone), SMS messages with lyrical content appear, and many calls from one number unknown to you.

The husband is no longer greeted with a hot, freshly prepared dinner on the table, since the wife now prepares food for three to four days and regularly suggests that the husband learn how to use the microwave.


There are several reasons for female infidelity. But, if their rating were compiled, then the reason that would earn the most points would be the woman’s deprivation of attention and affection. Therefore, many workaholic men should think about whether they themselves pushed their beloved wife to cheat?

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  • how to recognize your wife's cheating

The terrible word “treason” always evokes negative emotions. Cheating on the part of both men and women has an equally destructive effect on the union of partners and causes pain to both. However, female and male infidelity are not equal and lead to different consequences.

When a man cheats, the problem of preserving the family most often arises. When a woman, the main problem is the appearance of remorse and all the ensuing consequences. No amount of force will help deal with this. A woman who has cheated on her husband suddenly begins to suffer from insomnia, she becomes withdrawn, and often falls into depression. Subconsciously, a woman believes that she has denigrated herself by crossing some prohibited line. Often her sincere conviction is that it would be better for her to frankly confess everything to her husband. However, most psychologists unanimously agree that you should not tell everything to your spouse and there is no need to admit to the absence of irrefutable evidence. This is explained by the fact that confession will only bring additional torment to the deceived partner and the woman herself. It is worth noting that men react differently to such news. Thus, a husband suffering from jealousy can kill his lover, his wife and himself on the spot. In a mentally healthy person, the recognition of his spouse will cause an unpredictable reaction. The worst thing here is that the man himself does not imagine how exactly he will react to such news. If a man says in a private conversation that he will do this and that in such a situation, this does not mean at all that everything will happen exactly like that. The vast majority of people, unfortunately, cannot control unconscious reactions. Assuming that they know how to control themselves and have complete control over their actions, but in reality the opposite happens. Even if the husband believes that there should be no secrets between him and his wife, and sincere confessions strengthen the family, according to psychologists, it is better for a woman to choose another confessor for her confession. After all, the calmest and most balanced man can throw out all his temperament, suppressed for years, on his confessed wife. Things could even escalate to assault. The situation is especially sad when a woman’s infidelity is caused by the desire to awaken jealousy in her husband and thus return love. In the eyes of a man, betrayal of his wife is a greater crime than his own betrayal. Therefore, it is worth noting that betrayal is an irrational way to solve the problems of family life. It’s better to put things in order in your own home and understand whether it’s worth having a person next to you who you want to cheat on.

Betrayal is one of the most terrible events that can happen to a person. When a loved one commits such an act, the relationship is unlikely to be saved. But everyone swears oaths of fidelity, promises to love forever and be together! But these are just words spoken out loud; in life everything can turn out completely differently. If you have suspicions about your wife or girlfriend, study this material, it will reveal the signs of female infidelity.

If a woman “walks” on the side, this indicates that there is no harmony, something is missing. After all, the weaker sex will never do such a thing if the entire Universe is in the arms of its beloved! If cheating has occurred, it means that the woman does not receive the necessary attention, warmth and affection from her man, or she was tortured

Such steps are not taken just like that! A normal man always feels that something is wrong with his partner. The level decreases, falsehood and play appear, and various extraordinary events occur. All this says only one thing - time to think, take action, take an important step and admit the truth.

Cheating cannot justify any cracks in a relationship. This is a hidden betrayal of everything holy, for the sake of which people were with each other. Regardless of gender and social status. Therefore, there is no need to suffer for months in guesswork. It is best to immediately put everything in its place. A man should take a closer look at the behavior of his other half. It happens that in the process of cheating, a woman begins to dress better, suddenly becomes a regular visitor to the fitness center, hides her mobile phone and correspondence, and tries to avoid intimate contacts. All this is felt and there can be no longer any doubt.

What is treason? This is a serious injury that can destroy a marriage or long-term love relationship that has not yet been confirmed legally or ecclesiastically. For a normal man, such a “surprise” can become a serious trauma for life.

The main signs of female infidelity?

1.Changing your image, habits, going to the gym.

Typical indicators that a woman is trying to please someone. She began to take care of herself, began to... Appearance is very important for the fairer sex. And if a lady has not previously devoted too much time to sports, then such actions can be alarming. Of course, maybe she just decided to work on her figure. But in combination with other factors, this indicator is important. In addition, if the choice of clothes and accessories has become more careful, and a whole hour is spent in front of the mirror. Small signs, subtle facts.


Coldness in bed, reluctance to share impressions and experiences. What does it mean? The destruction of the emotional connection that should be in. If a man always discusses the past day with a woman, shares his thoughts, listens to her opinion, then this is very good. But betrayal destroys connections. The woman is no longer interested in this, and she participates in the conversation only as a detached character. Bed always demonstrates a change of pace in a relationship. If the frequency of sexual relations is reduced to a minimum, or even completely declines, this is a clear sign of female infidelity. A smart man will pay attention to this.

3. Stealth.

No warm words are heard from her lips. The woman stops talking about her experiences and doesn’t even raise questions about her work. Complete secrecy, less communication. This suggests that she is worried, perhaps even feeling guilty, because of the betrayal.

After all, not all betrayals occur because of a partner’s bad attitude. Love is an unpredictable thing. It is best to simply and directly ask about what is bothering her. But surveillance and other symptoms of paranoia will not provide answers. Perhaps the woman has long wanted to talk openly. Why torture each other and wait for things to worsen? Love cannot be glued together!

4. Family affairs are no longer of interest.

Cheating for a woman is a sacrifice of old interests for the sake of new ones. Naturally, the old interest in this case is the husband. Therefore, if a spouse or cohabitant does not meet her loved one after work, but does something in another room, avoids conversations and intimacy, then some “research” needs to be done. This will clarify the situation. When she needs to go out in the evening, you can try offering to accompany her. Persistence in this matter will help show how unnecessary the man has become. And attempts to hide something, lies and tricks will reveal themselves sooner or later.

5. I started arguing less.

When a woman cheats, the distance from her partner manifests itself in many situations. Previously, she defended her point of view, tried to participate in dialogues, and quarreled if opinions did not coincide. Sometimes they arose. All this indicated that the woman was not indifferent to life together. But the moment came when the controversy faded away and interest dried up.

If earlier she was more susceptible to gatherings with friends, disorder and other elements of relationships, and now she shows complete indifference, then this is an important indicator. This means she is already living in a new world. And this is a serious reason to think about the ending of the relationship, because the partner has already made a decision, but has not yet realized it, or is waiting for the moment to say goodbye.

6. Telephone communication and correspondence.

In the 21st century, technology is used everywhere. And if a woman has pulled away, began to correspond more by e-mail, constantly sends messages using a mobile phone or conducts negotiations in a whisper, then there is no need to entertain yourself with illusions.

This is a serious signal that simply screams that cheating is happening. A simple question on this topic can cause different reactions from your partner. Reciprocal aggression indicates betrayal, and ordinary denial gives equal chances. Everything should be thought over, analyzed, and compared in the last years of life together. Then the answer will be found.

7. Being late.

If a woman used to come home from work early, but now she is more and more late, then you don’t need any more words to start worrying. Of course, she can say that there is a lot to do at work and she is busy thinking about things. Also, if you cheat, shopping will no longer be a fleeting affair; each trip to the store will end in a few hours. Time will stretch, there will be more and more lies and excuses. These signs of female infidelity will help you make the final decision in your life.

No matter how a woman hides her new feelings, sooner or later the betrayal will appear. Indeed, in this case, she feels guilty, tries to hide new relationships, significantly reduces the number of acts of intimacy, stops discussing problems, and moves away in all possible relationships. In this case, it is worth asking the question of the advisability of prolonging such games with feelings and putting everything in its place. Once and for all. Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie!

  • I would like to note: despite the general signs of betrayal, they are different. Each girl has her own characteristics, so exceptions to the rules are possible. In this case, one of the signs described below may simply not be true, let’s say your girlfriend or wife is simply in a bad mood or, say, she has changed her attitude towards life (and for the better), etc., This article gives recommendations and advice, but they are not a life standard. Make your decision thoughtfully, because it can radically change your life!

Has your wife stopped pestering you with constant calls? Don't rush to rejoice! Perhaps she has found herself a new object of adoration! Do you have any doubts?

We invite you to consider the most common signs of female infidelity, which have helped more than one deceived husband bring his beloved to clean water.

Prerequisites for female infidelity

She hasn’t changed it yet, but she’s already thinking about it - this is how this stage can be characterized. Despite the fact that all the prerequisites for betrayal lie on the very surface, not every man understands that something is wrong with his woman. Be sure to use our tips, because now is not too late to change the situation for the better!

  • Your beloved has ceased to be interested in your affairs. She is not at all interested in where you are and with whom.
  • You began to notice that your chosen one is often in a state of dreamy reverie. What is she thinking about? You will not get a clear answer to this question!
  • Your wife stopped pestering you with demands and requests, she just left you alone! Well, her interests were focused on someone else.
  • A woman constantly mentions the same man's name and admires him endlessly. Be careful! You need to know your enemies by sight!
  • Your other half literally “blooms and smells.” Where does this state of serene happiness come from, because nothing like that happened! There is a reason, you just don’t know about it yet.
  • Your loved one has new interests. Previously, she only watched soap operas and fashion shows, but now she can’t tear herself away from football and the evening news.
  • The wife comes home, which she supposedly bought for herself.

Indirect signs of female infidelity

A woman will hide the betrayal that has occurred in every possible way, especially if she has not yet decided whether to stay with you or leave for someone else. What signs indicate that the wife has a lover?

  • Restricting access to personal space. If you used to calmly use her phone, now she will not allow you to access it under any pretext. All that was needed was for you to read the message from your opponent!
  • External transformation. She bought a new dress, put on beautiful underwear, did a fashionable hairstyle... Remember, was this the way she wanted to impress you? Draw your conclusions!
  • Your half has a company where you have no place. Previously, your wife couldn’t take a single step without you, but now everything is different. Now she hurries to her new friends, calmly goes to parties with them, and returns long after midnight. Moreover, she constantly has to solve someone else's problems. “Darling, Katya asked me to help her choose wallpaper. I can’t leave her alone in such a huge store!” And this despite the fact that your wife and altruism are two incompatible concepts.
  • Next signs of female infidelity look like this - frequent business trips and meetings, consultations and preparation for seminars. This category also includes canceled trains, broken minibuses, and non-working subways. A woman’s fantasy knows no bounds, and the girl herself will lie so skillfully that you will have no choice but to take her word for it.
  • Changes in attitude towards you. There can be two extremes: avoidance of all physical contact or increased attention from the wife. With the first, everything is clear, you have become disgusting and uninteresting to her. As for the second model of behavior, this is how the woman is trying to lull your vigilance and make amends for her guilt.
  • Cooling in proximity. As a rule, women sleep with the men they love, because intimacy and love for them are the same thing. You have reason to suspect your wife of infidelity if she has stopped responding to your caresses, suffers from chronic headaches, stays up late at work or goes to bed earlier than you.
  • Communication problems. Until some time, your beloved had a simply perfect phone, but recently strange things have begun to happen to it - the battery will run out, the buttons will stop working, or the money will disappear from the account to no one knows where.
  • Increased independence. Does your beloved prohibit you from picking her up from work, school or parties? Most likely, she already has a escort.
  • An appraising glance. Have you noticed that your beloved is looking at you strangely? She compares you to another person. In whose favor will this comparison be? And this depends only on you.

Direct signs of female infidelity

As a rule, everything is clear here. But if you still remain blissfully unaware, then know that traces of other people’s kisses, the aroma of someone else’s cologne, the habit of locking yourself in the shower after returning from a friend with whom she bought the same wallpaper are direct evidence of female adultery.

You could write a whole book about marital affairs, because psychologists have been studying this aspect in depth for several decades. Now we can speak with confidence about all sorts of factors and signs that indicate vicious relationships.

In order for the suspicions that arise not to torment you, it is necessary to study the section on the topic “how to identify betrayal based on proven signs”, of which there are more than enough collected in order to affirm their significance. This information will help determine your suspicions and bring the deceiver to clean water, because for any man, female infidelity is a terrible test.

The girls learned to hide deception well, sometimes reaching the level of mastery. They will go to great lengths to avoid punishment and fool their betrothed.

  • If the wife changed her behavior, her behavior will definitely change! First of all, pay attention to this point. It is the most significant, since they talk about changes in her personal life, which, most likely, are not related to you.
  • An unreasonable change in mood may indicate that there are disagreements with her new partner or vice versa.
  • Lately you have been feeling that your intimate relationship has failed. Of course, this is not 100% infidelity, because we can’t always think about sex, but if this has become a pattern, it’s worth thinking about.
  • Your spouse has lost respect for you, begins to point out your shortcomings, does not respect your choices, does not make concessions, and also compares you with others. Not only is it unpleasant, but it also means something.
  • Lost interest in you. If earlier she was jealous, nagged, started quarrels and showdowns because of gatherings with friends and returning home late, now she doesn’t care, perhaps she’s even happy about it, since now she has a lot of time for a new object of passion and for herself.
  • Frequent delays at work indicate that they are not at all due to “blockages” at work. Frequent “reports” indicate that time is spent with a lover. It’s not difficult to check this; just offer to pick her up from work or come without warning.
  • You can test your wife's devotion by who drives her home. A stranger or colleague will not become a free taxi driver out of pure intentions.
  • Signs of your wife's betrayal are hidden in your underwear. You've probably noticed the new lace lingerie. Of course, there is nothing wrong with buying it, but if she puts it on before leaving, and not for your sake, most likely, the guesses are not groundless.
  • Frequent sleepovers “at a friend’s” can be an excellent cover for meeting a man.
  • From time to time you find different gifts, some of them expensive? Surely the wife secretly receives them and brings them home. Do you know exactly what you bought for her and would she be able to afford them, given the family budget?
  • You can also draw conclusions based on your periods. That is, they can be a reason for refusal. Notice how often this reason is stated. Perhaps she will give herself away when several times a month, one reason will be that she does not want to sleep with you.
  • Some “manic” spouses, due to their jealousy, determine when the wife has gone “to the left” in the vagina. For example, when immediately after arriving home, the spouse rushes to the shower and locks herself in there. Maybe she is washing away the traces and smell of another.

  • How to find out cheating using your phone? Most likely, the phone is increasingly hidden from your view, you have limited access to it, more and more often she puts it on silent mode or even turns it off. Take the opportunity to check your correspondence and incoming calls.
  • How to determine your wife's infidelity by appearance? Has she started spending a huge amount of time near the mirror? A radical change in image? Repainted a new color? All of these signs could mean something is wrong.
  • How to recognize infidelity by the body and make sure that your inner feeling does not let you down? It's quite unpleasant to realize that your significant other is no longer honest with you. It has been proven that the stronger sex perceives this fact no less painfully than representatives of the weaker sex. One of the most reliable facts of betrayal is her alienation. The feeling that warm hugs no longer attract the girl, she no longer needs them. Although it used to calm her down, it brought you both closer. There is already a different person in front of you. Next, let's look at facial expressions. The fair half of humanity has about 45 muscles located on their faces; without even realizing it, they show true emotions. When the conversation is about love, and a mask of sarcasm is painted on the face, and the eyes are narrowed, this is an obvious deception. Signals such as a long gaze should be alarming, because this manifestation means hatred. If your loved one’s gait changes, it means you have been “cuckolded.” You will definitely notice the changes, because she will move around the city with her head held high and an independent look. The above facts indicate that the physiological signs of female infidelity are obvious.

However, there is no need to panic and arrange a debriefing! Only massive coincidences over a certain period can be a reason for action. One or more coincidences may be a real coincidence. Approach the matter consciously and analyze what is happening.

Since ancient times, folk signs have been considered a reliable source by which one can look into the future or decipher certain actions and events. In married life there are also enough situations for which there are answers from ancestors. For example, they say that if your spouse starts mentioning a certain man, a neighbor, an acquaintance, and even more so praising him, comparing you with him, this means that you have ceased to suit her, and enough complaints have accumulated. And you shouldn’t think that the affair is with him. No, this is just a “bell” for the spouse to reconsider the relationship. Otherwise, a lover will actually appear later.

Don't understand what's going on between you? Analyze her mood. Thoughtfulness, withdrawal into herself and sudden changes in emotional terms indicate changes in her personal life.

A sufficient number of existing methods will help determine how honest your other half is with you; only by carefully observing her can you be sure of possible deception. Only after the balance of arguments outweighs simple suspicions can you present them and begin a serious conversation. You should not throw suspicions around ahead of time, because not every person will be able to forgive false accusations and humiliating mistrust in their own address.

First of all, analyze your own behavior. Surely you yourself have more than once given reason to doubt your loyalty and love. Sometimes we push people close to us to make a terrible mistake with our attitude. Unreasonable jealousy and prohibitions cause pain, and lack of attention and care leads to consequences when a person, on a subconscious level, looks for missing feelings and emotions “on the side.”

Have there been times when you refused to help or support your loved one when she needed it? No wonder she ends up accepting it from someone else. Then her fault is no more than yours.

But when it comes to calculated betrayal, you shouldn’t hesitate and blame yourself.

Don't try to reason with the person or try to rekindle the relationship. Gather your thoughts and categorically declare separation and divorce. Walk away proudly and try to be alone for a while. Think about how you plan to live further, whether you need to forgive.

When there are children together, the situation becomes more complicated. Under no circumstances should you cross them out of your life or try to make them a bargaining chip, because they are not to blame for anything. They still need both parents, they still love them just the same. Try to spend your free time with them, without discussing the current situation, and without insulting their mother. They are unlikely to understand this, and it will not add honor to you.

Eliminate the option of “revenge” with similar actions. This will definitely not heal the soul, but it may make the situation worse. And also “drowning grief” with alcohol is a dubious method. Nothing will come of this except destruction.

As for your emotional state, try to behave like the stronger sex. There should be no humiliation, no scandals, no requests to return. Only worthy behavior can cause remorse in a partner and make her regret what she has done. Whatever choice you make regarding your family, stay on the right level.