How to become happy in life. How to be a happy woman

Hello, since you came to this page, you probably feel unhappy, or at least not happy enough. Let me tell you how to become a happy woman in 7 days. 7 simple steps will help us with this, after which you will feel happy.

But first, let's think about what happiness is? And what is happiness for you? Why don't you feel happy? The answer is simple: happiness is in your head, and to feel happy, you just need to believe in happiness. A person doesn’t need much to be happy; sometimes a glance, attention, a strong hug, or just a good night’s sleep is enough.

If you want to be happy, be it.

Step 1. Remove all problems to become happier.

The main problem of unhappy people is imaginary problems. Don't treat problems like problems. All your problems are tests, closed doors on your path that you just have to go through. You can go through them in different ways: go around, jump over, pass by, or turn around and go look for another road, climb over, break, burn in the end. But under no circumstances should you stand in front of the door and hope that it will open on its own. Over time, you will end up in a room with many locked doors. If this has already happened, and it seems to you that your situation is hopeless, then still do not despair. I said that doors can be broken, you can dig a tunnel - there is always a way out.

It seems to you that there are a lot of problems. Write down 10 problems on a piece of paper. And cross out 8 of those that are not the most scary and difficult. Think about how to solve the remaining two problems. The problems and fears of most women are similar: dissatisfaction with themselves, loss of loved ones, lack of money, loneliness, uncertainty about the future, the desire to be loved, fatigue.

Don’t dwell on problems, don’t accumulate them, throw them away.

Step 2: Don't think about what's done because you can't change it.

All people who feel unhappy believe that they have many problems. You constantly think about them, try to find solutions, worry, replay past situations. Has it ever happened that you go to bed, but then you remember that today at work in front of everyone you said or did something stupid? You begin to think about what your colleagues thought of you, and what you should have done in this situation. What would have happened if you had done things differently? You begin to delve into yourself and your thoughts, and blame yourself. As a result, you cannot fall asleep, and the next day you get up as a tired, unhappy person, whose brain did not rest all night, but made up problems that actually do not exist.

One day, a friend of mine told me that she was not happy because she wanted a child, but she and her husband just couldn’t do it. One of the reasons for the failure was her excess weight, which she was warned about at the antenatal clinic. The idea became obsessive, she could not find a place for herself, she began to hate everyone around her, and first of all happy families and children. The result is that she divorced her husband and got two dogs. She became an ardent dog lover - she takes them to exhibitions and receives awards. She has lost weight, but now she no longer wants children. According to her stories, she became happy. And I believe that she is happy, because happiness is in the head.

There could have been another way - it was possible to lose weight, undergo treatment and still give birth to a child. But whether she would be happy is unknown. We live in the same timeline, we can’t change anything. Therefore, you don’t even need to think about what would have happened if things had been different. It’s better to think about what to do now to be happy in the future.

Step 3. Set goals whose implementation will make you happier.

Goals must be specific, time-bound, and achievable. For example, if you want to get married, then simply the goal “Get Married” will not give you anything. And for example, “Within a year I want to find a husband, for this I have to look good every day, play sports, communicate a lot in various new companies.” Secondary goals are automatically created, the completion of which will bring you closer to the main goal. An example of a secondary goal: “I should always look good!” To do this, you need to constantly take care of your face and body, and dress well. Another goal may arise: “Make money for all this.” This way a whole tree of goals can be formed. And these are not problems - these are goals, and quite achievable ones.

Perhaps you are already married and have children. But you are still not happy. In this case, your goals may be different. But they definitely should be.

A woman who works on herself, on her happiness, simply has no time to think about the fact that she is unhappy. She always moves forward and knows her goal.

Step 4: Enjoy every moment of your life.

You must learn to be happy right now. There is no need to wait for a miracle and hope that happiness will come sometime later. Will not be. It already exists. When you go to work out at the gym, you should have fun. This is not work for results - this is a pleasant pastime with a pleasant bonus in the form of a beautiful body. When you go to a party, your goal is not to find a husband there, but to enjoy the communication. When you do homework with a child, it is not so that he grows up smart and successful, you spend time with him now and should enjoy it.

Enjoy every moment, every second. Be happy now.

Step 5. Don’t solve other people’s problems and don’t try on someone else’s life.

You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone and you don’t need to try to help everyone. You have your own life - build your own house, you don’t need to carry bricks from your neighbor, carry your own, for your own happiness. Don't confuse support and problem solving. If your loved one is in trouble, support him. But there is no point in imposing help.

And don't envy others. Nowadays it is very easy to create an external illusion of happiness - show a few photos from resorts, post a photo with a large bouquet - and it seems that the woman is happy. In reality, everything may be different. Everyone has their own life. One person needs the beach and the sea for relaxation, another needs a tour of the ancient city. One person loves soap operas, another loves science fiction films. We are all different. Some people work to have a good rest, while others rest so that they can work well later with renewed vigor.

And never blame anyone for your failures. Remember the wisdom: “A fool blames others, a smart man blames himself, a wise man blames no one!”

Step 6. Don't pay attention to other people's opinions.

Little attention is paid to happy people. Happy people are not interesting for gossip. And, moreover, they often cause hostility due to envy. Therefore, the happier you look, the less envious people will notice you. On the contrary, everyone is trying to help the unfortunate, calm them down, solve their problems, and discuss them. Therefore, a happy person must take it for granted that his happiness is his happiness, which will not always evoke positive emotions in other people. A friend is known in trouble, but he is known even more in joy.

People will not always approve of your actions. If you take care of yourself, many will be skeptical about your endeavors, and maybe even condemn you. This should not lead you astray from your goal and should not prevent you from being happy. People are not jealous because you are happy. They are angry with themselves for not being able to pull themselves together and make their life as happy as yours.

Step 6: Share your happiness.

Smile and always be positive. You must be confident in yourself – self-confidence gives you strength and improves your mood. You may have noticed that when you put on a new outfit, you feel more confident, it seems to you that everyone can see how stylish and beautiful you are. It's hard to feel sad at this moment. Therefore, you should always be a queen so that others feel that royal aura. Show your success, share your goals, share your good mood and smiles with the people around you. Talk less - do more. Don't be afraid to break up with people. Your environment will change, people will come and go – and that’s normal. After all, as you develop, your interests also change.

Step 7: Accept yourself for who you are.

There seems to be a contradiction. On the one hand, we are talking about self-development, changing ourselves for the better. On the other hand, about the fact that you need to love, appreciate, respect yourself for who you are now. And it is true. You need to strive for the best, but everyone needs to love and accept themselves. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your weight is, your social status – you are the best!

Be yourself and do what you want. If you want to dance, dance; if you want to sing, sing. You have one life, and one timeline - so live it as fully and varied as possible.

Let this article help you change your very attitude towards happiness and life, and by looking at your life in a new way, with happy eyes, you yourself will understand what you need to be happy!

Tell me in the comments, did you manage to be happy? What advice can you give to other girls to become happy?

To achieve harmony with your own body, find well-being and inner comfort, you need to pour your energy into a positive direction. Many modern women, due to various circumstances, cannot feel happy. It doesn't matter whether they are married or single. Let's look at psychological techniques that will help you become 100% confident and happy.

Learn to relax

  1. During non-working hours, try not to overload yourself with service-related activities. Acquire the ability to relax, there is no need to conduct abstruse conversations, abstract from problems. Women who are constantly busy cannot be happy. They simply do not find time to rest, thinking about world problems. At least once a week, allow yourself to relax.
  2. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you really need it. Transfer some responsibilities to other household members. Send your husband to buy groceries, and assign the children to clean the apartment. As a last resort, involve your mother-in-law or mother. You don't have to do everything yourself.
  3. Allow yourself to visit the massage room. The specialist will relieve tension, you will feel much better. Women are gentle creatures; they constantly need to be stroked, kneaded, and relaxed so that the energy of life is distributed evenly. Massage does the job perfectly. If it is not possible to visit a massage therapist, master the technique yourself with your significant other.
  4. You can relax in other ways. Take a fragrant herbal bath with essential oils. This therapy dispels all negative thoughts, and you will come out rested and full of new achievements. It is useful to lie in the bath for those who cannot sleep or are often stressed for various reasons.
  5. Spending time near the water will help you get into a positive mood. Rolling waves or a light prize calms you down. You will think about everyday little things, find harmony with yourself at least for a while, and feel sexy and desirable. A woman simply needs privacy to be happy.


  1. Do not deny yourself meetings with friends, find time for those who are dear to you. It is necessary to occasionally have women's conversations, talk about children, fashion trends. This therapy acts as a kind of energy exchange, but you just need to communicate with positive people.
  2. Try to limit meetings with those who constantly complain and carry only negativity. Otherwise, after a while you will become the same, dejected and dissatisfied with life. To become a truly happy person, you need to sort your environment.
  3. Feel free to make new acquaintances with good people. Keep in touch with relatives, school and college friends. Sometimes old friends become a new source of inspiration.
  4. It is important to cross paths with wiser, more experienced and older women. They will provide you with the necessary knowledge, give practical advice, and push you to find harmony with yourself. We are talking about a great-grandmother, grandmother, mother or a qualified psychologist (woman).

Rest mentally

  1. Dance to your favorite music while doing household chores or standing in front of the mirror. Rhythmic movements lift your spirits, encourage you to new achievements and impart happiness.
  2. Listen to fun music that you like every day. Sing along, learn the words, smile and relax. Such simple actions will allow you to have a good mental rest.
  3. Read books, develop yourself, never stand still. Enrich your vocabulary and expand your horizons constantly. In addition to self-improvement, you will rest your soul and temporarily immerse yourself in a parallel reality.
  4. Go to the cinema or watch your favorite films at home. Avoid TV shows that make you sad. Do not compare yourself with the main character, so as not to confuse your fantasies with real life. Watch romantic stories, women need them for complete happiness.

Take care of yourself

  1. Give up bad habits, they make a person lethargic, apathetic, and dissatisfied. Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not drink alcohol, give up cigarettes, start going to the gym and drink more water.
  2. Establish a work and rest schedule, sleep at the allotted time, wake up earlier. This way you will replenish your reserve of strength and energy for new achievements. Be sure to watch your speech; there is no need for swear words or expressions unusual for a woman.
  3. Spend more time outdoors; walking makes a person happy and carefree. Isn't this what you need? Being in harmony with yourself, as well as with nature, is relaxing. Spending time in the fresh air improves overall well-being and allows you to look at the world differently.
  4. Try yoga, Pilates or gymnastics to feel better about your body. A woman simply needs this. Along with endurance, strength and flexibility, you will also become tender and sensual. After a few sessions you will feel happier.
  5. Recent studies have proven that perfume directly affects the psycho-emotional background of beautiful ladies. That is, if the perfume matches the type, it will make a person happy. And on the contrary, if eau de toilette does not combine with the general condition, it will begin to depress. Conclusion: choose a perfume that is ideal for you, subtle, and not annoying.
  6. Sometimes, to be happy, you need to change your image partially or completely. Visit a hairdresser, dye your hair and get a different haircut. Instead of natural nails, choose artificial ones, or vice versa. Review your makeup, stop wearing makeup like you did in school, take a makeup course.
  7. Make it a habit to exercise every day. You don’t have to overload yourself, do gymnastics in the morning, pump up your abs, do squats, do hula hoops. When a woman is happy with her body, she becomes much happier.

Look for something new

  1. Find something to do that you will devote most of your time to. Perhaps acting courses, mountaineering, a music school or photography courses are suitable for you. Choose something that will make your soul sing and make you happy.
  2. Study other cultures, read more history books, delve into philosophy or psychology. Always improve your knowledge level. After all, while you stand still, others take a step forward, leaving you behind.
  3. Many women are made happy by flowers or animals. Try your hand at floristry and learn how to make beautiful bouquets. When working with plants, joy hormones are produced that will make you better. If you don’t feel like it, get a pet, it will definitely make you happy!
  4. Handicraft allows you to relax and concentrate on the main thing. Therefore, take courses in cutting and sewing, beading, modeling, pottery, knitting, etc. From all the variety of activities, you will find an option that will give you happiness and peace.

Do good

  1. Pay due attention to your children and your own appearance. Communicate more. If you have a child, he will help you open up in a new way. Believe me, natural instincts will take their toll. Play various games with your children, teach them to draw and sculpt various figures from plasticine. Happiness will come and will not keep you waiting long.
  2. Try to help your loved ones as much as you can. Never refuse requests. Such actions are considered the most powerful weapon in achieving happiness. Soon you will gain confidence and your well-being will improve significantly. It is also worth contacting your loved ones with a request if you need help.

Get rid of excess clutter

  1. Start with the simplest things. Go through your things; only the necessary clothes that you actually wear should remain in your closet. Don't put off what you're supposed to wear later. This won’t happen, don’t wear it now, nothing will change in the future.
  2. After sorting your personal wardrobe, start cleaning out your entire home. Get rid of junk and old attributes. Such things have been lying around for too long, and you won’t use them in the future either. After this, it is necessary to carry out emotional cleansing.

Improve yourself

  1. To achieve harmony with yourself and become truly happy, you need to develop spiritually. Go to museums, art galleries and all kinds of exhibitions more often. Such hikes will charge you with special energy and atmosphere. Beautiful things will make you more attractive and interesting.
  2. Try to find yourself a life mentor. Interesting books and instructive films can play this role. You can also turn to wise friends and teachers for help. Find someone you admire.
  3. Immerse yourself in poetry. Read more exciting works and poems. This procedure will balance the internal state. Well-read women are happy, smart and attractive. As a result, you will be able to speak beautifully and think differently.
  4. Life will sparkle with new colors when you learn to appreciate what you have. You should be grateful for those around you. At first, everything seems very difficult, but after this you will truly become happier.

Set goals

  1. Think clearly about what you want. Take some time to think about what you want most from life. This question is especially relevant for personal relationships. Put your thoughts and innermost desires on paper. Read your posts regularly and remind yourself of what you really want.
  2. As a result, all dreams come true, you just have to be patient a little. Talk to yourself about what you want, what you need. Once you control yourself and find harmony, happiness will follow on its own. All good things come gradually, there is no need to overexert yourself.
  3. You can start a personal diary in which you will express all your thoughts. Spit out your emotions on paper. Desires, goals and fears, everything should be present in the diary. Once you're done, re-read your thoughts and do some deep analysis. Think about how you can improve your life.
  4. Make it a habit to finish everything to the end, complete your planned tasks. It’s worth getting into the habit of living according to a schedule and a new daily routine. Clearly distinguish between business and personal responsibilities. Try to keep up with everything. As a result, you will gain unshakable confidence, calmness, and poise.

Double your energy

  1. Work on your speech if necessary. Your voice should radiate affection and melody. Pay attention to the conversation and control intonation and timbre. Communicate with everyone gently and kindly. This rule especially applies to dialogue with the opposite sex. You will soon notice that your energy will increase significantly.
  2. Sometimes you need to bend a little. This rule is relevant in various meaningless disputes. Step back, be smart, stay balanced and calm. Don't put yourself in a negative light. Don't show your worst side in anger and rage. A powerful woman is not attractive in any way.
  3. Try to be special and innovate in intimate relationships. As a result, you will be happy and joyful sexually with your loved one. If you waste your money, you will soon become empty and lose your vitality. Don't let yourself be taken advantage of. Find a worthy companion. Maintain cleanliness in your home, your own body and clothing. Take care of yourself and increase your female attractiveness.

It is important to understand that everyone has their own happiness. You cannot, with the wave of a magic wand, turn from a dejected sad lady into a cheerful person. You need to constantly work on yourself, try new ways to find harmony with your own body and soul.

Video: how to become happy and confident

Each person by the word happiness means something of his own, personal. Happiness for a person is harmony with oneself. Women's happiness is generally a complex and interesting case. Women can find problems in their lives even if they don't exist. But how can a woman become happy?

Negative attitude towards one's own appearance

Many women devote a lot of time to their appearance. Some lose weight, some spend a lot of time on makeup. But it should be noted that men are unlikely to notice changes in your appearance. After all, if a man loves, he loves you not for your appearance, but for your personal qualities. There are many known cases when a gray mouse is loved and carried in the arms. Although she does not pay much attention to her appearance.

Often after marriage, the husband begins to dissatisfy the woman. There are many shortcomings in him that the woman did not see before marriage. A woman needs to learn to accept a man for who he is, and his shortcomings should become an advantage. And only a woman can do all this. If a man is left alone, then there will immediately be women who can make themselves and this man happy.

Loneliness without a man

How do women understand the word loneliness? Many people think this way when there is no life partner nearby. But where is the guarantee that when a man appears nearby, the woman will not be lonely. You can sleep next to each other, live under the same roof, but be lonely inside. Loneliness is temporary freedom. If you perceive this problem this way, you can find many advantages. After all, you can live for yourself. Do what you love, watch what you like on TV.

Financial difficulties

Lack of funds is also a problem for many. You just need to work more or learn to save.

1. Learn to appreciate what you have

Many women think that they have nothing good in life. Such women are selfish. Every person has a lot of good things in life. And when a person learns to appreciate and highlight what is most important to live for, then everything will be fine. Women need to learn to appreciate life. Tomorrow could be much worse than today.

2. Let go of the past

Often a woman constantly clings to her past, which does not allow her to live happily now and in the future. Perhaps an unhappy childhood or unhappy love may not give a woman peace of mind. It is necessary to push all bad memories to the lowest shelf. If a woman cannot do this, then she should seek the help of specialists. If a woman does not let go of her past and the grievances that have accumulated throughout her life, she will not be able to become happy today.

3. Live in the moment

You need to live today, and not put off your happiness for tomorrow. There may not be tomorrow. Therefore, do not set goals that distance a person from his happiness.

The secret of happiness is very simple. Every person should learn to enjoy life and appreciate every ray of sun, fresh air and every breath. A woman can easily become happy. Everything depends only on her!

How to be a happy woman? Representatives of the fair sex can ask themselves this question at any age - at 30 years old, at 40 years old, at 50 years old and older. The main reason for “unhappiness,” they believe, is the absence of a loved one nearby, their uselessness, and loneliness.

If you can’t find your chosen one for a long time or have to go through a divorce, many feel hopeless. Negative thoughts drive women into a dead end, which is why they stop enjoying every day they live..

What does psychology say about this? Is it possible to start enjoying life and become happy? Well, of course. Whether you are married, divorced, or have not yet had a serious relationship at all, you can always enjoy life. Experts say that happiness is nearby. You just need to look at it. You will learn further how to do this.

To be a happy person is to be satisfied with life

A logical question immediately arises: a what is happiness? The fact is that it is impossible to answer it unequivocally, because for each person it will be different. Social recognition and high social status allow someone to feel happy. Some people need a fabulous amount of money for this. Someone will not be able to feel happy without a loved one nearby, family and children. In general, the measure of happiness is different for everyone.

Happiness is a harmonious state of mind, pleasure from life and oneself . If a woman accepts herself for who she is, she will be happy. Writer Ayn Rand, known for her great works Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, argued that To be happy you need to be in harmony with yourself. At the same time, winning the love of others should not be the goal. Love does not equate to happiness, just as love relationships cannot guarantee inner harmony.

Philosopher Blaise Pascal believed that happiness is a feeling of satisfaction here and now. This is something that may not depend on material wealth or specific people. Happy people are those who enjoy the present moment.

According to the philosophy of Epicurus, happiness is a feeling of serenity, peace of mind. To achieve this state, you need to get rid of suffering. What causes suffering? First of all, fears and unfulfilled desires that prevent you from enjoying life. Epicurus also argued that there are three types of pleasures:

  • natural, necessary;
  • natural, not necessary;
  • unnatural, unnecessary.

It is the first pleasures, which are easy to obtain, that can bring true happiness to a woman. All the rest can force a person to spend his whole life chasing what he doesn’t really need. Epicurus, who lived and thought several centuries before the birth of Christ, very accurately described problems that remain relevant at all times. This suggests that human nature is always unchanged - it is not affected by generational changes, progress, or fashion trends .

Psychologists say that Any person can become happy - regardless of whether he has serious problems, what his mood is, what kind of people surround him etc. You just need to listen to experts and people who have managed to achieve the main goal in life - to become truly happy.

What makes a woman happy?

A woman is an amazing creature. Being at the same time fragile and tender, she has strong energy that helps her to bear responsibility for her family and surround her family and friends with care..

To be happy, five aspects of life must be in harmony:

  • Physical. Few people would argue with the fact that a person needs to do what really brings him pleasure. For example, a favorite job, playing sports, helping those in need, intimacy, in the end - for everyone this is something different, personal. If certain physical activities are not to your liking, then they do not give you a feeling of happiness.
  • Emotional. Man is an emotional being and dependent on his mood. Joyful people who perceive life positively with all its manifestations are definitely happy.
  • Social. To feel that you belong to a particular social group, to feel needed, to have a so-called soul mate - without this it is impossible to feel happy.
  • Intellectual. The opportunity to get an education (if a person really needs it), to find an interesting job, to do what he loves, to continue to develop is an aspect that occupies an important place in a person’s life.
  • Spiritual. What can indicate happiness in this area? If you are calm, not fixated on material things, enjoy every day you live, and sincerely help people and animals in need, then you are probably happy in the spiritual aspect.

With love and faith in you, Maria Shakti.

Mentally close:

How to create your own world of a happy woman, in which everyone will be happy, but, first of all, you yourself. How to be in a state of happy peace and confidence and attract favorable events and good people.

It's quite easy to do. In fact, everything in life is simple, but we like to complicate things. We invent games for ourselves, which we then play, suffering, getting sick, worrying and completely not understanding that we can always get out of this game and come up with a new one. Or you can not play anything at all, you can just live. Just be. After all, happiness simply exists. Like love, it also does not need a reason to be. And our life - it simply is and it is useless to look for meaning in it, because the deepest meaning is that it simply is.

How to become a happy woman

How to be a real, happy and loved woman? Quite simple - just BE. Listen to yourself, trust your body and enjoy. In this way, you will develop your own hormonal levels, send your personal vibes into the world and emphasize your uniqueness.

You are just a cocktail of beliefs that reacts with itself and creates the belief that you have a certain point of view on the world. And this point is controlled by the brain, or rather hormones, its chemical composition. All chemical processes are dictated by the presence and composition of certain hormones in it. And you see yourself and the world as your chemical composition dictates to you.

And if you lack something in life, then there is no point in running around and looking for something in the material world. It is better to “run” into the depths of your brain and it is there that you look for the missing hormones and change yourself and create your own world of a happy woman. Because your world is a cocktail of brain hormonal levels. And this cocktail of yours can both destroy and poison you, and fill, heal and rejuvenate. Thanks to this cocktail, you see the world this way and not otherwise. You react to events one way and not another. Do you have any habits, beliefs and views on life? And you may even be used to such a cocktail, but you really want to change and make your life better.

The world of a happy woman. How to create it

You want to become a real woman, learning all sorts of feminine things and dressing up in beautiful clothes. Do you want to know how to become happy, studying courses in psychology and self-development. But in fact, you have no idea what a WOMAN is.

And this is serotonin and oxytocin, dopamine, estrogens, maximum melatonin and minimum testosterone. This is exactly how, in the general scheme, the concept of a woman is deciphered. And this is precisely the formula for female happiness. And it is with this hormonal composition that you will see and feel like a happy woman. Releases of female hormones are possible by simple actions:

The production of serotonin is strongly related to the concentration of melatonin. This joy hormone will begin to be actively produced in your brain when you reduce the consumption of coffee, potatoes, pasta and alcohol to a minimum. And you will definitely go to bed no later than 11 pm. Moreover, sleep in complete darkness and under no circumstances wake up, since melatonin is produced on the retina of the eye.

The production of estrogen occurs when watching feature films about strong and beautiful women, about noble women, about bitches and courtesans who are pure and noble at heart. Estrogen production also occurs when watching various romantic films and TV series.

Dopamine is produced after intimacy with a man, it flows through the veins and creates a certain state of consciousness. It is also produced after sports (just not too hard), for example, after running or aerobics.

Oxytocin is produced in many ways. It is actively produced during childbirth, but you can hardly afford to do this every day. It is also produced during breastfeeding, which also cannot be a constant process. But you can constantly touch your loved one or the person you like and like. This could be simple touching, as well as stroking or hugging. You can also lightly touch your face with your fingertips, this will also trigger the production of oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a hormone that can lead to a state of total happiness and joy. It is he who makes you see something amazing and beautiful in everyday things. It is he who makes it possible to enjoy everything that comes into our field of vision. In people in love, oxytocin and serotonin are produced in large quantities. These are precisely those notorious “rose-colored glasses” when a person sees the world in rosy tones and feels simply wonderful. You may feel this way all the time if your hormonal levels are in order.

And don’t forget about love, filling yourself with it, you provoke the production of all these. It’s not for nothing that they say that love heals and rejuvenates. And it’s not just about love for another person, but about love in general - for yourself, for the world, for your life, for your body.

This is about those hormones that should be in excess. Now let’s talk about testosterone, which should be “the less, the better.” This is a male hormone, and you should not provoke its production. If you lead a lifestyle that provokes a large production of this hormone, then stop doing it. Pay attention to your gait, it should match your gender. Record yourself on a voice recorder and listen to your voice; it should be clearly feminine, without masculine notes. Listen to yourself when you speak, do it softly, smoothly and without aggression.

Pronounce your words slowly and quietly. It is advisable to do this from the women's center; for each woman it is located in different places, somewhere in the area from the chest to the navel. Imagine a romantic scene or a beloved man and “catch” a place in which you feel warm and pleasant; this place is your feminine center.

All women's practices to reveal femininity and increase energy are aimed at producing hormones with the help of which a woman blossoms. When choosing a practice, be sure to listen to your feelings and your intuition and do only what you like. Don't force yourself, everything should be easy and simple. It is not necessary to master many techniques; sometimes one that fills you and makes you happy is enough. You can try, for example, walking practice from Lisa Piterkina , it fills you with energy perfectly.

Stop taking chemical birth control (even if it says it contains minimal amounts of hormones). This will all reduce testosterone production in your brain.

And just live and love. Living and loving are the same thing. Here you can add silence (read “) and staying in the moment now. Without active thinking, thoughts and plans. It is this stay in the moment that now provokes the production of hormones of happiness and joy.

By following these simple recommendations, after a month you will notice that your picture of the world has changed. You will see everything in a softer and better light, including yourself. You will feel feminine and fluid, beautiful and calm. People will become more gentle, and even climatic conditions will become less harsh. You will notice that your own existence pleases you and you will not care at all what other people think of you.

It will become much easier for you to live, you will stop trying to be good for everyone and try to help everyone. Because you will no longer have thoughts that someone doesn’t love you and you need to earn someone’s love, because you will love yourself. You will become happiness in the flesh, both for yourself and for others.

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